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Post on 21-May-2020






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Presented by:

SurveyGizmo Online Academy

Great Survey Design Cycle

Unit 5: Report



Clean your data How to clean data, Step 1

•  Look out for:

– Straight liners or Christmas tree behavior

– Unusually quick responses (when using a timer)

Warning signs

•  Look out for:

– Choosing all checkbox options

Warning signs

Look out for:

– Red herring fails or logically inconsistent answers



Warning signs

•  Look out for:

– Nonsense or missing open-ended answers

How to clean data, Step 2

•  Prepare your data for analysis

– Beware of:

•  Inconsistent numeric values (How old are you? Etc.)

• Breaks in validation

•  Do not introduce new bias!

– Changing question text

Analyzing text responses

•  How will you deal with your qualitative data?

– Keyword frequency

– Word clouds

– Positive/negative

Analyzing text responses


– You can use the SurveyGizmo Open Text Analysis tool.



Run Preliminary Reports

Back to Learning Objectives

•  Run individual reports for each learning objective.

– Use this process to determine the “highlights” of data collected as they relate to ultimate actions so that you can truly understand the most significant findings of your research.

– Review the actions you will be taking.

Back to Learning Objectives

•  Your preliminary reports should be focused on your original learning objectives.

– Did you get your questions answered?

–  Is the data in the format you expected?

– Are you seeing the trends that you anticipated?

Demographic vs. Firmographic

•  Demographics: The statistical characteristics of human populations (as age or income) used especially to identify markets

•  Firmographic: Characteristics of an organization (size/location of a company)



Segmenting data for analysis

•  Often, your survey will contain demographic and firmographic questions to create segments in your survey.

•  These segments should remain the same from start to finish of the survey process.

Good indicators of a trend:

•  When you have data that isn’t statistically sound but is still interesting, you can call it “directional data”.

– This data gives you an idea of what your population is saying, thinking or feeling, but you cannot use statistics to back it up.

Do you usually just run one big report, or split it up into

separate reports?

Are you the person presenting a survey’s results

to stakeholders?



Analyze Your Data SPSS

SPSS (Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences)

Cross-tab Reports Excel Pivot Tables



TURF Analysis Weight your data during design

Some studies will over-sample certain populations

– Example: Over-sampling females in an election poll

If you collected too many responses from a certain segment of the population, sometimes you will need to adjust the weight of your responses in order to keep it true to outside ratios.

How to Weight Your Data in Reports

Report on your Findings



Suggestions for effective reports

Stage 1: Write a summary

– What was the ultimate goal of this survey?

– Who was surveyed?

– Who was the population?

– Who responded?

–  Include basic highlights of the survey audience and your data to introduce the findings

Stage 2: Write a mini-report for each individual learning objective (ex: 401K changes).

•  The last section for every learning objective report will include the recommended actions to take based on the results of the survey (these should not be a surprise!)

Suggestions for effective reports

Stage 3 (optional): Interesting and unexpected trends found

– Good to know, not need-to-know

– Ex. Perhaps you found a new, unintended segment of your population that could help you to make good business decisions moving forward

•  This is going the extra mile for your clients!

Suggestions for effective reports

Stage 4: Conclusion

– Recap what actions are going to be taken (if any) based on your findings.

– Get all of stakeholders to agree to those actions.

– Create a survey to be sent to stakeholders in order to gain feedback for the project and put actions in motion.

–  Important for the next stage, Act: ask stakeholders to provide metrics that can be used to measure the success of the actions that will be taken.

Suggestions for effective reports



•  Understand the audience and their interests

•  Try to be brief

•  Keep your report and findings clear

•  Have more than one clear course or possible way forward with the data

Tips for Communicating Data Tips for communicating data

•  Try to anticipate questions about the report

•  Know the details

•  Be honest

Unit 6: Act



Empower Action Taking:

It’s okay to be a PEST!

Actions: The key to success!

•  In order to ensure that your study has a purpose, it is important to reiterate and motivate the stakeholders to take action based on the data collected.

•  It can be helpful to establish a reasonable timeframe in which actionable results (positive or negative) can be expected.

•  Assign actions to individuals and set due dates I order to complete these tasks.

Monitor Actions Monitoring the Impact of Actions

•  This is where the metrics from the reporting phase come into play

•  Invite yourself along.

– Offer yourself as a resource to the stakeholders and creative teams as someone with a deep understanding of the data.



Get Feedback on the

Study’s Value

How to get feedback

•  This should be in the form of a short survey that goes out to all stakeholders in order to gain feedback on the study.

•  Ask for any suggestions they may have so that you can work better together in the next study and improve the process.

•  The best way to improve is to ask for feedback!

The Final Report

•  This feedback is for YOU!

•  Look at this information as valuable data for you to show that you have done your job well!

Share the Feedback

•  This should be very short!

•  Take all of the data on the study – highlights, final financial information (ROI), and actions that were or will be taken.

•  Add any changes that will be made moving forward, based on the feedback that you received.






Great Survey Design Cycle



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