ux stack 27th april 2021 - photo.centerparcs.com

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Remote UserTesting

UX Stack

UX tools complementarity

27th April 2021


We shape our tools and, thereafter, our tools shape us. - Jeff BEZOS

"The selection of its tools, of its stack, is crucial in order to effectively approach its user-centered design and continuous optimization strategies of the user experience (UX). However, we must be careful not to be guided solely by numbers / data without putting them into perspective, neither in relation to each other nor in their context...

Measuring, tracking, analyzing, questioning, finding the right hypotheses, improving... all actions require, upstream, the collection of complementary data allowing to analyze a situation from different points of view.

In the jungle of available tools, the quality of the selection of the UX stack is measured in particular by the complementarity of the point of view they provide to a situation, the complexity of the questions they reliably answer, and their ability to be easily integrated into increasingly agile processes.

In order to provide an objective perspective, we asked our clients and partners to share their "secrets" recipes for understanding how they get the most out of their UX Stack."

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




Focus Group

Mixing quali / quanti / behavioral analysis in Design ProcessAnaïs SCHUMM / Laurent LEMERCIER PVCP Group

Complete the infoClarify a needExplain a data

Quantitative analysis

Qualitative analysis

Behavioral analysis

Gather insights&

Framing the expectations

Measure the increment

◾ Going further in the analysis◾ Understand / Illustrate some AB

testing results (negative or flat)◾ Listen the customer feedbacks

AB Tests

Internal & continuous voice of customer process

"The best way to illustrate the complementarity of our analysis tools is our 5-phase design process. We start with quantified data analysis (via G.A., Tableau etc.) which we complete with qualitative analysis (Testapic, focus group, ITW users etc.) and behavioral analysis with Content square.

Then comes the systematic and mandatory AB test phase for each optimization & evolution. Finally, comes the analysis and iteration stage which allows us to be in a constant process of continuous improvement !

Testapic is a daily tool for us because it intervenes in several phases: in research and analysis to clarify a need or understand data. For example, if a verbatim on Hotjar highlights a point of friction or a click or scroll rate seems strange to us via Content Square, we complete the process with a user test.”


Focus Group

Qualitative analysis

Complete the infoClarify a needExplain a data

“If we identify via G.A. a landing page that performs very well or on the other hand, another one that collapses, we will launch a user test to understand / enrich the data.

Testapic also intervenes during or after an AB test to help us better understand the results.

If the tested versions are negative or flat after several iterations, a user test will be launched (often in video or in interview version to have a deeper feedback) to go further in the analysis.

This method of using several tools to refine customer expectations and this 100% customer-centric approach has proven its efficiency : we have already succeeded in gaining +13% in conversion rate !”


+13%conversion !

“In addition to all our external quantitative, qualitative and behavioral analysis tools, we also have an internal approach focused on the voice of the customer and the culture of feedback. This includes regular listening sessions at the Call Center (now integrated into our onboarding process), via field feedback from our teams in our domains / residences in direct contact with our customers... We also have monthly PYCS (Put Yourself in Customer Shoes) sessions inviting around 30 employees from all departments to carry out test scenarios according to business priorities.

The objective is now to go even further with the development of a panel of internal testers bringing together, on a voluntary basis, group employees from all departments, their entourage, our ambassadors on social networks, our customers... and this, at the European level in order to have a real cultural approach in the feedback.”


Implement the culture of feedback in

data-driven teams,by putting the

customer at the center

Continuous measurement in Design ProcessSolène SAGUEZ BOUYGUES TELECOM

2. Analyze

1. Measure

3. Optimization recommendationsHypothesis to be tested

4. Evolution prioritiesTests priorities5. Experiment

6. Analyze & learn from results

7. Communicate

8. Implement actions

“The measurement of our designs is done throughout the product lifecycle and with different complementary tools.

We perform different measurements and analyses: at the beginning, to discover needs and understand behaviors we use Content Square / GA to give us clues (scroll rates, clicks, exposure, interest, returns..).

We often draw hypotheses from this and try to understand the "why" through qualitative research via Testapic (questionnaires / videos).

Finally, at various stages, we test the prototypes (moderate tests / Attrakdiff) to verify usability and satisfaction before deploying.

If we finally hesitate on several solutions, we deploy through AB Test."


"We rely on data analysis to establish our hypotheses, which are often the basis of our qualitative exploratory studies.

Generally, the verbatims corroborate the analyses and enrich the understanding of the points of frustration or user expectations.

For us, the key pairing at the beginning of a project is Content Square / Testapic, which reflects an indispensable Data Analyst / Product Designer pairing."


“Our winning pair”


Double Diamond 💎💎 ProcessNicolas DESCHAMPS VEEPEE

FOLLOW UP#measure #evaluate










UX STRATEGY#expose#decide

AB test

"At Veepee voyage, we meet with our members during laboratory interviews to have a better understanding of their needs. Some of the feedbacks aligned with the ones collected via Hotjar (spontaneous feedbacks / satisfaction ratings / verbatims) convinced us to dig deeper into the identified problems by carrying out unmoderated remote user tests with Testapic which allow us to collect qualitative and quantitative feedbacks.

Following their analysis, we identified recommendations ; challenged them with the product team through brainstorming workshops to find solutions to the identified problems. These workshops were conducted face-to-face and remotely using the Miro and Zoom tools.

After having technically challenged the best ideas with the developers, we launched an AB test in order to evaluate the impact of our solution compared to the one already in place. The success was there, so we have definitely implemented our solution and follow daily the different KPIs (via the Mixpanel tool) in order to improve again and again."


ROI Process within the optimization roadmapKevin LE COZ VERISURE

Iterative & continuoustest cycles






"As part of the optimization of our conversion rates on our sites and landings, we analyze daily the user journeys on our pages via measurement tools such as G.A. to identify optimization clues, in order to best meet the expectations of our users and prospects.

To test these ideas with our audience, we use more advanced analysis via Hotjar (heatmap, scroll rate, click rate, etc.), completed by qualitative data collected with Testapic via questionnaires and videos.

These behavioral data and user feedbacks then allow us to refine our dev and testing roadmap. The Testapic solution typically allows us to reduce the number of optimization actions to keep only the most relevant in terms of conversions which then will be tested via Optimize. The tested conversion-winning version is then deployed and measured over time to validate the entire process."


Enrich our analysis with concrete & contextualized


Launch more complete and impactful A/B tests at the

business level

Infinite loop for iterative design processCéline BIRGAND STELLANTIS

Iterative & continuoustest cycles

"When designing a customer dashboard, we conducted quantitative and qualitative user tests with Testapic on the entire product with the target population. This allowed us to quickly define the difficulties encountered by users. We had a good vision to prioritize the improvements.

During the iterative improvement phase, the flexibility of a tool like Lookback allowed us to conduct user testing cycles again, before going online, by testing mainly functional evolutions with the company's employees.

Without it, we would not have been able to maintain testing. Once online, tools like Content Square, which analyzes customer journeys, track problems that we try to understand with feedback. It's like an infinite loop. We design, we test, we iterate, we retest, we launch, we track...etc."


Testapic for a teston the target population

LookBack for a testwith employees

"The video gamer community is a community of enthusiasts : expectations are as strong as emotional attachment. The slightest friction generates very strong reactions online. The first experience of the game, called FTUE (First Time User Experience) is the key step of the user experience in a video game. On most games, whether on mobile, console or PC, more than 40% of players abandon the game before the end of their FTUE. Identifying the blocking points during the FTUE is therefore our priority. After conducting an expert audit (heuristics adapted to video games) and analyzing the data from our beta testers, we conducted a user test with Testapic to validate our hypotheses and extract verbatims.

The marriage between our internal expertise (data, UX, design) and the voice of the user via Testapic allowed us to get the entire project team on board with the redesign of the FTUE of this game."


Complementarity of expert analysis

&user tests with the target population



Explore Prototype Develop Deploy

Data Driven Process & its tailored StackJulien RIBOURT CONVERTEO

Framework of measures & UX tests

Feed the teams : explore, induce & hypothesis

Tracking Experiments & measures, audits


“We support our clients on the theme of conversion rate optimization (CRO approach) essentially in 2 ways :

- We respond with them to a concrete and often short/medium term problem via a complete audit of their digital journeys. The objective here is to deliver an optimization plan for the interfaces as well as a roadmap for AB tests over a 6-12 month period in order to improve the conversion rate and be at least at the level of the market’s state of the art. We iterate according to a logic of "intuition / induction / validation" by involving each source of data (web analytics, user tests, customer surveys, AB testing ...) where it is the strongest.

- We also work with our clients to operate CRO "at scale" and industrialize the approach within their organization, with their own resources. We set up internal CRO teams where attention is paid to defining the CRO practice, identifying the necessary HR and tools, and setting up processes to facilitate the collaboration of very multidisciplinary teams.”

Objective : Instill a data approach at each stage of the design / optimization process

Analysis & comprehension of the needs 1stIngrid THONET USERADGENTS


QuestionnairesVideo testing

Analysis of the existing situation

Video testingInterviews


Needs exploration

Sector and functional analysis

Best practices

Journeys & interfaces


Quali (Video testing)Quanti (surveys, tree jack…)


AB testingUX monitoring

Context > Analysis

Run optimization

Insights & recommendations


"Upstream of the design, in our exploration and scoping phase, we distinguish 3 phases :

● Analysis of the existing system, focused on the interfaceWe use analytics (Content Square, Google Analytics) to observe user behavior online, identify journey / interface issues and quantify them (where and how many). To understand the nature of these frictions (why) we use qualitative testing : remote video tests (Testapic), interviews (Lookback), in situ observations... and quantitative : survey, questionnaire (Testapic). ● Needs analysis, focused on users

We try to study the user and his context, not the interface, to reveal problems and transform them into opportunities. In this phase, we often conduct observation, remote interviews (Lookback), and quantitative research : surveys, etc. (Testapic).● Functional and sectoral analysis

with best practices to illustrate recommendations.

Combine quali & quanti in the research & design phases ; and also when the product is live

Collective Intelligence within project CultureAude JACQUEMIN ATECNA

Vision workshop : voice of the company

ExplorationMarket benchmark

Decisions related to the project scope


Shared hypothesis

Functionality and use prioritization

Effort / Feasibility


Targeted uses cases

Design of the journeys


Variation of the targeted interfaces

Design of the journeys with



User testing on an targeted audience

Feedbacks & confirmation

Roadmap adjustment



"Every project needs a framework which is refined as the design stages progress. The first steps allow us to test risky ideas and to meet users' expectations while ensuring a good return on investment (ROI) when we launch the project live (production).

Our 5 key steps ?Exploration / Ideation / Framing / Prototyping and Testing to keep the following promise :

● Create a powerful experience with immediate results● Test the project potential without investing in development● Unite the team involved in the project ● Convince by optimizing time spent".

Integrate a continuous improvement approachby promoting the UX, UI, PO & DEV collaboration

Analyze the current situation and understand the uses Ideation Design Iterate






Analyze the main journeys, bounce rate and attention points

Itw one-to-one

◾ Qualitative testing (videos)◾ Hot and cold analysis◾ Medley of the videos to share the results

Focus Group

Activity analysis

1st design

Targeted UX Variations+

User Testing

Design and Redesign processesGuillaume Goris KELEY CONSULTING


"The tools we use depend on our clients' stack and the topics we address. We involve Testapic at different key moments of our UX workflow.

The tests are not limited to an end-of-mission validation but also, and above all, upstream to feed the UX strategy workshops with tangible user data.

In addition to interviews, the advantage is to feed an experience map with usability or quantitative tests (on the basis of in-house "Kanvas" Experience Map allowing to consolidate the data).

On complex prototypes (Axure), ultra interactive, the tests are ideal to set up continuous optimization phases quickly."

"Workshops on Miro take on another dimension by cross-referencing empathic data from participants & real data from Testapic end users."

Maxime LEFEUVREUX Freelance / Testapic certified

“The basis is a well-configured analytics (e.g. Google Analytics) to monitor KPIs over time. This allows us to identify problems or frictions (= test hypotheses), which be analyzed precisely using a quali and/or quanti study with Testapic.

Conversely, when we are in the analysis phase, we often need analytics to measure the real impact of a problem reported by users and prioritize recommendations.

This page is not comprehensible on mobile, but what % of users visit this page in their journey ?

The home page is messy but is it the main landing page ?

A study alone is never as relevant as its protocol. You need to cross-reference sources to make the right decision !”

ConclusionSébastien TANGUY

“The Testapic solution / platform is more and more integrated at each stage of the design process ; whether in the exploratory phase of research / analysis of the need, or design or during the life of the product.

● The multiplicity of points of view to identify and understand irritating / optimizing situations creates a virtuous systemic approach.

● The complementarity of qualitative feedback with quantitative data has become a must, even in very data-driven organizations, which actively contributes to a better evangelization of UX.

● The level of tooling does not necessarily depend on the size of the company or the UX team. The effectiveness of this UX stack depends more on the maturity of the UX team, its understanding and engagement in the methodologies involved.

● The implementation of clear, rigorous, iterative processes shared by all stakeholders makes the design and decision processes more fluid.

● The ROI of UX tools is very fast even though it varies according to the relevance of decisions, the product itself, the volume of visitors, the frequency of iteration / process agility.”

www.testapic.com ― 100 rue de la folie méricourt, 75011 Paris, FRANCE


Sébastien TANGUYChief Operating Officer

sebastien@testapic.com+33 6 48 14 55 74

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