vermachtnis 7-1

Post on 27-Jun-2015



Self Improvement



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Vermachtnis Legacy - Chapter 7.1By fraulineTaube (originally posted on the Exchange)

After tragedy, the Vermachtnises find happiness and the legacy continues . . . oh boy, does it ever!

"Hi everybody! Its me, Taube, here with Leo Larrea, the simPE reincarnation of my favorite sim. We would just like to talk about some of the rumors that have been going around in the tabloids about us. Yes, we are engaged. Its none of your business whether we are expecting. Furthermore, we disavow all knowledge as to what happened to Taube V2.01. Yes, we are very happy. We live in a a mansion and our housekeeper, uh . . . Zaube, is doing a fine job of freeing up my time to work on documenting the lives of the Vermachtnises, and the Matriarch Legasea, which I am going to shamelessly plug here. Chapter one up at thinmintsim's page. Anyway, Leo and I have some important canoodling to get to, so let's move on to Chapter 7, Part 1!"

When we last checked in on the Vermachtnis family, June had lost her wife, Edith, to an insatiable curiosity about ghosts. This left June, the generation 4 heiress, with 3 little boys to raise by herself.

June thought constantly about Edith. She missed her horribly, but she tried to be practical. She had to be strong for her sons. It helped that she had been permanently platinum since college.

Still, June was a popularity sim and not a naturally capable mother. While she desired strongly to have good relationships with her children, she was not the best about tending to their needs. Little Morris here was not even a day old when Edith died, and the older children, Max and Mathias, had just started school. June's hands were full.

Luckily for June, things soon started to look up. June had told her problems many times to the family's gardener, Mary Fancey, who was one of June's best friends. Mary was very understanding and offered to move in to help out. June was only too glad to accept.

Perhaps it was fate, or just convienence, or even the result of bad picture-taking, but June and Mary soon found themselves sharing more than child-raising duties. Yes, June and Mary fell hopelessly in love.

It seemed so soon after Edith's death, as though only a day had passed, but June felt that she was right to provide another parent for her children, especially one as caring as Mary. June proposed, and Mary accepted.

Since this was a second marriage for June, the happy couple wasted no time or extravagance and were married right in front of the Vermachtnis house.

Mary Fancey became Mary Vermachtnis and was welcomed into the family. She is a fortune sim with the LTW to become a business tycoon. Her personality is 8/4/2/7/4, making her a Gemini. Not too crazy about introducing that lazy gene, but at least she's neat.

Mary fell easily and naturally into the role of mother. She adored the boys and went around hugging and kissing them with little provocation. For their part, Mathias and Max were overjoyed to once again belong to a happy family.

Soon it was time for little Morris' birthday.

AHHHHH! Attack of the flying scary baby! Anyway, Morris is a Pisces, with the delightful personality of 6/9/7/3/10.

The ghosts continued their reign of terror, and I became fed up. It was just too difficult to raise the kids with repeated nightly scarings. For the time being, the graves are being kept at the Vermachtnis Cemetary across the street from the house. At some point I may move them back, but for right now this is the only way to keep my sanity. I'm not even scoring, so having the ghosts there was an unneeded exasperation.

Here is a place where Asher, Christy, Darcy, Leo, and Edith can rest peacefully.

Remember these two? Gabi and Jessie are still living the pleasure/romance life even into old age. This means a lot of flirting and geriatric woohoo. Although they're both platinum, these two have a three-bolt attraction and I love to see them together.

Mathias welcomes his . . . let's see . . . second, third . . . um . . . possibly fourth cousin. Don't hold me to that. Anyway, his distant relation. Children with the last name Vermachtnis are frequently found running around Halcyon River Hills, although the genealogy on some of them is a little shaky.

"Oh no! You've got to be kidding right? I've only been married for a few days!"

Ha ha, June, you thought I was going to let you stop at three kids just because your first wife died? I thought you knew me better than that. Anyway, as long as Mary doesn't produce anything like Morris, this may not be the last, either!

Time for Scary Morris to grow up. How bad can it get?

You know, he looks like a young Kennedy Cox, but I just adore his personality. Morris is a very happy-go-lucky child and looks adorable in his dragon costume.

Soon after Morris' birthday, June goes into labor. Mary is very excited to finally have her own child. She loves June's other children, but caring for them is not the same as having her own.

"Aww, hello little nooboo. We will name you Madison."

Madison has June's black hair, Mary's brown eyes, and skintone four. She is . . .

"Oh! Oh! Sorry to interrupt but I wasn't done."

"See? I had another one!"

You most certainly did, June. Once again, with the arrival of baby Maria, we have 9 sims in the house. The secret, though? I did it on purpose this time! BWA HA HA.

Anyway, Maria is so named because she is like a mini-version of Mary - red hair, brown eyes, skintone 4.

Aww, Max is a cutie. He reminds me a lot of Edith. Now that the ghosts are gone, his childhood is going much more smoothly. He brought up his grades in school and finally got into private school.

Max is a playful sort and is often causing havoc if he isn't watched too carefully.

Mathias, on the other hand, has a strange affinity for the chess board and leans towards more serious pursuits. He often desires to gain cooking skills. This level-headedness was just a ruse, however. Mathias is merely biding his time before he goes into full-on Vermachtnis crazy mode.

Finally, little Morris, when he is not bounding around the house in his dragon costume, is often found on a musical instrument. He sang karaoke so often that I had him get trained in creativity early just so he would sing something halfway decent.

As I write this, Morris is currently in college, and let me tell you - he is one funny-looking guy. The Kennedy comparison is apt. Apparently Edith was harboring some weird genes, because Mathias ends up weird, too. But at this point Morris is a still-mostly-cute dragon, and I couldn't stop taking pictures of him.

Jessie, the front bathroom with the huge window is probably not the best place to take your weekly spongebath. I know being a nature guru makes you stinky and all, but could you at least close the curtains? On the plus side, at least there aren't any neighbors over there who have to see this.

Then again, Jessie is not exactly an expert on modesty.

Time for a double birthday. Let me remind you, since I have to remind myself, these two are not twins. Edith gave birth to Mathias and June to Max. Anyway, on with it!

"Hey grandma? I'm glad you like grandpa, but you're seriously cramping my birthday style here."

Let's have the boys say a few words about themselves. Mathias?

"Heyyyyy, everybody. Its me, Mathias, first born of gen 5! I aspire to be really, really popular just like my mom and I really dream of being a Hall of Famer. Oh, you know what would be awesome? If, like, I'm a Hall of Famer and they make a card of me to put in bubblegam packages. That would be the best. This here's my parrot, Little Mathias. He likes to cuddle my nose, hee hee."

And from the side view, you can see the horror of Edith's genes that Mathias and Morris bear: THE CHIN.

Maxwell, on the other hand, has a nice profile. Let's hear what he has to say about himself.

"Hello, all you party people! Its me, Mad Max, the party king. As you can guess, I'm a pleasure sim, but you probably don't know that I desire having 50 1st dates above all else. I'm not even sure there's 50 young people in HRH that aren't somehow related to me, but a player's got to play."

Gabi gives Max some tips on being a good pleasure sim. Doing useless actions in your underwear is definitely on the top of the list. If you'd like to see this duet in motion, hop on over to the movie pod of my simpage, where I captured a little bit of this multi-generational karaoke. I didn't know what I was doing, so its really, really tiny, but watch it nonetheless. Gabi's granny panties command you.

"Heyyyy college people! What's up? Yeah, I'm just chillin'. Anyway, we ran out of bubble solution and I totally spent all my allowance on parrot chow, so I think I'm gonna skip out. What? Yeah, go to college, that's what I said. Is it cool if my bro hitches a ride, too? Yeah? Awesome! 'Kay, see ya dude!"

"Ah, a little peace and quiet, June. Just us, your parents, and the babies. Why, in this house, that's almost like having solitude!""Yes, its nice when the loudest thing around you is the garish painting behind your head.""I have been meaning to have a word with the decorator.""Hey, you're the one that wants to buy all those paintings. We only have so many walls.""Tut-tut, June. We have the house almost to ourselves, let's do something productive.""Now you're talking!"

Double birthday! You can't really tell which one this is, and that's a good thing. Why? The only thing more tedious than a bunch of birthday pics is twice the amount of birthday pics!

Madison on the left is a Taurus with 8/9/2/7/4 personality. Except for being extremely outgoing, she has the same personality as Mary.

Maria is a Capricorn with 8/5/2/10/5 personality. Also similar to Mary, but this one is very playful.

I see a lot of slouching in the future of this family.

"Hey, Mowwis, can you b'lieve Momma's havin' anudder nooboo?"

"She's what? Seems like she just popped out you two!"

Yes, the rumors are true. June is once again pregnant. Popularity sims are not natural family sims. The same can be said for the rest of the adults - pleasure, romance, fortune. So no one has ever rolled up a want for any of these babies. Too bad, 'cause I sure want them and its not June running the mouse!

"Gabi, we know how much you love your bubble blower, but when you ignore the rest of your family for days on end and then start talking about imaginary bunnies, its kind of unnerving. I've been thinking about it a lot . . . in fact, I composed a little song I'd like to sing to you about it, if I may . . .""Oh, Jessie, you know just how to sweep a delusional girl off her feet!"

"Hey Jessie?""Yeah?""Next time we play school bus, can I be the driver? I think someone put gum on my seat!""Tee hee!"

Glitches ahoy. Our picture booth tried to eat Jessie and Gabi when they went in for a little lovin'. So, moveobjects to the rescue!

Aww! Madison is a little cutie. Yep, that's the whole reason for this picture. Oh, but wait, I thought of a point. If you can get those toddler blankets - like the one pictured behind Madison - do it. They are a lifesaver. They're from MTS2 and they work with all of your other crib recolors. Toddlers can get on and off them by themselves, which means no more screaming to be let out of the crib! Heavenly.

This picture exists, however, to illustrate that while the girls are very similar, they are not identical. You can see it a little better once they turn into children.

June, you wouldn't!

"You're the one that told me to make it. Stop playing the surprise card. Seriously."

Well, June, I am offended. How dare you think I am intentionally getting nine sims in the house for the second time in one generation. The nerve.

Hmm, Gabi's getting a little senile. She's actually getting quite old. Her lifebar has less time left than Jessie's, because he drank one or another of the several cowplant victims we've had.

On another note, they grew up in matching pajamas and it was so cute I never changed it.

Double birthday, AGAIN. The only problem with having this many kids is how the birthday pics really clog up the story. So, sorry about that.

Here's Maria the pink princess.

And Madison the blue princess. You can see now that they're a bit different in the eyes and mouth. I'm most happy with both of them, though. I dress them alike because they're very similar in personality and they do *everything* together. They are the stereotypical twins that are each other's best friends and ignore everyone except their twin.

One again, a birthday is quickly followed by labor! Is June really going to have another set of twins?

You'll have to check back for part two to see the result of this birth, and to see the rest of generation 5 grow up. Hopefully at the end of the next chapter we'll have a vote for heir. Its been a while since my last chapter, so I wanted to get this one out there. I still have to finish playing the second part of the chapter, though! =)

Until then . . .

Please enjoy this photo of Leo's backside. I know I do.

Thanks for reading!

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