vermachtnis transition a

Vermachtnis Legacy - Transitions - Part A By fraulineTaube (Originally posted on the Exchange) Big changes are happening in the lives of the Vermachtnis family! How will their legacy progress?

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Page 1: Vermachtnis Transition A

Vermachtnis Legacy - Transitions - Part ABy fraulineTaube (Originally posted on the Exchange)

Big changes are happening in the lives of the Vermachtnis family! How will their legacy progress?

Page 2: Vermachtnis Transition A

"Who's beautiful . . . yes you are . . . no, you are! . . . tee hee . . ."

Hmm, Sue-ellen here seems to have a hang-up. Seriously, though, if one night, when I go to a, um, "juice" bar or nightclub or something, and see someone dressed like this, my first thought would be to stay away. Most of the clothes, excellent. The 'club' clothes, not so much. Even my raver friends have more self-respect than this.

This is part A of a two-story 'transition' chapter. Not a lot of actual consequence happens here, but I hope you'll enjoy reading anyway. Hopefully part B will be up within the week, although the ending is still in progress as I write. Comments in the guestbook are always welcome!

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The intent of this picture (this is my self-Sim) was to write something snarky to the effect that my Sim-me is giggling at my Sims in some sort of meta-joke, but its kind of hard to be self-righteous with a hand like that. It does however, bring me to my next point. This chapter is called transitions for two reasons - one, between part A and part B, the Vermachtnis family go through a lot of changes that don't directly advance the challenge. I might not even reach the next generation by the end of part B. However, its taken a long time and I thought I ought to show something for my efforts, plus some of the pics are pretty darn funny.

Secondly, this chapter (A and B) represent transitions for me as a Sim storyteller, so you'll notice pics come in two different sizes, several different resolutions, and while some are framed passably, others contain empty sky over walls or plumbobs. Hopefully by the time everyone's back in the house, things will be a little smoother. That said, enjoy!

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When we last left, Daisy was on her way to college. Somewhere on that mystical taxi van ride, she lost the ability to dress herself. Luckily, Sim State University has counselers to assist freshman that become disoriented upon dressing.

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After a change, Daisy made her first friend, Ms. Renee Somethingorother. They turned out to be great friends and are still quite in touch to this day. More about that later. Daisy made friends easily, being a popularity Sim and all, and both of her former boyfriends (Orlando and Ricky) also attended Sim State. Which one would she choose?

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Oh, we totally do this at my college all the time. You know, toga-party all night, go to class the next day, and then hang-out on the sidewalk around the mailman while the maid cleans. Sometimes we even have homework! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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Daisy joined the Secret Society. So, that handshake, it goes like this, no?

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But is this part of it? Ah well, Ricky seems to approve. College guys . . .

These two were practically friends from the moment they met. And Daisy seemed like a 'liberated' girl - what did she need the philandering Ricky or the co-dependent Orlando for?

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Back at the Vermachtnis house, Devon vents his frustration through music.

"Ohhhhhh . . . . dum de dum . . .shoo wa wa . . .I got the everyone-ignores-meno-one-likes-medo-I-even-really-existspare-to-the-heir blues . . ."

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Darcy: "Hey, mom, we're all together, except for Dad, who's ignoring us. That must mean something important is happening. Are you having your baby?"Christy: "I don't think so . . ."Devon: "Hey, I'm ready to grow up!"Darcy: "Mom, am I growing up?"Christy: "Not yet, we have a cake in the other room for you, dear."Devon: "Growing up - its going on . . . over here . . . hey guys?"Asher: "So when are you guys gonna tip me?"Christy: *vacant stare*Devon: *sigh* "Here I go."

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Devon, God love you, because I don't know if anyone else ever will. You know, we can do things to fix your face and hair, but nothing is ever going to repair the shame of becoming a teenager in a chartreuse sweater vest. Devon rolls family, which, with his personality, is pretty cute, but he wants to marry off six children, just like dear old mum. Ha ha ha, Devon, you kidder - no, what do you really want?

Oh, you do really want that?

Swear to God, I will strangle you.

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"Time to see how growing up's really done! Take notes, Devon!"

. . .

"Hmm, this sparkling is giving me inspiration for my aspiration! I want, I want . . . sparkling things! Like diamonds and rubies and gold dubloons . . . ah, fortune, you fickle mistress, I hear your calling . . ."

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"But I guess that means I have to get serious now that I'm a teen."

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"But, on the bright side, I'm one step closer to ruling the house."

Darcy rolled fortune. (duh) She wants . . . wait for it . . . to be a criminal mastermind! And so the plot thickens. Daisy, the on-paper commander of the nefarious organization whose acronym I can't remember right now, became Captain Hero. Apparently, Darcy took a little too strongly to their childhood fantasies of world domination, scaring Daisy into living life on the up and up. She became a model citizin, while Darcy continues her descent into the netherworld of Sim City . . .

dun dun dun!!!!

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Ha ha, Devon, you are cute in your own special way. Teenagers checking themselves out cracks me up. I wish adults could do this too.

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"Like, oh my God, I'm pretty-ish."

Darcy tries to distract from her dark plans with a splash of innocent pink. Her teen years were truly her salad days - things just got worse from here in the looks department. Too bad they only lasted a day and a half!

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There was no way Christy was going to have the extra two children she needed to fulfill her marry 6 children off want. She was pregnant with #4 and I just couldn't handle more. So I was weak. They were weak. We adopted. This is Clay. Lee was also adopted, but he apparently wasn't in the house long enough to merit taking a picture of him.

I had to experiment with the placeholder for this story adopting because I couldn't remember if I had named the boys or if they came with names, because Clay and Lee are names I have used in other neighborhoods. Weird . . .

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This picture-of-a-picture is not that interesting. However, shortly after this, I began remodeling the Vermachtnis house, and this picture was somehow lost. So it is recorded here for posterity, a picture of the starter and the heir, doing what they loved doing best together.

Pictures of the remodeled house will be in part B.

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Darcy got buff in time for college and got a few scholarships, but not enough for any points.

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Devon: "Oh please, please be a brother. A brother who likes me. And doesn't ignore me. . . . *sniff*"

Devon got his wish, and Dallas Vermachtnis joined the family.

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Do you mind, she's having a baby here! I never, ever forget bills, but when I installed University every house had a fun round of "disappearing bills." After one appearance from this surly fellow, it was resolved. *shrug* Anyway, it was time to send the kiddles to college because the repo man seriously freaked Darcy out, and since I didn't know if it was going to happen again, I had to get her out of there fast.

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And Darcy arrived at college only slightly less hideous than her older sister.

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Devon, however . . .

seriously, what can I write here? Just look at that. Its a trainwreck.

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I have dueling captions for this pic:

#1Daisy: "I wear my sunglasses at night . . . so I can, so I can . . ."

#2Darcy, the next time you show up to college with a skirt that short, sit like a lady.

Neither of them were that great.

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Darcy: "Hi Devon!"Dev: "Hey, uh, Darcy. Um, where you going with that 'locked door' sign?"Darcy: "To class . . . la de da da . . ."Dev: "Oh, uh, alright then."

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Meanwhile, back at home, Christy chats up Pao, while his doppelganger sneaks up on her from behind. Pao, if you remember, is slated to marry Darcy.

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Christy: "No, no Pao, its 1 and a 2 and 3, then my solo!"Pao: "Christy, you said we were going to talk about something important out here."Christy: "Yeah, like the fact that you can't carry a tune in a bucket."Pao: "Is that all?"Christy: "Uh . . . oh, I remember. You wanna move in?"Pao: "So I can marry your daughter?"Christy: "No, so we can teach you some creativity skills."cymbal: *Ba-dum ching* <---y'know, bad joke cymbal noise?Christy: "Ha, ha, thanks folks I'll be here all week."

I am never, ever buying Christy another instrument. EVER.

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Asher, maxing the skills, ignoring the fam, completely oblivious . . . doing what he does best.

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Pao. No. Just no. He liked this look and, while I was laughing at him, he ran out of the bathroom before I could change it again. The only thing in his closet besides his uniform was this thing. Pao Mellon - Miami Vice Mailman.

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He he, this is my favorite reward object. What will they pull out next? Where will they throw/stuff it? The fun never ends!!! Christy doesn't even need mechanical points, but its always time to play with the surgical dummy!

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Back with people who matter . . . sort of.

Daisy and Darcy get down at a shop as Daisy prepares to leave college. She completed two years, and I reasoned that, since she was going into law enforcement, Sim City PD would probably be plenty happy with an associate's degree.

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Daisy wonders, "Why don't any of the other kids in the dorm know how to clean themselves?"

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Like this guy. Sim dorms - all stink, all the time.

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I don't know why anyone has trouble getting into a Secret Society. I mean, there's three members in this one picture! Daisy was a member, but it wasn't all that helpful, so Darcy and Devon didn't join.

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Daisy grows up . . . into a mature woman . . . wearing a nightgown on the sidewalk. Ah, yup.

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And swings by home to pick up her little brother Dallas, who is now a toddler, then moves into her own place and gets her lover Renee to move in and proposes. Dallas is beginning a long tradition of getting his mack on at an early age.

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The Stratton house, where Daisy and Renee will carry on Christy's maiden name, and raise many little Strattons because Renee is one of them crazy family Sims.

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She sharpens her parenting skills on Dallas first though, who trumps all the other kids in pure ugliness.

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Dallas grows into a child. Daisy and Renee continue to be giddy-in-love.

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Finally they tie the knot. Ah, two beautiful brides.

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You are quite the looker.

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If Dallas later suffers psychological problems, I blame it all on this moment. He is talking about pottytraining, staring at his sister's navel (I hope), while she thinks about woo-hoo in her underwear. Nothing unusual there!

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Finally Dallas is ready to grow into a teen, and his parents come over for one of the few visits in his young life. Although his parents were often busy and couldn't be bothered to raise him, Dallas is thankful that he had such wonderful surrogate parents as his sister and her loving wife. *tear

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Hey, that's an improvement! Except for the hair. But we can fix that. Dallas somehow turned out marginally good-looking, especially when he went to college and grew facial hair.

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Dallas goes to join his siblings at school, who left while he was a tiny baby. They will all now go to college together, proving that, try as I might, I cannot rip the space-time fabric that makes up the Sim world.

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Daisy and Renee, free of the responsiblity of raising Dallas, decide to start a family of their own. Thanks to the wonderful work of Boolprop Artificial Insemination Laboratories, all of their children are natural. Here's Eva expecting her little sister.

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And that little sister is named Tracy. They just recently also had another daughter.

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All in all, Daisy and Renee live a very happy life together. If you're interested in hearing their story, let me know and I'll compile it. They're a cute family.

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Back at college . . .

*crickets chirping*

Devon: *clearing throat*Darcy: "So, you're our brother?"Dallas: "Yep."Darcy: "Oh, well, guess you better start making money for me, because, let's see, its 8 o'clock, so that means I want to buy a dining table, a couch, a guitar and some new clothes. Get crackin' new kid."

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Dev's college life followed the pattern of his youth.

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While Dallas could not keep the ladies away. He gave backrubs to coeds . . .

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. . . tutored the girls . . .

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. . . flirted with females . . .

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. . . and charmed his professors. Dallas was a love machine who juggled several crushes effortlessly, and often had swooning ladies following him around. There was only one problem with his newfound swinger lifestyle . . .

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Dallas was a family Sim. He also desired to marry off six children and I began to wonder if being a family Sim was contagious, because the Vermachtnis family has a bad case of it.

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Darcy however, was busy working to keep up with her constant wants to buy junk. Because she also occasionally wanted to make money, her very creative brothers painted pictures for her to sell. But mostly she just wanted to buy stuff, because, while being a fortune Sim, Darcy evidently does not understand how one accomplishes amassing a fortune. Hint: it is not through working in the cafeteria and buying thousands of dollars of furniture.

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So, the shower room doors are stuck open, and, since this is a coed bathroom, its, um . . . weird. So much for even a shred of privacy.

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Hey Dallas, what're you doing?"Oh, nothing really. Just relaxing. Why?"'Cause that's not your bed, you freak.

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Back home, big things were afoot! The previously mentioned renovation was going on, so everything that was staying got moved out to the edge of the lot. Christy was also working on moving in her friends for money to help finance my grand dreams for a mansion they couldn't quite yet afford. Somehow, this caused her to fuse with Goopy, with the friend-making glasses still on. The stuff of nightmares. I exited without saving and lost quite a bit of work on the house. Sure I'll move him in and take his money, but I draw the line at Goopy absorbing into my Sims.

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Another of these move-ins, Kennedy, assured Christy and Asher that he was *plenty* responsible enough to raise Clay and Lee, the adopted Lifetime-Want-children. Okay, seriously, I feel really bad about this. Christy, this is why you shouldn't have children you can't provide for.

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Clay and Lee grew into fine young men with a predilection for orange, went to University, met chicks, and dropped out. Ah, the carefree life of youth who must quickly marry to satisfy their mother.

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They went on to have happy marriages.

(Yes, Family-Romance. Always a treat.)

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And brought children into the world.

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Seriously, though, this is Clay's child, who just might be the most beautiful alien ever. I wasn't going to play Clay and Lee once they got married, but now I have to to see how this little angel turns out. She was also my first alien abduction baby besides the sordid Curious brothers' progeny.

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Back at the Vermachtnis house.

*crickets chirping*

Asher, whispering: "Psst, Christy, who are these people again?"Christy: "Oh for crying out loud, this is Pao and Jan. They've been betrothed to our children since like, forever."

The plan was for Pao to be the family's first NPC and marry Darcy, and for Jan to marry Devon. Once Dev turned out to be family, though, I just couldn't inflict a romance Sim on him, so I thought maybe I could change Dallas to romance and marry him to Jan. The new plan was for him to be married to her long enough to carry on the family line and to please Christy, then I was going to off Jan because I normally hate romance Sims. Dallas, perhaps the only Sim that could get a pass at being romance from me, would then be free to entertain his many paramours.

None of these plans came to pass. Was it fate that intervened? No, more like I pretty much make things up depending on my whims that day.

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Hey, its Everybody Bring A Co-Worker Home Day! That must have been some helicopter.

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"Who's a stud that just maxed his Charisma? I am!"

Just Body left for the impossible want that has been locked forever.

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And its done! Go Asher! He also fulfilled his lifetime want to be at the top of his medical career before he turned all geriatric and stuff. Things were finally looking up for the Vermachtnis clan.

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And yet, there was awkwardness in the house. Christy and Pao were vaguely attracted to each other, causing Christy to do weird things like get upset because Pao's using the bathroom that she blithely decided to follow him into. I wasn't sure if I could stomach Pao and his future mother-in-law being attracted to each other. Also, Pao and Jan had a thing for each other, and romancin' Jan longed to do unspeakable things with her future brother-in-law. Asher detested both Pao and Jan and was often away learning skills.

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The natural solution was to throw a party! Christy invited Dallas, with whom she had become best friends, probably as a means of assuaging her guilt for abandoning him at such an early age. And also to give Jan someone to flirt with. But mostly the guilt thing.

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Asher invited Daisy, his longtime favorite.

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Pao invited Darcy, with whom he was smitten, despite his feelings for Jan and Christy.

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Christy is obviously not feeling the type of levity I had hoped for her birthday party. Christy, grow up!

"Don't wanna."

Christy, come on. We got you smiley face balloons instead of black ones. Come on . . .

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"Oh, fine . . . sigh . . . guess I'm old now. Too old to have more babies."

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"But plenty old enough to start constantly demanding marriages, engagements, and grandchildren! Woo, I think I'm gonna like being old."

Christy is a darn good-looking elder.

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Aww, Asher thinks so too.

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The three Vermachtnis ladies. And the new kitchen. Ooh. Aah.

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Christy is downright cute as an elder!

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Asher's turn. I can't even begin to fathom what's going through his mind right now, but I like this picture.

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"Hee hee, I'm old. That tickles! I think I have some confetti in my nose."

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"Hey, what d'ya know? I actually look dignified enough to be the supersmart doctor/scientist I masquerade as!" Oh, hey look, apparently we invited the adopted boys too, because there's Lee.

With two elders in the house, suddenly the pressure for the children to move on with their lives increased. Pao was more than happy to step up to the plate.

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But then jealously reared its ugly head and Jan blocked the shot. Jan, you're already a romance Sim, its not like you have a lot of leeway to begin with!

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Anyway, Darcy accepted, and hopefully she can sell off her rock to pay for reconstructive hand surgery.

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"Hey, I know big things are happening, but I just wanted to remind everyone what's really important. Me. I made Captain Hero. Lifetime want? Hello, people, where's the adulation?"

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Then, something horrible happened. I got Nightlife. That in itself wasn't horrible (aside from Dallas' rendition of 'The Armpit Hokey-Pokey') but it tempted me to do horrible things.

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Yes, with Nightlife, getting two Sims to fall in love was even easier. And, I could now put together couples who were *made* for each other. And, somehow or another, the engaged Ms. Darcy Vermachtnis went on a date with a handsome young bartender with whom she had excellent chemistry. And then another. And another. They couldn't stop seeing each other. Darcy began to eschew some of her buying wants in favor of spending quality time with the dapper young bartender.

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This interloper was none other than the rakeshell Leo Larrea, bartender by day, dream date by night. Darcy and he were crazy about each other (especially once she dyed her hair brown, his favorite hue) and I have to admit, Leo made me belive that I might just have a chance at rescuing the Vermachtnis genetics. Pao, while nice, was a weird-looking fellow. Leo was a hottie. And, so, the first instance of causeless infidelity in my game was committed.

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Dallas, on the other hand, discovered that chemistry allowed him to decide which of his many paramours he was really attracted to. And so he began to see the suggestively named Angel Hurt, with whom he feel head-over-heels. Angel felt the same way.

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Angel was a sweet, simple family Sim who desired nothing more than to stand in the presence of her boyfriend, enjoying his silent company. Because of her, I decided to keep Dallas a family Sim, and produce lots and lots of good-looking babies with recessive genes.

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Throughout all of this, Devon was still struggling to find an identity he felt comfortable with. He changed clothes and hairstyles often, and painted velvet clown paintings until his hands went numb, wondering when he would find his soulmate.

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Finally he made up his mind. He dressed in dark clothes, for he had dark intentions. He would seek out the mythical creatures of the night - vampires - and join their shadowy lifestyle.

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For the trials involved in finding a vamp for Dev, see the story preceding this one on my Sim page. Long story short, he found one, and they became friends. Devon and Contessa Nicole got along fine, and Devon was excited about starting his new life, but he wondered if Nicole was really the one for him. Where was the spark he had always been led to believe he would feel with The One?

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Finally he found it with a mysterious Downtownie whose name momentarily escapes me. Here was a woman he could not only share the rest of his life with, but also his passion for hamburgers! This folks, is true love.

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Devon took the next step with his friend Nicole and became a vampire. Although he might outwardly tell you he hates it, frequently wanting, like most family Sims, to be cured, he really loves it. Trust me.

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Soon his downtownie girlfriend was also vamped, and they were enjoying their hamburgers together all night long.

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Meanwhile, things between Darcy and Leo were heating up, and Leo started leaving lavish gifts at the dormitory.

Side note: considering my m.o. for driving up date score is lots of physical interactions, it always feels a little cheap to have a date leave a several thousand dollar present after a night of making out and public woo-hoo. Just a little weird.

Anyway, Leo and Darcy's relationship was getting to a point where they begin seriously thinking about the future - a future together. But Darcy was still promised to Pao. Something had to be done.

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Um, people, this room is about to get incredibly awkward in T-minus 5 seconds. I suggest you leave.

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Pao: "I hate you two, and I hate you Simmer. I totally know where this is going."

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"I can't believe I was humiliated in a college dorm by my fiancee. I used to be a mailman! I used to be happy!"

Although I had started to be annoyed by Pao, this just wrenches my heart. I'm so sorry Pao! I'll find a way to make it up to you.

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Darcy seems to be taking it well though.

"I like money."

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"Money, money, money."

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"Ooh, but I hate that Pao guy."

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"I wonder if I can take his money? Hey, I like money! His loss, he won't get any of the tons of money I'm going to make."

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"But I can't believe he broke up with me. *Sob..*"

Ugh, this is hard.

We've reached a low point, and also the end of part A. Things can only get better from here next chapter!

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And they do! But you'll have to wait and see what's in store for the Vermachtnis family and their friends. What will happen to newly-dumped Pao and forgotten Jan?How will the two family-oriented vampires fare?Will the Vermachtnis kids ever finish their studies?Stay tuned for the end of college, and the beginning of many new lives in the next chapter, Transitions Part B.

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Thanks for reading!