vermachtnis 7-2

Vermachtnis Legacy - Chapter 7.2 By fraulineTaube (originally posted on the Exchange) Kids, kids, and more kids . . . and a new house!

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Page 1: Vermachtnis 7-2

Vermachtnis Legacy - Chapter 7.2By fraulineTaube (originally posted on the Exchange)

Kids, kids, and more kids . . . and a new house!

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Welcome back to the Vermachtnis Legacy! Here to welcome you are two of my simself's children, Sicily and Sammy. Don't be fooled though, they actually hate each other. I had to boolprop their relationship just to get them to hug. Ungrateful kids! Didn't I raise you better than that? Anyway, let's see where we left the Vermachtnis family . . .

Because of all the kids this generation, this chapter was really long, so I split it into three parts. Chapter 7.1 is already up on my simpage. This is 7.2, and 7.3 will be posted right after I put this one up. Happy reading!

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Ah yes, June, our generation 4 heiress, was yet again giving birth. But she had been sneaking some cheesecake behind my back . . ."That's a filthy lie!"Hush June, back to your labor. Anyway, once again she is having twins, resulting in 9 sims in the house. And, believe it or not, she is not done yet. This generation took forever because I just couldn't resist pressing the 'Try for Baby' button again and again and again.

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Welcome little Macy Vermachtnis, a red-haired and brown-eyed duplicate of her older sister Maria. Aw look, Macy's waving 'hi' . . . either that or trying to keep June's bosom from crushing her face.

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And Mickey, a black-haired and also brown-eyed brother.

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"Aren't we rich enough we can just buy our way into private school? Do we really have to entertain this creep again?"

Afraid so, Mary. Headmaster visits are quite tiresome after the first, oh, one or two, but I do like the benefits of going to private school. Besides, you're the one that wants Madison and Maria to get in.

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Before long, Morris the magic dragon (sang to the tune of Puff, of course!) is transitioning. Let's see what the damage is.

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This is actually one of the better pictures of Morris, but oh Lord, when he goes to college . . . it just keeps getting worse. Morris rolled the Fortune aspiration and has a lifetime want to be a business tycoon. He's eager to leave for college, and with 9 sims in the house, I'm pretty ready for him to go, too.

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First, though, he takes some time to teach homework skills to his sisters, so that they will excel in private school like he did.

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He also says goodbye to his mom, who has always been his best friend. Morris has a really sweet, gentle personality. I wish his looks matched his heart. After saying his goodbyes, Morris takes the cab to Academie Le Tour.

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Meanwhile, Madison and Maria are as close as ever. These are the closest twins I have ever had. They spend lots and lots of time together and have very similar wants and personalities.

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Of course, they both love the rest of their family, too. Can't forget to drop everything in your queue when mom comes home, now!

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"Ugh, I am so sick of cake."

I know, June, but we still have quite a few birthdays this generation to get over with. Today its the younger twins, Macy and Mickey.

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Macy is a Capricorn, with a personality of 8/5/2/10/5, making her a clone of her older sister Maria.

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Mickey, however, is a clone of Madison, which means he is a Taurus with a personality of 8/9/2/7/4.

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Okay, that's it. I had sent the family ghosts to an exclusive Vermachtnis cemetary, but I kept the cowplant victims around because they hadn't figured out how to get in the house yet. Once that started however, I finally got rid of the last of my tombstones. I suppose that makes me a weak legacy player or something, but after having one sim die and a child almost get taken by the social worker, I have low tolerance for repeated nightly scarings.

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The older boys have meanwhile been biding their time at college. Max, a pleasure sim, gets along very well with Madeleine. That's a good thing, because she's the intended spouse if the heir is a guy.

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Morris, meanwhile, leads a quiet life of studying. He likes to try to take care of his older, less serious brothers, although they don't always appreciate his efforts, leaving him to eat alone.

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Mathias, oldest brother and goofy popularity sim, fulfills his want to join the Vermachtnis Greek house, Urele Ara Hoh. Shortly after, he pledges his brothers and all three leave the dorm to go live at the Greek lot.

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Okay, enough college for now, because you know what? We still have toddlers back home that are nowhere near college! Mickey and Macy may be clones of their older sisters, but they distinguish themselves by being wonderful toddlers. Quiet, well-behaved, and of an even temperment, the two spend most of their time playing and earning skills.

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Time is running out for Gabi, so I decide to indulge her with a fancy date before she goes. Okay, Gabi, if you could do anything on a date, what would you like to do?

"Oh, that's easy. Jessie, let's see how many times we can woohoo before one of us passes out or has a bladder failure."

And so the race is on! With the date timer and the geezers' needs as our only constraints, how many times can this woohoo-loving couple perform their favorite date activity?

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Woohoo count - 1

First is the car, on the way to a community lot.

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Woohoo count - 2

Once at the restaurant, Gabi and Jessie christen a photobooth, and take a few pictures while they're there.

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Woohoo count - 3

On to the clothing store, where a little warm up is needed, before the main event occurs in a clothing booth.

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Woohoo count - 4

Then its out to the car for a little privacy.

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Woohoo count - 5

And back to the changing booths!

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Woohoo count - 6

The car one more time on the way home . . .

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Woohoo count - 7

Finally they arrive back home and finish their date in the comfort of their own hot tub.

Not bad for a couple of wrinkly old people, eh?

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With tiny children still to raise, June needs a little more time before being an elder, so she samples some of the milk from Fluffy, our cowplant.

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While June has extended her time, Gabi's has run out. Although sad, none of the family is surprised that death found Gabi at her beloved bubble blower.

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"What do you mean I can't blow bubbles in the afterlife?""Don't make trouble, Gabi. Here, have this drink instead.""Well, let me think . . . okay!"

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As usual, the youngest children take the death the hardest. Gabi was never very family oriented, so she wasn't all that involved with the kids. Still, its tough to lose a grandparent.

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Gabriella Vermachtnis, at times I thought you were a waste of RAM, but we did have some good times together. You and Jessie showed me the fun of irresponsible sims, and you always were easy to please. Rest in peace in the great bubble bath in the sky.

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"Oh my God, she's standing right behind me, isn't she? I can feel her breathing down my neck!"

Jessie had been extremely faithful since he and Gabi got married, never even rolling wants for other sims. He drifted into a very family sim-like pattern, but I figure he's still got romance tendencies somewhere. So I send him on a couple of blind dates, and one of them is Natalie, one of my chapter holders, with whom Jessie has three bolts despite the fact that she doesn't meet any of his turn-ons. They begin a torrid romance.

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Jessie soon discovers that you still have to be careful, even in your elder years. Natalie gave birth to a beautiful daughter that Jessie named Sierra. Sierra is nice, playful, and neat, and has Jessie's lovely features in addition to Natalie's eyes. Although the majority of his time was spent at the main house with his grandchildren, Jessie loved to stop by at Natalie's to spend time with his daughter.

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Gabi revisits her bed, reminding me that I need to send her gravestone to the cemetary. See ya later, Gabi!

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Soon its time for the older twin's birthday and . . . is that? Yes, June appears to be rubbing her belly. Maybe dinner didn't agree with her? ;)

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Yay, teens! Time to skill you like there's no tomorrow. I like to ship my teens to college as soon as possible, so they make a lot of use of the energizers while they're finishing up their scholarships.

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"Hello everybody! Its me, Maria Vermachtnis. I have decided that, like my mother and my older half-brother Mathias, I desire to be insanely popular. I figure the best way to get people to love me is make myself indispensible to the citizens of Halcyon River Hills, so I have decided to set my eyes on becoming Captain Hero. I know when I'm flying above the houses in my skin tight suit, you'll up look up and sigh, 'Oh, Captain Hero Maria - how I do want to be friends with her!' Its basically a foolproof plan!"

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"Hi readers! This is Madison. I'm rather pleased with my teen look, in case you can't tell. I think I'm rather lovable, and I hope others think so too. I really just want to take care of people, which is why I have decided to dedicate my life to family. I'm an open-minded girl, though, and I don't just want to look out for my own family - I want to look out for everyone! That's why I've decided that being Captain Hero is the best choice for a loving person like me."

Yes, the inseperable twins rolled different aspirations, but the same LTW. I can't make this stuff up.

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Ha ha! Looks like it wasn't indigestion after all. June finds herself once again in the family way, even as she is still raising the youngest of her seven children. June really doesn't mind being pregnant, though, and she has a very easy time about it. She spends a lot of her time on the phone or having friends over, which keeps her happy while she's on maternity leave.

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Mary finally reaches her lifetime want, which was to be a business tycoon. I was afraid for a while there that she might never make it, because she went through a phase where she was nearly unpromotable. However, with intense skilling, avoidance of chance cards, and plenty of friend making by June, Mary finally made it to the top.

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Time passed, and June gave birth to Marc, her eighth child. As you can see, Mary is ecstatic, because she's doing her happy slouch instead of her usual vacant slouch. Marc is another black-haired, brown-eyed baby, very similar to Mickey.

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June has decided Marc will be her last child. She's taken several hits of elixir, so hopefully she should be around a while, but the realities of having a baby when she's already had 7 other kids starts to set in. Hopefully she (and I!) will have the stamina to finish this generation.

(Psst. Hey, down here. Let me let you in on a little secret. The real reason I stopped at eight was because that's the max I can fit in the Greek house. Otherwise I might have just kept going!)

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In the meantime, however, the Vermachtnises have picked up their belongings and moved to the luxurious Vermachtnis Island. Hopefully this tropical house will be a little less laggy than the previous one, especially without the ghosts. I also moved them for aesthetic reasons: I hated the design of their other house.

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This house, however, I am quite proud of, so let's go on a little tour. The house rests on a platform porch, and the ground floor on top of that. From left, clockwise, we have a little sunporch, the kitchen, a spacious dining room, the nursery, and the large living room. In the middle are two bathrooms.

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Second floor is mainly a skilling room with many of the reward objects. I put another two bathrooms up here because I hate having sims fighting over the potty. Bedrooms, from left, are a purple and pink teenage room where Madison and Maria reside, the adult bedroom, the elder bedroom, and a children's bedroom.

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Top floor has two balconies for our various large objects. The room is a game room for various fun activites, and currently houses all the portraits of Vermachtnis heirs and spouses. Once again, a bathroom in the middle.

And that is the new Vermachtnis house, which they will be moving in to shortly.

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Thanks for reading! I'll be putting the next chapter up at the same time as this one, so just continue over to chapter 7.3. An heir poll (with 8 choices!) is waiting for you at the end.

If you enjoyed this chapter, come visit my Vermachtnis thread, and the many other great legacies, at or at SiMania, a new forum that definitely deserves your attention! I put a link to SiMania at the end of 7.3, so just continue reading before you drop in.

Thanks for reading!