visualization for lottery success

Post on 17-Jan-2015



Self Improvement



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learn how the simple process of visualization can help you win the lottery


Visualization For Lottery Success

Sponsored By Custom Hypnosis

You may want to check out our new product – Lottery Winner Subliminal Visualization Video.

It will supercharge your lottery success. Note – You are free to use this presentation as

long as you do not change it.

Powerful Tool

Using visualization is a key to success because it helps you mentally see that you are already a lottery winner.

When you do this, you start attracting the circumstances and events that you need to make those lottery dreams a reality.

Power of Repetition

The power of visualization comes from repeatedly seeing those winning lottery numbers and also having the things that you desire.

For example

You will visualize yourself in the car you always wanted or that dream home.

Reprogram Subconscious

When you repeat this visualization process over and over, you are reprogramming your subconscious to help you attain what you desire.

You will also want to visualize your winning numbers being drawn

You'll be hard-wiring brain to help you succeed.

Many Techniques

Many people find that just thinking about winning the lottery is enough.

They picture themselves seeing their winning numbers being drawn.

They then visualize themselves receiving that really big lottery check.

They will also visualize what their life will be like after they win the lottery.

For example they see themselves quitting their job and taking luxurious vacations.

For others, it's difficult to visualize without some outside help.

Here is an example of a tool some individuals might use to help with the lottery winning visualization process.

Visualization Board

Another great way to help fast track your lottery winning success is to create a visualization board is a

You will want to spend a few days planning and creating your own "motivational poster."

Your main goal is to win the lottery but you probably have other reasons to win the lottery.

You probably want a nicer car and a bigger house.


Determine what goals you want to meet by winning the lottery

Pick Your Pictures

Then go through magazines and newspapers and cut out pictures of the things that you'd like to have and the life that you'd like to lead.

Find images that correspond to you winning the lottery.

You probably will not find pictures of winning the lottery but you can write your winning numbers on the board and also write the words “Lottery Winner” on your board also.

Use Your Board

When you have completed your visualization board, hang it up where you'll see it every day.

You should look at it as much as you can during the day.

Imagine yourself living the life you've always dreamed of.

Use Before Bed

As you close your eyes, picture yourself winning the lottery, depositing the lottery check into your bank account and them some of the things that you will enjoy with that money or going on amazing vacations.

Your subconscious mind will work every day to make those visions a reality.


First, you need to make the images in your mind as realistic as possible.

Instead of just seeing the house, see yourself walking around that luxurious house and doing the normal things that you would do every day.

Another example would be to picture yourself driving that new car, the feel of it and how the new leather smells.


You should repeat your visualization practice as much as possible.

The more you think about winning the lottery, the more you'll program yourself for success.

The last consideration is that the thoughts you have about winning the lottery are just as important as the images themselves.

Think Positive

You want to think positive thoughts and try to avoid negative thoughts.

Thinking thoughts such as "this is impossible" or "this will never happen" while visualizing will defeat the purpose.

While you are visualizing, think to yourself "this is all mine.

These positive thoughts will help you start living the life you deserve to live.

Sponsored By Custom Hypnosis

You may want to check out our new product – Lottery Winner Subliminal Visualization Video.

It will supercharge your lottery success.

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