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Post on 09-Dec-2014






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Germany Rises

Treaty of Versaille, from WWI, left Germany struggling.

After WWI, a democracy was established, but the economy fell in 1923. Inflation – a rapid rise in prices (income does

not keep up)

Hitler and the Nazis National Socialist

German Workers Party (NAZI), led by Adolf Hitler, criticized the democratic government.

Hitler was a good speaker and persuaded the people that he had the answers.

Hitler as Chancellor His first rise to power

was as chancellor. A chief minister of

Germany Won majority of seats in

Germany’s parliament Called himself “der

Fuhrer” meaning “Leader” Destroyed the democratic

process in Germany Germany recovers


Hatred of Jews Hitler preaches that

Jews were to blame for Germany’s problems

He called them traitors

Jews slowly lose their citizenships, jobs, eventually their homes and their lives.

Other Countries

Italy – under the dictatorship of Mussolini

Spain – Facist rule of Franco Leads to Spanish

Civil War

Japan gains control of Asia

America’s response

America chooses to stay isolationist

The Great Depression was enough to handle and they couldn’t afford war

Neutrality laws prohibited the selling of weapons to other countries

Roosevelt believed it was important to be aware and not turn a blind eye.

The German Empire(Third Reich)

In 1938 Germany went into Austria and declared it part of the German Empire.

Two times before Germany tried to build an empire (reich), hence, this was the “third reich.”

No one tried to stop Hitler, though it went against the Treaty of Versailles.

As Hitler continues to advance, European leaders agree to a meeting.

European leaders give in to Hitler’s demands.


“Night of Broken Glass”

Nazis set fire to Synagogues. Broke into

Jewish homes Destroyed

businesses. Set up death



Nearly six million Jews were killed in Concentration or Death Camps.

US joins war

US doesn’t join war until Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

December 7, 1941

“date that will live in infamy,” says Roosevelt.

How America Responds

America steps up war supply production

Gives jobs

Women join the workforce as men fight.

General Motors increases production

People join together for the war effort

Save money to fund the war

Food and supplies are “rationed.”


Response continued

Japanese Americans were put in detention camps.

General Eisenhower commands Allied armies

Decides to defeat Hitler first.

Invades Italy and France. – D-Day June 6, 1944 – moves toward Germany

Yalta Agreement Roosevelt elected for

4th term in 1944.

Allied leaders meet in 1945

Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agree on a plan for Germany’s surrender

This is the Yalta Agreement.

Yalta Agreement cont.

Russia agrees to fight Japan.

Germany to be divided into four zones.

Soviet Union to hold democratic elections in Eastern Europe.

United Nations to be created.

End of War

Roosevelt dies suddenly in 1945.

Truman becomes president.

Hitler commits suicide and Germany surrenders.

Atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Truman becomes president

Truman demands a “total surrender” of Japan

Japan does not surrender

Truman drops bomb on Hiroshima

Still no full surrender

Another bomb is dropped on Nagaski

Hiroshima atomic blast

Nagasaki before bomb

Nagasaki after bomb

End of WWII

Bombs kill more than 130,000 people

General MacArthur accepts surrender of Japan in Sept. 1945.

WWII ends.

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