wales & indonesia michaelston community college & smp 189 jakarta

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Wales & Indonesia

Michaelston Community College

& SMP 189 Jakarta

International LinkTwo Countries/Four Schools

“If London stages the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games we will […] reach young

people all around the world and connect them to the inspirational power of the Games so

they are inspired to choose sport”

Lord Sebastian Coe

International Inspiration Vision

• To enrich the lives of millions of children in schools and communities across the world, particularly in developing countries, through the power of sport.

• To create strong, sustainable and supportive systems within which children of all abilities, some from the most disadvantaged communities in the world, can enrich their lives by playing and excelling in sport.

Areas in Indonesia Linked with Wales


• Population: 240 million• 17,508 islands • World’s fourth most populous country • Largest population of Muslims• Official Language – Bahasa Indonesian

Jakarta & Ely

Assembly Time

Warm Welcome

PE Lessons

The area you can see is the only space they had for PE,

yet every student brought kit and took part.

Recycling and Environment

Ready to Learn


Year 1 – 2010/11Building the Link

• Reciprocal Links• Understanding each other• Developing Baselines• Exchanging School

information• Keeping in-touch

• Culminates in a school partnership plan

Year 2 – 2011/12Building the Policy Foundation

• Targeted Action in PE & School Sport (positioning/profile & training)

• Leadership training for young people• Innovation in your case study area• Culminating in drafted case studies

Year 3 – 2012/13Embedding your Specialism

• Continued Action in PE & School Sport• Continued training of Young Leaders• Continued & Additional Innovation • Broadening reach into other

schools/community• Culminating in publication of case studies

leading to policy development

Instilling Olympic Values into the College

• Friendship• Excellence• Respect• Inspiration

• Determination• Equality

Bringing the Olympics into MCC• ICT : Create own London 2012 Logo• D&T: Make Own London 2012 Logo (link with ICT)• Geography: Research on Olympic Host countries – Main imports/exports, key

geographical features• Business Studies: Marketing of Olympics, Financial strains and gains• History/Politics: Propaganda in the Olympics• English: Short stories based on Olympic Values/ Olympic themed Literature• Maths: Areas of different sport stadiums/arenas, Scoring systems in differnet

sports• Science: Technological advances in sport, using physics to aid performance• Languages: Interesting facts about the Olympics in French, Spanish, Welsh• PSE: Race and Racism

Action PlanAction Details Lead Teacher Frequency Deadline

Healthy schools(Food and fitness, Environment, Social development and well being, Hygiene, Safety, Substance Misuse.

Linked Sports Festivals

Joint Website

-Sharing of plans/policy- Olympic Values built in - Festivals including cross cultural themes

-Use of same sports: Raquet SportsAthletics, traditional (Indo/Wales) sports.Dance

-All schools able to access site-sharing of games/resources/pictures of events-exchange of teaching styles-guides on how to make equipment- Regular monthly updates


JCRJPH – speak to RC


RJ Rowan/Amy to be included

Annual Festival

Annual Festival

Monthly Update

March 2011

June 2011

December 2010

Action PlanAction Details Lead Teacher Frequency Deadline

Sports Council/Crew/play leaders/Lead learners Play to Learn

-Used to promote participation in PE and School Sport-develop leadership skills in students- Older leaders to pass on skills-Leaders meetings -sharing and development of resources/ideas-Development of short stories by KS3 students to include key words on Gross Motor Skills. Key words included in activity tasks to be led by sports crew.Based on Indo/Wales Cultural stories.


JCPH to liaise with English Department



January 2011

Summer 2011

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