warm up: label the fallacy being used

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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Warm Up: Label the Fallacy being used. 1 . I can't believe you voted to restrict welfare. Either you didn't understand the proposition, or you just don't care about those less fortunate than yourself ! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Warm Up: Label the Fallacy being used

1. I can't believe you voted to restrict welfare. Either you didn't understand the proposition, or you just don't care about those less fortunate than yourself!

2. "Bill says that we should give tax breaks to companies. But he is untrustworthy, so it must be wrong to do that.

3. Bill: "God must exist." Jill: "How do you know." Bill: "Because the Bible says so." Jill: "Why should I believe the Bible?" Bill: "Because the Bible was written by God."

4. Paul Ryan said Obama’s proposal to let tax rates rise for high-income individuals would “tax about 53 percent of small-business income.

5. Romney on his plans to build a strong Libyan government: “I’d recommit America to the goal of a democratic, prosperous Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security.” Presidential debate Oct. 22

6. "If such actions were not illegal, then they would not be prohibited by the law."

Think-Pair Share What do you think public opinion is?

How is public opinion created? / What creates public opinion?

Public Opinion Objective: I will analyze the formation

and impact of public opinion. DOL:

In a constructed response of at least 7 sentences, explain how public opinion is formed and its importance in regards to American politics.

Close Reading Read only the first two pages of your packet (STOP

when you get to SECTION 4)

Read and annotate the text Number paragraphs Circle key terms – No more than 5 per chunk Chunk as you go to group paragraphs of similar content Left column is a one sentence summary per chunk

Right column is a question per chunk (could be confusion or higher-level)

Public Opinion Public Opinion: the sum of many individual

opinions about a public person or issue (the majority opinion of someone or something)

Socialization is essentially a person’s learning to act in culture…what is cool, what is important, what is your role in society

Political Socialization: the experiences we have that lead us to the conclusions we have about political issues

Questions to Consider1. List six forces that shape political

socialization. Rank them in order from 1 (most influence on my

political socialization) to 6 (least influence). For the top two items on your list, briefly explain why they have influenced your political socialization.

2. Create a simple diagram or illustration to represent each of the three ways that public opinion is shaped. Label each illustration.

3. Why is public opinion important in a democracy?

Ways Public Opinion is Shaped Special Interest Groups

A large group that advocates (supports) for a certain issue. People agree with what their groups believe and these groups are listened to because of their large #s Examples: NRA, Planned Parenthood, NAACP, Sierra Club

(environmental group, not the school), Catholic Families USA Journalists, Politicians, Opinion Makers

We don’t have time to look into every issue ourselves, so we often rely on the facts and opinions presented by newspapers, activists, public officials, etc.

Politicians’ accounts of Public Opinion Politicians often say “the people want…. Or the public

believes…” either because they actually think this, or to convince the public the politician is behaving according to the citizens’ wants.

Public Opinion Shapes Policy There is rarely 1 “public opinion.”

There are too many people for us all to agree on one thing. It is typically split into two major

views in America We will discuss this more over the coming days.

Politicians must listen to public opinion in order to avoid getting voted out of office. Ex: Clinton’s healthcare reform

Early DOL Define Public Opinion Explain how Public Opinion is formed.

Bubble Map

Public Opinio








DOL- GRADED!In a constructed response of at least 7 sentences, explain how public opinion is formed and its importance in regards to American politics.


Scope of government

Favor political and social reform, usually government-driven

favor increased federal services (welfare, social security, Medicare, student-loans, etc)

government intervention in the economy; consumer protection ensured by the government;

government involvement in protecting the environment

guaranteeing the rights of people

tend to support less military

Tend to believe that a larger/powerful government threatens its citizen’s freedoms

support limited government involvement in economic issues (laissez-faire)

tend to believe social problems should be handled on a smaller scale (state level, community-level, churches, etc)

conservatives support a stronger military.

Big Government Small government

Think-Pair-Share: Which political party do you think typically matches with “big government”? “Small government”?

Critical Thinking and Making Inferences

Write 2 potential positive and negative aspects of small government

Write 2 potential positive and negative aspects of big government

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