ways to improve your memory

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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The human brain can absorb information like a computer. Anything that a person reads, writes, or experiences gets stored into the cells of the brain. The ability for a person to recall any of this information is called the memory and understanding this helps with many things such as learning how to read faster.


Ways to Improve Your Memory Memory


The human brain can absorb information like a computer Anything that a person like a computer. Anything that a person reads, writes, or experiences gets stored into the cells of the brain.

The ability for a person to recall any of The ability for a person to recall any of this information is called the memory and understanding this helps with many things such as learning how to read faster.

However, as people begin to grow older sometimes their memory starts to falter sometimes their memory starts to falter and sometimes it is hard for them to recall certain things. g

Though sometimes people just have terrible memories and are always on the ylookout for ways to strengthen their ability to recall information. Here are

t b tt some ways a person can get a better memory.

It all begins with a positive attitude: With the right frame of mind a person With the right frame of mind, a person can really accomplish anything they set their mind to.

When a person has a problem with When a person has a problem with something like their memory, sometimes when they try to improve it and fail, he or she may get it into their head that they will never get it right.

The wrong attitude will do nothing but make the problem worse The first step make the problem worse. The first step to improve the memory is to believe that it can get better with a few simple g pmental exercises, time, and patience.

The technique of association: The first key to good memory recall is to take key to good memory recall is to take something and assign a picture to it.

This association works best especially when it comes to the recall of things like when it comes to the recall of things like phone numbers or dates.

An example of association would be to picture a birthday cake and apply it to picture a birthday cake and apply it to the birthdate of an important friend or relative.

By assigning a picture, your brain will be By assigning a picture, your brain will be able to remember whatever it is because the image will be the trigger for your mind to recall the information.

Playing memory games on the computer: There are many website that can offer There are many website that can offer simple games that can help a person with their brain.

Even playing simple game like a Even playing simple game like a matching game with cards or other items can help a person get a stronger memory and easier information recall.

Memory is something that every person has Without memory a person would has. Without memory, a person would not be able to remember anything from their past or their present. p p

Sometimes a person does not have the Sometimes a person does not have the greatest memory and really has problems remembering things.

There are many ways a person can improve their memory including having improve their memory including having the right attitude, picture association, and playing games on the computer to p y g g phelp make a person’s mental facilities stronger.

Memory is a precious thing and everyone needs to make sure they have a good one.


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