we have a simple motto here: provide a place for god to ... · “experimenting with faith”....

Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Why send your child to camp? I’ll give you three reasons.

1. To Find Jesus. Camp is one of the last best ways youth can connect with nature. The Bible says that nature shouts the glory of God. Creation points us to Jesus because God made it that way. True statement: Avoiding nature is one way we avoid Jesus.

2. To Bond. Camp is a place where deep relationships develop. Our world has an epidemic of

shallowness. At camp previously shallow bonds can become deep, opening windows into the souls of students that would remain closed at home.

3. To Grow. Camp may be the first chance for many students to experience time away from mom and dad. This is a priceless stimulus for growth. You want your child to grow up and be responsible? Give them a safe taste of what that means by sending them to camp!

Nate S.

Manager’s Perspective

We have a simple motto here:Provide a Place for God to Change Lives

We are a non-profit Christian camp and retreat center owned and operated by independent Christian Churches in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, and

Oklahoma. Established in 1956, it is our purpose to provide a unique mountain environment for God to use His Word, His people, and His creation to spread the

gospel of Jesus Christ, to renew lives, and to challenge all to follow Jesus. EPCC offers camps and retreats for all ages, as well as a place for your church to

conduct their camps and retreats. EPCC also offers cabins for rent year around to support the Christian individual and family.

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called the Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”Isaiah 58:11-12

The rebuilt bridges and dam to replace the ones destroyed by last fall’s flood.

Camp is ALMOST HERE!!!

Register today at www.elporvenircamp.com

Volume 2, Issue 15Spring 2014A Bi-Annual Publication

Nate Stafford, Manager

Chris Dague, Facilities Manager

Summer Camp Previews!!

This year at High School Camp, we are welcoming back Brandon Levering and David Ritchie to lead us through this year’s theme: Kingdom Come. We will be walking through the book of 1 Samuel, learning about the promise of God’s everlasting Kingdom. Michael McBride and his band will be joining us again this year to lead us in worship. It’s going to be a great week - don’t miss it!

Our theme for Middle School Camp this summer is “Experimenting with Faith”. During the week, we will be experimenting and learning about gravity, magnetism and other forces that we cannot see, in order to learn more about faith. Our speaker, Chris Steele, will be showing us through God’s word that faith is believing in what we cannot see because of what we can see.

The TRUTH of Christ will launch our kids into a life-changing journey that will last the rest of their lives. We will learn that no matter what challenges may come our way, we will have the TRUE power, the TRUE love, and the TRUE hope of Jesus Christ. He is the one TRUE God who will help us, lead us, and guide us as we go on this journey called life.

We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we

are in him who is true - even in his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.

1 John 5:20

Are you stressed? Are you overworked and over committed? Are you having trouble connecting with God, because there are too many other things in your way? Feeling UNGLUED?? Then why not get UNPLUGGED from the stress and commitments and escape with us to the mountains of El Porvenir! Our speaker this year is Julie Gariss (aka Gladys Frump). She is a minister’s wife of 38 years, mother of three and grandmother of six. We will have great workshops to choose from, as well as, some glorious free time to play paintball, climb the rock wall, take a hike or better yet, take a nap! See you girls in July!!!

Family Camp is for families of every size and shape, and Memorial Day weekend is just around the corner! Illusionists, David and Teesha Laflin, will kick off our summer with some amazing feats! More amazing than the performances is how their illusions reveal the reality of God’s love in a way that all of us, young and old, can understand. Go online at elporvenircamp.com and register to join us in the mountains on the weekend of May 23-26! See you then!

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HOW DO I _____?

Register for Camp

1. Go to elporvenircamp.com

2. Click on the appropriate link in the “Register for Camp” box on our home page.

Volunteer at Camp

1. If you want to be kitchen help, you must contact the dean of that week. Deans are responsible for these volunteers. Once you are approved by the dean, you can register on our website.

2. If you are a sponsor from your church, you must be approved by your church, but you must also register online.

3. If you are not an approved church sponsor or kitchen help, we are not accepting other volunteers during youth camps at this time.

4. You may volunteer at our work day on May 3rd, or you may inquire about setting up a private work day of your own or with your church.

2014 Summer ScheduleCamp Event Contact DateFamily Camp 1 Billy Kersh May 23-26South Plains Church of Christ Trent Roberson June 5-8High School Camp (9th - Grad)

Travis Vaclavik June 9-14

Freedom Church Mateo Trujillo June 14Middle School Camp (6th - 8th)

Ben Partin June 16-21

Calvary New Harvest Alex Montano June 21-23Mid Cities Church Ken Noble June 23-27Southern Rockies Discipleship Camp

Bill Winzenburg June 28-July 5

Mesa Baptist Church Roger Grantham July 7-11Agape Camp Melinda Gabbard July 11-14Sunset Ridge Church of Christ

Andrew Pandolfi July 14-17

Women’s Retreat Jeneane Weaver July 17-203rd - 5th Grade Camp Billy Kersh July 21-25Calvary Albuquerque Gayle Renshaw July 25-27Enlisted to Endure Ray Rubi July 28-Aug 2Heritage Christian Fellowship

Kyle Bamberg Aug 2-5

First Presbyterian, Amarillo Alana Mitchell Aug 8-10Principe de Paz Church Daniel Rincon Aug 15-17Family Camp 2 Julie Long Aug 29-Sept 1

Camp Sponsored Events are in GreenRental Groups are in Black

High School Camp

Middle School Camp

Family Camp 1

Women’s Retreat

3rd - 5th Grade Camp

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