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Year 7

English Work Booklet 3

Name: ___________________

Class: ___________________

Teacher: _________________

WonderLesson 1: Read the extract and answer the comprehension questions

Lesson 2: Find the meanings of the key words and use them in a sentence linked to Wonder

Lesson 3: Map the changes in key characters across Wonder

Autobiography & BiographyLesson 4: Read the biography and answer the comprehension questions

Lesson 5: Turn the list of facts into a mini biography

Lesson 6: Write an autobiographical piece about ‘A Day I’ll Never Forget’

Greek MythologyLesson 7: Read the myth and answer the comprehension questions

Lesson 8: Learn the meanings of the key words and use them in sentences about mythology

Lesson 9: Read the myth and answer the questions, then turn the key events into a cartoon strip.

Julius CaesarLesson 10: Read the plot of Julius Caesar and turn it into a comic strip

Lesson 11: Find the meanings of the key words and use them in sentences about the play Julius Caesar

Lesson 12: Answer the quiz questions with all the information you know about Julius Caesar

Lesson 1Read the extract from Wonder and answer the comprehension questions in FULL SENTENCES.

Choose Kind

There was a lot of shuffling around when the bell rang and everybody got up to leave. I checked my schedule and it said my next class was English, room 321. I didn't stop to see if anyone else from my homeroom was going my way: I just zoomed out of the class and down the hall and sat down as far from the front as possible. The teacher, a really tall man with a yellow beard, was writing on the chalkboard.

Kids came in laughing and talking in little groups but I didn't look up. Basically, the same thing that happened in homeroom happened again: no one sat next to me except for Jack, who was joking around with some kids who weren't in our homeroom. I could tell Jack was the kind of kid other kids like. He had a lot of friends. He made people laugh.

When the second bell rang, everyone got quiet and the teacher turned around and faced us. He said his name was Mr. Browne, and then he started talking about what we would be doing this semester. At a certain point, somewhere between A Wrinkle in Time and Shen of the Sea, he noticed me but kept right on talking.

I was mostly doodling in my notebook while he talked, but every once in a while I would sneak a look at the other students. Charlotte was in this class. So were Julian and Henry. Miles wasn't.

Mr. Browne had written on the chalkboard in big block letters:


"Okay, everybody write this down at the very top of the very first page in your English notebook."

As we did what he told us to do, he said: "Okay, so who can tell me what a precept is? Does anyone know?"

No one raised their hands.

Mr. Browne smiled, nodded, and turned around to write on the chalkboard again:


"Like a motto?" someone called out.

"Like a motto!" said Mr. Browne, nodding as he continued writing on the board. "Like a famous quote. Like a line from a fortune cookie. Any saying or ground rule that can motivate you. Basically, a precept is anything that helps guide us when making decisions about really important things."

He wrote all that on the chalkboard and then turned around and faced us.

"So, what are some really important things?" he asked us.

A few kids raised their hands, and as he pointed at them, they gave their answers, which he wrote on the chalkboard in really, really sloppy handwriting:


"What else?" he said as he wrote, not even turning around. "Just call things out!" He wrote everything everyone called out.


One girl called out: "The environment!"


he wrote on the chalkboard, and added:


"Sharks, because they eat dead things in the ocean!" said one of the boys, a kid named Reid, and Mr. Browne wrote down


"Bees!" "Seatbelts!" "Recycling!" "Friends!"

"Okay," said Mr. Browne, writing all those things down. He turned around when he finished writing to face us again. "But no one's named the most important thing of all." We all looked at him, out of ideas. "God?" said one kid, and I could tell that even though Mr. Browne wrote "God" down, that wasn't the answer he was looking for. Without saying anything else, he wrote down:


"Who we are," he said, underlining each word as he said it. "Who we are! Us! Right? What kind of people are we? What kind of person are you? Isn't that the most

important thing of all? Isn't that the kind of question we should be asking ourselves all the time? "What kind of person am I?

"Did anyone happen to notice the plaque next to the door of this school? Anyone read what it says? Anyone?"

He looked around but no one knew the answer.

"It says: 'Know Thyself,' " he said, smiling and nodding. "And learning who you are is what you're here to do."

"I thought we were here to learn English," Jack cracked, which made everyone laugh.

"Oh yeah, and that, too!" Mr. Browne answered, which I thought was very cool of him. He turned around and wrote in big huge block letters that spread all the way across the chalkboard:



"Okay, so, everybody," he said, facing us again, "I want you to start a brand-new section in your notebooks and call it Mr. Browne's Precepts."

He kept talking as we did what he was telling us to do. "Put today's date at the top of the first page. And from now on, at the beginning of every month, I'm going to write a new Mr. Browne precept on the chalkboard and you're going to write it down in your notebook. Then we're going to discuss that precept and what it means. And at the end of the month, you're going to write an essay about it, about what it means to you. So by the end of the year, you'll all have your own list of precepts to take away with you.

"Over the summer, I ask all my students to come up with their very own personal precept, write it on a postcard, and mail it to me from wherever you go on your summer vacation."

"People really do that?" said one girl whose name I didn't know.

"Oh yeah!" he answered, "people really do that. I've had students send me new precepts years after they've graduated from this school, actually. It's pretty amazing."

He paused and stroked his beard. "But, anyway, next summer seems like a long way off, I know," he joked, which made us laugh. "So, everybody relax a bit while I take attendance, and then when we're finished with that, I'll start telling you about all the fun stuff we're going to be doing this year—in English." He pointed to Jack when he said this, which was also funny, so we all laughed at that.

As I wrote down Mr. Browne's September precept, I suddenly realized that I was going to like school. No matter what.


1. What room does August have English in?_____________________________________________________________________

2. Why do you think August hurries away from his classroom without waiting for anyone?


3. Based on this extract, what is August’s first impression of Jack Will?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What does Mr Browne tell the class a ‘precept’ is? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. List 5 things that students in the class tell Mr Browne are ‘really important things’

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

6. This is Mr Browne’s September precept ‘WHEN GIVEN THE CHOICE BETWEEN BEING RIGHT OR BEING KIND, CHOOSE KIND.’ What do you think it means? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.Why do you think Mr Browne teaches the pupils about precepts on their first day of school?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. What impression do you get of Mr Browne in the extract?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CHALLENGE questions

9. Can you find a quote that shows August feels on edge and anxious near the beginning of the extract? Explain how this quote shows he is anxious.


10. At the end of the extract August says ‘I suddenly realized that I was going to like school. No matter what.’ What do you think has made him feel this way?


Lesson 2

Find the meanings of the key words and use them in a sentence linked to Wonder.

Key word Definition Word used in a sentence about Wonder

Paranoid Feeling anxious and being unwilling to trust others due to fear.

August feels a little paranoid when Summer first tries to befriend him in the canteen.












Lesson 3You need to develop your ability to talk about how characters change throughout a text. This is called ‘mapping character development’. You are going to jog your memory to map the changes in these 3 key characters from Wonder. Remember you have to include references to the story to prove what they were like in the part compared to what they were like later. E.G. you might mention how at the start August was incredibly self-conscious and shy, for example he likes to wear his

astronaut helmet everywhere so that people can’t see his face and he is exceptionally quiet when he goes to visit his school for the first time.


Jack Will

At the beginning of the book August is… _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As the story progresses August changes a little and becomes more… _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By the end of the book August has undergone a significant transformation. He is… _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

At the beginning of the book Jack Will is… _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Via Pullman

As the story progresses Jack Will … _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By the end of the book Jack Will is… _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

At the beginning of the book Via Pullman is… _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 4

Thomas Edison

Occupation: Businessman and Inventor Born: February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio

At the beginning of the book Via Pullman is… _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As the story progresses Via becomes … _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By the end of the book Via is… _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Died: October 18, 1931 in West Orange, New Jersey Best known for: Inventing many useful items including the phonograph and a

practical light bulb


Thomas Edison may be the greatest inventor in history. He has over 1000 patents in his name. Many of his inventions still have a major effect on our lives today. He was also a business entrepreneur. Several of his inventions were group efforts in his large invention laboratory where he had lots of people working for him to help develop, build, and test his inventions. Edison used his inventions to form companies including General Electric, which is one of the biggest corporations in the world today. 

Where did Edison grow up? 

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847. His family soon moved to Port Huron, Michigan where he spent most of his childhood. Surprisingly, he did not do well in school and ended up being home schooled by his mother. Thomas was an enterprising young man, selling vegetables, candy and newspapers on trains. One day he saved a child from a runaway train. The child's father repaid Edison by training him as a telegraph operator. As a telegraph operator, Thomas became interested in communications, which would be the focus of many of his inventions. 

What was Menlo Park? 

Menlo Park, New Jersey is where Thomas Edison built his research labs. This was the first business or institution with the sole purpose of inventing. They would do research and science and then apply it to practical applications that could be manufactured and built on a large scale. There were a lot of employees working for Edison at Menlo Park. These workers were inventors, too, and did a lot of work on Edison's ideas to help turn them into inventions.

What are Thomas Edison's most famous inventions? 

Thomas Edison has the patents and credits for many inventions. Three of his most famous include: 

The Phonograph - This was the first major invention by Edison and made him famous. It was the first machine that was able to record and playback sound. 

Light Bulb - Although he did not invent the first electric light, Edison made the first practical electric light bulb that could be manufactured and used in the home. He also invented other items that were needed to make the light bulb practical for use in homes including safety fuses and on/off switches for light sockets. 

The Motion Picture - Edison did a lot of work in creating

the motion picture camera and helping move forward the progress of practical movies. 

Fun Facts About Thomas Edison

His middle name was Alva and his family called him Al. His first two kids had the nicknames Dot and Dash. He set up his first lab in his parent's basement at the age of 10. He was partially deaf. His first invention was an electric vote recorder. His 1093 patents are the most on record. He said the words to "Mary had a little lamb" as the first recorded voice on the



1) Where was Thomas Edison born?______________________________________________________

2) What did Thomas Edison do in order to be rewarded with training to be a telegraph operator?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3) Which of the following major corporations was founded by Thomas Edison? ________________________________________________

4) Where did Thomas Edison build his famous research labs?_______________________________________________________

5) True or False: Thomas Edison liked to work alone and created all his inventions by himself.______________________________________________________

6) What was the phonograph?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7) What was Thomas Edison's Middle name?_______________________________________________________

8) True or False: Thomas Edison had over 1000 patents to his name._______________________________________________________

9) Name 3 inventions is credited to Thomas Edison? _______________________________________________________10) What were the first words recorded on the phonograph?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 5Read the facts below about J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series of books, then turn these facts into an interesting biographical fact file. You can look up some extra facts and include them too if you want to challenge yourself further.

1) Joanne Rowling was born on 31st July 1965 at Yate General Hospital near Bristol.

2) J K Rowling was a bookworm as a child. The young Jo grew up surrounded by books. “I lived for books,’’ she has said.

3) When she was a child, Joanne would write fantasy stories that she would read to her sister, Dianne, who is just two years younger.

4) While developing the Harry Potter books, J.K. based Hermione Granger’s character on herself when she was 11 years old.

5) When J.K. Rowling was writing the first Harry Potter book, she and her daughter were staying with her sister. She didn’t have a stable income at the time and she was living off welfare benefits.

6) In 1990, Joanne was on a four-hour delayed train where the idea for Harry Potter became fully formed into her mind. Once she reached her destination, she started writing immediately.

7) Most of the writing done for Harry Potter, Joanne did in various cafes. She says one of the reasons she worked out of cafes is because taking her baby for a walk was the best way to get her to sleep.

8) J.K. Rowling submitted Harry Potter to 12 publishing houses and got rejected from all of them. It wasn’t until she sent it to Bloomsbury that she finally got a deal. The advanced payment for the book was only £1,500.

9) Although she wasn’t financially stable when she started writing, in 2004 J.K. Rowling was named the first person to become a billionaire by writing books.

10) Joanne’s favorite sport is basketball, which was the inspiration for the invention of Quidditch. When trying to come up with a name for the new sport, she tried the names Snitch, Bludgers, and Quaffle.

11) In 2012, J.K. Rowling gave away £160 million pounds in charitable donations, which knocked her out of the list of billionaires.

12) The first of the Harry Potter books was finished in 1995, typed entirely on an old manual typewriter.

Lesson 6Write an autobiographical piece about ‘A Day I’ll Never Forget’. Try and include the following 5 tips to make your piece of writing interesting:

1. A simile – for example ‘my heart was beating like a drum’

2. A sentence that begins with an ‘ly’ adverb3. Include a sentence starting ‘Looking back on it, I know

realise…’4. Use some ambitious words to describe your emotions –

for example instead of saying ‘happy’ say you felt ‘jubilant’.

5. Spice up your verbs – for example instead of saying ‘walked’ be more specific and say ‘strolled’ or ‘wandered’

‘A Day I will Never Forget’

‘A Day I will Never Forget’




Lesson 7Athena, daughter of Zeus

The Competition, Athena & Poseidon

Athena was a powerful and popular goddess in ancient Greece. Athena did not have a mother. She was born directly out of Zeus' brain, which is how she received her remarkable cleverness. She is sometimes also considered the goddess of war because Athena had the power to give skill, courage, and victory in battle to those who deserved it (in her opinion.)

Athena held a seat on Mount Olympus, on the council of twelve, the rulers of the gods. The other gods counted on Athena to be fair. Zeus admired Athena for her wisdom, kindness, and understanding. Even her moody uncle, Poseidon, had a special place in his heart for his niece, Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

As the story goes .... Every town in ancient Greece hoped a god would choose to look after the townspeople. Towns rarely had more than one god to keep an eye on their best interests because most gods did not share well. At this time in history, not every village had a god. Things were just getting started in ancient Greece.

Poseidon loved watching over towns. He usually picked coastal towns since he was the Lord of the Sea. Poseidon was a very powerful god. He was a moody fellow, but he loved his wife and children and he loved attention. He liked having people build temples in his honour and bring him gifts. They were not very useful gifts for a god of the sea, but he enjoyed getting them anyway. As Greece grew and developed, new towns sprang up all the time. Poseidon was always on the lookout for new coastal towns.

He was not the only god who loved to be in charge. Athena, along with other gods, enjoyed that role as well. One day, on the same day, both Athena and Poseidon noticed a new coastal village. They both claimed this village as their own. 

Most of the time, humans were grateful when they were selected to be under the care of a god. But two gods? That was one too many. Poseidon wanted the townspeople to chose which god they wanted - himself, or his niece, Athena. But the people did not want to choose. They could see only trouble ahead if they did.

Athena, goddess of wisdom, daughter of Zeus, understood their worry. She challenged her uncle Poseidon to a contest. Both gods would give the town a gift. The townspeople could decide which gift was the more useful.

Poseidon laughed his mighty laugh and accepted her challenge. He slapped his sceptre against the side of the mountain. A stream appeared. The people were excited. A source of fresh water was so important! But when they tried to drink the water, they discovered it was not fresh at all. It was saltwater!

Athena waved her arm and an olive tree appeared. The people nibbled at the olives. They were delicious! The people were excited. The olive tree would provide wood for building homes. Branches would provide kindling for kitchen stoves and fireplaces. The olives could be used for food. The fruit could be pressed to release cooking oil. It was wonderful.

But theirs was a coastal village. The people could not risk angering the Lord of the Sea, the mighty Poseidon. As it turned out, they did not have to choose. Poseidon chose for them. His laugh sent waves crashing against the shoreline. Poseidon proclaimed his niece the winner!

That's how a small village gained a most powerful and wise guardian, the goddess Athena, a guardian who helped them rise to fame. In her honour, they named their village Athens, which is now the capital city of Greece.


1. How was Athena born?


2. What qualities does Athena have?


3. Why did villages in Greece have only one God to look over them?


4. What kind of towns in Poseidon usually choose to look after and why?


5. Why did the people of the town not want to choose between Poseidon and Athena as to who should look after their town?


6. What competition did Athena and Poseidon decide would be used to settle who should look after the town?


7. What was the problem with the gift that Poseidon gave to the village?


8. What gift did Athena give to the people?


9. Why was Athena’s gift more useful than Poseidon’s gift?


10. Even though Athena’s gift was better, why were the people scared of choosing her over Poseidon?


11. How was the winner of the competition settled if the townspeople would not say which gift they preferred?


12. What was the name given to this village? Is it still a place today?


Lesson 8Look up the definitions to these key words and use them in sentences about Greek Mythology.

Key word Definition Sentence about mythology containing the key word

Courageous To be brave in the face of danger

Hercules is one of the most courageous demi-gods to exist. He completed his 12 labours without complaint.











Lesson 9The Myth of the Magical Rocks and Ares

Ares was the Greek god of war. He was the son of the king and queen of the gods (Zeus and Hera.) He was tall and good-looking and mean and self-centred. Ares loved bloodshed. When the ancient Greeks were at war, Ares often got involved. Ares would sometimes fight on the side of the Greeks, and sometimes fight against the Greeks. As the story goes .... Ares, the Greek God of War, did not care who won or lost a battle. He just liked war. 

Once upon a time, a long time ago, Ares, the Greek god of war, was fighting against the Greeks in a field in the northernmost tip of ancient Greece. The field was on the border of Macedonia, a country to the north. The Macedonians were forever crossing the line, trying to conquer the Greek city-states, one at a time. Ares kept a close eye on that field as a many a battle had been fought there. Ares did not wish to miss a good battle. Athena, goddess of wisdom, saw her half-brother, screaming and shouting happily, as the Greeks died around him. Athena believed the Greeks cause was just, as they were simply defending their home. She picked up a rock and threw it as hard as she could at Ares. Ares wasn't paying attention as usual. He was busy enjoying the bloodshed. The rock knocked him out cold. When he woke up, the battle was over. The Greeks had won! Ares never knew it was his sister, Athena, who had knocked him out of the battle! 

After that, nobody knows how but somehow, a rumour started that the great god Ares had been attacked by a magical rock! Nobody listened to the rumour, nobody that is except two young brothers. The brothers owned the field where battles kept happening and they were tired of the battles. It was very hard to grow crops while men were fighting. The boys had grown into giants! Well, not giants perhaps, but certainly tall and manly and strong. The boys quietly collected a huge stack of heavy rocks, hoping one of them would be a magical rock. Their neighbours thought they were building a wall to help protect their field from the Macedonians. But actually, they were waiting for Ares. They knew Ares would show up sooner or later, because Ares loved bloodshed, and many a battle had been fought in their field. Ares was bound to keep checking. Sure enough, one day, they spotted the great god Ares in their field! They threw rocks at him. They were very fortunate that one of their rocks hit Ares and knocked him out cold before Ares noticed what they were doing. The boys quickly stuffed Ares into a huge vase and plugged the top securely. 

Ares was stuck in that vase for a very long time. And for a very long time, the brothers lived a peaceful life. No battles were fought in their field. Their crops flourished. Their neighbours to the north became their friends. Ares might still be in that vase today if one of the brothers had not bragged to a neighbour about what they had done. The god Hermes heard about it. (Sooner or later, Hermes heard about everything.) 

Hermes rescued his brother, not that Ares said thank you. But Ares never came back to that field, thinking perhaps that the tale of magical rocks was true! The brothers were able to live in peace.


1. Who was Ares? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What was Ares like?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Did Ares always fight on the side of the Greeks in war?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. How did Athena feel when she saw her brother celebrating during the war between the Greeks and the Macedonians even though lots of people were dying? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. What did Athena do to stop Ares?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. What rumour emerged about the rocks on the battlefield?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. What did the two brothers who owned the battlefield begin to do with the rocks? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. When Ares came back to the battlefield what did the brothers do?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Whilst Ares was locked away what happened to the crops on the battlefield?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Who rescued Ares and how did they know he was there? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now turn the myth into a comic strip that tells the key events in the story in picture form.

Lesson 10Read the plot of Julius Caesar and turn it into a 6 frame

storyboard that clearly retells the key events. Select the most important parts that are essential to understanding the plot.

The citizens of Rome gather to celebrate Julius Caesar’s triumphant return from war. They adore Caesar and would like him to become their King

Cassius and Brutus are senators. They feel that Caesar is becoming too powerful and too much like a king, they are very worried Caesar will become a tyrant. Cassius talks to Brutus about overthrowing Caesar.

Cassius and his fellow conspirators visit Brutus to discuss their plot to murder Caesar at the Senate. Brutus’ wife, Portia, is worried and begs Brutus to tell her what's happening but he refuses. 

Caesar’s wife, Calphurnia, warns Caesar to stay indoors as she has dreamt about his death but Caesar is persuaded to go to the Senate by one of the conspirators. 

Caesar is stabbed to death by the conspirators on the steps of the senate. Brutus delivers the final wound.

Antony, who was friends with Caesar, shakes hands with the conspirators. When he is left alone, Antony curses the murderers and talks of revenge.

Brutus and Antony speak to the crowd at Caesar’s funeral. At first the crowd support Brutus but when Antony shows them Caesar’s wounds and reads his will, the crowd turn against Brutus and the conspirators flee the city. 

Brutus and Cassius gather an army to fight against Antony. They argue before the fight and Brutus sees a vision of Caesar’s ghost.  

Brutus is hopeful in battle but Cassius hears a mistaken report that his own troops are losing and kills himself. When his army is defeated, Brutus refuses to be captured and also kills himself.

Antony wins the battle and praises Brutus’ honour. Antony returns to rule Rome, with Caesar's great-nephew Octavius.

Lesson 11Find the definitions of the key words listed below and then use the correctly in a sentence about Julius Caesar.

Key word Definition Sentence about Julius Caesar containing key word












Lesson 12Answer the quiz questions with all the information you know about Julius Caesar1) Who is known for being a sneaky and dishonourable character and why?

9) Why does Caesar wife not want him to go to the Senate?

2) Why are Cassius and Brutus worried about Caesar?

10) Why does Cassius call Caesar a colossus?

3) When does Caesar faint? How might this have been seen by a Shakespearean audience?

11) How is Caesar assassinated?

4) What are the ‘Ides of March’? 12) What do the people of Rome offer Caesar and how does he react?

5) Who is the ringleader of the conspiracy and what is the conspiracy?

13) After Mark Anthony gives his speech after Caesar’s death how do the people of Rome react?

6) Why does Brutus believe he is saving Rome by killing Caesar?

14) Does Brutus want to take Caesar’s place after his death?

7) What is the Senate? 15) Why is Caesar suspicious of Cassius?

8) Who is the tragic hero in the play and why?

16) Who was on the throne of England when Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar?

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