week 4 classroom skill

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Developing classroom skills

    ELE 3102

    Week 4

  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Questioning techniques

    Central to interactive teaching is the active use ofquestions.

    Questions help to:

    * actively involve students in the lesson

    * arouse students interest and curiosity

    * focus attention on a particular pointy orconcept

    * encourage students to form and express ideas basedon what is discussed

    * encourage students to form the habit of askingquestions

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Types of questions

    Questions are used for a variety of purpose. E.g.:

    Do you have a garden at home?

    What kinds of plants grow there vegetables or flowerplants?

    Can you tell us more about the plants in your garden? 1stquestion: focuses on students attention on the topic of

    the day -> plants

    2ndquestion: draws on students previous knowledge andprompt them by providing two categories of plants

    3rd question forces student to think more thoroughly abouthis first answer and requires a clearer, detailed answer

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Types of questions

    Questions therefore has three types:

    focussing questions

    prompting questions

    probing question

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Questioning techniques

    The art of good questioning involves:

    Distribution: do not direct questions at a fewbright students or use a mechanical system

    such as proceeding row by row. Distributequestions at random to cover the whole class

    Wait time: students need time to think of

    their answers> they need time to formulate ananswer as well as build confidence to make aresponse

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Questioning techniques

    Redirection : you can increase the amount of

    student participation by asking a number of

    students to respond to the same question,

    e.g.: Chye Leng lives five kilometres from

    school. What form of transport can he use to

    get there? Alex? -> car.. Lee? -> bicycle.


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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Questioning techniques

    Phrasing: Questions should be clearly phrased

    and should not be more complex than the

    answers required. Ask questions which are

    relevant to your lesson objectives using

    language that is familiar and easily


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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Responding to the learners

    1. Reinforcement:

    Skinner (behavioural psychologist) ->

    responses which are rewarded tend to be


    Reinforcement conveys the message to the

    student that his response or behaviour is

    desirable and it can be used to:

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    increase students attention

    maintain motivation

    encourage independent thinking improve student behaviour

    reinforcement can be positive (praise, award,

    star, point) or negative (detention, warning)

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Types of reinforcement

    a. Verbal reinforcement

    b. Using gestures and movement

    c. Activity reinforcementd. Token reinforcement

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Responding to the learners

    2. Correction

    When a student makes incorrect response a

    teacher will have to identify if it is a mistake or

    an error

    A mistake is an occasional slip, in incorrect

    form which the student can correct by

    themselves. e.g.: he are going, she are eating


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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill



    Three types of error according to Hubbard et.

    al. (1983):

    1. Mother-tongue interference

    2. Overgeneralization

    3. Errors caused by teaching

    ->> please refer to ELT Methodology: Principlesand Practice (pp.: 288)

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  • 7/31/2019 Week 4 Classroom Skill


    Dealing with errors:

    What to correct

    When to correct

    How to correct

    ->> please refer to ELT Methodology: Principles

    and Practice (pp.: 288)

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