week 6 pascoe and hegemonic masculinity

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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G101, Summer II


Review: hegemonic Masculinity, Compulsory masculinity, & Masculinity and Sexuality in youth

Female Masculinity (ch. 5)

Pascoe, July 19, 2010

1. How is gender performative? Define the term or describe a situation

from Dude, You’re a Fag,” that demonstrates gender as performative.

2. What is fag discourse?

Quiz #3

Review: Performativity Gender is unstable and thus requires constant

attention and repetition to maintain the illusion of a natural, coherent, unified gender presentation.

Gender is accomplished through a stylized repetition of acts.

Individuals must constantly, unconsciously or consciously, cite or reference established gender norms in order to project a legible gendered identity.

Review: Performativity1)Heterosexualizing processes at school

2)Compulsive heterosexualityhegemonic masculinity

3)Fag Discourse

Review: Compulsive heterosexuality  Excitement felt as sexuality in a male supremacist

culture which eroticizes male dominance and female submission.

1)No sissy stuff- Men are active, women are passive objects

2)Big Wheel- success = Control of women, number of sexual partners

3)Sturdy Oak- Not emotional attachment or romance, but merely sex

4)Give ’em hell- Aggressive, dominating interactions

Review: Rape paradigm/Culture A culture in which masculinity is

predicated on overcoming women’s bodily desires and control. A culture in which rape and other sexual violence (usually against women) are common and prevalent attitudes, norms, practices, and media condone, normalize, excuse, or encourage sexualized violence.

Review: Fag Discourse Masculinity as Repudiation (“no sissy stuff”)

Not just invoking or citing gender norms.   Also requires repudiating or renouncing those

qualities or individuals who are cast out of socially validated gender and sexuality categories.

Constitutive outside/ abject identity/OTHER Imagine gender as a box…..

Review: Multiple Masculinities Model Hierarchy largely, but not exclusively,

based on adherence to norms

Categorized in terms of relative degrees of power and privilege

Concept derived by Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)

Describes the way dominant classes (genders, nations, etc.) maintain their power – not by (just through) brute force but by achieving legitimacy, winning “consent,” and making their rule appear commonsense or simply “the way things are.”

Hegemony is maintained (and must be continually maintained: it is an ongoing process) by dominant groups and classes ‘negotiating’ with, and making concessions to, subordinate groups and classes’ hegemony doesn’t imply oppression (although oppression might be

present); it depends upon negotiation, stability, consensus

Popular culture comes to be viewed as the terrain upon which hegemony is secured or contested . . . Examples?

Constant battle between hegemonic and counter-hegemonic forces – (remember Foucault, power is diffuse… think of the “green movement” and the commercialization of going green….)


Hegemonic masculinity Idealized version of masculinity at a particular

time and place- Unattainable for most men Gender practices that support gender inequality At the top of masculinities hierarchy 2 meanings:

1) The unattainable ideal masculinity/males are measured against and

2) the embodied representatives of that masculinity who present enough traits to be recognized as hegemonic

Complicit Masculinity Masculine individuals who reinforce and

benefit, at least to some degree, from hegemonic masculinity.

Masculine individuals who benefit from hegemonic masculinity, but do not enact it.

“Patriarchal dividend”

Marginalized masculinity Masculine individuals who are

positioned powerfully in terms of gender practices/presentation, but not in terms of race or class.

Subordinated masculinity Men who are oppressed by definitions of

hegemonic masculinity

Gender maneuvering: The ways in which groups act to

manipulate relations between masculinity and femininity as others commonly understand them.

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