wetlands action plan -pakistan

Post on 03-Apr-2015






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This is the first Policy document on Wetlands of Pakistan, jointly prepared by the National Council for Conservation of Wildlife, Ministry of Environment, Pakistan and WWF-Pakistan in 2000.









xforld ||,lde tmd lot lltlurG-Irllslrn

ll0ll0nrl c0lncll 101 li0nr0nad0n 0f slildlll0Min si.yolEnvnondent, tocol Govr.

ond Rlrol Deve opmeir.Government ot Pokisicn.

tsBN - 969-8283-03-X

Syed Noiom KhuBhid

. T€chnkolluppod prcvided by:Mr Udeed Khdlid, NCCW, klomobod, Pokiltdn.MrAli Hosnoin & ̂ ! Rohol Jobeen, WWF " Pokision.

Cover Photogrophs:Aview of Hol€ii Loke, Sindh.Enreie lelt, HoleiiLoke, Sindh.Eilrem€ isht, White Heoded Duck.

Syed Noiom Khu6hid.

D*isned & Printod by:Mosmedio, Korochi-Pdkislon


' t 2

r .3 l

2 .1 .3

3 .1


313 l


A. Intodudion ro Pdkisiont weilonds

woi€r Resou(es o{ PokLron

Dive6ion ot Rive. Worer inio L.riqdrion sv$eh

Cod$ol oid Estudine Wetlonds

Ths lmpodon.e of Biod ve6iry

Vienoid spe( es lor P.ioit Aciion

Threors to werldnd E otYrtenjIhreob ro w€rLond l_lobiroisRe!u.lion in worer Flow

Ove. Expblrdiion or RssouKesSed Level Rke in Cod$olA€dsso init ond worerloqs'nsIhreors ro Wet ond SPe.les

lntodud on ol Exolk species

Inludi.ious Use ol Tournm

ldnorcne / lo([ ol AwoEnesA:hena ol suroLndb e Pesourcs MLmllsd Flnonciol R6sau(e5Ldck ol Ahernoiives tor CofrmunitLo.[ ol Enforcmsnt dnd LeqkLdr]on

Ldck ot Oord lor S.ieniific Monos.meni

Wellqnd CoGed.tlon In PdkBkn

Governhenr BoJies ond rhek ResPonslbilit 6

hkmdm; cdwnrloB&rcdies n Relorion ro Poknron

Role ol No^ Goy€r.menrol o4onndnon5

5 l

WwF Pokision ondwerlond Con5erorioiUCN ond wei ond consedorion

4 werlonds dnd People

Donrudio. ond Overutiliition oJEconomi( Undervdluorion of weildnd3

Ldck ofAherndrives fof Lacolc.mmunii 6s

Iniestur nq conseroiion ond Deve opm€ntCommuniry Podic potionlmprcvins So.io-e.ononi( voluotions or werldnd3M€osures ro Minihiu e Exce$ivs Use oI ResolrcesConsedorion Edu.drionwdnen in werldnd conservorion

ne.omnend.ri6ns dnd Required Adlont

tegisrotons / conto / Poli.ies

woreGhed / cdtchmenr Mdidsenenr

Inlomdiion / Dorobdse / Gls

Moniroanq ond Evo uotionr'dions by Non Govemm€nrol or9virh Govarnmanr asencies

Conseryolion of Hobirdt dnd Spe.ies


Dlfierenr Types ol WsilondsAn Orervisw of the werlonds ol Pokisiod

c eid lor werlonds oI Inrerndlionollmpodonca

Convenrion on Biolosicol Diwairy lCBo)Convsdion on lnrehdilond Trde oI Endcnsered


Pok sron n o .ounlry wh.h co r boon ot o r.h oid .hv'"Ee voreiv or ecosv5iemr, exlend ns rrom

ihe.oono wetlonds oi S ndh ond Boocrisl!n r:h€ sourlr, to the high olrltud nolwetlonds nthe

nodh Eoch eco5ynem svro lorlhe e:ci.n.e olthe mony I llerenl spe.ies of {oro ond folno

th . i€xs l in $s .ounr+ l . ln lo r tunorey , h sh pop!o to i g rowih ond low i ts rocvrores .oup ledwlh

rh€ ac l . f f i s .o l resourcerhoveer .ou lsedhshyunsus lonobeuseso lou lsco €ror .es

Th€ resur s tho tweore tunn inqouto l t imcJorcponondrebu d ou ' env ronmeni in . wdv rho i

!v e.s!re the.onrinued eii5lence olour noluro hoblots

\4el.nd.onseaoloi i Pokston has oLs. suf{ered !reoly ove. ihe ostlelvdecodes gnoran.e

d id e .onom G hov€ 1o(ed p€op e ro use ond sbuse w€r onds w i lhou |h i .k i rs obout the

.on5equen.es As wetdnds 1.. ude mo. ie and lreshqoler @sources, rhev p ov o cfu.iol.. e in

ouown survlvo Yel rhere hos been io.o..eded ellodbdev€.p o poi.vornroteor wirh r€qard

1o wel aid .onsedaton

Todo, however, ihe sov€rnmeit ol P.ksron ros.ome ro reoiize the nognrude o|re $ueond

hos eideovor€d 1o pllJolether o .ohesive \4etonds A.r on P on, which .on prov de glidon.e

aid srroresy for rhe mony stokehllded involved The most impononr slokeholde6 ore 01.o!6e

rhesenero pub l i . , e5pe.o lypeo. l€ l i rn ! rondoroundw€to .dorcosondthosewhoa€dre . rvdependent upon 6e resources lh€y.onlo:n oirertalehoderei..udetheprovin.io sov€rnnenldep. r lmenh, l re Wi ld l i l€ Deponnren l , F isher ies Depo '1men1, l sd lon Depor r 'en l Provn.o

EPA, oco NGOs oid CBOS dnd eNnonmenl. NOO5 They o1lh.v€ o responsibilry t. €nsure

$or resources die used ln o susta iobl€ monner oid rhdred equ rob v' wh.h n ahv rhe Wetands

A. r ion P lan is to rse led 1o enhonce the i f ro e . w€r lond .onsenor lon ond manogeme. l .

Th s . . ron p€n b€s ins - h on ove tu iew o{ PaIs ron 's seogroph] o .d ine ssn lcon t wer .nds i r

.ontdins I provdei s.omp€ie hsrory and lhe .urcnl stolus ol rhe ror€r.esolrces ol Pokiston

Th6e ore fo l lo r€d by the de f in i ion o id .o$ i l co l ion o lwe l londs os opproved s lobo l l v An

overvew olrhe impodail lrpes ofwetands pre5ent in Potnl€n 5lollowed bv o descrploi o{lhe

b od ve6 ly .onloined oid supponed bythese wel oid e.osynems. The rhreoh rowelloids os ae

05lhe ro.i.o!s€s oJ luch rhreols orc I vci, fo owed by $!es iivolvfq people ond {crlonds

o iw€ l ospo$b€so lu ionsrounsunonobeuseso lwe londs There soseporo techoFterdevoredto the ro e o{ sove,nmenl, posl and cuftenr l€g soiion o. weionds, r€sponsiblliles o{d flerenr

€v€ r o l sovernmenl os we l as the r . e o l NGOq in env r .nmento .onsedar on

P€nuliimor€ly, lhis docuhenr p.esenr5 a list ot rc.onm€fdol onr ond requ red a.non lrror nrust

beundedo[enbyreevdnrs ]o l€hodeEl l lhso . i .np lon s to be b .oush l 1o l i l € l l p rovdes

sovenmeniand NGO P onneE ond mofoe€6 w th o cohesve slroregt ofwhotrced5to be dond

t wetlonds ore 1o be comercd for preseni.nd luiure qeierolois. The docum€ni €nds wlh o

oo l o he n€ : t neFs dr mmedoreo. lo i r€q lned,whc6.anprovdeopor fomloro l lu lu feo . ron w l rh r€sard ro impemen l ins thc recommendd lo is s l v€n n thc Fon .


Ths oclion pdn s on ofiemptto inviblhe onenlion olihe relevo governmeil depodm€nts ond

noturliste towords the .o.seootion o{ rhe wetlonds o{ Pakiston Ai efion hos been mod€bwods

Jhecompotonot lmpor ian tn lomolonobou i thewel londso lPokk lonondf ieProb lemsdndchoilenses conlront ng lhem.

Whie prepdrl.q thG oci on pon, thevi€wsond commentso{ the etpe'ts wo4hg onihewetlonds

oI the country,lhe orgonh.tons o$ocioled w th wetlond consetuotion reseorch or suryevs, ond

n . p 'oo ' r ' o ing rh ' ^e o oc -o \e oaFn o oo 'o rd

nlhedo.ument$e vorlous{uncnons ol wellonds ii on ecosvstem hore been briellv menlioned

The md n orob ems wh ch the wetonds o{the countrv ore generollvloc nq hove oso been

highllghted. Fu/rher,lo achieve the Romsor Convenliorls concepl of wise ur of w€t ond reso!rces,

vorious opprooches kecommunrypdrlicipoton,osdrenessond€ducoliondloclivili€serc hdve

oko been dhcu$ed Pokisto. is obigolorvb$e RomsorConvention, so$s hds been disc!$ed

in detoi.In the end, desiroble oc.ion ro tocklelhe probl€ms hos been discussed 'nd lhe octions

1o betoken bythe.oicen€d deponm€nh ond osencies hove been po nbd out llishopedlhol

the oroonisoliont ond depodments will feel lhe need 10 moke on efion ond initioi€ oclionlowdds

the soiution ollhe problems eloied to rhem on pon.u or issles. We ore optimislic ihot through

coleclive 6ffod, Pokiston's welloids wilbe coietoed whll€ slsloinob e uliGolion offien resources

willconlln!e. This plon will sefre os o rc{e@ice book for olllhose inrereJed in lhe wel ond


There o.e lew n€{ devcopmenJs, wh.h werennobdof te r thsp .nrdssen l to rpub.o lo iThese n . ude o new pro led fo r PoL ndn 'svel !ndr ond de.lfiorlon ol e shl new weil. rds

I Proleclion ond Monogemenl otPdkis to. Wei londs Proie c t :

Ihe o 'e f . l ob ledve o l rh s p ro e . l s rounded.te ihe ie.e$.ry preForotorr worl( oidjoy d s ro is foundo on jo r the sL . .e$ lu lmFh,nen l lon o l . iu s .o le GEF. ,oe . r on1r . Pro te . l .n o id Mcncoet re i r o i Po l nonWer .nd5 rpe . io y lo r thc .onseno lon ondrunc i .oo e use o l lhe boLos c . . l ve6 ly o iPotGlon's \'€londs resour.es. The on! r€, ngoo o:1re po c.r s ro nr€nglhen lovernmenlo.d o.o ..p..ry 1o orote.i oid moncqe 35 sel€.red rcpese.l.r ie ond slobo ly5 si li..nire l .nd .omp eres n P . l i s lon An impor to . teqr renenr r f rh s CtF , ' l lNDP suppor ted

pro le . r i s lh l l ihe loo be o .h eved vh een5'r nq suno nable humon deve opm€ni bym.ximis ng e..ogico ond €.onom c ben€Uh

lor p fesen i os re as r l lu ,e se ie r . l . i sWWF P.k is ton s .ondu. rns 11 ,s leos ib y . idponn ng .omponen l o l lhe .oe . r i kno ,n osPDF B phase r thn phose ong lerh p .i.c|r lbe prep.red Anefo thoro!qh..in,lr.lircpro .ess iou q obo y 5 sn l .€ i r v r . ld .d

i'e5rmenl Th€se llerlonds rcp,e5.nl ..dnd(Me[ , .n Coos lo ! r ' c l d ids comp e i ) , o r dicen l ra nd6 v /d londs Comper ) , s€mi . rdlS . l Ron!eweronds C.nr r ,ex i .nd h i l rh op ne

lNodh'€nenAp ne rctcnds comp dluelcid

2. New Romsor Si les of Pokis lon:

Bosed on o s€re5 ot o sutucls condL.red byIUCN Pokislon ond supporled by !O!F P.l e.ieiqhl5le5 we.e deit'ed cid re.on,nend.ronuse ibm ned ro 1r oolerrmenl !r Pok nanlo on$,ord l ran5n i is i .a 1o ihe Ro in5 . rse . re r ! ro t1o dec . re ih . !e s e ! os R.ms. r5 res . lhe Io j low in ! s res Ie re rh . . . ro r . ledl id ,€ re des sn . led .s R. t . , s Ies n t l . r2001 Pc t s lo i n . i hos s i i l€e r s i ,es

Eidqic+r 6 ofqd c oNjosn,urJ

trLri' is durj l?i)l iflr4alr r i mr,$otr!r \v rl


AWC Aslonwole.fowlcensusCBD Convenlion on Bioloqicol D veGlry

CBOS Conmuniiy Bosed OrsonGolionsCCA ConolCommond Ar€oCIEs Coivenion on Intehotiono Trcde ol

Endonqered Species ol Floro & Founo

CMS Convention on Migrdtory SpeclesDFO Dhrricr For€n Olfi.erEP Environmenrol Protect on Aqe.cyEPD EnviormenloProlectonD€porh€niGIS GeogrophicolnlormolionsFlemsGDP G6s Domenlc Produci

CBP Inlernolionol Counciltor Bild Preseryoton

UCN TheWorld Consedoion UnlonWRB .leriol onol wet .fd Reseo..h Bu€ou

IBOD te{t Bonk Ourfol Droin

^lAF MlllionAcre FeelMT Mllion TonnesNCCW NolionalCounci Ior Co.seMtion olwid lle

NCS Norlonol Consetdtion StoteqyNDP Nal lonolD@i idgeProsrcmmeNGO Non- Governmenlo OrsonsoiionNEOS Notono Envnon m€nt Quolit StondardsNWFP Nodh West Fronller ProvinceNWMC Ndtiono Werlond Monogemenl CommilreePtA Po'llcipotory Leorn nq ondAcliorPPm Pons pe.millionPM Port cipolory Ruro ApproisdlPIDC Pokis'o. Tourism Developmenl CorporclonRBOD RiSh'BonkOudol lDrdnSCARP Solinty Conirc did Reclomolion Proje.r

WAPDA Wolerond PowerSuppy Dev€lopment AufiontWWF P World Wide Fund For Nolu@ Poiastan

ZsD Zoologl.olSuN€yDeportmenl

t,i,w'bi' ',i




Ramsar Sites of Pakistan

=1-2 tu- s1-5@we1-7n



, ' i r , . r l . . t . ; r . rJ . ; r . le . r t / : i .7 ,80L l , i r la _ . in i - i / aa l i I r l . l h . ! .. e . . l l . r r f i Ea : , t l . r l Th : .o rn ,

n . f t . ,d nor , r . ,P f r l s , r .n r l1 ! . . . . r l . r rh : r . 1 ' . .n . l . r . i l .

. l r . i ;1 . i . . : : , i l e rd ' . l - r , . f . . i . ' , .1, l ,e : r ! ! i . , r l , . . 1 r f !

P o p L . . r I r ! n , , i lr l e l r r c d f r . . . u , r . r J . r e s l . P ! h .

L ' .s :u ie r r . r .5 in ! . , . r h r . l . r .1 . . r . . rn . lr . r .us p . f PT. m. 1 I . ]L , . 1 . . . r c l. . r : . r . r .1 .1 . l i . . n . r, . e . r rc r r I ! , f 1 ,3 ! , : l . l e , . . r n r ,e

. .unny ' ,h . i r . s l r 1 . . n : . ! r ' . , rn1 . .1 thep r c b e n . l . . n ; e 1 . 1 . _ , , . r ! r , j i : , - i , l

. r d w o n l . n ! ! . . 1 i . J , . . j . ! . e . a . . r i l

. @ r e r i : n f . . ! r t . b e i . l t o : , r ' . , d 5 : , h e

, " r . r .nds i P . l nxn . rp ,1d . r 'h , . . r i , .m! . r ious 1 . .e i , F .m. t ' .m .ng r " .1 , sncnA1. . rqh mon oL. t r r r n ln l -s lu le . :p o re l

i . iu i r . r .b e n . r re r to r.e1ru f . \ , u . . i L n . r . r . l r . €o5 in rF iopu u . r p resuG ! rd m 9ror .n r .s n ! .n l1l oi .ur enr poliern5 .{ r.. {r uio!. .re ro.n !e r suna rdb . 5ubsr . . I . . e .se . ld_"no.ds no,n u,rr.n !r.!sio liole. r€50!rce5hove ed 1o the .onnr!.]ion .l C.m:, boii.ges,in igo l ion sys i€m5, e t . , . re .1ng odd i r ionobuden5 W€tiond ecolyslcns provde. wide@nqe ot s€rv.es thal arc very lnporlofl lorwot€rfo{, mony ofrhich or€ loken lor sr.nledl i government p lonn ins ond deve lopmenlpro .esses o fd

P.i r.n'. .;,"a,r !.. r I 3 r r . r { , r j L ' . e . 1 . , . t ' . r . r es ,, r 1 r h9 l , ! . . ] f ! r . ! r es . b . r , r a ' ! . l , r e

' u r3 j l r r L . i r e I . . . r . ! l r e : . r 9 .1 ; lT s :oi r.u: r. !fier i !r.rrlr.1. -. rrl

r r . r 5 . r l 1 r . . l . , e - r , e , . ! . . . n . q r o { l. : p r i 1 l . ! . r t u . ! r . l t r r . u ! r l

! ! r j . 7e l , : . . . r i n . re 5 5uL r i I r en . r lr : r , . . 15 . . r . ! . 1 . t r _ l n r . l' e : i . ? .1 .1 t L ru t . r , . 1 ,1o 1 , . . . . , n , t i r t . r l

r. a.1. .tr.t i!. i;. _ 1r Al rresir, .1r.r .lr r . l in . .1 r . . , l r n . r . , , . ! r ! r , , ' l r r . .f . . e r rp , . l e r . i t , . , . n . i f t i . J :d z3 l. . 1 ! _ ! r , . i , i l ! , r ! r d , r . r l r u \ . L : . i . . . , r . f

1 . . : ! r , 0€ , n B . , i , r n , l T l . r r . J r r , ' r . 1

5n0 l_ The . . i . r . r r r . oL . i l l . r n rcn

! : . r i i L , l L i . , r q u l . i . i d ! . . i . ! i F . i s . l

n l . . J , n . i r p r . i i , , e i rne ro r . l s re i , ! r r i . h

, i , i , . r ! i , : . i . l . l . r : . r e . i e . l ' i l h i rhe . i , l l i !,/!f,i ..!.v.r rhese

"rer. rls.GiovsrHei rs

in . ! r . ! i i o f l e . ! . n r ro l remer i r r l e. rh . 'e r . rcsrs . re re ng .ur

a l r r u i su r . i . b e , . e | h . . u r e i r : . , e . ia. l . i .no i .n s I9 kn , reo ' l

L.or.icil soi s !r.$red iiro,fe r/er syremsar ! r h ro i r . les po .e , ihereby redu. . ! r rher . spo i o l d . rs ond r€se , ro iE N l lu ro

frerords ore ! so su+e.ng be.ouse ih€ woterIor sunolrinq then ere5 s b€ing d v€rred inoderro Iullll Jhe demo.ds ol osrl.ujuollondsThe woterthoi does reochlh€ noturolwellondsis gener.iy ode. with sii,lerllzerond pesricidetuno{, cousins odd lionolprob ems of silolionond eutophicolion.

Res.ui.g ond consery ng voinrin! spcces tr

no t lhe o iswer 1o ong r€ rm Progres5 ln

co .se vo ion I rhe esLr l s . l shor l t€ rm

neos! ,es . r .10 lo f , / r .do i .on l . r r shou d

ire resolved The lenero pJb, . ord tulure

gcnerol:.ns mun be nrolivored towo.d5 ior!re

core f rd ' rn lh rouqhe.v ro i rn€n lo ledu.o i .noid o\rorcn€$ pr.qromnr€5oid NGO5vri. hove on inreresi n.orretoroi

shou d be i . vo l led in rhe ponn:g pro .€$€s

Ths is lhe ony !abe s .Lu lon I t l s t noSle '

resour.e u5e ob e.lves ore lo b€ o.lr eved


Pokn.n i th. se'€nth d/gcs,.oun]ry i Asio,

l v i th .n . € . o1803, t04 In l s borCercd br

ro r , A lsbor ( lc r , CNin ! o rd nd . o ldhor

o /er a lO00 t - . . . s i ln . o l . iq rhe Arob. i

5e . A !ou ' 60%. i rhe lnd s no ! . l . ino !s

o id the /en s ov .n . , sens ,o l r be low 300

m Pots rdn ros . v . re \ o l lap . l ropr r . imar . l

5o o .d p . i1 .o !€ r , and ro .es n . i l

env' oimenlo .ro lerges be..Jse otils ulr.Jed

r .pogrophy , . i d . m! le , lnunao l o .s c . . l

Th€re . e i re€ phyr . g ' .p r l . , l r r .ns rh€

noine n nou.l.ins, rlre rcsierr lrigir. rds o r.

rhe l1d !s p . ins re ro ! i l . iD 's eoons ,

.o is i l rg ! ; he I no oy .s , l l rd ! Ku lh .nd

Ko, . [ .nh , . re t ]e cor .hnen arcos o l r re

rve^ ii Potcr.i. The wesie n h sh ond5.onsisr

oJ ,nu .h o f N\ , 'Fq Bo o .h s ro . ond Pu i .b ,

ond or€ rep.rcr€d I .m rhe Nonh.rnAtcs b!

1 i \e ( .b ! r RNer Ih . rc . e o ser€5 o td .y o rer

h i l l s su .h ds r re Su. n . i .nd K dh ! rd . l res

. id thc B . o .hnon o : r r l Povor Po ie .Js The

ropo! rphy i lhsse . reo5 5 .hdr . . ie r :ed o l

slecp, octl rlopes, ord !..eiruoied byd€epn.ecm : r .s o r ExposeC bo e ! .ks w lh . ! i

so , cove . rc \ I b e , ond i e€ r . r .5

der ! .ped, 1 i5 . r ' i i ' eneer ih . le r res ldL !

so ls .an b€ jo l id on sen l le , so .es ond nmou onv . eyr The l rdus p .n rarc l . -ne . lby o iuv r i r lep .s i led bY r ie . .1 !5 onn hl r iburor€s The l id l r i .ppror . . te { 2 taotnr ons and hos o ..r.i\'ne.r c:ec ol nr.,sthdn 96:,000 5q km. lrere the lop.qrophy i5mar?e. l b ! ser : e und! o l on Thc rear ivevhlgh.r of€os dre .overed w,1h s. rd ord lre

orer b .s i s r th o r r r . . y . A5 ropo l i ron \

o so ollc.a sc r.te, .cr:enr, ...ver s orei.re qe d,a ned whereos.on..ve orels sufi€rl rom poor d ro nose l i o rcos o{ .w 'c i t .

ond l im l .d Iood ns , the depG$io .5 o4 Lkc y

ro hove o t.lne soi i$r€.s hshe,.reos rcleion{oLne s .L Tre ,evcGe s l tue nc€os . l5 !her r . n ;o io r Ceep I ood i -d


V/o le r .esor . * . f Pd ls io f . .mo,c !do .eiu i . l l l .m. . i . )nen o ,€ . r . r l r s rLUs i i r . r

synenr o"d ro n l . i .e .o , . r , .en ' . , c . . l rhenCB. .d x1 'b !o rs 5 sp c .d o 'e .9 '1 '1 ,5685q kn , , .u i . i rh .h 561,250 5q l r . s nP. ls ron The uppe . . l .hm€ 'J o ieos , sone. l! v . . i . so e n P l l s ro r , o€ q ! i l . . : re is Je

onC so o ,c ro ns c rd 5n .wf . . ! . i h hL l r

. eos lhe surlo.€ ui oli resu lis lfD o '5

.nd snof rmc I i s .pxor a ro i . , i l5 i 'n r o l

. . . I .d \1 r i . r r . re io i n l l i . .n l ' . meerie genu ne 1eed. . l o9 ' .u ru€ , n 'Ju : r r . . r

i ru ror .onru F , ron Tre ro i r l c . i525 l t6

sq km o lLoror o f r . ie . l . rea s es r1 . fl50 rn , !hd , s rx , i ! " t 5 rhe onys .u , .e. l rep .n sh i ,e i i o1 15 ground!1o le esere !5n . ! re I . . in b l res o .ou l 35 i i i lF o _ i .

1 .1o i r i c * o f l re rdur R re r sys :er 5 n .c , r r,vere r i * i ln r enens ive go .er . r .os n lheno!n la ns ihe id !s , Chefob ond 5u le lhore oho 'c l0% ' rh i€ lhe un , Beos on , l Ra 'l.ove b€iw-"en lqi.nd 4?i, ol then.or.hmenor€o .ov€red by pc 'n .nen l s o . ie6 T l res .cvrm€l l , . . .o r r l i iS 1o ! . re l l l e n r !Se 'e : ,

n . r l s l ron Ar i ' o rd 511% o l r ie b .s l

becomes lree liom sow by rhe end .r ltn€

The remo n ins 50% d l snow.over k€eps

mellng rhrolqh thesummer A rec€sslon torts

n snownet hydro-orophs low.rds ihe end ot

August l ll i h t rhe bose Ilow in O.rober

l lowever , l8 % o f ihe s iow covered oreo

remo ns dnoffected ond does nol seelhe tht

Among ihe th .€e hyd io os co i zones o l the

counr ry vz the R iver l fd !s bos n , the . losed

bos i . o f the ar id de5ed o l Khoron, .nd rhe

Mok.on codstolbosin, ihe Indus born is lrr€

ony one wh.h hos quo l t i€s to r lo .e ond y e jdwote. Seepose ond I ood sp s ol the rver

sysrem.oilrbur€ ro srouidwoi€r of the bosi.

Rver , o r 'nore o .cur . tey , vo €ys n Kro .an

dnd Mo[ r .n , o re nor dep€ndob le sourc€s

slnce they ore s€osono and remo n dry most

o f rhe year ldnd somel mes 3 or 5 yea6 ln o

1 .3 .1 Woterovo i lob i l i tY

The Rivef idus, which k rhe principo sour.e

dl su.lace wal€r ol the .ountry, I s€s lrom

^4on5orowot oke on rhe Tibel p oreou at o

helshtol35O0 meires, irlrovek o d stonce o1

l28O km befo ,e en t€r ins Pok is ron dnd

me.nde6 ano ih€r 16 !0 lm be lo re re . .h inq

ihe Arobion Seo. The nodnern dnd w€5ternmounlolns p.ovde ihe droindge bosin fo/ fie

t bliori€sf.or the nodh dnd w61 Ihelnd6,

lhelum ond Ch€nab.re known os ihewest€rn

ive6 uhile Rovi, Sutle ond B€os ore [n.wn

Subs lanr la chauses n land use ond so I

charoclersti.s occuired in the irigore.l oreo5

ofler iiirodu.tion ol rhe rsolo. system by

the Brl sh. Furifer.hofqes were introduced

by ndio ond Pokn.i.llerJhe fiidependenc€

in 1 t , ,17 : some o{hem were . .cod ins to rhe

Br lhh pons e .onsr rucron o t bo t rog€s or

Guddu ond (ola while olhe^ aere reated 1o

€venh rha t lo l lowed ond subsequedy ed 10

the ndus WoterTr€ory of l960 Thecombied

overose annuo d schorge o l mo or r i ver ,

whenlhe lidus Bos n Tredly had yel lo become

.pe.otionol, was 157 MAF, o$u.ed kom the

po n t o i emersence ro enr ry n to ihe p o ln :

Odo l lhe lo la re .e ip io t 157 ̂ 4AF o t lhe r ih

stolons, 70 A'1AF r€mo ned unused ond $os

flow ns 10 the seo This I ow has s nce b€ei

reduced by 32lv1AF s nce the sdre hos been

dveded by Ind o .s per lhe nd ls Bos inneo!

The treory oworded the ex. !s v€ use oi Rovi,

Beos ond su{e vorer b nd o, ond Pa[l1on

was s ro ed usose o t K .bu , ndus , . lh€ l tm

.nd Chendb. Th€ wen€m rlveE de ivd.l22 9

MAt os shown in rhe rob le ; ihe 3 / Yeor

overoge 1940 4 l to 1966-67 PUk the

Discha.ge in MAF






overose n low o1 139 MAF wh i le the ndusWdle.Apporrlonmenl Accord, reo.h€d by rreto ! r p rov l fc€5 , pu l t o l 1 .16 .39 MAF.The inlow hos b€en resu ated th.ouqh th.eetroin ond m!llpu.posedoms Manso, Torbe oond Chosmo, to oblo n o Esefton norose ol1 ,1 39 l , /A l ond l8 bor ros€s , l2 rn€r , i veri in [ .onoh, ond 2 moiors iphons ]he sysremhas heen c .nsr ru . red io regu o fe .ano lwnhdrow. o l 104 63 MAF to r . ne iwork o t48 pr nc ipo perenn lo o id non pera i i io l.ono 5 i meosur ing over 61000 lm wh ichcommond on oreo o l 16 .5 mi o i ho Theo. .od o lows 37% Lom th . n { low io beoppor r ioned 10 ihe Pun i .b , 371 i to 5 ndh,l -1% to NWFP ond l27 i 1o Bo och is lo i Amin imum o{ l0 MAF hds been o ow€d a5es.oposelo the coodoloeo ol5 ndh to m€elthe requir€menl of mdnsrove5 ond to restro n

I 3 ,2 D ivers ion oJ r i ver woter in loitrigdtion system

When i re re i s low Uow n rhe l . . lus Sys l€ r ,due ro rhe ln i ted wo ler resour .es i ihepovi.es ore.onslroined lo rey on ihe G eoseol wdler {rom boiroses throullh the networkol cond s Th s pio.es the provi.ces ol5 ndhond 8o och sro. n dn inier€siing pos i on ds,despitelhe {dct thot they hove no /lrersrnemol the i , oa . , rhe i hove hod o lhedse o , dland.onvened inlo o!r.u rlra oreo Ye heseore the tuo prov nces wh.h moke the oir-repeobd complolnh of worer shor'log€. Thewote' d vened throu!h rhe cofdh s sulfi.enrlo mee l lhe en ine requnemenr o l lhe . rops ,ndus t . ies dnd mun ic ipo i tes o l the .oun i ry

Jods ns from ihe demond fo/ the growrh ol. rops wh.h requnes wo ier . t 8 .3 .Lse .s p€rrhou50nd d.res, ihe requ rement ol.l .ropsis on y d{ rhe order ol 35 40 MAF. Thoindus t r ies o id mun. lpa r ies requ re .boL ' 5MAF eoch wh.h puls fieloto wdl€r need ofthe colnlr/ ar o mo,imum ol50 MAF Howevetsoco po lu t io . n the fo rm o l ln iud icous usehos iu rned the ovo lob i i y o { th is p rec ious

Floodp oin inundoiion,

prd . r ced ln the pon ro wosh o l l rhe s . rsnons le rcd no r re sub{o , .ou d fedu.e ih .teni ry of rhe soll Redu.rlon in Iood flow h.sqrodLa ly rdned fie so inliy offie sroundwaier' lhs

hos .o !sed a de . ne in the y i€ ld o lc rops.nd .n opporen lde . ine in rhe io reshd oreos ,ond impovershed rhe.ond r on ol ihe iorcslr.The n !nd . i ing ,o te r no l o^ y secps decpdown inlo the nrolo, odd n! 1o grolndwotereve a id cour ing wo ler .gg ing and so n l y iI i s o so ! low€d io l low n to the dra inose.ono 5 i { they exn , o r i f lo the . rcek5 o t ihelerminolpoinh The se€poge o..ur oto rci-"01 l7 8r A,'lAFlyeor tom triqoiion.orols ondother l in l .ono 5 , ond 1 .32 MAF/yeor J romih€ rive6 A lve come additon 1o rhe seepoq€I the per.o otion oi 6 33 MAF of ro]nworerd€ep inlo the s!b{troto olthe soi. Thus rhere

So in zor ion o so oc .u6 dur ins nu . . lo l ionwhi.h eflecis pro on9e.l inlerocrion of thesround,lolerw$ rh€ soline soi ihor hos p eiiyof erho.qeob e sod ur. i ( o slolv pro.esswh ch roles p oce n rhe orer slr.ro of theso dur nq .€ r iods rhe . ihe qo le r ldb e i5lower lhon 150.m ahe so h g rddud l ly movein lo ihe qrdu .d4o ler o l lhe embon[men15,mdI ng them vu nerobe ]o b r€o .hes by thedrosv€ d6 io i o l rush ns Iood wo l€ . Ovef5m lon h€c lo res o t lh€ t rso ledoreo io ro lmost60% o{ th," clllvoied area n Guddu, surkurond Kon commond hos so in ly i. e:.€$ ol

There hos bee i d .e r ldns fe , o l5a r n thepos l th rough rub so movemen l o1groundwarer i . lo the rver ine oreos o |helndus wtli ihe resu r lhat the loro dissolvedsa l l .on l€n lo i the v r€ ie r l .om the lubere sdnd hondpumps is over 1000 ppm on onoverase Th s is lhe m€chafism {orwhich In.luswol€f picl<s !p ol leost 20 lQ0 ppm so h rou l l imo ley con lo n 200 ppm, r i s ins 1o 350ppm o{ solts os itpoceeds 5eoword.Industres.nd m!n . iFo l t ies bo ih l se th ( woter ondd schorse the wdstewoter nlo tr syslem wh ch! tmotey l ind5 1s way n to bod€s 01 l reshwdter I k en imored thd l o t eos t l0

MT ol.onraminonls ore dk.horqed by the5eosencer , .nd thus , bes ides po ! , ins rhe so i ,they .ontomin.re ihe wol€r re50ur.es Theftioor on water, .onloln ng on overdge so i

conren l o l100 ppm odds I I n i l ion tons MTnon ihe lndus fverltself,3 MT Irom th€ (obu,

ond l3 MT from th€ weneh rbuiores, molinso ioto of33 ['1T ofsot.on]rbuled eo.h yeor1o the nd lsbosn Treo l fq 24 MTol to i thcro lo l n {ow a l so h rem. n w ih in the bo5 ln ,w l rh l3 6 MT l r the Pun ob Doobs ond 10 4MT ln the 5 idh sysrem, os documenred byrf€ Droinose Secror Envnonm€nto A55e$menl:Nato i . l Dro nose Prosr . 'nme, wh ch wosre eosed in 1993 by WAPDA The s ro$dddiiion to the soli sinks ros be€n. shockinc1 .2 b i l lon tonr , 680 lv lT in Pun iob ond 520MT n Sndh dur ing the os i50yeoE. t rsa l ionworerhosihus connibutedbthe prese de{icit

1 .3 .3 The idgot ion sys tem

The p.ob ems o$ociat€d wlh the fte in .oter€'e in the we k i nrigoied ofeos 5Ln..edn the o l ie ln rhe 1950s odd eory 1960s The

so u i ion proposed, no t by ind lqenous€sed(herc bu i by donor osen.es , w.s o l .vedc . ld ro nose synem, th ro lgh jhe pub icsector ilbew€lh qrl.h pumped worer lrom odepth o l 150 11 or o rv€r under the Sd l ln ryCo i r ro and Asr .u lu ro l Rehob l i to l ionProsdmme ISCARP) The so i .on.enlrol ofwos, ho*ever, mtdislurbed oid I kepioddinsro l fe5d n i tyoJ ihe so ond soundwote . Therub€well5 n.ried rnulllplyins ln nLmberlolheertenr thai now there ore 30000 pivoletubewelk, 65% o1 wh ch or€ operoilono nihe nlsoted oreas. The prlvot€ lubewe ls pumpsome 27 l , r1AF wh le the 15 ,Q25 pub i .tubewelis pump I I rvlAF The presenl Fosilons thor in sp i te o f the w idespreod SCARPlo !nch€d ;n the 19605 adopr nq v€r t i coLdro i fos€ os rh€ so lu r on , 22% o l the Cono lCommond Areo ICCA) is waterossed ond239'" is solt o{fecled. The producron ol toodcrops hds lo €n 10.i n.redse rate at2 4%,welb€lo\r rlre ro]e o{populdiion srovnh. This. €o y sL99€s ls tho l the v€r l i .o l d ro lnog€wos no t o susro inob e 50 u l on 10 rh€

p.ob lem, a .d rhor i ] hos odded to 3€r ious€nv l .onmenia degrodot on The overo Iposit or wilh r€gdrd io wote. ovo ab Llly sfidodofJh.rora l46 rv1AF otwaler rc.e vedrhroush ve6 dnd sjreoms, 37 MAF .re losrro r re seo os lood wo le l Ahon40[1AF,or36 5%ol lhe ,emo i ins l09 lv1AF vrhch md[c!p Jh€ d iveEions in lo .ona ls , wo ler c .u^esond Ie ld c ,onnes , !oes to woste n the{oholse€pose When llre Ie.ls ore worered, ondwhen seepose oc.u6, solt po utes the so l,rend€rns ltrsoted dnd nlert e Th( is on€ol the mo n reosons lor lhe loomins sho'losei food produ.t on Th€ unourhorized dkhorseof u i r feored .dunr o , ds rochemi .o l ondhouiehod efluenl into lh€ ve^ ond streomshos become o sefous env ronmenhl issu€ hso hdppens l ro t sewage r invardb lymx€dwirh.dustro wdnes whch contoii hozordousiox ic ho te ,ak l€ eod ond.h ,omlum, osros been found n rh€ ef{ uenl dk.horged by

The m 1 is be ing us€d by vese ldb€ growe6n r r€ Mo I verbed ond oho by lomec i .

th€ per i u rbd i . re .s o f to isobod lhe copsore f.und to hove pi.ked up rhe.onlom nonhin ihe lo rm€rcose, o id hove been damogedii rhe lotter For th s purpose, wostewalert red tmen l 1€chno og es , o r dho t o reoppropr io te y co l€d env ro imen lo]€chno og es , w L l hov€ lo be d€ve oped lorccyce the wostes ond *onewdler The reuseo l wasre ,o ie . con to n ns ro r c mo ier io sco ! d be much le$ hozardoLs I rhe samehove been sub e.r€d to lreohenr which ccnreu5ethe woier, r€ducelh€ wost€, o.d recy. ebo lh the woter o fd sohe o t the wos leproduds idunr ies shoL h .ve ro odopt€nv 'onme.1o ly I r i€nd y techno loS i€5 ondwoi€r co.servot on procli.€s 1o olta n th€obiecuves ol susioinoble dev€lopment Th 5w I be one mpor ron l opprooch loward5ougmenldg wo ier supp y Jo the ndunr€3Cofseruotion p.o.lices r lhe irrigolion systemwi L s ml dr y hove io be odopled 10 sove a]€on 30, if nor 40, f,'1AF ol woler to meelthe WS P . rop produc t on lo fs€h Theselo rs€ ts , the h is ro r .o ro t€s o l y ie ld

sro{ah , requ i r€onodd i tono woterovo iob i l yo124 MAF by rhey€or2000, ond 68 MAF byth€ yeor 2012. Alloui effons io belter utilizeihe exsl ns woter resources ond sovifs ifenon re.overobe osses ore ourony meonsloaverl o mo o. woter criss n rhe 1w€n1yjn5t


Werlonds ore highly productiv€ e.osysrems lhdjprov de the world wifi n€ary l",o-rhirds ol rlreior. lsh horvesr Due ro dlfferent condit ons in. imoi€, vegetotion, geoqrophyand hydroos,wellonds con be divid€d into numerous types,such os morehes, esruories, mudloh, mires,ponds, swomps, d€ltos, op€f codsts, cordlreek, losoons, sho low reos, bogs, dkes,peoi londt swomp fo€st , d id f reshwdre,

Alrhoulrh predom iontly o,d ond semi ord,PoLisron po$e$es o sreolvoriery olwetandsdi$ bu|ed throushoul the couni./ How€ver,werloids.on be b'ood y coslfi€d into threemolorgbuFs, eoch with their own sub groups.Folow ig h the. osslfi.onon os descrbed byihe Romso. conveii o.: {Toble I isls eo.h lype


o) Sub l idd pe ,mone. ' eduor inewdte6, ond €stuorine d€l]o systemsb) r.t€didol - nierl dol mud, sondond solt flots, deddolmo6hes ondfo,ested wel onds (monercv*)

Bro .k ish or 5o l i ie losoons w i lh o

Erdckkh, solin€ ora ko ine okes ond


o) sutido unves€roted sho lowwol€6le$ thon 6m depth o i lowr ide, for exompe, seo boys ondstroih, dnd subiido oquoiic

b) nredidol - rocky morine shores,.ienido mud, sond ond sar fahond vegetdted sed ments includins

o) P€@ni o pemo ien i . ve6 o idsrreoms, woredols ond .o.d delbsb) Temporcry . seosono ond resulorr ve6, dreoms, foodplclns, rvef I ors

o) Pemonent. p€rmonenllreshuoi€rok€s ond shor€s sub ecr 1o nregllornnundotio., ofd freshwoter pondsb) Seosona seosono teshworerlok6 ofd Iroodpoin oj.es

o) nrerg€n1 . freshworer moreh€sond swomps wth inorgon lc so ls ,wiih €merqent vegelotion wlth bosesbelow woter ioble durlns srow ngseo5on, peot fo rmi ig l reshwoterswomps, s€osond ma 6nes ;peo t dnds ; o lp ne ond po o rwetands , spr lngs ond ooses ; ondvo coni. {umaro es moistened by

b) Fores t€d sh iub swdmFs,{ reshwote , swomp Io res ts ond


1.4. t

Aq!o.!11Lrrc / Mar.Lltu.€Aquo.u lu re ponds n .ud ins lsh d id

Ponds, i t r q ! led .nd .n . l .honne sn . ud ns .on . s ond r i .e I e ds , ondseosora y f l . oded o rob e .nd

S. rpons and so ie r

L l rb .n / id6 t ro :E:.ovol on5, tor e:.i]p e, !rave . rsan! n iing p.o5;r.ncwote' lreolme.loreo5 5u.h.! sew.ge lorm5 !nd sed ig

W.1er 510r.ge Areas:Reservo E to r n igo l ion o , humon.o isumpl ion w lh ! r .du . , / seor .nadec ne dla.rer ev€!s; hyd,o d.nrwiilr requ of l ucluorion ot wolef ev. s

Fo .w io i s o mo€ der . ed , les . , ip l ;on o lrhe Coost . o ,d tu luor n . \4eronds lwhnh.ome under thc c lo$ i . !1on o l5o I \4orerWelandt , os lhe5e are very p rom nen l ondimpo'loatwlh re:iordlo Pclr.n's e.. 15temond € .onomy, bur v rh i .h ho '€ s . lo r beennadeq!o le l t s ;ua ed ond .o iser led .

Coo5 lo land es luor i re {e lands dre o i s reo lvo u€ 10 mai..d envnonmcil The ruse ove.rhouson!s . l vedE hos bec i the ley ro tnedere opm€nt o : . ,eo i . i ! i uo l o is i rh is pon

o l r i re !1ord A i esruory sorn cn .osedbodt ol.!rer*h.h s iound whee l.esh u.r.rdceh r re s€ . Theshd odond in leddo drc .so{ lh€ esruore5ond rhe mors ns o t . id o re1y ! ,c . I mo i .e en ' l rd i 'nenrs C.onorege lo l l . i , ! r i .h 5 o very mpor ion l.c rponer t i th is sys tem, i5 n . l /e .e r ng r repub . o t len lc i {n i . r t u rsen l l y dese.ves .T l rese hob; . t5 scde cs spo 'n ing , r .c r i ! ,

ond iL6ery q oun.L lo r rhe produc l ioN o lsn mp5, lobs iea o rd l5h Thcr .sose ieosbr€ed i fs , m igro l . f , ond !v n te r i iq q rourds

Lr rhousonds ol m groiorr wole,lowLdnd orrerspe. ies . t b d r These iob 1o t5 le ie r . y

ruppo r .h .ommui res o l o l to . l red p c i l s ,

.nd I ec v iq t i m.5 The o$ o l us j o len

r re . 'o re ror . i . reo .o !d e ,a :c . i e . .syvemI to r n .n e5ser l . re i rg o r b re .d i ! zone10r m.n! imporlanl !!e.ies I rese I o,. ond1o!na spe. ies o 50 ndr . . le ihehe!1r . l th€rr rob to15 !nd nor i l y .honses i eco l .o i . tp . rdmete t r , su .h os re .y . n ! 01 .orbo i . i . lo lher v lo e emei ls , .o . .en t ro t on D idrecl. n! ol iulrienls, ioi pro.ess€5i a r andwoler { ru .L r ! rd lhe n . lLso l .o lu ron l .ods

;i 1 , . | | ra!:

. r t . r 4 , . 4 t I r i ' t t . t l:

The coostoloreo oJ Polislan is ocot€d oionsthe Arcbioi seo ond en€nds lrom th€ nd6de1. in rhe eost lo rhe Gwoterbay in lhewesr,o i o ld tude o l24o 260 N dnd onSi rude o f62o 680 E it cov€re on or€o ol opproxihore y10,,16 kn The oreo is e*remey ord ond theclimoie has be€n chdro.rerised os subtopcolmorume deser t w th on onnuo l o n lo l o lberween 2 .4 lnch€s on the wed.oosr ,l.creosing ioobouiS .ches rowordslhe ean.Mean m.xihun lemp€rdlure ronses {rdn 321o 48 oC wh e meon min rum ienperoru.eronqe5 {rom 1,1 l8 oC Snong coosblwinds

ore.haro.re.slic of rhe resion wh e humidiryis hgh The.oosrd we ldnds o i Po[kbn hdvere.eiv€d nodequole onenlon ond imporlonceso for Apon from monsrove plonror ons nlhe Indus de to ond Sonm an, no ssn f l .o . l\rorl< ros been done. Very mpo'ronl ond'rosie e.osystems ersr on ou..ooslline su.h051610d Lond,liwdni, P.sni, ftmdr, OrfroroDoshr Kour , M ion i |o r 6onmion4, Ko io .h icoon, Indus d€ro , Bodnond Kddhon dgoons,o .d i . the coas ta i o reo o l Iho l ro

Our mor i fe resources ore be nq exp io i teduns l ta inaby due ro inod€quare prore . ronond lo.l o{ owoEne$ The.€ oE only thrceprorecled .oosidl oreds in rhe .ountry: KerBunder Nodh o id 50uth , wh ich o ,e wrd Gsan. ruores , ond H lnqo Ndrono Pork . Therels . i u rgenr ieed io s ! rvey 1 fe l ro ! eeco5y4etu o{olr coo5r so rhot we con pov deodequo i€ p ro tec l ion lo lhem ond preyen lJ !dher oss to

Act!s vostspons€s Ior holdins water,thus reduc ns f ood pressufe

R€.hdrge s roundwoler sysrems.

Moin lo i i wo le r q !o l l y by t ropp lngs€d m€n15, r€ io n ing nu l r e . l s , ond

Preventsoline ntrusion r.oosto oreos

Qryqenote wo l€r ond re leose . eonv/oier lfio lh€ envnoimsrl

Sroblize microc mor€s hyvariations Ifd n lo l lond remped 'urc

Produce dnd e :por ' b on !ss , jh !snour sh ng l i rhBr e r do , in recmespec o ly npodant in r ! ro d reos

Prov ide o w de rdnoe o l hou5 fs

5ef r€ os vo uob e educorono ioos

Prov id e excep i iona sources o {re.reoiion lor bolh residenlsdnd v siloE

Wetand €cosys lehs ore impodan l fo r lh€

Acr os voluoble w d fe €fuqes

Provide wiieris,leed ns, nesrin! dndfesJng grounds for misrolory ond

Olr€n hove profouid .! lu,€ ond / orsp l r tuo ls lgn l l c .nce fo r oca p€op€

5upporr o.d eronomy an,l cotloq€rnduslrres (lucN 1990d, [4ollby 1986,

. Suppywol€r fo rdrn l ins .

. Susl.in dga.u ture, ndls1ry, lour sm

. Ae importont sou.c€s bi lsh and other

I.5 BIODIVERSINT OF WETLANDs reeois hos ersured or lnlercn iq o.d dive6e

1.5 .3 wer lond Spec ies Fo. Pf io r i tyL5.1 The lmpor tonce o f B iod ivers i ty

The lem b io los ico d iveGry ' o r 'b iod i !e r ly 'GI€6 1o ' thc v .nob l l y omong v in -o o rqorsmsf fo in . l souEes, i c ud ns n te ro ia te rcsno,

mor in€ . id o rher oquo l . e .oEs len5 ond :h€e.ooq i . . compexes o l wn c [ they ore oo l ;ih i5 i c ud€s d vec i rywth in spec es , b . i {eenspec ies dnd o i e .osyn€ms 1CBD l9 t2 lWelonds dre perhops th€ gre . res t no turod$eh ior o prod!crire, sofe.nd 5rsrolnobleenr,.iinenl Welonds h.ve 1ldil oa. Ly beenseer .s ros le onds lo r .o i !e6 or 1o o l r reuses Tre !o ues o l ,e tond5 ho f . p€4xos

been more .ppre. ole.l due :o ihe more d,ectl i k be tueen h !moi heo ' r , cnd *€ l r . ,e , o idthe heo rir ond welcre oiwetlcnd e.onnehs\!elondi arc mpodonl.eil,6 ol biodiveel!,ho .bor ins ena€m. spe . i€s , ond c rge.on.e.lrorons o{ n oratory species They o.e.mcn l rs l r re mon produ. lve e .osydems oneodh, Frovidins food and m.rero 3 {o, manypeop e T i ,ey a so provde vo u .b le sen i .es'h .h nloy on mForl.nl ro e n mo nlo .inglhe quo ty dnd se .ur i l y o l i l {e on Eo- r lo r

L5 2 Spe. es R lchness

Speces rchne$ he .nr i re spe. ies d ive^ ryrho ' s u5 !o y m€osured r l€ fms c l i re 1 . ron!mber ol spe.le5 \!irhin dn.rele !leo!rcPh..bounda ies Po l non 's l . ra a id lo ! io o€.omposed o ld be .d o f Pooeo( i i . d id ndo 'Mooyon lorm505we .s lonnso{ lheEhoponreqion The counlry can be divided nto lwob o 'qeogr .ph icc lp rov i . .€s ndo lno oyo ]lo ins d re tound i the €osror the .ou i l , y , nthe lndJs Bos n , lh ie Po acor . i c lom5 e i i s tn rhe nodhern ond wesiern nrornlo i f.nees

The rcte olenden sm s reidrivelt low, bulis€b €nd ns ol dii{ereile erenls lrom the vdried


ihere . re . round 6000 p on l sp€ . i€s lnP. ls 'o i o rw, ich 300r re endemn (5%oi lher . r . fo ro ) Wei ond p on ls o ro spc . o I.dop leC 1o w. re r oqsen so is and ore .nin rpodon. rou , .e Io r peope v ing .ue 'ondei/nor Soie 5!ec es 5!.h .s :he i.no.ole

fo .enr on r l re P .ksron . .o t n pon. ! lo . . ,Bth reoren€d !G1!nd p .n ls d re h ! l r !p rod ! . :ve n w. te r .eqed.o id i l ons Mon lhd 'e spe. io i sed ln5ue or o rg .ns rh roushvh ch or t le r c .n move qu . ty to r ie rco ts[1dny ho le o rse ea l . , .ds . .o i le ,ood oth i . tencd r *ue , meon ns l io i more o ' .[e ro i . ]p on l i5 m. r . nc l redropho losyn l ress

l . . rear i i ! e re rqy o .d gEf r l r r thDn moi to rd p !ns M.s l . re peren i io ls , l re lo . l t ! !1they do nor d ie o l i eo .h yed, . i .$ moree l je . l i ve nor .qe . .d n ro e e : f . ien1 rse o lnun ie i l s Some we land p lan l r h .ve . r ldp i r i s io logr . . o . op io i o r5 i , r 'ony o fee .onom.o r mpod. . r , some.s :ood s lopesRic€ r . , o l -h c r 5srcwn n loodeds.. s the p. mdry '.od sour.e of ov€r roll the

Margrover o re v r lo e r .n F ion ls l r r . lg r . In t re in le t d . zo ies ,moiy n r rees i lo .neo ieos TheF. re lound i . rhe r id^ . le rd nS ndn d .d Sonnr io . i , o .d Ko lmal o .d I wani i Ba lo .h s to i E qhr spec es . l monsro leswefe i.und n Po[ ndn, Avi.ennid n]drin.,Cef iopr toS. r , R i , i zop6. o n ru . r .nd . ,Fhizophor. o,,.uloto,Ce.ioFs ro!b!rsh oio, eqi..ror..nr.r/.rum, 5onErorr.d...i.,is,Burgu je ro .o i iugdr . Bes des , / l v .en i ion . r ido , rhe o ther spec e5 lou .d i i 1 . r ! ro

condilions in locolhed polches in the lndusdello is Aeg'ceros corr,culorlm. However,Cer'ops togolond Rhtopho,o nrcronoto hosbeen @ploiied in $me oGos in the lidusdeho, Mioni Hor in Boloch ston is lhe o.lyplocewherc three species o{ monsroves, i.e.Avicenhio ndn.d, Rhizophaa hrc@dora ondCeiops rosoJ occu notu,oll,


Pokislont {ouno do€s noi comprise o sreojmoiy endemic species, O{ rhe {ew thot exisl,sevedl o€ th.eolened Endemism is,4% lo.monmols/ l0% for repties o.d ll% tor lish.Thee oE vrluoly noendehic oophibions orbnds. Mosl o{ the ovoilob e if{ormorionconcenlrql€s on vedeb.otes: there is liltle.es€orch on nvedeboies in Pokision. W€rlondsore sfeot sene pook {or iivedeb.ores onddore reseorch in $ i5 f ie ld is requi red.


188 sp€ci€s o{mommok ore found in Pokieon,ofwhich.l% oe eidemic specles. There ores€verol wellqnd mommolswhich oclhcorenedin ih€ counlry. There is on y ofe knownendemic welo.d mommol , the ndus r iver

The wetlond rclo|ed species which requnespfiority ocl on tor lheir consetuotion ore:

BirdsThere o€ 666 species oJ bids in Pokistor,fon6 oI which ore flly endemlc. Pokston'smony wetlafds hostmigratory birds ds welloso numb€rol resident bnds. Approximately onethnd oJ recorded species ore wotefbirds. Thewerlond reloted species ol btds thot requirepr ior i ly oct ion tor conservot ion ore l

About 174 peces of reptiles con b€ iouid iPo [k ton , o lwh.h l8 o re endemic Ther€ are4 nrernoliono lyfir€or€ned repties dependenlon wet .nds Th€y ore rhe or€en ond O veR d ey tudlss, muss€r lcrocodlle) ond shoro(sovio ) The sho,d is be eved to be olmosr

ert nd. The speci€s ol reptiles,h ch requireimmedlore o l t€ i r on lo r conservo i ion are l

sondner ) There ore mony speces wh.hhove shown ssn i l i .o . r d€cr€o5e n quo. l r lond numbeEdurnscorche5o l dnd lns .enr resdue iod is tu rbonces n there .oos i .a nchesThese i r c lude rhe fo l low ing spe . es :

cceifudLe CheJofiorrdoj

O i e R i . l l e y ! d e

spofed pond [ie

C , c . o , l i t m l e q e , C f t . . . t t ! r : p a r ' n n

Govio/qhqidly e l o { m o i r o ' r o a V o r o i ! r I c y e r . e f 5 Aro!nd 786 mori,re fisf spec er hove beef

reco ied I ro r Po i< non s coos lo wo le6

The.e or€.e orve y lew omphib afs . PoksranbecaEe o f i t s o rd ond sm or id . mo ie . l6hav€ b€en re .o /ded, o l wh i .h 2 l ross ore€nden. vlz R!,o hozdre,s,s ond Tomoplerno3d,cho,r Non€ dre known io belhreote.ed

Syslemotic reseorcr on inv.debrores hos been.onduded ln rhe couniry Lid e opp i€d rese€rchhos been perlomed so lorln Pokisioi Werondlnver tebrdres , espec la L ly insecn i o rens l { f i c en i y known and need de la ed

There ore I86 n . l l ve keshwale . sp€c les osw€ os severol inlrodu.ed spec es. The lhhfoun. is p'e,lohinoitLy SollhAslon with someWen As ion and h igh As idn eemenh Theredre 29 endem c spe.cs Aso.otewodhy orcJhe i n€ spec es o l snow corp {sub lomi lyS.hju o,h.ro.rn.e) wh ch o..ur n r ve^ otthe.odhern moLnrolns Spe. es r chne$ G thehghesr n the ndus rver po ins , r fe Kr lhorronge ond rhe H moloyon foothilk, whie theriver systems ol nodhedsl Bo o.h ston hovethe h iq re* levek o f endemis f r nd senousspe. es ol .orp l[€ fBo.]rA n,o5ol), rohu(L.beo rc6i1.), nati lAtrcPUs attopd andtho o (Cotrd.ddol hdve been supp emenledwilh mporled species such os common corp

lCypr nE cdrp,o) dnd ,o nbow irouf {sor,no



Weilonds loco o vor€ry o,lhreols, prinoryonong which is the lock o l p foPermonogemenl dnd qnoronce otlhe lmpodonceo{ heothy we onds. Despile Pokisloi's greoire l ionc€ on welonds, these ore d L l b€ ingdeqroded a i on o ormins ro le . n ihe lndusbosin lhe moln probem is r is ng so n l }ondwoterogqinq ln olher wetldnds, like ZongiNowo. Loke, or in perennio lweronds whchhove seporot€.orchhentoreds lom the Indu5ond ils irib!1o es, pbb ems dil{er occording y.

At Zonsi Nowor, Ior inslonce, fie cdi.hmenlor€o ollhis unique loketys€m is under$redldue io rhe sloppoge o{woler n Alghonistonond bythe proposed coNlrudio. ofBlrlAzizKhdn Dom wh ch wil ,ololy deslroy lhh rn quewe ond.llihe loke were b shrink ond dry up,$e ent re popu dtion dependent opon the okelor {ood ond wote,will be forced ro mlsrole

tre€ .over, os of perperuol{low ond oss oItop soil- Th€ moln causes ol deforesiolion liein mon ond on mol t ques l for lue i , I mberondfodder Monsrove trces o@ olso ls€d oslodder ond flel wood. Monq.oves ot thelndui deltoond Bolochisbn ore focing o moiorrhrear ln lhe {orm o{ deforesloiion.Ihe floodploins or€ olso d re.tly olleded rh.ouqhaodoct on ofdoms dnd boroges, os Ioodinsreoimes are o l tered both upnreom onda;mlreom Minorworer leve fluduotion o{upskeom oreo s conveds {lood plalns intomoGhes dnd reduces both hobltoi ond biorc

2.1.2 Dro inoge

Dive6 on oI woler lor ;rigolion ond thedroinose oI welLonds orc rhe key couses ollhe deg@dollon of mony ol these e.osyst€msin Pokiston Smoll weilonds creoted by lhese€pogelroh the irigotion syst€ms ot Puniobond S ndh ore iorsered lordrainose 1or useoi ogacu t!rol lond. O$e^ ore rhfeolenedby the d (horge ol so iie woler into thew€tlond, os well os by de-eosins sroundwoter lelels due lo drainoqe proglrql\nesIhe d'o noqi poq-mmes ho"e ol# coused


Redu.t ion in Woter Flow

l ln rense humon oc l iv iy in the i io l€rshed,

2.1 .3 Lond Rec lomdl ion

i'lany.!el onds are be.s re.lo med io.vorlous

DU poses , po l .u .ny lo r .g r .u l lu ro use 5 n .e

r re so l i s ' l .h ,n nu l ien ls .nd su f i . e . r v moGl

the c rop y i . lds . re f .h The n led doLoreo 01

C, f ron beo.h s one o lnonyorcasvr l r .h hove

been,€ . ! med io r c ly e rpons ion Khobber iioke in P !nob n o so ldc ns s n l lo r p 'e$urcs

due to oe . i .u l lu rc p roc tce5 i rhe oreo

S ld or s perhops the don.ommon prob em

to.ed b! everyweiland. Du€ lorhedenudorioio f c l l .hme. ta reos , ih€ owo lkorer b r igs, i ]h I a .€do n amoun l o { s l i Ths i l l owin.reoses during rhe roiny seosoi and.ou5essillollon ol ,verlo rd5, Jd ercmp e Mdigla Dom. Azod K.slrnr r s Jo. ng prob ems ol s h.tondue 1o the .urlins ol lre€s Ln the cor.hmentoreo The'e has bee. o cut in the supples ol5 i lh 'eo .h ins the esruo . /ond, le ld ih roush the1ow o l Rve. l idus due to .onn.u . l ion o fupsireoF botroges. These 5 h used 1o beb€nel. o 1or !rolllh ol monsroves, bu heyore now depos led oround barcse5 cousing!he prob en of siliorion

There ore o k nds olpo luton ic dhospheri.o.d lon,l bdsed. Ldnd bosed polluron €ff€dsthe w€ l ond hab i toh . ! t i5 roused by thed s .horse o{ se-oqe, e fuen l , tugor ion and

ndun a wosie iiio rhe oquotic e.osytems n

Po l51dn i s hosphenodenon Mosi industries hove no.ontoov€. then 'rosle*cler elfluenls dnd erlrem€lyh qh eve s ofto:. heory m€lo s su.h os mer.ury

on. l le .d hdve be€ i do .umenlcd , pon.u o fyin rhe .ocsiolvroreE ieor Korcchi These orel[e y io hove bolh !n a.ure o.d.nroii. rori.npocr on moine Iouno !id fnh €oiins b rd5

ths orgon. o rd o f sewose depe ies ovsenleves n worer dnd so red ! .€s ihe . l i ve^ \ o fondo and p la i l l l € . Fsr .o lch€sorer€ducedas o re5ur ol efiueniddded ro the sore6 Themosl codmon lYpe dl .oLu;lon s unlre.l€dserose f rh i .h n depos i red ln ro t r !o r .nsysr€nr , su .n os a l lhe Khosh( i Resero , nNWFq vrh .h v ros po u l€dbr ihe .hen. . runcfl lrom re!by iidlstrles. A5 o esL r, rir-' quo iry.iu.1€rdererloroied ofti u jimolel.lesto!ed

$e hob lo l o l lhe we ' .nd Ano lhere ;o i ,pe nKhoro lo [€ ] i the Pun iab s im l . r , o l r€mpodonl Lokes dre o I fo.ins poluiioi prob emsdue b irrilolon liofflom Il€ ds, wh.h polui€s

the ao ie r ond uL l m. ie ly .o !5e5 hob lo limboan.e As th€ osr i .u iu ro use o ' pen.de5dnd l€n :eG hos :5.reosed ii .e.eir yeoE,d re.l mo d lt ol btds ho5 been lreqlenryreponed ioLow.g Ire us€ ol o.qonophosphoresAdvds e f iec t o l pernda ore n led lo rhedec i ieo t20 .30% o l b rd spe.es popu o t ionh Elrope lTuk€r& Heolh l9?rl Thc hneos ngpresence of pesti.ides in osr.u 1ur. rholl€flect51he oquol,.louno ond lish eal ig brds

'Eu i roph.a l ion ' , .om'nony .a l led the os inqproce$, is onorher mo ofproble'n rhreoieninl]lo[e e.osysrems This is o proces5 by wh.h olok€ be.omes rl.h lf nulrenh ond 5uppods ade ise p lon l popuor .n wh i .h , in lu r i , l i l l sanno lle bydep.ivlng ir oloryqen Aso res! r,rhe lo [€ s roduo ly lu r .s i . ro o mo6h ondu l rmo ley d .es !p . Ho e l o ,d to SuhonroLo l ie5 ore bo lh ]d . in9 ihe eukoph.o t on

2.1.7 Over Exploilotion of Resource

A ho or.a!se oJ degradoton ol mony werlondhobilol h overexpoiloton oltheir resources,porticulorly $€ biolosic. €sources{o. food,feed and fue. Here w€ cai g ve ih€ exomFleof mangroves Mongroves prov ide monyresources lorihe loco peope. I is dle 1o ihe

uisustolnobe choppins ol m.nsroves ov€r lhey€o6lhor sev€rolspecles hoYe Y.nkhed trom

2.1.8 Seo level Rise in CoqstdlAreos

lhough seo leve rhe on our codsi is nol very

olorm ig y€t, infie ong r€rm lwll oc.€lercteso t wot€r intruson ond eroson, changing !h€

2.1 .9 C l imo ie Chonge

To dole rhere hos been v€ry itl€ r€sedr.hihoi

dnedly oddrc$es rh€ eflect ol.limote cho.geon w€rlond €cosystems. However, due 1o

c mote, lhe nolure of effech vil vort bolhbetween ond wth ln tyFes o t ecosyneh

When the wo1€r tob€ conl nues to rise ondutimdiely reoches lhe surloce, wdieroqqinq

On€ en mote puts 26% dllhe irrsoted oreaof P.ksron 05 o{ie.ted by soln ry 8% severely.Sindh h rhe wo6t d{feded oreo, where 48%

of the so i i sso in€ l8%ocu leyso i ieFowever,2.3 m llion he.iores ol lhe.urcntyuncuhivoble lond i the ndus bosin h soid tobe.ecoverob e ihroush drcinose

n rhe posr, @medd meosur€s hove includ€dSCARP, orrhe Soli t Contolond ReconotoiPrciecl initioted in lhe snes. h wos dec ded to

b ng down 5o in ry below the donger l€v€L ondlush dwoy solt f.om rhe soii The wdterloblewos owered by pumping woJ€r oui ol the

Srolnd bytubewels. 45 sround wobr is mostysolire dnd connol be dralned nto irri9oloncano s, i musl be drdlned inlo rhe rea. Th sproved to be on €xpensve ond comp coredpropos i l lon , bes€t w i th m.ny pror r emsA more recenr inliolve h the NolonolDrcinogeProsromma {NDP). t 5 desisned to reclolnworer ogsed ogr i .u iu ro l dnds cu t ren tyunusdbe n rhe ndus bos in . Th€ p@grommeis lo be mpemenred i phoses overo perod

o1 25 yeo6.lhe fd phose ol the progromm€is ro b. lmp €menled in seven yedre, ondlnves imenh w i l b€ hode ro improve sndrehob l i to te ex is t ing ogr .u lu ra d ro lnogepro ie .k . The under .ons t rucuon Le l r gonk

Qur{o Dro n ILBOD) in sindh, ond the RishtBonl our{oll Drcin IRBoD) n ihe Punjob w llbe .ome por ts o l Phose lo { ihe Nor iono l

I s npo dni thot a long le.m solution befound forthis p6b em, whlch wil no'be solv€donly by r€movo of sd inewolerlron our oroble

2.1.10 Sol in i ry ond Woter losg inq

Mony asrlculturcl onds, espe.lol y ln the Puniobond 5 ndh,loce ocule so inily ond woter osq ql

os o resu l l o l perenn io l .ono i n igd t ion iinlroduced io combar ordny l.rlgolion mode

il po$ be to water.rops wherever the need

wos tel. As o cons€qu€n.e ol seepdge lromLnL ined conos and percod lon o twoter l romrigored li€lds,lhe wolertoble beson 1o ri5e

Whei ihe woter ldble rcoches 3 3 m (lofr)

soln ry ddve*e y o{lech croPs. when the watetrdbe ri5* ro L5 m 15 {t) beow the sud..e,sd ne wote. reoches rhe surl.ce by copi ory

oction, ond sois be.ome !nfitfo. o(rriculture.


on imboanc€ in the ecosynem Ths wos oneof the fo . lo6 l fo t o so ,esu l ted nh .bbr os

5m ory n . i y p d i t spe . es l te phrogml ies ,mesqun€s, lorus erc hov€ b€en int.odu.edresu l tng inchonqes n iheecoosco.haEc i€6

2.2.-4 Eukophicotion

Th€ pro.es ol eltophi.orion, osdescrlbed nthe eor er se.Jlon,werloidspecles os ir [i sonimol ]l€ nth€ lokesby deprv ns rhem ol orysen

2.2.5 lnildi.ious Use or Touftm

Not on y is exce$ive loulkm hamlu 1o thehobiol l nol conioled ond ndnosed p6ped,it s o so horh{Lllo rhe loro ond Iouna olrhedrco Lner ihot h noi propery disposed oi conbe hom{u to boih rhe plonts ond on mo s ol

2.2.6 HobitotDeqrodotion

A.tivli€s thor resuh n the desrodolion oi owedond €.o5ystefr, uch os s lotion/dosoncoused by nrsolof, d€{orcnolon, droinose,ond land recomoloi, a 50ofiectbeJlo,o ondfo lno dependen l upon rhe we lo id hdb ld lTh s con eod lo decreose in cedoln speces

Just os po l u l on domos;s the wet ondhobi lo l , I oso hams the {1oro ond {ounowhi .h ore suppo edbysu.hhob i .h Thedisch. rge of sewose e# uent o id i idusrr owosie nto the wole6 ol weionds resulh inserous domoqe lo the sp€c €s wh ch dependupon th€ resources o j the wer lnnd Ior rhe r

2 .2.2 H!nt ing ond Tropping

The pop!o l ion o f mony b rd r decL i ies due10 l€so hunr ln ! Io r spon ond meo l , ondlroppins lortrode Hunl ng c olso o rrad rio.in mlny por rs o l Pok is lon ond peop € now

use soph is l co led weopons ro hunr ond [ ]Zons i N.wor Lok€ i r So loch is ton is ioc ln !

the p .ob ems o l d rdught .nd over hunr ngTh s ae l ldnd s known ro b€ c wa lenowporod is€ os I s the s toe ing ond v s i t f sg rounds Io r thousands o l m s ro to rywotedowl The threolei€d md,b ed leo n opermonenr vk i ro r o { th is lok€ Due lo

exce* ive shoo l ig ond hunr inA n l re o .eo ,rhe wdrer low popu lo ton is iow de. n i ig .

2 ,2 .3 ln l roduc i ion o f Exot ic Spec ies

The i i t rodu. r ion o f exo tc f sh spec ies I . rspodJ 5h ig d.d/or ro lncr€ose produclvily

can. .use o nego lve mpo. l on nd igenousspe.€s os , Io rercmpe, n (o c r Kohof Lo [ein the Pun iob T fe . t rodu. r on o l e to r lc.orp nro ihe oke cfeoted o dGlu,boice nthe e .o5yn€m o l ihe oke . The carppopu a t on n . reosed n s reo l numb€^cous ins .omper I on fo r tood w th theind s€ ious I i sh sp€c i€ r , lherdby . red t ng


lsnoronce/Lock ol Aworeness2 3.1

Mostol he o.livilies ol tve.ten lhe sutrvoo1 wetdnd ecosynems o..!r os o resulr ofsnotu..€ and o lo.l olawoene$ ol the issuesotsiol<e Thus,ll isviollo buiid on und€dand n9ofthe va ues oi werraids ol d I hve s of so. ely.I s mpolonl lo ro€elthree llpes.l oud ence

. The genero publc

. tocolcommunlues dependenr uponwerlond resources

. Government . lepar tmen is ondDeve opmenl Agen.i€s which de. de!poi an.i lmP €menl Po i.ies wilhresord to ue t onds (o ,d o lher

This do.unenl o frslo piov d€ q! d€ iies whi.h.on h€ lp de .s ion .mol<ec cho ' l our o pan o loct on whi.h role5 nld occoutihe ursenr ne€dior infomoton d $em nolloi o.d oworen€sE siig omons o I the rhree sDUp5 | sled .bove

2.3.2 Abtence of SustoinobleResoorce MonogementPolicies

Th s rool cduse t€ms to o cedo n anenr lom theomong governmenl

deponmenh wrh @sord b ihe r.ue e.ononlcmponon@o{@ilonds,oswe 05. nsp€(epiono1the requir€ments o1 mo.as€ment po .esOily qhef ol €vels of sovehmeni role theenvnonmenr nsue serous, v I the requ @dso ulions Jof wel ond conservolion and sustainob e,esource use be odopled oid mpemenied

b edu.olon, esPecio ly.ons-"Nor on educorlon,lh€y hove no m€ons ot l€orn ng or ptucriclngsusrolnoble resour.e use. I s, ihe.eiore,imperotive lhot conservation educojon ondpro e.}s desisDed 1o provde alternolvei 1olnsus to nobe reso l rce use be lmp€menledamoig su . r r .ommu. res .

2 .3 .5 Lock o I Enforcement ond

E..h provin.e ho5 k oan wid f€ lesislolion,besdes, ihelederd ond provinciol sov€rnmenhhove les is lo lon reg . rd inq envnonm€nta l

F.ole.lon. llow€vet proper imp em-.nlolion is

2.3.6 InodeqloteLegislotion

The prov in . id { i d l i le Conservor ionMonogemenr, Preservdl dn dnd Prolecrionkls/ord non.es ore species orlenled ond reroleto senerotio. ol reveiLe lor the d€padheilsond governmenr. D.oi egislaron prepored bythe Wldlle tnq! ry Comm tee, sej up in 1968,hos been odopred, w$ m nor modifcallons dt

2 .3 .7 tock o f Do to fo r Sc ien i i l i cMonogomeni

Reseor.h ond m.naqement tor the sa[e ol.onsefrdtiDn ol noiurolsp€ces oid hobihlorthe fu iu re hos be€n a ow pror l t y n th€

soverimenr. The zoo os co sufrey Deporhent,which s responsib e lofcoiducung sweys ondr€search on \ld 11€, weronds ond wor-"r{owot the iede,. eve r undb € 1o underloleeriensive doio coL edion ro inodequole budsctThe Pun ob W d i{d Depo'1m€fl hos beenco e.rl.q doto lorlhe s.i€nlili. mondgementbut lJ re ot€5 b the province offie Puniab only

2.3.3 L lmi ted F lnonc io l Resources

Thelinoncio coostro rt5 wh ch are erdem clogovemmeddepar|menh meon thol noi enough.on be spenr on enslrlru o slif.ient nunbefofwe l.tuo ifed s|ol{ofd iroined led penorne.-lhi5

in rurn grcotly hompe^ ony enlor.emenro{ elis olion rc oting io the pror,ecl on of wellondsles Even siies ol ih€ highesl priorly coinotbe monased elle.rlv€ly b€couse ot lundlns

2 . 3 . 4 Lock of Altehotives torcommunily

RLrd .ommuiilies dep€nd€nt upon weiondsore ofien omons th€ pooren membe6 ol soc€r'1Thk, olons wlh high populotion grovrh rotes,lorc€ the werond comnuniii€slo ov€tuse1heresources d orderro meel then basic needs.As su .h .ommln t ies hove i ine o . no d .cess



Wef lqndsPdkislon

The history ofwlld ife oid wer ond consetudlionin Pokk ion begon in 1967 w1h the t6 rexpedll on o.sof zed by WWF uider lhesuperyrion ol Guy Mounfon. The €rpeditonrecomdend€d thot mony impodonl werdndsoll over Jhe counrry be decored prctecredoreos As o further step fowo.ds wet ondconservouon, Pokh lon lo ined the RdmsorConvenr on h 1975 ond dedored i neweildndsb be lwelonds ol nte.noi ono impodon.e' drrhe lime ol rotilicolion Dota for the wotenowl.eN6, rok€n from 1967 70, wos coLe.redby Ch/istoph€r Sovoge. Dolo in fie{ollowingyeo6, 1970-76 ond 1987.89 wos co lhdedby Fl. (onlns. The lofie1s mhslon o so lnc udedtmi. ng of stoli o{ the Provinclol W ldll{eD€podmenk ln woler{owl identiticollon andcensus techn ques. Hh mission w.s supported

For development o{dn eff€ctive cons€frorionprosmmme for wellonds, Eric Corp (1980)

comp l€d the D l rec tory o l Wel !onds o lIn le rnd t iono lmpor tance in the WesternPo oeorcuc. n 1985, Kd.pow cz prepdfed lhepreimindry inv€ntory o{ wetlonds n EostAs oA compreh€nsve repor t on the impo onrwelloids ol Poknroi wos publshed in theDneciory ofAsion We onds by De@k5.on in1989, from worli slppo''red by WWI IJCNoid CBP Subsequeiiy, Scon ond Poole (1989)

compied on ovetuisof the impodonlwerondsIn 1987, Welonds Ini€molionoL Asa Poclicin i l id ted o md wnter wot€dowl c€ns lsprogramme in the reqion. Provincia wid feDepormenls, he Zoo os colSuNey Deponmenrd.d rhe Pokisbn Forest nstillle undenokethscensus every y€orond the €port is pub shedby Wel ond lnternoiiono A5io Pocilic, on on

In 19t2, $e Pokisroi NollonolConsetodiionSlrotegy in.tuded $e prciecuon ol woreGhedsond water bodies ds lwo ol ihe tolrteen

Conservolion in

prosromme orcos for pnorlry impl€mentoliof.A

ioint m *ioi of NCCW ond he Rdmsor Bueoucoiried outsuReys in Moy 199010 rev ew rheexs l ing Romsors i tes ond ro .ons lder posbe

odiustmenr inthe Gl The missionleod consinedof Dr Derek A Scot, o werlond speco sl, MrAbdulLoril Rdo, Conseflotor (wid lle)NCCWond DrA.R B€9, o botonisi. Theleom hos nolon y visibd ond ossessed the Rdmso.sit€s buldenlilied otherwellonds lhot neetfie Romsorcnbho. They ol50 denr fied pnorit es lor d.lionin the Iieds 01sutue, protection, reseorch,monogemenrond conrefldton educolion Thenrecommendor ons h sh ighted mony ssleslnc udinq the p€porolion ol hoiogement pl.ns

ofdlRomsorsles. The sovernment ot Pdkisio.opp,oa.hed the Romsor Bucou {or delerion ol3 sit€s .e Kheshk eseryoir, Kondo.ddn ondMu ugoldhond l.cluding Kuiroh ver vd leyord Bo@n dom Lom the lisi ol werlonds o{internoi onally imporldnl weilands. In oddilionlvo nw s tes i.e. Choshmo borcse ond Tousboros€ were inc lded i f the d o lwetcndsol nternoiono impodonce. ln Mdrch 1996,the Romsor Burco! conside.ed ihe rcque+dnddelebd lh€ obove menton€d 3 dee.odedwellond siies lrom ih€ ht oI inlernorion.lyimponont sellonds ond odd€d 2 n€wsiteslolhe lid Funher, Khobbeli, Uc.hol ond lhoorlokes lthe .omple, we@ .onsideGd os o si.sleuniloDd ol these w€ilonds. Ai p.esent we hoveI Romso. siles ln PoLisJon.


3,1 ROI.E OF GOVERNMENT federolpo cies reoling ro bodive^iry. Thes€deponments/bod es ore olso the focolpolnt ofthevo ous convenlions, redling to biodlveBltor the env ronmenl, to which Poknlon is osisnoiory. The qove.nmenl ol Pakision haspronu gd led the 'Po [c lon Env ionmenlo lPfote.llon Ordinonce 1997', whi.h reploces

Provincio w d ife d€portmenh ore Pokhron'simpiem€nllns bodies {or such envnonmenloegislolon or policles \4WF . Pokisron worksi c lose pod ieGh p w th eoyer imen l

deporrmenrs, €speciol y wher€ Jhe development01 mdrogemenr P ons 5 concefned

3.1 . l

Th€re is cunently no domen c slroiesy oregisalion exclusjvely pertoining ro w€llond

consedation ln Pokishn Wellond and wore'fowlconseryolon s o prov ic ol sub eci in Pok nonand is looked ofierbylhe resp€cliv€ prov ic olw dlil€ or lorest depodmeils. Al provinceshove rh€ i r own Wi ld l i fe Cons€rvo i 'on ,Monagement, Pres€rvotiof ond Prot€cllon Ach/ Ord inon.es Most p rov inc io l w d l i ledclslodinonces ore species onented ond .eloteb th€ senebiion ol rcvenue lor he depodnenlsond sovehment Reseorch ond monooemeni{orlh€ soke ot consetuoton ol noru.o spe.i€sdnd hobiloh ior the lutur€ s o low priorilyTheE or€ insuflicienl p€Mnnel in the provinciolwi d ife depodmenh with the specio ted iro ningrequted for wellond monosemenl There is nosepdhte wlldl Ie deportment in Boo.histonondo DFO (Dis1rcl Fo.en Ofiice4 in the Fo@st,yD€ponmer l ooks o{ te r w i ld le o f fo i6 .The Min is t ry o l ihe Env i ronmerr , ocogovernmenl, ond rh€ Deporlm€nr {or RuroDevelopm€nr in lhe led€r.lgovernmenl, oreresponsible forformu oilng ond implemenrins

3.1.2 Governmenl Eodies ond theirResponsibilities

Noriono Colncll lor Conseryorionol W ldlle (NCCW)

Zoo ocrcl 5uney Depa dmenr (ZsD)

Th€ NCCW s on onoched deponmenl oftheMinisiry of Env ronment, Loca Governmeniond Ru@ Developmeil. lt hos lhe mondoleiorepreseni the governmenl ond pres€.t rhecou.l./ repo.l lo the Rohsor Convenlon ondioke wirh oih€rconvenuons ond iniernoi onoloOencies. i ol$ coodinoles wirh lhe provln.iolgovernmenis ln wildlile monere. ln 1996, theNCCW Io.med d Wer lo id MdnosemenrComm fi€e on beholl ol the sovernmenl olPokislo. wrh th€ poncipotion ol.lProvincioWildliie Deporrnenls, the Zoooqlco SurueyDeporhent dnd NGOs.

ZSD is o f€d€nl depodm€nt und€r rhe Mln stry6{ Env rcnmeir, Locol Govemmenr dnd RurcDevelopmenl. t s responsible 1or conducr nqsufreys ond reseorch on wlldl{e, wet.nds ondwolefowl The depodmeni unde'roles oniuolb i rd coun ls o i impor lon l we l ond s i ies

These d€po/.menh orc ihe clstodions ofwid ilein $eir respectve provin.es ond ore th!sresponsibl€ forthe moiosemenl oi hobito15,in.luding w€ilonds. They moiose the R.msar

slles ocoled in th€if provin.es ond mplehenlthe deci5 ons loken by th€ FederclGovernmenl{o r rh€ monogemeni o l these s l les

Pro , nc o W id le D.po . lmen s

woler ond Powe. Deve opnent

behlnd the {omd1io. olihe.omm nee wos toprov.le o locolpo nt Ior nehrork n9 behv€enre€vont iedero! ond provincol depo.tmenlsond NGOS, ds we os the ne€d 10 devalop oNolionol W€rlond Slroresy/Po i+ Th€ .omm eewos es 'ob hh€d or lh€ nd lono l ev€ , ondporticlponh w€re odvised ro {orm worklng

sroups d lhe provf.o leves. Th€ lormotio.

of locdl .omm nees lor impodonl wetldnd s teswos d so r€commended, in oderl0 deo wiih

oco wei ond issues ond prob ems os rhey

orose, ond ro repod bocklofie pfov ncio and

WAPDA, wilh n rhe ̂,1in siry oi Worer ond Powe4s responsib l€ for development o l woterreso ! r ces ond s !ppy o l i i g . t i o t wa le f ;

prevention and reco'norion o{ woterossed

ond s.lne onds ond ddlnose, flood conrroL;qenero ton , t ronsmisson, ond dhk ib ! i lon o lpower; ond dnd novlsolion. il mF emenlrpo ic es n rc oled ar€os ds d federol govemment

ogenc, ond ove^€€sond monog€s resefloirs

ond I nk cono s. l$ WAPDA owns ond monose5

rony npor lon l mon mode ond no iu roweronds , th€ i r roe s s ign i f i con t i f we ondmonogemenr ond.on5emoion

3.1.3 Wellond Legisldtion

Natonol W€llond Moncgement

Each province n Pokston hos ih own wildli{eles slolon In sone oreos ows ore eilo'ceds l rc iy but e s€where, due to shorros-" o1lnlrdsrruclu@, enf d.cemenr is weok. Leqk olionprotecrs welonds ond ihreoien€d sp€.ies olwaterfowl lhe hunting/shooting seoson olwoterfow! is coikoled: hunl ns is allowedgenero y from october lo ̂ 1orch, when one.dn hunl o vorery ot spec es on on ordinory

Weionds fd wth n th€ lo low n les is louv€

L F€d€rdiTedlorylsLomobod wi ld i fe (Proredlon,Preservot lon, Conse.vot ion ondMdnosemeni)Odinonce 1979,

2 The Puniob Wid t€ (P,oredion,Pres€rvor lon, Cons€rvo l ion &Monos€ment lAct 197,1, rev sed in

3. The Slndh Wi d l {e Pro iecr ion Acr1972, ,evs€d i 1996

One of the mojor dch evements durinq lhistime wos the Jomohon o1lh€ NdrlonolW€rlondM.nos€menl Commi iee , by lhe NdJ o id l

Coun.lfor the Conseruotor of Wid ile wlJh nthe M n nry oi Envtonment, LocolGoyer.menlond Ruro D€ve lopmeni wWF Pokh lonlobbied lor th€ formolon of thk .ommifi€e fofmore thon o yeo. h con l inuous e f {odssr.ceeded n rheesiob shmentofrhe commHee

This commifiee hcslhe porllcipoton ol e evonl

sovernm€nt d€portnenh, provln.io w d le

deportmenh ond NGQS The prmdry deo

The so ent feolures ofrhese odt ordinonce

,1. The Bo och ston Wldlte (Prolection,

Preservo t on , Conservo l lon &lvlon.sem€nt) Act, 1974

5. A.od lommu & KoshmirWld ile A.t,t9/5

6 Norlhern Areos Wld ife pr€seBolion

There ore lwo colego.es ot protecl€d oreoswhi.h ore mdlnly tors€ted ol sp€. es, not hob io],

dnd o m {.r revenue senerolio. Ihey hdve

r,o schedules. Anlmok si€d if theli6l schedulemoy be hunted on of ordinory hunlins perm I

wher€o5trilmols isred in the s€cond schedu e

3) Greo te r e t t c dn .y in use ondhonogemenr of resour.es

3 .1 .4 ln te rno l iono l Conven t ions

Pokston s parry 10 the following iniemotionoconveiriois, whi.h o.e d rectly or lnd recly

I lnt€m€1ono Convention on Wetonds

2 Bonn Cofven l on on M gro lo ry

ThP No ono aon3e i ,o ton 51or€sy

3. Conven lon o i B lo loS co DveBi ry


4. Convenlion on Inl€rndloio Trodeon E.dongercd Spe. es ol Foro ondFouno lC rEs)'

The Noiionol CoGeaoJioi srr.lesy {NCS)woso lnched i r 1992 by the M n in ry o l rhe

Env ronmenr ond hos och eved some niuo

succ€$. t i s be ng impemented io in ry by rhe

sovernment , cedo id NGOs dnd cv i l soc€ ly .

Cer la in p rov i fc la l governmenrs ore in theproces ol impemenling the NCs. iorexomp e,

rhe Governmenl ol NWFP,,ith rhe recr.icol

a$isronce of UCN ond n.iiv€ ponc polion ofthe peop le o f the prov in .e5 , to rmu. ted d

sorhod Prov nc .l Conseruorion Slroieqy Th s

document w.s approved in 1996 ond

mp €mei l . r io . l s .u ren ty underwoy

The NCS ono yses Pokiston 5 env ronmenralprobLems ond olf€^ recdnnendoiions for ih€

s!c.€s1u lmpementduon ol rh€ po .y. Th€

3 .1 .5 F lywdys / lndus F lywoy

The roures o ons which the bnd5*ove dufigoniuo misrolon ore c. ed flyw.ys. Poksloni on the It-ay to CentrolAso ond N.dherindlo The mgrdrion occur n o north 5oulh

dnedon. The b rds brced ng ln Cenrrd ondNonhern !$io m orore vo Atshani5lon.s frelos ocro$ lre hishef ports ol rhe Hirno oyosAflerenlerng Pol<isron, rhey usuollylo owlh€.dus Vo ey rou le wh.h provdes p e f ry o f

Iood, o.d ofie6 o mid oid hoiploble. mdtelorrhem. The ndurVoley.nd more podi.ulo ythe w.ionds ol solth€m S idh o,e the mo o,vinrerins grouids ol rhe mis roto'./ -ate.low

'TfeAppend t s vei o more deldiled o..ounio{ eoch ol rhese convenuons ond lreoties

Con5e.?o i io . o l

SLno nob € developmeil2)

l hc ndu5 F ywoy Corm l ree , Qndb shed i l

1978 o id .o lonqer fun . lono o . led L ' o

.o fs ! lo r i le . .po . ly I . i the reseorch ord

mono!emenr o j m ! i . r . rv * . re r low rhe

obie.irv6 or th..drn ree wtre:

. f i re feeds o l ee i l .nd .o^se t ro 'on , os ,€ l

.s identiiy o.lions whl.h need ro be loren 0vjhe soren enr, by NGOS & by.rnerinstiuton!orrfe.oL.no e!€ NGOS .i n b. 'ery efte.lve

I Bu . l ns pub l .5uP.o r r I . r

2 Prore . l rs r x hcnoq ns ie lL .n . i:1es . s ue l c r dev€ro l i i qmonogeme. l pon5 r .o .boorond th the re evcn i qo re r imenrdepodme.rs ond ... .ommu^lies

3 Dnsemin.l i9 n]!rm.r on rnougfpLL . o !vore .ess .cJnpc g rs

.1 S l re .g rh€n rq o . . l .onrnu . i r€s bves tb sn i9 ! Io le o rso iG l lo is to '

asro nob c .ome ra :o . e l lods

Curcnry, rlre'c.re r'o mo n NGO5 !Yo{ iq;n r re 1s1d o i le l J id .o iser . l o . in Pok 51on:

tr'.fd Wide Fund lor NorJre Poli5toq i\4WFPak na^ ) t i : o wer . rd . . ' \ e rvo io i

Fr.q'onme roroelin! IErh,.ler !nd .oon.

e .o5 ts len5 1nrou ! hou i r re .ou .1 ry

The Wo d Co ise 'o l id . Un on P.k s ton(LL lCNln io r ,ns on 'e l rond. .Ne o !n . .rh€ .oar1. ore.s ol s ndh ond BdLo.hisiono id o lonq the lndus De1.

3 2 .2 WWF Pok ls ldn ond Wel londConseryolron

!\rWF Pokisi.n ir,i]oled rr .u.ent \4ello.d

Cons€Mlo . Proqromme r L98t T ie$&rFPdlisron \r'e!l.nds Consedo,ion Pr.srohre

n!5 been 'or! ng rowonjs ihe .dnseMtion ol

mpc .n r ue lo tds io r the posreqh l vcc tS in .e rho i lme, in .on jun .1 l .n w i ih p rov n .o

ond lede@l eovemmenr osen.ies, o sreoldeoo l Jse ;u ,v . * h .s been do .e Under thc

Nalidno \velloiC P.osronm€ d !r'el!nd Acridn

P o i |os de le loped r l t t l Th s oc i iD . p .n

o med io 5 !mnorze thc r r re . r5 i . .ed t rv



3.2.1 Opt ions for NGOS

Non.sove i imedo o igo .s l lo i r (NOOS) .on

P.y o n . o r o ! n suppo I ng & d re . l negovernde i i € l lo r rs to nprove we jL .nd

.ons€Nolon .Thcyhoverhe.opo. i t to .ondu. rrese.rh, qolherond do.ume4r niomoron onvre tonds , o rd mpor l l rd in no on w€rLondmonogererl, . rhoush ihey do nor hove thc

sov€rnnent ! mdndo le lo o .1@ly monosew. ronds t r m)or to i ho l en ' ronned€LNGOS.aryourthenown reseor.ir ond rev ew

Reseoi.lr o rd..orl ndron w.€no'r

c .unh on t mi l l ra lon s rud ies , l ! 50nan.l.o oborotion tr llr n1.n.1onaollen.ies su.n 05 wRB,IUCN 3 \'f4F

!r' idld* h.tuesrns ond husbondryLrpfoverenl o{ horen o rd sun.'ied

! e l l , p ro le . r lo i o i ro re sPoc i .s

Rar ionoLzor ion o l hun l n€ roqs

1o nprove ihe quo i l i iY o l the

ho es l & ic re .c l r . .hon-o nq

.o^dil oir oi cl r.re ond irreed ns

To enob i sh . . \ c i . o : we l o_csoncrudr ies ! lo .g rhe R iver lndus

Prb l . educo j ion ro r e :om.Leby p !b r i . . r on dn . l Jh rouq li he dere opmen i o t hunre .

w€ldnds in Pokiston ro qovernment oqen.lesdnd hlqh ght the impo.t ol o$ ol voriousIuncr ions tho i ihe wel londs prov lde.Arev ls ionol lhe l99 l oct ionpLonwosd€emednec€soryto brns fo.lsond tisures up to doreond to incorporote the .honqes which hove

Monogemenr p lons were aho produced lnconlun.rion wirh rhe re evont governmentorgonisauons ond wlld ile deponmenis Among$ore preporcd ore the Rowol L.ke .omponento{M.rgo l lo Hl lk Na onolPo* MdndgementPon (WWF - Pok isron, IUCN The WordCoisetooton Un on ond ihe NolionolCouncifor ihe Consetootion of Wld ile,.urenr y be ngnplemenied by rhe Copi io Developoe. l

Aulhorly), the Lo suhon@ Lole lPori5or Lok€)conponei t o l Lo l !uhonro Not io io l Por [Nlonosenenl Pldn 0WVF Pdk srdn oid PLiiabWild il€ Deparimeni), the Uccho i ComplerManosem€nr Plan (v.^4F - P ond Pun ab Wi d leDeponmenl), th€ Hub Dom Mo.ogemenr Ploi{WWF B Sindh Widr{e Depoameni ,Bo och sbn Foren ond Wijd fe Depodnent,Zoolosico Sudey D€porth€nt ond WolerondPow€r D€ve opnenlAuthority), ond the TounsaBoros€ Manoeemenr Plon (wWF P ondPuniob Wild {e Depodmenr).

3.2,3 IUCN dnd wetlond ConseNotion

IUCN PdkGldn h .s been invoved n th€imp leme. to r ion o l o numb€f o l monsrov€conseryollon prolech since 1987 88. Theseinc ude r€hoblltarion ol monsrove Iorests inth€ nodhem ndus Dero;ihe Korongi ecosystenproe. t in .o oboro ton wrh the S ndh Forcs tDepo ment ond Po4 Qor m Auihority, Iord€ve op ng innovotive plonti.g ]€chnlques;reslorotion otdeq,oded honsroves i KhuddCreek, ond connrucion oto mansrovewol[woy1o promole ecotourrh/ €tc

IUCN Po[isron isoso nvolved ]nlhe NorionolCofservd l on 51ro te9y , whch s be l rsimplemenled oin{y bylhe sov€hment, NGOSond c v I soc e\. sp€cilico l, IUCN hos proyidedtechnico o$ stan@ to rhe sovenoeor oi NWFPn l15 lo rmu o ton o l o Sorhod P.ov in . io l

Consetuo lo r Sko lesy Th l5 n ro t€sy w.sopproved ond odop led by lhe NWFP

sover ident in l996,ond 15 f rpemento lonis lndeNay Sim on, the sovemmenls oiBolochislon ond Nonhem A€os Adminisrrcrion,wilh the lechnic! ossttonce of llCN, ore nthe proce$ o l deve lop ins conservar ion




WEILANDS AND PEOPLE The lypes ol overuli izoiion o{ wetlond €sources

Overlhe yeo6, seepoge{om ogrlcllrurcl londsoid fie cono nrlq.rion nerwork hove lo.dedmony arlif. olwellonds thot hove become veryimpoddnl lor migrotory bnds ruch os cmnesond ducks. Exomples lnclude rhe lokes, pondsond dhands of S ndh. Un{odundrely, soliiilyond woterloqsiig hdve become o severeproblem for much ol lh€ osrcu turol londs inthe ndus bosn, oid monyoeos hov€ becomeso 50 lne thotlhey ore unobe lo suppod oiybird or plon1 li{e, much le$ migrorory bnds

Welonds provde potoble woler supplv locommuniues lhe governmenl hos ok€odyhone$€d lok€s such os Holeii Loke lf ord€r1o iuppy woler to the cily o{ Korochi Otherwetonds ke dons provide o s mior seRce.



The r*ources ol mony welonds dre ln the

pocess o{ being lreveElbly desiroyed or spent

he .ause o f lnsuno inob le l se bY loco

communt ies ond soc ie ty os o who le

Demogophlc chonges, nceores in demond

Jo,osriculu6 ond,lor postu€ ond lorfsh ns

hove broken kodillonol syslems ot resolrce

use These pressures, olong wilh mon-mode

chonses 'n weronds , hove d€creosed the

wel ond5' copocily to susto n themselves n

Iod i mony peop le v iew rhe e l im ina lon o t

wetlonds os o smolLpnceb poylorlhe b€nelih

erpec led { rom we i and convere on(Dusan, l990) . How€ver , much o l th is

conversion dnd resource us€ hos res! t€d in

greot hordsh p to popu oiions depend€nl upon

such stes lor then doy lo doy Ninq Ln lod,



Deshuction o.d OYer-ulillzotion of Wetlond

Expon/Fore sn Exchonge

10r shori r#t) t i .M' \P)'kttr,'kt, .-M"YN im'/,ffi

Pots ion n l i e rpor ied o subs tan lo ahounrorf i sh an ; shrmps ond the r pbdu.h , wh i .h i sworlh over o billion rupe€s

rn Palisron, ther€ hoi been i . of no effodonihe p .d . l the governmenl lo roGe o ,or€ne$o l lhe p igh io l lhe enr ronmenr , ond espe.L . yo,r rhe de!rodolion o{werdnds Trislqnorci.eobou l e .v i ronmento l sues , wh i .h e r re . l sni lons olpeoF e, n€mslro,n ihesovernme|l5inob ty 1o mpar r quo l ry ed lco l ion 1o themoses h ii oily rhrough o con.erled ellod oirhe pon offie gov€rnmenl ond NGO se.1o6,rho' 5o.iery wi i rcal ze fie nue vo ue ol w€r aidsond worl lowords conserylns ond Pr.lecl ng

sohe vo ues o f we londs ore 9 ven be ow:

Weronds ocr os no lu rd l l i i e6 For e tompe,we1.nd p .n ts [e jde lvorer hy .c in :h p ! . l ysewoqe wor€r and heavy m€ld s betofuorers d n bured ro rdomes l . u5e.

!!€t.nds o.r os sponses, stonns er.e$ woid.,o.d orc used nlh€lorm olborcsesl. r€!u.re

toles ond r€5eao 6 ike (eenihor loke,llo eiLoke ond Rowol Dom are popllor re.re.rio.are.s.nd ore.uJivoled by o.o .dnr iJr.iile.ouic s to geierole lncom€

4.1 .2 Economic Under vo !o t ion

Thevo ue iho i 5 paced onwetand resourcesbygov€rnmenls, or oco connui lies lvinq nord orcund s lch s le i , s bdsed upon rhemm€diab beneltrhey;e ve in lems olln.omeon.llivelihood BullhG €vo u.ldi te^ds io be

v elved from o shod term p€^pe.tive, -rr norro!!.hl be rq s ren to whol wi hoppenon.ethe rssour .es hcve b€s i , l eF e ,sdLjnloriunotey, ollempr o der€ op o popefe.onomi. €vo uouon sydem lor wetond5 ares t Ia lom. .mpere , EF€.o y fo f lh€ Sou lhA5 ion 'e€ on lDJqo i , 19901 Evo uor is :heso. io e .onom . mp i .o t ons o l we l cndr€sources mustheretore b€.ome o top lriorlyIo . od on bysovdn,nBnrond by .orond a idntehol on.L NGOr, il 'ei.nd s ter o.e ro

41.3 F indnc io lCons l rd in ts

Gener. y, wer ond .onseflor on re.eives inem.ielory suppod1.om the qoverlmeil be.ousei s vewed os o o , p r io r i l y c reo n theunderdev€Loped wo, d, where bosc su.h osheorh and edu.o t ion . so r€ .eve €s thonne.€$ory tu.d nsi I s d ll cu I 1o, lovemm€n]sro usiiiy 5!endins on he enr'ronment. Th s iswhl lhere s o .ruc ol neei tor g.v€rnmenisoid NGOS ro erpi.re the po$ bi I es ol dive6eiuid is me.ho srs, su.h os iees, spe.olroxeso.d reiu.ii.-o prolh Iro{ rhe erp o r.ll.i ol$e eN,.nmenr, io m.le up rhe {!id r! bo5elo , . .nse f r . r on 1Dr9o. , I 990)

41.4 Lock o l A l le rno l i ves fo r Loco lCommuni l ies

Arhou!h lo . . .omru . i i ies n .y be . ,vore o lthe vo ue ond l r . . i ons o i t re we, o id lheydepend up .n , .s re los rhe do iqe6. lovsexpo i l . lon , lhey . re o l re i unob le 1o chonseb sLn. ndrre pdrens or ,esour.e use be.ouseo{ d . . l i o l nL ,m. ron .nd [ndweds€ For5 !ch commun I es , I s mpero t ve iho l

sov€mm€nt and NGO ed pro e . l i3 t io lv€sb. desgned t. a$ st thcm in lry nC t..'eoie,nnordllvd methodr.l rerource monagem€nl




In tesro l ing Conservot ion ond

The Wise lls Priiciple mp ies rhoJ comefrotonociivllies shoud be undedakenso osto p.olecrthe noturol proped es of rie wetlond ecosysrem.These oclions .on rong€ nom $e stri.l poteclionoi on drco (not !s ns resources k oso o lormo{ w se use) th roush to ihe inc lus lon o fcof5etoot on ocllvit es n dev€ opme.t pDieclsF !dhermor€ , conservo l on meosures moyrequ re prchlbitof or resliclion olsome ol lheoclvilies .oded oul by ocdl .ommunilles -

inc l ld ing communi l€s wh ch depend uponw€tonds Ior pon o{ th€ yeoronly le.g..omodicstock {dmlng commun te, Slch meoslresmoyolso qenefttecons$al husr be borne byloco .ommuniiies e g, crop deslrucrion byp ,o tec ted w ld l l {e spe.es (Bruo1z , 1992) .

F iolly, w€rond consetoorion is o ons iernend€ovour tho i hos de t o lowed ococofrfrlniles10 incr€ose re r .evenue or meerihen needs in the shodt€m I sne.e$orythotcons€rvolion proiecls include educotionolocrvllies dswellos p.ov de oco commlnreswiih new solrces ol income or, o lernative,o ow ihem ro ot eosl mo.toln ond,ll po$lb e,improve lh€ l r l i v ing s iondords (Be l , 1987,Broot, I992r Dugon,19904, Weis& Brondon;West I t92).Govemment os€n. es dnd NGOSmud lherefor€ €nsure ihol cons€nollon ofddevelopmenl iniloiiv€s ore inlegroled whenrryins to design ond impemenr proie.ls ondactivitier.e oted to susto noble use olw€tlond

4 .2 ,2 Comoun i ty Pdr t i c ipo t ion inWetldnd Conseryotion

A sroup of peope who be.ns lo dilferente$nicgroups inhobiting o cedoin envnonmeiiordreo ond nterccliig with eoch olher s coledo ' .ommuni ly ' Communi ly por t i c ipdJo. s

inierpreted diff€€ntly by d flereni people butthe mosl o.cepbble ond boodly ls€d meoninsis thot oJ commun t involvement oriokins porlln monoqins .esources I sopro.€ss nwhlchihe en l i r€ communi ly por t i c ipo les ln theconseryoron ol @sources su.h porlcipolons.ruco os locdLpeopl€ hove be€n the use6oi these resources overcounle$ yeoE Thedemoqrcphic ond e.onomictends hove,ln owoy, forced the unsusioi.abe uilzouon ol theseresources . wh ie rhe iumber o l usere sin.reosins ropd,lhe resourc€ bose remo nslmii€d, wlh everyone rry ng to ger o moxlmumshdre f,4osl communiries do nol reolizelhot f$ese L"solrces ore nor uliized in a sustoinoblenonner, rhey w soon be depleied As noolienolives o.€ ovoiobe, dependence on th€s€resou.ces co i l in !€s unoboted . Throush.ommln i ty pod. lpa t ion , peope can been.ouroged ond ioughlio us€ notural r€iourc,.swis€ly, ond provided o$isronce in idenlly igposib e o t€rioliv€s thot con beodopled Ihiscon only be mode possib e llihe volue oi theseresources 5 mo,e wide y und€relood ond

As ln th€ conseflotton ol other resolrces, thecommunity connor b€ lsnor€d ln the procesoi w€t ond plonninq ond manosehenl becouse

bo hos vo uoble indseious [nowl€dse. Toen!!re $eir podi.ipauon, i1 is imporlonl lolivolve lhem in the enfte pro.e$, trom ihe

de ign dnd pc .n .q ro rhe mplene i rd ionn.ges Trs r n . r . . v re p io lo rds be l te r

F dnn.g , i r w i l l imbue o se ise o j .on lden.e.nd o ,yne^h p Cornur i l y por l . ipo ton.isur€s rhol lhe de.s ons a esourd rlh suplo1Iroi, o ls de5 Th5 oo,'r. p.lo.y pfo.€i aso lesuard lhe rcsD! r .es n . l ony lo r . ! t ren1use5 br r o s . lo f Iu rure genero i ions

Ho-ever eo . l r re lo rd ros . d f ie ren l .osorgro !p .1 .ommln i les i !ng n l ssur rcund TsThs moyho le eod roo dr rcso .o .e .onon.s i ruor o i i i ec .h {e ron . i There lo re , i nnc .esor / ro Ln . ie6 io id rh€ so . io .econom.ond. r ru rc L . ro6 o lemr ins d rh i r o ry oeobeforeponn.g .o nu . iy . !o !enef l ! /he iseek nq lo .oope.o le ,11spe. o olteifior sh.u d be g !en to ensuringpon. ipo io r o l woFen. Women. f ien p !y .m.orroe in r€sour.e !s. foweve,, fieisro:us

senero l l y does .o j . l . , rher r . bene l r Lo ith€ .o .esory eso la^d I no .co meons, .o .p.ni. par€ Iu y in houseiro d ond comm!. rydc.ision m.[,no lrhe pddi.ip.tioi o{4.i]ei:1o be .ome o fe . r , ro . r i . rs kh .h cdd,es rhem spe. lc . r i.e.eirye.6, rem. .b e ddvci.es hore bee..iod€ wcnd\vd€ ii Fdnicipolo.y eorilng i.re5eorch ond en.nson, p.nninq, m.:asemenlond mon lo r lns Tre .ommor ooproo.hes . rePor l . ipo lon Ruro Appro iso s (PNAs) o rdP.n i . porory L€orn ins ono Ad ions lP l^ t

T ,€ obe. rve o1 the PRA, /PLA shoud be :

.pproach oime.l towo..ls ihe c.isefrolon ofThe -"iDe.ted oLr.om"^ of

de .1 l i .01o . oJ p ro , :y n€eds q l l rthe commun ty ' s po , l . i po l io .F5lobihmenrolr sef.suro i ig nnen

Paf l i . pa r ion o f .omm!n r ies in.onsea.:ion o1 nol!ro resour.es.n

To .lent ly.lifisent. o$s or qroupsvns w lh in re .ommui i t , os we

os the key $ues os perce red by

To erob + 1E humon resor.e se

To de t ne the Frob em ond den lywoys by l vh .h i sues .ou d bereso v€d os s !ggesred b l r l e

4 2 .3 lmprov ing So . io EconomicVoluotions of Wellonds

The lolo! ns s . rJho o host ol reosons lhyrelonds musr be evd uorsd a5 e.onom!., onCi . l ius r e .v ronmenlo , s les

B rds, {sh oid +eL{+ ole iorvesied ior o.d.o^sunFrion ond soe Irere is relru orrr.o.hii!o .d hunrno o l n s r . l . ry wo le /o , l .nd o lhe fo i n . s u .h o i o r tu5 and. ,o .od es Io , rhe ,pe:5r!k n5 1rlony,€tl!nd spe.es ol l.-. cndia !n . .€ hoResred b ! theio . l .od ord lo r e .o .om. q . n U/e l lo rdspror d . peor e r r r len e Sr .$ .n . l to l rozether.nim. s on,l m.nqrove 10 ose as lodder,e q. Blnd (hLshdi (hon's €nvnons or€ usedlor .o | e l rdz ns j n the nd ls . le l 'o , comei!nze on m.iqrov€ forcns

lver onds pro'ide peor € 'r:th l.nd su iob e lofoqr .u ru re l . id wh i .h 5 r rcunds r re U.chd lcompet o[es Kh€bboi<, u..ho] dnd l.hl.f

s u r i zcd by o .o ! .ommunles lo g rowou lo l5€o5on vese lobes The. re . o rdund ZonsNaw.rLoke s used to grow meoni The e.l,eieislh ol rhe ndus rv€r s rne f..us of Po[inon s' r .d lo id ios : .u l lu re su . r os r .d , coron on . l*hed l , . id lnere lo re p rovder o ha or 5ou.eo1 food I.r Pal slon, os tre I or Froduce :or€rpo l Mcny ,e lo rd p i . ih o fe u5cd lo rco.nruclon pu.poses in ihe.onoge ndunri€sfof nstan.e, reedsfo[oojins d.d monn!, ondmonsrove rmber lo r . .ns r uc i io r !nd os fueMonqroves hove orher lun.tion5 lonn n .oiC.r,nuii'l r.bi rroi G onorhefly'emo,ic

be eni..€d Ldm rr. bo.[ Ior use nrhee0rl]erorn i! indush/, ond ieo'€s.1. p0 .u.rs!e.esoE lsed to lieoi s[in .ond I ons

4 2 4 Meosures to M in im ize rheExcessive Use ot Resoufce

r,{€1dnds a/€.urrenrly be nS used ond obused lnPo[s ro i , ogr .u lu re 5 vcry impon. i l 1o $e

e.onomr The r'hoLe ndusb.s'r 5composedolie ld id5 ond le r e o feos l rF .h , opon io r

sulpoliig on ever buqe.nin! Populorion !ndprov d i! lood, o ro sLpForl o huge dependentpopuoror of $/el ond spe.ies, bdh p onls ondor imo s l i le l .ndr i f le , then rhe peop le

lepefdeni.i rhem ore clso r fiec€d, .s wel .sli,e enl rc inlercoine.led e.o5ydem

.4 2 4.1 Slnonobie useol€s.ur.es

SJi. noble uilz.rio. con b€ nei.ed 05'humoiu5. oj o werond so lnd t moy I e d llre g.eoien

conl iuols benel ro presenl €eneroror5 rlh lem! nl. n ng;ls Polenri.osp.olons ofl!1!€ g€.er.i o r' T. pronDie rheprc.]i.e ol suslo nobl€ use ol'etoid resour.es,.nd 1o o,eve.r ove' €rprcLioron ond degrodorLon.l hoblol, rhe s.vernmenr.rd NGO5 need r.

o E .oos .o € rdrch on wer lo id !

i or.jer 10 !.4€61ond rhe speciii. resou,.enci.semcnl prob ems, t 5 n€ces.ry r. undcdalce.oLosi.o nudes ol\'erlond 5res wh.r.on ro.us

on the sp€c{. prob ens ond i$res perro nirc 1owei ldnds LDusa. ,1990)

b Seo @nom.stud)'or mr.ommuniF.-

tud *.e€d 1o be i iored inb the w.ys ondm€a.s by whnh locd ..mmun les uii re iorlrr€sources Whee ri!shoFn thoifir us is eod rglo lhe degradolioi oi lhe enfronmeil, pr..1.es

.nd poe. \ mus be deveopod !1 r i . i o$Gl

.onn ln cs i deve lop i ! 5 !nd i . .e e l r .dsor resouE se louso., 19901

Tne c*cnrid rEnngold q./errnenl peEonn.l-ho moi.le llo'€rnfle.r ow.ed rel ords nru5ircL!.1€1r€ li6vemeito{ o.a.c nuniles Them.nollemenr ollreroid 5les mud.ko be..sedon th," enr t.bi.ir€d nom holh ecoosicc onilso.o €conoh. siud es perloiiii! ro the podictor'rel on! !i:e su.h troin ng d.d roroqemenlmeo5urer musl be prorlded i.nlrurionc .ndleg 5 olve ruppori,.xd mJ:la so b. L.dertokeli r .on5u rc lo . , r r NGO5

4.2 5 Consewotion Educotion

S n.e rime lmnemoio hd.rs h.re rcd r1..e.orne.rLon rotre erv 6nmenr, Ls rg h iesourceslorrhe needs wnefief rh. needs lrove beer iof1..d,..1h n!.n.i5he1.; or hcve dev€loped overlime nlotroresoph:t.oled trt! reme s s!.h 05orqe 5co e rgollon, w€br ndtuge 1.. i es, oon. i !o5 e i !obron e l . , l r cy h l re . l r rove . lfie useonl obule ol fie enftonmenl ii 1..r, rretreni elir .e.rury -i pob.bybenolo ou5l., he:ce$ ve obu5€.nd qi.tui.€ 'rlh.eqod lolheenrr.nreir !rot 5, n efle.r, ouronly rome !/rhrescd ro'rerr.d5 n ee^ero, ie.ples oHiluleshole been s roped brlh€rur olf€roid €slr.esComd!.iies i!i.s n oid drounC o,ellon,l ore.d€pendCne. ryor ind iE . ty rpo . ihe .es .ur .€s to11c6 Some o le l me ih 5 lse n sunoinob€Mor€ oirei lh.r ror, leople use his rcsour.e inon unsund nobl€ ,ronnei the rcason be ns rfolpeople ore leiercL! q.oron!o1fie vd ue olsuchon €cosyjem n.l onI to them, blr. so l. ihemory 5pec ies o lp ln l ond o i iho i ie 'h . \depend wo i l l re .o f i i r led ond ur .h .nsederislen.e oliu.h on e.osYsrem: Peop e w.n y odop l the e 'h . Io ' lenv i ,onren ' . i ,susio nobe ir^! wher theyo€ P€Buoded rholi l n l lh l and ne .essory lo do s . , whe i rhe !hove su{ ; . ien i i .en l !es , cnd whe i rhey . re

Tl; "1

enobl€d b obr. n lhe,equ rcd knowedseond51 5 lco fns to r the Eonh: A S l ro tesy lo rSuno l iobe L ivng, ps52. ) l r i s ony rh rougheduca l ion , and spe. i l i co l y .ons€rvo i oned! .a ton , tha t peop le w i l l ! rd€6rond rhe:mpodanceof f ieno lu ra wordondrheLrqen 'need lor our suslo nobe use ol ts resourcesConsefroton educoton is o.y tp€ oledu.oiioithot b. nss abo!r improved norurol resourc€nono9€menl ond reduces eny i ronmeniodohoge I s e$en i lo l lo bu d l r i s opprodchlnl. bolh lorn. ond non formo ed!.oron inorder io r€ach the moxmw number.l people.The power ot non lorma educoron nust behorn€$ed, €specia ly n a counl.ylke P.ksion,where ovef 70% of th€ populor on remd nsl l l l e ro le 801h ch i ld ren ond od ! lh musr be

sch.oi€d ln the kn.wedseand volues rhor w Ia lowthem to ve in suno lnabe horm.nywl ih

n Po l i r tan , conservo t on edu.o l ion ondbe co iduc ted th oush the

The formoland nonjorno educdrion rectoEcdn b€ uti zed by nlegroling .onseryor on dndanvno.manl nuer nto the generol.uirculuhond l ro inn ,e tea .he6 lo nd !de n fo .molonon the €iv roim€nl n o voriety ol subie.k,erpeco ly Ens 5h/U.d!,sclen.e, Googr.phy,

Tne b.molsec,o. th s invoves ol gove,imentand prvo te s .hoos wh.h Io low thc no t iono l.ur.u um ond hove propers.hoo iilrdslructureond rhoo hous.ll is th€ r€spom bli\ ofrheBoad o l Edu.o lo . lo e r l re rho l rhe nc l o rc.urcu !m n. udes .onsetoorion educolion ospod o{ t5.ou6e work. howeve., NGOs andihe pub . nee. l ro lobby o .d .o iv l i ce thesovernmenl ol rhe impod...e ofsu.h ho st.

Ihe I'lomolse.ror: by rre inlormo seclor, wem€on a I edu.oron u f i .h h nor conduc ledthro!sh recosn zed ond resisrered schoo 5Th 5 n . udes s r reer schoo s , homs schoos,odu l ed!.ar or €t.. ll s up ro rhose providinssu .hs€r r i .es ro ensure , w lh f ie heF o lNGO5an. l the sovern nent , tha i they prov id€.ons€ryorlon educoton b ihenb€etoud en.es Non-GovernmenidlOrsonisotions/ Societies/Clubs

Throush proje.lsod prosrommes which Iocusspec f .o l l r on th€ needs o l ow i .ome ondunderpr iv ieq€d .ommun l ies ' by rc i5 inqwor€ne$ ond educot ng rhe !€ierolpubli. nenvnonm€nlol des.ddorion ond rhe benefh of

Us ns rel€vson, rodo ord the prinl medio foriilorndlioncampoi!nswhi.hrorsei bolh ru.oland ulbon populolions ond provide oli,ern.liverto uisustd iobre resource us€. Trovellins Rodd Shows

Us nq oco ond nad lona lobes ond s ro esto.oise owo,ane$ ond educote th€ sene,opub c obour env ronmenlo degrddoron ondrhe b€ne{iis ofsunolnobl€ lv ng

ll s oily throush qivins lhe urmosi prorlt roh€ od 6m derrib€d obove thdt we con €venhope 1o o.hieve o smo I reve^. in th€ domoq€$o1hos a reody bee. done ^.1o.y ol todoy'5noluro disosteE ore the d re.t resu t of ou.unsusro nabe use ol the envnonment, whelhsrll b€ mossiv€ deloreslaron, reclomotion o{weflond stes {or ogrl.uhlre purpos€s, or $ebu id ins o f ddns ond reservo ( i s on Yrhroush cons€f lo ron educo lon th . r w€ canhope ro stoF su.h desrru.ton ond o owturu/eg€nerolons io experlence whot we.llrenty

4.2.6 Women 'n Wetlond Conserydtion

The in. usion ol women in o strol€g es dndo.i vili€s r€lotig to wet ond monogeme.rand.onseryotion s o{ primary impodonce Wome.{rom commuiiles n ond oround wet dnd oreosurilise lhe resour.es conloined n these oreasin €very ospect olth€ir lves lrom thendo ychores of co le.t ns woler, warhing corhes,.ook lng ond cLeon ing , 10 ihe r e .onomicoctvlies slch os weoving bdskers and broomsond mo[ ins o lher ] rems lo r so le o r LseEducot ng these.onseryotion, ond provding lhem wilh woysond meons by wh i .h rhey con use norur .reso!rcer n o sustoinoble monner, wl brinsoboul posillve sains i weJoid conseryolonond monos€m€nJ h+ould be rh€ losk ol eochp/ovinc o governheni deponmenl lo €nslr€tho t o l monosemenr pans ihor o red€ve loped10. w€tond siles conlo n o strotegy thor wiispec lco lLy io rg€ l women no l on ly lo r.on5erya i ion educo l on purposes , bu l to roc lv i les wh ch en to i l the sus lo nob le u ie o lwe land resources . The monos€r n chorge4rcr..sarF,'h.n wu{ rlnni.r(l.Jd in ihr

developmenl ond imp emenlotion 01 locomonosement plons. Th s vil h€lp ln buildinso sense o{ owne*hip om.no ihe womer ot lhecomm!diry,h resord lothe proleclion o,theenvronment, ond wil eod 1o$enodlve lnieresiond nput ln enslring lhor resoLrces are us€din o susro lnob le monn€r Adu I te ro .y onded!.orion proq.ammei should be o k€y porio l mdnoqement pan5 lhd t nvo lv€ we l londsthor oG inhob l ted by o . . l communi l i€s .Women mustbelo€eled n su.h proqromm€sso thollh€y.on to[e dn acuve pon in w€llondconseftaton, ond bdng lheirown €xperencesro beor on the $ue of susto noble .esourceus€. A bosc odu i educoiion couE€ ne€ds 1obe desisied in o w.y thotwi inl€srclele.mingwl lh s5ues reqord ins deve opmenl ondconservd l on NGOS ond CBOS wo,k insiowads €nviro.mentouse rh is .pprooch in ihe r .omm!n i i ydevelopment wo*, and must €nsur€ the fullpanicipolion olwomen in lheir pro ecl oclivli esIn foct, ony mdnogement p on ol o welloid stemlst ln. ud€ the oslonment of o communllydeve loFhen l o f l i cer who .on o$ s l thecommunry ro nresrote lre r own ne€ds wllh$€ needs ol ihe env ronm€nl they nhobil






Monogenent of Wetlonds

A. in t€gro led .pprooch w i lh morecofrmuniiy nvovemenl h needed norder io consene ond monoq€ 'newer dnds ol PoLkloi f€rion br Iedemlond prov nciol governmenh.)

lvldnosement Pons olo Ramsorsiresond olher impo'lonJ wetoids ol lhecou^ky wtrlch o€ under thrcoi musi bedeve op€d The monos€m€nl slrotes €smur t foke in to occo!nr rhe so . o -e.onomic n€eds ol lhe ocolp€peondolbmdle resur.es ol income gen€donmust b€ qpoed tor the communilies(Acliom by NGO5 ond sovemment.)

Adeqlole lnsUllliono onongemenhsho ! d be node by p rov inc ogovehmenls lor werond mandgemenlwi$ the suppo,'i of led€ral govemm€dn lhe conlexr of implemenlation ofnlemdt onol t@Jies/oblisalions. lAd onby NCCW, p rov nc loL w i d l i fe

Proper plonnins shoud be done bGedon sound doio ond ntomed lldsem€niln consul rolion/cood notion wlth ther€lo1ed orgonisotions/osenc es ondcommunfis (?acnon t prov mio wdGdepddnent, NCCW; ZSD, ond NGOS l

Aieqlore {inoncio resour.es should beo ocoldl for implemenlolion o{ oetlondpro lec ts (A . i on by l , ,1 in is t ry o {Environment, prcv nc o govem'nenh,N@,CI/S,CBD,GtFonddhq.lrm)

ncome sei€turiN resourc€s shou d bede€oped Io'communfi e5 Yng orclndwellonds ii mlnim se dependerc€ onersl ns redoud eou@s ond k, ens!rerh€n5!nd ndbe utilisolon. (A.lon byNGOs.)




Leg is lo t ions /cont ro l /Po l i c ies

There is a ne€d ro deve op o polq lorthe conseNolion dnd sustdinoble useolrc ond Bour6. {Aiiom by NCO/Vis co l lobord l ion w i lh Prov inc o

lhere G o dmr n€e! r. re5o @ ovedopsond conl cting sues b€lween ihevor ious governmen l dnd non -governmenr ogefc es i r€vew rneocor on o i respons lb i l i l l es ondrecommend meosu€sihorwi benef tm.nogement o1 wetlond resources.(Aclion by Federo ond P,ovincoGovenmenJs, NWMC, NGOs )

Ens !€ the € l {e . tve mechonkm o terisiing wi dlif€ Ac6 Ior s.lesuord ofspecies ond hobnols lAcuons bYftovncal ond Fedem Govemnenlr.)

The@ so need to Iomulole rulesondresulolioru ir €1and h.brols, b€c€uethe exttins w dli{e Acis ore fortheproted on of sp€c e5 on y. lA.tions byProv n.io W ld ile Deporhenls.)

The ex ln lns Nd l iona Wet ondlvlonosemenl Commifiee should bemodemoee{ed€ (A.lion by NMMCond Nccw)

mp enenl on ollhe re.ommendolioiros mode in NEQs ir dvoid lh€ u5e o{werlonds os dump ig sll€sshould becdtres out lA.r oN by EPA ond EPD.)

Rev ew hlnling Legnhtion ond eNu@prop€r mp emenldl on. (Action byNWMC dnd pEvinciol gov-"rnm€nk.)


A cooslol zone mdndgemenl plon needsro b€ dev€lop€d ond 'mpemenled.(A.1ion by l€dero ond provincio

mplem€niorlon of Jhe nonog.meitpions ol@ody deve oped lorllc.ho i.omp er launs Bomge, Poisor lole,f iub Dom ond Zong Nowor Ldkeshou d be €ns ! red (Ad ons byrespecl ve pov n. dl goremmenls ondwAPDAlor Hub Dcn onty.)


rmplementaton on bof ol clnino olnees oid oiherveqelolion should beodh€red ro . (Acr ons by ,e evo f rsovemment deportm€nls )

Sociol forestr/ techniques shou d beencouroged lAc t ion by re levontgov€rn renl depodmenis.)

R€hdb lo l io i ond rcs lo ro t on o fdomoged rverbonks ond wole6h€do@os 5houd be co,ied our 6doiby re evonl govehffent d€ponmenlsl

Cotueryotion of Hobilot ond Spai6

Spec es re.ove.y p ons lor ihreore.edwelond spe.ies shou d be dev€ oped.nd ,hen mp em€nlo l ion ensuredfd on by NGOS, w d le dep.dmenrs.)

A bi.d bodlns progmmmeshould bed€ve oped (A.]ion by NGos, wrtdiifedeponmenls , ZSD l l rh rhe he p o{inlernoliono orgon(olionsworknq n

Cohprehensive rutoey ot the poory[nown wetlonds ol rhe.olnrry, such oswerlonds ot Nonhern Areos, A.lK onds. ie lokes should be.oir€d our loos.€rtoln lh€ r impodonce. (A.lions byNGOS, Z5D, w d {€ depddment5l

A survey pbgbnme ro I id od h€ notusofresrd€m.nd breed ns woterlow orsummerv is i lo re shou d be in 1o1€d

Fi:lion by NGOS, ,r di le depa,lndils,z5D.)

Pbieclion/con€Roliof of breeding silesol threotened wolerfow ond oiherwedond dependent sp{ es in the .ounrryshou d be ensured ond the br€ed.gpopu dlon €nmobd (Acrion byw d le

Ceisus progrohme5 lor spe.ies su.hos the ndus do phin, .ro.odile, €1.

Consetuotion onenbd reseo(h odiv riestho l w I n . rease the e .o og .ol iowedge o lwo ler low dnd the rhobiloh shou d be €n.ouose.l. lA.rionby w ld rle depo,henls, Z5O, NGos,

l.rtulio.sond nd viduo s wo'l<ing wilhamph bans, ftf, nvedebroles ondw€rlo.d p oik should b€ encouoqedro .ompie .ompreheis ve lisli of rcdondspeci6. (A.r on by w d Ie depodmenrs,ZSD, NGOs, edu.oriono nsrlrlrlonr.)

A procedlre lor.onlonr monirodi€ olth€ impor ron l w€ro ids shou ld bddeveopcd, dnd d ecooqico .ha.sesre.oded. Fd oi t uirdrib depirdmenrs,zSD, NGosl

So.o.econom.va u* o l werrondspec es shou d b€ d€iem ned onddeumenled,ondporenra lorutilt uon.s*ed. (Ar on t NGOS, educoriono




5.1 .8


5.1 .10

Monsrove rch.b ilorion/.ons€ryal onpEgEnrnEscurenlyin progre$ 5hou dbe atei ircosedappod (A.lom {NGOS, loren ond w d le depddrenis.)

Educotion ond Aworeness

Pu bli. .worcnss odiv ties ond mor€ dolso. iei.nd vo u6 shou d be deve oped,ih rouqh med o ors€nnq up o l b dwot.hing c ubs, or orgonk ng errrdcurncuarocrvilies (lclion by NGO'

Specio cfienloi shou d be siven todeve .p ng we l and oworeness.onp.ism lAdom by NGOS).

An ororene$ progromme shoud bedryeloped ond h suddlnoble ur isroien5ur€d (Ac1dn by NGOS)

A newdeftq .overins w€rlond oct v li€sshou d b€ Flbhhed fdiof by NWMq

Wo*shops, semimre ond symposa onwer onds re o ted lop lcs shou ld beo.sonised. lA.ton by NWMC )

Copo.il] buidinq ol lhe communitesving neor reionds shou d be pomobdn wer ond monos€ment ond isto tub euhlisrnon e5ou(6 by p6vdingrci.inoond anansing w.khops on rh€ sub eci

lnpemenror io r ond.€v s lon o f thetrc i ng proammmes should be.ofiedour on ihe bdsis ollhe resulb of Esuorevo uoiion (Adon by Go\4 NGO,

inf orfr orion/Doiobnse/Gls

P€pore dobbdses holding inlom.ronre evont to wetond.onselotion ondmono9ehe i l by odopr nq lo iesrtchnqu6. (kion by NWvlC, NCCWNGOs)

E.otour(m to lvellond sles sho!ld bepromo led . lA . r ion by Tour i sm

Feld vs i l s 5hou d be d*sn€d ond.onduded tor vorious lorgel qroups(AcJ on by Iour sm Deporhenr n.onsu io1 on wirh NWMC )

n tormol lon moler io i shou d bedereloped 1o pbmore ret ond ioudsm(Ad ion by Tou ' i sm Depor lh€nt n

corou ldlid^ wilh NWMC.)

Humon res.uces o{ prcv n. o wildl{edepodnenh srou d be deve oped wlhresp€cr to monpower profe$ioiols[!ud copoc! tor uel oid moioseme.lby pro' ding .ecessory troiflng on*e]ond o$e$ment, consetrojion ofdn.ndgement le.hniqu€s. lAction byNGOs, PF, p rov nc o land tedcra

Moniror ing ond Evoluot ion

Toln ns hdc d s on wise ce of wer ondsshou d be desi!ned for.ommulii€s

Acola ogue ol mlilgoton meoslresah.h ore opplcoble lorredudion or

5.2 A.tions by Non.Govenmentll

elmlnolion mpo.ls on lhe ronge olbenefh prov ded by w€t oids shou dbe mode ow obeto nsllutonsNGOrord sovemmenr osen.€s lA.'onbr

The implemenrorion of ElAshoud be€nsurcd belore impem€nrdion ol onyde'e opmenr prolecr in ire,er ond o'eo(A.r oi by NGO5 ond re oled f€deor

Ai elle.liv€ syslem ol M & E should bedev€ loped in co l oboro t on w i rhgovernmenl ag€nc es / r€sear .horqon sol ons, NGOS.nd communiles.(Ac l lon by l .derdLond prov in . id

orsonisdions in coni'rn.rion

Monogement ofWetldnds

A d€moisfoble mode! werand sireehp oyins $e , se use rcsour.e .oncept{or rcplcotior n.rher oreos shou d b€de'eloped. Pdor br NGOS, €spernre

Smal sco e +w.g€ lrcohe.i merhodsthroush biologic. coniro sho!ld beencou,oqed lAdlon by NCOS ond

ConseMlion of Hdbitol ond Spei*

lvlost olthe recommendollons s venufd€r the h€od ing oJ Governmei r!r:l ons oE o so dne.ied bwods NGOSwork n! in rhe fie d olenvironmeniocon5edolon ond proie.ton. Be ow orerhe mosr imponon l o f these

specier re.ovcry p.ns Ior$re.ienedvrelloid rpe.es shou d be deve oped.nd rn€i mp emciid on cnsud. Fdioiby NGOj , w id l le deporhenh )

Compreh€nsive sutuey ol € poortliown $€ onds ol ihe.ouni'Y, a.h dswedoids of $e Nodhcm rrcos, A( ondso fe lokes sholld be.ofted outlooscedo n 1r€ r imporionce 1Ac] ons byNGOs, ZSD, wid fe deporlmenrs )

Hun,eu o he reliono lev€ shou.lbeencou6ged L, iom . ub6 or o$didionslo monoge the i r o .1 iv i1€s on ossron.,be bos s. (A.1ion by NGos.l

Theaisrifgsiruoion,ie voues,ilrreohe l . o f lhe npor l .n l w€ i l .nds o f rhe.ouil,y should be rev ewed (Adon by

5 2.1


Conierualion odenbd rceorh Dd villes5ho!r b€ en.ou,osd $o1*il i.€dseth€ e.o ogico lnow eds€ ol wolerlowond fi€ r hoblat (Adon bywidlif€depodmenh, ZSD, NGO5, ed!@liondl

so . io ,e .onom cvo !e5 0 twe landsp€.ies sho! d be delermined anddocumenhd, ond Folenla l.f ul blonlse$ql fdion by NGOS, eludl ondl

Mongrove rehobil iot on/.on5€tualionprogEmm€s .urenl y in p.ogrss srrou 'Jb-"siyen n.reosed suppod Fcl on5 byNGOS, lo €st osd wild 6 depotueirsl

nslnulons ond indvidlolsrcrlns whth," amphibions, lsh, nvedebmles ondlv€llond p on15 should bc cn.ourcsedlo.omp e comFehentle lsts ol v€{dndspe.ier lAclion by wild ih deFddmeih,ZSD, NGOS, educdliond I i.rilLl o ns )

5.2.4 TEining

. Cdpocty buidinq oiwerlond monoqe6olthe povincio wid i{e depodmenhofd o there nvo lv€d in w€1 d idmonosement sho! d b€ Prodoled bYprov dins ne.ess') tro nins of wel ond

monosemeni i€.hn ques. lAdion byNGOj, sovemmenl.)

. Tro n ng mot€rio s on wise use ofwe l onds shou!d be des gned to rcommuni r ies . lAc to i by NGOs )

5 .2 .s In fo rno t ion /Do tobose /G lS

. Dorobose5 ho dinS i.foirolion r€ evornlo we l 0nd conservo l ion o idmondgem€nt shou d be prepor€d byodopiins rhe otest techniqres. (A.ionby NWMC, NCCW, NGOs.)

5,2.6 EnvironmentollmpoctAssssmeni

The lmp em€itdrlon ofEAb€forcthotof o fy deve opmenr pro iec l in ih€werlond ars shouid b€ €mued. (Aclioiby NGOs ond ,€ lo led feded ond

Comm!nit lnvolvehed In Wetlond

Conhldreswh.h ltiLi@ welLdnd d@s

5hould be en.olros€d ond suppod€d,throush le .hn co l oss s1on.e ondlog s tco suppo'J ,10 dev€ op ondimp enen l ma idgemenl p ons Iconiuclion wfi rc evont sov€mme|t.qencl€s (A.t o. by NGOS )

The developm€nt o lmplemen'otionol wer ond conserdtioi meos!res

sho! d tole into conrlderorlon theLllestles, culturalvo ues ond b€nelihol fdiq€nous cu turo communiues.

Communiues d€pendent on wei ond@sources shou d be encoros€d roes lab ish .ommuni iy bdsedo,sa. so l ons {CBO, wh.h.dnIoc l l i rore the process o l o .opodi. polion nwetond mdnogem€ni.I€chni.o ond los sl co 5uppori shouldbe povided (Acron by NGos.)

The d€srcdorion o{wedonds shou dbe oddressed by q iv ins loco lcommunir es rh€ incenliv€, [now edgeand reso! r .es io €noble lhed tounderldke mongrove relorenolionpro€ds.Such posrommes shou d o sensure thot lhe conmLnliies involvedhove the opp.oprdre knowedse toundedoke susici.oble monosement olthe r€hobi ldled mon9rov€ oreos



The rccommendollons ond requlr€d ocrio.sdesc bed in se . io .5 o re , Io r the most pdn,€xkehely chdlengi.! ro mpemenr, ond qulrevored n 5cope n ordq ii mo[e impiemenroionsomewhot le$ conlusing, ths secllon chorisoutihe ii15r steps which ore req!ndd by theGovernmenl in o rde , io ensure rh . i there.onmendotions siven ii ths document o@

The implementoion ol the NWMCobi*rlves must be initiored wlh rhe lnstsbp beins fie sldb shme.n oJ povinc o



Prov nc o wMCs mun be $toblishedond mus l .on id in o se lec i ion o1m€mbe6 l rom the sovehmenl . id

Provinclo deporlmenls mut d€vs€ o.honoos@ plon ot o.tion 6r serlondconseRolion lrom €5eorch ro ]rc ning

A werloid moiogdme.r plon m6tbedevelop€d fo.eo.h lmporronlwetldndsie under th€ luasdicrion oJ $e epecr v€

\4€rlodd honogemeit p ois thol lovedlr€ody been developed musr be d sedkeeping n mind ihe Wetlond AdionPdn. The rcvisd pons mut tlren hove{und nq se .u red rowords rhe i r

Provinc ol depo'lmerns must besin dolocol e.lion on mFodont welld nd sps €s,srod ng wilh those n lhe Romsarsites

The€ musl olso be o .omm *ee ser upto rev ew.utrenl wellond lesslotionand 1o provide recommendolions 1ompfovemei l dnd .h .n9e in the


ThG nclules rh€ M nklr, of Eiv onmenl ond rheNCCW

6.1 I l n fo rmot on

This dotumenr musl b€ odopted by rh-"

The d. .ument musi be cncul . teddmoie al the provin.iol deporrmenlsdnd pr ior i ty musi be I ven io theinpemenrolion ol tre reseor.h Jordev€lopment ol monosemenr p ons.

in t lo l ves a.€ requi red lor th€deveopme ol wet ond slblesy/po cy.

6.1.2 Aciivdle NWMC

Th€ Notionol Wetond MonoeementComm flee wos estob ished by th€f ,4 dGt ry o f Env i ronnen l n 1995Thh codmlHe€ mun be dc iv . tedimmedid iey dnd d meet ng hed roiilrodu.e 6e mdidoie olihe NWMCto o I con.ened podies

l==,- d5rt"r"-:L Jt I




TABLE l: Differenl Types of Wetlonds


I Sholow ro 6oF lLndt !r md,es or

K o r o n s i d i d G h o r . C r e e k , n d ! ! D e l t o

I smo o,q . e 5ord, seh Aio ro 5onJ , lBoo+ !6 i ) , ch , . . o dond

a ' R o c | y * o . f t j s ' s o d d s Cop. Mon:e, PoEd r Po d 15 idh)G w o d s . o o n o n d l v o n i . o d n l B o o . h t o n l

t !rc bolhs l.mLj pPbbal li,oi .ooe Gloder lsoiolh noil Hd,les Boy,/Soidspr beo.hes ond clltoi bed.h, 15 idhl

r i e i d o m l l r G L l d i d l . s P o s i , B o i ( B o o . h i o n ) , r h e o d e i i d u soero,Tido rik orr ndsdeh 6 ndh)

- l i o i g r c , e - " o m P . i u i q o a l o k n MiofiH.r Ko mor (hoi Gowobr sqlBoorhioil,rhe lidus Derro. Korc.oioid Ghoro creek ondodd.ed nee(sfo,re! Boy / 50nd5pit lsndh)

3 C o o n o L b r c l k + d r d s 0 h e o q o o ( sllndi,I rcn rosomi Fo 6hdm) Nur, xodhm

9 RveG, n reoms n* r l owbs l . ' . f Kuii.m Rie, vo ry INWFP), Do+r Ko!,,ShoJ i l h . r lSoo . ,no i l Rve r l odu l shdh l

l 0 R"e^ , n raom3 ron :ow os Lvppe , Deos Pdteo! 1Nonl,*o A,eon, Rter Swor

loss 8!rcse ltuidb),5ro-ol, R's idus 15 idh)

l2 Fe+lder ld{e.id oso. ob.l mo6hs rep^ho L ro r r Rop Lo re H ! . t o te l s idh )

l3 FG+rch, Poid lund'eiqhrhdoet

lr sot dla, soli.e moEhes th ond dE iose Hodso lole lnJh zdio, Nolo L.le 5 u^d oLole Blo.iiod ldo r;mp€ lPlidb) mihoi

Buid lGBhd Kfd,, Alrc Kou DomrB! o.hnioit, Hore roke lsndht, HlbDoh 1s i dh /Bo lo .h no i ) , r o rba o Don ,Bo on Dom ond To^dd o.m INWFPj

Korois CEel, soodipi ls^d,), tu nor (hor

Coodo oEos 01 5 ndh oid Bo o.I*bi, tnh

I 3 seepose ros.o's oid bres Coodo o eo5 or 5idh ond Boochcbn,kh

2z, "

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Th€ lreory lor fie prore.iion ol wellond5 s lh€Romsdr Conv€niion, 1. wh ch Pokislon 5 osqnororr. The Convenlion s noned dner $eio*n o f Romsor n tanwhere twosh.d nI97l The RomsafConvenlon.omc nlo fo(€in P.listonon 201h November It16 Tho md nob igoron ro signin! the.onvenlion h to €ftur€wiseusednd.onseryolionolw€londs losuFprnthh brood oblgolioni .onlroclnq pode5 orcosted ro desiqnote oi eotonewelloid 51-"oso 'Werond o l n rernorono mpor ton .e ' o fdFbnole thewse use of uel ond5 n lhe r leiii]ory,c.€drerctldnd reseryes, consute!.h o$er aboltimp emenling oblgolo.s, encouroge ieseor.hond ex.nonse oJdoro ond pomoreko nnq ofFe60nne r weton.lmonogem€nt lechn ques

The m n ion . l r [e Rorsor Conven ion o ]

'The conseroiion oid.ise use ofrellords byrul ono dciion ond inrernorionol.oop€rclo105 o medns ro achievirg susio nob€ delelopmenith rou !hdLr the (o rd lRomsor 1995) . '

The Romsa Conv€nlon d€lln€s lver.n.ls osAn orea o l md6h, l€ . , pe . r lo id . r wore t! r re the no l ld l o r . l i . i o i permone i r . riemporory, wiih a.lor ihor s Jari. or I o{ ngIfesh, broclish, ., sal1, nd!d n! oreos oinorine *oter the laplh ol rvh.h or ow ridedo€s no l e rc€ed s r me i res l l 9 r l l

P.ii.ipo Oblsolions olCo.rro.tinq Pddes 10the R.ms.rConsei'oiion

. To desgi.r€ weronds lorrhe n ofwdonds ollniernoriono mpono..e

. fo loml d re & impemeni p lonn ngb os ro pmole.onsrolion o1 ded sdes

. To odvse rh€ Romsor Bureou oi ony.hoige r the re.oogica crr.,a.te-

. To lo rmuo le ond imp lementponn nsso as to pomole wse u5€ o1wet ond5

. To moke env i ronmento mpo. r.$e$m€nls h€f .re lran5lorholion o{w€ l londs , ond io hdke na l o io lwell.id invenlores

. To enob l ish na ture rcservcs onwellonds ond proY de od€quoleylo.rhe i r wo d€n ng and , th roughmonagem€nl, t. n.rsose wolsdowpoFU o1l.n3 oi dpprop/idre welldnds

To r ro in D€6onne .onoe le . t i i' *e to"d ree*+ . " i . sensr . id

To promole .onseRal on olwelloids' by .ombin ing IoEshbd n le r io ro id

To.orsu I ! v i th o ther .onnoc l ing' podes oboul mpemenlng ob igolons

ors nq lroh the convenl on

To promole w€tand .on !ervor lon. .on .€rns w th deve Dpmenl . d

io er.ourog€ res€o..h ond erchaalle

l. Crjiero Io, Wer onds ol Lnrehol ono

Tre RomsorConvenli.n hos de'ned he Io dw iss l le ro lo ide i l l y wet . ids o { in rem. londmporldn.e A werond n idenrifed os b€ ql olnlemor..o i'npodon.e il i neeh !1 e.st one ol

I s d po/r.u ory llood repcsenloUve€ idn ,pe o l . id ru ro o r neor id ru ro lre l l .n ! .ha rd . lo r l s r . o l the.ppropiole bo geogroph .ol reg on

I s d pdrt.u ory lood rcpresenldlve

I s o pol'.u ory good repre5enjolivecxdmple . i o re t . .d l vh i .h D loys .substonto hydro oqlca, bio oq col,

To compensole lor ony l.$ ol w€llondresour .es i de l€ re ! o r res l r . ted

To 6e (reio tor dedlly ns weiond!ol i.iernoliono mporlon.e .id to

or eco log ico l ro le in the no t ! ro lrundonrng or o moor rver oos n o rcoonol syslem, especiolywhere il i3lo.oied ln o lfonsborder posliion

h is an exomple of o specllcipe olwe l ond, ro .e o r unusuo in th€opprop.loie biogeogrophicd region

t Cr i le r ia Bosed on P lon ls ond An imok

I t s !ppor i s on opprec ob leo$embooe o l6 re , vu nerob le o renda.str€d spec 6 d $beF€ci€s olpo i io ron ,md, o r on opprecroD €numbero l indvd loh o{ony one or

li k of speciol vo !e for mointoiiinglhe genelic ond ecoogico divecilyo l o 'es ron b€couse o f the qua l iVond pecu ior 6 of clloroondfou.o

lr isolspecidlvo!e os ih€ h.bllol o{p lon ls o ron imo s o i o . r i l co s loge

h is ol speciollolue 1or one or more€fdeh,c pdnr o .on moi spec€s or

3 Speclc Crlle.io Bos€d on Wolerbnds

I t r€qu or ly suppor ls 20, 000

l l reau o , l v suooo l s s !bs lon l o lnumbie6 or ind'iduo s I6m pod.ulorgro!ps ol wote.birds lndicolv€ olwellond vdlues, prodldivity or diveEit

(Where do lo o f popu lo l ions oreovoilob e) it r€gulory suppods l% of$e individuals in o populotion oione sp ec ies^u bsFecier of worerbird

Olher Conventions on wetlonds,

Bonn Conven l ion / Corvent ion onMisrdrory spe.ies (CMS)

Ihe Bo in Convenr on der nes rhe ie rm'm

srolory specel os the entne populoton orony leogroph cd r s€poro le p .n o l thepopu la l on o lony spe. i€s , ! 5 i9 i I . .n rpodono l rhe menbe6 o l wh i .h . ! c l .o l y ond

Fredl.rably cros oie o' more !risdidionobound. r ies The o im o t the convenr .n s to.onseRe n grot.ry spe.ies/ inc ud ng b rds,rho l m grc re . . ro$ ln lemolo io bourdor ies .Th is convenr l . f .on lo i s r 'o oppend icesAppendir I is the lii 01 m !,olo'y spe.les indonser oJ e : l in . i o . ih ro ! !ho l t . l o r .5 gnit.ont popo,"ron olfieir ranse wh ch needproie.tion to mainro n lhe r nalus, e g rhe5 ber lcn c rone Append lx s l r m igro toryspe.€s whi.h hov€ o .onserval oi sroius oror€ end.nsered iho t .€ sub led io t reogrecmenh bet een n'o ormorP ronge noteslo r rh€ r p ro le . l idn , e .s . o !nar ds , ihe

Convention on Bioloskol Dive6ity (cBo)

Poks ton s igned rhn conve i l .n i , r 1992 Theoblecl ve o|his.onveition s rhe.onseRalono{ b io log .o ldveEiv rhe sus lo rob le Use o lts .ompon€n15 ond rhe Io i r ond equ i ldb eihddnq ollhe benel]s tuinq ouiotlhe Ltlsdtioio f 9€n€t c @sources , lnc ud ing those bydpproprlole o..e$ lo genelc resoLr.es or.lby opp.opriore tromfer ol €lcvdirie.hno ogi€s,Jo Ing in lo o . .ount . l r igh ls ov€ f thoseresour .es ond 10 1e .hno os er and by

Conveni ion on ln te tnot ionol Trode otEndonsered srei6 or Flod ond Foum €mS)

AFpendr i s con .er fed w 'h sp€cesthr .o t€ned d th ex tnc l on whos€

proh biled €:.eFl Ior.onseryationpurpo5€s s!.h ds coPlve breeding

Append x deak w l th lhe sp€c e5{rose comm€r.io Iro.le 5 Pem fiedbu l e rpor r perm 15 ore ne€ded

Append x s ls sFe. l€s to r wh.h.oopera l lon be tw€en pod es ' sde5 rab le { . r l re r p ro}ec l on

Pd[ srdn become o podyb CITES in April l916The prncipo obigallons ot.ontoclinS paniesbrhe CTES. re loso lequod ih . i .od€ n ro reorendongered spe.es ondto €sl .tlh€ mporldd e:po ol lisied ipe.ics, v/h.h is siven inthe App€ndii , Append r ond App€ndix



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T fr lh"|"d|'

2 ids ooLphm strdrary l

23 0a r 09ri 6r'5,1 63 09 E

Adtr66bMq r rhe iei or rhdabrsrrallscR_ Gme R6dve !!s'!! rdLre samtav NP'Naroia Pad

rsEN " 969-8283,03-X

Te.hnicol support providedMr Um€ed Kholid, NCCWMrAli Hosnoin & Ms Rohoilobeen, WWF - Pokiston.

A view ol Holeii Loke, Sindh.Exlrema left, Holeii Loke, Sindh.Enreme isht, While Heoded Duck.

Syed Noiom Khu6hid.

Desisnod & P nted by:Mdsmedio, Korochi-Pokiston

' alqii3r 2909 , I



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