what’s on tv cover research & analysis

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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• After extensive research, I reached a decision that my magazine cover print work would be based on the cover of a ‘What’s on TV’ cover. Before I started creating a draft for my actual cover print work, I needed to gather examples of What’s on TV covers. Once I had found appropriate examples I needed to carefully analyses the key components of the publication. I then had to break down these features and need to ensure they all appear in my own work


Example Covers

• The logo is always positioned in the top left corner of the cover., accompanied above by the relevant dates. The logo is reasonably large so is easily identifiable. Although it is bright and bold it isn't overbearing and (although easily identifiable) it doesn’t take away from the main part of the article.


• Underneath the logo, there is almost always a circle or an object (such as heart we see in this edition). This bubble is usually reserved for the soap shock of the week or if there is an important event on (in this case Eurovision). Personally I feel this is quite an interesting touch as it allows you to emphasise any point you want within the issue. Additionally in-between the logo and the ‘Soap Bubble’ there is a smaller semi circle with the price in attached to a rectangular box stating ‘ONLY’ emphasising the impressiveness of the price.


• On all of the covers I researched there was a either a series finale, new programme or ‘shock story’ positioned in the top right corner of the cover. It is positioned away from the other main articles so (again like the ‘soap bubble’ whatever is being advertised here jumps out at the reader. In this case it is the x factor final and on a similar issue the dancing on ice final is advertised there. This could suggest only the most popular/most viewed programmes are positioned here.


• The main feature takes up the majority of the entire cover. For What’s On TV the main feature always includes two characters looking directly into the camera creating a relationship with the audience. In all articles they have a piece of Bold capitalised text in front of the picture. The colour of which varies from White with pink outline, Yellow with black outline and white with a Purple outline. The Quote in the text is always picked to create drama such as “I’LL SAVE YOU STACEY!”. Underneath the larger text, is a bar with much smaller writing that adds context to the statement without taking away from initial drama.


• As this is a listings magazine it has to include more than one or two programmes on the front cover. This is because they need to include a variety of programmes so they can sell their product to a wider audience. The bottom quarter of the screen is taken up by advertisements for other soaps. They are typically of main characters in the soap (like the main feature) looking into the camera. The programmes are put into yellow boxes with rounded edges and has a box running through it with the title of the show.


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