what's the fuss about measles

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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http://www.fridayschildmontessori.com/blog/measles Parents need to know how to deal with measles in kids. Failure to provide the proper care and treatment could lead to unwanted complications. Watch the video and understand Measles.


What’s the fuss about Measles?


To a certain extent, measles in childhood in the developed world isn’t that traumatic: a child gets a fever and a rash all over the body for about a

week or so.

However, this is what happens for the lucky majority.

The trouble with measles is that they can lead to


Mild complications include ear infections, pneumonia and diarrhoea, which put a further

toll on an already stressed little immune system.

Severe complications include inflammation and swelling of the brain and, in some cases, death. To be utterly blunt, autism

isn’t likely to kill anybody but measles can.

There was another twist to the scare about the measles

vaccine and autism: the scientist who had his paper

published in the Lancet making the claim about the

link turned out to be rather shonky.

Six years after the original article was published, another

scientist found that the original author had

manipulated evidence and had heaps of undeclared

conflicts of interest.

In plain language: lies and cover-ups.  The findings of that original paper were

completely debunked and retracted by 2010 and the doctor who published the paper was struck from the

register for scientific misconduct.

But the damage had been done and a number of

concerned parents around the world had chosen not to

vaccinate their children, with the end result that outbreaks


In many ways, we don’t know how lucky we are – just ask

anyone from overseas where they don’t have such an

intensive vaccination programme. 

People from these countries may still be at risk, especially the children.  And immigrants can still bring the virus into

the country with them unintentionally. 

So don’t get blasé and assume that you don’t have to have your children vaccinated

against measles: outbreaks still happen, and we get a lot of people coming to the lovely

Gold Coast from overseas. 

Remember: vaccination just means that your immune

system can fight off and resist the virus, and it can still be

passed on by people who are immune to it.

How are measles spread?

Pretty much in the same way that most viral infections are spread, like coughs and colds, which is via coughs, sneezes

and unwashed hands transferring the virus off and

onto surfaces and toys.

Although we’re not concerned about measles in particular at Friday’s Child, we still stress

that good hygiene is an important part of self-care

and is very important as part of our Montessori


Coughs and sneezes need to be covered, preferably with

the crook of the elbow rather than with the hands or with a


Hands should be washed before eating (and after going to the toilet, but the toilet has

less to do with spreading measles and more to do with

spreading bacteria).

Children shouldn’t share drink bottles, cups or food, as minute smears of saliva can and do pass viruses along.

We believe that children should be encouraged to share, but there are some things that shouldn’t be


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