why choose solar panels?

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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I Home Energy

Creating energy efficient solutions for your home.

Benefits of Solar Energy• No greenhouse gases –Solar Energy is the greenest form of energy, it doesn’t produce any harmful gases that are produced with fossil fuels.• Free Energy –Solar panels provide you with free energy, putting aside the initial setup costs. Ongoing expensive materials such as coal aren’t required, just the Sun!• Saving the environment –Doesn’t rely on mining raw materials that destroy habitats and eco-systems.

How do solar panels work?Solar panels work through a photovoltaic process. Where radiation energy is absorbed and generates electricity.

Radiation energy is absorbed by semi conductor cells – which are often silicon , these are then transformed from photo energy, into voltaic (electrical current).

When radiation from the sun hits a silicon atom, a photon of light energy is absorbed.These released electrons create an electric current.The electric current goes to an inverter, which then converts the current from direct current to alternating current.

The system is then connected to the mains power or electricity grid.

How much do they cost?Solar panels have gained in popularity over the past few years, due to breakthroughs in technology.It’s also helped that the Government have stepped up their mission for greener ways to provide energy.

Solar panels cost from £1,500 to £3,000 per kW to purchase and install.

If you have a large roof space fitted with solar panels you can expect to see as much as £877 in your first years total return.

The only cost to you is the system and the installation cost. Solar panels have little if any maintenance costs.

What else?Solar battery backup and power supply –Did you know, that rather than selling the excess electricity you don’t use from your solar panels, you can store it?Solar battery backup enables you to store your spare electricity, enabling you to use it later on when your solar panels aren’t as effective, for example at night.This means instead of buying back the electricity at full price, you can capture it and save even more money on you fuel bills!There are a few different systems, depending on what you require.

Interested?Overall solar panels are the solution to the growing concern with rising fuel bills, rising greenhouse gases and lack of fossil fuels.

Solar panels create a greener environment, and cut costs on energy bills.

I Home Energy are providers of energy efficient solutions for your home, to help you cut costs.

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