why raccoon’s steal by: zach. long ago, when adam and eve roamed, raccoon didn’t steal. he was...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Why Raccoon’s Steal

By: Zach

Long ago, when Adam and Eve roamed, Raccoon didn’t steal. He was very rich and powerful, also greedy and unwise by taking risks, but that all changed and this is how it how it happened.

One day when Raccoon was in his tree, he then had heard about a race, between a rabbit and a tortoise. Raccoon thought about how much more rich and powerful he could be if he won a bet by placing all his wealth on the line. He would be more rich than anyone in the world. So he took that chance, even though it was foolish.

At the start of the race he knew rabbit was going to win because he was ¾ of the way there and tortoise was ¼ of the way there. When rabbit was almost there he took a nap by a shady oak tree. Rabbit then woke to the sound of cheering and found tortoise had won.

Raccoon was very angry that rabbit lost. Raccoon began to yell at him, saying things like, “ How could you lose to a slow reptile!?” or “You’re a disgrace!”

This hurt rabbit’s feelings and rabbit said “ I didn’t get any sleep for three whole days!” then rabbit broke into a cry.

Realizing this Raccoon felt sorry for rabbit. “But now how am I going to survive?” asked Raccoon. The first thing that popped into his head was his food supply. There was no other way to get food but to steal. So at night he stole, taking things from belongings to food and anything else to survive.

Later that morning he had to go to the king for stealing because he was caught. “Why are you stealing?” asked the king

“ I was cheated on a bet in racing,” Raccoon fibbed “Rabbit took a nap on purpose.”

“Then how did you lose everything?” the king asked

“Some crook stole the rest,” Raccoon fibbed “but it was all rabbit’s fault.”

“Then I’ll have to speak to rabbit about the matter” the king replied

Later rabbit was brought in to be interrogated about Raccoon’s doing’s

“Why did you take a nap so Raccoon would lose the bet?” the king asked

“I didn’t,” rabbit said “I just got sleepy yesterday that’s all.”

“Then why did Raccoon complain so much about you?” asked the king

“Well, Raccoon bet everything that I would win” answered rabbit

“So Raccoon was lying!!” the king was outraged

The king searched and searched for Raccoon but he was nowhere to be found. Now Raccoon steals to live.

That is why Raccoon steals.

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