why the business park you choose matters to your customers

Post on 17-Aug-2015



Real Estate



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Why the Business Park You Choose Matters to Your Customers

When we consider which business park to move our business to, or whether or not our current estate meets our needs, we often focus on our own employees. We ask ourselves whether or not our employees are happy, have the things they need and like the office’s location. We may also consider whether or not our business is productive and efficient in its current location. What we sometimes forget to ask ourselves is if our current business park is ideal for our customers. If you run a shop, you know that location is a major factor in your success. But, have you thought about how it matters to your customers even if you don’t run a store? Businesses in all industries and of all sizes need to consider carefully how their location will affect their customers and whether moving to a new business park will benefit the business’ reputation, brand and relationship with customers. Accessibility Matters Even if your clients don’t come to your office often, or even if you serve your customers at their location, not yours, accessibility to your business does matter. Most businesses have visitors, whether they are clients, prospective clients, partners, donors, industry influencers or city representatives. When these visitors come, you want them to have the best experience possible. When people are able to find your building and offices easily, they start their experience and interaction with you on a positive note. They are more confident when they interact with you and they are even already pleased with your business whether they realise it or not. In contrast, if they get lost trying to find you, are late because they had to ask for directions and weren’t able to find a place to park, their first impression of your business isn’t a good one. When this happens, you are at risk of losing customers and damaging relationships, which will be detrimental to your business. Location Influences Reputation Along with the idea that accessibility maters is the fact that location influences reputation. When your markets know you are located in a good part of town in a respected business park, they will think more highly of you, which will help you build your reputation. When your reputation is partly one of a business that has an excellent location, accessible offices and is able to provide a good experience on location, your business will benefit.

As a business owner, you already know that your reputation plays a major part in your business’ success, and choosing the perfect business park should be a natural part of managing that reputation. When it is time to relocate your business, move to a business park that has a good location for both your employees and your customers, and everyone will benefit. Branding and Business Parks Different businesses parks have different brands, if you will. While your organisation’s brand should be stronger than the park’s, the park’s brand does influence yours. When you associate your brand with the positive brand of your business park, you are benefiting your company. Or, when people think about your business being located in a respected business park, they will respect your business more. This goes both ways: when they think of your business in a less-than-stellar location, they won’t think as highly of your business. To make sure your brand benefits from its location, choose a business park that your business will be proud to be part of, that is home to other top-notch businesses and that has a strong brand and reputation you want to associate with. Customer Awareness and Recognition The business park you choose will also have a major effect on customer awareness and recognition. If your business is located in a lesser-known area, or an area that isn’t frequented by your market, your potential customers won’t know about you or your products. On the other hand, if your business is based in a well-known business park, people will be more likely to recognise it. When people mention a specific business park, they will automatically think of your business, which has major benefits for your company. The more aware your market is of your business, what it does and where it is located, the more successful you will be and the more opportunities you will have for growth. Employees as Brand Ambassadors Your employees talk, and whether you want them to or not, they represent your business in a sense. When they talk to their friends and neighbours about where they work and what they do, they are helping you establish a reputation and level of awareness. If your employees tout their business location and the area they work in, your customers will be impressed and think more highly of your business. In other words, when your business is located in a great business estate, you are giving your employees good things to say about your business, which will help your business grow.

While it is true that you need to consider your employees, business needs, processes and operations when you choose a business park, you should also consider your customers. When you think about it, your customers are the reason for your business’ success, and without them, you wouldn’t be where you are. Considering what your customers will think about your location, how your business park will benefit them and understanding how your brand and the business park’s brand work hand in hand will help you choose the best park for your business. If you’d like to read more information about how to choose the right business park to suit your customers please visit the MEPC website - http://www.mepc.com

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