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Post on 08-Jul-2016






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The document has been provided by the author free of charge as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis, uniquely for a strictly personnal use. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the author or by other copyright holder, notwithstanding that he haa offered his work here electronically. Accessing this document for commercial use and/or indexing it in order to make it searchable on a commercial basis is strictly prohibited without prior written consent. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's and publishers copyright. This document may not be reposted or distributed in any form without the explicit permissionof the copyright holder.

2Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

ContentsAbout the author.................................................................................................................4Introduction........................................................................................................................5Important keywords and other SEO techniques.................................................................7

Backlinks........................................................................................................................8Social signals..................................................................................................................8

Job title...............................................................................................................................9Job description..................................................................................................................10

Accomplishments.........................................................................................................10Convey implicitly qualities that you possess...............................................................11Back your achievements with Internet links................................................................12Technological environment..........................................................................................14

My work experience as an example.................................................................................15Conclusion........................................................................................................................16

3Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

About the author

My name is Olivier Langlois and I am a full time Online Entrepreneur. I have spent 15 years as a Software developer including the last three years as an incorporated consultant. During my whole software development career, I had a burning desire topush forward my career and by doing so, I have encountered several challenges in career management. Be it seeking the dream job, convincing employers at job interviews, getting a promotion, negotiating with peers, management and clients. I had quit my software development career to share my experience and wisdom acquired with others.My main thrust is to help an average employee to get the job of his dream, empower himself, and become admired.

4Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com


I don't know about you but sometimes I realize that I do things only because I'm being told that this is how things are done without asking myself what is the real purpose of the activity that I am doing and why I am doing it in a certain way. Writing and sending resume is such an activity that fall into that category. It is quite easy to lose track of whatwe are trying to accomplish when we write our resume and what is its real purpose. Think about it for a moment and come back after few minutes. Ok, you're back? I'm going to write it in bold what a resume is good for:

• Make you stand out• Gather quickly attention• Get you an interview

I have been on the recruiting side for quite some time and let me describe you the whole resume review process. First, for a single job position posting, an organization may receive hundreds of resumes. The hiring manager will get a thick pile of resumes to review. Maybe he will carefully review the first 10 resumes but after that, he will not spend more than few seconds per resume unless something catch his attention.

5Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

For this reason, page formatting is important. It must be clean and information must be easy to access quickly. Adding some colors could even help. Anything that will make you stand out from the rest to catch attention is good. In fact, anything that almost no one does will attract attention and will help you. Things that pop out of my head, is if you deliver your resume in person or by post, choose a thicker paper or a type of paper that is not totally white. Find out the hiring manager or the RH director name, call them after few days you sent your resume to present yourself. Be brief and polite but this will let them know that you are interested in the position and make sure to retrieve your resume from the huge pile and take a more careful look at it.

This is not ideal frame by the way. It would be much better if the employers and the recruiter who were looking for the ideal candidate finds you and contact you because they want to meet you and I explain how to achieve this in my Hacking LinkedIn formula product.

but either way, once you catch their attention or when they find you, you must sell yourself in the best possible way to make them want you and this is precisely what this report will teach you. The topics covered will be:

• important keywords and other SEO techniques• Job title• Job description

6Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Important keywords and other SEO techniques

Realize that your resume will be stored and indexed electronically in several databases which will be queried by recruiters to find the most relevant candidates based on certain keywords. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works in such a way that search engines are ranking the relevance of a page or a profile for a given keyword based on the numberof occurrence of that keyword in the text of the page. This is a very crude oversimplification but keyword occurrence is one variable among others used in classifying pages. When your field of expertise is being queried, you can maximize yourchances that your resume appears at the top of the list by doing the following:

a) Identify keywords for which you would like your profile to show up. Usually. it can be an area in technology that you are an expert in or important skills related toyour profession. (i.e: Mine are: C++,C, Linux, system programming, TCP/IP, multithreading).

b) Use every possible opportunity (as long as it makes sense) to insert your keywords into the text of your resume.

c) Also add these keywords into the Skills & endorsements section.

In fact, if you post your resume online or want your LinkedIn profile increase in popularity, every SEO techniques are applicable and I invite you to read a good book on the topic such as: SEO: Step-by-step - The Complete Beginner's Guide to Getting Trafficfrom Google.

7Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com


Another factor which determine how well your online resume or your LinkedIn profile will rank when searched by employers is the number of backlinks your page has. A backlink is simply a web page containing a link pointing to the page you want to promote. The reasoning behind that is, if a page has good content and is popular, the number of links pointing to it should be high. The importance of backlinks has diminished compared to what it used to be but it is still part of the equation of search ranking and I would like to consider it as a low hanging fruit based on the small amount of effort it takes to create backlinks.

First, create yourself a signature containing the URL of your resume or your LinkedIn profile and use it with all your outgoing emails and all your professional forums posts.

You can also check for this online service called Social Monkey that I use myself generating automatically backlinks for you. Go visit their website to learn more about their services: http://www.socialmonkee.com/

Social signals

Social signals is a special type of backlinks that is getting more attention in ranking. Social signals are links coming from social networks website like Facebook. When a post containing a link receive a lot of 'likes' and gets propagated in the network by being shared a lot, then this will help the linked page to have a better rank.

There is an online service called LinkLuv that can help a page to receive social signals. Visit their website to learn more about their service: http://linkluv.co/

8Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Job title

This is your headline. It should be well modified and structured in other to give a pretty good idea to the reader about your role . Do not hesitate to use some freedom to deviate from the official title, if it will helps the reader to better grasp what you have done. As an example, throughout my whole career my official title has always been centralized most of the time as Software Developer. This is so generic and tells nothing actually about what I have done. Here are the two titles that I have given to myself to make it more describing:

• C++ Software Architect for Internet Streaming TCP/IP servers

• Networked Multimedia/Linux system programming expert

9Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Job description


This is normally where responsibilities for the position are enumerated. In my opinion, filling the responsibilities for a position is what is expected. If you really want to stand out and make the readers want to meet you, a much better approach is to enumerate the accomplishments that you are really proud of which you have realized during occupyinga position. By doing so, you have highlighted that you went above the expectations and that you did really contribute to the success of the organization. Here are a list of the kind of achievements that you could include:

• work delivery much faster than planned

• work of much higher quality than expected

• resolve a tough problem that no one else has been able to manage

• propose change in how the business operate that made it more profitable

Here, I will strongly advise you to keep track of your accomplishments as they happen.If you wait until you leave a position to recollect all your accomplishments, you might have difficulty in remembering them all.

The format that I suggest for the accomplishments enumeration is to use bullet points.

10Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Convey implicitly qualities that you possess

For each bullet point, use an action verb to describe each of your accomplishments.

I am going to share a little secret:

Recruiters are intelligent people.

They love to read between the lines and deduce themselves psychological traits of a candidate by reading his resume. For example, one importantthing that employers and recruiters value most is “stability”. They will deduce from it that a candidate is stable if he had stayed over 1 year on average in each occupied positions. In the same way, they won't buy it if someone write in his resume that he has leadership skills, and that he is a good team player. This will seem like an insult to the recruiters intelligence. A much better way to convey these qualities is to write your realizations in a way that presuppose the quality that you want to communicate. Here few examples:

Leadership and initiative

• led a team

• Propose a change that have been accepted and resulted into positive impact

Good team player

• Participate or contribute to a collective effort

that you can learn and adapt to any new situation

• learn about new XYZ concepts and implemented it in product

work hard and produce work of quality

• Deliver faster than planned or respect tight deadlines

• convey performance or qualities of the product or the service that you have

worked on. (one way to do that is to enumerate well-known highly esteemed users i.e: companies with an excellent brand recognition. If they have chosen the product you have worked on, there must be good reasons for it)

11Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Back your achievements with Internet links

That one might be easier to implement for software development but I think that you could use it as well with other professions through press releases. Bottom line, before open source software became mainstream as it is today, it was difficult to share what youhave done for a previous employer because of various NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements). Now if you have contributed to the open source projects, you can include links on:

• bug reports: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=805529

• git hub projects: https://github.com/lano1106/glcs

• git commits: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/log/?


The simple fact that you have contributed to the open source projects tells a lot about how you like your profession and makes you stand out right away but it also publicly showcase wonderfully your work in a way that is not possible without open source projects.

12Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Here is a letter that I receive from Google showing that recruiters do look at your open source contributions:

13Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Subject: Interest from GOOGLEDate: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 16:47:17 -0700 (04/07/2015 07:47:17 PM)

Hi Oliver,

Hope you're doing well! Your open source contributions in GitHub really caught my attention.

Want to help design and build some of the largest distributed and fault-tolerantsystems, software, and infrastructure? Affect millions of users from your own tools that you build? If so, let's chat!

I understand you have interviewed with us in the past, but I wanted to check in to see if you're open to exploring engineering opportunities with us again! Please let me know and I'd love to set up a call.

I look forward to hearing from you.


P.S. Check out our Open Source projects started by Googlers, many of which are 20% projects! https://developers.google.com/open-source/projects

Technological environment

This is a line that I always place immediately after the achievements section. This is where I enumerate all skills, tools and technologies that I have being in contact with in that position. This does not only allows you to summarizing what you have been using, where and for how long, it also serves as a shameless plug for your important keywords. Displaying them one more time here will boost the ranking of your resume/profile with search engines.

14Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

My work experience as an example

Here is how I have implemented myself what I am describing in this document.

15Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

Networked Multimedia/Linux system programming expert• Add robustness and performance to a Linux based smart LCD display• Accelerated video decoding debugging and tweaking:• fixed various memory problems in old legacy libraries (libxcb, libvaapi, libdrm)• Modify VLC to allow direct rendering with VAAPI• Add MPEG-TS to a realtime ARM processor (TI OMAP processor Da Vinci) streamer and fix

deadlock and race condition in its gstreamer plugin• Fix a bug in Firefox that was freezing Flash animation on a keyboard less system

(https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=805529)Technological environment: Linux,C/C++,VLC,gstreamer,OMAP,ffmpeg,TCP/IP

Senior Software Developer• Ported a Perl SOAP service into C++ by writing 8000 lines of code in 2 weeks. This has reduced

the process memory footprint by a factor of 15 which allowed to reduce the number of servers hosting the thousands of instances of the service by the same factor.

• Led a team of 12 employees to provide technical mentoring during a full semester to a group of engineering students that we have asked to develop for us an application framework to use CUDA. We have worked with the NVIDIA Tesla C2050 card and we have used a simple option pricing with Monte Carlo simulations to test the students's framework.

• Participated in the implementation of a distributed monitoring infrastructure. The system was mainly written in Perl.

• Participated in the design and implementation of a RTMD (Real Time Market Data) infrastructuremanagement application.

Technological environment: Perl,Linux,C++

C++ Software Architect for Internet Streaming TCP/IP servers• Scale and improve the performance and the reliability of the company audio/video streaming

servers to the point where it can concurrently handles hundreds of thousands of live feeds every day in more than 25 countries, including during peak audience dayparts. The reliability and the quality of the server software have been proven to such industry leaders as CBS, Entercom, Multimedios, AOL and more. This represents 20x improvement over the original capacity.

• Added Adobe RTMP/RTMPE protocols support in media server to accept RTMP requests from Flash players

• Added more functionality to the server by growing the server code base from 25K lines in June 2007 to 200K lines in only 2 years while improving robustness and performance.

• Add AAC support to the streaming server• Improve Microsoft MediaPlayer and Silverlight support• Designed and implemented a high performance targetted stream ad insertion system that serves

end-user ads based on geoip lookup. This system is now used by ESPN Radio on Internet.Technological environment: C++,ACE,TCP/IP,Linux,ActiveMQ,MySQL


Once a resume or LinkedIn profile content has been improved, their effectiveness to get you invitation to discuss job opportunities will increase. The fun begins and you will start getting the fruits from the efforts thatyou have cultivated into selling your professional services better.

Now, if you are really serious about being chased by employers, note that this is only the tip of the iceberg. More success is awaiting action takers that want to take the next step. It is not for everyone but now that you have an improved profile, it is now time to marketit and bring as much as possible eyeballs staring at it. This is exactly what I am teaching in my product:

Hacking LinkedIn formula to become popular like a superstar

P.S.: If you have appreciated and the information that you have received has improved your situation, feel free to report me your success stories.

Your coach, Olivier Langlois


16Copyright © 2015. Olivier Langlois. All rights reserved HackingLinkedInFormula.com

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