writing modular command-line apps with app::cmd

Post on 11-Jun-2015






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It's easy to write command-line programs in Perl. There are a million option parsers to choose from, and Perl makes it easy to deal with input, output, and all that stuff. Once your program has gotten beyond just taking a few switches, though, it can be difficult to maintain a clear interface and well-tested code. App::Cmd is a lightweight framework for writing easy to manage CLI programs. This talk provides an introduction to writing programs with App::Cmd.


App::CmdWriting Maintainable Commands


There’s More Than One Way To Do It


















































































































•All the big problem sets have a few solutions!


•All the big problem sets have a few solutions!

• So, when I needed to write a CLI app, I checked CPAN...

Command-Line Apps

Command-Line Apps


Command-Line Apps

Command-Line Apps


Everybody writes command-line apps!

Why are there no good tools?

Second-Class Citizens

Second-Class Citizens

•That’s how we view them.

Second-Class Citizens

•That’s how we view them.


Second-Class Citizens

•That’s how we view them.


•hard to test

Second-Class Citizens

•That’s how we view them.


•hard to test

•not reusable components

Second-Class Citizens

•That’s how we view them.


•hard to test

•not reusable components

•hard to add more behavior later

Here’s an Example

Example Script

$ sink 30min “server mx-pa-1 crashed!”

Example Script

$ sink --list

who | time | event------+-------+----------------------------rjbs | 30min | server mx-pa-1 crashed!

Example Script

GetOptions(\%opt, ...);

if ($opt{list}) { die if @ARGV; @events = Events->get_all;} else { my ($duration, $desc) = @ARGV; Event->new($duration, $desc);}

Example Script

$ sink --list --user jcap

who | time | event------+-------+----------------------------jcap | 2hr | redeploy exigency subsystem

Example Script

GetOptions(\%opt, ...);

if ($opt{list}) { die if @ARGV; @events = $opt{user} ? Events->get(user => $opt{user}) : Events->get_all;} else { my ($duration, $desc) = @ARGV; Event->new($duration, $desc);}

Example Script

GetOptions(\%opt, ...);

if ($opt{list}) { die if @ARGV; @events = $opt{user} ? Events->get(user => $opt{user}) : Events->get_all;} else { my ($duration, $desc) = @ARGV; die if $opt{user}; Event->new($duration, $desc);}

Example Script

$ sink --start ‘putting out oil fire‘Event begun! use --finish to finish event

$ sink --list --open18. putting out oil fire

$ sink --finish 18Event finished! Total time taken: 23 min

Insult to Injury

Insult to Injury

•...well, that’s going to take a lot of testing.

Insult to Injury

•...well, that’s going to take a lot of testing.

•How can we test it?

Insult to Injury

•...well, that’s going to take a lot of testing.

•How can we test it?

•my $output = `sink @args`;

Insult to Injury

•...well, that’s going to take a lot of testing.

•How can we test it?

•my $output = `sink @args`;

• IPC::Run3 (or one of those)

Here’s a Solution

Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’

Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’


Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’


Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’


Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’


Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’

“do” command

“do” commandsub run {

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago});

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for});

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];


“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start,

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length,

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length, desc => $desc;

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length, desc => $desc; );

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length, desc => $desc; );

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length, desc => $desc; );

print “event created!”;

“do” commandsub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length, desc => $desc; );

print “event created!”;}

“do” command

“do” command

sub opt_desc {

“do” command

sub opt_desc { [ “start=s”, “when you started doing this” ],

“do” command

sub opt_desc { [ “start=s”, “when you started doing this” ], [ “for=s”, “how long you did this for”,

“do” command

sub opt_desc { [ “start=s”, “when you started doing this” ], [ “for=s”, “how long you did this for”, { required => 1} ],

“do” command

sub opt_desc { [ “start=s”, “when you started doing this” ], [ “for=s”, “how long you did this for”, { required => 1} ],}

“do” command

“do” command

sub validate_args {

“do” command

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

“do” command

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

“do” command

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

if (@$args != 1) {

“do” command

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

if (@$args != 1) { $self->usage_error(“provide one argument”);

“do” command

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

if (@$args != 1) { $self->usage_error(“provide one argument”); }

“do” command

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

if (@$args != 1) { $self->usage_error(“provide one argument”); } }

package Sink::Command::Do;use base ‘App::Cmd::Command’;

sub opt_desc { [ “start=s”, “when you started doing this” ], [ “for=s”, “how long you did this for”, { required => 1} ],}

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

if (@$args != 1) { $self->usage_error(“provide one argument”); } }

sub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length, desc => $desc; );

print “event created!”;}


package Sink::Command::Do;use base ‘App::Cmd::Command’;

sub opt_desc { [ “start=s”, “when you started doing this” ], [ “for=s”, “how long you did this for”, { required => 1} ],}

sub validate_args { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

if (@$args != 1) { $self->usage_error(“provide one argument”); } }

sub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

my $start = parse_ago($opt->{ago}); my $length = parse_duration($opt->{for}); my $desc = $args->[0];

Sink::Event->create( start => $start, finish => $start + $length, desc => $desc; );

print “event created!”;}


Extra Scaffolding

Extra Scaffolding

package Sink;

Extra Scaffolding

package Sink;use base ‘App::Cmd’;

Extra Scaffolding

package Sink;use base ‘App::Cmd’;


Extra Scaffolding

use Sink;Sink->run;

Testing Your App

Testing App::Cmd

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do {

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’);

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub {

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub { eval { Sink->run; 1 } or $error = $@;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub { eval { Sink->run; 1 } or $error = $@; });

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub { eval { Sink->run; 1 } or $error = $@; });}

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub { eval { Sink->run; 1 } or $error = $@; });}

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub { eval { Sink->run; 1 } or $error = $@; });}

like $stdout, qr/^event created!$/;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub { eval { Sink->run; 1 } or $error = $@; });}

like $stdout, qr/^event created!$/;is Sink::Event->get_count, 1;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::Output;

my $error;my $stdout = do { local @ARGV = qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’); stdout_from(sub { eval { Sink->run; 1 } or $error = $@; });}

like $stdout, qr/^event created!$/;is Sink::Event->get_count, 1;ok ! $error;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => 3;use Test::App::Cmd;use Sink;

my ($stdout, $error) = test_app( Sink => qw(do --for 8hr ‘sleeping’));

like $stdout, qr/^event created!$/;is Sink::Event->get_count, 1;ok ! $error;

Testing App::Cmd

use Test::More tests => π;use Sink::Command::Do;

eval { Sink::Command::Do->validate_args( { for => ‘1hr’ }, [ 1, 2, 3 ], );};

like $@, qr/one arg/;

Growing Your App

Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’

Command Breakdown

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’


package Sink::Command::List;use base ‘App::Cmd::Command’;

sub opt_desc { ... }

sub validate_args { ... }

sub run { ... }


package Sink::Command::List;use base ‘App::Cmd::Command’;

sub opt_desc { [ “open”, “only unfinished events” ], [ “user|u=s”, “only events for this user” ],}

sub validate_args { shift->usage_error(’no args allowed’) if @{ $_[1] }}

sub run { ... }


package Sink::Command::Start;use base ‘App::Cmd::Command’;

sub opt_desc { ... }

sub validate_args { ... }

sub run { ... }


package Sink::Command::Start;use base ‘App::Cmd::Command’;

sub opt_desc { return }

sub validate_args { shift->usage_error(’one args required’) if @{ $_[1] } != 1}

sub run { ... }


More Commands!

$ sink do --for 1hr --ago 1d ‘rebuild raid’

$ sink list --open

$ sink start ‘porting PHP to ASP.NET’

More Commands!

$ sinksink help <command>

Available commands: commands: list the application’s commands help: display a command’s help screen

do: (unknown) list: (unknown) start: (unknown)

Command Listing

package Sink::Command::Start;

=head1 NAME

Sink::Command::Start - start a new task


Command Listing

package Sink::Command::Start;

sub abstract { ‘start a new task’; }

Command Listing

$ sink commands

Available commands: commands: list the application’s commands help: display a command’s help screen

do: record that you did something list: list existing events start: start a new task

Command Listing

Command Listing

$ sink help list

Command Listing

$ sink help list

Command Listing

$ sink help list

sink list [long options...]

Command Listing

$ sink help list

sink list [long options...] -u --user only events for this user

Command Listing

$ sink help list

sink list [long options...] -u --user only events for this user --open only unfinished events

Core Commands

Core Commands

•Where did “help” and “commands” come from?

Core Commands

•Where did “help” and “commands” come from?


Core Commands

•Where did “help” and “commands” come from?



Default Command

package Sink;use base ‘App::Cmd’;


Default Command

package Sink;use base ‘App::Cmd’;

sub default_command { ‘help’ } # default


Default Command

package Sink;use base ‘App::Cmd’;

sub default_command { ‘list’ }


One-Command Applications

Simple Example

$ ckmail check -a work -a homeNo new mail.

Simple Example

$ ckmail -a work -a homeNo new mail.

The Lousy Way

The Lousy Way

•create Ckmail::Command::Check

The Lousy Way

•create Ckmail::Command::Check

•make empty Ckmail.pm

The Lousy Way

•create Ckmail::Command::Check

•make empty Ckmail.pm

•make “check” the default command

The Simple Way

package Ckmail::Command::Check;use base ‘App::Cmd::Command’;

sub opt_desc { ... }

sub run { ... }


The Simple Way

package Ckmail::Command::Check;use base ‘App::Cmd::Simple’;

sub opt_desc { ... }

sub run { ... }


The Simple Way

use Ckmail;Ckmail->run;

The Simple Way

use Ckmail::Command::Check;Ckmail::Command::Check->run;



•You write a command...


•You write a command...

• ...but you use it like an App::Cmd.


•You write a command...

• ...but you use it like an App::Cmd.

•Later, you can just demote it.

Any Questions?

Thank You!

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