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Post on 09-May-2018






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this includes Infant and Young Child FeedingScreening and referralManagement of Severe Acute Malnutrition - OutpatientManagement of Acute Malnutrition in Pregnant and Lactating WomenManagement of Moderate Acute Malnutrition – TSFPBlanket Supplementary Feeding ProgrammesMicronutrient supplementationCapacity development/building

3. Fill in all the relevant sections (the respective colored areas) of the tool.If the number in a cell should be 0, do not leave it blank, type 04. You will only need to fill out the white cells with a red border (mostly column F)5. You do not need to do anything with the sheet "admin"6. Nomenclature: You need to change the beginning of the file name in four places, as indicated with capital letters.

PARTNER (implementing partner name), BARANGAY (barangay or SITE on which reporting), YEAR (reporting year), and WEEK (reporting week). You will find out reporting week in the cell H5 on the Sheet "Data Entry Sheet"once you complete entering data

for example: ACF_Buaya_2013_49_nutrition_report_v1.xls

8. For any questions or assistance that is needed, please do not hesitate to contact the nutrition cluster information manager(for contact details see website: https://philippines.humanitarianresponse.info/clusters/nutrition)

Philippines Nutrition Cluster Reporting Form - Yolanda - Barangay OR Site level - Version 1 - Instructions on the reporting process

1. Please report in the next sheet on all nutrition activities your organisation has been engaged in the previous week (Monday to Sunday inclusive)

2. Please complete one form for each site. If the site is operational in several barangays, please specify one barangay as the reference (i.e. the location of the CMAM site) and then identify what barangay's were covered by the site/intervention

7. The reports should be submitted weekly each MONDAY to whom you usually report to, with a copy to reportnutritioncluster.region6@gmail.com

Philippines Nutrition Cluster Reporting Form - Yolanda - Barangay OR SITE level - Version 1Specify if not in the list:

General information Implementing agency / Government unitReporting period: from Week number:

Reporting period: toDate of report submission


MunicipalityBarangay OR Site

Evacuation Center

Infant and Young Child FeedingTents # new Mother Baby Friendly Spaces organised Key for the form:

# Mother Baby Friendly Spaces closed IPF - In Patient Facilitiy


OTP - Outpatient Treatment CenterIYCF - Infant and Young Child Feeding

# IYCF materials distributed PLW - Pregnant and lactating women# new admissions in the relactation programme this week MUAC - Mid-Upper Arm Circumference

# women successfully relactated this weekMilk Code # Milk Code violations observed

Screening and referral Automatic calculation children 6-59 m:

Boys 6-59 months

# boys 6-59m screened Total # (boys+girls) screened# boys 6-59m with oedema Total # (boys+girls) oedema

# boys 6-59m with red MUAC (<11.5cm) Total # (boys+girls) RedTotal # (boys+girls) Yellow

# boys 6-59m with green MUAC (≥12.5cm) Total # (boys+girls) Green

Girls 6-59 months

# girls 6-59m screened % boys+girls oedema# girls 6-59m with oedema % boys+girls Red

# girls 6-59m with red MUAC (<11.5cm) % boys+girls Yellow% boys+girls Green

# girls 6-59m with green MUAC (≥12.5cm)

Pregnant and lactating women

# PLW (<18years old) screened Automatic calculation PLW:# PLW (≥18years old) screened % PLW <18years old

# PLW with MUAC <21.0cm % PLW with MUAC <21.0# PLW with MUAC ≥ 21.0cm % PLW with MUAC >21.0

Specify if not in the list OR if covers several barangays

# pregnant, lactating women and caretakers of children 0-5m counselled# lactating women and caretakers of children 6-23m counselled

# boys 6-59m with yellow MUAC (≥11.5cm to <12.5cm)

# girls 6-59m with yellow MUAC (≥11.5cm to <12.5cm)

Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition - OutpatientTotal end of last week Automatic calculation boys 6-59 m:

Entry categories New admissions this week Total boys admissionsOld cases (referral from SC, returned defaulters, moved from other OTP) Total boys discharged

Exit categories Discharged cured Total boys end of weekDischarged died SPHERE standards:

Discharged defaulted Discharged cured (min >75%)Discharged non-recovered Discharged died (max <10%)

Referrals to IPF Discharged defaulted (max. <15%)Other transfers

Total end of last week Automatic calculation girls 6-59 m:Entry categories New admissions this week Total girls new admissions

Old cases (referral from SC, returned defaulters, moved from other OTP) Total girls dischargedExit categories Discharged cured Total girls end of week

Discharged died SPHERE standards:Discharged defaulted Discharged cured (min >75%)

Discharged non-recovered Discharged died (max <10%)Referrals to IPF Discharged defaulted (max. <15%)Other transfers

Management of Acute Malnutrition in Pregnant and Lactating WomenTotal end of last week Automatic calculation PLW:

Entry categories New admissions (<18years old) this week % PLW <18 new admissionsNew admissions (≥18 years old) this week Total PLW new admissions

Old cases (returned defaulters, other transfers) Total PLW end of weekExit categories Discharged cured SPHERE standards:

Discharged died Discharged cured (min >75%)Discharged defaulted Discharged died (max <3%)

Discharged non-recovered Discharged defaulted (max. <15%)Other transfers

Management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition – TSFPTotal end of last week Automatic calculation boys 6-59 m:

Entry categories New admissions this week Total boys admissionsRe-admissions this week Total boys discharged

Exit categories Discharged cured Total boys end of week 0Discharged died SPHERE standards:

Discharged defaulted Discharged cured (min >75%)Referrals Discharged died (max <3%)

Boys 6-59 months

Girls 6-59 months

Pregnant and lactating women

Boys 6-59 months

Exit categories

Non-responded Discharged defaulted (max. <15%)

Total end of last week Automatic calculation girls 6-59 m:Entry categories New admissions this week Total girls new admissions

Re-admissions this week Total girls dischargedExit categories Discharged cured Total girls end of week 0

Discharged died SPHERE standards:Discharged defaulted Discharged cured (min >75%)

Referrals Discharged died (max <3%)Non-responded Discharged defaulted (max. <15%)

Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programmes Automatic calculation:Children 6-23 months # boys 6-23m attended BSFP this week % boys 6-23m

# girls 6-23m attended BSFP this week % girls 6-23mChildren 24-59 months # boys 24-59m attended BSFP this week % boys 24-59m

# girls 24-59m attended BSFP this week % girls 24-59m

Micronutrient supplementation Automatic calculation:

Vitamin A

# boys 6-11 months % boys 6-11m# girls 6-11 months % girls 6-11m

# boys 12-59 months % boys 12-59m# girls 12-59 months % girls 12-59m

Iron-folic acid supplementation # pregnant women

# boys 6-59 months Automatic calculation:# girls 6-59 months % boys 6-59m

# flyers on micronutrient supplementation distributed % girls 6-59m

Capacity development/building

Infant and Young Child Feeding

# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained Automatic calculation:# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained % DOH/NNC/LGU males trained

# partners males trained % DOH/NNC/LGU females trained# partners females trained % partners males trained

From which organisation(s) % partners females trainedDuration of training, hours

Comments# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained Automatic calculation:

# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained % DOH/NNC/LGU males trained# partners males trained % DOH/NNC/LGU females trained

# partners females trained % partners males trainedFrom which organisation(s) % partners females trained

Boys 6-59 months

Girls 6-59 months

Micronutrient powder supplementation

Community Management of Acute Malnutrition

Duration of training, hoursComments

Micronutrient Supplementation

# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained Automatic calculation:# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained % DOH/NNC/LGU males trained

# partners males trained % DOH/NNC/LGU females trained# partners females trained % partners males trained

From which organisation(s) % partners females trainedDuration of training, hours


Other: Specify in comments

# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained Automatic calculation:# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained % DOH/NNC/LGU males trained

# partners males trained % DOH/NNC/LGU females trained# partners females trained % partners males trained

From which organisation(s) % partners females trainedDuration of training, hours



Community Management of Acute Malnutrition

Any comments on programs, gaps or concerns

Region Province0 0 ### ### 0 0 0

Implementing agency / Government unit


Reporting period: from

Reporting period: to

Date of report submission


Barangay0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Barangay_not _in_the_list

or Evacuation Center

# of new Mother Baby Friendly Spaces organised

# of new Mother Baby Friendly Spaces closed

# pregnant, lactating women and caretakers of children 0-5m counselled

# lactating women and caretakers of children 6-23m counselled

# IYCF materials distributed

# new admissions in the relactation programme this week

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

# women successfully relactated this week

# of Milk Code violations observed

# boys 6-59m screened

# boys 6-59m with oedema

# boys 6-59m with red MUAC (<11.5cm)

# boys 6-59m with yellow MUAC (≥11.5cm to <12.5cm)

# boys 6-59m with green MUAC (≥12.5cm)

# girls 6-59m screened

# girls 6-59m with oedema

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

# girls 6-59m with red MUAC (<11.5cm)

# girls 6-59m with yellow MUAC (≥11.5cm to <12.5cm)

# girls 6-59m with green MUAC (≥12.5cm)

# PLW (<18years old) screened

# PLW (≥18years old) screened

# PLW with MUAC <21.0

# PLW with MUAC >21.0cm

Total end of last week

New admissions this week

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Old cases (referral from SC, returned defaulters, moved from other OTP)

Discharged cured

Discharged died

Discharged defaulted

Discharged non-recovered

Referrals to SC

Other transfers

Total end of last week

New admissions this week

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Old cases (referral from SC, returned defaulters, moved from other OTP)

Discharged cured

Discharged died

Discharged defaulted

Discharged non-recovered

Referrals to SC

Other transfers

Total end of last week

New admissions (<18years old) this week

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

New admissions (≥18 years old) this week

Old cases (returned defaulters, other transfers)

Discharged cured

Discharged died

Discharged defaulted

Discharged non-recovered

Other transfers

Total end of last week

New admissions this week

Referrals0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Re-admissions this week

Discharged cured

Discharged died

Discharged defaulted


Total end of last week

New admissions this week

Re-admissions this week

Referrals0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Discharged cured

Discharged died

Discharged defaulted


# boys 6-23m attended BSFP this week

# girls 6-23m attended BSFP this week

# boys 24-59m attended BSFP this week

# girls 24-59m attended BSFP this week

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

# boys 6-11 months

# girls 6-11 months

# boys 12-59 months

# girls 12-59 months

# pregnant women

# boys 6-59 months

# girls 6-59 months

# of flyers on micronutrient supplementation distributed

# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained

Comments0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained

# partners males trained

# partners females trained

From which organisation(s)

Duration of training, hours

# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained

# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained

# partners males trained

Comments0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

# partners females trained

From which organisation(s)

Duration of training, hours

# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained

# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained

# partners males trained

# partners females trained

From which organisation(s)

Comments Comments0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Duration of training, hours

# DOH/NNC/LGU males trained

# DOH/NNC/LGU females trained

# partners males trained

# partners females trained

From which organisation(s)

Duration of training, hours


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