year 10 history...2. the triple alliance and the triple entente a. describe the reasons why the...

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Year 10 History

Paper 1

Topic 1: The origins of the First World War

Homework Questions Booklet

Name: .............................

Class: ................................

Teacher: ...........................

Topic 4 Target 6 Target 10 Target Total

1. Kaiser Wilhelm’s foreign policy

2. The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente

3. The military Arms race

4. The naval arms race

5. The Moroccan Crises of 1905 and 1911

6. The Bosnian crisis of 1908-09

7. Austria Hungary’s aims in the Balkans

8. The Black Hand

9. The assassination at Sarajevo

10. The events of 28th June to 4th August 1914

11. The Schlieffen Plan.

Exam Question Writing Toolkit

Question How to get full marks

How to structure it Sentence starters

Describe...(4) Two or more detailed and well explained points using the PEE format

1. Give a brief general opening statement about the issue

2. One aspect in detail

3. Another aspect in detail)

4. A final aspect in detail

The........was....... Firstly......... Secondly.......... Finally........

Do you agree?......(6) (The interpretation question)

Agrees or disagrees using source AND own knowledge. Reaches an evaluated conclusion

1. Describe BRIEFLY the interpretation given by the source

2. Explain parts of the content which are

accurate when compared with your own knowledge

3. Explain parts of the content which are

not accurate when compared with your own knowledge

4. Refer to the purpose (provenance) of

the source 5. Explain how and why the provenance

reduces or increases the accuracy of the interpretation

6. Reach a balanced conclusion which refers to the content and provenance of the source

The source .... shows...... The content of the source is accurate because it is supported by the fact that.......... However some things in the source are not completely accurate because they are challenged by the fact that... The provenance of the source is.... This reduces/ increases the accuracy of the interpretation because..... Overall...../ In conclusion........

Which one of these reasons was more responsible for/ more important....(10) (The Either-Or question’)

DESCRIBES, EXPLAINS and ASSESSES both factors in depth and reaches a CONCLUSION/

1. Describe the first factor 2. Explain it’s role/ importance 3. Assess it’s role/ importance 4. Describe the second factor 5. Explain it’s role/ importance 6. Assess it’s role/ importance

7. Conclusion comparing the two factors against each other

The....was..... It was important/ significant in causing......because...... It was important to a large extent/ only to a small extent because...... The....was..... It was important/ significant in causing......because...... It was important to a large extent/ only to a small extent because...... When comparing both more important than.....because....

Paper 1: Conflict and Peace in the Twentieth Century

Question: Level: How to Answer: Mark: Describe...(4) 1

One basic point 1

2 One detailed and well explained point or range of basic, limited points 2-3

3 Two or more detailed and well explained points using the PEE format 4

Do you agree?......(6) (The interpretation question)

1 Simple statement about the reliability of the source/ simple statement using own knowledge


2 Simple explanation of EITHER how the content of the source is true or false based on own knowledge OR a simple explanation of how the provenance of the source makes it biased or trustworthy


3 Developed evaluation: Agrees or disagrees using source OR own knowledge EITHER a detailed/specific explanation of how the Content of the source is supported or contradicted by events from your own knowledge OR a sophisticated/specific explanation of how the provenance of the source make the interpretation more or less reliable

4- 5

4 Agrees or disagrees using source AND own knowledge. Reaches an evaluated conclusion Does both parts of Level 3 and reaches a balanced conclusion


Which one of these reasons was more responsible for/ more important....(10) (The Either-Or question’)

1 EITHER basic/limited information OR simple comparison Mentioning ONE factor Mentioning BOTH factors

1 2

2 Detailed DESCRIPTION of the factor’s role For ONE factor


For BOTH factors 4 Good EXPLANATION of how the factor damaged the League

For ONE factor 4

For BOTH factors 5

Detailed ASSESSMENT of how important the factor was

For ONE factor 5

3 Detailed ASSESSMENT of how important the factor was

For BOTH factors 6-8

4 DESCRIBES, EXPLAINS and ASSESSES both factors in depth and reaches a CONCLUSION/judgement, citing

a new idea and new facts


1. Kaiser Wilhelm’s foreign policy

a. Describe Kaiser Wilhelm’s foreign policy aims(4)

b. Study source A. The source suggests that Wilhelm was a militaristic megalomaniac. Do you


Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using it’s content and your own knowledge

c. Which of the following is the more important reason why Britain became involved in the


The Schlieffen Plan

Kaiser Wilhelm’s actions prior to 1914

Source A: Drawn by a

French cartoonist in 1901

2. The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente

a. Describe the reasons why the Alliance System made war more likely (4 marks)

b. Study Source A. How accurate is this description of the relationship between Britain and


Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using it’s content and your own knowledge (6 marks)

c. Which of the following was more likely to cause a war in Europe to develop?

The Alliance System

The Arms Race

Explain you answer and give a reasoned judgement. (10 marks)

"The fundamental fact of course is that the Entente is not an alliance. For purposes of ultimate

emergencies it may be found to have no substance at all. For the Entente is nothing more than a frame

of mind, a view of general policy which is shared by the governments of two countries, but which may

be, or become, so vague as to lose all content."

Source A : Minutes of a British Foreign Office Meeting in 1911

3, The military arms race

a. Describe how the Empires of Europe built up their armies before 1914 (4)

b. Study Source A. How accurate is this interpretation of Europe in 1914?

Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using it’s content and your own knowledge (6)

Source A German Cartoon published in 1914

c. Explain which you think had the greatest effect on the Alliance System in Europe.

Naval Race

Arms Race

Explain your answer and give a reasoned judgment.

4. The naval arms race

a. Describe the competition over naval power between Britain and Germany in the run up to the

First World War.

b. Source A suggests that Wilhelm I was responsible for the Naval Race. Do you agree?

Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your own knowledge

c. Which of the following was a greater reason for the strengthening of the relationship between Britain and France after 1905?

The Moroccan Crisis of 1905

The Naval Race

Explain you answer and give a reasoned judgement. (10 marks)

‘The German emperor Wilhelm II had a dream of being an imperial ruler. He set his sights on having an

Empire to match that of the British. To do this he would need to have a large and powerful navy. In 1900

Wilhelm decided to put this dream into practice.’

Source A From a History website for schoolchildren (2005)

5. The Moroccan crises of 1905 and 1911

a. Describe the reasons for the crisis in Morocco in 1905. OR Describe the events of the Agadir

Crisis of 1911

b. Study Source A. How accurate is this interpretation of the outcome of the First Moroccan Crisis?

Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your own knowledge

Source A: A Cartoon published by a patriotic British cartoonist in 1905.

c) Which of the following created the most tension in Europe by 1909?

The Moroccan Crisis of 1905

The Bosnian/Balkan Crisis of 1908

Explain your answer and give a reasoned judgement.

6. The Bosnian crisis of 1908-1909

a) Describe the results of the Bosnian/Balkan Crisis of 1908.

b) Study Source A: How accurate is the source below in its interpretation of Austria’s annexation of

Bosnia in 1908? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its

content and your own knowledge

c) Which of the following sets of events was more likely to help to cause a war between the European


The Bosnian/Balkan Crisis of 1908

The events in Morocco between 1905 and 1911

Explain you answer and give a reasoned judgement. (10 marks)

Source A: A cartoon from the

Ottoman Empire (Turkish

Empire) showing Austria’s

annexation of Bosnia.

The text below the cartoon

ironically states:

‘’Advance of civilization in

Bosnia and Herzegovina"

7.Austria Hungary’s aims in the Balkans

a. Describe Austria Hungary’s aims in the Balkans (4 marks)

b. Study Source A. Source A suggests a reason why Austria-Hungary should declare war on Serbia in 1914. Do you agree that this was the main reason Austria-Hungary went to war against Serbia in 1914? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge.

Source A

Advice of Conrad von Hötzendorf to the Austro-Hungarian government after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Von Hötzendorf was a senior military officer and leader of the war party in Austria-Hungary.

This is not the crime of a single extremist: the assassination represents Serbia’s declaration of war on Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary must go to war against Serbia.


c. Which of the following did the most to create war after June 1914?



Explain your answer and give a reasoned judgement. (10 marks)

8. The Black Hand

a. Describe the Black Hand movement and the part it played in the assassination of Archduke

Franz Ferdinand.

b. Study source A. Source A suggests that the murder of Franz Ferdinand was an ‘immediate’

cause of Ww1. Do you agree with this interpretation?

Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge.

Source A: An extract from a modern day history website for GCSE students.

c. Which of the following did the most to make war possible between the nations of Europe

prior to 1914?

The Alliance System

The role of the Black Hand Gang

Explain you answer and give a reasoned judgement. (10 marks)

The murder of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo is accepted by historians as the immediate

cause of World War One though serious trouble - long term causes - had been brewing

for sometime.

1o. The assassination at Sarajevo

a) Describe how the death of Franz Ferdinand led to a war between many nations.

b) Study Source A: How accurate is the source below in describing the events of the 28th June


Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using it’s content and your own knowledge

c) Which of these two countries was more responsible for the outbreak of the First World War in 1914:

Austria Hungary


Explain you answer and give a reasoned judgement. (10 marks)

As the car quickly reversed, a thin stream of blood spurted from His Highness's mouth onto my right check. As I was pulling out my handkerchief to wipe the blood away from his mouth, the Duchess cried out to him, "For God's sake! What has happened to you?" At that she slid off the seat and lay on the floor of the car, with her face between his knees.

I had no idea that she too was hit and thought she had simply fainted with fright. Then I heard His Imperial Highness say, "Sophie, Sophie, don't die. Stay alive for the children!"

Source A From the memoir of Count Franz von Harrach, who was stood on the sideboard of the car on

28th June 1914.

11. The events of 28th June to 4th August

Describe what happened after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand (4


Study source A. How accurate is the source below in explaining the steps to war after the

assassination of Franz Ferdinand?

Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using it’s

content and your own knowledge

This cartoon - 'A Chain of Friendship' - appeared in the American newspaper the Brooklyn Eagle in July 1914. The caption read: “If Austria attacks Serbia, Russia will fall upon Austria, Germany upon Russia, and France and England upon Germany.”

c. Which was the more important cause of the First World War?

The murder of Franz Ferdinand

The Schlieffen plan

Explain your answer and give a reasoned judgement.

12. The Schlieffen plan

a. Describe the importance of the Schlieffen Plan

b. Study Source A. The source suggests Britain became involved in WW1 because Belgium was

being unjustly attacked by a stronger, aggressive power. Do you agree?

Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your own knowledge

A British Cartoon from Punch magazine in 1914

d) Which of the following is the more important reason why Britain became involved in the war?

The Schlieffen Plan

Kaiser Wilhelm’s actions prior to 1914

Explain you answer and give a reasoned judgement. (10 marks)

Other 6 mark questions

1.Study the source below. The source suggests the Schlieffen Plan failed because of the successful

British counterattack. Do you agree?

Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using it’s content and your own knowledge

2. Study the source below. The source suggests that all nations were responsible for the war which

broke out in 1914. How far do you agree?

Study Source A. Source A suggests a reason why Austria-Hungary should declare war on Serbia in 1914. Do you agree that this was the main reason Austria-Hungary went to war against Serbia in 1914? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge Source A Advice of Conrad von Hötzendorf to the Austro-Hungarian government after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Von Hötzendorf was a senior military officer and leader of the war party in Austria-Hungary.

This is not the crime of a single extremist: the assassination represents Serbia’s declaration of war on Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary must go to war against Serbia.

On Tuesday, October 20, a determined but unsuccessful attack was made on virtually the whole British line,

and at one point where one of our brigades made a counter-attack 1,100 Germans were found dead in a

trench and 40 prisoners were taken. Everywhere the British troops have fought with the most splendid

courage. For five days at Ypres they held in check, although overwhelmingly outnumbered, 250,000

Germans who fought recklessly to break a way through.

From an article in the Manchester Guardian (28th October 1914)

‘We muddled into war...The nations slithered over the brink into the boiling cauldron of war

without any trace of apprehension or dismay...not one of them wanted war; certainly not on

this scale’

A statement by David Lloyd George’s War Memoirs written in 1934. He was a British government

minister in 1914 and became Prime Minister during the war.

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