your divine feminine

Post on 13-May-2015






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Divine Feminine, a lesson from the Empowerment Show, an interactive seminar that will teach you how to live a positive life with more joy. Hosted by Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor, best-selling author of oneness, unity, personal growth, and women’s empowerment books. Works include The Oneness Gospel: Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in You (2010), Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking (2005), and The Women’s Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations That Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential (2005). Her books, lectures, workshops are interfaith and emphasize oneness and unity with an East Meets West flavor. She is a Oneness Blessing giver and certified Oneness Trainer from Oneness University India as well as an ordained minister.


Lesson on Divine Feminine from The Empowerment Show, hosted by Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor

Old Programming: Women haven’t seen themselves reflected

in an image of the Divine for a long time.

We can’t seem to make space for the Goddess in western culture.


Creation Myths: Women must rebuild their self worth and

confidence in knowing they are Divine. Beloved Female is a gift

to the world.

Growing an empowered self.

Pure Love: Intellect, love in mind and Emotion, love in action.

The Triune

The Triune: Christ Consciousness, Goddess the Mother and God the Father.

Embracing the Goddess is an awakening of the Heart. She is part of you. We can’t evolve

without her.

An Empowered and Positive self image means embracing the God

and Goddess within.

An Empowered and Positive self image means embracing the God

and Goddess within.

Who is She? The Divine Feminine: She has been known by many names. Great Mother,

Supreme Triple Goddess, Cosmic Creatrix, Gaia, Sustainer of Life.

What happened to her?

A shift to patriarchal values.

We lost our connection to sacred earthly life and Mother Earth


Reviving the Divine Feminine principle today means we

embrace Female as sacred and valuable in humanity’s evolution.

The world is an interconnected web originating from our hearts.

Life is an integrated whole.

Earth as Gaia. We are deeply connected to the life that sustains


The body is sacred. We honor the body, our cycles and our ability

to generate life. We celebrate life through out sexuality.

Wield power wisely. We have the power to give life through our genetic code and take it away through technology. We respect the transfer of power by recognizing the regenerative aspect of life. Human life is rare and valuable.

Creativity is food for the soul. We can manifest both physical and psychic realities, giving ideas life through many avenues. We sustain ourselves through many creative expressions and trust the artistic process.

Nurturing. We practice conscious giving and receiving with everything that exists. Nurturing ideas, people, relationships, our work and communities make an important contribution to the universe.

Balance logic with intuition. Since nature has given us peripheral capabilities we can rely upon our ways of knowing.

Practice Compassion.

Embrace Change.

Celebrate Emotions

Love Being Female.

Affirm that all is your highest good.

How to grow a balanced empowered you: You are Matter. YOU matter. And today is what


Change your mind, change your life. Change your heart, change

the world.

Affirm: I am the light that has found expression in what is

manifest on earth.

Affirm: I am divine energy because I belong to the eternal

and universal Self, which is God and Goddess.

Affirm: I open my heart to receiving grace from who I am, which is love and light, me everywhere. In all things, my living, infinite spirit exists.

Holy Shekinah

You are the Goddess

Love Spirit

And Your Divine Mother too.

You are beautiful being.

So much light.

The world requires your gifts.

Your Shakti is your spiritual energy.

Affirm your true self.

And feel empowered.

Celebrate your feminine side.

Yes, this goes for you men too.

It’s all about love.

Serve it up, live it, breathe it.

Be a living embodiment of that which is within you.

Awaken to your Self.

Light and Love.

Purchase the Empowerment Set today for $24.95 which includes Let Your Goddess Grow! and The Women’s Book of Empowerment. Connect with Charlene using:,,, and her website at

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