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Zen Secrets to a healthy & flat tummy

Your Definitive Guide to Eliminating Gas & Bloating

Naturally, Effectively & Quickly

By Rand Khal i l & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com • Copyright 2012 - Pure Inside Out Ltd. Al l Rights Reserved

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 2

Zen Secrets to a healthy & flat tummyYour Definitive Guide to Eliminating Gas & Bloating Naturally, Effectively & Quickly

Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................... Page 5

Part I: Causes of Bloating: Why Am I so Bloated? ................ Page 17

Part II: Immediate Bloating Fixes ...................................... Page 76

Part III: Long-Term Bloating Prevention and Relief ..............Page 122

Part IV: Practical Bloating Tips ..........................................Page 148

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 3

© Copyright Pure Inside Out Ltd, UK - 2012, 1st Edition

Published in the UK by Pure Inside Out Ltd

56 Addison Gardens London W14 0DP UK

ISBN 978-0-9556381-2-1

The right of Rand Khalil and Lina Baker to be identified as the

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The information in this book is not intended to replace medical treatment. Please consult your doctor if you have any symptoms, or suffer from a health condition. This manual is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher authors and advisors are not rendering professional services.

It is not the purpose of this manual to reprint all the information that is otherwise available to authors printers and publishers, but to complement and amplify other texts. For your information, see the references throughout the text.

Every effort has been made to make this manual as complete and as accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes both typographical and in content. Therefore this manual should be used as a general guide only and not as an ultimate source of health education.

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How ‘Zen Secrets to a healthy & flat tummy’ Came To Be…

Many of you reading these pages are already familiar with pureinsideout.com, online since 2005. Pure Inside Out is a venture born out of our relentless quest to achieve and maintain optimal health and a balanced and positive outlook, using exclusively natural and chemical-free methods.

Our first book, Detox Bath, initially published in 2006, has met with tremendous success, and has brought relief to thousands of our readers. The book and method are still as popular today as when we first published them.

Hardly a day goes by without us receiving positive feedback from our subscribers… We’re so thrilled and touched! A big THANK YOU to all for making the long days and nights spent researching, testing and writing the material worthwhile.

Bloating is a topic that seems to recur very regularly and is apparently a subject of concern to a great number of our readers.

We’ve all had, at some point or another, bad episodes with bloating. I, for one, can certainly confirm I’ve paid my dues to the bloating cause!

–n: Zen [zen]: Complete and Absolute Peace

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 6

This is my story…

About 8 years ago, my belly suddenly developed into what looked like a 5 months pregnancy, reaching 7 whenever I had something to eat! Anything -literally anything- I ingested inflated my stomach like an airplane life jacket when you pull the string.

At the time, I had to frequently entertain clients over lunches and dinners. Until today, I’m at a loss for words to describe how embarrassing and unpleasant that episode was!!

I mean, how on earth can you sustain a constructive business conversation when you feel like a prisoner in your own clothes and literally about to burst?

The bloating affected my mood, energy and output at work, which seriously suffered as a consequence. I avoided socialising with clients and became apprehensive of food. I reduced the size of my meals so much, for fear of bloating, that I came dangerously close to malnourishment.

My GP gave me some tablets to relieve the spasms and advised me to take peppermint capsules to reduce bloating. These helped, somehow superficially, but I was nowhere near solving the problem. And, to my distress, the bloating and gas worsened…

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 7

To cut a long story short, and after months of trial and error, I landed on an acupuncturist table, looking like a voodoo doll on overtime. But it was actually his kind advice, wisdom and knowledge that saved the day.

He immediately identified coffee as being the main culprit. No, It was not IBS, as other professionals had diagnosed. It was simply a less-than-healthy diet aggravated by a severe intolerance to coffee, which I was clearly overdoing, to fuel my adrenaline-charged days. My stressed stomach was in such a sorry state it was reacting to everything. A drastic change of diet and lifestyle was my only hope to return it to proper functioning order.

Upon my acupuncturist’s advice, I immediately and completely gave up coffee and tea for the first 3 months… Having to go without the familiar caffeine rush was absolute torture initially! He advised me to take Swedish Bitters, and Triphala. In addition, he put me on a strict cleansing and alkalising diet, consisting mainly of organic salads, vegetables and fruits, with some grains included, like quinoa and barley. He encouraged me to have bio-yogurt regularly and I was allowed to eat organic fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel 5 times a week. Organic chicken was an option, but I am not a meat eater.

Within a week, I noted a small improvement… A month later I was grateful to be able to have a light meal without feeling uncomfortably bloated as a result. My long lost energy and good mood gradually returned…

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 8

As uncomfortable and unpleasant as it was, this experience taught me a crucial life lesson: Good health and well being start in the stomach. You simply cannot be healthy and energetic when your digestive system and elimination process are malfunctioning!

I became aware of my diet and much more in tune with my biological reactions to the food I ingested. I am now able to avoid bloating most of the time because I know what my body likes, and what doesn’t go down well.

I hope this manual helps you minimise bloating in your daily life, and that the remedies highlighted will be as effective for you as they have been for me.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 9

And here is Lina’s story…

Other than the occasional bloating after consuming certain foods, my first and most memorable experience with the discomfort of serious bloating happened a couple of years ago before I discovered that I was intolerant to some foods.

I have inherited my love of cheese from my father; it was a staple in my diet and accompanied pretty much every meal. I’ve had difficulty digesting milk from way back, but never thought that cheese was something I should avoid.

For most of that year, my abdomen was often painful, distended and full of gas. All I wanted to do following certain meals was go home and take off my clothes! I was so uncomfortable that meals became a traumatic experience, especially when I was invited out. I felt constantly fat and thought I was over-indulging in food. Little did I know it was related to the food intolerances I had.

Luckily, my doctor decided to run some tests. Food intolerance tests, consist of giving the person a highly concentrated dose of the suspected culprits, in my case both fructose and lactose. After drinking the concentrate, I immediately reacted, my stomach distended and I had a sudden bout of gas and diarrhoea, confirming my intolerance to these two sugars found in fruits and milk, respectively.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 10

Because of this intolerance and the difficulty in absorbing these sugars, which remained undigested, the bad bacteria took over my gut flora causing distension and foul smelling gas. I had an overpopulation of bad bacteria to the point that my doctor had to put me on a heavy antibiotic regimen.

Even after eradicating all foods containing lactose and fructose, I still was bloated. It took a while to get rid of the colony of bacteria that had taken over my digestive system!

This is when I became aware of the importance of a healthy gut. I became more conscious of the foods I was ingesting and started taking note of those beneficial for me. I also embarked into researching natural remedies for bloating. I refused to rely on antibiotics and other medication, which are known to destroy the natural flora and the enzyme balance in the digestive system.

What I learned from this experience is what I’m sharing with you in this ebook.

Here’s to your healthy gut!

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 11

Zen Secrets to a healthy & flat tummyYour Definitive Guide to Eliminating Gas & Bloating Naturally, Effectively & Quickly

I’m bloated

You’re bloated

She’s bloated

He’s bloated

We’re bloated

They’re bloated

Everyone bloats, including cats, dogs, birds and fish. Even the seemingly flat tummies you so admire (and possibly envy), sometimes get bloated. Bloating is as universal as eating…

Certainly every living person has had experience with bloating. It’s uncomfortable, unpleasant and, at times, downright embarrassing. However, it’s the increase in the degree and frequency of bloating that could be cause for concern and should be addressed. Frequent bloating indicates a less than efficient digestion.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 12

We cannot stress this strongly enough:

Good digestion is crucial to optimal health.

Firstly, it allows your body to fully benefit from all the nutrients you ingest. What’s more, the digestive system is responsible for 80% of the functioning of the immune system.

If your objective is to be healthier, you need to ensure that your digestion is as near optimal as possible. The advice and tips included here are aimed at helping you achieve just that.

Nothing says you have to endure bloating and suffer all the discomfort and potential embarrassment associated with it. Not when it could wreck a meal, spoil an evening and, in extreme cases, force you to cancel plans (unless of course you’re willing to wear a tent).

Basically, bloating is a pain, and we’re here to reassure you that you actually can avoid and cure it, once you understand what triggers it.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 13

Bloating, Gas and Flatulence

Some people who complain of bloating from gas can have normal levels of gas in the digestive track but are more acutely aware of it.

Doctors believe that bloating is usually the result of an intestinal disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or food intolerance, amongst others. The cause of IBS is yet unknown but involves abnormal movements and contractions of intestinal muscles. Increased sensitivity to pain in the intestines is also common. These disorders trigger a sensation of bloating and sensitivity to gas.

Diseases that cause intestinal inflammation or obstruction, like Crohn’s disease for instance, or colon cancer, tend to cause abnormal abdominal bloating. Additionally, those who have had frequent surgeries, and consequently developed internal scar tissue, or those who suffer from hernias, are prone to bloating, gas and/or pain.

Though we briefly cover serious bloating causes, ‘Zen Secrets’ is more about bloating that can be reduced and relieved by altering lifestyle habits. The food we eat, the way we eat it, stress, rush, bad habits are all elements that contribute to bloating. We also cover ailments such as food intolerances, low stomach acids and menopause; as well as manageable causes like parasites, h-pilori-, bacteria and malabsorption.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 14

There are numerous natural home remedies to help prevent and minimise the discomfort and embarrassment of bloating. They are the reason behind the publishing of this manual.

The purpose of “Zen Secrets to a healthy & flat tummy” is to:

1. Help you understand the reason behind your bloat and how to relieve it.

2. Share with you timeless, potent, tried and tested natural bloating remedies for immediate relief- as well as how to prevent and banish future bloating.

3. Ultimately free you from bloating and gas.

All the tips, advice and products we highlight here have been tried and tested by us and recommended to a wide circle of family and friends, who have equally found long term-relief. Most are based on our personal experiences and trials (and errors) in our quest for optimal gut health, and a healthy, energetic and gas-free body.

Fortunately, bloating is not a symptom that needs to be permanent.

It’s amazing how much you can improve your digestion and banish bloating for good, by following a few simple guidelines, and making minor changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Though this material is deliberately presented in a light-hearted manner, the content is seriously helpful, practical and most importantly, produces results.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 15

The objective of this ebook is to help you drastically minimise bloating in your daily life. You will understand what causes it, how to deal with it, and what immediate and long-term relief is available to you at home.

Should none of the remedies here prove efficient and bring you relief, we strongly urge you to consult a doctor or a natural health professional. Bloating can sometimes have a serious medical cause and should not be neglected.

Lastly, this is not a medical manual, and in no way is it meant to replace the advice of a qualified healthcare professional or natural doctor. Consider it more as a collection of word-of-mouth, tried and tested, grandma remedies and recipes. If bloating persists it is CRUCIAL to consult your doctor, as it could have potentially serious underlying causes.

We hope you enjoy reading these pages and find “Zen Secrets to a healthy & flat tummy” a useful and reliable companion in your quest for a gas-free, optimally functioning engine, and a lean, light and energetic new you.

Here’s to your healthy and flat tummy JRand Khalil and Lina Baker Founders: Pure Inside Out Authors: Detox Bath

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 16

How to use this ebook

• Words in orange are links to further pages

• Navigating this ebook is a lot easier when you can see the bookmarks

panel on the left. To reveal the bookmarks just click on the blue icon

on the left of the page.

• Page navigation: In Acrobat Reader, to go back to the page you just

came from, right click on the page toolbar on top and choose ‘Page

Navigation’. Choose ‘previous view’ in the menu. An icon, which takes

you to the previous page will display on the toolbar menu.

The information in this ebook is divided into 4 distinct sections:

• Bloating causes: Detailing the most common causes for bloating.

Each bloating cause has quick fixes (which apply to all types of

bloating) and long-term remedies, specific to this cause.

• Immediate Bloating Fixes: These help for most types of bloating

• Long term Bloating Remedies: We’ve recommended those

specifically for each type of bloating.

• Practical anti-bloating tips

Disclaimer: We strongly urge you not to self-diagnose, as some bloating problems can

be serious. Please consult your healthcare professional initially to diagnose the cause of

your bloating. This content is for information only and not meant to replace the advice of a

professional healthcare provider or doctor.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 17

Bloating Causes: Why am I so bloated?Good health starts in the gut. Eastern philosophies, medicine and the healing arts all consider the gut as the body’s powerhouse, or energy centre, called the Hara. The Hara is located at the navel level and just below it. It is the centre of all energy that runs through the body and the gateway to an “ocean of energy”, which literally is the meaning of the word Hara. It is also considered the centre of balance and the seat of emotions. The Japanese believe that the Hara houses the Vital Spirit, Life Force or ‘Chi’.

Persistent bloating indicates malfunction in the powerhouse and, besides the discomfort, could signal a more serious underlying condition.

Our job here is to help you see the difference. If you suffer from gas and flatulence unrelated to serious conditions, then this manual will certainly help you reduce your symptoms and work your way to better gut health and a flatter tummy. Though generally benign, persistent bloating is not to be taken lightly. The safest route is to determine what causes it and deal with it immediately. It is indeed practically impossible to be healthy when the digestive system is not functioning properly.

–n: Zen [zen]: Complete and Absolute Peace

Part I

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 18

Bloating can be caused by numerous factors, physical and psychological. The common cause is badly digested and badly absorbed food, and especially fats. This could be the result of food intolerances, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), the consumption of certain bloating foods, overeating, menstruation, or simply nerves.

First ask yourself: (for details click on the words in orange)

• Do I suffer from Lactose, Gluten or any other Food Intolerance? Do I have Celiac Disease?

• Any chance I might have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

• Did I catch Parasites?

• Do I suffer from Candida Albicans?

• Am I overdoing Coffee and Tea?

• Am I Chewing My Food properly? (And not chatting at the same time)

• Is my Diet Too High in Fat?

• Is my body too Acidic?

• Did I consume any Bloating Foods?

• Am I Constipated?

• Am I around my Period time?

A Word from the Wise

‘Do not stress about it. Stress bloats!’

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 19

• Do I suffer from low Stomach Acids?

• Do I have Digestive Enzyme insufficiency?

• Am I Stressed?

• What about Chewing Gum, Fizzy Drinks, Alcohol and Smoking?

• Do I suffer from Water Retention?

• Am I nearing/or in the Menopause?

And last but not least…

• Am I Over-Indulging in Food?

(Click on the word in orange for more details on the above Bloating Causes.)

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 20

Do I suffer from lactose or any other food intolerance? Do I have Celiac Disease?Food Intolerance Versus Food Allergy

Food intolerance and malabsorption are one of the main triggers of bloating and gas. They affect a large majority of people at some point or other in life.

Food intolerance is more common than food allergy. The immune system does not cause the symptoms of food intolerance as it does in the case of allergy. Intolerance is rather caused by an enzyme deficiency.

Food allergies (also referred to as hypersensitivity) are immunological reactions. They are an abnormal response to a food, triggered by the body’s immune system.

The 8 foods recorded in the food allergy labelling account and responsible for an estimated 90% of allergic reactions are:

• Milk

• Eggs

• Peanuts

• Tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, walnuts)

• Fish (such as bass, cod, flounder)

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 21

• Shellfish (such as crab, lobster, shrimp)

• Soy

• Wheat

For the sake of staying with our subject, we will concentrate on food intolerance here, as it is a main cause of bloating and flatulence. Allergies, on the other hand, have different symptoms, like itching, abdominal pains and vomiting, and could be life threatening, in extreme cases.

Lactose intolerance

Is the inability to metabolise Lactose, (a sugar found in milk and diary products) due to Lactase (the enzyme which processes lactose) insufficiency. When the lactose reaches the colon undigested, it ferments. The result manifests in gas and bloating, as well as watery diarrhoea, stomach cramps, nausea, acidity and/or fatigue.

Food intolerance is completely unpredictable and can be very confusing, as well as difficult to pinpoint.

Symptoms of intolerance vary from one person to another and include:

• Abdominal bloating and pain

• Chronic diarrhoea

• Constipation

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 22

• Vomiting

• Pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stool

• Weight loss

• Unexplained iron-deficiency, anaemia

• Fatigue

• Bone or joint pain

• Arthritis

• Tingling numbness in the hands and feet

• Seizures

• Missed menstrual periods

• An itchy skin rash

• Bone loss or osteoporosis

• Depression or anxiety

You’ve been drinking milk and loving tasty cheeses and cream desserts all your life… All of a sudden now, you have the tiniest piece of cheese and your belly blows out like a parachute, and the colic makes you want to scream!

An important point to note is that lactose intolerance can develop even in people for whom dairy products have never caused problems previously.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 23

What makes it even more confusing is that intolerance varies in degrees. So, you could, in the case of lactose intolerance for instance, tolerate Hagen Daaz ice cream, but not low fat yoghurt. This is because skimmed milk contains far more lactose than whole milk. Also worth noting is that lactose can be hidden in places you don’t suspect, like certain medicines, breads, pizza, coffee creamer and most packaged foods.

Lactose intolerance is far more common than you imagine. It affects 75% of adults at some point in life, and could definitely be the root cause of your bloating problem.

Short Term Fixes

Long-Term Remedies

• Avoid lactose: Read all food labels to spot hidden lactose

• Take lactase enzymes

A Word from the Wise

The simplest test to determine lactose

intolerance is simply to eliminate all dairy products from your

diet for 10 days, and check if your

symptoms improve.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 24

Fructose Intolerance

Fructose is naturally present in fruits, some vegetables and honey. It is also used as a sweetener in some soft and fruit drinks. When the body doesn’t absorb fructose properly, it is called fructose mal-absorption or fructose intolerance.

This is a common condition not to be confused with hereditary fructose intolerance, a rare, genetic and sometimes fatal disorder affecting the liver.

Causes of Fructose Intolerance

Fructose mal-absorption occurs when the body is not able to break down fructose during the digestive process.

This is normally due to an excess of fructose consumption. The body is able to digest no more than 25 grams of fructose at a time. That’s because it does not manufacture a digestive enzyme to process fructose as it does lactase (enzyme to digest lactose) and lipase (enzyme to digest fact) and others. When undigested fructose reaches the intestines, it reacts with naturally occurring bacteria and generates carbon dioxide and hydrogen gases, which cause bloating, abdominal pain, heartburn, diarrhoea and gas.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 25

It is crucial to reduce fructose consumption to maintain good health. Read the labels carefully and especially avoid those with high fructose corn syrup.

Your fructose consumption should not exceed 15 grams per day.

Short Term Fixes

Long-Term Remedies

• Avoid Fructose completely initially, then reintroduce slowly but never exceeding 15 grams per day

Corn Intolerance

The incidence of corn intolerance is not as common as other food intolerances, but is on the rise. It could be explained by the increased prevalence of Genetically Modified corn (GM).

The Most Common Symptoms of Corn Intolerance

As with other food intolerance symptoms, corn intolerance will manifest in symptoms involving pain and bloating in the gut, flatulence, as well as diarrhoea or constipation.

Skin problems like eczema are a strong indicator of food intolerance in progress. Another tell tale sign is developing asthma-like symptoms, like shortness of breath and/or wheezing- without the presence of asthma.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 26

Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease

Another common cause of persistent bloating and gas is Coeliac or Celiac disease. It is an autoimmune condition caused by gluten intolerance. It is sometimes referred to as wheat allergy. It equally affects a large majority of people.

Gluten is predominantly a mixture of two proteins, gliadin and glutenin. It is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. These proteins damage the lining of the small intestine and bowel.

Gluten is found in bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, pizza base, cakes and pastries and biscuits. Other gluten containing foods are some types of soya sauces, some types of commercial mayonnaise, tinned soups and most processed and pre-packaged foods. Beer, lager and stout all contain gluten, as well as some crisps and snacks.

Symptoms include:

• Bloating and pain

• Weight loss

• Chronic diarrhoea and/or constipation

• Vomiting

• Pale coloured, foul-smelling or fatty stools

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 27

Short Term Fixes

Long-Term Remedies

The only cure for celiac disease is a gluten-free diet, which is a lifetime requirement. For most people, it usually completely neutralises the symptoms, allowing the intestines to heal and absorb nutrients again.

A Word from the Wise

If you suspect Celiac Disease, it’s important not to stop gluten until

you’ve had your tests confirmed and been diagnosed. Stopping

gluten before the tests will make the

intolerance harder to detect.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 148

Practical Anti-Bloating Tips1. Soak beans and lentils overnight and change water before


2. Take antibiotics only when absolutely unavoidable.

3. Try the Detox Bath, it’s tremendously helpful for bloating

4. Enjoy pineapple (bromelain) and papaya (papain) more frequently (provided your stomach can handle them, they can cause discomfort in some people)

5. Alcohol compress: This is an age-old efficient remedy for bloating that my mother used on me as a child. Soak a small face towel with normal rubbing alcohol (surgical spirit) or even vodka. Place directly on stomach. Cover with a plastic bag and wrap a scarf around to keep the compress in place. Keep for 10 to 15 minutes

6. Chamomile tea: Relieves bloating for some people and triggers it in others. Worth a try.

7. A hot-water bottle on the abdomen also relieves acute flatulence

8. Indulge in sweet potatoes, squash and root vegetables to strengthen and support the stomach. Parsnip and yellow squash are particularly rich in vitamin A and minerals including, calcium, potassium & magnesium

Part IV

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9. Eat meals at regular times: irregular eating habits produce stomach disorders

10. Wear low waist pants and avoid tight or restricting belts, pantyhose with elastic waistbands, and anything that puts pressure on the lower abdomen area

Note: For information on buying the products we recommend here please go to our website (www.pureinsideout.com/products.html)Disclaimer: We strongly urge you not to self-diagnose, as some bloating problems can be serious. Please consult your healthcare professional initially to diagnose the cause of your bloating. This content is for information only and not meant to replace the advice of a professional healthcare provider or doctor.

© Copyright 2012 Rand Khalil & Lina Baker • www.pureinsideout.com 150

Goodbye Bloating & Gas…

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