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Post on 02-Nov-2014



Health & Medicine

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2. Amputation:- Surgical removal of limb or part of the limb through a bone or multiple bonesAmputation is the removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected limb, such as malignancy or gangrene. In some cases, it is carried out on individuals as a preventative surgery for such problems.Removal of part or all of a body part enclosed by skinRemoval of the peripheral part of the limb or any other organ. 3. Amputation refers to the surgical or traumatic removal ofthe terminal portion of the upper or lower extremity.Hemicorporectomy (trans lumbar amputation or"halfectomy") is a radical surgery in which the bodycaudal to the waist is amputated, transecting the lumbarspine 4. Most ancient of surgicalprocedure. Historically were stimulatedby the aftermath of war. It was a crude procedure -limb was rapidly severed fromanaesthetized patient. The open stamp was thencrushed or dipped in boilingoil to obtain hemostasis. Hippocrates was the first touse ligature. Ambroise Pare ( a Francemilitary surgeon) introducedartery forceps. He alsoAmputation of a leg without anaesthetic, 1593 designed prosthesis. 5. Age;- common in 50-75 yrs of agetraumatic- common in young age Sex;- approx.. 75% male25% female Limb;- approx.. 85% - lower limb15% -- upper limb 6. Common causes . Injury peripheral vascular diseaseLess common. Infection(fulminating gas gangrene). Malignancy. Nerve injury. Congenital anomalies. miscellaneous 7. lower extremity 60-70% of amputations upper extremity 6%ArteriosclerosisThromboembolism Most significant predictor of amputation in diabetes:-peripheral neuropathy Prior stroke decrease ankle-brachial bloodpressure index Vascular surgery consultation 8. Gas gangrene.clostridial myonecrosis- within24 hr. bronze discoloration serosanguineous exudates,musty odor immediate radical debridementclindamycinStreptococcal myonecrosis- 3-4days Anaerobic cellulitis ornecrotizing fasciitis -Acute or chronic infection that isunresponsive toantibiotics and surgicaldebridement. - open amputation done 9. L/E