analysis of a professional music video – “the saturdays – just can’t get enough”

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 2: Analysis of a professional music video – “The Saturdays – Just Can’t Get Enough”

This is the first shot you are presented with in this music video, by the colours being soft and the outfits being sexy but still stylish the genre is already identified. The music video then quickly cuts to each of the girls in this position in different outfits so you become familiar of the band as a whole. Theses soft girlish colours helps the identified audience to become identified as you wouldn't see these in a rock music video for example.

This music video also sticks to some key elements which you would expect to see in a girl band music video. For example lip syncing as is shown in this picture which is taken form the music video .

Star performance also occurs in this music video which is a key element you would expect to see as the production company are intended not just to sell the music but to sell the image. Which can be shown in this image, this also represent the costume they have chosen to go for as it is fun and flirty as well as classy it also sticks to the house wife appearance .

This music video has extremely quick editing for example cuts from shot to shot of each girl in similar situations. So you become familiar with the band as well it keeps the audience interested as they don't know what to expect next.

Page 3: Analysis of a professional music video – “The Saturdays – Just Can’t Get Enough”

As you can see from the images I have chosen form the music video, the image they are trying to create form the way the band are represented you can see that they appear to be living a fun filled girly life style. The props they use help to portray the image they are going for, from cute dogs, to cheerleads and perfect “house wife” their stylish but sexy and fun costume helps to give the impression of exactly the type of life style they have chosen to represent.

The visual style they have chosen to go for is simple, the shots only seem to contain the band with one prop and they normally appear to be in an open space. This mean all your attention is immediately drawn to the performers which is what I believe the wanted as this was one of the bands first music videos therefore this music video helps the audience become familiar with the band members and the style of the video also helps you to realise what type of band they are also the props they have chosen to use indicates they are genuine and fun.

Page 4: Analysis of a professional music video – “The Saturdays – Just Can’t Get Enough”

This music video doesn't follow much of a narrative structure as there is no story to follow. It is just different shots of the girls having fun and enjoying themselves in different situations. As the music video was made for comic relief the target audience is extremely wide spreading across different ages and gender , although it does still focus on the band specific music video. Although the narrative structure may appear to be simple, as there is no specific story flow.

The reviews of the music video are positive as the music video is fun as it fits the comic reliefs style of being carefree. The music video as a whole reaches the right target audience and I believe easily grabs their attention.

Page 5: Analysis of a professional music video – “The Saturdays – Just Can’t Get Enough”

The music video by The Saturdays – Just cant get enough is an successful example of the genre of music video we are intended to make. As it includes many of the aspects you would expect to see for example there are star performances as well as group, lip syncing is crucial in any girl band or boy band music video as the production company want as much time to be spent on the performers. The costume and props are also important in this music video as they make the whole appearance and genre easily identifiable. They also allow it to appeal to the target audience by using props such a “puppies” and wearing costumes such as “cheer leading” outfits. There is use of fast editing to keep the audience on their toes and keeping it interesting. The background to the shots is simple with just an empty background and only one or two props used so the attention is dragged towards the performers . This music video contains all the elements I would expect it to therefore I believe it is successful as it attracts the right audience and manages to keep them hooked throughout. Although the music video we indented to make flows are more concise story line but I am influenced by the faming used in this music video as well as how the shots are edited which makes the music video interesting and exciting.