analyzing interjection fillers in speaking english ( a descriptive … · 2020. 2. 8. · analyzing...

Analyzing Interjection Fillers in Speaking English ( a Descriptive Study of Second Semester Students of English Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar) A Thesis by : AndiNurAtiqahAchmad 10535579414 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2018/2019

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Page 1: Analyzing Interjection Fillers in Speaking English ( a Descriptive … · 2020. 2. 8. · Analyzing Interjection Fillers in Speaking English ( a Descriptive Study of Second Semester

Analyzing Interjection Fillers in Speaking English

( a Descriptive Study of Second Semester Students of English Education

Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar)

A Thesis by :







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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Andi Nur Atiqah Achmad

Nim : 10535579414

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : An Analysis of Student Use Interjection Filler

( a Descriptive Study of Second Semester Students of English

Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar)

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Demikian pernyataan ini dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan

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Makassar, Juli 2019

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Andi Nur Atiqah Achmad


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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Andi Nur Atiqah Achmad

Nim : 10535579414

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : An Analysis of Student Use Interjection Filler

( a DescriptiveStudy of Second Semester Students of English

Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar)

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, juli 2019

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Andi Nur Atiqah Achmad

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“Be better than you were yesterday”

I dedicated this thesis to

My beloved parents and my families

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AndiNurAtiqahAchmad.2019.Analyzing Interjection Filler in Speaking

English ( a Descriptive Study of Second Semester Students of English Education

Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar). Guided by Sulfasyah and Dra.Radiah


The objective of the research is to describe the types of interjection filler in

speaking and to know the causes using interjection in speaking.

The researcher used a descriptive quantitative research. Research subject of this

study was the SecondSemester of English Education Department in Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. The research instrument were questionnaire and observation.

The result of the research indicated that students of second semester English

Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar use uh and um to announce that they are initiating

what they expect to be a minor (uh), or major (um), delay in speaking. Students can use

these announcements in turn to implicate, for example, that they are searching for a

word, are deciding what to say next. Mostly students use disqust type of interjection

filler in speaking, because they feel nervous when suddenly they are told to go up and

tell stories in front of their friends with any prior preparation.

Keywords: Interjection filler, Language production; Disfluencies; Spontaneous speech;

Uh and Um

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First of all, praises be to Allah SWT, who has given guidance, blessing, and

mercy to the researcher in completing this thesis.Shalawat and salam are addressed to

the final, chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The researcher would like to give her gratitude, respect, and appreciation to the

researcher‟s beloved parents. Alm.AchmadBasahildanHastuti, for their never ending

love, support prayer, care and support both morally and financially to the researcher and

the researcher‟s beloved husband . Junaedi, for his support prayer, care and support both

morally and financially to the researcher.

The researcher also would like to give her appreciation to the following people

who have supported her and made this thesis possible:

1. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE., M.M., the Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., the Dean of Muhammadiyah University of


3. Head of English Department, UmmiKhaeratiSyam, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

4. The researcher high appreciation and great thankfulness are due to

consultants Sulfasyah.M.A.,Ph.D and Dra.Radiah Hamid.,M.Pdfor their

guidance, encouragement, motivation and their patience from the beginning

until the end of writing this thesis.

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5. The researcher great thankfulness for lecturer of English Education

Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar

6. The researcher great thankfulness for second semester students of English

Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar for their participation and

their cooperation.

7. Thank you for all the researcher‟s friends.

Finally, the researcher would like to welcome and constructive suggestion and

criticism to make this thesis is better.

Makassar , juli 2019

Andi Nur Atiqah Achmad

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COVER ....................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ....................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................. iii

COUNSELLING SHEETS ....................................................................... iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN ........................................................................... viii

SURAT PERJANJIAN ............................................................................. ix

MOTTO ...................................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... xi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................... xii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... xiv

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................... xvi


A. Background ...................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement ........................................................................... 4

C. Objective of the Research ................................................................ 4

D. Significance of the Research ........................................................... 4

E. Scope of the Research...................................................................... 5


A. Previous Related Research Findings ............................................... 6

B. Some Partinent Ideas ....................................................................... 8

1. Concept of Speaking .................................................................. 8

a. Definition of Speaking ........................................................ 8

b. Aspect of Speaking .............................................................. 8

c. Types of Speaking Activities ............................................... 10

2. Interjection Filler ....................................................................... 11

3. Cause of Interjection Filler ........................................................ 13

1) Divided Attention ................................................................ 14

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2) Infrequent Words ................................................................. 14

3) Nerveousness ....................................................................... 14

C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................. 16


A. Research Design .............................................................................. 18

B. Research Participant ........................................................................ 18

C. Research Variable and Indicators .................................................... 18

D. Research Instrument ........................................................................ 19

E. Data Collection ................................................................................ 20

F. Data Analysis ................................................................................... 21


A. Findings ........................................................................................... 23

B. Discussion ........................................................................................ 44


A. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 47

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................ 48

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................... 50



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Table 3.1 Research Participant ......................................................................... 19

Table 3.2 Likert Scale ....................................................................................... 21

Table 4.1 The Result of Observation Class BG.2A ......................................... 24

Table 4.2The Result of Observation Class BG.2B ........................................... 26

Table 4.3 The Result of Observation Class BG.2C .......................................... 27

Table 4.4 The Result of Observation Class BG.2D .......................................... 29

Table 4.5The Result of Observation Class BG.2E ........................................... 31

Table 4.6 The Result of Observation Class BG.2F .......................................... 32

Table 4.7The Result of Observation Class BG.2G ........................................... 34

Table 4.8The Result of Observation Class BG.2H ........................................... 35

Table 4.9Students Response Toward Items 1 ................................................... 37

Table 4.10 Students Response Toward Items 2 ............................................... 37

Table 4.11 Students Response Toward Items 3 ............................................... 38

Table 4.12 Students Response Toward Items 4 ............................................... 39

Table 4.13 Students Response Toward Items 5 ............................................... 40

Table 4.14 Students Response Toward Items 6 ............................................... 40

Table 4.15 Students Response Toward Items 7 ............................................... 41

Table 4.16 Students Response Toward Items 8 ............................................... 42

Table 4.17 Students Response Toward Items 9 ............................................... 43

Table 4.18 Students Response Toward Items 10 ............................................. 44

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1. Background

English was a vital language that is used almost in the whole country of the

world for building communication, technology, and education. Proven, English was

used in teaching and learning process not only in formal but also formal institute. In the

implementation of teaching and learning process as a compulsory subject in

Indonesian, English teaching emphasize on development of four language skills, such as

reading, listening, speaking and writing and language use that refers to the rules for

making language, i.e. the structures used. Pickering & Garrod (2004) argue that achieve

our conversational coordination by virtue of our ability to interactively align each others

actions at different levels of language use:lexicon (i.e.,words and expression), syntax

(i.e.,grammatical rules for arraging words and expression together). As a part of the

subject in the school, Indonesian students consequently asked to learn English through

the mastery of the four skill, i.e., reading, listening, speaking, and grammar.

As the foreign language in our country, English has become popular for the

people to use it in daily conversation or as a language reference like in teaching learning

process in the classroom. Practically, in teaching learning process in the classroom some

students do lots the mistakes or even some errors in their speaking activity. Based on

teaching book, the criteria of evaluation of testing speaking including pronounciation,

vocabulary, structured, comprehension, and fluency. This condition was quite possible

to make most of Indonesian students get some difficulties in learning English. Although

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error are bad things in learning English . For students, error analysis is needed to show

them in what aspect in grammar which is difficult for them. To show the error made by

the students and to know the cause of filler which still encounter many difficulties an

problem especially about grammatical.

Grammar was a description of the structure of a language and the way in which

linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the

language. According to Nunan, in Art (2016) explain that every student need to be good

in constracting sentence in order to make good or clear communication. It means, when

learning English at school, the students had been loaded with grammar lessons, and

developed a strong awareness of this aspect. Regardless of the difficulties this created at

the time, or the later consequences for their conversational skills, they had become

convinced that grammar was the most important aspect in English language learning.

Commonly grammatical aspect give effect in students ability to speak

effectively. The students usually get difficulties in understanding English especially in

grammar and get problems in make a good sentence until their sentence is not structural

then influenced their pronouns .Vicars (2016), state that the linguistic fillers gives a hint

of how common and fundamental they are in communication. It means fillers are

occustomed used in speaking especially in particular context, such as when explain

about descriptive text like tourist place which has a lot of highly words to pronounce in

linguistics, a filler was a sound or word that is spoken in conversation by one participant

to signal to others a pause to think without giving the impression of having finished

speaking.The most common filler sounds are uh and um that called Interjection filler.

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Related to the statement above, the students should be know about the cause

students using interjection filler in speaking. Using uh and um comes with a particular

factor, such as divided attention, nerveousness, and infrequent words. In this

concerning, the analysis of the research is going to find out types and the causes of

students using interjection filler. It was important to know about cause of students using

interjection filler and types of interjection do the student use that usually encountered by

second semester students. In this case, the problems not only about filler that produced,

but how the students can solve their speaking ability without utilize filler. One of the

effective way was used the strategy for removing filler words from the students speech,

such as understand why you are doing, why it is unnecessary and raise the level of


In this research, the analysis of filler begins with choosing one class as a sample

of analysis such as Second Semester Students of English Education Department FKIP

Unismuh Makassar. It was because the researcher want to describe the causes of error

and to describe types of interjection do the students use in speaking. Based on the

explanation above, the researcher want to conduct a research entitle “Analyzing

Interjection Fillers in Speaking English (a Descriptive Study of Second Semester

Students of English Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar)”

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B. Problem Statement

Related to the background above, the following research questions were

necessary to answer.

1. What types of interjection filler do the students use in speaking English at

the Second Semester Students of English Education Department FKIP

Unismuh Makassar?

2. What are the causes of student using interjection filler at the Second

Semester of English Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on statement of the problem above, the aims of this research are to find

out :

1. To know types of interjection filler do the students use in speaking English

at Second Semester Students of English Education Department FKIP

Unismuh Makassar

2. To know the causes of Student using interjection filler at Second Semester

of English Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar

D. Significance of the Research

The research of an analysis which is focus on speaking. Expected can be useful

information and positive contribution for next researcher or everyone who concern

about the student using filler. Practically, the result of this research is expacted can be

minimize the students utilize interjection filler in speaking. This research is expected to

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be meaningful, useful and profitable. It also may bring a relevant information and

knowledge in teaching and learning processes.

E. Scope of the Research

The researcher will conduct a research in Second Semester Students at English

Education Department FKIP Muhammadiyah Makassar University. The researcher will

focus on analyzing the causes of students interjection filler (divided attention, infrequent

word, nerveousness) and types of interjection filler do the students use in speaking

which influenced fluency related the factor.

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A. Previous Related Research Findings

There were some researchers which has present their thesis in some journal that

related to an error analysis of interjection filler, they are ;

1. Clark and Fox (2002) in their research “Using Uh and Um in Spontaneous

Speaking”. The finding of this research indicated that using uh and um make the

speaker thinking about what they want say the next, the result show that there is

no significant differences between using filler that produced from the second

semester students and using uh and um in spontaneous speaking. The similarity

of this journal with the research is using uh and um spontaneous and using filler

make the speaker delay in speaking, but the difference is the journal focus on

several function of filler views and my research focus on interjection filler that

produce by second semester students in speaking.

2. Alen (2016) in her research “Students Use Linguistic Filler in Varying

Situation” in this research her describe how the students use filler in different

situation, such as one stressful and one regular conversational situation. when in

a stressful situation, students are more likely to use fillers in general and also

that some students rely on their first language when using fillers‟‟. The

similarity of the journal with the research is develop convidence to help the

speaker cope gaps in using filler while the differences the journal focus on

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developing and testing different teaching methods on the use linguistic filler and

my research focus on types of interjection filler do the student use in speaking.

3. Pytcho & Laura in their research (2003) “The Effect of Using Um and Uhh on

The Perceive The Intelengence of The Speaker‟‟ describe that the intelengence

was not the impacted by use interjection filler but using uh and umm do impact

aspect of speakingsuch as perceived preparedness, effectiveness of public

speaking and ease of understanding by listener.The similarity of the journal with

my research was affected of interjection filler was unprepared, credibility of the

speaker, and comprehension of the listener. The differences is the journal focus

on the relationship between the disfluencies and perceived intelligence that

intelligence was not impacted by the use of “um” and “uh”. However, filler

words such as “um” and “uh” do affect other aspects of speaking such as

perceived preparedness, effectiveness at public speaking, and ease of

understanding by a listener. and my research focus on utilize of interjection filler

that encountered by students influenced divided attention, infrequent word, and


The several researchers above have a similar study of this research which

focus on students error in using uh and um spontaneous and using filler make

the speaker delay in speaking. These focusing on where the student mistakes

until they use interjection filler and the differences amoung researches with this

matter is about several function of filler views and the affect of interjection


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B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Concept of Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is a skill which is used by someone to communicate in daily

life, wether at school or outside the school. The skill is required by much

repetition in learning to speak, especially foreign language students have

difficulties in expressing their ideas. They often make mistakes while trying to

communicate in English. As a skill which enables us to produce utterance, when

genuinely communicate something to achieve a particular end. This may involve

expressing ideas and opinions; expressing a wish or a desire to do something.

Moris & Novia (2002) state that speaking is a natural means of communication

between members of society to express the mind and a form of social behavior.

It means speaking is one of the capabilities possessed by humans. It means

speaking is a tool for do communication to other people with delivering the

mind, the ideas,and the ability to pronounce the articulation sounds to express

the words and to express the idea.

b. Aspect of Speaking

Speaking can be divided into two types based on achievement, good

speaking, and bad speaking. Speaking can be says as good or bad based on the

aspect of speaking. Harries (1974) says that aspect of language are:

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1) Fluency

People can be said as fluent speakers if they fulfil the following features

such as pauses may be long but not frequent, Pause ate usually filled, and Pauses

occur at meaningful transition points. In verbal speech humans tend to use words

and phrases that are normally deleted from any type of printed language.

According to Schachter et al., (1991) the use of words like “um” and “uh” in

verbal speech are often referred to as speech disfluencies. It means fluency was

measured by considering the total number of seconds of silence and time spent

to saying um and ah by subject as they complete a task.

2) Vocabulary

Schachter, (1994) mention that in which they state that pauses in oral

speech could possibly indicate that a particular speaker has an enormous mental

vocabulary which they must sort through, in order to come up with the most

effective word to finish their thought. It means when people speaking, they are

involving high proporation of words and expressions that express their attitude

(stance) to what is being said.

3) Grammar

It was needed for the students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation.

Students ability to manipulate structure and distinguish appropriate grammatical

from in appropriate ones. The utility of grammar was also to learn the correct

way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.

4) Pronounciation

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Pronounciation is the way for students to produced clearer language when

they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of

a grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds

very and pattern in a language.

5) Comprehension

Comprehension denotes the ability of understanding the speaker‟s intention

and general meaning good comprehension refers to good understanding. If

someone language understanding is good. It will affect the speaking ability.

c. Types of Speaking Activities

According to Brown (2000), there were five types of speaking activities:

“Imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive, and extensive”.

1. Imitative

One of continuum of types of speaking performance is the ability to simply

parrot back (imitative) a word phrase or possibly a sentence.

2. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any speaking

performance that is design to practice some psychological and grammatical

aspect of language.

3. Responsive

A good deal of student speech in the classroom is responsive: short replies

to teacher or student‟s initiated questions or coments.

4. Interactive

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The differences between responsive and interactive speaking in the leght

and complexity of the interaction.

5. Extensive

Finally, students at intermediate to advance level are called on to give

extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, short speeches, or

perhaps story telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from

listeners in either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal responses) or ruled out


2. Interjection Filler

Corley & Stewart (2008) refers to them has desistation disfluencies. There

were several kinds of filler, such as hesitations, interjections, revisions, and phrase

repititions. Hesitations was silent pause of 1 second or longe (ie: I.. (pause) want

the red one) . Interjections is meaningless words irrelevant to the message [um and

uh] (example: I um want the red one). Revisions is change in content, grammar, or

pronunciation of a message (example: I want the blue…the red one). Unfinished

words: a word that is abandoned and not completed later in the message (example: I

want the one).Phrase repetitions is repetition of at least 2 complete words

of the message (example: I want…I want the red one) . Word repetitions (up to

2x): repetition of a whole word in a slow casual way (example: I I want the red

one). We use filler in our conversations when we speak continuously, we hesitate in

the middle and search for words to be used. At that time we should not show our

weakness. We have to use some words and expressions. Filler is a sound or word

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that is spoken in conversation by one participant to signal to others a pause to think

without giving the impression of having finished speaking. Goto(2000) state that

filler are used for buying situations where the thinking process is not fast as the

speaking process; we used them to buy oueselves time to play what to say next. It

means that any sounds or words that enhanced of the speaker to pause to think what

to say next .

An interjection is a conventional lexical form (sometimes a phrase) that

conventionally constitutes an utterance on its own and doesn‟t enter into

constraction with other word classes (Wilkins , 1992). It means Interjection is any

new word are produced but are not include in the words who have meaning .such as

the word are uh and um who have the meaning but isn‟t the word in speaking.

Interjection means that the speaker have to stop to think about what to say next. Uh

and um are interjections whose basic meanings are these: (a) Uh: Used to announce

the initiation („uh‟),of what is expected to be a minor delay in speaking.” (b) Um:

“Used to announce the initiation, („um‟), of what is expected to be a major delay in

speaking. Research has shown that use of “um” and uh” indicate that word choice is

difficult for the speaker (Arnold et al., 2007).It means producing uh itself constitutes

a brief delay, and um, a longer delay). If speakers are accurate in their expectations,

the delays should often extend beyond uh and um, and be longer after um than after


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3. Types of Interjection Fillers

There are two types of fillers; those are a silent pause and a filled pause.

Since this study was to investigate the word fillers, the researcher just focused on

the filled pause. This study classified the types of filled pauses based on Rose‟s

theory. According to Rose (1998), there are two types of filled pause; those are

an unlexicalized filled pause and a lexicalized filled pause.

According to Rose (1998) unlexicalized filled pauses mean non-lexemes

(non-words) filled pauses which speakers use to indicate hesitation while the

speaker think what to say next utterances. Lexical filled pause included pleasure

and dismou types. Unlexical filled pause included doubt, discust, relief,pleasure

type. Here were some examples to represent the data:

eeu..Iam going to tell about Kompaja Waterfall

tengah regency.

In those two examples, there were euu and um which classified as

unlexicalized filled pauses. It was because those two utterances was not a word

and did not have meaning. Based on Rose (1998), lexicalized filled pauses are

fillers in the form of word or short phrases. Here were some examples of

lexicalized filled pauses:

really really beautiful

Ok..I will tell you about place vocation in my village.

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There were really and okay which appeared in observation video. Both of

examples also had the meaning but they were still considered as lexicalized

filled pauses because both words were not important as a part of their sentence.

Therefore, whether both words were in the sentence or not, they could not

change the meaning of the sentence.

Types of Interjection Filler Example word

Doubt Hmm, Er, Um

Relief Whew , Whoa

Surprise Eh, well, really

Disqust Ugh, Eh

Pleasure Uhmm, Yeah

Dismou Ok, oh no !

Stenström (1994) defines a mark of hesitation as one of the functions of

fillers. He also give some examples of fillers as a mark of hesitation, such as eh,

ugh, um, err, uhm, ah, hm, et cetera. In this study, fillers as hesitation devices

appeared the most in the selected videos. These were some example of fillers as

hesitation devices:

ee..famous..famous place of my village

because they have ugh..good..ugh.. a good garden and the ticket ugh..the ticket

just twenty five thousand rupiah.

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Based on the situation, ee, e e e, and ughh were said by adding a slight

pause. It meant that those fillers appeared to give the speaker time to think about

what he/she would say next.

4. Causes of Filler Words

The causes of various speech disfluencies in verbal speech have been

documented by several researchers. A speech disfluency was anything that causes a

break or an upset to normal—or fluent—speech. There are several types of speech

disfluencies that exist in spoken languages today, including slips of the tongue, long

pauses, false starts, and filler words. For the purposes of this technical report, the

conversation will be focused on the causes that lead specifically to filler words

being produced in speech. These interpolations into language are caused by several

different factors.

The causes of filler words into three categories: divided attention, infrequent

words, and nervousness. Each of these activities can cause an increase in verbal

disfluency, thus resulting in filler words interrupting speech. When they are

combined together, the frequency of filler words and the disfluency of the speaker

exponentially increase (Oomen&Postma 2001).

(a) Divided Attention is caused when an individual is attempting to focus on

multiple points of interest at one time. This may be manifest during speeches in

which there is a distracting member of the audience or when something

unplanned or unanticipated occurs. The speaker mo- mentarily directs his or her

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attention from his or her speech, and often filler words creep in to occupy the

void left by nonfluent speech. Divided attention and distractions lead to a

strong increase in filler words and other pauses in task-based activities.

(b) Infrequent Words Filler words also appear in speech when an individual uses

words that he or she uses infrequently. In the International Journal of Language

& Communication Dockrell et al.(1998) state that infrequent words are a major

cause of the appearance of filler words. Infrequent words are simply words that

we do not use on a daily basis and are therefore somewhat foreign to our mental

dictionaries. Filler words, then appear when someone is having difficulty

processing a word. This means that a person‟s brain cannot locate a word,

which will cause him or her to pause, frequently throwing um in its place until

the word, or a synony- mous word, is found and used in speech.

(c) Nervousness Both divided attention and infrequent word usage cause

nervousness, which is another cause of filler words in speech. Once the speaker

has become nervous, it becomes inconsequential whether or not these issues are

overcome. Additionally, Goldwater. (2010)found that infrequent words

and speaking too quickly caused a higher produc- tion of filler words.

Infrequent words and speaking too quickly can occur as a result of nervousness

if a speaker is required to employ infrequent words. Words that people would

not normally say may come into speech when the speaker is nervous because

the speaker‟s brain is occupied with thoughts about the listeners and their

opinions rather than about which words to say. The same phenomenon happens

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when speaking too quickly; speakers want to stop speaking as soon as possible

to get rid of the feeling of nervousness and speak quickly as a result.

In addition to the nervousness that comes from infrequent words,

glossophobia—anxiety regarding public speaking—may occur. This fear is

manifest in a form similar to the well-known idea of stage- fright and can

appear as a social anxiety disorder Garcia et al. (2013) This anxiety has a direct

impact on the speaking ability of the presenter and often leads to dysfunctional

speech disorder. This disorder is often manifested as a quivering voice, (leading

to repetitions), as well as vocalized pauses (leading to filler words). These

repetitions and filler words lead to the decreased credibility of the speaker,

which in turn may cause the audience to become more disinterested and thus

further exacerbate the nervousness of the speaker.

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C. Conceptual Framework

The researcher will research students error of utilize interjection filler that

encountered by Second Semester Students English Education of FKIP Unismuh

Makassar. Using uh and um generally the students produced when the students felt

rushes this is caused of divided attention, infrequent words, and nerveousness.

There are two types of filled pause; those are an unlexicalized filled pause and a

lexicalized filled pause. Unlexicalized filled pauses mean non-lexemes (non-words)

filled pauses which speakers use to indicate hesitation while the speaker think what to


Interjection Filler

Types Causes



Surprise Disqust



Divided Attention

Infrequent words


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say next utterances. Lexical filled pause included pleasure and dismou types. Unlexical

filled pause included doubt, discust, relief,pleasure type.

Based on the situation, ee, e e e, and em were said by adding a slight pause. It

meant that those fillers appeared to give the speaker time to think about what he/she

would say next.

Divided attention is caused when an individual is attempting to focus on

multiple points of interest at one time. This may be manifest during speeches in which

there is a distracting member of the audience or when something unplanned or

unanticipated occurs. The speaker momentarily directs his or her attention from his or

her speech, and often filler words creep in to occupy the void left by non fluent speech.

Infrequent words cause when an individual use words that he or she use

infrequently. Infrequent words are simply words that we do not use on daily basis and

are therefore somewhat foreign to our mental dictionaries. Filler words, then appear

when someone is having difficulty processing a word. Both of divided attention and

infrequent words usage cause nerveousness, which was another cause of filler word in


Based on the analysis, the researcher know about the causes and types of

interjection filler utilize in speaking by Second Semester Students of English Education

Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar.

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A. Research Design

The researcher uses a descriptive-quantitative research in this study. It was along

with the objective of the study to identify students use interjection filler in speaking.

The study aims to find the frequency filler do the student use and what was the

dominant cause. Whether divided attention, infrequent word or nerveousness

B. Research Variable and Indicators

The variable of this research was the students‟ use of interjection filler in Speaking.

The indicator of the research was to know about the types and causes of interjection

filler that Second Semester Students of English Education Department use in speaking .

C. Research Participant

The participants of this research were the students of English Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Population in this research was English

studentsin Muhammadiyah university second semester, there were 8 classes and

around 207 students.

The researcher chose randomly the students of the class as a representative. The

researcher took 3 students each class around 26 students. The researcher used

random sampling to select the sample or the students in the class.

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Table 3.1 Research Participants

No Name


Participant Percentage

(%) Population Sample

1. Class A 24 3 12,5

2. Class B 23 3 13,4

3. Class C 22 3 13,63

4. Class D 25 3 12

5. Class E 24 3 12,5

6. Class F 24 3 12,5

7. Class G 21 3 14,28

8. Class H 18 3 16,66

TOTAL 207 24 11,59

D. Research Instrument

In this study the researcher used observation and questionnaire. Observation was

used to know the types of interjection filler do the student use in speaking. The

questionnaire in this research was to find out the causes of student using interjection

filler in speaking English.

The researcher provided observation by using taken describing video in speaking

class and used questionnaire to find out the causes student used interjection filler,

researcher gave a questionnaire which contained 10 questions.

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E. Procedure of Data Collection

Procedure that the researcher used in this research as follow :

1. During Observation

a. The researcher asked permission from the lecturer in speaking class to be

allowed to take video in his speaking class.

b. The researcher collects describing video from speaking class.

c. The researcher watches and observed the video rapidly and the same time

d. The researcher listens and identifies the data that include to utterance

containing error.

e. The researcher transcript the data based on the types of interjection filler

f. The researcher classifies the causes of students using interjection filler and

types of interjection filler do the student use in speaking.

g. The researcher count the frequency by this formula :

Error precetage = The number of each types of interjection filler x 100%

The total number of data students error

2. Questionnaire

a. The researcher provided a questionnaire.

b. The researcher explained about the questionnaire to the students.

c. The researcher distributed the questionnaire.

d. The researcher administrated the fulfill questionnaire.

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e. The reasercher analyzed the causes of student using interjection filler

then transcribe the data and the conclution of questionnaire by this


Table 3.2 Questionnaire Score of Likert Scale

Statements Strongly

Agree (SA)








Disagree (SD)

Positive 5 4 3 2 1

Negative 1 2 3 4 5

(Sugiyono, 2012)

To analyze rated percentage causes of interjection filler do the students‟ use in

speaking, it was used to know the students‟ respons. Based on Sudjana (2000), the

formula used is:

P=x 100%


P : Persentage

F : Frequency

N : Number of Sample

100% : Constant of Value

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F. Data Analysis

The data of analysis was about to identify types and causes of students utilize

filler in speaking by Second Semester Students of English Education Department

FKIP Unismuh Makassar. The data of analysis will be conducted after the data

have been collected, to analyze several causes and the types of Student‟s

interjection filler that related to the subject matter.

1. The researcher identifies the data. The researcher selects the data whether

error or not error utterance .

2. The researcher describe the data (utterance containing error) based on the

types of interjection filler .

3. The researcher count the number of each types of Interjection Filler. The

researcher count the frequency by this formula :


P : Percentage

F : Frequency

N : Number of sample

100 % : Constant value

(Sugiyono, 2014:136)

4. The researcher selects the dominant types of interjection filler do the student

use with transcript based on frequency of the error .

5. The last the researcher will classifying some problem and giving conclution

related to the thesis.

P =

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In this chapter, the results of the study were presented. The chapter was divided

into two main sections; they are findings of the research and the discussion of the

research. The findings presented the result of data analysis collected through

observation about types of interjection filler do the student use in speaking English and

questionnaire about the causes of student using interjection filler at second semester

students in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The discussion deals with the

interpretation of the findings in the research.

A. Findings

The finding covers the data of the types of interjection filler and the causes of

student using interjection filler in speaking English. The researcher was conducted this

research at the second semester students in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

The researcher took all classes at the second semester, there were 8 classes. From the 8

classes the researcher chose 3 students as the representatives of each class. After

conducting research on 24 students, the researcher collected the data listed in the

following explanation in more detail.

1. Analyzing Student Use Interjection Filler in speaking

After conducting the research ,the researcher obtained the data result of the

observation. The result present the interpretation as follow:

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Table 4.1

First Observasation in Class 2A- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 3 12,5

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 2 8,33

4. Disqust 20 83,3

5. Pleasure 2 8,33

6. Dismou 0 0

The table 4.1 above shows utilization of types interjection filler. From the table

4.1, it can be seen that the result of the observation was none of the students use

“Relief, and Dismou type”. There were 20 frequency classified into “Discust type”.

Both of “Pleasure type” and “surprise type” were 4 frequency or 8,33% students‟ use of

this type. We can check from the transcript below:

(MA) : I come from Mamuju. Now, I am going to tell about one of

vocation in my village. Hmm..I think iam going to tell about Kompaja Waterfall.

Kompaja Waterfall is one of the best tourism place in there. Ugh…Kompaja

Waterfall is located in Kompaja village. Mamuju Tengah regency.

And..if you want visit there..if you want to visit the waterfall , you need about 30

minutes from the city.Ugh...what makes The Waterfall is so special? Ugh..first ,

because the place the middle of the forest ugh..yes the forest. So, if you are

there , you will feel so fresh or temperature is cold and now a days because the

high of The Waterfall is about one hundred meters ugh..and the water is so

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clean. If you are ugh..likedyving, we will see the sky. The Waterfall is consist

many some store around .Ugh..if you go to there for holiday , you can go to

there with your family or your girl or your boyfriend there. And..if you want to

visit there , you will be enjoy will satisfied. Not only that, but if you

feel hungry or thirsty you will buy some food or twice there.

many like a store in there of this Waterfall. Yeah..I think that‟s way is very good

but hmm..yeah thank you.

(AN) : I would like to describe one of many place in my regency. And.. I

am a Selayarness, and ugh..actually in Selayar there is a lot of a tourism place or

tourism object. So, I will explain about is Sunari Beach. Tunari Beach located in

Benteng city. Benteng city is capital city of Selayar, Selayar regency, south

Sulawesi. The regent of Selayar or the society of that place has survive the

fasilitation ugh..such as if you go there, you will get.. ugh.. you will get the

fasilitation. Example hmm..Toilet ugh..gazebo, little market, there is a lot of

flower and you can get..ugh..get foto on there. If you want to spent the night in

there you can go the resort. If you feel hungry, you can go to the café. The café

is survive the traditional food from Selayar. talking about attraction,

there is one attraction in there and most of people go in there to get in…get in

the attraction and the attraction is Gyant Swing. Exactly if you want to get..get

in..Gyant Swing, you have to prepare your body because the Gyant Swing is

really..really..big. If you..ugh..if you have been on therehmm..aGyant Swing,

you will see the beautiful sea of Sunari Beach and you can ugh..take a photo.

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Next about the scenary, the scenary is really really beautiful especially when

sunset. All visitors from local always take photo when sunset. So, maybe

ugh..thats all about my description.

(UA) : I would like to describe a tourism destination in my place. It is

called Permandian Ara Eremerasa. Permandian Ara Eremerasa which is located

in Bantaeng, south Sulawesi. It is about 125 km from the capital city of

Makassar and about 4 km ftrom in the home town city of Bantaengugh..when we

go to this place we have to spend our time 3 or 4 hour and 30 minutes from

Makassar to destination. Ugh..when we are want to entering this place,

we have to pay four hunred..ugh..four thousand rupiah for adult, 3 thousand or

five thousand rupiah for children. Ugh..what makes the place so special? It is

because the spring water, the mountain around the village and also the spring

water is soft.

Table 4.2

Observasation in Class 2B- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 1 4,16

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 1 4,16

4. Disqust 27 112,5

5. Pleasure 0 0

6. Dismou 0 0

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The table 4.2 shows the result of the observation students tended to use

linguistic fillers very rarely in the second stage and when they were used in short

stretches. For example below, PT and KM used an extension when unable to

find what word to use next. Another student Leo filled in with a word that fitted

in, in an attempt to facilitate the continued exchange:

(PT) :Ugh.. I came from Bulukumba. I want to describe tourism in my

city, In my city Ugh…there is a lot of tourism such as…..Bira Beach, Samboang

Beach, and ect.

(KM) : I will describe Ugh…about tourism place in Jeneponto.

Ugh…First I will explain about Ugh… Batu Siping.

(Leo) :Ok.. I will tell you about place vocation in my village, I will talk

you about “Ammatoa”. I think Ammatoa is really really…Ughh…satisfied.

Based on the transcript above, there were 1 frequency (4,16%) of doubt

type both of them. There were 27 frequency (112,5% ) into “discust type”. Then

“relief, pleasure, and dismou type” was none frequency.

Table 4.3

Observasation in Class 2C- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 1 4,16

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 0 0

4. Disqust 24 100

5. Pleasure 1 4,16

6. Dismou 1 4,16

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The table 4.3 above shows utilization of types Interjection Filler. From

the table 4.3, it can be seen that the result of the observation was none of the

studentsuse“Relief, and Surprise type”. There were 24 frequency classified into

“Discust type”. Each students were 1 classified into “Doubt,Pleasure and

Dismou type”. It can be conclude that mostly student use Discust type because

there were 100% totally student say ugh…for example below:

(NK) : I have tourism place or ugh….famous tourism place in my home

town PucakBiralease in regency SidenreTapang or Sidrap. There are many

various like waterboom, flying fox, swimming pool,Ugh…Ugh…Fish…fishing.

(Fira) : I will explain for you, ugh…famous…famous place of my

village. That is Je‟neTallasa Water Park. I recommended you to go there because

there have ugh…there have ugh…good ugh...a good garden and then the ticket

ugh..the ticket just twenty five thousand rupiah.

(RY) : Oh yeah, I wanna tell you about Ugh…the place so beautiful in

my village that you can go to for holiday. The place is Budonggala Beach.

Ugh…you know there is ugh…beautiful place ugh…why I say that because if

you go there you can see many things like ugh..Pinus tree ugh..then sand of

Budonggala Beach is beautiful.

Based on the transcript above, there were 1 frequency (4,16%) of

“doubt,pleasure,dismou type” both of them. Then “relief and surprise type” was

none. Both of them 100% use “discust type”.

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Table 4.4

Observasation in Class 2D- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 3 12,5

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 5 20,83

4. Disqust 26 108,3

5. Pleasure 0 0

6. Dismou 1 4,16

The table 4.4 show that There were 26 frequency “discust type”, 3

frequency“doubt type” and 1 “Dismou type”. .Then “relief and pleasure type”

was none frequency . There were 26 frequency of “Discust type” that student


(NA) :Ok…I will explain or describe my village. In my village,

there….are many people and then…my village is BaiBunta , you know

BaiBunta? BaiBunta is Luwu Utara. Luwu Utara is…there is a typical food

ugh..typical food is name ugh…Kapurung. Ugh…you know Kapurung

?Kapurung ugh… hmm.. made from sagu, sagu and…you..mix with ugh…

vegetable and another… another ingredient hmm.. ugh… hmm..ughh.. maybe

there is some place but ugh..nothing special..there is no…I mean there is in

Toraja but that‟s no Luwu Utara. Ugh…I think enough.

(NH) :I will explain vocation in Limbung, in the name Wisata Pantai

Galesong. I think ugh..Wisata Pantai Galesong is wonderful ugh..vocation.

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If you want to refreshing and then ugh…if you want to ugh…go there

you have to pay fiveteen thousand rupiah. And can bring the food,

or you can bring ugh..The shirt and then..ugh..with your friends can see the sea. You can bring your friend or your family

for refreshing ugh..I think that‟s all.

(MW) : Today , I will describe about the place that people usually come

in my town. It is PantaiLosari or in English Losari Beach. This beach is really

lord that you can travel a lot with walking and this street is very near with the

central city is really easy to get and also transportation is really easy to

use to go there. Sometimes in that place, there are some event…really lord of

people come on there. And..that event is really farriative, for example event

music, ugh..thefood,ugh..a traditional dance, and…many things. If someone

want to go my city then they want to meet and they don‟t know where to meet,

and the easy place to meet is PantaiLosari or Losari Beach. And that also lord

the traditional food and traditional ugh..drink that you can..get in Losari Beach.

For example, ugh..there is Pisang Epe,ugh..Sarabba and…many

can go there from the morning until the evening but I recommended to you all if

you wanna go there , go when the evening.Because…the sunset and the sunrise

is really..amazing in there. Ugh..there is also some big event last year in that

place which is call…ugh..Iforgetwhats the event name ugh..i don‟t know what

the name but the event is really big like international event.

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Based on the transcript above, there were 3 frequency (12,5%) of doubt

type both of them. There were 1 frequency (4,16%) into dismou type. Then 5

frequency of surprise type. Relief and pleasure type was none frequency.

Table 4.5

Observasation in Class 2E- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 0 0

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 0 0

4. Disqust 1 4,16

5. Pleasure 0 0

6. Dismou 0 0

The table 4.5 shows the result of the observation students in class 2E as

a sample of this research , based on the table above indicate only a few types of

interjection filler that they use in speaking. Because they talk slowly or without

haste. There were only 1 frequency of “Discust type”. It was none “Doubt,

Relief, Surprise, Pleasure, Dismou types”. It can be conclude that filler words

appear when speaker speaking quickly and found infrequent word caused a

higher production of filler words.

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Table 4.6

Observasation in Class 2F- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 0 0

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 0 0

4. Disqust 2 8,33

5. Pleasure 0 0

6. Dismou 6 25

The table 4.6 above shows utilization of types interjection filler, it can be

seen that the result of the observation both of student were two “Discus ttype”.

SM was none types of interjection filler when she speak. MR classified into 6

frequency of “Dismou type”. Each students was none classified into

“Doubt,Relief,Surprise and Pleasure type” for example below:

(SM) : I want to describe the tourism attracting that area in

Mandaria…Mandalaria Beach. Mandalaria Beach is located in Bahara village

Bonto Bahari district , south Sulawesi Province. The Mandalaria Beach is one of

the new tourism attractive , when you were go on the beach , you will be greated

with the white sandand the carves that surround the beach and the Basohara

Camp. The Basohara Camp is not too far from Mandalaria Beach inside this

camp of the source of the Basohara Camp about 4 km from Mandalaria Beach.

On the Mandalaria Beach you can swimming and enjoy the beautiful view.

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(Aul) : I want to describe the tourism attracting in my area, there are so

many the tourism attracting in my area like the WalinggaBola Beach, Mutiara

Beach, MokoBeach,Buni Beach, and any other. But I choose describe the

MokoBeach .WanatobiBeach is located Wanatobi Village, Central Buton

regency, South East Sulawesi Provience. Wanatobi Beach has 2 gazebo, this

beautiful beach still natural just during for holiday. If u want to go in there you

can ride a car or motorcycle.Ugh…the beauty of this beach is very harmfull for

family, friend or lovers. We can swimm together, take a picture together and

discuss business here.

(MR) : Ok..there are many tourism in my village like Malino, Malino is

familiar with the tourism object like Pinus Forest, Waterfall, Flower Park and

many park.But I will describe about the Waterfall, Ok the Waterfall is not far

from my home. If you want to matter from there. You can go there by foot, by

motorcycle , by car but I think it would be better if you go there by on foot

because you can enjoy the road. Ok guys in the Waterfall , you can see much

tree, much town, and the water of the Waterfall is so cold and maybe if you

swimm there around 3 minutes u will freezy and the high of The Waterfall is

around 25 meter and…the water is so sweaf and cold. Ok beside The Waterfall

there are a case ,and..the case is a place from a back. According to the story that

the case is a hiding place in the past . I have ever go to the case and that place is

so dark .Ok guys I invite u to go there with me, why ? If you go there you will

not pay to go there . Ok, I think enough .Ok guys , thanks for attention.

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Based on the observation above, It can be conclude that 25% frequency

of Dismou types that MR use in speaking . Indicate they say “ok” appear when

someone difficulty processing a words.

Table 4.7

Observasation in Class 2G- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 5 20,83

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 0 0

4. Disqust 13 54,16

5. Pleasure 1 4,16

6. Dismou 0 0

The table 4.7 show that the skill level of the observation subjects seemed

to influence how they used linguistic fillers. Some of the students also used

extension of a regular word as a filler. Silber-Varod (2011) explains that the

extension of a word‟s final syllable often occurs, used as a linguistic filler when

we hesitate what to say next, thus it can be considered a linguistic filler or a

filling strategy. For example below, (Husni) : I come from Toraja, ugh…Toraja,

Toraja ugh…some people know about that Toraja has two ugh…religion namely

Islam and Kristen but ugh…some people in Torajaugh..just know about

Christiani , there is no people ugh...Islamic Ugh..I will describe about ugh…one

of ugh…vocation in Toraja.namely ugh..PatungBurake. There many people go

there..there many people go there because view ugh..beautiful view.

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(NurFadillah) : Hmm..Iam going to explain some place or vocation place

ugh..just call BambuRuncing in Pangkep. In Pangkep usually hmm..usually

come to BambuRuncing to enjoy the view of river and also so many

many people sell some…uhmm…sell some…food and accecories.

(AinunMutmainnah) :Now, I will ugh..explain or describe about

ugh..interesting place in my village. People usually call Tanralili, Tanralili is a

leg mountain and that is icon in Parintium. Hmm...If you go to there , don‟t

forget the camera and take a picture because that is hmm..most beautiful place.

Based on the transcript above, there were 5 frequency of doubt type

both of NF and AM. There were 13 frequency (54,16%) between them.

Relief,surprise,and dismou was none frequency .

Table 4.8

Observasation in Class 2H- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Types of Interjection Filler Frequency Precentage (%)

1. Doubt 0 0

2. Relief 0 0

3. Surprise 2 8,33

4. Disqust 28 116,6

5. Pleasure 0 0

6. Dismou 0 0

The table 4.8 show that the observation how they used linguistic fillers.

Some of the students also used extemporaneously word as a filler. For example


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(Nurul) : I will describe about Malino , Malino is the flower city because

there is many flower in there. There is a tour place, ugh..there are jungle, tea

garden, and strawberry garden. The place is a beautiful view there are many

mountain and every one call Bawakaraeng mountain and then ugh...there is

touris to come ugh..inMalinough..they like ugh…waterfall,and many place in

Malino make our feeling is fresh ugh..because we can enjoy our eyes to see the

tree and wheather is cold.

(Ul) : I come from Majene, Majene is west Sulawesi. My..My city is

every oneknowMajene to Education city. And I will to tell about ugh..Dato

Beach, in Majene.Dato Beach is very famous in Majene. Every one comeMajene

and visit Dato Beach. If you want to see ugh..sunset you want to visit Dato

Beach is very ugh…beautiful view. Ugh..every weekend many people come to

Dato Beach.

(NS) :ugh..I come from Selayar Island. Well..i will describe about

ugh…one of vocation in Selayar Island and the name is Baloraya Beach

ugh...Baloraya beach is the place ugh…that we can refreshing in

thereugh..ugh..the place is so beautiful and very ugh…great like that and if we

come there ugh..we can see the sea ugh..the blue sea ugh..i think ugh..that is

ugh..the best place.

Based on the transcript above, NS was 2 frequency (8,33%) of “surprise

type”. Doubt,relief,pleasure, and dismou type was none frequency. There were

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28 frequency of “discust type”. It can be conclude that, mostly student use

“discust type” even when starting her sentences.

2. Analyzing the Causes of the Student Use Interjection Filler in Speaking


After conducting the research, the researcher obtained the data result of

the questionnaire. The researcher have classified questionnaire items based on

three indicators. The result present the interpretation as follow:

Tabel 4.9 Students’ Response Toward Item 1

(I use “ugh” and “um” when I was appointed to speak without preparation)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 12 50

2 Agree 5 20.83

3 Partially Disagree 4 16,67

4 Disagree 3 12.5

5 strogly Disagree 0 0

Total 24 100

Table 4.9 showed that from 24 students as a sample in second semester at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, a half of the students chose strongly

agree toward the first question. It means that they was strongly agree that they

use “uh”and “um” when they are appointed to speak without preparation. There

were also 5 students chose agree , 4 student chose partially agree and 3 student

choose disagree in this item. There were no students chose strongly disagree.

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Tabel 4.10 Students’ Response Toward Item 2

(I use “hmm” when members of the audience divert my attention)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 2 8,33

2 Agree 9 37,5

3 Partially Agree 3 12,5

4 Disagree 9 37,5

5 strogly Disagree 1 4,17

Total 24 100

Table 4.10 showed that between agree and disagree were bellance, there

where 9 students chose agree and there were 9 students chose disagree that was

37,5.% for both of choice. It means that second semester students at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar agree and disagree that they “hmm”

when members of the audience divert their attention, but there were also 3

students chose partially agree. There was 2 students chose strongly agree and 1

student choose strongly disagree.

Based on the data above it found that, the number of students who chose

agree and disagree was bellance, it can be seen that 9 students chose agree and

also there were 9 chose disagree. Eventhough there were 2 student choose

strongly agree and 3 student choose partially agree then only 1 student choose

strongly disagree. It conclude that there were causes of the student use

Interjection Filler in speaking by divided attention.

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Table 4.11 Students’ Response Toward Item 3

(I use “Ok”and “well” when I‟m thinking what I want to say the next)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 2 8,33

2 Agree 18 75

3 Partially Agree 3 12,5

4 Disagree 1 4,17

5 strogly Disagree 0 0

Total 24 100

Table 4.11 showed that more than a 75% students chose agree. It

means that the second semester students in Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar mostly agree that use “Ok”and “well” when they thinking what

they want to say the next. There were 2 students chose stongly agree,3

students chose partially agree, 1 student choose disagree, and there was no

students chose strongly disagree.

Table 4.12 Students’ Response Toward Item 4

(Anxiety has a direct impact on the presenter's speaking ability and often

causes speech disfunction like filler words)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 5 20,83

2 Agree 14 58,34

3 Partially Agree 2 8,33

4 Disagree 3 12,5

5 strogly Disagree 0 0

Total 24 100

Table 4.12 showed that mostly students chose agree at the fourth

question. It means that mostly second semester students in Muhammadiyah

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University agree that Anxiety has a direct impact on the presenter's speaking

ability and often causes speech disfunction like filler words. But the

different frequency between chose agree and disagree was 11, that was 14

students chose agree and 3 students chose disagree. And there were also 2

students chose partially agree. And there were 5 students chose strongly

agree and no students chose strongly disagree.

Based on the data above it found that, the difference between the

number of students who chose agree and dissagre was very far, it can be

seen that all the students chose agree 14 student and there were 3 of them

chose disagree. There were 11 frequency between agree and disagree. It

conclude that there were causes of student use Interjection Filler in speaking

by nerveousness.

Table 4.13 Students’ Response Toward Item 5

(Someone say “whoa and really” when they felt happy)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 6 25

2 Agree 11 45,84

3 Partially Agree 0 0

4 Disagree 5 20,83

5 Strogly Disagree 2 8,33

Total 24 100

Table 4.13 showed that the frequency between sudents who chose

agree and disagree was six. It means that second semester students in

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Muhammadiyah University of Makassar were agree and disagree that

they say “whoa and really” when they felt happy. There were 6 students

that still strongly agree, 11 students were agree and no students were

strongly disagree with the fifth question.

Table 4.14 Students’ Response Toward Item 6

(Someone say “Uhmm” when they difficult to processing a word )

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 5 20,83

2 Agree 8 33,34

3 Partially Agree 6 25

4 Disagree 5 20,83

5 Strogly Disagree 0 0

Total 24 100

Table 4.14 showed that mostly students were chosen agree at the

sixth question that was 8 students. It means that the second semester

students in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar mostly agree that

filler words appear when someone difficulty processing a word. The

frequency between students who chose strongly agree and disagree were

bellance, that was 5 students chose strongly agree and also 5 students

chosen disagree. There were 6 students was chose partially agree and

none student choose strongly disagree.

Table 4.15 Students’ Response Toward Item 7

(Divided attention and infrequent word happened if I am sunddenly

appointed to appear in public speaking )

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No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 2 8,33

2 Agree 10 41.66

3 Partially Agree 8 33,34

4 Disagree 4 16,67

5 Strogly Disagree 0 0

Total 24 100

Table 4.15 showed that mostly students chose agree, that was 10

students. It means that the second semester students in Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar agree that divided attention and infrequent word

happened if they were sunddenly point out to appear in public speaking.

And there also 8 students chose partiallyagree. Eventhought many people

chose agree and partially agree, but there were also 2 students chose

strongly agree, 4 students chosendisagree and no students chose strongly


Table 4.16 Students Response Toward Item 8

(Divided attention and distractions lead to filler words appear)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 2 8,33

2 Agree 9 37,5

3 Partially Agree 5 20,83

4 Disagree 7 29,17

5 strogly Disagree 1 4,17

Total 24 100

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Table 4.16 showed that mostly students chose agree that was 9

student. It means that the second semester students in Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar were agree that divided attention and distractions

lead to filler words appear. Between partially and disagree were just

different 2 frequency that partially agree 5 and disagree 7. Students that

chose strongly disagree only1 students.

Table 4.17 Students Response Toward Item 9

(Infrequent word and speaking too quickly caused a higher

production of filler words)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 2 8,33

2 Agree 6 25

3 Partially Agree 7 29,16

4 Disagree 8 33,34

5 strogly Disagree 1 4,17

Total 24 100

Table 4.17 showed that mostly students chose disagree, that was

8 students. It means that the second semester students in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar was disagree that Infrequent

word and speaking too quickly caused a higher production of filler

words. Between agree and strongly agree just have 2 frequency, that was

students chose partiallyagree and 2 students chose strongly disagree. And

between strongly agree and strongly disagree there just 1 different

frequencies, two students chose stongly agree and 6 students chose agree.

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Table 4.18 Students Response Toward Item 10

( Generally the students produced “ugh and umm” when they felt rushes)

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 5 20,83

2 Agree 12 50

3 Partially Agree 6 25

4 Disagree 1 4,17

5 Strogly Disagree 0 0

Total 40 100

Table 4.18 showed that more than a half students chose agree, that

was 12 students. It means that the second semester students in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar agree that generally the students

produced “ugh and umm” when they felt rushes. There were also 5

students chose strongly agree. Six students chose partially agree.

Disagree and strongly disagree had less frequency, There were just 1

students chose disagree and there was no students chose strongly


B. Discussion

Based on the analysis of data in finding on this research, the researcher would like to

discuss about the problem statement in this research. The researcher focused on the

second semester students of English Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar.

1. Analyzing Student Use Interjection Filler in speaking

Based on the result of the study, the researcher would like to discuss about the

problem statement in this research, the first question is “What types of interjection

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filler do the students use in speaking English at the Second Semester Students of

English Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar? ” to answer this problem

statement the research conducted observation. Mostly students use discust types of

interjection filler in speaking English. . majority of students use disqust type of

interjection filler. This is supported by Stenström (1994) defines a mark of

hesitation as one of the functions of fillers. He also give some examples of fillers

as a mark of hesitation, such as eh, ugh, um, err, uhm, ah, hm, et cetera. The

biggest difficulty that encountered by students are the general mistake that the

researcher found in the previous analysis of another researchers influenced by

fluency. People can be said as fluent speakers if they fulfil the following features

such as pauses may be long but not frequent, Pause ate usually filled, and Pauses

occur at meaningful transition points. In verbal speech humans tend to use words

and phrases that are normally deleted from any type of printed language.

According to Schachter et al., (1991) the use of words like “um” and “uh” in

verbal speech are often referred to as speech disfluencies. It means fluency was

measured by considering the total number of seconds of silence and time spent to

saying ugh and umm by subject as they complete a task.

2. Analyzing the Causes of the Student Use Interjection Filler in Speaking


Based on the result of the study, the researcher would like to discuss about

the second problem statement in this research. The second question about “What

are the causes of student using interjection filler at the Second Semester of

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English Education Department FKIP Unismuh Makassar?” to answer the

problem statement the research conducted questionnaire sheets. Each student has

their own opinion about interjection filler in speaking English. Most of them

choose agree over the statement. In the questionnaire that had been distributed,

the students were asked to respond 10 items related to their perception towards

student use interjection filler in speaking English, below are the detail

explanation :

1. I use “ugh” and “um” when I was appointed to speak without preparation

Based on the data analysis the variable “I use “ugh” and “um” when I

was appointed to speak without preparation”. It was found that 12 students

choose strongly agree and 5 choose agree. There were 4 students choose

partially agree. Then 3 students choose disagree, and it was none student choose

strongly agree with this statement. It means that they need time to think and

prepare what to speak. This is supported by Arnold (2003),that state speakers

who used “um” and “uh” were rated as more unprepared to talk about their

topic. In his research, Unpreparedness may suggest a lack of forethought that

seems necessary to intelligently convey a message. It means they can‟t be told to

tell suddenly without preparation.

2. Divided attention and infrequent word happened if I am sunddenly

appointed to appear in public speaking.

Based on the data analysis the variable “Divided attention and

infrequent word happened if I am sunddenly appointed to appear in

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public speaking.” It was found, 2 students choose agree and also 10

students chose agree. There were 8 students choose partially agree but

only 4 students choose disagree. It was none student choose strongly

disagree. It means that divided attention, infrequent words, and

nerveousness is causes of using interjection filler in speaking English.

This is supported by Dockrell et al.(1998) state that infrequent words are

a major cause of the appearance of filler words.

The result of discussion above has showing us that Mostly students use disqust

type of interjection filler in speaking English and there are three causes of students

using interjection filler in speaking English. Divided attention, infrequent words

and nerveousness was the causes that encountered by students in speaking English.

There are many words in English which can not be easy to pronounce for students

in general. Divided attention is happened because student is attempting to focus on

multiple point at one interest. Infrequent words is happened when the students use

words he or she used infrequently. Both of divided attention and infrequent wors

usage nerveousness which one another causes of interjection filler. For instance,

the students tend to speak English with a lot of fillers that they produce. It is

because the lack of self confidence and practice that they had in their daily life

related to the three causes of interjection filler in speaking English.

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This chapter consists of two sections, the first section dealt with the conclusion

of findings of the research and the other one deal with suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion, it can be conclude that :

1. The second semester students of English Education Department FKIP

Unismuh Makassar, mostly use discust type “ugh” in speaking. This can be

proven through Table 4.1. there are 20 frequency or 83,3% classified into

disqust type, Table 4.2. are 27 frequency, Table 4.3. are 24 frequency, Table

4.4. are 26 frequency or 108,3% , Table 4.7 are 54,16% and Table 4.8 are

116,6% students use of discust type.

2. Causes of student use interjection filler was divided attention, infrequent

word and nervousness. This can be proven by Table 4.9 show that 70,83%

students use “ugh” when they felt nerveos because suddenly it was point out

to speak without preparation. Table 4.15 There are 50% students who agree.

Divided attention and infrequent word happened if they sunddenly appointed

to appear in public speaking.

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B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the data analysis and conclusion, the researcher prestent

some suggestion for the lecturer, for the students, and for the next researcher.

1. For the Lecturer at Third Semester of English Education Department

Muhammadiyah Makassar University

a. The lecturer, it would be more effective if there is any improvement in

practicing speaking in the class instead of theory, it will be useful to

increase students‟ capability to pronounce the words or sentence in


b. The lecturer should have known what problems that students encounter

during the practicing and pay attention to them because the filler comes in

different way to each students could be more confidence and they are no

longer worries of making any mistake.

2. For the Students at Second Semester of English Education Department of

Muhammadiyah Makassar University

a. The students need to increase their capacity in memorizing lots of

vocabularies in English, so that they will be able to produce words more

frequently and making less of mispronounce.

b. The students have to improve their self convidence or control their stressed

when they speak in public, because speaking process was greantly

enhanced in relationship to the thought process. Until filler can avoiding in

speaking English.

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3. For the next Researcher

a. The researcher hopes that this study can be used as additional reference by

other researcher that has a similarity with this study.

b. The researcher hopes that there will be a researcher that can develop this


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Name :

Class :

Answer the statement below by checking (√) According to yourself

No. Statement Strongly


Agree Partially


Disagree Strongly


1. I use “ugh” and “um” when I was

appointed to speak without


2. I use “hmm” when members of the

audience divert my attention

3. I use “Ok”and “well” when I‟m

thinking what I want to say the next

4. Someone say “whoa and really”

when they felt happy

5. Someone say “Uhmm” when they

difficult to processing a word

6. Generally the students produced

“ugh and umm” when they felt


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7. Divided attention and infrequent

word happened if I am sunddenly

appointed to appear in public


8. Divided attention and distractions

lead to filler words appear

9. Infrequent word and speaking too

quickly caused a higher production

of filler words

10. Anxiety has a direct impact on the

presenter's speaking ability and

often causes speech disfunction

like filler words

NB: Score

SA -Strongly Agree : 5

A -Agree : 4

PA -Partially Agree : 3

DS -Disagree : 2

SDS -Strongly Disagree : 1

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First Observasation in Class 2A- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discust Pleasure Dismou

1. A MA 1 0 0 8 1 0

ADL 2 0 2 7 1 0

UA 0 0 0 5 0 0

(MA) : I come from Mamuju. Now, I am going to tell about one of

vocation in my village. Hmm..I think iam going to tell about Kompaja Waterfall.

Kompaja Waterfall is one of the best tourism place in there.Ugh…Kompaja

Waterfall is located in Kompajavillage.Ugh..inMamuju Tengah regency. And..if

you want visit there..if you want to visit the waterfall , you need about 30

minutes from the city.Ugh...what makes The Waterfall is so special? Ugh..first ,

because the place the middle of the forest ugh..yes the forest. So, if you are

there , you will feel so fresh or temperature is cold and now a days because the

high of The Waterfall is about one hundred meters ugh..and the water is so

clean. If you are ugh..likedyving, we will see the sky. The Waterlfall is consist

many some store around . Ugh..if you go to there for holiday , you can go to

there with your family or your girl or your boyfriend there. And..if you want to

visit there , you will be enjoy will satisfied. Not only that, but if you

feel hungry or thirsty you will buy some food or twice there.

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many like a store in there of this Waterfall. Yeah..i think that‟s way is very good

but hmm..yeah thank you.

(ADL) : I would like to describe one of many place in my regency. And..

I am a Selayarness, and ugh..actually in Selayar there is a lot of a tourism place

or tourism object. So, I will explain about is Sunari Beach. Tunari Beach located

in Benteng city. Benteng city is capital city of Selayar, Selayar regency, south

Sulawesi. The regent of Selayar or the society of that place has survive the

fasilitationugh..such as if you go there , you will will get the

fasilitation. Example hmm..Toilet ugh..gazebo, little market, there is a lot of

flower and you can get..ugh..getfoto on there. If you want to spent the night in

there you can go the resort. If you feel hungry, you can go to the café. The café

is survive the traditional food from Selayar. talking about attraction,

there is one attraction in there and most of people go in there to get in…get in

the attraction. And the attraction is Gyant Swing. Exactly if you want to get..get

in..Gyant Swing, you have to prepare your body because the Gyant Swing is

really..really..big. If you..ugh..if you have been on there hmm..aGyant Swing,

you will see the beautiful sea of Sunari Beach and you can ugh..take a photo.

Next about the scenary, the scenary is really really beautiful especially when

sunset. All visitors from local always take photo when sunset. So, maybe

ugh..thats all about my description.

(UA) : I would like to describe a tourism destination in my place. It is

called Permandian Ara Eremerasa. Permandian Ara Eremerasa which is located

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in Bantaeng, south Sulawesi. It is about 125 km from the capital city of

Makassar and about 4 km ftrom in the home town city of Bantaengugh..when we

go to this place we have to spend our time 3 or 4 hour and 30 minutes from

Makassar to destination. Ugh..when we are want to entering this place,

we have to pay four hunred..ugh..four thousand rupiah for adult, 3 thousand or

five thousand rupiah for children. Ugh..what makes the place so special? It is

because the spring water, the mountain around the village and also the spring

water is soft.


Observasation in Class 2B- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discust Pleasure Dismou

1. B MP 1 0 0 6 0 0

KS 0 0 0 17 0 0

Leo 0 0 1 4 0 0

(MP) :Ugh.. I came from Bulukumba. I want to describe tourism in my

city, In my city Ugh…there is a lot of tourism such as…..Bira Beach, Samboang

Beach, and ect.

(KS) : I will describe Ugh…about tourism place in Jeneponto. Ugh…First

I will explain about Ugh… BatuSiping.

(Leo) :Ok.. I will tell you about place vocation in my village, I will talk

you about “Ammatoa”. I think Ammatoa is really really…Ughh…satisfied.


Observasation in Class 2C- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

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No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discust Pleasure Dismou

1. C NK 1 0 0 7 1 0

MF 0 0 0 5 0 0

RY 0 0 0 12 0 1

(NK) : I have tourism place or ugh….famous tourism place in my home

town PucakBiralease in regency SidenreTapang or Sidrap. There are many

various like waterboom, flying fox, swimming pool,Ugh…Ugh…Fish…fishing.

(MF) : I will explain for you, ugh…famous…famous place of my village.

That is Je‟ne Tallasa Water Park. I recommended you to go there because there

have ugh…there have ugh…good ugh...a good garden and then the ticket

ugh..the ticket just twenty five thousand rupiah.

(RY) : Oh yeah, I wanna tell you about Ugh…the place so beautiful in

my village that you can go to for holiday. The place is Budonggala Beach.

Ugh…you know there is ugh…beautiful place ugh…why I say that because if

you go there you can see many things like ugh..Pinus tree ugh..then sand of

Budonggala Beach is beautiful.


Observasation in Class 2D- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discust Pleasure Dismou

1. D Ain 3 0 0 9 0 1

NH 0 0 0 10 0 0

MW 0 0 5 7 0 0

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The table 4.5 show that Nurul Ain (9)were “Discust type”,(3) “Doubt

type” and 1 “Dismou type”. .MW(7) “Discust type” and (5) “Surprise type” .

NH (10) were “Discust type” There were none “Relief, and Pleasure type”.

(Ain) :Ok…I will explain or describe my village. In my village,

there….are many people and then…my village is Bai Bunta , you know Bai

Bunta? Bai Bunta is Luwu Utara. Luwu Utara is…there is a typical food

ugh..typical food is name ugh…Kapurung. Ugh…you know Kapurung

?Kapurungugh…hmm..made from sagu, sagu and…you..mix with

ugh…vegetable and another…another ingredienthmm..ugh…hmm..ughh..maybe

there is some place but ugh..nothing special..there is no…I mean there is in

Toraja but that‟s no Luwu Utara. Ugh…I think enough.

(NH) :I will explain vocation in Limbung, in the name

WisataPantaiGalesong. I think ugh..WisataPantaiGalesong is wonderful

ugh..vocation. If you want to refreshing and then ugh…if you want to ugh…go

there you have to pay fiveteen thousand rupiah. And then can bring the

food, or you can bring ugh..Theshirt,andthen..ugh..with your friends can see the sea. You can bring your friend or your family for

refreshing ugh..I think that‟s all.

(MW) : Today , I will describe about the place that people usually

come in my town. It is PantaiLosari or in English Losari Beach. This beach is

really lord that you can travel a lot with walking and this street is very near with

the central city is really easy to get and also transportation is really easy to

Page 77: Analyzing Interjection Fillers in Speaking English ( a Descriptive … · 2020. 2. 8. · Analyzing Interjection Fillers in Speaking English ( a Descriptive Study of Second Semester use to go there. Sometimes in that place, there are some event…really

lord of people come on there. And..that event is really farriative, for example

event music, ugh..thefood,ugh..a traditional dance, and…many things. If

someone want to go my city then they want to meet and they don‟t know where

to meet, and the easy place to meet is PantaiLosari or Losari Beach. And that

also lord the traditional food and traditional ugh..drink that you can..get in

Losari Beach. For example, ugh..there is Pisang Epe,ugh..Sarabba and…many

more. can go there from the morning until the evening but I

recommended to you all if you wanna go there , go when the

evening.Because…the sunset and the sunrise is really..amazing in there.

Ugh..there is also some big event last year in that place which is

call…ugh..Iforget whats the event name ugh..i don‟t know what the name but

the event is really big like international event.


Observasation in Class 2E- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discust Pleasure Dismou

1. E AD 0 0 0 1 0 0

AF 0 0 0 0 0 0

IM 0 0 0 0 0 0

The table 4.5 shows the result of the observationstudents in class 2E as

a sample of this research , based on the table above indicate only a few types of

Interjection Filler that they use in speaking. Because they talk slowly or without

haste. There were only 1 “Discust type” or (4,16%) frequency and none “Doubt,

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Relief, Surprise, Pleasure, Dismou types”. It can be conclude that filler words

appear when speaker speaking quickly and found infrequent word caused a

higher production of filler words.


Observasation in Class 2F- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discus


Pleasure Dismou

1. F SM 0 0 0 0 0 0

Aul 0 0 0 1 0 0

MR 0 0 0 1 0 6

(SM) : I want to describe the tourism attracting that area in

Mandaria…Mandalaria Beach. Mandalaria Beach is located in Bahara village

Bonto Bahari district , south Sulawesi Province. The Mandalaria Beach is one of

the new tourism attractive , when you were go on the beach , you will be greated

with the white sandand the carves that surround the beach and the Basohara

Camp. The Basohara Camp is not too far from Mandalaria Beach inside this

camp of the source of the Basohara Camp about 4 km from Mandalaria Beach.

On the Mandalaria Beach you can swimming and enjoy the beautiful view.

(Aul) : I want to describe the tourism attracting in my area, there are so

many the tourism attracting in my area like the Walingga Bola Beach, Mutiara

Beach, Moko Beach, Buni Beach, and any other. But I choose describe the

MokoBeach .WanatobiBeach is located Wanatobi Village, Central Buton

regency, South East Sulawesi Provience. Wanatobi Beach has 2 gazebo, this

beautiful beach still natural just during for holiday. If u want to go in there you

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can ride a car or motorcycle.Ugh…the beauty of this beach is very harmfull for

family, friend or lovers. We can swimm together, take a picture together and

discuss business here.

(MR) :Ok..there are many tourism in my village like Malino, Malino is

familiar with the tourism object like Pinus Forest, Waterfall, Flower Park and

many park.But I will describe about the Waterfall, Ok the Waterfall is not far

from my home. If you want to matter from there. You can go there by foot, by

motorcycle , by car but I think it would be better if you go there by on foot

because you can enjoy the road. Ok guys in the Waterfall , you can see much

tree, much town, and the water of the Waterfall is so cold and maybe if you

swimm there around 3 minutes u will freezy and the high of The Waterfall is

around 25 meter and…the water is so sweaf and cold. Ok beside The Waterfall

there are a case , and..the case is a place from a back. According to the story that

the case is a hiding place in the past . I have ever go to the case and that place is

so dark .Ok guys I invite u to go there with me, why ? If you go there you will

not pay to go there . Ok, I think enough .Okguys , thanks for attention.

Based on the observation above, It can be conclude that 25% frequency

of Dismou types that Muh. Raqib use in speaking . Indicate Filler words appear

when someone difficulty processing a words.


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Observasation in Class 2G- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discust Pleasure Dismou

1. G HR 0 0 0 11 0 0

FD 3 0 0 1 1 0

AM 2 0 0 1 0 0

The table 4.7 show that the skill level of the observation subjects seemed

to influence how they used linguistic fillers. Some of the students also used

extension of a regular word as a filler. Silber-Varod (2011) explains that the

extension of a word‟s final syllable often occurs, used as a linguistic filler when

we hesitate what to say next, thus it can be considered a linguistic filler or a

filling strategy. For example below, Husni in examples (11) Discust type.

NurFadillah (3) Doubt type and (1) Discust type (1) Pleasure type.

AinunMutmainnah (2) Doubt Type and (1) .

(HR) : I come from Toraja, ugh…Toraja, Toraja ugh…some people

know about that Toraja has two ugh…religion namely Islam and Kristen but

ugh…some people in Torajaugh..just know about Christiani , there is no people

ugh...Islamic Ugh..I will describe about ugh…one of ugh…vocation in

Toraja.namely ugh..PatungBurake. There many people go there..there many

people go there because view ugh..beautiful view.

(FD) : Hmm..Iam going to explain some place or vocation place ugh..just

call BambuRuncing in Pangkep. In Pangkep usually hmm..usually come to

BambuRuncing to enjoy the view of river and also so many many

people sell some…uhmm…sell some…food and accecories.

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(AM) :Now, I will ugh..explain or describe about ugh..interesting place

in my village. People usually call Tanralili, Tanralili is a leg mountain and that is

icon in Parintium. Hmm...If you go to there , don‟t forget the camera and take a

picture because that is hmm..most beautiful place.


Observasation in Class 2H- Student Use Types of Interjection Filler

No. Class Student Types of Interjection Filler do the student use

Doubt Relief Surprise Discust Pleasure Dismou

1. H Nurul 0 0 0 7 0 0

Ulfa 0 0 0 5 0 0

SN 0 0 2 16 0 0

(Nurul) : I will describe about Malino , Malino is the flower city because

there is many flower in there. There is a tour place, ugh..there are jungle, tea

garden, and strawberry garden. The place is a beautiful view there are many

mountain and every one call Bawakaraeng mountain and then ugh...there is

touris to come ugh..inMalinough..they like ugh…waterfall,and many place in

Malino make our feeling is fresh ugh..because we can enjoy our eyes to see the

tree and wheather is cold.

(Ulfa) : I come from Majene, Majene is west Sulawesi. My..My city is

every one know Majene to Education city. And I will to tell about ugh..Dato

Beach, in Majene. Dato Beach is very famous in Majene. Every one come

Majene and visit Dato Beach. If you want to see ugh..sunset you want to visit

Dato Beach is very ugh…beautiful view. Ugh..every weekend many people

come to Dato Beach.

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(SN) :ugh..I come from Selayar Island. Well..i will describe about

ugh…one of vocation in Selayar Island and the name is Baloraya Beach

ugh...Baloraya beach is the place ugh…that we can refreshing in

thereugh..ugh..the place is so beautiful and very ugh…great like that and if we

come there ugh..we can see the sea ugh..the blue sea ugh..i think ugh..that is

ugh..the best place.