anatomy - searl solution · 2014-12-26 · vessels and venous sinuses; strange how the law of the...

These late waveforms circumvent or escape the normal conduction pathways to keep the heart beating. The atrioventricular node or ventricles may generate escape rhythms. Ectopic waveforms appear prematurely and can arise from the atria, AV node or ventricles. They are common after MI and may be aggravated by hypokalaemia and digoxin toxicity. 1: Ventricular ectopics are wide, bizarrelooking waveforms. If asymptomatic and not more regular than five a minute they are usually benign and do not require treatment. 2: Atrial ectopics have a Pwave. 3: AV node ectopics will probably be narrower than normal. 253: LUMBAR PUNCTURE: WHAT IS IT? A lumber puncture is a puncture into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord to obtain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for clinical investigation, to remove excess fluid or inject medication (Figure 161) below. If you are wondering if that hurts, let me put your mind to rest; it sure does bloody hurt for days, that I can confirm having had the opportunity to sample two occasions both time; I can assure that both times the pleasure of pain was bloody great. The reason for such torture was due to the fact while in the military I was suddenly struck down in such pain and completely locked up; I could not move I was rushed to Hospital and they suspected meningitis; both tests shown clear fluid so it was not the problem – thank heaven for small blessings. A week later I was fine and released from hospital to resume my duty, as if nothing had taken place. On completing my service I was ask to stay on with a commission, but refused as I had no female friends and no home to go too, both presented a problem to solve, and solve I did. That is what a lumbar punch does to you; cause you not to forget the experience, excitement of bloody pain. 254: ANATOMY: All these subjects quoted within this book are based upon actual hands on experiences unless otherwise stated. First point I wish to make clear is that I have seen the Homo sapiens brain and studied it as part of my hospital Lab training, thus this book is based upon reality not fantasy – if you only exists in the domain of fantasy you will be shocked of the world of reality content. The three coverings of the brain and spinal cord, the meninges, are separated by small spaces. 256.

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These late waveforms circumvent or escape the normal conduction pathways to keep the heart beating.

The atrioventricular node or ventricles may generate escape rhythms.

Ectopic waveforms appear prematurely and can arise from the atria, AV node or ventricles.

They are common after MI and may be aggravated by hypokalaemia and digoxin toxicity.

1: Ventricular ectopics are wide, bizarre­looking waveforms. If asymptomatic and not more regular than five a minute they are usually benign and do not require treatment.

2: Atrial ectopics have a P­wave.

3: AV node ectopics will probably be narrower than normal.



A lumber puncture is a puncture into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord to obtain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for clinical investigation, to remove excess fluid or inject medication (Figure 16­1) below.

If you are wondering if that hurts, let me put your mind to rest; it sure does bloody hurt for days, that I can confirm having had the opportunity to sample two occasions both time; I can assure that both times the pleasure of pain was bloody great.

The reason for such torture was due to the fact while in the military I was suddenly struck down in such pain and completely locked up; I could not move I was rushed to Hospital and they suspected meningitis; both tests shown clear fluid so it was not the problem – thank heaven for small blessings.

A week later I was fine and released from hospital to resume my duty, as if nothing had taken place. On completing my service I was ask to stay on with a commission, but refused as I had no female friends and no home to go too, both presented a problem to solve, and solve I did.

That is what a lumbar punch does to you; cause you not to forget the experience, excitement of bloody pain.


All these subjects quoted within this book are based upon actual hands on experiences unless otherwise stated.

First point I wish to make clear is that I have seen the Homo sapiens brain and studied it as part of my hospital Lab training, thus this book is based upon reality not fantasy – if you only exists in the domain of fantasy you will be shocked of the world of reality content.

The three coverings of the brain and spinal cord, the meninges, are separated by small spaces. 256.

Figure 16.B1. A sectioned cranium exposing the meninges and cerebrum.

Figure 16.B2. The relationship of the meninges to the skull and the cerebrum.

This book by now should have got you to understand where I come from which is the world of reality – also that I was extremely happy in this work at the Shenley Hospital and later Kirtburton Hospital; often I wish now that I remain in that work; as to be able to see and touch all parts of the Homo sapiens inner structure to understand their structure and function was a great experience never to forget: sadly life pushed me on to learn ever more about reality; that world which I need


1: Skull.

2: Cerebrum.

3: Dura mater.

1: Skin of scalp. 2: Galea aponeurotica. 3: Bone of cranium. 4: Dura Mater. 5: Arachnoid mater. 6: Subarachnoid space. 7: Blood vessel. 8: Pia mater. 9: Cerebral cortex. 10: White matter of brain.

to know and understand so that I could develop the I­G­V and S­E­G­ technology,

Figure 16.B3. A lateral view of the brain.

1: Gyri. 9: Primary motor cerebral cortex. 2: Sulci. 10: Parietal lobe of cerebrum. 3: Frontal lobe of cerebrum. 11: Occipital lobe of cerebrum. 4: Lateral sulcus. 12: Visual cerebral cortex. 5: Olfactory cerebral cortex. 13: Auditory cerebral cortex. 6: Temporal lobe of cerebrum. 14: Cerebellum. 7: Primary sensory cerebral cortex. 15: Medulla oblongata. 8: Central sulcus.

Sorry, about that I got carry away there for a moment due to that word I quoted meninges, it is like that word football in a pub or workplace gets the same result the whole shift deals just on a game amazing that a short term game can last 12 hours.

The outer layer, the dura mater, is in two layers, with a space between containing fluid, blood vessels and venous sinuses; strange how the law of the squares keeps popping up, but I doubt if you really ever notice how many times it does turn up in reality.

Beneath the inner layer is a small subdural space, followed by the arachnoid mater, which has a structure like a spider’s web.

Below this, the subarachnoid space is filled with CSF.

The innermost layer, the pia mater rests on the brain surface. 258.


CSF is produced in the brain and passes to the subarachnoid space.

It flows down the spinal cord and returns within the spinal canal to the brain, and has a number of functions:

!: It acts as a shock absorber, protecting the central nervous system against trauma;

2: It provides buoyancy – the brain’s apparent weight is nearly 30 times lighter than its dead weight due to ‘floating’ in CSF;

3: Changes in the rate of production or absorption of CSF can, for a limited time, help to compensate for pressure changes in the skull, e.g. when a space occupying lesion (SOL) develops;

4: CSF helps to keep the brain’s biochemical environment stable by removing waste metabolites for excretion.

I feel that here is a good point to make a statement which you may not be aware of in relation to the Inverse­Gravity­Vehicle – that its structure and functions are design upon the Homo sapiens and universe functions.

As stated above that the CSF is produced in the brain – likewise the flight cells spaces are filled with drinking water which circulates through the system and returns to them in a similar manner and also acts as a stabling function of the craft; and on its war round the system it does remove the crew waste products.


Figure 16.1. The needle is usually inserted between L3 and L4, where the spinal cord has separated into strands.

Every effort has been made by me to create and interesting book for all to read. 259.

Lumbar puncture is done for three reasons:

1: To acquire a sample of CSF for analysis: 2: To measure CSF pressure; 3: To introduce drugs into the CSF.

(Intrathecal injection).

The samples may be used for:

4: Cell counts; 5: Cytology, glucose and protein measurement; 6: Immunoglobulin studies; 7: Bacteriological or viral tests; 8: Biochemical analysis.

Lumbar punctures may also be performed to introduce a contrast radio­opaque medium into the CSF to provide radiographic picture of the spine and spinal cord, or myelograms.

Myelograms have two uses:

1: To diagnose spinal lesions;

2: To help in planning surgery by isolating the level of the lesion and selecting the most suitable segment for operation.


Normal CSF is mostly water.

It also contains:

1: Protein (15 – 45 mg per 100 ml); 2: Glucose (40 – 80 mg per 100 ml); 3: Lactate (1.1 – 1.9 mmol/l); 4: Lymphocytes (0 – 5 cells per mm 3 )

Normal CSF pressure measured with a manometer is 60 – 160 mm of water.

258: Unfortunate, this is the world of reality – you may not like it – that is truly your problem not mine.


Normal CSF is a clear watery fluid, which I have already stated that my two tests both were clear, but the presence of cells, protein or blood can alter its appearances.

1: Cells in larger than normal numbers causes turbidity: may be both lymphocyte and pus cells.

2: Fresh blood in CSF may be owing to injury to a vertebral vein by the needle, and the sample will become clear as it continues to drip from the needle.

Continuous blood contamination indicates bleeding into the subarachnoid space, usually due to a very recent (within hours) ruptured aneurysm in the head, possibly in the circle of Willis.

3: A CONTINUAL YELLOW STAIN to the fluid (xanthochromia) is usually due to a subarachnoid bleed that has had time for the red cells to settle, leaving other plasma components such as protein and other cells suspended in the CSF.

4: HIGH POTEIN COUNTS may be due to infection of the meninges or brain, or to brain tumours or multiple sclerosis.

5: OTHER CHANGES OF CSF CONTENT as a result of central nervous system infections are reduced or absent glucose levels and a disturbance in lactate levels: these are higher in bacterial than in viral meningitis.


6: INCREASE CSF PRESSURE is indicative of raised intracranial pressure due to space occupying lesion such as tumours, or intracranial bleeds.

It is also seen in hydrocephalus.



Table 16.1. Arterial blood gases.

Diagnostic inference.

An arterial blood gas (ABG) sample: taken from the radial, brachial. Femoral artery or an arterial catheter provides information on ventilation by measuring pH, and the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2);

1: PaO2 indicates the amount of oxygen the lungs deliver to the blood.

2: PaCO2 indicates the lungs capacity to eliminate CO2.

Blood pH indicates the acid­base balance: Table 16.2 shows common causes of imbalance.

These are usually referred to as respiratory or metabolic to my understanding.


ABG is analysed in acute cardio­respiratory conditions and for assessing and monitoring respiratory diseases.

It is also performed during episodes of shock, trauma, following cardiac or thoracic surgery and for establishing disturbances in the acid­base balance.



Table 16.2. Common causes of acid­base disturbance.


Figure 16.1. The FEV1 curve.

Spirometry is a method of assessing basic lung function.

It is to my knowledge a reliable method for differentiating and determining the presence and severity of restrictive (fibrotic ling disease) or obstructive lung diseases (asthma, COPD) and their progression and / or response to treatment.

All these issue presented within this book; I must study when we talk about going to Mars. 262.

And if you talk about going beyond Mars; you better really start studying FACTS of reality; because clearly comments relating to myself on youtube show clearly lack of knowledge, ignorance, vain egotistic and self­complacent; in fact what they actually presenting to the viewers is that their anus is far bigger then their mouth piece, in fact more precise you could drive an armoured tank though their anus without even touching the walls.

Their statements do make it appear that they are lavatory cleaners, and when they die they should have erected where their lie a moment of solid shit in remembrances of their foolish wit.

If you don’t like what you have just read then you should keep you crap hole shut, then you would not read the facts of reality of life; which is never do unto others that which you don’t want done to you!


Not their anus, we know how that works, just opens up and bombs away.

No, I am referring to spirometry here which measures the volume of air that the patient is able to expel from their lungs after a maximal inspiration.

A spirogram is a volume­time curve showing two commonly recorded curves.

There’s that law of the squares yet again.

The measurements usually made are:

1: Vital Capacity (VC) –the maximum volume of air the patient can exhale during either a forced (FVC) or a slow (VC) manoeuvre after maximal inspiration;

2: Forced expired volume in one second (FEV1); the volume expired in the first second of maximal expiration after a maximal inspiration and is a useful measure of how quickly full lungs can be emptied (Figure 16.1);

3: FEV1 / VC – the FEV1 expressed as a percentage of the VC or FVC (whichever is larger) and gives a useful index of airflow limitation.

4: Peak expiratory flow (PEF); the maximal achieved from a forced expiration from a position of full inspiration.

Spirometry indicates the presence of abnormality, it:

5: FEV1 is <80% predicted normal;

6: FVC is <80% predicted normal;

7: FEV1: FVC ratio is <70%.

FEV1: FVC ratio measures airway limitation and allows the differentiation of obstructive and restrictive lung disease.


8: Both FEV1 and FVC are reduced, often in proportion to the other.

9: The FEV1: FVC ratio is normal or increased (>70%).


10: FEV1 is reduced (<80% predicted normal FVC normal or reduced.

11: The FEV1: FVC ratio is reduced (<70%).

FEV1 and FVC are related to height, age and sex of the patient.

Predicted values can be calculated manually or electronically.


Peak expiratory flow (PEF) measures maximal flow (litres / minute) achieved from a forced expiration from a position of full inspiration in the first 100 th of a second of expiration.

It must be evaluated along with respiratory symptoms.

In normal subjects PEF is determined by:

1: The size of the lungs;

2: The lungs elasticity;

3: The dimensions and compliance of the central intrathoracic airways;

4: The strength and speed of contraction of the expiratory muscles.

The measured PEF is influenced by the inspired lung volume, the larger the volume the higher the flow because lung recoil pressure and airway dimensions are larger.

In airways disease, PEF is reduced whether the obstruction is in the large of small airways therefore it is suitable for monitoring asthma.


1: Assessing the variability of airways obstruction for diagnosing and monitoring progression of disease and response to treatment.

2: Recording serial peak flow for management of symptoms of asthma.

3: Determining specific trigger factors that cause symptoms.

4: Assessing reversibility of airflow obstruction to bronchodilators.

Serial measures can provide information on symptoms of uncontrolled asthma, e.g. diurnal variation with characteristic peak flow recordings often dipping in the morning, all these details are vital and each part thereof will become a document in itself.


More than 15 per cent diurnal variation is usually diagnostic of asthma.


Let me remind you that my books are written for those who are intelligent and actually live in the domain of reality and not the domain of fantasy; which includes all official bodies involved in such technologies to where I stand, what I am doing, and intend to do; so that they can inform me if any changes are needed in my plans which then are corrected to agree with their request.

What shows is what has happen and the agreements and if such still remains intact again now that I have restarted the work, not only that: I am also showing all latest’s progress being made in the recovery efforts to get this technology back to the marketplace where it would had been in 1968 if certain member had not been greedy and cause the work to stop.

And again in 2003 when a team of 5 people brought the work that had restarted to an end and our local police and a solicitor who indirectly played a part in that robbery, which you already been informed of.

I trust now we can ignore those idiots and get on with the work in hand.



Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet to scan hydrogen protons within the body’s organs and structures.

The scanner uses the ability of hydrogen nuclei to behave like weak magnets.

When a patient is placed inside the strong magnetic field hydrogen nuclei within the body are brought into alignment.

A short burst of radio waves is then sent through the patient’s body, knocking the nuclei out of alignment.

At the end of the radio wave, they return to their alignment within the magnetic field.

As they do so, they emit radio signals of their own, which are combined by the computer to produce a two – or three dimensional image of the tissue being scanned.



MRI is the method of choice for neurological investigations, as it has a number of advantages over CT scans.

Chief among these is the ability to scan at any gradient.

Because it does not use radiation, repeated scans can be taken to monitor treatment.

It is ideal for:

1: Diagnosing multiple sclerosis; 2: Diagnosing tumours of the pituitary gland and brain; 3: Diagnosing brain, spine or joint infections; 4: Diagnosing strokes in their earliest stages; 5: Diagnosing tendonitis; 6: Detecting heart defects and changes in the heart muscle after myocardial infarction; 7: Visualising torn ligaments; 8: Visualising shoulder injuries; 9: Visualising such structures as the orbit of the eye; 10: Evaluating bone tumours, cysts and bulging or herniated discs in the spine; 11: Evaluating masses in the soft tissues of the body.


1: MRI does not give clear images of material containing low levels of hydrogen, such as bone, air, and flowing blood – CT provides better images of calcified tissue and brain



2: Severely overweight people may be too big to be scanned using MRI as they cannot fit into the machine;

3: The patient has to remain still for long periods;

4: The high cost of MRI machines makes the scans expensive.



These determine specific blood levels (Table 16.1) and are useful in diagnosing such diseases as anaemia, leukaemia and infection.

Table 16.1. Haematology normal values / ranges (adults.


WBC count can be used to diagnose infection and inflammation, and to monitor response to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

White cell differential provides more specific information about the immune system. 267.

To my understanding that there are five major types of WBC.

Strange: how the law of the squares keeps popping up.

1: Neutrophils; 4: Lymphocytes;

2: Monocytes; 5: Eosinophils;

3: Basophils.

Table 16.2. Blood chemistry normal ranges.


The RBC count helps to assess the blood’s oxygen capacity and diagnose anaemia, protein deficiency and dehydration.


Haemoglobin transports oxygen.

It is the main component of RBCs and a good indicator of anaemia.



This reflects the proportion of blood occupied by RBCs by measuring the percentage of volume of packed RBCs.


Platelets or thrombocytes promote coagulation by providing phospholipids to the intrinsic clotting pathway, helping to form a plug for vascular injuries.


The ESR measures the degree of erythrocyte (RBC) settling in a specified period.

The ESR is sensitive but non­specific, and is commonly the earliest indicator of disease when other chemical or physical signs are normal.

Normal range depends on the technique used (e.g. Westergren, Wintrobe or Seditainer).


Blood chemistry tests to my mind is interesting because we are the only animal on this planet that can perform such functions which helps to evaluate respiratory and metabolic status (Table 16.2).

The following tests are covered:

1: Urea and electrolytes (sodium, potassium and creatinine);

2: Liver function tests (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatise, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase).

278: UREA:

Urea is a product of amino acid metabolism and is largely excreted by the kidneys.

279: SODIUM (Na+):

Sodium affects water distribution, maintains osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid, promotes neuromuscular function, maintains acid­based balance and influences chloride and potassium levels.

280: POTASSIUM (K+):

Potassium is the major intracellular cation.


Creatinine is a nitrogenous metabolic substance to my understanding which is in muscle and blood and excreted in the urine.

The serum creatinine test provides a sensitive measure of renal damage because renal impairment is virtually the only cause of creatinine elevation.


This is the main pigment in bile and major product of haemoglobin catabolism.


This enzyme influences bone calcification and lipid and metabolite transport.



Albumin is a major blood protein.


Essential for energy production, AST is found in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of many cells – primarily the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, pancreas and kidneys.

286: Table 16.3. Other normal ranges.

This section (Table 16.3) includes:

1: Blood glucose and glycosylated Hb;

2: Cholesterol and lipids (very low and low­density lipoproeins, high­density lipoproteins);

3: Thyroid function (total serum and free serum thyroxine; total serum triiodothyronine; thyroid stimulating hormone).


This is used to detect diabetes.

Glucose is present in blood for basic fuel, and is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. 270.

It is derived from carbohydrates in the diet, but in conditions of storage can be synthesised from fats or proteins.


A steroid alcohol found in animal fats and oils, bile, blood, brain tissue, milk, egg yolk etc.

High levels of total serum cholesterol are associated with a high risk for coronary artery disease.


This carries cholesterol from the liver to the cells.

If there is too much LDL in the blood, cholesterol may find its way into artery walls, where it begins to build up and cause atherosclerosis.

I trust that you can now begin to see the problems which I must consider in the design of the S. S. Explorer due to its plan missions.


This returns excess cholesterol to the liver.

Which to my mind that is amazing achievement, as to why it’s not dumped out on the next urinating function?


Thyroxine influences a number of processes including metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, electrolytes and water.


An iodine­containing compound: with several times the biological activity of thyroxine.


Secreted by the anterior pituitary to my understanding, TSH stimulates an increase in the size, number and activity of thyroid cells, and release of iodthyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).



Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high­frequency sound waves and their echoes to visualise things that are unseen.

Modern scanners provide a ‘real time’ image and can show continuous movement in the structures, which could be a vital piece of equipment for mission which are planned to operate years in space at a time.



The machine has a transducer probe, which contains quartz crystal known as piezoelectric crystals.

When an electric current is applied the crystals generate high frequency sound waves, which are directed into the patient’s body by the probe.

Each time the sound waves cross an interface, such as the boundary between fluid and tissue or soft tissue and bone, some are reflected back to the transducer, while others travel on.

The probe picks up the echoed sound waves and relays them to0 the central processing unit.

This generates an image, which can be displayed on screen, printed, or stored on a disk.

That is something impossible until some one said you are wrong and did it; then and only then was that concept born into the domain of reality, an impossible project that became a master piece of equipment in helping mankind to see what his / her eyes cannot see normally.


Ultrasound is often used in obstetrics and gynaecology, cardiology and cancer detection.

Obstetrics and gynaecology ultrasound is particularly useful in:

1: Diagnosing and assessing early pregnancy; 2: Assessing fetal viability following threatened miscarriage; 3: Determining gestational age and monitoring fetal growth and presentation prior to

delivery; 4: Placental localisation; 5: Diagnosing excessive or decreased amniotic fluid; 6: Diagnosing fetal malformations; 7: Monitoring the fetus during procedures, e.g. amniocentesis; 8: Diagnosing and monitoring tumours of the breast and ovary.

Cardiology ultrasound can provide moving images for:

1: Seeing inside the heart to identify abnormalities; 2: Measuring the flow of blood.

Urology The ability to measure fluid movement is useful in:

1: Monitoring blood flow through the kidneys; 2: Diagnosing kidney stones; 3: Providing an early diagnosis of prostate cancer.



Urinalysis is an extremely valuable tool for diagnosis and screening. 272.

It can indicate a variety of disorders and diseases.

Collection and transportation of urine specimens to the clinical laboratory are important because variables such as collection method container, transportation, and storage affect the analysis outcome and consequently diagnostic and therapeutic decisions based on the results.



For chemical and microscopic examination, a randomly collected specimen is suitable for most screening purposes.


The patient should collect the specimen first thing in the morning (or after eight hours in the recumbent position); the law of the squares popping up again.

Urine voided in the night should be collected and pooled with the first morning specimen.

The best sample: for pregnancy testing.


The second voided specimen after a period of fasting.


The patient voids into the toilet, and then collects all urine voided in the following 24 hours.

This is used because the body chemistry alters constantly, and 24 hours collection accommodates all variables within that period.


This specimen is used to obtain urine for bacterial culture.

The first and last part of the stream is voided into the toilet to avoid contaminating the specimen with organisms present on the skin.


A urine culture is indicated in the following circumstances:

1: In the presence of diabetes or pregnancy; 2: When there is doubt about the diagnosis; 3: When there is a patient history of urinary infection within the past three weeks and

where there may be a relapse from the previous urinary infections and / or an antibiotic resistance;

4: Where there is a history of recent urinary tract instrumentation. 273.

Reagent test strips can be used to detect the following:

1: Glucose:

Glycosuria is often indicative, but never diagnostic, of diabetes – in previously diagnosed diabetes it can indicate poor control.


In hypertensive patients proteinuria suggests, but does not diagnose, renal disease.


Haematuria is found in the presence of urinary tract infection (UTI).

Persistent haematuria in the absence of UTI or other symptoms could be a sign of a bladder, kidney or prostate cancer.


It is normal to find urobilinogen in the urine; its level rises in the presence of some hepatic diseases and with haemolysis, while it is absent in biliary obstruction.


This is found typically in obstructive jaundice.


Nitrite in the urine is an important sign of UTI, although its absence does not exclude infection.


Leucocyte esterase can also be used in the diagnosis of UTI.

Antibiotic therapy can cause a false positive test.


These are produced from anaerobic metabolism, and their presence in the urine suggests dehydration, starvation or, in combination with glucose, could indicate uncontrolled diabetes.

The presence of ketones in diabetic patients is potentially very serious, and should prompt notification to a doctor.

I am aware that you are wondering what on earth has this to do with my Technology.

Unfortunate when you talk about going to Mars as a commercial business, then it sure 274.

Does and beyond that point you better understand all these issues which become vital issue because the whole success of such long durations of missions in deep space will rely on your ability to cope with any health problems that unfortunate occurs.

Going to the international space station is in principle a bus ride away, and teams are replaced at various time periods, so in our thinking the chances of major problems occurring is about zero rating as long as supplies can reach them on time.

The problem here is that I at least have no knowledge base on what set up has been place on the international space station for any emergency health use; and therefore accept the opinion that NASA takes for granted that no health emergency will take place, in which case I sincerely hope their judgement is correct.

Going to the Moon is in principle just a bus ride away but there is the possibility for long stays of employment on the Moon that a medical emergency might arise; therefore in long term missions this issue must be address.

But like what NASA has already done in reference to the Moon was an acceptable risk which could be accepted in principal; agree some very close shaves were amounted.

Searl International Space Research Consortium cannot take such risks, like NASA does; it has to be absolute precise upon all issues before the green light is given to go.

This state of operations will remain as the bible of its operations, to us life is important where Governments do not accept such a status, and it is replaceable, so why worry about it.

From where I sit and watch the world; it appears that the masses don’t care either way – to my mind that is a great shame that life means so little to mankind.

Agree there are just a few who actually cares for the planet and work endlessly to help creatures to survive against mans destruction of the planet.

I shall return to what I was dealing with before I got carried away there, but when I witness the insanity which is going on daily throughout the world; I cannot help wondering if Hitler concept might had been right after all, if coning the best parts of all the Homo sapiens structure into one body that would be a start of a better class of Homo sapiens, then the world would be a better place to live.


This relates to urine testing in case you have forgotten what I am talking about.

1: Colour:

The colour of normal urine varies with its concentration, from deep yellow to almost clear.

In disease, it may be abnormal due to excretion of endogenous pigments as well as drugs and their metabolites.



Odour in the urine of patients with a UTI often smells of ammonia, which I know from experience to be true.

The presence of ketones, as in diabetic ketoacidosis, leads to an acetone smell.

The presence of malodorous urine does not indicate the presence of infection and does not negate the need for testing.

3: pH:

Normal urine pH is 4.5 – 8.0, reflecting the body’s acid base balance.

Values are lowest after an overnight fast and highest after meals.

Urine pH is low in acidaemia and high in alkalaemia.

A high urine pH can produce a false positive test for proteinuria.


Normal urine specific gravity is 1.002 – 1.035.

305: X­RAY:


X­rays are a range of low to high energies in wave form around us.

They have peaks and troughs just like the Searl Effect generator has, and the wavelength is the distance between peaks.

The shorter the wavelength the greater its energy, which in principle is no different to that of the Searl Effect Generator, and therefore the more it can penetrate the body.

Most electromagnetic energy is at a wavelength our senses cannot detect, such as radio waves and X­rays.

Visible light is an example of one of which we are aware.

Whilst light energy can damage the skin and eyes if given enough exposure, the higher energy of X­rays is potentially more dangerous.



X­rays can be generated in machines by using a high voltage electric current to accelerate electronics to high speeds inside a vacuum tube

These high velocity electrons are directed at a target, which responds by discharging X­rays.

The X­rays are directed at the body under examination.

X­rays penetrate soft tissue easily, but are blocked by harder tissues like bone, in the same way that objects block sunlight and cast shadows.

The X­ray ‘shadows’ are captured on film.

Different tissue densities allow different amounts of X­ray to pass through, creating a picture of varying shadows of the body’s interior.

1: Air allows X­rays to pass without resistance and so appears black on the film (that is why lung are dark in chest X­rays);

2: Fat causes a dark grey shadow, whilst water is a lighter grey on the film;

3: Bones show up as white areas on the film since this is the tissue through which least X­ rays can pass.


X­rays assist in the diagnosis of:

1: Organ collapse (e.g. lungs) or enlargement (e.g. the heart);

2: Solid tumour location;

3: Gas distribution (e.g. digestive system).

With the use of a contrast medium, they can demonstrate:

4: Blood flow along an artery, or vein;

5: Organ function, e.g. the kidney (a pyelogram);

6: The patency of a tube or canal.

COMMON ABBREIATIONS that you will find in this book:

ABG Arterial blood gas AST Aspartate aminotransferase CPU Colony forming unit CNS Central nervous system COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CPU Central processing unit CSF Cerebrospinal fluid CT Computerised tomography ECG Electrocardiograph EC/SS Exudate collection / simple swabbing ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate FEV Forced expiratory volume FEV1 Forced expiratory volume in one second


Gy Gray Hb Haemoglobin HVS High vaginal swab K+ Potassium LFT Liver function test MC&S Microscopy Culture and sensitivity MCH Mean corpuscular haemoglobin MCV Mean corpuscular volume MI Myocardial infarction MRA Magnetic resonance angiography MRI Magnetic resonance imaging MSU Midstream urine MSv MilliSievert Na+ Sodium PB Punch biopsy PCV Packed cell volume PEFR Peak expiratory flow rate RA Rheumatoid arthritis RAD Radiation absorbed dose RBC Red blood cell RTS Reagent test strip SA Sinoatrial SI Standard international SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus SOL Space occupying lesion SQ Semiquantitative swabbing T­rays Terahertz rays TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone U&E Urea and electrolyte UTI Urinary tract infection WBC White blood cell

308: This document has been presented as an illustration upon subjects that you must understand to be a member of SWALLOW COMMAND mission crews, as commercial operations must produce results which meet the total economics involved in that one mission.

SWALLOW COMMAND cannot like NASA run into the red band, as each mission must produce FACTS that reward Searl International Space Research Consortium returns that will benefit Planet Earth with knowledge and hopefully industry with material from space.

This document has been released to the general public by authority of:

Prof. John Roy Robert Searl: Head of Research and Development. Division: Manned Flight.


309: I agree and accept that NASA and Russia has got it well organised upon the support operation of the International Space station, and Europe has now join in this operation.

But the Moon is not quite so easy by their method of operation, it would take them time to be able to organise such a supply chain that would be required for operations.

Agree Hollywood makes it all look easy; but that is the domain of fantasy not reality.

Mars – well that is far from being easy to set up as a commercial business, because a major hurdle exists which is distance versus time function.

Mars major problem is its reference point to Earth changes and the technology that would be required would be one which could undertake a mission to Mars regardless of its reference point.

Rocket technology of the present time unfortunate cannot meet such a demand it requires windows for its function – which is unacceptable within a commercial operation.

At this stage of space exploration the Inverse­Gravity­Vehicle appears to offer a solution to this problem; as it does not depend on windows as a function of operations.

Mars to Earth reference points will become a study report later in this book, for now I want to continue with the problems before me as belongs to the domain of reality and not the domain of fantasy.

310: Update Thursday 27 th March 2008. Delivery received from CPC.

The above shot is the front end of this unit: to which I need not explain what it is; as it’s clearly displayed upon its front.

Why do I need such devices?

The reason is that late 1999 and through 2000 much music was developed and recorded upon this mode of storage; for the film I wanted to produced but was constantly blocked from making it, by those who wanted to steal the technology as there’s and really believed that they owned it; clearly such film had to be blocked: But I am determined to unblock that stoppage and get the past facts out for all to see and hear regardless and thus end that world of insanity.


This is the backside of that equipment – which I brought 2 off one for each PC.


This allows both PCs to download this data to the PC thus cutting the time factor to do by a half.

This means I can pass it to the web for release much sooner, but unfortunate what was supposed to be simple just plug in and go in reality has failed at this time, it called for upgrade which appeared not to be on PC, this I agreed to accept but still no sound arrives on PC, in fact even plug in to the TV monitor it still produce no sound.

That I guess is modern friendly technology at its best, so god helps us if it’s friendly at its worst.

So at this moment in time all that past work remains here under lock and key, maybe for ever; which confirms that criminals can win in many things.

By the way the second unit has not yet been unpacked, that shows how busy I am here. Yes the vision of the heading for our films can be seen on my website but no sound as that sound is still here since 2000, sad when you think that it should be working for you not sleeping.

Only film producers like MGM, OKO; Warner Brothers etc understand the importance of a heading image and music to open films with – which I understand; but alas most of the population do not understand that importance.

Even this book should have had that opening before page one, such openings become the trade mark of the company and carries weight to the standard of that company.

Not the magnetiser, SEG or IGV, they are just the products; not the image of the company which should be the lager part of the company operations to be.

This is the image of SWALLOW COMMAND the flight side of the company. 280.

This is the total image of the company to be.


1: To carry out research upon all subjects in the universe as such and make them available to the world as knowledge base.

2: To improve on structural designs, thereby giving the masses a better life standard against the evil forces of nature, such as flooding, hurricanes etc

3: To clean our waters for drinking purposes, handling of our waste products

4: Improved energy production.

5: Improved transportation systems.

6: To open up space as a commercial business in real time operations.

From 1947 to 1968 much study work with development issue were conducted and well published by the mass media with a slight twist in such reports due to lack of knowledge of those who undertook those interviews, sadly to say that those interviews though gave me publicity to which I must agree is true; was nevertheless intended for fools to read, which we still see the idiots on youtube comments upon myself even today; proving that they are not educated in public, why on earth they want the world to know that they are not educated, surely it is much wiser to keep their mouths shut upon that issue.

Over the years from 1946 much information was released to the world by me, but this dropped a bit from then to 2007 when I began again to release data as I start the task of re­building what others have destroyed through greed.

This present book has no ending until I die as it’s a living book of FACTS of my time, my life, my suffering, and the success and failure that took place along the way – it’s the modern bible of our times; of the life of a man whose only interest in life was to improve the world in a manner that all would benefit from it except virus and bacteria which would be reduced, instead he sees the opposite of what he stands for actually taking over the planet, super bugs, super virus all generated by the greed of man – his no caring attitude to life on Earth is giving them the supreme power to kill mankind off the face of the planet.


In the year 2007, the Lord came unto Morris, who was now living in California, United States, and said, “Once again, the Earth has become wicket and over populated, and I see the end of all


flesh before me.

Morris you must build an Inverse­Gravity­Vehicle and save two of every living thing along with a few good Homo sapiens.”

He gave Morris via John the blueprints, saying, “You have six months to build the I­G­V before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights.”

Six months later, the Lord kept his word looked down and saw Morris weeping in his yard – but no I­G­V.

“Morris!” He roared.

“I’m about to start the rain!

Where is the I­G­V?”

“Forgive me, Lord,” begged Morris, “but things have changed.

I need a building permit.

I’ve been arguing with an idiot called an inspector about the need for a sprinkler system.

My stupid neighbours claim that I’ve violated the neighbourhood zoning laws by building an Inverse­Gravity­Vehicle in my yard and exceeding the height limitations.

I had to go to the Development Appeal Board for a decision.

Then the Department of Transportation demanded a bond be posted for the future costs of moving 282

power lines and other over head obstructions, to clear the height area for the I­G­V launch to space to take place.

I told them that the sea would be coming in to us, but they would hear nothing of it.

Getting the wood was another problem.

There’s a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the spotted owl.

I tried to convince the idiots who call themselves environmentalists that I needed some wood to save the owls – but also no go

When I started gathering the animals, an animal rights nut group sued me.

They argued the accommodation was too restrictive; and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space; but it’s alright to pack hundreds of Homo sapiens into little boxes called buses and trains.

Then the stupid EPA ruled that I couldn’t build the I­G­V until they’d conducted an environmental impact study on your proposed flood.

I’m still trying to resolve a complaint with the stupid Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I’m supposed to hire for my building crew.

Immigration and Naturalization are checking the green card status of most of the people who want to work.

The insane trades unions say I can’t use my sons.

They insist I have to hire only Union workers with Inverse­Gravity­Vehicle building experience.

Who on Earth are these idiots?

To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I’m trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species.

So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this Inverse­Gravity­ Vehicle.

Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow stretched across the sky.


Morris looked up in wonder and asked, “You mean you’re not going to destroy the world?”

“No”, said the Lord.

“The government beat me to it!”

Cheers Lord Let the government saves you the job – you can take a holiday.

Yes, I expect you think that was intended to be funny – NO – it presents the truth of the problems which I faced in 1960s and 1979 in the UK, and I guess today in the year 2008 it may be even worst then it was in that time interval.

But there is an old saying which still remains good – where there’s a will, there is a way; and I have the will, therefore they must be a way and I shall find it regardless of the evil that surrounds me.

To the future we shall travel together – if we win the world will exist much longer – if we loose – the earth will die sooner than later and that is a FACT whether you like it or not.

312: DOC­SISRC­FIN­BS­1 DATE: 28 TH August 1968. EDITION: First.


LOCATION : Headquarters – Mortimer – Berkshire – England: DIVISION : Tomorrow’s energy and Transportation System: SUBJECT : Finance:


AUTHOR : John Roy Robert Searl. STATUS : Head of Research and Development.

Searl International Space Research Consortium is striving to achieve a variety of objectives that are frequently expressed in financial terms.

These corporate objectives provide a set of criteria upon which financial decisions can be based.

In general terms, Searl International Space Research Consortium seek to achieve their objectives by obtaining funds from various sources and investing these funds in different types of assets, such as buildings, plant, machinery, vehicles, trading stocks, debtors, etc.

The most fundamental decisions which management must make include choosing those forms of fund raising and investment which will most effectively promote the achievement of the Searl International Space Research Consortium’s objectives.

The subject of finance is, broadly, the study of how best to make these decisions, and most of this book is concerned with the following aspects.

1: A review of the sources and types of funds available;

2: A consideration of the correct balance of such funds, given the conflicts which exist between cost and risk.

3: A variety of investment decisions, covering investment in:

(i) Fixed assets; (ii) Shares and bonds; (iii) Other organisations, through take­overs and mergers; (iv) Current assets.

313: It is important to recognise that the various types of funds raised each have their own cost, and each carries certain risks.

For example:

Loans raised on the security of Searl International Space Research Consortium assets tend to have fairly low rates of interest although they imply certain risks.

Failure to pay interest (or principal) on the date due would enable the lender to seize the assets concerned, with potentially catastrophic consequences for the borrower.

In contrast, an unsecured loan may cost more although the risk cited above is eliminated.

Similar ideas apply to investment decisions.

Those projects with outcomes which carry the greatest uncertainty (and therefore are high risk) would probably be expected to yield higher return than more certain or secure projects.

A great deal of financial management is concerned with making decisions that provide a balance between risks on the one hand, and cost or return on the other, which is important issue.


Attitudes towards risk vary from one person to another, and it is the responsibility of Freddy who is the financial manager to seek that balance which will most satisfy those parties with an interest in the organisation.

(Insert update: Freddy is now the finance manager for Thailand operation 2007)

In making the kinds of decisions, financial management need to understand the financial environment within which Searl International Space Research Consortium operate.

Freddy will then be able to analyse the financial information which is generally available, and so be better able to predict likely future results and to plan more carefully their proposed course of action.

Freddy Thailand on my right side is the financial manager for Thailand operations.

This book, therefore, also includes the following aspects:

1: A brief review of the role of financial markets.

2: An examination of the traditional methods of financial analysis

3: A general indication of how the UK taxation system operates, and its significance in both funding and investment decision.

In writing this document, I am faced with something of a dilemma since ‘Finance’ can be taught to different types of students in a variety of ways, ranging from a simple descriptive approach, through


a purely practical rendition, to an extremely theoretical treatment of the subject.

The size and nature of this book preclude the latter approach.

However, both the descriptive and practical approaches can be dangerously misleading, with solutions being offered without the development of a clear rationale for a particular proposal.

A considerable amount of benefit has been derived from theoretical work conducted in the area of finance, and an understanding of the theories of finance is considered to be essential for all but the most casual student who is thinking of applying for a post in Searl International Space Research Consortium.

I have thus incorporated references to, and explanations of, the main theories of finance; albeit briefly; and have attempted to identify the basic assumptions and restrictions of these theories.

This approach should make the book useful for a wide variety of courses, ranging from broadly based practical courses in finance to the more theoretical courses associated with most degrees, diplomas and other examinations in Business Studies.

As usual these issues will be broken up into parts, as I believe that too much upon any subject does more harm than good in study work; and my technology calls for all known facts and to add to them what is not at this time available to man.

This document has been released to the general public by the authority of:

Prof. John Roy Robert Searl: Head of research and development. Tomorrow’s energy and Transportation Systems.

314: Update Sunday March 30 th , 2008:

The test equipment ordered via Taiwan on the 19 th March 2008 has not yet been received, just to remind you that cost is from my food money and not from company money.

When it does arrive it will be film and released in this book: reason for this action is to have proof in the public domain that I did buy it: for the benefits of courts to see that people such like Martin, Ken, Richard, and Peter don’t own it, by presenting false papers as they did when they robbed me last time of £350,000 plus.


The film unit from the USA who were expecting to be in London during late March and would drop in to show me the script for the movie they wanted to produced, unfortunate we are now at the end of the month with no contact from them.

Recapping upon this issue they wanted to make a movie a year ago but Bradley Lockerman put them off from doing it. I am aware that they did contact him again a few weeks ago. There appears that the reason for this lack of movement is based upon their results on their communication with Brad. I leave you to decide on what you think has taken place.


1574 1829 2084 2339 2594 2849 10 265 520 775 1030 1285 1540 1812 2067 2322 2577 2832 214 248 503 758 1013 1268 1523 1557 2050 2305 2560 2815 197 231 486 741 996 1251 1506 1761 1795 2288 2543 2798 180 435 469 724 979 1234 1489 1744 1778 2033 2526 2781 163 418 452 707 962 1217 1472 1727 1982 2016 2271 2764 146 401 656 690 945 1200 1455 1710 1965 1999 2254 2509 129 384 639 673 928 1183 1438 1693 1948 2203 2237 2492 2747 367 622 877 911 1166 1421 1676 1931 2186 2220 2475 2730 112 605 860 894 1149 1404 1659 1914 2169 2424 2458 2713 95 350 843 1098 1132 1387 1642 1897 2152 2407 2441 2696 78 333 588 1081 1115 1370 1625 1880 2135 2390 2645 2679 61 316 571 826 1319 1353 1608 1863 2118 2373 2628 2662 44 299 554 809 1064 1336 1591 1846 2101 2356 2611 2866 27 282 537 792 1047 1302 SQUARE = 13 Mode = Time frame Block = 169 Level = 27 Group = 2 Line value = 18694 Freq = 243022 Shells = 7 Options = 28

Shell 1= 1 Shell 2 = 8 Shell 3 = 16 Shell 4 = 24 Shell 5 = 32 Shell 6 = 40 Shell 7 = 48

Shell 1 = 1438 Shell 2 = shell 1 x 8 = 11504 Shell 3 = shell 1 x 16 = 23008 Shell 4 = shell 1 x 24 = 34512 Shell 5 = shell 1 x 32 = 46016 Shell 6 = shell 1 x 40 = 57520 Shell 7 = shell 1 x 48 = 69024

By now you should understand that if I don’t know my onions; I sure know my squares.

316: When our business is involved with transportation by sea; then we must have a sound image of our distances that we must cover against time for costing purposes, for time is money on planet Earth and distance is the resistance factor to time.

Say if we could design a ship that actually flew over the waters and thus there would be no drag, we still need to know the distance from A to B for costing purposes.

All business no matter who must function in the domain of reality or they are soon out of business, and doubt if any one of them can function with out distance / Time being involved.

The Searl International Space Research Consortium developments cannot function without Distance / Time conversion factors being major issues in all products being developed, more so transportation of tomorrow being developed rely upon time over distance for success.


317: DOC­SISRC­TR­D­1 DATE: 1 ST January 1968. EDITION: First.


LOCATION : Headquarters – Berkshire – England. DIVISON : Energy and Transportation. SUBJECT : Distance / time. AUTHOR : John Roy Robert Searl. STAUS : Head of Research and Development.

Within the transport business domain major problems are distance versus time, accidents, fuel and pollution; that is by road – but by sea distance time becomes an issue form the economics point of any function.

Agree the speed of sea transport has increased – but the question is can we change the standard concept so as to cut down the time factor of transfer goods from A to B.

Containers systems have solve part of the problem – but if the actually water crossing could be cut only by half the time that in itself would improve the economics of any company concern.

Searl International Space Research Consortium feels that there is an answer to water transportation, unfortunate at this time it does not have a suitable lavatory to carry out such experiments.

In this section let me present distances between ports to ports starting with Africa and the Middle East, just key ports.



The problem which I have here is to present Distance in nautical miles in Blue and voyage time at 15 Knots (days hours) in Red.

Also to state: whether the distance is via a canal and which one by symbols.

X = Via Kiel Canal ∙ = Via Suez Canal ∆ = Via Panama Canal. 289.

Ports Monbasa Algiers Port Said Kuwait Lagos Cape Town ∙4492 ∙2989 2828 5064 2509

Monbasa 1503 ∙4809 3506 5502

Algiers 12 11 ∙3306 5007 ∙5346

Port Said 8 7 4 4 7724 5169

Kuwait 7 21 13 9 9 14 2566

Lagos 14 2 9 18 13 22 21 11

Cape Town 6 23 15 7 14 20 14 9 7 3 Africa and Middle East

Mumbal 6 16 12 15 8 11 4 6 19 21 12 19 Kolkata 10 7 17 5 13 1 9 19 22 8 15 6

Singapore 11 2 18 2 13 22 10 16 22 16 15 14 Hong Kong 15 3 22 4 17 23 14 17 26 7 19 5 Manila 14 19 21 20 17 15 14 9 25 16 18 14 Tokyo 19 3 26 4 22 0 18 18 30 8 23 6

Shanghai 17 7 24 4 20 3 16 21 28 12 21 9 ASIS Africa M. East

Fremantle 12 16 21 16 17 12 14 23 20 5 13 2 Adelaide 15 21 25 0 20 20 18 10 23 5 16 0 Sydney 18 2 27 5 23 1 20 15 25 11 18 6 Hobart 17 3 26 7 22 3 19 16 24 12 17 7

Wellington 20 14 29 18 25 13 23 3 27 2 20 18 Suva 22 16 30 19 26 18 23 14 29 7 22 20

Australasis M. East Strange how some people have no knowledge what a document means, clearly they think it’s a love or sex story –for their benefits they make public records of the past and present status of company functions and spelling depends on the software in use, grammar does not enter the equation; terms used above are official ones, thus you can stick that up your bum.


Ports Monbasa Algiers Port Said Kuwait Lagos Cape Town La Guaira 22 12 11 7 15 11 24 15 11 18 15 14 Recife 16 2 9 20 14 0 23 4 6 20 9 5

Buenos Aires 17 3 15 20 20 0 24 13 11 23 10 8 Punta Arenas 18 15 18 20 23 0 26 0 14 10 11 20 Valparaiso 22 14 20 13 24 17 30 0 18 9 15 19 Callao 26 0 17 0 21 4 30 8 17 19 19 5

South America Africa M. East Montreal 22 11 9 23 14 4 23 8 14 6 19 18 Halifax 21 4 8 16 12 20 22 1 12 13 18 1

New York 22 13 10.1 14 5 23 10 13 13 18 21 New Orleans 26 7 13 20 18 0 27 5 16 0 20 7 San Francisco 31 12 22 7 26 11 31 2 23 3 26 23 Vancouver 30 18 24 11 28 15 30 8 25 6 29 3 Honolulu 27 9 26 7 30 6 27 0 27 3 29 12

North America Africa M. East Balboa 24 20 13 6 17 10 26 15 14 2 17 23

Port of Spain 21 16 10 15 14 19 23 23 10 22 14 8 Salina Cruz 28 2 16 13 20 17 29 21 17 8 21 5 Tampico 27 3 14 15 18 19 28 0 16 17 20 20 Kingston 24 8 12 0 16 4 25 9 13 9 17 11

Central America Africa M. East London 17 7 4 19 9 0 18 4 11 11 17 0

Rotterdam 17 10 4 22 9 2 18 7 11 14 17 3 Hamburg 18 2 5 15 9 19 19 0 12 7 17 20 Stockholm 20 2 7 15 11 19 21 0 14 7 19 20 Marseilles 12 12 1 3 4 5 13 9 10 12 16 1 Gibraltar 13 15 1 3 5 8 14 12 8 15 14 4 Piraeus 9 23 2 23 1 16 10 20 12 17 16 12

EUROPE Africa M. East This information has been release for intelligent people who live in the domain of reality and represents the first block of facts as known to me at that period. Its purpose to present reality to help me to understand what is required in research and development


Ports Mumbai Kolkata Singapore Hong Kong Manila Tokyo Shanghai Mombasa 2400 3701 3985 5441 5322 6885 6218 Algiers ∙4549 ∙6194 ∙6517 ∙7973 ∙7854 ∙9417 ∙8750 Port Said ∙3048 ∙4691 ∙5014 ∙6470 ∙6351 ∙7914 ∙7247 Kuwait 1537 3522 3845 5301 5182 6745 6078 Lagos 7154 8044 8166 9472 9246 10918 10254

Cape Town 4599 5489 5611 6917 6691 8363 7699 Africa M. East ASIA

2112 2435 3891 3772 5335 4668 Mumbai

1650 3106 2987 4550 3883 Kolkata 5 21

1460 1341 2904 2237 Singapore 6 18 4 14

632 1596 845 Hong Kong 10 19 8 15 4 1

1770 1128 Manila 10 13 8 7 3 17 1 18

Tokyo 14 20 12 15 8 2 4 10 4 22 1048

Shanghai 12 23 10 19 6 5 2 8 3 3 2 22 ASIA ASIA

Fremantle 11 1 10 6 6 4 9 18 8 6 12 12 11 5 Adelaide 14 12 13 18 9 18 13 8 11 20 14 17 14 19 Sydney 16 17 16 0 11 21 12 13 11 0 12 2 12 21 Hobart 15 19 15 1 11 0 14 6 12 17 13 19 14 14

Wellington 19 5 18 12 14 11 14 15 13 5 14 0 14 21 Suva 19 16 17 17 13 4 12 12 11 5 11 0 12 10

Australasia Asia 292.

Ports Mumbai Kolkata Singapore Hong Kong Manila Tokyo Shanghai La Guaira 23 22 28 12 29 9 27 23 28 10 23 19 26 6 Recife 21 22 24 9 24 17 28 8 27 17 30 7 30 12

Buenos Aires 22 23 25 10 25 18 29 9 28 18 29 15 31 0 Punta Arenas 24 10 26 22 26 8 26 22 25 13 25 18 27 3 Valparaiso 28 10 31 21 27 18 28 9 26 22 25 20 28 4 Callao 29 15 33 16 29 15 27 14 27 9 23 10 25 20

South America ASIA Montreal 22 15 27 4 28 2 32 3 31 19 30 9 32 19 Halifax 21 8 25 21 26 19 30 20 30 12 27 21 30 7

New York 22 16 27 6 28 4 31 3 31 14 26 23 29 9 New Orleans 26 12 31 21 31 22 29 13 30 0 25 9 27 20 San Francisco 27 4 25 0 20 10 16 19 17 7 12 16 15 0 Vancouver 26 10 24 6 19 16 16 0 16 13 11 21 14 5 Honolulu 23 2 20 22 16 8 13 10 13 6 9 11 12 17

North America Asia Balboa 25 22 30 11 29 4 25 13 26 0 21 9 23 19

Port of Spain 23 6 27 20 28 17 28 20 29 6 24 16 27 2 Salina Cruz 29 4 30 14 26 0 22 10 22 21 18 6 20 16 Tampico 27 6 31 20 32 18 29 18 30 4 25 14 28 0 Kingston 24 15 29 5 30 3 27 5 27 15 13 1 25 11

Central America Asia London 17 11 22 0 22 22 26 23 26 15 30 23 29 3 Rotterdam 17 13 22 3 23 1 27 2 26 18 31 2 29 5 Hamburg 18 6 22 20 23 17 27 18 27 11 31 19 29 22 Stockholm 20 6 24 20 25 17 29 18 29 11 33 19 31 22 Marseilles 12 16 17 6 18 3 22 4 21 20 26 4 24 8 Gibraltar 13 19 18 8 19 6 23 7 22 23 27 7 25 11 Piraeus 10 3 14 18 15 14 19 15 19 7 23 15 21 19

EUROPE Asia This data of the past is being redone at a large size so those who complained in the past that it was far too small for them to read, I agree with them today I cannot read them without a powerful magnifier glass.


Ports Fremantle Adelaide Sydney Hobart Wellington Suva Mombasa 4564 5708 6505 6171 7409 8160 Algiers ∙7804 ∙9002 ∙9799 ∙9465 ∙1073 ∆11088 Port Said ∙6301 ∙7499 ∙8296 ∙7962 ∙9200 ∙9635 Kuwait 5391 6623 7420 7086 8324 8483 Lagos 7270 8361 9158 8824 9750 10545

Cape Town 4715 5766 6563 6229 7467 8218 Africa M. East Australasis

Mumbai 3982 5220 6017 5683 6921 7073 Kolkata 3684 4957 5754 5420 6658 6378 Singapore 2220 3504 4273 3967 5205 4733 Hong Kong 3504 4799 4511 5128 5266 4507 Manila 2971 4266 3964 4581 4755 4033 Tokyo 4500 5299 4343 4960 5041 357

Shanghai 4037 5332 4632 5249 5358 4473 Asia Australasia

1343 2140 1806 3044 3795 Fremantle

973 756 1884 2626 Adelaide 3 18

638 1236 1735 Sydney 5 23 2 17

1293 2197 Hobart 5 0 2 2 1 19

1476 Wellington 8 11 5 6 3 10 3 14

Suva 10 13 7 7 4 20 6 2 4 2 Australasia Australasia

At least I can now read the values which original were only black and white, colour was not available to me in those days.


Ports Fremantle Adelaide Sydney Hobart Wellington Suva La Guaira 28 3 25 11 23 18 23 15 20 11 19 23 Recife 22 5 25 6 25 2 24 14 21 17 23 22

Buenos Aires 23 6 21 6 19 22 19 10 16 14 18 19 Punta Arenas 20 8 17 9 16 1 15 14 12 17 14 22 Valparaiso 21 18 18 19 17 11 16 23 14 2 16 0 Callao 23 15 20 16 19 7 18 20 15 21 16 15

South America Australasia Montreal 31 16 32 0 30 7 30 4 27 0 26 12 Halifax 30 9 29 13 27 19 27 17 24 13 24 1

New York 31 7 28 15 26 22 26 19 23 15 23 3 New Orleans 29 17 27 1 25 8 25 5 22 1 21 13 San Francisco 23 15 20 10 17 22 19 6 16 10 13 5 Vancouver 23 10 21 12 18 23 20 10 17 23 14 10 Honolulu 18 2 14 20 12 7 13 17 11 10 7 18

North America Australasia Balboa 26 0 23 1 21 8 21 5 18 1 17 13

Port of Spain 27 19 26 7 24 14 24 12 21 7 20 19 Salina Cruz 25 4 21 23 19 20 20 9 16 20 15 8 Tampico 29 22 27 6 25.12 25 10 22 6 12 18 Kingston 27 9 24 16 22 23 22 21 19 16 19 4

Central America Australasia London 26 12 29 19 32 1 31 2 31 9 30 21 Rotterdam 26 14 29 22 32 3 31 5 31 11 30 23 Hamburg 27 7 30 15 32 20 31 22 32 4 31 16 Stockholm 29 7 32 15 34 20 33 22 33 14 33 2 Marseilles 21 17 25 1 27 6 26 8 29 18 30 23 Gibraltar 22 20 26 3 28 9 27 10 30 40 29 16 Piraeus 19 4 22 11 24 17 23 18 27 5 28 10

Europe Australasia At last I am half way through those figures we can now see them including myself. All these values were on just one page only – so you can see why many could not read them in the past, which shows my world of reality and not fantasy.


Ports La Guaira Recife Buenos Aires Punta Arenas Valparaiso Callao Mombasa 8094 5794 6168 6706 8133 9361 Algiers 4064 3540 5701 ∆6774 ∆7391 ∆6116 Port Said 5565 5041 7202 ∆8275 ∆8892 ∆7617 Kuwait 8871 8347 8828 9366 10793 ∙10923 Lagos 4230 2453 4304 5186 6613 ∆6412

Cape Town 5617 3318 3718 4256 5683 6911 Africa M East South America

Mumbai ∙8611 7884 8258 8796 10223 ∆10663 Kolkata ∙10256 8774 9148 9686 11113 12115 Singapore ∙10579 8896 9270 9482 9988 10662 Hong Kong ∆10069 10202 10576 9708 10214 9929 Manila ∆10228 9976 10350 9202 9689 9849 Tokyo ∆8572 10911 10666 9271 9294 8424

Shanghai ∙9444 10984 11163 9768 10134 9304 Asia South America

Fremantle 10130 8000 8374 7321 7827 8501 Adelaide ∆9165 9091 7651 6256 6762 7436 Sydney ∆8546 9027 7174 5779 6281 6944 Hobart ∆8509 8848 6995 5603 6106 6780

Wellington ∆7365 7818 5965 4570 5069 5717 Suva ∆7185 8617 6764 5369 5758 5980

Australasia South America 2464 4535 ∆4810 ∆3488 ∆2213

La Guaira 2177 3248 4675 ∆4552

Recife 6 20 1395 2822 4050

Buenos aires 12 14 6 1 1427 2655

Punta Arenas 13 9 9 1 3 21 1299

Valparaiso 9 17 13 0 7 20 3 23

Callao 6 4 12 15 11 6 7 9 3 15 South America South America

Still going strong on recovering this data that will be required if we want to use sea transport. 296.

Ports La Guaira Recife Buenos Aires Punta Arenas Valparaiso Callao Montreal 8 4 11 21 17 21 20 21 16 6 12 17 Halifax 5 17 9 20 15 21 18 20 13 18 10 5

New York 5 3 10 5 16 6 19 5 12 20 9 7 New Orleans 5 3 11 6 17 7 20 7 11 6 7 17 San Francisco 11 11 17 23 21 2 17 5 14 7 11 2 Vancouver 13 15 20 2 23 8 19 11 18 11 13 6 Honolulu 15 11 21 23 21 14 17 17 16 10 14 8

North America South America Balboa 2 10 8 22 14 23 10 22 7 6 3 17

Port of Spain 0 22 5 18 11 19 14 18 10 13 7 0 Salina Cruz 5 16 12 4 16 7 12 10 9 0 5 14 Tampico 5 10 11 19 17 20 20 19 11 11 7 22 Kingston 2 1 8 10 14 11 12 14 8 22 5 9

Central America South America London 11 16 11 12 17 12 20 12 20 14 17 1 Rotterdam 11 18 11 14 17 15 20 14 20 17 17 14 Hamburg 12 11 12 7 18 8 21 8 21 10 17 21 Stockholm 14 2 13 7 20 8 23 7 22 20 19 7 Marseilles 12 1 10 15 16 15 19 14 21 7 17 18 Gibraltar 10 4 8 17 14 17 17 16 19 10 15 21 Piraeus 14 6 12 19 18 19 21 19 23 12 19 23

Europe South America Progress of recovery of those figures is going ahead with success so far, I hope I will recover the total that was originally released.

If some time in the future we make up our minds to look at the sea traffic to research how loads can be moved in half of these times in greater safety than at this present time, then these values will be our target to aim to half.

Like all things Rome was not built in a day; progress in this technology will take time to gather speed, main reason lack of funds, obtaining the right type of buildings to set up such research and development.

I have still a long way to go before all those values are recovered, but I am determined to succeed as I do in all things that interest me which belongs to the domain of reality which is my world, yet funny all speech and writings are the domain of fantasy, due to the fact they are obtained by arbitration, that is why we cannot understand everyone, in reality there would be one language.


Ports Montreal Halifax New York New Orleans San Francisco Vancouver Honolulu Mombasa ∙8082 ∙7616 ∙8108 ∙9472 ∙11337 11063 9858 Algiers 3592 3126 3618 4982 ∆8022 ∆8801 ∆9464 Port Said 5093 4627 5119 6483 ∆9523 ∆10302 ∙10887 Kuwait ∙8399 ۰7933 ۰8425 ۰9789 11197 10923 9718 Lagos 5130 4512 4870 5754 ∆8318 ∆9097 ∆9760

Cape Town ۰7115 6489 6789 7306 ∆9710 10489 10626 Africa M East North America

Mumbai ∙8139 ۰7673 ۰8165 ۰9529 9787 9513 8308 Kolkata ∙9784 ۰9318 ۰9810 ۰11174 9002 8728 7523 Singapore ∙10107 ۰9641 ۰10133 ۰11497 7356 7082 5877 Hong Kong ۰11563 ۰11097 ∆11207 ∆10638 6044 5760 4837 Manila ۰11444 ۰10978 ∆11366 ∆10797 6223 5950 4769 Tokyo ∆10928 ∆10036 ∆9710 ∆9141 4559 4276 3402

Shanghai ∆11800 ∆10908 ∆10582 ∆10013 5398 5114 4572 Asia North America

Fremantle ۰11394 ۰10928 ∆11268 ∆10699 8501 8428 6503 Adelaide ∆11521 ∆10629 ∆10303 ∆9734 7356 7745 5336 Sydney ∆10902 ∆10010 ∆9684 ∆9115 6456 6822 4427 Hobart ∆10865 ∆9973 ∆9647 ∆9078 6930 7346 4931

Wellington ∆9721 ∆8829 ∆8503 ∆7934 5909 6459 4114 Suva ∆9541 ∆8649 ∆8323 ∆7754 4760 5187 2783

Australasia North America La Guaira 2933 2058 1848 1838 ∆4119 ∆4898 ∆5561 Recife 4269 3540 3670 4052 ∆6458 ∆7237 ∆7900

Buenos aires 6440 5715 5845 6223 7596 8403 7765 Punta Arenas 7515 6786 6916 7298 6201 7008 6370 Valparaiso ∆5844 ∆4952 ∆4626 ∆4057 5146 5919 5917 Callao ∆4569 ∆3677 ∆3351 ∆2782 3988 4767 5157

South America North America The main people who will find this data interesting will be those who earn their living by the sea; such as Freight carriers who must be wondering how on Earth is it possible cut this time factor.

The answer is in the thinking, taking all known problems affecting the safe transit of goods, and what created the problem of all losses to date.

If one can build the tallest skyscraper in the desert; surely it is possible to reduce shipping times from A to B.


Ports Montreal Halifax New York New Orleans San Francisco Vancouver Honolulu 958 1516 3069 ∆6475 ∆7254 ∆7917

Montreal 593 2148 ∆5583 ∆6362 ∆7025

Halifax 2 16 1707 ∆5257 ∆6036 ∆6699

New York 4 5 1 16 ∆4688 ∆5467 ∆6130

New Orleans 8 13 5 23 4 18 816 2095

San Francisco 18 0 15 12 14 14 13 1 2423

Vancouver 20 4 17 16 16 18 15 4 2 7

Honolulu 22 0 19 12 18 15 17 1 5 20 6 18 North America North America

Balboa 9 6 6 12 5 14 4 0 9 0 11 4 13 1 Port of Spain 8 1 5 17 5 9 5 18 12 7 14 11 16 7 Salina Cruz 12 5 9 18 8 20 7 6 5 21 8.3 9 23 Tampico 9 8 6 19 5 13 2 1 13 5 15 9 17 5 Kingston 7 11 5 0 4 2 3 5 10 16 12 20 14 16

Central America North America London 9 1 7 15 9 7 13 9 22 8 24 12 26 8

Rotterdam 9 3 7 17 9 10 13 12 22 11 24 15 26 11 Hamburg 9 11 8 6 10 1 14 2 23 4 25 8 27 4 Stockholm 10 19 9 14 11 9 15 9 24 14 26 18 28 14 Marseilles 10 18 9 11 10 20 14 15 23 1 25 5 27 1 Gibraltar 8 20 7 13 8 22 12 17 21 4 23 8 25 4 Piraeus 12 23 11 16 13 0 16 19 25 6 27 10 29 6

Europe North America You see from my world just knowing that there is a dock in London, or New York don’t imply much interest.

But if your intentions are to operate a fleet of containers then I sure need to know all these values that relate to the domain of reality – without them you know nothing of value for such operations.

This is why you see these values here because they are the values I have to work from amen! 299.

Ports Balboa Port of Spain Salina Cruz Tampico Kingston Mombasa ∆8942 ∙7793 ∆10115 ∙9759 8758 Algiers ∆4776 3823 ∆5949 5269 4325 Port Said ∆6277 5324 ∆7450 6770 5826 Kuwait ∆۰9583 ۰8630 ∆۰10756 ۰10076 ۰9132 Lagos ∆5072 3929 ∆6245 6018 4821

Cape Town ∆6464 5315 ∆7637 7498 6279 Africa M East Central America

Mumbai ۰∆9323 ۰8370 ∆∙10496 ۰9816 ۰8872 Kolkata ∆۰10968 ۰10015 11008 ۰11461 ۰10517 Singapore 10495 ۰10338 9362 ۰11784 ۰10840 Hong Kong 9196 ∆10375 8070 ∆10708 ∆9790 Manila 9355 ۰10534 8229 ∆10867 ∆9949 Tokyo 7699 ∆8878 6569 ∆9211 ∆8293

Shanghai 8571 9750 7443 ∆10083 ∆9165 Asia Central America

Fremantle 9357 ∆9999 9065 ∆10769 ∆9851 Adelaide 8292 ∆9471 7898 ∆9804 ∆8886 Sydney 7673 ∆8852 7142 ∆9185 ∆8267 Hobart 7636 ∆8815 7331 ∆9148 ∆8230

Wellington 6492 ∆7671 6059 ∆8004 ∆7086 Suva 6312 ∆7491 5521 ∆7824 ∆6906

Australasia Central America La Guaira ∆873 329 ∆2046 ∆1945 730 Recife ∆3212 2063 ∆4385 4246 3027

Buenos aires 5383 4238 5868 6419 5198 Punta Arenas 3937 5309 4473 7492 ∆4531 Valparaiso 2615 ∆3749 3247 ∆4127 ∆3209 Callao 1340 ∆2519 2011 ∆2852 ∆1934

South America Central America Slow but sure that old data is being recovered for future use; at last I am over the top of the hill.
