
Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips by CH Woods from Organic & Environmental Products © Copyright 2013 by CH Woods – Organic & Environmental Products

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

by CH Woodsfrom Organic & Environmental Products

© Copyright 2013 by CH Woods – Organic & Environmental Products

Page 2: Anemia

Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

DISCLAIMER: The information, which includes although not restricted to, text, visuals, along with other content located in this ebook is for informative purposes only.

The objective of this article is to enhance broad client comprehension and understanding of numerous health subjects. It is not meant to be a replacement for qualified healthcare guidance, medical diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.

Always get the advice of your doctor or other certified health care provider with any concerns you might have with regards to a medical condition, preventative routine, lifestyle change, or treatment and before starting a new medical routine.

Never dismiss professional medical guidance or put off seeking it as a result of anything you might have read in this ebook. Relying on or the reliability of any information mentioned on this ebook is solely at your own risk.

CH Woods and Organic & Environmental Products do not suggest or promote any particular tests, doctors, merchandise, methods, viewpoints, lifestyle changes, or any additional

information which may be listed in this article.

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental ProductsWe provide organic and environmentally friendly products and

informational articles on various health and environmental issues.

© Copyright 2013 by CH Woods – Organic & Environmental Products 1

Page 3: Anemia

Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

The Most Common Types of Anemia That People Have TodayAnemia can develop when your blood does not have the right amount of healthy hemoglobin or red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the part of a red blood cell that carries the oxygen. It is basically a blood condition in which there are too few red blood cells or the red blood cells are deficient in hemoglobin, resulting in poor health. When you have too little or unusually-shaped red blood cells, or if your hemoglobin levels are low, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen.

Signs and symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, develop because your organs are not receiving what they must have to work correctly. There are several kinds of anemia. Each one is completely different than the other; both in what causes and relieves them. Iron deficiency anemia, the most prevalent type in the world, can be treated with simple dietary adjustments and iron supplements.

The Causes of Anemia Based on TypeYou will find that there are over four hundred different forms of anemia, which can be split up into three categories.Anemia due to:

1. Blood Loss2. Reduced or Defective Red Blood Cell Creation3. The Elimination of Red Blood Cells

Anemia Due to BleedingRed blood cells can be reduced through blood loss, which may take place gradually over an extended period of time, and usually go undiscovered. This type of chronic blood loss generally results from the following factors:• Menstruation and childbirth, especially if menstruation bleeding is abnormal or if

there are numerous pregnancies.• Gastrointestinal problems like gastritis, ulcers, cancer, and hemorrhoids.

• Usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin, which could trigger gastritis and ulcers.

Anemia Brought on By Reduced or Defective Red Blood Cell CreationIf this form of anemia is the problem, your body might not create enough red blood cells or the blood cells might not perform properly. In both cases anemia is usually the outcome. Red blood cells can be defective because of unusual red blood cells or insufficient vitamins and minerals necessary for blood cells to function correctly.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

Problems linked to these reasons for anemia can include the conditions below:

1. Iron Deficiency Anemia2. Sickle Cell Anemia3. Vitamin Deficiency4. Other Health Problems

Iron Deficiency AnemiaIron deficiency anemia is usually the result of insufficient iron in your body. Bone marrow, located in the middle of your bones, requires iron to produce hemoglobin.Without enough iron, your body is not able to create the right amount of hemoglobin for red blood cells, which leads to iron deficiency anemia.

This type of anemia can be caused by:• A diet lacking iron, which is particularly common in newborns, children, young

adults, and vegetarians.• Stamina (enduring physical or mental energy and strength that allows somebody

to do something for a long time) overtraining.• The amount of iron needed for pregnancy and breastfeeding.• Regular blood donations.• Digestive problems like Crohn's disease (a chronic inflammatory disease, usually

of the lower intestinal tract, marked by scarring and thickening of the intestinal wall and obstruction).

• Surgery to take out a section of your small intestine or stomach.• Specific medications, foods, and beverages.

Sickle Cell AnemiaSickle cell anemia is a passed down condition that causes the red blood cells to develop into a crescent shape due to a genetic problem. They weaken and decay quickly, which means that oxygen is not going to get to your body's vital organs, ultimately causing anemia. This form of red blood cell also tends to get trapped in-between smaller blood vessels, triggering pain.

Vitamin Deficiency AnemiaVitamin deficiency anemia might take place when you do not have enough vitamin B12 or folic acid (an important B complex vitamin, found in green vegetables and liver). Both of these vitamins are essential for the production of red blood cells.

Problems bringing about anemia due to vitamin deficiency can include:• Megaloblastic Anemia – this is basically an unusually large red blood cell that has

failed to mature properly, found especially in people affected by anemia.• Pernicious (wicked or meaning to cause harm) Anemia• Dietary Deficiency

DiagnosisTo find out if you have any form of anemia, please visit a medical professional for a proper diagnosis.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

Anemia and a Healthy DietAnemia develops whenever a person’s red blood cell level is below the normal amount and the hemoglobin amount in the bloodstream drops below normal. Hemoglobin is made of protein and iron. Both of which are needed for providing nutrients and oxygen to all areas of the body.

Signs and symptoms of anemia include a memory loss, exhaustion, depressive symptoms, and overall weakness. Your physician can identify the problem with a simple blood examination. A balanced and healthy diet is essential if you are anemic. You should have foods that have folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron.

Listed below are the best foods you can add to your diet to help with anemia. • Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is a great way to get some iron into your body. The

best way to eat it is to have a peanut butter sandwich with a cup of orange juice. The orange juice is necessary because the vitamin C which will boost the intake of iron in the peanut butter.

• Beetroot: Beetroot, either in salad or cooked vegetable, is among the most effective ways to get that extra bit of iron. You can also drink beetroot juice. Beetroot has many detoxing qualities in addition to a fair amount of iron.

• Red Meat: Red meat, like pork and beef, has a large quantity of heme iron, which is much easier for your body to take in compared to non-heme iron, which is gained from plants. Heme iron is the deep red, non protein portion of hemoglobin that contains iron. Liver is said to be the most effective choice for improving your blood with vitamin B and iron.

• Eggs: Eggs have a lot of antioxidants along with proteins which can help replace missing vitamins loss due to anemia. Eggs supply your body with a good amount of nutrients and have hardly any calories.

• Whole Grain Bread: Whole grain bread is a great food for iron, which the body must have to prevent or combat iron deficiency anemia.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

• Spinach: Leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are a wonderful way to get iron along with vitamin C. Spinach, kale, and similar vegetables are also made up of other important nutrients for our body such as beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin B9, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and vitamin E.

• Pomegranates: Pomegranates have iron, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A which are all needed to keep the body healthy. It is possible to maintain healthy blood circulation in your body by consuming pomegranates in just about any form, even juice.

• Soybeans: All the various types of beans are an excellent source of iron, however you must make them correctly to get the benefits. It is necessary to soak the beans overnight for maximum effectiveness.

• Tomatoes: Tomatoes, which are loaded with vitamin C, can also help fight anemia. The vitamin C in tomatoes can help your body process iron. Make an effort to consume a cup of raw tomato juice at least once a day. Stay away from caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea since they can hinder iron intake. Tomatoes also have vitamin E and beta-carotene, which can improve the condition of your hair and skin.

• Oatmeal: Despite the fact that oats are full of iron, they also contain phytic acid which stops iron absorption. On the other hand, you can purchase oatmeal fortified with iron. Normal oatmeal does not usually have iron added to them; while countless brands of instant oatmeal do. This type of oatmeal also includes various forms of vitamin B.

Extra TipsIncluding these foods into your diet can help you fight anemia and improve your health. Furthermore, make sure you drink a lot of water, exercise, and go outside for sunlight on a daily basis.

Be sure to speak to your doctor before making any changes to your diet to ensure that you are not allergic to any of them.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

When More Iron May Be NeededThe primary cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Iron is required to create hemoglobin, plus iron is also stored in the hemoglobin itself. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout our bloodstream.

Major Causes of Iron Deficiency AnemiaIron deficiency anemia can be brought on by the factors listed below:

Factor #1: Bodily ChangesA greater iron requirement and elevated red blood cell creation is necessary whenever your body is going through changes like puberty in children, growth during teenage years, or while pregnant.

Factor #2: Low Iron DietIron is acquired from foods in our diet, however just 1 mg of iron is used by the body for every 10 to 20 mg of iron consumed.Someone who is not able to have a well-balanced diet with enough iron can experience iron deficiency anemia to some extent.

Factor #3: Blood LossBleeding may trigger a loss of iron and lead to iron deficiency anemia. Causes of blood loss can include injury, gastrointestinal bleeding, or menstrual bleeding.

Factor #4: Problems in the Stomach and Intestines (gastrointestinal tract)An iron deficiency is normal after some types of intestinal surgical procedures. The majority of the iron consumed from foods is taken in through the upper small intestine.Any problems in the gastrointestinal tract might alter iron intake and lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Signs of Iron Deficiency AnemiaListed below are the most prevalent signs of iron deficiency anemia. On the other hand, every person can experience symptoms in their own unique way.Symptoms can include:

• Irritability• Inflamed Spleen – this is an organ in the left upper abdomen of humans and

other vertebrates that help to destroy old red blood cells… among other functions.

• Exhaustion• Inflamed or Tender Tongue• Elevated Heart Rate• Loss of Skin Color• Pica (A condition where you have an unusual craving for inedible substances like

sand or dirt)

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

The signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia may possibly look like other blood problems or health-related problems. Always seek advice from your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Iron Deficiency Anemia DiagnosedIron deficiency anemia may be diagnosed depending on the results of your complete health background and physical evaluation. Problems with fatigue, an elevated heartbeat, or loss of color in skin are conditions that are linked to iron deficiency anemia. This condition is normally identified during a clinical exam through a blood test that determines the level of iron in the blood and the quantity of hemoglobin currently present in the body.

Treatment for Iron Deficiency AnemiaThe exact treatment method decided on for iron deficiency anemia will be decided by your doctor, however it usually will involve an iron rich diet along with dietary supplements.

Foods Full of IronA diet of foods packed with iron can help deal with iron deficiency anemia.Excellent options for iron include these kinds of foods:

• Poultry like Duck, Turkey, and Chicken• Rice, White Bread, Cereals, and Pasta Fortified with Iron• Legumes like Green Peas and Lima Beans as well as Dry Beans like Canned

Baked Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, and Pinto Beans• Meats such as Pork, Beef, Lamb, and Additional Organ Meat• Leafy Greens Related to Cabbage including Spinach, Kale, Collards, Broccoli,

and Turnip Greens• Fish like Anchovies, Sardines, and Shellfish such as Oysters, Clams, and


Iron Supplements: Iron supplements may also be used over a few months to boost iron levels in our blood. Iron supplements might cause discomfort in the stomach and discoloration of stools. They must be taken on an unfilled stomach, or together with orange juice, to improve the body's ability to absorb it.

Seek Medical AdviceIron deficiency is a serious issue that can lead to even worse problems if left

untreated. Make sure to talk to a medical professional if you believe that you may have this condition.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

Sickle Cell Anemia - Some Tips

Sickle cell anemia is passed down from generation to generation. If you have this problem, then there are not enough blood cells in your body to transport enough oxygen to each one of your vital organs.

Typically, your red blood cells are elastic and circular, which allows them to move through your bloodstream without a problem. For those who have sickle cell anemia, the blood cells produced are sticky and rigid instead.

These abnormal blood cells also resemble crescent moons or sickles and have a tendency to get stuck in small blood vessels, which may slow or prevent blood circulation and oxygen to every part of your body.

At this point in time there is apparently no known treatment for those with this condition. On the other hand, there are methods that can be used to reduce pain and help protect against additional problems linked to sickle cell anemia.

Symptoms of Sickle Cell AnemiaSymptoms of this disease can include such problems as:Increased Risk for Infection: These abnormal blood cells can harm your spleen, the organ that helps your body prevent infection. This can cause you to be more susceptible to infections.

Medical professionals normally provide infants and children with medication to counteract possible deadly bacterial infections like pneumonia - an inflammation of one or both lungs, usually caused by infection from a bacterium or virus or, less commonly, by a chemical or physical irritant.

Vision Problems: A lot of people who have this condition may experience vision problems. The blood vessels in your eyes can become clogged with these blood cells which can harm the part of the eye that allows us to see correctly.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

Pain: Pain can be a sure sign of this disease. Pain occurs when the abnormal blood cells obstruct blood circulation through the blood vessels in your joints, chest, and abdomen. This pain may change in strength and may go on for a couple hours to several weeks.

Anemia: Sickle cells are extremely weak. They decay very quickly which causes you to be persistently short on blood cells. Blood cells typically live for around one hundred twenty days before they decay and have to be replaced.

On the other hand, sickle cells die off in about ten to twenty days. This leads to a severe lack of blood cells, referred to as anemia. If your body does not have enough blood cells flowing, then you will not get the oxygen you need in order to function properly.

Lifestyle Changes to Relieve SymptomsMaking changes to your lifestyle to stay healthy may be necessary to reduce the symptoms and conditions caused by this type of anemia.The tips listed below may help reduce your symptoms significantly.

1. Drink a lot of water. Dehydration can certainly maximize your risk for this disease. Try to drink it throughout the day. If you live in a hot climate or exercise often, then you need to drink even more water.

2. Consume Folic acid supplements on a daily basis, and choose foods that contain it as well. Bone marrow requires folic acid and other nutritional vitamins to create new blood cells.

3. Find out ways you can reduce stress. Sickle cell anemia can become worse with stress.

4. Get some exercise often, yet do not overdo it.5. Try your best to avoid extreme temperature levels. Contact with intense cold or

hot temperatures may increase your likelihood of developing sickle cell anemia symptoms.

Seek Professional CareIf you have sickle cell anemia or suspect that you do, please consult your doctor to find out how to care for your problem. Do not attempt any treatment or make any changes to your lifestyle without first getting professional medical advice.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

Vitamin Deficiency and AnemiaVitamin deficiency anemia occurs when there are not enough healthy blood cells because of a lack of particular vitamins. The main vitamins and minerals connected to vitamin deficiency are vitamin B12, vitamin C, and folate; same as folic acid.

A deficiency of blood cells due to this condition may trigger overall weakness and difficulty breathing. This condition is generally treated with dietary changes and vitamin supplements.

Vitamin Deficiency Anemia Signs and SymptomsSymptoms of this problem may involve one or more of the following:

• Pale Skin• Shortness of Breath• Fatigue• Weight Loss• Dizziness• Irritability• Inflamed Tongue• Memory Loss• Diarrhea• Numbness in Feet and Hand• Loss of Balance• Muscle Weakness

The Three Main Causes of Vitamin Deficiency AnemiaVitamin deficiency anemia can occur if your body does not contain the proper amount of the vitamins it needs in order to create enough healthy blood cells. Your blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen from your lungs to every part of your body. If your diet does not have enough vitamins and minerals then it is likely that vitamin deficiency will occur.

Another reason this problem might appear is because the body cannot correctly absorb the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

Triggers of vitamin deficiency anemia can include:

Cause #1: Lack of FolateFolate, also referred to as vitamin B9, is a vitamin found in fruits along with leafy vegetables. A diet plan that does not include these types of foods may result in a deficiency.

Cause #2: Lack of Vitamin B12Vitamin B12 deficiency can develop from your diet if you do not get enough vitamin B12, which can be found in milk, eggs, and meat. A vitamin B12 deficiency might also come about if your small intestine cannot take in vitamin B12.

Cause #3: Lack of Vitamin CAlthough unusual, a lack of vitamin C may occur if you do not get the right amount of vitamin C from your diet. It may also occur if something affects your body's ability to process vitamin C from the food you eat. For example, smoking can hinder your body's absorption of vitamin C.

Tips for PreventionYou may be able to prevent a few types of this condition by selecting a healthy diet that has many diverse foods.

Folate-rich foods consist of:

• Fruit and 100% Fruit Juices• Dried Beans• Dark Leafy Vegetables• Enriched Grains

Vitamin B12-rich foods consist of:

• Cheese, Yogurt, and Milk• Eggs• White and Red Meat• Shellfish• Fortified Breakfast Foods like Oatmeal or Cereal

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

Vitamin C-rich foods consist of:

• Broccoli• Orange Juice• Citrus Fruits• Strawberries• Sweet Peppers• Tomatoes

Other ways to prevent vitamin deficiency includes:

Taking a Multivitamin: If you are concerned about not getting the right amount of vitamins from your diet then you should talk to your physician or nutritionist about a multivitamin that may help. The majority of people get enough vitamins through the foods that they eat. However, if your diet is limited for whatever reason, you might want to take a multivitamin daily.

Avoiding Alcohol: Alcohol can play a role in vitamin deficiency. If you decide to drink it, do so in small amounts.

Quitting Smoking: Smoking can inhibit your body's absorption of vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C. This can increase your likelihood of a vitamin deficiency.

Get Medical AdviceDo not make any lifestyle changes or take any supplements

without first getting professional advice to ensure you do it right the first time.

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Anemia Types, Information and Useful Tips

CH Woods is the Executive Director of Organic & Environmental Products.We provide organic and environmentally friendly products and informational articles on various health and environmental issues.

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