angry and aggressive students

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  • 8/12/2019 Angry and Aggressive Students


    Angry and Aggressive Students

    Jim Larson.The Education Digest. Ann Arbor: Mar 2008. Vol. 73, Iss. 7; pg. 48, 5 pgs

    Abstract (Summary)

    Fighting in School St!"nts #ho "ngag" in ph$sical aggr"ssion in school pr"s"nt a

    s"rios chall"ng" to %aintaining a sa&" an! spporti'" l"arning "n'iron%"nt. Accor!ingto th" (ational )"nt"r &or *!cational Statistics +()*S, in 200-, 3- p"rc"nt o& st!"nts

    in gra!"s /2 r"port"! that th"$ ha! b""n in a ph$sical &ight in th" last 2 %onths, an!

    4 p"rc"nt r"port"! that th"$ ha! &oght on school prop"rt$. 1h" ob"cti'" is to cr"at" an

    "n'iron%"nt that !"cr"as"s th" li"lihoo! o& aggr"ssi'" b"ha'ior #hil" incr"asing th"opportniti"s &or l"arning sociall$ !"sirabl" con&lict r"soltion an! ang"r %anag"%"nt


    %p to in!"ing +!oc%"nt !"tails

    Full Text+8-5 #or!sCopyright Prakken Publications, Inc. Mar 2008


    6no#ing ho# to pr"'"nt an! r"spon! to st!"nt ang"r an! aggr"ssion is i%portant to

    %aintaining or!"r in school.

    M(A9 ha! a ba! &""l to it. A hall#a$ &racas r"slt"! in t#o st!"nts b"ing !"tain"!

    in th" o&&ic". An innoc"nt onloo"r r"c"i'"! a nast$ b%p on th" h"a!, an! h"r ps"tpar"nt #as on th" #a$ to th" school. "spit" incr"as"! sp"r'ision in th" hall#a$s !ring

    class transitions, b$ &irst lnch th" a!%inistrati'" t"a% ha! r"spon!"! to an inor!inat"

    n%b"r o& ang"r/&"l"! inci!"nts. 1h"$ n"# so%"thing #as br"#ing, an! th"$ #"r"


    1h" %"l"" start"! in th" lnchroo%. As sta&& %"%b"rs rsh"! to br"a p a &ll/blo#n

    &ist&ight, anoth"r &ight bro" ot across th" roo%. $stan!"rs scr"a%"! an! cli%b"! onto

    tabl"s &or b"tt"r 'antag" points. $ th" ti%" sta&& %"%b"rs an! local polic" o&&ic"rs ha!th" sitation n!"r control, nin" in!i'i!als ha! b""n arr"st"!, incl!ing thr"" otsi!"

    a!lts #ho ha! b""n s%%on"! b$ st!"nts sing th"ir c"ll phon"s.

    Fighting in School

    St!"nts #ho "ngag" in ph$sical aggr"ssion in school pr"s"nt a s"rios chall"ng" to

    %aintaining a sa&" an! spporti'" l"arning "n'iron%"nt. nli" oth"r &or%s o& st!"ntaggr"ssion, &ighting is "plicit, is 'iol"nt, an! !"%an!s att"ntion. A &ight b"t#""n

    st!"nts in a classroo%, hall#a$, or th" lnchroo% brings "'"r$ oth"r acti'it$ to a haltan! !ra#s &"llo# st!"nts an! conc"rn"! a!lts to#ar! th" 'iol"nc". 1h" !isrption is

    total, th" a&t"r/"&&"cts ling"ring, an! th" pot"ntial &or s"rios inr$ '"r$ r"al.

    Accor!ing to th" (ational )"nt"r &or *!cational Statistics +()*S, in 200-, 3- p"rc"nt

    o& st!"nts in gra!"s /2 r"port"! that th"$ ha! b""n in a ph$sical &ight in th" last 2
  • 8/12/2019 Angry and Aggressive Students


    %onths, an! 4 p"rc"nt r"port"! that th"$ ha! &oght on school prop"rt$. Althogh %al"

    st!"nts #"r" %or" li"l$ to ha'" b""n in a &ight, 28 p"rc"nt o& &"%al" st!"nts r"port"!

    that th"$ ha! b""n in a ph$sical &ight in th" past $"ar, an! p"rc"nt o& this &ighting tooplac" on school prop"rt$. St!"nts ar" not th" onl$ on"s to &ac" ph$sical 'iol"nc" in

    school: in 200-, 4 p"rc"nt o& t"ach"rs in c"ntral cit$ schools an! 3 p"rc"nt in sbrban

    an! rral schools #"r" ph$sicall$ attac"! b$ st!"nts.

    Althogh th" n%b"r o& ho%ici!"s an! #"apon/carr$ing inci!"nts in schools has!"clin"! o'"r th" past !"ca!", th" pr"'al"nc" o& nonl"thal assalts has r"%ain"! &airl$

    stabl" or, in th" cas" o& girls, ris"n sinc" th" %i!/0s. 1h" ans#"r r"=ir"s n!"rstan!ing th" natr"

    an! &nction o& a!ol"sc"nt aggr"ssion.

    1$p"s o& Aggr"ssion

    6"nn"th o!g" an! coll"ag"s ha'" i!"nti&i"! t#o broa! t$p"s o& chil!hoo! an!a!ol"sc"nt aggr"ssion: proacti'" an! r"acti'". St!"nts #ho "ngag" in proacti'"

    aggr"ssion initiat" aggr"ssi'" b"ha'ior to obtain so%" goal or otco%". )on'"rs"l$,

    st!"nts #ho "ngag" in r"acti'" aggr"ssion ar" r"spon!ing to p"rc"i'"! thr"ats aron!

    th"%. oth &or%s can in'ol'" s"rios ph$sical 'iol"nc", bt th" prpos" b"hin! th"'iol"nc" is =it" !i&&"r"nt.

    Althogh %ost aggr"ssion is not pr"l$ proacti'" or r"acti'", a!%inistrators shol! b"

    abl" to r"cogni?" th" pr"!o%inant &"atr"s o& "ach t$p" b"cas" th" int"r'"ntion an!!isciplinar$ approach"s 'ar$ sharpl$. @roacti'" aggr"ssion is t$picall$ r"ason"!,

    n"%otional, an! &ocs"! on ac=iring so%" goal. For "a%pl", a bll$ #ants p""r

    appro'al an! 'icti% sb%ission, an! gang %"%b"rs #ant stats an! control.

    In contrast, r"acti'" aggr"ssion is &r"="ntl$ highl$ "%otional an! is o&t"n th" r"slt o&bias"! or !"&ici"nt cogniti'" proc"ssing on th" part o& th" st!"nt. ighl$ r"acti'"

    aggr"ssi'" st!"nts t"n! to %isp"rc"i'" b%ps, loos, an! oth"r int"ractions as hostil". In

    a!!ition, th"s" st!"nts o&t"n ha'" !"&ici"nt probl"%/sol'ing sills. 1his attribt" is %ost

    "'i!"nt #h"n an a!%inistrator ass a st!"nt, B

  • 8/12/2019 Angry and Aggressive Students


  • 8/12/2019 Angry and Aggressive Students


    or high school ar" at signi&icant ris &or s"rios probl"%s lat"r. For %an$ o& thos"

    st!"nts, th" school "n'iron%"nt %a$ b" th" last b"st hop". Schools can s" th" &ollo#ing

    strat"gi"s to h"lp spport st!"nts #ho !ispla$ at/ris b"ha'ior:

    D )o%%nicat" #ith &""!"r schools. 1h" b"st pr"!ictor o& &tr" b"ha'ior is past

    b"ha'ior. Aggr"ssi'" %i!!l" l"'"l st!"nts b"co%" aggr"ssi'" high school st!"nts #ithi%pr"ssi'" consist"nc$. Ac=ir" an! s" th" !isciplin" an! int"r'"ntion !ata &ro% &""!"r

    schools to pr"par" b"ha'ioral spports. It is b"tt"r to ha'" pr"'"nti'" spports in plac"an! r"!c" or r"%o'" th"% as n"c"ssar$ than to b" &orc"! into a r"acti'" position a&t"r an


    D s" o&&ic" !isciplinar$ !ata to gi!" int"r'"ntions. 1hos" !ata can sho# a!%inistratorsth" &r"="nc$ o& aggr"ssi'" b"ha'iors, locations o& probl"%s, t$p"s o& aggr"ssi'"

    probl"%s, st!"nts in'ol'"!, an! sta&& %"%b"rs #ho ar" %aing r"&"rrals.

    D @ro'i!" sills training to chronic &ight"rs. Man$ &rstrat"! a!%inistrators %a" th"

    %ista" o& b"li"'ing that th" pro%is" o& s"riosl$ a'"rsi'" cons"="nc"s/sch asssp"nsion, citation, an! "plsion/#ill con'inc" a st!"nt to control his or h"r

    aggr"ssi'" b"ha'ior. It is i%portant to r"%"%b"r that %anaging "c"ssi'" ang"r r"=ir"s

    cogniti'" an! b"ha'ioral sills that %st b" s$st"%aticall$ l"arn"! o'"r ti%".

    )ons"="ntl$, ang"r %anag"%"nt sills training is an i%portant co%pon"nt o& an"&&"cti'" school #i!" !isciplin" plan.

    In!icat"! Spports

    St!"nts #ho ha'" s"'"r" an! p"r'asi'" probl"%s #ith ang"r an! aggr"ssion t$picall$

    %a" p no %or" than 3/5 p"rc"nt o& th" school poplation, bt th"$ ha'" th" pot"ntial to

    occp$ a !isproportionat" p"rc"ntag" o& th" a!%inistratorGs ti%". 1h"s" strat"gi"s canh"lp a!%inistrators =icl$ i!"nti&$ thos" st!"nts an! int"r'"n" to g"t th"% th" h"lp

    th"$ n""!:

    D St!"nts #ho ha'" i!"nti&i"! b"ha'ioral chall"ng"s, incl!ing aggr"ssion, shol! ha'"p/to/!at" b"ha'ior int"r'"ntion plans +I@s. 1h"s" plans shol! b" !ri'"n b$ &nctional

    b"ha'ioral ass"ss%"nts an! !"scrib" th" scop" an! sbstanc" o& classroo% an! school

    #i!" positi'" b"ha'ioral spports. 1h" I@ %st b" co%%nicat"! to all sta&& %"%b"rs#ho int"ract #ith th" st!"nt, an! its cont"nt shol! b" &ollo#"! an! %o!i&i"! as

    n"c"ssar$. Failr" to %aintain an! &ollo# th" I@ !"pri'"s th" st!"nt o& "ntitl"! spport

    an! can l"a'" a school op"n to l"gal probl"%s in th" "'"nt o& a s"rios inci!"nt.

    D *nsr" that t"ach"rs ar" sill"! in crisis r"spons". @roc"!r"s &or cl"aring roo%s an!contacting spport p"rsonn"l shol! b" cl"arl$ articlat"!. Man$ local la# "n&orc"%"nt

    ag"nci"s #ill train school p"rsonn"l in sa&", "&&"cti'" r"straint an! transportation

    proc"!r"s. School ps$chologists %a$ h"lp train oth"r sta&& %"%b"rs in "%otional !"/"scalation t"chni="s.

    )harg" to A!%inistrators

  • 8/12/2019 Angry and Aggressive Students


    6""p in %in! that %ost, i& not all, o& "'"n th" %ost 'olatil" st!"nts #ol! rath"r not g"t

    into a &ight in school. St!"nts no# that &ighting is a pain&l "n!"a'or that has s"rios
