animal abc book


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Post on 21-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Animal abc book
Page 2: Animal abc book

A-aardwolfA aardwolf has a yellowish coat with a stripe running along the back and extending to the tip of the tail. It has three black stripes that run vertically along its sides. Also with stripes on his legs. It is related to the hyena.

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B-Brazilian tapir The Brazilian

Tapir has a short fleshy trunk formed from the nose and upper lip, the body is short and stout. It is a good swimmer and diver but moves fast on land. You can find it near water or around swamps.

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C-crow piedThe crow pied is mostly black in color with a white hind neck and mantle. It is also known as the small crow-sized raven.

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D-dingoA dingo is a reddish-brown wild dog. The dogs coat is soft. The dogs coat can also can be yellow-ginger but can also be tan, black, or white including an occasional brindle. They have white hair on their feet and tip of their tail. The dingo's eyes are yellow or orange. Dingo's do not have due claws.

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E-ermineThe ermine is other known as short-tailed weasel. It has a black tipped tail, a long body with short legs, and fur is dark brown during summer and turns white during winter.

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F-fennec foxThe fennec fox other wise known as the desert fox. It is the smallest member in the fox family. The fennec is dust colored which helps it blend into its natural habitat the Sahara desert. The fennec also has thick fur on its feet to protect it from the hot sand.

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G-guarThe gaur is a large dark coated forest animal. They are said to look like a water buffalo at the front and a domestic cattle at the back. They are the heaviest and most powerful of all wild cattle. They have dark brown coats and are short and dense. They also have shoulder humps

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H-hyraxThe hyrax is very similar to the rabbit but with short rounded ears. Some of its distinguishing features include feet with flattened nails that resemble hooves. It is about the size of a small dog. Its name comes from rabbit-sized mammals. There are 14 different hyrax species.

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I-impala The impala is a antelope who lives in the grassland and near woodlands. Impalas are reddish-brown with black and white markings. Ears, eyes, chin, throat, and belly are white. From the middle of the lower back to the tail and on the back of each thigh they have black stripes.

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J-jaguarundi The jaguarundi is a medium sized wild cat, it is about double the size of a large housecat. Its body is slender, its head and ear are small. It has two color phases brownish-gray and chestnut. The jaguarundi is also known as the otter cat.

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K-kinkajouThe kinkajou is thought to look like a cross between a bear cub in the face an otter in the body and a monkey with its long tail. The kinkajou is also known as the sugar bear, or the honey bear. It is about the size of a house cat. Its life span is about 23 years.

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L-lily trotterThe lily trotter has very long toes and claws making it able to walk on the floating leaves of water plants. They live on the surface of ponds where lily pads and other plants grow. These birds can fly but do not fly very often.

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M-marmotThe marmot is related to the chipmunk, and the prairie dog. They usually live in burrows, in families of about a dozen. They are also called ground hogs or woodchucks.

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N-nilgaiThe nilgai has a is yellow-brown with girls and blue-gray with boys as they mature. They have thin legs and a strong body. They have white spots on their cheeks and white coloring on the edges of their lips. They also have a white throat bib and a white stripe along the body.

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O-ocelotTwice the size of an average house cat the ocelot is a sleek wild cat with a beautiful coat. The ocelot is unlike most cats by it not trying to avoid water but it can also swim. They have large, pointed fangs for killing their prey.

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P-pickerel frog The pickerel frog is a medium sized gray or tan frog with markings from seven to twenty-one unusual markings. A line extends along its upper jaw and its hind legs are banded. The frog is usually confused with the leopard frog.

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Q-quollThe quoll is also known as the tiger cat. They are reddish brown to chocolate brown with white spots on its body and tail. It is a carnivorous marsupial. In north Queensland it is known as a mythical beast.

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R-razorbillThe razorbill has a thick black bill that is blunt at the end. The tail is pointed. In the winter the face turns white. The birds forage for food by swimming under water. They mainly eat fish, herring, and capelin.

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S-sugar gliderThe sugar gliders are related to kangaroos and the koala bear. The females have a pouch on their belly's where their have their babies until they are two and a half years old. Male sugar gliders go bald!!! They all have four fingers and opposable thumbs.

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T-tri colored heron The tri-colored

heron have bluish-gray beaks. They have big red eyes and pinkish-gray legs and feet, dark head and a white stripe on their neck. It eats fish, crust oceans, reptiles, insects.

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U-uakariThe uakari is a common name for new world monkey. The tail is 15-18cm long, and their bodies are 40-45cm long. Their bodies are covered with long hair but their heads, faces are bald. Their bald faces almost look as if it were a scalp

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V-vulpes veloxThe vulpes velox is usually found in Canada. They are grey on the top and orange-tan on the sides. In the summer the fur is short with more reddish gray. The nose is small with a black spot on each side.

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W-wobbegongBecause of it being so hidden people sometimes step on the shark on accident step on the shark. The shark bites and leaves and nasty wound. Their teeth are small but very sharp. The color of the shark is the color of rocks, sand ,and seaweed.

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X-Xiphosuran The horseshoe crab also known as the king crab are usually found off the coast of east North America. Despite the name horse shoe crab they are closely related to the spider and scorpion than it is the crab. They are important to the ocean food chain.

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Y-yapokThey have a rat like tail and a long body. Their fur is water repellent. It catches fish by diving under water to catch them. The females have pouches that can close so their babies do not fall out or drown.

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Z-zebuThe zebu has a large hump on its back above the shoulders, short horns and a flap of hanging skin under its neck. Their color can be mixture of black or gray. They have long legs and they are a source of milk and meat.