
1) Caretta Caretta!!! …..the loggerhead sea turtle or caretta caretta lives in the Mediterranean Sea and nests in Greece. It is about one metre long and weighs about a hundred kilos. Its shell is red-brown, it has got lungs and breathes air and moves with its front and rear flippers. It lays its eggs on land, on beaches in Zakynthos, Peloponnesus and Crete. Each sea turtle lays about 115 eggs every two or three years, but there are many dangers for the baby turtles. Only one out of a thousand baby sea turtles survives and there are only about 4.000 caretta caretta sea turtles in Greece today.

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Animals

1) Caretta Caretta!!!

…..the loggerhead sea turtle or caretta caretta lives in the Mediterranean Sea and nests in Greece. It is about one metre long and weighs about a

hundred kilos. Its shell is red-brown, it has got lungs and breathes air and moves with its front and rear flippers. It lays its eggs on land, on beaches

in Zakynthos, Peloponnesus and Crete. Each sea turtle lays about 115 eggs every two or three years, but there are many dangers for the baby turtles. Only one out of a thousand baby sea turtles survives and there are only

about 4.000 caretta caretta sea turtles in Greece today.

Page 2: Animals

2) Monachus-monachus

Monachus-monachus lives in the Mediterranean Sea. Its colour is brown or grey. It lives forty five years. It is three metres long and weighs 300 kilos. It eats octopuses and squids. It has one baby (pup). There are only 250 Monachus-monachus seals in Greece today.

Page 3: Animals


The giant panda lives in the mountains in southwest China. It weighs from 86 or 125 kilos. It is 1,20 to 1,90 metres tall. Its colour is white and black .The giant panda eats bamboo every day. It lives about twenty years .There are 1,600 pandas in the world. It is in danger because of the destruction of the forests and the illegal hunting !!!!

Page 4: Animals

4) The brown bear

The Greek brown bear is an endangered species. It lives on the mountains of Pindos and Rodopi. It can be up to two metres long and two hundred and fifty kilos. It generally eats grass, but it also eats ants, fish and small animals. It has one or two babies (cubs) every two or three years. Baby cubs can’t see and they weigh two or three hundred grams. There are only one hundred and eighty brown bears in Greece today.