annual general… · made by g...

Annual General Meeting March 16th 2020 1 April ~ 31 Dec 2019

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Page 1: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

Annual General MeetingMarch 16th 2020

1 April ~ 31 Dec 2019

Page 2: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

Hamilton Pastoral & Agricultural Society Inc.Established 1858

Annual Report: 1st April to 31st December 2019

CHAIRMAN MrTimHutton,Bochara

PRESIDENTSSheepvention/SheepShow MrWillKinghorn,Byaduk VICE PRESIDENTS Sheepvention/SheepShow MsKathrynRobertson,Strathkellar

TREASURER MrDarrenSchurmann,Hamilton


SOCIETY’SOFFICE HamiltonShowgrounds,HornerSt,Hamilton PostalAddress:POBox276,Hamilton,3300 Phone:(03)55722563Fax:(03)55722989

Email:[email protected]

OFFICEHOURS:General: Monday,Tuesday&Thursday10amto4pm

Sheepvention: MondaytoFriday10amto4pm MaytoAugust

AUDITORS CoggerGurry,CharteredAccountants GraySt,Hamilton

Page 3: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded





1. WelcomebyChairman

2. Apologies

3. MinutesoflastAnnualGeneralMeeting(29May2019)

4. Reports

4.1 Chairman

4.2 SheepventionPresident

5. FinancialReport

6. NominationsofCouncilMembersandotherCorrespondence

7. ElectionofOfficeBearers.

7.1 Allpositionsdeclaredvacant.

7.2 NominationofChairmanforElectionofOfficeBearers

7.3 NominationsforPositionsofOfficeBearers

7.4 ElectionofOfficeBearers Executive/OfficeBearersfor2020 Chairman ……………………… Treasurer/PublicOfficer ……………………… CouncilMember1. ……………………… CouncilMember2. ……………………… CouncilMember3. ……………………… CouncilMember4. ……………………… CouncilMember5 ……………………… CouncilMember6 ……………………… CouncilMember7 ……………………… CouncilMember8 ……………………… SheepventionPresident KathrynRobertson SheepventionVicePresident DavidBotterill

Page 4: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

8. ElectionofAdministrationRoles


9. ElectionofRepresentativesShowgroundsAdvisoryCommittee HamiltonShowgroundsAdvisoryCommittee(UsersCommitteeincorporatingUmpiresClub, LionsClub,GymClubandBrassBand,HAKOandSES)

…….….….…….……......... …………………………….

10. ElectionofanAuditor



12. GeneralBusiness

13. Closeofmeeting

Page 5: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded



PRESENT: THutton(Chair),KRainsford,TBaulch,RStewart,PGuthrie,C&VWhitehead,KRobertson,WKinghorn,GLast,PBaulch,SBaulch,PMibus,DSchurmann,JCrawford,TheaChristie,DavidBotterill,GeoffBotterill,DanielMirtschin,GeoffNagorcka,DavidJenkin,DonRobertson,RosemaryLangley,IanChristie,PeterChris-tie,RaeChristie,RobertLyons,MarilynLyons,SteveCottonSTAFF;AFrost,SAllen











MovedPBaulchthatthefinancialreportbereceived.SecondedSteveCotton CARRIED

Page 6: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded


7.1 POSITIONSDECLAREDVACANT TimHuttondeclaredallpositionsvacant.

7.2 NOMINATIONOFCHAIRMANFORTHEELECTIONOFOFFICEBEARERS THuttoninvitedDRobertsontotakethevacatedchairfortheelectionofOfficeBearers fortheyear2019.




TREASURER Mr.DSchurmann nom.byTHutton ELECTED

SHEEPVENTIONPRESIDENT MrWKinghornelectedattheNov‘17GeneralMeeting


EXECUTIVEMEMBERS (8positions) SCotton GLast TChristie-HillKRainsford DBotterill DMirtschinLPrice


9. ELECTIONOFREPRESENTATIVESFORSHOWGROUNDSADVISORYCOMMITTEE HamiltonShowgroundsAdvisoryCommittee(UsersCommitteeincorporatingSWUmpiresClub, LionsClub,CanineClub,HamiltonBrass,SES,HamiltonP&ASocietyandShireofSouthern Grampians)BusinessManagerandChairman nom.byDRobertson ELECTED

Page 7: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded


PBaulchmovedtoappointCoggerGurryasauditor.SecondWKinghorn CARRIED

11. MEMBERSHIPSUBSCRIPTIONFOR2020MovedDRobertsontoincreasethemembershipto$65perannum.Councilmembersto$45.

Seconded:DShurmann.Discussionregardingtheincreasewillbefrom2020fornextyear’sSheepvention.AnamendmentwasmadebyGLasttofurtherincreasethemembershipto$70andCouncilmembers$50SecondedKRobert-son.Theamendmentbecamethemotion,themotionwasputforward. CARRIED

11.1NOTICEOFMOTION:NoticeisherebygiventhatattheupcomingAGMitisintendedthattheHamiltonP&ASocietyfinancialyearwillchangetothecalendaryeareffective1stJanuary2020MovedPBaulchSecondedWKinghorn CARRIED



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Page 9: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded










Page 10: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

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Page 11: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

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Page 12: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

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Page 13: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

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Page 14: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

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Page 15: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

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Page 16: Annual General… · made by G Last to further increase the membership to $70 and Council members $50 Seconded

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*Christie, CW 1996






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Contact Details

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MembershipPhilip Bade 03 5577 2233 0487 498 002 [email protected]/609126Brian Ball 0429 181 742 [email protected] Baulch 03 5578 6346 0428 815 047 [email protected],250002Topsy (G.A.) Baulch 03 5571 2517 0400 488 921 [email protected] Beggs 03 5577 8222 0429 025 056 03 5577 8313 [email protected],250234Geoff Botterill 03 5579 1477 0429 191 227 [email protected],250007David Botterill 03 5579 1477 0409 826 239 [email protected] Brook 03 5574 1261 0488 741 261 03 5574 1212 [email protected],250010Roger Brown 03 5572 1775 0418 345 884 [email protected],250011Ian Christie 0428 487 728 [email protected],250260Peter Christie 0427 748 881 [email protected] Christie 03 5578 7224 0403 753 223 [email protected] Coates 0407 321 352 [email protected] Colclough 5572 3351 0407 742 233 [email protected],250014Mark Condon 0427 345 903 [email protected] Cotton 03 55711 760 0447 352 321 [email protected] Crawford 03 5574 0241 0407 142 047 03 5574 0212 [email protected],250016Will Crawford 0438539280 2019Leo Cummins 03 5574 1223 [email protected] Cush 03 5572 5132 0408 607 558 [email protected] Deppeler 03 5578 2212 0408 334 258 [email protected],250240Shirley Foster 03 5582 0200 0417 820 240 [email protected],250019Jill Frawley 03 5578 6334 0407 540 915 [email protected] Gardner 03 5576 3273 2017-200163,250163Gary Gebert 03 5573 4532 0407 504 047 [email protected] Gebert 03 5573 4532 0400 999 664 [email protected] Gordon 0355 782211 0417 142 863 [email protected] Gough 03 5578 6267 0409 786 267 03 5578 6259 [email protected] Guthrie 03 5578 4236 0400523113 [email protected] Harris 03 5571 9823 0427 719 823 [email protected] David Hutton 0439 765 230 [email protected] Jenkin 03 5572 3729 0407504899 [email protected],250023Will Kinghorn 03 5578 7214 0488 433 293 [email protected] Langley 03 5575 8216 0427 758 216 03 5575 8219 [email protected] Last 0407 578 202 [email protected] Linke 03 5573 5294 0457 050 424 [email protected],250147Barry Little 03 5572 3365 0427 723 365 [email protected] MacLeod 03 5577 4484 0428 528 676 [email protected] McCrae 03 5574 1240 0418 540 790 [email protected],200187Simon Menzel 03 55722661 0428 722 661 [email protected],250045


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MembershipMurray Menzel 03 5572 3980 0417 369 426 03 5572 2544 [email protected],250028Peter Mibus 03 5573 3212 0428 733 371 [email protected] Milne 03 5578 6327 0428 786 327 [email protected],250046Daniel Mirtschin 03 5578 7273 0458 848 990 [email protected] Moyle 03 5574 8203 0417 840 230 03 5574 8203 2017-200029,250029Wayne Munro 5578 6316 0409 565 701 5578 6396 [email protected],250030Andrew Nagorcka 5573 5218 0407 504 554 [email protected],250047Jeffrey Nagorcka 03 5572 2964 0427 733 293 [email protected],250047Jackie O'Brien 0488 784 947 [email protected] O'Connell 0417 088 569 [email protected] Parker 03 5571 9808 0429 992 477 [email protected] Paton 03 5576 1050 0408 418 766 [email protected] Patterson 03 5574 0277 0438 740 212 [email protected] Price 03 5576 1115 0429 406 980 [email protected],250192Katrina Rainsford 03 5574 1256 0429 741 256 [email protected] Rendell [email protected],250358Kathryn Robertson 0427 096 350 [email protected] Robertson 03 5574 8218 0427 872 668 03 5574 8248 [email protected],250032Luke Schneider 0418 583 937Peter Schroeder 03 5572 3825 0419 723 825 [email protected] Schroeder 0410 444 581 [email protected] Schurmann 03 5573 5215 0457 346 347 [email protected] Schurmann 0428 528 906 [email protected] Stewart 0419 530 841 [email protected],250037Jessica Sutherland 03 5575 0222 0409 750 222 [email protected] Tonissen 03 5573 4586 03 5573 4543 [email protected],250039Jason Tonissen 03 5573 4540 0407 320 522 03 5573 4540 [email protected],250040Lyle Walter 03 5572 3313 2017-200041,250041Dean Wedding 03 9434 6048 0419 375 229 [email protected] Whale 0409 592 361 [email protected] Whitehead 03 5573 4531 0419 518 004 03 5573 4531 [email protected],250042








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Contact Details

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MembershipEnnerdale Pty Ltd 03 5599 5333 0418 168 145 [email protected] CollegeJM EllisMitchell A'Vard 03 5886 9234 0456 026 055 03 5886 9234 [email protected],250273Karen Agnew 08 8734 3027 0427 973 340 [email protected],250186Patricia Anderson 03 5571 9674 0412 007 619 [email protected] Bade 03 5577 2233 0487 498 002 [email protected]/609126Tony Bagnall 03 5574 8279 0458 935 605 [email protected],250319Anthony Bagnall [email protected] Baker 0439 752 576 [email protected],250277Brian Ball 0429 181 742 [email protected] Barber 0417 382 683 [email protected],250063Cherry Barber 0417 382 683 [email protected] Barty 03 5425 3127 0400 096 637 03 5425 3127 [email protected],250088Philip Baulch 03 5578 6346 0428 815 047 [email protected],250002Topsy (G.A.) Baulch 03 5571 2517 0400 488 921 [email protected] Baulch 03 5578 6346 0417 372 153 2019Mick Bawden 08 8738 4103 0400 228 611 [email protected],200004Wendy Beer 03 5768 2619 0401 815 050 [email protected],250247Hugh Beggs 03 55 778 238 0427 778 238 [email protected]/608125Richard Beggs 03 5577 8222 0429 025 056 03 5577 8313 [email protected],250234Jan Bell 0427 184 142 2019Chris Bensch 0429 165 586 [email protected] Black 03 9525 0043 [email protected],250006Ian Black 03 5572 1168 [email protected] Blake 03 5572 2513 2017-200140,250140Geoff Botterill 03 5579 1477 0429 191 227 [email protected],250007David Botterill 03 5579 1477 0409 826 239 [email protected] Botterill 0439 384 375 [email protected] Boyd 0403 234 452 [email protected],250281Cathie Boyd 0403538717 [email protected] Boyer 0419 565 450 [email protected],250263Kay Braendler 0429 622 140 [email protected] Braid [email protected] Branson 0427 164 031 [email protected],250286Gordon Branson 0488 992 767 [email protected],250183Elizabeth Brennan 0400 772 128 [email protected] Brewis 03 5574 8235 0419 379 728 [email protected] Brewis 0427 748 240 [email protected] Brewis


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MembershipMalcolm Brinkmann 03 5572 2843 0407 975 630 [email protected] Bromell 0409 441 819 [email protected],250008J.S Bromell 03 5568 1327 0458 781 327 [email protected] Brook 03 5574 1261 0488 741 261 03 5574 1212 [email protected],250010Roger Brown 03 5572 1775 0418 345 884 [email protected],250011Paul Brown 03 5435 5675 0418 516 374 [email protected],250182Lachlan Brown 0409 645 915 [email protected] Brown 0438 375 688 [email protected] Brumley 03 5572 5481 2019Alison Brumley 03 5574 2270 2019Colin Bull 0427 512 537 [email protected] Burgin 03 5572 2210 2017 - 200012,250012Peter Button 08 8853 2130 0419 842 246 [email protected],250194Howard Caldow 03 5572 1801 0438 581 981 [email protected],250323Dean Cameron 03 5570 1221 0439 725 886 [email protected],250243Eric Causer 03 5571 9050 2019Debbie Chenoweth 0439 741 208 [email protected],250248Rachel Chirgwin 0428 600 265 [email protected] Lyle Christie 03 5572 4565 0409 742 474 [email protected],250013John Christie 03 5578 7265 0428 352 283 03 5578 7282 [email protected] Christie 0428 487 728 [email protected],250260Elizabeth Christie 03 787 265 0428 280 438 [email protected] -Peter Christie 0427 748 881 [email protected] Christie 03 5571 2098Ainslie ChristieLynette Christie [email protected] Christie 03 5578 7224 0403 753 223 [email protected] Clark 03 5572 2018 0418 106 240 [email protected] Clark 0407 821 151 [email protected],250311Joy Clark 0408 365 990 [email protected],250310James Clark [email protected] Coates 03 5574 2382 0409 642 382 [email protected] Coates 0407 321 352 [email protected] Coggins 03 5578 8237 0438 003 945 [email protected] Coggins 0400 568 672 [email protected],250196Ian Colclough 5572 3351 0407 742 233 [email protected],250014Nicholas Cole 03 5593 9278 [email protected],250294Michael Collins 03 5344 7204 0438 447 204 [email protected] Condon 0427 345 903 [email protected] Corcoran 0438 647 333 [email protected],250287


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MembershipSimone Cotter 0438 516 922 [email protected],250242Steve Cotton 03 55711 760 0447 352 321 [email protected] Cowley 03 5594 6250 0407 946 250 [email protected] Coy 2018-4115/606123Chelsea Crane 2017-200075,250075Pauline Crawford 03 5574 9213 2019Bill Crawford 03 5574 0241 0407 142 047 03 5574 0212 [email protected],250016Jenny Crawford 03 5574 0241 0407 142 047 [email protected],250299Will Crawford 0438539280 2019Wayne Croft 03 5562 9761 0428 291 808 [email protected],250334Marius Cuming 0400 305 716 [email protected],250305Leo Cummins 03 5574 1223 [email protected] Cush 03 5572 5132 0408 607 558 [email protected] & J Davey 03 5452 2438 0427 522 438Rod Davies 08 8764 6050 0467 646 026 08 8764 6050 [email protected],250191Murray Davis 03 5583 3250 [email protected] Davis 0467646026 08 87646050 [email protected] Day 0428 521 630 [email protected],250107Lynette Dehnert 0422 184 920 [email protected],250251Graeme Dehnert 0458 050 287 [email protected],250291Lyndal Delahoy [email protected] Delany 03 5572 1965 0437 619 700 2017-200017,250017Douglas Deppeler 0418 352 429 [email protected],250237Michael Deppeler 03 5578 2212 0408 334 258 [email protected],250240Lorelle Deppler [email protected],250238Matt Dickinson 03 5338 0936 0427 110 096 [email protected],250124Keith Diprose 03 5426 5382 [email protected] Diprose 55 778 200 2019Barbara Dohle 2017-200018,250018Joel Donnan 03 5081 2255 0428 514 406 [email protected],250070Nick Dophiede 03 55711 503 0417 133 879 [email protected] Downes 03 5571 1925 0419 152 945 [email protected] Eagle 0427 844 226 [email protected],250290James Earl 03 5574 2298 0437 193 817 [email protected] Eats 03 5574 1226 0458 741 226 03 5574 1266 [email protected] Edwards 03 5577 8225 2019Murray Elliott 03 5572 4716 [email protected] Ellis 03 5266 1562 50400 871 653 [email protected],250188David Elsom 03 5576 3264 0418 373 343 03 5576 3254 [email protected],250096Janet Evans 03 5572 2615 2019


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MembershipDavid R. Fenton 03 5570 0534 0438 810 871 [email protected] Fenton 03 5571 1793 0438 786 243 [email protected] Ferguson 0438 833 194 [email protected],250198Darren FergusonWarwick Fisher 03 5422 2931 2019Peter Fitzgerald 03 5588 0227 03 5588 0227 [email protected] Ford 03 5573 4508 0419 734 508 2017-200051,250051John Ford 0418 110 934 [email protected],250203Shirley Foster 03 5582 0200 0417 820 240 [email protected],250019Graham Foster 03 5582 0200 0417 820 240 [email protected] Franklin 0428 721 726 [email protected] Frawley 03 5578 6334 0407 540 915 [email protected] Freeman 0407 685 228 [email protected],250250Anthony Frost 0429 778 359 2019Stephen Funke 08 8758 2032 0418 853 980 [email protected],250181Johnny Gardiner 0418 508 923 [email protected] Gardner 03 5574 2398 0427 742 307 03 5574 2307 2017-200134,250134Andrew Gardner 03 5576 3273 2017-200163,250163Johnny GardnerGary Gebert 03 5573 4532 0407 504 047 [email protected] Gebert 03 5573 4532 0400 999 664 [email protected] Gibbons 03 5572 3027 2017-200303,250303Esther Glasgow 0488 578 328 [email protected],250174Stephen Glen 03 5476 4261 0427 047 616 [email protected],250275Simon Gloster 2019Trevor Gordon 03 5574 9236 2019David Gordon 0355 782211 0417 142 863 [email protected] Gorrie 03 5573 4592 0437 528 091 2019Jim Gough 03 5578 6267 0409 786 267 03 5578 6259 [email protected] Graham 03 5576 8538 0409 768 538 2019Craig Grant 03 5570 4227 0427 704 227 03 5570 4227 [email protected] Grant 03 5570 4221 0448 704 227 [email protected],250184Dursilla GreenDrusilla Green 0419 705 298 [email protected] Griffin 0412 065 803 [email protected] Gubbins 03 5350 5531 0428 593 913 03 5350 5551 [email protected] Gubbins 03 5578 8223 0419 539 494 [email protected] Gubbins 03 55788 223 [email protected] Guthrie 03 5578 4236 0400523113 [email protected] Habel 03 5572 5067 2017-200020,250020


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Contact Details

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MembershipBarbara Hall 03 5551 2737 0427 329 414 [email protected],200162Bill Hamill 03 5573 0943 0417 103 270 03 5573 0962 [email protected],250122Geoff Handbury AO 03 5571 1415 0418 526 885 03 5571 9136 2017-200021,250021R.J. Harding 03 5392 9271 0417 565 805 2017-200114,250114Alan Harris 03 5433 2860 0417 058 780 [email protected],250268Nigel Harris 03 5571 9823 0427 719 823 [email protected] Harris 0417 142 677 [email protected] Hartwich 03 5354 4254 0403 434 401 [email protected],250084Robert Hartwich 0407 141 106 [email protected],250048Phil Hartwich 03 5354 4218 0428 544 218 [email protected],250259Graeme Harvey 03 5265 1366 0407 840 910 [email protected] Hawker 03 5393 1399 0409 931 250 03 5393 1391 [email protected],250173Erroll Hay 03 5436 9250 0457 436 925 2017-200269,250269J.A.G Haydon 03 5577 4247 2017-200022,250022Ian Heard 0427 774 314 2019Paul Hendy 0429 948 765 [email protected],250087Peter Henry 0408 742 288 2017-200312,250312Jon Herrmann 0418 742 320 [email protected],150052Ted Heywood 03 53 333 278 0427 300 867 [email protected],250023Jack Hickey 2019Jonno Hicks 0428 922 366 [email protected],250270Kane Hildred 0423 242 427 [email protected],250228Colin Hildson 03 5572 2725 0488 055 867 [email protected],250138Mathew Hill 03 5384 3202 0488 159 853 [email protected],250297Gary Hill 03 5578 7224 0427 761 302 [email protected] Hilsdon 03 5572 3369 0400 512 243 [email protected] Hiscock 03 5573 4575 2019Bryan Hobbs 03 5572 1363 0419 337 757 [email protected] & Jannie Hodgson 0419 947 144 [email protected],250073Roland Hope 03 5575 0200 0408 750 204 [email protected],250093Will Howell 03 5568 5284 0409 556 852 [email protected] Humbert 03 5436 6255 0428 512 721 03 5436 6225 [email protected],250058Timothy David Hutton 0439 765 230 [email protected] Hynes 0418 546 028 [email protected] Jackson 0408 030 092 [email protected],250258Carol Jackson 03 5354 2578 0458 013 275 [email protected],250179David Jackson 03 5571 2813 [email protected] James 0428 791 378 [email protected] Jenke 0428 696 031 [email protected],250285David Jenkin 03 5572 3729 0407504899 [email protected],250023


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MembershipWal Jenkin 08 8738 9363 0407 612 844 2017-200202,250202Dean Jenkinson 03 5572 3109 0419 386 329 [email protected] Johnston 53 339 229 2019Tim Jorgensen 03 5397 5224 0429 188 319 [email protected],250199Rhonda Keller 03 5334 6422 0438 459 018 [email protected],250292Kim Kelly 03 5599 8218 0428 998 218 [email protected] Kelly 08 8764 2027 0447 497 744 [email protected],250244John Kelsall 03 5574 2394 2017-200025,250025Tania King 03 5560 6200 0429 720 062 [email protected],250255Will Kinghorn 03 5578 7214 0488 433 293 [email protected] Kinghorn 03 5578 7214 0418 543 792 [email protected],250100Sally Kinghorn 03 5551 8343 0439 634 454 03 5551 8229 [email protected] Koehler 08 8537 3232 0407 099 465 08 8535 8204 [email protected],250094Reagan Kyle 03 5157 7579 0407 846 016 03 5157 7605 [email protected],250256Ian Kyle 0407 846 016 [email protected] Laidlaw 03 5576 1090 0432 341 051 2017-200091,250091Andrew Lakin 03 5429 1397 0437 508 130 [email protected],250252Rosemary Langley 03 5575 8216 0427 758 216 03 5575 8219 [email protected] Langley 03 5575 8216 0427 758 219 03 5575 8219 [email protected] Last 0407 578 202 [email protected] Last 0429 970 129 [email protected] Lean 03 5571 2170 0428 838 262 [email protected],250072Barbara Leaver 03 5568 5284 0439 108 097 2019S.A Leigh 03 5249 1380 0427 491 380 2017-200276,250276David Leigh 0427 491 380John Lewis 03 5572 3757 0421 082 448 [email protected],250119Graham Lewis 0488 785 234 [email protected] Linke 03 5573 5294 0457 050 424 [email protected],250147Robyn Linke 0419 160 363 [email protected] Little 03 5572 3365 0427 723 365 [email protected] Lubcke 0427388905 [email protected] LuckockRobert Lyons 0427322809 2019David J. Lyons 03 5574 3236 0418 549 566 03 5574 3208 [email protected],250170Finlay MacDonald 03 5348 7630 0418 769 707 [email protected],250090Sandy MacKirdy 03 5572 3553 03 5572 5940 [email protected],250113Kevin MacLeod 0417 535 448 2017-200306,250306Duncan MacLeod 03 5577 4484 0428 528 676 [email protected] MacLeod 0407 786 314 [email protected] MacRae 03 5423 2222 0438 511 931 [email protected],250278


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MembershipLachlan McCrae 03 5574 1240 0418 540 790 [email protected],200187Beth McDonald 03 5574 2236 0428957923 [email protected],250089Ellie McDonald 03 5359 5369 0427 666 470 [email protected],250257John McFarlane 03 5573 3237 2017-200027,250027Ross McGauchie 03 5436 8270 0428 368 270 [email protected],250083George McKenzie 03 5342 2265 0428 940 066 [email protected],250126Bridget McKenzie 0488 901 798 2017-200235,250235D.W McKinnon 03 5447 7615 0408 507 655 03 5447 8398 2017-200210,250210Megan McLarty 03 5571 1353 0419 312 903 [email protected] McMeel [email protected] McRae 03 5496 6232 0429 957 874 03 5496 6280 [email protected],250212Simon Menzel 03 55722661 0428 722 661 [email protected],250045Murray Menzel 03 5572 3980 0417 369 426 03 5572 2544 [email protected],250028Jennifer Menzel 03 5572 4407 0418 363 959 [email protected] Menzel [email protected] Mibus 03 5573 3212 0428 733 371 [email protected] Mibus 0400 694 567 [email protected] Millear 0428 541 462 [email protected],250298Steve Milne 03 5578 6327 0428 786 327 [email protected],250046Daniel Mirtschin 03 5578 7273 0458 848 990 [email protected] Mitchell 0419 331 435 [email protected],250221Jo Moore 0438 787 258 [email protected],200316Margaret Moreton 03 5350 2283David Morrison 03 5572 2211 0417 358 471 03 5572 5067 [email protected] Mosele 03 9787 4772 0449 757 880 [email protected] Motman 2019Graeme Moyle 03 5574 8203 0417 840 230 03 5574 8203 2017-200029,250029Nick Moyle 0417 802 218 [email protected] Munro 5578 6316 0409 565 701 5578 6396 [email protected],250030Andrew Nagorcka 5573 5218 0407 504 554 [email protected],250047Jeffrey Nagorcka 03 5572 2964 0427 733 293 [email protected],250047Paul Nagorcka 03 5573 5271 0408 735 271 2017-200155,250155Tom Napier 2019Ian Nitschke 08 8733 2237 0408 898 030 [email protected],250267Geoff Notman 03 5338 7609 0408 501 526 [email protected],250223Jackie O'Brien 0488 784 947 [email protected] O'Connell 0417 088 569 [email protected] O'Regan [email protected] Oliver 03 5577 2430 0427 772 430 03 5577 2480 [email protected] Parker 03 5571 9808 0429 992 477 [email protected]


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MembershipTracy Parker 03 5586 4269 0429 899 513 [email protected] Pascoe 0427 220 140 [email protected],250249Rowland Paterson 03 5354 1438 0428 177 264 03 5354 1549 [email protected],250111Knox Paton 03 5576 1050 0408 418 766 [email protected]. (Banjo) Patterson 03 5573 0730 0428 107 726 [email protected] Patterson 03 5574 0277 0438 740 212 [email protected] Payne 03 5574 8233 0428 748 233 03 5574 8233 [email protected] Pearce 08 8389 4175 0467 600 061 [email protected] Phillips 03 5354 0519 0419 837 791 2019Graeme Phillips 03 5354 0519 0427 529 824 03 5354 0609 2017-250165,200165Jenni Pike [email protected] Pike [email protected] Plumridge 03 5500 7291 0429 861 435 [email protected],200315Robert Plush 03 5575 0208 2017-200321,250321Robert PlushRobert Plush 0428 750 208 [email protected] Porter 03 5350 7542 0429 885 750 [email protected] Price 0439 721 886 [email protected] Price 03 5576 1115 0429 406 980 [email protected],250192Barry Price 0428 764 233 03 5576 4232 2017-200219,250219Noel Price 03 5576 4215 2019Katrina Rainsford 03 5574 1256 0429 741 256 [email protected] Ralph 03 5560 6241 0429 720 062 [email protected],250280Helen Raven 0427 356 604 [email protected],250288John Raymond 03 5572 1801Owen Rees 03 5576 3280 0438 827 711 [email protected],250284David Rendell [email protected],250358Tania Renstch 0409 895 556 [email protected],250241Kathryn Robertson 0427 096 350 [email protected] Robertson 0409 381 523 [email protected] Robertson 03 5574 8218 0427 872 668 03 5574 8248 [email protected],250032Tom Robertson 03 5576 3226 0438 357 093 03 5576 3250 2017-200033,250033Peter Rogers 03 5388 2257 [email protected],250157Stephen Roks 0457756599Bruce Rolfe 0490068203 b&[email protected] Ross 05 5577 2211 0427 769 208 2019Neville Rowney 03 5081 6281 0427 824 231 [email protected],250293M.D. Russell 2017-200034,250034Peter Russell 03 5497 1682 0400 543 480 [email protected] Sanders 00116434487806 0438 741 229 [email protected]






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MembershipTracy Parker 03 5586 4269 0429 899 513 [email protected] Pascoe 0427 220 140 [email protected],250249Rowland Paterson 03 5354 1438 0428 177 264 03 5354 1549 [email protected],250111Knox Paton 03 5576 1050 0408 418 766 [email protected]. (Banjo) Patterson 03 5573 0730 0428 107 726 [email protected] Patterson 03 5574 0277 0438 740 212 [email protected] Payne 03 5574 8233 0428 748 233 03 5574 8233 [email protected] Pearce 08 8389 4175 0467 600 061 [email protected] Phillips 03 5354 0519 0419 837 791 2019Graeme Phillips 03 5354 0519 0427 529 824 03 5354 0609 2017-250165,200165Jenni Pike [email protected] Pike [email protected] Plumridge 03 5500 7291 0429 861 435 [email protected],200315Robert Plush 03 5575 0208 2017-200321,250321Robert PlushRobert Plush 0428 750 208 [email protected] Porter 03 5350 7542 0429 885 750 [email protected] Price 0439 721 886 [email protected] Price 03 5576 1115 0429 406 980 [email protected],250192Barry Price 0428 764 233 03 5576 4232 2017-200219,250219Noel Price 03 5576 4215 2019Katrina Rainsford 03 5574 1256 0429 741 256 [email protected] Ralph 03 5560 6241 0429 720 062 [email protected],250280Helen Raven 0427 356 604 [email protected],250288John Raymond 03 5572 1801Owen Rees 03 5576 3280 0438 827 711 [email protected],250284David Rendell [email protected],250358Tania Renstch 0409 895 556 [email protected],250241Kathryn Robertson 0427 096 350 [email protected] Robertson 0409 381 523 [email protected] Robertson 03 5574 8218 0427 872 668 03 5574 8248 [email protected],250032Tom Robertson 03 5576 3226 0438 357 093 03 5576 3250 2017-200033,250033Peter Rogers 03 5388 2257 [email protected],250157Stephen Roks 0457756599Bruce Rolfe 0490068203 b&[email protected] Ross 05 5577 2211 0427 769 208 2019Neville Rowney 03 5081 6281 0427 824 231 [email protected],250293M.D. Russell 2017-200034,250034Peter Russell 03 5497 1682 0400 543 480 [email protected] Sanders 00116434487806 0438 741 229 [email protected]


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MembershipFelecity Satchell 03 5578 2281 0427 770 568 [email protected] Schilling 0438 788 215 [email protected],250215Alan Schinckel 08 8764 2156 0428 838 680 [email protected],200180Luke Schneider 0418 583 937Noel Schnieder 03 5572 2477 2019Peter Schroeder 03 5572 3825 0419 723 825 [email protected] Schroeder 0410 444 581 [email protected] Schultz 03 5571 1877 2019Trevor Schultz 0409786286 [email protected] Schultz 0419845622 [email protected] Schurmann 03 5573 5215 0457 346 347 [email protected] Schurmann 0428 528 906 [email protected] Shalders 0427 202 862 [email protected],250283Ron J Sharam 03 5572 4541 0419 547 478 2019Glen Sharp 03 5565 9267 0438 763 207 [email protected] Shepherd 08 8764 2034 0427 742 034 [email protected],250300Clive Shillabeer 0439 700 555 [email protected],250178Stephen Silcock 03 5574 3202 0419 589 938 [email protected] Silcock [email protected] Simons 03 5388 2248 0418 800 789 [email protected],250059Peter Small 03 5575 8226 0419 374 464 [email protected] Smart 0417 873 722 [email protected],250218Ashley Smith 0447 753 914 [email protected],250236Tania Smith 0428 675 058 [email protected],250271Nanette Smith 0427 863 535 [email protected] Spiker 03 5573 3201 0427 733 201 03 55 733 202 [email protected] Steff 03 5572 4859 0417 526 143 2019Des Stevens 03 5578 2311 2017-200123,250123Greg Stevens - The Hamilton 03 5572 1011 0407 504942 03 5572 3800 [email protected],250038Alistair Stewart 0417 522 379 [email protected],250036Robert Stewart 0419 530 841 [email protected],250037Michael Stewart 03 5572 1489 [email protected] Stewart 0438 885 774 2019Pablo Sturzenbaum 0054 929664 2019Jon Sutherland 03 5782 1632 0400 307 619 [email protected],250097Ian Sutherland 03 55750 236 0427 750 236 [email protected],250150Jessica Sutherland 03 5575 0222 0409 750 222 [email protected] Sutherland 03 5577 2055 0409 557 723 [email protected] - 200301,250301Andy Sutherland 0408 528 684 [email protected] Sutherland 0427 734 583 2019


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MembershipJeff Sutton 02 6978 1810 0418 203 440 [email protected],250116Colin Taylor 03 5595 0272 2017-200295,250295Dan Tehan MP 03 5572 1100 03 5572 1141 [email protected] Templeton 03 5572 4858 2019Neil Templeton 03 5571 9797 [email protected] Thomas 03 5574 1253 0408 997 223 [email protected],250245Bob Thomas 0429 721 467 [email protected],250204David Thomson 0417 329 602 [email protected] Thomson 03 5578 2267 0418 558 766 03 5578 2240 [email protected],250229Ilford Tonissen 03 5573 4586 03 5573 4543 [email protected],250039Jason Tonissen 03 5573 4540 0407 320 522 03 5573 4540 [email protected],250040Guy Treweek 02 5887 1202 0400 047 027 02 5887 1202 2017-200066,250066Craig Trickey 0417 373 900 [email protected],250265Jeremy Upton 03 5354 1407 0408 436 299 03 5354 1308 [email protected] Vale 03 5869 1287 0429 932 211Maria Van Wegan 03 5571 1467 0417 843 561 [email protected] Venters 0418 518 707 [email protected],250148Jim VentersGary Wake 03 5574 1254 0418 501 901 [email protected] Wake 0428 508 995 [email protected] Wakfer 0428 722 164 2019Greg Walcott 03 5570 1244 0488 379 077 2017-200169,250169Gavin Wall 0429463789Lyle Walter 03 5572 3313 2017-200041,250041shane Walter 03 5571 2443 0438 042 283 [email protected] Walton 03 5346 1401 0427 461 401 [email protected] Ward 0432 418 284 [email protected],250254Russell WardAmanda Watkins 0417581059 [email protected] Wedding 03 9434 6048 0419 375 229 [email protected] Weidemann 03 5385 5089 0428 504 544 03 5385 5401 [email protected],250239Jacqui Weinberg 0438 774 217 [email protected] Weir 03 5462 2295 0409 917 413 03 5462 2229 [email protected],250266Deva Weitman 0412 021 596 [email protected],250246Andrew Wettenhall 03 5579 7243 0409 797 243 03 5579 7231 [email protected] Whale 03 5572 1419 0428 292 361 [email protected] Whale 0409 592 361 [email protected] Wheelhouse 03 5571 1047 0419 711 047 [email protected] Whitehead 03 5573 4531 0419 518 004 03 5573 4531 [email protected],250042Jock Whiting 0408 331 736 [email protected],250043






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