annual report 2011 - lighthouse christian center


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Our church's Annual Report for 2011. Lighthouse Christian Center in Puyallup WA, USA.


Page 1: Annual Report 2011 - Lighthouse Christian Center
Page 2: Annual Report 2011 - Lighthouse Christian Center

All Rights Reserved (c) 2012 Lighthouse Christian Center


Page 3: Annual Report 2011 - Lighthouse Christian Center

The people of Lighthouse have just completed 20 yearsof service to the Lord in this community; 1991 to 2011.What an amazing 20 years; a time where God hasshown Himself to be faithful and where God's peoplehave made a difference. I am so proud of this churchfamily!

Although God has done amazing things over the years at Lighthouse, Ibelieve that our best years are yet to come. In order to see God's best, weneed to continue to learn from our past and think strategically about the future.We need to listen to the Lord and obey His direction for our lives and for ourchurch. With God's help, we will do just that.

May 2012 be another year of transformed lives and service to our King.Thanks, Lighthouse family, for your partnership in such a great undertaking.

Blessings! Pastor Art

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BaptismsA deluge of people came forward to be baptized this past year. Each one gavetestimony of God's work in their heart. Joyfully we cheered in November as 50+people were baptized on-the-spot. At both campuses, people came - churchclothes and all - to experience beingraised to new life.

200530 people

200657 people

200745 people

200865 people

200975 people

201044 people

2011118 people

From babies to great-grandparents,singles to young marrieds, in 2011 ourChrist-centered community continued tothrive. We responded to God's promiseswith generosity, godliness, and affectionas we strived to love everyone.

With amazement and gratefulness wewitnessed God's people serving, giving,and leading others to be useful in theknowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Welearned together about serving as Christserved, praying as He prayed, and livingour lives by the Book. We walkedalongside the poor, step by step. Wesweat together building, cleaning, andremodeling both homes andrelationships - putting our faith in action.Families found out how to live out faith athome. College-aged adults surgedahead in their walk.

Looking ahead, with last year as aspringboard, we aim to lead each otherin making an eternal difference inanother person's life. As you read thisreport, thank God for what He's done inand through our Lighthouse family andlook ahead to what He's doing in andthrough you for someone else.

AverageAnnual Giving(1442 households)

• $175

• $1,485

• $3,390

• $6,960

• $12,300

• $28,700

Contributions are the sum of tithes, offerings,and gifts qiven to our church. Households arecompriseB .at individuals, families, and groups

giving under one account.

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All Rights Reserved (c) 2012 Lighthouse Christian Center

Andrew's StoryDrunk at 14. Expelled at 16. Meth-addict at 17. Two kids at 18. Married and divorced at 19.

17arrests. 10 felonies. 30 months prison. 4 drug treatments. A committed atheist. My familytried to tell me about God. I laughed at them. No sign ofchange in my life.

In 2009, facing 10 more years in prison, I fell to my knees in jail crying, "God, ifyou are real,help me!" I was released in two days. My mother said, "God did this! It was God!" She'd beenpraying. Lighthouse had been praying. A seed was planted.

Two months later, on my face, I confessed my sins; I begged for mercy. In repentance andfaith God saved me. In October, I got baptized because I love and obey God - testifying ofHissalvation.

My 12-year-old daughter and I are healing. She thinks I'm being 'too Christian. 'My probationofficer is open to the gospel. I am in evangelism training. My passion is to get God's word right.All for the glory ofJesus Christ!

Attendance by Service

" ...make every effort to respond to God's promises. Supplement your faithwith a generous provision of moral excellence, and with knowledge, and

with self-control, and with patient endurance, and with godliness, and withbrotherly affection, and with love for everyone." The more you grow like this,

the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our LordJesus Christ." (2 Peter 1:5-8)

(c) 201

1,794average attendanceof weekend services

2,905total attendance of

Easter services

811members as of

December 31, 2011

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All Rights Reserved (c) 2012 Lighthouse Christian Center


$3500 ,--------------1

• Receipts • Disbursements


FinancialsAt a Glance

"Yes, you will beenriched in everyway so that you canalways be generous.And when we takeyour gifts to thosewho need them, theywill thank God. "

2 Corinthians 9:11

$3000 1-----------------------------------1

$2500 1----------------------------.


$1500 1--------------------

$1000 f---------------.


$0 '--- L......I__

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Generosity is a mark of obedience and love for God first, andothers second. God promises to provide and even increase ourresources. For what purpose? Our comfort? Our security? Actually,He says it is, "... to produce a great harvest of generosity in you."(2 Corinthians 9:10)

Overall, giving by our Lighthouse family has met many needs. Wehave given generously to missions, benevolence, scholarships,ministries, even sister churches. All the while, our spending hasremained under budget for both ministry and operations. For adetailed look at our income and expenses, please see our DetailedFinancial Statements at the end of this report. May you be enrichedin every way!

Receipts Breakdown

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Disbursements Breakdown(In thou j )








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All Rights Reserved (c) 2012 Lighthouse Christian Center

God designed the family as the main place for us to grow spiritually healthy. We arecalled to help families thrive in - not just survive - our immoral culture. In 2011 wecontinued the intentional effort to help children, youth, parents, and spouses get healthy.

We are a family-supporting church. Aligning our programs to minister to the wholefamily, we provided an array of activities to equip every age with practical help, genuinehope, useful resources, and biblical encouragement.

"Being asked to serve on the J: [3 Retreats at Camp Arnold - 128 teens participated JSurge leadership team was cool,.... C ..but shocked me. It helped me ~ ~na~a and BI~horn t~IPS - 49young a~venturersdiscover this passion to help Girl Time - 15 girls serving, shanng, creatingpeople I didn't know I had. e.. New Youth Worship Band - Inspiring young worshipers

~Ben (18) ....-




kids participatingat AWANA

teens attendingweekly gatherings(Jr. High & High School)

kids attendedVacation Bible School


"It's really hard for a special:::-r needs child in church. Your_. GEMS class has made itC. possible for us. Ms. DianetJ) shares the love of God in ways

that he can understand.~Laurie




11:30amLGH6:30pm 8:00am 9:45am

Children's Attendance


Family Nights - games, bowling, devotions, worshipOnline Resource Library - books, blogs, webs~esOn Facebook - daily support group; 60+ membersVisionary Family Weekend - 450 attenders


Events - Fall Kids Fest, Christmas Program, VBSGEMS - class for special needs kidsGood News Club - outreach at Fruitland ElementaryParent Support Groups - 26 new groups formed

Page 8: Annual Report 2011 - Lighthouse Christian Center

Everyday we have the call and privilege of impacting our world for God. In 2011 ourcongregation made the most of opportunities to make a mark on people's lives both locallyand globally.

Globally, we supported 31 missionaries and 22 ministries in 17 nations. Their workincluded translation, evangelism, training, healthcare, construction, hugs, and hand-holding.Rev. Setan Lee of Cambodia shared a riveting account of brutality...and the power offorgiveness. Four short-term experiences in Ethiopia, Cambodia, Canada, and Oregontransformed the lives of 62 youth and adults. Strategic partnerships with Gateway Medical(Morocco), KidsTown (India), and On the Frontlines (Cambodia) were established aiming toengage us all more personally w~h the Great Commission.

Locally, we gave time, money and energy to help youth, adoptions, fostering, teen-moms,camps, native-americans, bikers, and shelters. During our Faith in Action, Bridge Weekend,we cancelled services and served our neighbors. We painted, carpeted, constructed,cleaned, weeded, and planted. All this to show Jesus to widows, single-moms, soldiers,elderly, deaf, and the disabled. What an impact!

meals packaged forChildren of the Nations

Bill's Story

Homeless youth are difficult to track(moving from friend to friend - wearing

out their welcome). Thank you forkeeping the house they live in sound!

This was a large [FIA] project. You heldin there until it was nearly complete.We truly could not have finished it

without you!-Deborah, Youth Resources

706$2,800given toward buildingsustainable farms forChildren of the Nations

people helped at Step-by­Step Christmas Dinner

1 ~I;o",I ~eaached

of total spendingallocated to missions



volunteers involved inFaith in Action Weekend

"Our Home Groupfamilies had agreat time servingat the Food Bank.Our kids had ablast! We{f totallydo it again!"

-JustineA year ago, while finishing my career with the Boeing Company as a test engineer, I

would have not believed that I would have a life-changing experience by going on amission trip - to Ethiopia ofallplaces! Believing I could make a difference by "fixing" whatneeded to be fixed, I couldn't have been farther offcourse if I'd been flying blind.

In three short days my heart was broken, renewed, and prepared for the rest of myjourney by the power of the Holy Spirit. And what a journey. Seeing anew through theeyes ofchildren who have nothing, andyet have everything through our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ, opened my eyes to a real understanding of the love and compassion for allofGod's children that I hadn't experienced prior to this mission trip. Upon returning fromthe trip, I didn't know where to start.

What I did know was the Lord definitely had a plan for me and that my vision for myretirement years had changed. I feel I am being called to spend my energy andresources in manner that will give glory to Him andpray now to be more selfless, to serveothers more fully, and not waste a precious moment of what I can only describe as alife-changing experience.

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Anyone who loves a small church atmosphere with the benefit of large church min­istries is right at home here at LGH! We stepped it up in 2011 launching a largerprayer group, offering Servant Leadership classes, and expanding our home groups.Besides setting up and tearing down equipment every week (kudos to the crew!)we've been building a bridge to Christ with our neighbors nearby.


nviting area kids to our elaborate egg hunt at Easter, ]Caring for kids at our Backyard VBS (3 homes, 12 volunteers, 34 children)Filling treat bags in funky outfits at Fall Fest (32 volunteers, 80 children)Caroling and Christmas Eve with Pastor Brett

LighthouseAt GemHeights

We celebrate the commitment of so many who makeour unique gathering meaningful to those coming fromrural, suburban and military communities. As we lookahead to what's next for LGH, we are excited to launchnew outreach efforts in the areas of personal evange­lism and one-on-one discipling. Through us, God istransforming lives one neighbor at a time!

Mike's Story

Attendance Breakdown

God has rescued me from harm many times. He has a mission for me that I could not see. He'sblessed us with an amazing daughter after doctors told my wife she could not conceive. Yet, I walkedand talked as a pseudo-Christian, doing everything my way. Then, at the end of a service in September,Pastor Brett asked those in need of forgiveness to pray and commit themselves to Jesus. I prayed. Rightthere, the Holy Spirit moved me to accept Christ as my Savior!

In November, Pastor Art was on-screen asking, "What do you do, now that you have accepted Christ?"One answer was, "Get baptized!" I began praying about needing to get baptized. I wondered when thenext baptism class was scheduled. Suddenly, Pastor Art stated that they were doing spontaneous bap­tisms. I thanked God. He answered my prayer! Up, out of my seat, I went forward. Right there was a large,new watering trough filled with warm water. Under the water, I was reminded that I've been cleansed of mysins, and then I was raised to new life with Christ!

I'm growing spiritually, now. I listen to God. I leave all things in His hands. He is the provider, and leader,of my life. As evidence, I felt called to go on a mission trip to Morocco. Didn't know how I was going toafford it. God blew that obstacle out of the water! My trip costs were covered at 96 percent by the firstweek of December...and the trip isn't until April.

God has a purpose for my life. I listen quietly for His Word to guide me. I have learned how much Heloves us, how patient He is, and that He never abandons us, wanting us to all walk side by side with Him.


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All Rights Reserved (c) 2012 Lighthouse Christian Center

Life is all about growing. All around us every living organism grows. As the body of Christ, wegrow best. ..together. We grow in wisdom, responsibility, trust, humility, understanding, grace,passion, and love. We cultivate our life by bearing burdens, building teams, developing charac­ter, increasing knowledge, worshiping God, and practicing service. This past year we focusedon cultivating a life for God by learning, serving, belonging, and sharing with each other.

Singles & Marrieds - Whether married orsingle, we offered both social and ministry activities.Our young singles, ages 18-25, launched "theSurge," those ages 25-35 formed a singles homegroup, and folks 35-and-up dove deeper into scrip­ture in "Single Vision." Couples were inspired to keepgrowing at our Visionary Family seminar, we added18 more being mentored, among the 40 activementor couples, and our "Coupled Fun" group ofyoung marrieds grabbed some time off-campusevery month.

Serving - We served in many ways right here,on campus, every week; notably we relied on about23 volunteers teaching our children (85 in AWANA!).Our greeters, ushers, baristas, hosts, and welcomecenter teams served before, during and after ser­vices under the new banner "First Impressions."Adult classes were led by 58 teachers, among them21 newly developed and released.

"When I was deployed to Iraq, Jim continued to mentor methrough emails and numerous video chats that proved very

crucial to keeping me on the right path and holding meaccountable to the covenant I made between God and my wife."

- Charles


Servant Leadership Class - 100 people in 6 classesNew Core Classes - Prayer, Doctrine, Discipleship, Stewardshipthe Loop - 126 adults connected

"I plan to use the [ServantLeadership] idea of

multiplying leaders to growother leaders for the ministry.I'm not going to box myself into mygifts but let God workthrough me even when it

doesn't feel "natural" for me."-Jaime

't=[8. Supporting Life Change - 42 leaders in large and small groupsMulti-generational Ministry - 185 adults, teens and kids weeklyg- Finding Freedom - helping those dealing with addiction, loss, divorce, abuse, and sexual issues

tn"Ileamed that it is okay to love both ofmyparents even if they are going through a divorce. " - DC4K Child


Page 8$46,451 of benevolence

helped 155 familiesin need

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Men and Women - Both men andwomen met separately in studies, groups,meals, and retreats. Our ladies re­launched women's mentoring as "UsGroups," added a MomsNext companionmeeting to their weekly MOPS groups,formed a summertime Girlfriends Connectgroup, and gathered for a "Sleep-in-your­own-bed Retreat." Our guys ate monthlybreakfasts together, were challenged toput into practice the "Disciplines of a GodlyMan," and they launched For Men Only(FMO) groups to break sexual addiction.

Weekends Services -Together,during 50 weekends, in over 250 serviceswe delved into scripture on how to be"Sexy Christians," "Taking God at HisWord," being a true "Follower," and livingas "Jesus People." On Easter, many liter­ally opened and went in one of four doors­Identity, Forgiveness, Freedom, Redemp­tion - demonstrating "How God Opens theDoors of our Lives." In August, familiesworshiped together all month and we hadinteractive fun with skits, texting, andteaching. Our deaf community of 25, wereblessed with over 100 volunteer hours by 5interpreters at our services - in addition tothe 280 paid hours for other programs.

1,209total enrollmentin Adult Classes

[ ]~~

New Home Groups - 14 groups launched 0Group Connect - 168 participants (leaders & new members) g3Find-a-Group-Map - published an online, interactive map ""C

(I) CD

"During a heartbreaking time ofmy life, I found myself surrounded by the most loving,prayerfulpeople I have ever met - my home group. They barely knew me, yet theyprayed over me and my son, constantly lending their encouragement and support. I

could truly feel God's love and comfort in my life through these wonderful caring people. "-Meagan

75people involved

in weekend Worship& Tech. Ministries

520Brian's Story

':4s a police officer I interact with col­orful people. Over several months I

have been able to get to know one ofthese people, let's call him Frank. Hewould always ask, "What didyou dothis weekend?" I told him I went to

church. I became more bold telling himabout my relationship with the Lord,

how I became born-again with Jesus,and how he took away my anger.

Frank seemingly looked worse andworse. Then one day Frank was all

smiles. Frank told me that he went tochurch. Frank chose God! I was sothrilled and alive. I cant wait to bringanother lost sheep to my Father!"

Adult Classes Breakdown

people participatedin 47 Home Groups

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Taking time to listen to your neighbor, orgetting to know your colleague, or

helping that fellow PTA member - dowhatever it takes to express interest

and concern. Building that relationshipallows you to be a bridge to Jesus.

-Art Hunt

Our Strategy in 2012

Putting our purpose into action is essential to our church. You might have asked, "How can I be... reaching out everyday to make more and better disciples?" Our leadership team has created aconcise strategy. It's a memorable, accessible and portable message. It's easy to recall, writtenclearly, and designed to be shared with others. In 2012 and beyond, we aim to infuse this approachthroughout ministries. We want to grow by reproducing at every level.

Church is not just a place to go andbe fed, rather we are the church.

Belonging is more than meeting myneeds, it's sharpening each other. Only

then do we realize the amazingprivilege of working together on God's

mission to draw the lost to Himself.- Jayna Pettersen

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"Go, make disciples," means more thanbringing someone to church, it's

bringing people to Christ by sharingGod's truth with others who are in our

daily life. -- Brett Latin

A well-defined strategy is like a multi-vitamin for church culture. Take it daily and it keeps the bodyhealthy and balanced. Our church family has already put some of these elements into action. OurBuild, Bring, Belong, Become pattern aligns both our ministry programs, and personal efforts, withour purpose. God's kingdom is growing in and through us. Putting our purpose into practice will bemore powerful than ever!

Become...more like Jesusin character andpractice through

His Word

God1s plan is that we become likeChrist and then reflect Christ in every

area of our lives. -- Paul Moffett

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