annunciation greek orthodox hurh monthly bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to great lent,...

From Father Anthony Greek Message Calendar Donations/Sacraments Parish News Presidents Corner Philoptochos Youth News Inside this issue: February 2018 Church Services Sunday Orthros 8:45am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Weekdays Orthros 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am 8:45 10:00 9:00 10:00 Monthly Bulletin The Presentation of Our Lord

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Page 1: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting

From Father Anthony

Greek Message



Parish News

President’s Corner


Youth News

Inside this issue:

February 2018


Church Services

Sunday Orthros 8:45am

Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Weekdays Orthros 9:00am

Divine Liturgy 10:00am





Monthly Bulletin

The Presentation of Our Lord

Page 2: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


Executive Board

Nicholas Babanikas, President

George Panagoulopoulos, 1st Vice President Administration

William Alexopoulos, 2nd Vice President Maintenance

Joanna Stellakis, Secretary

Stephanie Calogrias, Treasurer

Gianna Tiliakos, Assistant Treasurer

Members of the Board

Konstantina Boutas Dino Constantinou Ted Ntakoulas

Nick Palantzas Leon Papadopoulos Stephen Passias

Ilias Potsis Themi Stamboulidis

Adamandios Zouroulidis

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

Reverend Presbyter Anthony Evangelatos

George Stavropoulos, Chanter

Choir Director Ona Calogrias, Organist


Sunday School

Julia Constantinou

Phyllis Westcott

Greek School

Ioanna Andreopoulou

Tina Boutas


Suzanne Barrus

Jon Buterbaugh

Stefania Calogrias

Gianna Tiliakos


Barbara Mantalos

Gianna Tiliakos

OPA! Group

Pegi Ciulla


Ladies Philoptochos

Coffee Hour

Georgia Babanikas

Tina Boutas

Shut-In Visitations

Ladies Philoptochos


Stephen Passias

Dance Group

Jon & Penny Buterbaugh

Oratorical Festival

Rhoda Economos


Pegi Ciulla

Linda Sakelaris Poole

Stephen Savas Joanna Stellakis


George Theodossiou

[email protected]


Executive Board

Liz Karolemeas, President

Despina Papadopoulos, Vice President

Tulla Giannaros, 2nd Vice President

Ethel Savas, Recording Secretary

Stella Coutsoumbas Beal, Corresponding Secretary

Aliki Sarantopoulos, Treasurer

Eleni Stamboulidis, Assistant Treasurer

Pegi Cuilla, Advisor

Members of the Board

Erlinda Anthony Georgia Babanikas Haido Barbas

Tina Boutas Anna Manos Chris Potsis

Lori Stasiewski


Liz Karolemeas [email protected]

Page 3: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


prayerfully, avoiding the temptation to compare, judge, or critique. My predecessors and I were not perfect nor above reproach. We are all human with our weaknesses and shortcomings. By approaching your new spiritual f ather with all this in mind, you can begin a relationship on the right foot.

I close this message by thanking so many of you for your outpouring of love and support over the past few weeks. Although I have a great challenge ahead of me, your genuine words of encouragement have already been quite beneficial. Many of you have stated that you plan to come to visit at St. Athanasius, to which I look forward. It will be a blessing to see some of your faces from time to time, along with my new family in Christ.

May God keep and protect all of you, and may you welcome your new priest with love and an open heart and mind. I would also like to wish each and every one of you a most blessed Great Lent. In Christ, +Fr. Anthony

Beloved in Christ, Sadly, this will be my last written communication with you prior to my transfer effective February 1st. There is a possibility that some of you may not be aware of this. To clarify, I will be taking the position of proistamenos at St. Athanasius Church in Arlington,

MA. After almost a full decade of service to you, it is time to move elsewhere in the Lord’s vineyard.

Let me begin by stating that it’s been an honor to have served you all these years. There have been many joyous occasions I have shared with you through the many weddings and baptisms that I have celebrated. Unfortunately, the sad occasions have been quite numerous due to the large number of funerals that have taken place. Another source of joy has been the many fruitful ministries of our parish – both those that have existed for years, and those that have been established over the past 10 years.

Of course, the main focus of any Orthodox parish is the liturgical life. As I had done at my prior parishes, I have maintained a robust liturgical life here at the Annunciation. It was a blessing to see some of you starting to attend various evening Lenten services held on a regular basis, and periodically, other evening services throughout the year. One service that increased quite a bit in attendance is the Wednesday evening Presanctified Liturgies and Lenten suppers held during Great Lent. We enjoyed each other’s company at the suppers, as well as the video presentations that were edifying to us all.

Throughout the years I was always impressed with the volunteerism that accompanied many of our major social events, as well as the annual festival. It clearly demonstrates that those who always step forward to help, see our parish as their second home. They approach their tasks with the same enthusiasm and pride as if in their own homes. In addition, great generosity has been shown every time I presented a special need for the church, as well as for the needs of our complex and grounds whenever presented by the parish council.

All these things I’ve just mentioned are positive and good, but as with everything in our lives, there’s always room for growth and improvement. One negative aspect of parish life everywhere is periodic strife amongst parishioners. Unfortunately, strife has been and is still present here from time to time. And sadly, it many times is manifested due to petty issues. Other times, strife is caused by purposeful, destructive behavior that serves no purpose other than to please the enemies of God – the Devil and his demons. The only way to avoid such negativity is through spiritual growth that will lead to a change of heart and mind. With the arrival of your new priest, I pray that you continue on your spiritual paths as you are led by your new spiritual father. Open your hearts and souls to him


Since I will be assuming duties at St. Athanasius in Arlington as of 2/1, I would like to offer some comments and guidance regarding church services and pastoral care in my absence.

• First and foremost, Sunday church services will continue uninterrupted, barring any unforeseen circumstance.

• Weekday services may not occur depending on who will be filling in, and that priest’s availability other than Sundays. You will need to check the Sunday bulletin, the church’s website, or the voicemail recording.

• The Lenten service schedule is pending and will eventually be announced as well.

• For any emergencies requiring a priest during office hours (M-F, 9am-2 pm), please call the church office for assistance. If after office hours, Fr. Anthony’s voicemail box will state the phone numbers of both the office manager and parish council president. Please do not take it upon yourself to call the Metropolis directly. All calls for assistance should first be directed to the church office or emergency numbers provided. • As of 1/31 my e-mail address will be closed down;

therefore, all e-mail communication should be directed to the office:

[email protected]

• I ask that everyone please be patient and understanding during this challenging time of transition. Your parish will do everything possible to meet the needs of its parishioners.

Page 4: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


God loves us more than a father, mother, friend, or anyone else could love, and even more than we are able to love ourselves. (St. John Chrysostom) The soul that has come to know God fully no longer desires anything else, nor does it attach itself to anything on the earth; and if you put before it a kingdom, it would not desire it, for the love of God gives such sweetness and joy to the soul that even the life of a king can no longer give it any sweetness. (St. Silouan the Athonite) If someone has repented once of a sin, and again does the same sin, this is a sign that he has not been cleansed of the causes of the sin, wherefrom, as from a root, the shoots spring forth again. (St. Basil the Great) If our thoughts are peaceful, calm, meek, and kind, then that is what our life is like. (+Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica) Always have the fear of God in your heart, and remember that God is always with you, everywhere, whether you are walking or sitting. (St. Gennadius of Constantinople) Fasting is wonderful because it tramples our sins like a dirty weed, while it cultivates and raises truth like a flower. (St. Basil the Great) Many of us are talkers, few are doers. (St. Maximos the Confessor)


LENTEN FASTING GUIDELINES Beloved in Christ, the Triodion period began this year

on Sunday, 1/28, the Sunday of the Publican and Phari-

see. As you well know, the Triodion period covers the

three preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six

weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-

ing traditional fasting guidelines for the three preparato-

ry weeks before Great Lent, and the weekdays and

weekends of Lent.

Preparatory Period

• 1st Week, 1/28-2/3: No fasting all week – all

foods permitted daily

• 2nd Week, 2/4-2/10: Usual Wednesday & Friday


• 3rd Week, 2/11-2/17: Meatfare Sunday, 2/11 – last day for meat until Pascha; remainder of week – dairy products and eggs permitted daily through Cheesefare Sunday, 2/18

Note: Many sources state that fish is also permitted

daily during Cheesefare Week

Great Lent

• Weekdays of Lent: Strict fast from all animal products including fish, all alcoholic beverages, and olive oil (vegetable/seed oil permitted); shellfish also permitted Note: The quantity of food consumed should be

reduced as much as possible, barring any hardships

• Weekends of Lent: Same as weekdays except olive oil and wine (all alcoholic beverages) are permitted Note: There is no limit to the quantity of food


As always, the above guidelines represent the ideal and traditional method of fasting as a starting point. A true and spiritual fast is much more than legalistically following guidelines. Your priest and spiritual father is always available to guide you for your particular situation. The Church in her compassion always modifies the fast for various health reasons, for growing children, and other special situations. Most importantly, our fasting must be accompanied by intensified prayer, increased church attendance, and charitable works, in order to be a fast pleasing to God.

Page 5: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting



The following is continued from the December/January edition, and is taken from the writings of St. Nicholas Cabasilas – A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy.

The Readings from Scripture, their Order and Meaning After the Trisagion the reading from the apostolic book takes place; this is followed by the Gospel. Before each, the Church sings praises to God. Why do we praise God before the readings from Holy Scripture? Because it is fitting to do so for all those things which he does not cease to bestow upon us, and especially for so great a benefit as listening to the Divine Word… What do the readings from Holy Scripture at this point in the liturgy signify? I have already told you their practical purpose; they prepare and cleanse us in readiness for the great sanctification of the holy mysteries. Their significance, however, is this: they represent the manifestation of the Saviour, by which he became known soon after his showing. The first showing of the Gospel, with the book closed, represents the first appearance of the Saviour, when, while he himself remained silent, the Father made him manifest; when he, saying nothing, had need of an-other’s voice to proclaim him. But that which is represented here is his more perfect manifestation, during which he mingled with the crowd and made himself known not only by is own words, but also by that which he taught to his Apostles in sending them to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is why the Epistle and Gospel are read… The Prayers Which Follow the Gospel After the reading of the Gospel, the deacon urges the congregation to prayer. The priest in the sanctuary prays in a low voice that the prayers of the faithful may be acceptable to God. Then he says aloud the final doxology, thus making them sharers in his praise of the Lord… After reciting this doxology aloud [after the prayers for the catechumens], and thus making the faithful par-takers in his prayer, the celebrant says another prayer, in which he first thanks God that he has been found worthy to stand before him, and to raise his hands towards him on his own behalf and on that of others; then he prays that he may always be held worthy to perform this act with a pure heart. Again the motive of the prayer is God’s glory: ‘For all glory becomes thee.’ Having as usual praised God in unity with the congregation, the priest once more prays privately for himself and those present; that he may conduct himself without reproach at the altar, free from any stain of body or soul, and that the faithful who pray with him may be made worthy to partake in the holy mysteries without guilt or reproach, and also that they may have a share in the kingdom of heaven. Here too the motive is the same; it is that which St. Paul prescribed when he said: ‘Do all to the glory of God.’ May it always and in all things be our aim to glorify God. Farmers set before themselves as the aim of their labours the richness of their harvest, and because of this they toil willingly; merchants seek gain, and others similar things. But do you, in everything you do, seek the glory of God? For we are slaves, and owe to our Master this duty for which he first created and then redeemed us. That is why you will find that the Church is everywhere concerned with the glory of God; she proclaims it throughout the universe, she sings of it always, she does all things for God’s glory – prayers, supplications, the holy rites, preaching – in short, all that is holy.

Page 6: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting

GREEK MESSAGE Αρχιεπισκοπική Εγκύκλιος για θέματα δικαιοσύνης και αληθείας

Προσφιλεῖς Ἀδελφοί καὶ Ἀδελφές ἐν Χριστῷ,

Μὲ τήν χάρη καὶ τήν εὐλογία τοῦ Παντοδυνάμου Θεοῦ εἰσήλθαμε στὸ νέο ἡμερολογιακὸ ἔτος 2018 τὸ ὁποῖο χαιρετίζουμε στηριγμένοι

στήν πίστη τοῦ ἐπιφανέντος Χριστοῦ, μιὰ πίστη διὰ τῆς ὁποίας ὅλα εἶναι δυνατά καὶ κατορθωτά, ἰδιαίτερα σὲ θέματα δικαιοσύνης,

ἀληθείας, εἰρήνης καὶ ἀγάπης.

Ὡς Ἑλληνοαμερικανική Ὀρθόδοξη κοινότητα ἔχουμε κληθῇ ἀπό τόν Θεό καὶ τήν ἱστορία νά ζήσουμε καὶ νὰ μεταδώσουμε στό Δυτικό

Ἡμισφαίριο τόν ἀσύγκριτο καὶ αἰώνιο πλοῦτο τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου πίστεως καὶ ζωῆς καὶ τίς παγκόσμιες καὶ διαχρονικές ἀξίες τοῦ


Αὐτό θὰ προσπαθήσουμε νὰ τὸ πράξουμε μὲ τήν βοήθεια τοῦ Θεοῦ στὸ χρόνο ποὺ ἄρχισε. Θὰ ἀγωνισθοῦμε σὲ ὅλους τούς τομεῖς καὶ

μὲ κάθε δυνατό καὶ ἀποτελεσματικό τρόπο, ἔχοντας πάντοτε ζωηρή αἴσθηση τῶν μεγάλων προβλημάτων καὶ δυσκολιῶν πού βασανίζουν

τόν σύγχρονο κόσμο.

Στή προσπάθειά μας αὐτή, δέν λησμονοῦμε ὅτι μεταξύ ἄλλων σημαντικῶν θεμάτων, ἔχουμε ἐνώπιόν μας καὶ τρία πολύ σοβαρά θέματα,

σχετιζόμενα μὲ τήν Ὀρθοδοξία καὶ τόν Ἑλληνισμό, τὰ ὁποῖα παραμένουν ἄλυτα παρὰ τίς πολλές καὶ μεγάλες προσπάθειες, καὶ τὰ

ὁποῖα ἀπαιτοῦν τήν ἀδιάλειπτη προσευχή μας καὶ τήν συνεχῆ καὶ ἄμεση ἐνέργειά μας. Πρόκειται γιὰ τὰ θέματα ποὺ συνδέονται μὲ τὸ

Οἰκουμενικό μας Πατριαρχεῖο, μὲ τήν Κύπρο καὶ μὲ τὸ ὄνομα τῆς λεγομένης πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβικῆς Δημοκρατίας τῆς Μακεδονίας.

Πρῶτο θέμα: Τό Οἰκουμενικό μας Πατριαρχεῖο στερεῖται βασικῶν θρησκευτικῶν ἐλευθεριῶν καὶ αὐτό ἀποτελεῖ θέμα ζωτικῆς

σημασίας γιὰ τὴ Μητέρα Ἐκκλησία καὶ τήν συνέχιση τοῦ ἔργου ποὺ ἐπιτελεῖ ἀνὰ τούς αἰῶνες. Σ’ αὐτό τὸ πλαίσιο, ἡ Ὁμογένεια στίς

Η.Π.Α. ἀγωνίσθηκε, ἀγωνίζεται καὶ θὰ συνεχίσει νὰ ἀγωνίζεται γιὰ τήν ἐπαναλειτουργία τῆς θεολογικῆς σχολῆς τῆς Χάλκης, γιὰ τήν

ἀναγνώριση τοῦ Οἰκουμενικοῦ τίτλου καὶ ρόλου τοῦ Πατριαρχείου καὶ τοῦ Οἰκουμενικοῦ Πατριάρχου κ.κ. Βαρθολομαίου, γιὰ τήν

νομικὴ ὑπόσταση τοῦ Οἰκουμενικοῦ Πατριαρχείου, καὶ γιὰ τὸ δικαὶωμα τῆς ἰδιοκτησίας ἀλλά καὶ τήν ἐν γένει ἀπρόσκοπτη ἐξάσκηση

τῶν θρησκευτικῶν καθηκόντων τῶν ὀρθοδόξων χριστιανῶν στήν Τουρκία. Ἡγετικό ρόλο στὴ κατεύθυνση αὐτὴ ἔχει τὸ Τάγμα τοῦ

Ἁγίου Ἀνδρέου τῶν Ἀρχόντων ὀφικιάλων τοῦ Πατριαρχείου στήν Ἀμερική.

Δεύτερο θέμα: Τὸ μαρτυρικὸ νησὶ τῆς Κύπρου, τόπος ἀγίων καὶ μαρτύρων τῆς Ἐκκλησίας μας, καὶ ἡ Δημοκρατία τῆς Κύπρου,

στερεῖται ἀπὸ τὸ 1974 τοῦ ἑνός τρίτου καὶ πλέον τοῦ ἐδάφους της μετὰ τήν εἰσβολὴ τῶν τουρκικῶν στρατευμάτων. Ἡ εἰσβολή αὐτή

εἶχε ὡς ἀποτέλεσμα χιλιάδες νεκρῶν, ἀγνοουμένων και προσφύγων, εἶχε βεβηλώσεις ναῶν, μνημείων καὶ κοιμητηρίων. Οἱ πολύχρονες

καὶ ἐπίπονες προσπάθειες ἐξευρέσεως μιᾶς δικαίας λύσεως δέν ἔχουν μέν καρποφορήσει ἀλλά κρατοῦν τὸ θέμα ἀνοικτό. Ἡ Ὁμογένειά

μας, ἡ Ἑλληνορθόδοξη κοινότητα καὶ ἡ Ἱερά Ἀρχιεπισκοπὴ πρωτοστατοῦν ἐδῶ καὶ 44 χρόνια στόν δίκαιο αὐτὸ ἀγώνα καὶ ἀσφαλῶς

θὰ τόν συνεχίσουν μέχρι τελικῆς δικαιώσεως.

Τρίτο θέμα: Το 1991, ἡ νότια ἐπαρχία τῆς τότε Γιουγκοσλαβίας ἀποκαλούμενη Γιουγκοσλαβικὴ Δημοκρατία τῆς Μακεδονίας,

ἀποσχίσθηκε καὶ κήρυξε τήν ἀνεξαρτησία της ὑπὸ τήν ὀνομασία «Δημοκρατία τῆς Μακεδονίας». Ἔτσι ἰδιοποιήθηκε αὐθαιρέτως τόν

ἱστορικό ὅρο Μακεδονία, ποὺ εἶναι ἑλληνική λέξη καὶ ἀναφέρεται στὸ ἱστορικό βασίλειο καὶ πολιτισμό τῶν ἀρχαίων Μακεδόνων ὑπὸ

τόν Φίλιππο καὶ τόν Μέγα Ἀλέξανδρο, ὡς ἀδιαμφισβήτητο μέρος τοῦ ἑλληνικοῦ ἔθνους καὶ τῆς ἑλληνικῆς ἱστορικῆς καὶ πολιτιστικῆς

κληρονομιάς. Ἀπὸ τὸ 1992 ἄρχισε ἕνας ἀγώνας ποὺ συνεχίζεται μέχρι σήμερα τόσο στήν Ἑλλάδα ὅσο καὶ στήν ἀνά τήν οἰκουμένη

Ὁμογένεια. Ἐδῶ στήν Ἀμερική ἡ Ὁμογένειά μας, οἱ σύλλογοι καὶ ὀργανώσεις μας, μὲ πρώτη τήν Παμμακεδονική, συνεχίζουν ἡμέρα

καὶ νύκτα τήν ἱερή προσπάθεια στὸ ζήτημα τῆς ὀνομασίας τῆς π.Γ.Δ.Μ. καὶ μάλιστα τώρα ποὺ παρατηρεῖται ἰδιαίτερη κινητικότητα γιὰ

τήν ἐπίλυση τοῦ θέματος καὶ τήν ἐξεύρεση μιᾶς κοινά ἀποδεκτῆς ὀνομασίας, πού σέβεται τόσο τήν ἱστορία ὅσο καὶ τήν γεωγραφία καὶ

τήν ἐθνολογική ἀλήθεια.

Στήν νέα χρονιά, μὲ τὴ φώτιση, καὶ τήν καθοδήγηση τοῦ Δικαιοκρίτου Θεοῦ καὶ τήν ἀκατανίκητη δύναμη τῆς πίστεως, καλούμεθα νὰ

ἐντείνουμε τίς προσευχές μας καὶ τίς προσπάθειές μας πρός πᾶσαν κατεύθυνση γιὰ τήν εὐόδωση, πρόοδο καὶ ἐπίλυση καὶ τῶν τριῶν

αὐτῶν θεμάτων, διότι εἶναι θέματα δικαιοσύνης, ἀληθείας, εἰρήνης καὶ ἀγάπης.

Μετὰ πατρικῶν εὐχῶν

ἐν Χριστῷ σαρκωθέντι,

† Ὁ Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Ἀμερικῆς Δημήτριος

Page 7: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting
Page 8: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


Page 9: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting



Vasilios Barbas $1,190

Rose Lampropoulos $120

Fotini Psilekaris $225

Aglaia & Demetrios Antonopoulos

Baios Antonopoulos $100

George, Olympia & Stella Bokas

Mr. Kostas Bokas $500

Nicholas Bulgaris

Ms. Kathleen Angelou $25

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Deftos $50

Mrs. Kristen Deftos Haddad $100

Ms. Alexis Pappey $50

Ms. Sofia Paraskevas $40

Mr. and Mrs. Spyros Savas $25

Mr. James Zaros $200

Charles George

Angela Derry/Janice Caruso $100

Ms. Daphne Emord $20

Mr. Todd Sandler $50

Maria Lenton

Mr. and Mrs. Sotirios Costarellos $30

Ambrosios Lymberopoulos

Mr. and Mrs. Spiros Giannaros $500

Stella Panagoulopoulos

Mr. George Panagoulopoulos $100

Sarah Pappas

Mr. Nicholas Pappas $5,000

George & Tina Smiliotopoulos/Demetrios Lambrakis

Mr. and Mrs. Elias Smiliotopoulos $50

James Topoulos

Mr. and Mrs. George Panagiotopoulos $100



Mr. Nicholas Anastos $50

Mrs. Irene Antoniou $100

Mrs. Sia Antoniou $10

Mr. and Mrs. Kostas Boutas $50

Mrs. Stella Bulgaris $50

Dr. and Mrs. Dino Constantinou $100

Mr. and Mrs. George Costas $25

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cotter $10

Miss Rhoda Economos $25

Ms. Elaine Gravel $50

Mrs. Ann Hatzis $20

Mr. John Juris $25

Mrs. Kassiane Kushta $5

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Livanis $50

Ms. Heidi Mason $10

Dr. George Mitchell $1,000

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ntakoulas $100

Mr. and Mrs. John Orphanos $25

Ms. Theodora Psilekaris $25

Mr. Thomas Psilekaris $50

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Psychos $25

Mr. and Mrs. Spyros Savas $50

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Savas $250

Mr. and Mrs. George Spyropoulos $10

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Whowell $100


Mr. and Mrs. William Alexopoulos $500

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Babanikas $250

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Babanikas $250

Mr. and Mrs. Kostas Bokas $500

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fields $300

Mr. and Mrs. John Kolentsas $500

Dr. George Mitchell $500

Mr. and Mrs. Ilias Potsis $500

Page 10: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting



December 1st Frances Scleparis

December 13th Steve Georgeakakis

December 22nd Vasilios Barbas

January 1st Rose Lampropoulos

January 8th Fotini Psilekaris

May their memory be eternal


YTD JANUARY 10th, 2018

Mr. and Mrs. George Alexis $1,000

Mr. and Mrs. William Alexopoulos $500

Mr. Nicholas Anastos $125

Anonymous $100

Annunciation Ladies Philoptochos $2,000

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Babanikas $1000

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Bulgaris $100

Mrs. Demetra Cariofiles $150

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Colarusso $100

Dr. and Mrs. Dino Constantinou$250

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Korbas $50

Ms. Evangeline J. Liapis $50

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Livanis $150

Dr. George Mitchell $5,000

Mr. Christopher Morosas $200

Mr. George Panagoulopoulos $100

Mr. and Mrs. Ilias Potsis $200

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sedell $10,000

Mr. and Mrs. Themi Stamboulidis $100

Mrs. Maria Theofilou $500

IMO George, Eleftherios & Sophia Theofilou

Mr. and Mrs. William Theos $100

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westhaver $25

Mr. James Zaros $100


Mr. and Mrs. Nick Babanikas $100

Demoulas Foundation $5,000

Ms. Lia Jenner $100

Ms. Candace Rassias $20

Mr. Irakli Savas $100

Mr. and Mrs. James Jamoulis $100

In Honor of Chris Coutsoumbos

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mihos $250

Christina Marie Mihos Scholarship Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Ilias Potsis

IMO Areti Potsis

1 case beeswax altar candles

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sedell

IMO Agnes Sedell & Helen Apostolon

10 pita baking pans & 7 rolling pins for GOYA bake sale

Mrs. Gianna Tiliakos $110


Mr. Tasho Hatsiopoulos $100

Mr. Edmund Mathers $100

Mr. Steve Passias $100

Mr. Kuriakos Petroulas $100

Mr. George Potsis $100

Mr. Konstantinos Tsiantoulas $100

Mr. Jon Veiga $100


Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mihos $500


Page 11: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


Apokreatiko Dance Saturday, February 3rd

Have A Heart Luncheon Sunday, February 11th

Stewardship Luncheon Sunday, February 18th

Lenten Luncheon Sunday, March 4th

Annunciation Vespers & Reception Saturday, March 24th

Annunciation Nameday Celebration Sunday, March 25th

Greek School Independence Day Program Sunday, March 25th

Greek Independence Day Celebration City Hall TBD

Palm Sunday Luncheon Sunday, April 1st

Greek Independence Day Parade Sunday, April 22nd

Spring General Assembly Sunday, April 29th

Hungry Friends Thursday, May 3rd

Philoptochos Food Festival Saturday May 19th and Sunday May 20th

Sunday School Graduation Sunday, May 20th

Ministry Awards Banquet Sunday, June 10th

Greek School Graduation Sunday, June 17th

Annual Golf Tournament Monday, June 25th

Annual Food Festival Thursday, Sept. 20th -Sunday Sept. 23rd

Fall General Assembly Sunday, November 11th

Parish Council Elections Sunday, December 9th

Election of Officers and Oath of Office Sunday, December 16th

Sunday School Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 23rd

New Year’s Eve Celebration Monday, December 31st


February 13th March 13th April 10th May 8th June 12th July—No meeting August 14th September 11th October 9th November 13th December 11th

Page 12: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


Καλή Χρονιά Dear Parishioners, On behalf of Father Anthony, and the Parish Council, I would like to wish you and your families a healthy and joyous New Year! May one of our New Year's resolutions be to keep the Church, our Orthodox faith, and Greek heritage in the center of our family lives. As you know, last month over 100 individuals gathered together in our community center to ring in the New Year. It was wonderful to have so many come together and enjoy each other’s company in laughter, dance and fellow-ship at the start of 2018. Congratulations go out to Ilias Potsis, chairman of the New Year's Eve Dance, all the committee members and the numerous donors that made this evening such a memorable and huge success. I am pleased to inform you that just in this past month, many members of our Parish have volunteered their time and talents towards various necessary tasks around the church. Also, all of our church ministries as well as church committees are hard at work, conducting meetings and outlining their desired goals for the upcoming year. We welcome your insight and suggestions as to how we can collectively strengthen the overall well-being of our parish going forward. Additionally, as a parish we need to find creative ways to increase our church membership. The Parish Council encourages each and every parishioner to make an earnest and collective effort to reach out to those who are no longer stewards, or perhaps to new members in our communities who are looking for a place to worship, or even family members that may feel as though they are too busy with their day to day lives to actively participate in our church and it's events. Reach out to them and let them know that we are here and we welcome them into our community with open arms and ask for their help in our quest to keep our house of wor-ship vibrant going forward. As you may have noticed, this year’s Stewardship pledge card has some new categories for donations. Also, you will see an additional category for Maintenance Reserve. Our hope is that you, the stewards of our church will in addition to your yearly pledge consider making a separate donation to our Maintenance account so that we may achieve our goal of building up this account. This account


serves the purpose of funding future needs and ongoing improvements that our 30 year-old church building requires. A few upcoming events that we look forward to seeing everyone attend are as follows:

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2018 Apokriatiko Dance

Join us for a night of Live music and dance in our Community Center. For more details please refer to the flier in this bulletin.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2018 Have A Heart Luncheon

Please come and support this wonderful event where our children raise proceeds for this important philanthropic cause.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2018 Stewardship Sunday

Join us for a complimentary luncheon where we can come together in Christian fellowship and enjoy each-others company as we discuss our Parish's Financial Challenges. In order for the Parish Council to properly prepare for this luncheon, we ask that you kindly call the church office to reserve your seat no later than Monday February 12, 2018. The parish council and I wish Father Anthony and his family the best of luck on their new endeavor at St. Athanasius the Great Parish in Arlington. It has been an honor to have had Father Anthony as our parish priest for the last 9 1/2 years, his spiritual guidance and leadership will truly be missed.

"The beginning is the most important part of the work." - Plato Respectfully yours, Nicholas H. Babanikas Parish Council President

Page 13: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting

Alexis, Mr. & Mrs. George

Anifantis-Ibrahim, Mrs. Stamatia

Babanikas, Mr. & Mrs. Nick

Besarik, Mr. & Mrs. Scott

Bosco, Ms. Erin

Buterbaugh, Mr. & Mrs. Jon

Buterbaugh, Mrs. Niki

Coderre, Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand

Calogrias, Dr. Diana

Cariofiles, Mrs. Demetra

Cleary, Mrs. Elizabeth

Colarusso, Mr. & Mrs. Carl

Critikos, Ms. Athena

DeBaggis, Mr. & Mrs. Romolo

Deeb, Mr. & Mrs. Paul

Fletcher, Mrs. Diane

Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. Robert

Georgeakakis, Ms. Tina

Giannaros, Mr. & Mrs. Spiros

Hatzis, Mrs. Ann

Holevas, Mrs. Helen

Iosifidis, Mr. & Mrs. Antonios

Joseph, Mrs. Louise

Kearns, Mr. & Mrs. Mark

Korbas, Mr. & Mrs. Tom

Kyranos, Mr. & Mrs. John

Landerholm, Mrs. Stephanie

Lainas, Mr. & Mrs. Steve

Lapsley, Ms. Sofia

Liolios, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel

Mihos, Mr. & Mrs. James

Mitchell, Dr. George

Nenopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. John

Ntakoulas, Mr. & Mrs. Ted

Odierno, Mr. & Mrs. Randy

Palantzas, Mrs. Vasiliki

Papadogianakis, Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos

Papadopoulos, Mr. Tom

Papadopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Tom

Passias, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen

Pishkin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Poulimenis, Mrs. Argyro

Psychos, Mr. & Mrs. Sam

Sarras, Mr. Nicholas

Savas, Mr. & Mrs. Spyros

Savas, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen

Savas, Mr. Irakli

Sideropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios

Skenas, Ms. Jeannette

2018 STEWARDS YTD JANUARY 15th, 2018

Smiliotopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Elias

Spyropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. George

Syrniotis, Mr. Sam

Theofilou, Mr. & Mrs. Eleftherios

Theofilou, Mrs. Maria

Thompson, Mrs. Jane

Tiliakos, Mrs. Gianna

Tiliakos, Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel

Vallas, Mr. & Mrs. Sakellarios

Vintzileos, Mr. & Mrs. James

Weinberg, Ms. Merri

Yaitanes, Ms. Ann

Zouroulidis, Mr. & Mrs. Adamandios





Page 14: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting

2017 STEWARDS YTD JANUARY 15th, 2018

Adamopoulos, Mr. Arthur Boufides, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Drovatzikas, Mr. Peter Hatzinikolaou, Mr. & Mrs. Alex

Aftosmes, Mrs. Anastasia Boutas, Mrs. Fotine Dutkiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hatzis, Mrs. Anastasia

Aftosmes, Mr. Michael Boutas, Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Economos, Ms. Irene Holevas, Mrs. Helen

Aftosmes, Mrs. Thalia Boutas, Mr. & Mrs Vasilios Economos, Ms. Rhoda Huser, Mr. & Mrs. Henry

Alexiou, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Bulgaris, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Efremidis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Inguanti, Mr. & Mrs. Steven

Alexis, Mr. & Mrs. George Buterbaugh, Mr. & Mrs. Jon Ellard, Ms. Anastacia Iosifidis, Mr. & Mrs. Antonios

Alexopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Christos Buterbaugh, Mrs. Niki Ellinas, Mr. Lambro Jamoulis, Mr. & Mrs. James

Alexopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. William Calogrias, Miss Stephanie Eonas, , Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jaramillo, Mr. & Mrs. Sergio

Aloupis, Mr. George Calogrias, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Eonas, Mr. & Mrs. George Joseph, Mrs. Louise

Anastasiou, Mrs. Irene Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Eonas, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Juris, Mr. & Mrs. John

Anastos, Mr. Nicholas Capernaros, Mr. Phillip Evangelatos, Fr & Presb. Anthony Kalaitzidis, Mr. & Mrs. Anestis

Anifantis-Ibrahim, Mrs. Stamatia Cariofiles, Mrs. Demetra Ferguson, Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kalaitzidis, Mrs. Nitsa

Anthony, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cariofiles, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Fields, Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kalivas, Mrs. Eftyhia

Antoniou, Mr. & Mrs. George Castle, Mrs. Cleo Figueiredo, Mrs. Christina Kallianidis, Mr. Milton

Antoniou, Mrs. Irene Cefalo, Mrs. Anastasia Fisher, Mrs. Jean Kallis, Mrs. Nikoletta

Antonopoulos, Mr. Vaios Cleary, Mrs. Elizabeth Follo, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kampanelas, Ms. Paris

Apostolopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Coderre Jr., Mr. Ferdinand Frangakis, Ms. Artemida Kanellopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Paul

Argyropoulos, Mrs. Bessie Colarusso, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Karaliolios, Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios

Arvanitidis, Mr. & Mrs. George Conley, Mr. & Mrs. Scott Georgantas, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Karantonakis, Mr. & Mrs. Tony

Arvanitidis, Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Constantinou, Dr. & Mrs. Chris George, Mrs. Charles Karavits, Mr. Peter

Babanikas, Mrs. Katerina Constantinou, Dr. & Mrs. Dino Georgeu, Mrs. Linda Karolemeas, Ms. Liz

Babamikas, Atty. & Mrs. Konstantinos Costas, Mr. & Mrs. George Georgeu, Mrs. Phyllis Kazis, Mrs. Penelope

Babanikas, Atty. & Mrs. Nicholas Cotter, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Giannakoulis, Mrs. Patricia Kearns, Mr. & Mrs. Mark

Badavas, Mr. Sotirios Coutsoumbos, Mr. & Mrs. Chris Giannakoulis, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kiramarios, Fr. & Presb. John

Badavas, Mr. Vasilios Covett, Mrs. Helen Giannaros, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kolentsas, Mr. & Mrs. John

Bandis, Mr. Michael Covett, Ms. Katherine Giannaros, Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Kolokotronis, Mrs. Vasiliki

Barbas, Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Covett, Mr. Robert Giannaros, Mrs. Tulla Konstatilakis, Mr. & Mrs. Paul

Barrus, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Critikos, Ms. Athena Giannouloudis, Mr. Tom Korbas, Mr. & Mrs. Tom

Bartorelli, Mrs. Bessie Dalkouras, Mrs. Cleo Ginis, Mr. & Mrs. Dimitris Kotopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. William

Bellas, Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Dalkouras, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ginis, Mrs. Evlambia Kotsiopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Alex

Bellas, Mr. & Mrs. Elias Dariotis-Diaz, Mrs. Dimitra Ginis, Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Kotsiopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur

Bellas, Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Davos, , Mr. Yiannis Giolis, Mr. & Mrs. Nondas Koundrokakos, Mrs. Georgia

Bellas, Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeBaggis, Mr. & Mrs. Romolo Githui, Mr. & Mrs. Macharia Krikis, Mrs. Virginia

Besarick, Mr. & Mrs. Scott Decotis, Mrs. Anastasia Golas, Mrs. Vasiliki Kushta, Mrs. Kassiani

Bethoney, Mrs. Nicole Deeb, Paul & Elaine Gossman, Mrs. Zoe Kyranos, Mr. & Mrs. Christos

Bloumbas, Mr. George DeliGeorges< M. & Mrs. George Grantso, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kyranos, Mr. & Mrs. George

Bloumbas, Mr. & Mrs. James Demetriades, Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Habib, Mrs. Violet Kyranos, Mr. & Mrs. John

Bloumbas, Mr. James Demos, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hanley, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kyriakides, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Bloumbas, Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Dinopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. John Hasouris, Mrs. Alexandra Lainas, Mr. & Mrs. Ilias

Bokas, Mr. Charles Dinopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hasouris, Mr. Phillip Lainas, Mr. & Mrs. Steve

Bosco, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dosis, Mr. & Mrs. Christos Hatsiopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Lambrakis, Mrs. Sofia

Bostic, Mrs. Demetria Doumousiaris, Mrs. Dina Hatzidis, Ms. Kyriaki Landerholm, Mrs. Stephanie

Page 15: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


Lapsley, Ms. Sofia

Lenton, Mrs. Maria

Liapis, Ms. Evangeline J.

Lingos-Webb, Drs. Tania & Drew

Liolios, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel

Livanis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry

Loiacono, Mr. & Mrs. Edward

Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios

Lupo, Mrs. Georgia

Lymberopoulos, Mrs. Eleni

Manos, Mr. & Mrs. Sarantos

Maranian, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald

Marathas, Mr. & Mrs. Paul

Marchian, Mrs. Evaggelia

Mason, Ms. Heidi

McAllister, Mr. & Mrs. Mark

Mici, Mr. & Mrs. Thanasi

Mihos, Mr. & Mrs. Christy

Mihos, Mr. & Mrs. James P.

Mihos, Mr. Peter Gregory

Mitchell, Dr. George

Mitoulis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry

Morosas, Mr. Christopher

Mroz, Mr. & Mrs. Marcin

Nanos, Mr. & Mrs. Odesseas

Nasiopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Peter

Nasios, Mrs. Stephanie

Nenopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. John

Nicholaides, Mr. & Mrss. Harry

Nickandros, Mr. & Mrs. George

Nickolaou, Mr. James

Nikolakakos, Mrs. Despina

Nikopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Haralampos

Ntagkinis, M. & Mrs. Evangelos

Ntakoulas, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore

Odierno, Mr. & Mrs. Randy

Orphanos, Mr. & Mrs. John

Palantzas, Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios

Palantzas, Mr. & Mrs. Nick

Palantzas, Mrs. Vasiliki

Palantzas, Miss Vicky

Panagiotopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. George

Panagopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. James

Panagopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Peter

Panagoulopoulos, Mr. George

Panico, Mr. & Mrs. Robert

Papadimopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Michael

Papadogianakis, Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos

Papadopoulos, Dr. Andrea

Papadopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. John

Papadopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Leon

Papadopoulos, Ms. Maria

Papadopoulos, Mrs. Panagiota

Papadopoulos, Mrs. Paraskevi

Papadopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Peter

Papadopoulos, Mr. Tom

Papadopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Papagianopoulos, Ms. Magtha

Papakonstantinou, Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine

Papas, Mr. Matthew

Papigiotis, Mrs. Alexandra

Pappas, Mrs. Georgia

Pappas, Mrs. Pauline

Passias, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew

Passias, Mr. & Mrs. Nikolas

Passias, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen

Perdikis, Mrs. Liberty

Petropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Alkie

Petropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. George

Petropoulos, Mrs. Georgia

Phillips, Mrs. Demetria

Pishkin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Potsis, Mr. George

Potsis, Mr. George Sr.

Potsis, Mr. & Mrs. Ilias

Potsis, Mr. & Mrs. Peter

Poulimeni, Mrs. Argyro

Pouliopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Fotios

Poulos, Ms. Anastasia

Psilekaris, Ms. Theodora

Psilekaris, Mr. & Mrs. Tom

Psychos, Mr. & Mrs. Sam

Rassias, Candace Miss

Regas, Mr. Charles

Roussopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Aristotelis

Sakelaris Poole, Mrs. Linda

Sarantopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios

Sarantou, Mr. Nicholas

Sarras, Mr. Nicholas

Savas, Mr. Irakli

Savas, Mr. & Mrs. Spyros

Savas, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen

Scleparis, Mrs. Frances

Sedell, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur

Sever, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Sharkey, Mr. & Mrs

Siamantouras, Ms. Ann

Siamantouras, Mr. Evan

Sideropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios

Simolari, Mr. & Mrs. Vasil

Siogros, Mr. Steve

Skenas, Mrs. Jeanette

Skordares, Mrs. Laura

Smiliotopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Ilias

Smiliotopoulos, Mrs. Tina

Spanos, Mr. Nicholas

Spyropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. George

Stamboulidis, Mr. & Mrs. Themi

Stathakis, Mr. & Mrs. Paul

Stavropoulos, Miss Evangelia

Stavropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. George

Stellakis, Ms. Joanna

Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene

Syrniotis, Mr. & Mrs. Sam

Syrniotis, Ms. Vasiliki

Targontsidis, Mrs. Eleni

Targontsidis-Jain, Mrs. Sonia

Tasho, Mrs. Georgia

Terzakis, Mr. & Mrs. George

Terzakis, Mrs. Sophia

Terzis, Mrs. Maria

Theodossiou, Mr. George

Theofilou, Mr. & Mrs. Eleftherios

Theofilou, Mrs. Maria

Theos, Mr. & Mrs. William

Thompson, Mrs. Jane

Tiliakos, Ms. Gianna

Tiliakos, Ms. Ragen

Topoulos, Mr. James

Tsarhas, Mrs. Ourania

Tsarhopoulos, Mr. and Mrs. Paul

Tsianakas, Mr. & Ms. Christos

Tsianakas, Ms. Katherine

Tsiantoulas, Mr. & Mrs. Konsantinos

Tsilis, Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios

Tsionis, Mr. & Mrs. Philip

Tsionis, Ms. Stacy

Tsitso, Ms. Anna

Tsokanis, Miss Alexa

Tsokanis, Mr. Peter

Twomey, Ms. Thelma

Vallas, Mr. & Mrs. Sakellarios

Vardaxis, Mr. & Mrs. Avraam

Velissaris, Mrs. Dimitrios

Velissaris, Mr. & Mrs. George

Veiga, Mrs. Christine

Veiga, Mr. & Mrs. Derek

Venuto, Mr. & Mrs. James

Vintzileos, Mr. James

Vlahopoulos, Mrs. Anastasia

Weinberg, Ms. Merri

Westcott, Mr. & Mrs. David

Westhaver, Mr. & Mrs. Robert

Whowell Family

Yataines, Mrs. Ann

Yiankos, Mrs. Elizabeth

Yiotopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. George

Yiotopoulos, Mr. Steven

Zachos, Mr. & Mrs. John

Zaros, Mr. James

Zouroulidis, Mr. & Mrs. Adamandios

Zouroulidis, Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos

Page 16: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting

PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Philoptochos 2018 Calendar

February 3rd Apokreatiko Dance 7:00 pm

February 6th Potluck Dinner Meeting 6:30 pm

Board Meeting 5:30 pm

March 6th General Meeting 6:00 pm

Board Meeting 5:00 pm

March 30th Palm Making

April 1st Palm Sunday Bake Sale

April 5th Egg dyeing

April 10th General Meeting 6:00 pm

Board Meeting 5:00 pm

May 8th General Meeting 6:00pm

Board Meeting 5:00 pm

June TBD End of Year Outing


If you are planning a memorial service and

would like to order koliva please call the

church office. We would appreciate one weeks

notice in advance of the memorial service to

prepare the koliva. The cost is $100 and

checks should be made payable to the Ladies

Philoptochos Society.

Dear Sisters, On behalf of the Philoptochos Board, I would like to wish Father Anthony the best of luck as he starts a

new chapter as proistamenos at St. Athanasius Church in Arlington this month. He will be greatly missed. I would like to thank everyone who donated to the Giving Tree. It was a huge success where we were able to help 7 needy families. A spe-cial thank you to Stella Beal for spearheading this successful event. Also, thank you to Vilma Coutsoumbos and Vanessa Sharkey for wrap-ping all the gifts and to Aliki and Jim Saran-topoulos for delivering the packages. May 2018 bring you all blessings and health. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers who helped out in numerous way during the the holiday season. Thank you to: Georgia Babanikas, Stella Beal, Roula Cari-ofiles, Vilma Coutsoumbos, Chris Potsis and Ethel Savas for decorating the church. Stephanie Calogrias for preparing our Christmas Card this year. Tulla Giannaros for planning a fun Christmas party. To the many women who came out to bake tsourekia and koulourakia for the shut-ins and for delivering them. Sophie Koutsoumbos for organizing the Vasilopita once again this year. Please take a moment to review our upcoming events. Our next meeting will be February 6th

and it is potluck. I look forward to seeing everyone then.


Liz Karolemeas

Philoptochos President

Page 17: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting



Hi Everyone!

In the month of November we had a great bake sale! Thank you for all who donated. The money we made went to the food baskets for Christmas.

We made pitas as a GOYA for the bake sale that was very successful thanks to Mr. Tom Sedell for his help and also for donating the pans and rolling pins to the Church.

On Friday, January 19th we made plans for a fun GOYA event ice skating at pa-triots place.

In the coming months we are going to be selling candy bars from Hilliards $2 a bar. So keep an eye out !

Page 18: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting
Page 19: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting


February 18, 2018

Immediately following Divine Liturgy

Join us for a complimentary luncheon where we can come together in Christian Fellowship as we discuss our Parish’s Financial Challenges

In order for the Parish Council to properly prepare for this luncheon we ask that you kindly call the church office to reserve your seat no later than Monday, Feb-

ruary 12th, 2018


Saturday October 27, 2018

Everyone from Tots to Seniors Can Join in the Fun

This Non-Competitive Event-No Judges


More Details to Come



Dancers Musicians


Page 20: ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX HURH Monthly Bulletinthree preparatory weeks just prior to Great Lent, the six weeks of Lent, and Holy Week. We offer the follow-ing traditional fasting

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

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Brockton, MA 02301






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(508) 996-1116

BABANIKAS, ZIEDMAN & KING, P.C. 1247 Belmont Street

Brockton, MA 02301-4432

Phone (508) 588-7000 - Fax (508) 559-2775

Nicholas H. Babanikas

Stephen S. Ziedman

John J. King

Konstantinos J. Babanikas

Thomas J. Dinopoulos*

Praven Shenoy

Louis deBenedictis

Aleksandra Magdziak Lopes

*Also admitted to Rhode Island and Florida

Concentrating in:

Personal Injury Law - Social Security - Workmen’s Compensation

Wills & Trusts - Product Liability - Real Estate Law

Richard T. Mallen

Of Counsel