antique airways - newsletter of vaa chapter 3...

Official Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia Antique Airplane Foundation, Inc. Rudy, you and me are buds , right? Done with the spinner? ur members heading West on Sunday morning after our spring fly-in at Roxboro faced some challenging weather, to say the least. It looked like Don and Wanda Goodman Don and Wanda Goodman Don and Wanda Goodman Don and Wanda Goodman in their Stinson 108, Bob Barrows Bob Barrows Bob Barrows Bob Barrows in his Bear Hawk, Pat McAlee in his Fairchild 24R and Andre Robbins in his RV-8 would be faced with weather issues in their efforts to get home. When Andre and Pat left for Shiloh (Rockingham County) I knew that the current Metar at Shiloh was 1700 over- cast-5 miles visibility with light drizzle. I knew that they would be fine. I also knew that the other two planes would probably land short of their planned destination. That evening I made my normal phone calls to make sure that all had arrived home safely. (I learned to do this from my mother!!!) Sure enough, Don and Wanda had landed their 108 short of home having stopped at Smith Mountain Lake (Virginia). To my amaze- ment Don had secured a promise from the airport manager that he –the airport manager- would take his plane out of the hangar and replace it with the 108 if the weather got any worse! (Maybe Don could have a second career as a negotiator for the State Depart- ment!!!!!!!!!!!) Bob Barrows Bob Barrows Bob Barrows Bob Barrows landed on a private airport just 7 miles short of his own private airport – both located in Fincastle, Virginia. I told Bob that evening how I wished that his day had not been so trying. He laughed and said that “It was one of the best flying days that I have ever had!”. Bob enthusiastically recounted how he was forced to land at many different airports as he zigzagged his way towards home. He met with old friends, made new friends and spent most of the day on the ground –hangar flying. I could tell that he was one happy aviator! Bob knows something that most of us have forgotten. “It’s not the destination. It’s the jour- ney.” Jim and Eileen’s Jim and Eileen’s Jim and Eileen’s Jim and Eileen’s Cross Cotillion on May 23 was just great! Their airport, “Crosswinds”, is a beautiful airport located in the lowcountry of South Carolina about 30 sm north of Charleston. Jim and Eileen have convinced themselves that the success of their an- nual event is due to the beautiful location, the southern hospitality and lots of hard work on their part. Me-I subscribe to the “Have food and they will come!” theory of fly-ins. Thanks to Jim and Eileen for inviting our club to such a great fly-in. It’s a lot of fun! Still rolling.. Still rolling.. Still rolling.. Still rolling... O Hello Friends:

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Page 1: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South

Official Newsletter

of VAA

Chapter 3

July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher


North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia Antique Airplane Foundation, Inc.

Rudy, you and me are buds , right? Done with the spinner?

ur members heading West on Sunday morning after our spring fly-in at Roxboro faced some challenging weather, to

say the least. It looked like Don and Wanda Goodman Don and Wanda Goodman Don and Wanda Goodman Don and Wanda Goodman in their Stinson 108, Bob BarrowsBob BarrowsBob BarrowsBob Barrows in his Bear Hawk, Pat McAlee in his Fairchild 24R and Andre Robbins in his RV-8 would be faced with weather issues in their efforts to get home. When Andre and Pat left for Shiloh (Rockingham County) I knew that the current Metar at Shiloh was 1700 over-cast-5 miles visibility with light drizzle. I knew that they would be fine. I also knew that the other two planes would probably land short of their planned destination. That evening I made my normal phone calls to make sure that all had arrived home safely. (I learned to do this from my mother!!!) Sure enough, Don and Wanda had landed their 108 short of home having stopped at Smith Mountain Lake (Virginia). To my amaze-ment Don had secured a promise from the airport manager that he –the airport manager- would take his plane out of the hangar and replace it with the 108 if the weather got any worse! (Maybe Don could have a second career as a negotiator for the State Depart-ment!!!!!!!!!!!) Bob Barrows Bob Barrows Bob Barrows Bob Barrows landed on a private airport just 7 miles short of his own private airport –both located in Fincastle, Virginia. I told Bob that evening how I wished that his day had not been so trying. He laughed and said that “It was one of the best flying days that I have ever had!”. Bob enthusiastically recounted how he was forced to land at many different airports as he zigzagged his way towards home. He met with old friends, made new friends and spent most of the day on the ground –hangar flying. I could tell that he was one happy aviator! Bob knows something that most of us have forgotten. “It’s not the destination. It’s the jour-ney.” Jim and Eileen’s Jim and Eileen’s Jim and Eileen’s Jim and Eileen’s Cross Cotillion on May 23 was just great! Their airport, “Crosswinds”, is a beautiful airport located in the lowcountry of South Carolina about 30 sm north of Charleston. Jim and Eileen have convinced themselves that the success of their an-nual event is due to the beautiful location, the southern hospitality and lots of hard work on their part. Me-I subscribe to the “Have food and they will come!” theory of fly-ins. Thanks to Jim and Eileen for inviting our club to such a great fly-in. It’s a lot of fun! Still rolling..Still rolling..Still rolling..Still rolling...

OOOO Hello Friends:

Page 2: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South


Ch 3 President on the overrun On another note, member, Jordan NormarkJordan NormarkJordan NormarkJordan Normark, has graciously agreed to serve on our Advi-sory Committee. We are very fortunate to have this dedicated young aviator on this committee. Plans have been finalized for our fall fly-in at Camden, SC. (See preliminary information

elsewhere in this publication.) This is a great opportunity to fly and meet with your flying bud-

dies before the winter weather sets in! I look forward to seeing you there. Susan

Bruce Landsberg Landed his Bonanza at Roxboro, ate an extra large meal, and gave our Chapter an outstanding presentation on the workings and products of AOPA’s Air Safety Foun-dation. Bruce has been the ASF Director since 1992. In addition to the great articles in the AOPA magazine and Nationwide training, ASF has put together the best web based recurrent training and databases you will ever find. If you aren’t taking their mini courses...start now. Instructors...make them a BFR requirement. Suppose you get the bright idea to buy a Stearman. The ASF website can give you all kinds of accident data sorts that might convince you not to just jump in one and fly off.. This is just a sample of tips from their aviation safety iceberg. It was an honor to have Bruce visit our fly-in, mingle with our membership, and give us a new clue!

Page 3: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South


Our very own bluegrass legend and Airplane Pilot, Zeke Saunders, will be hon-

ored as an inductee to the North Carolina Transporta-tion Hall of Fame! He has quite a long record!

Zeke Saunders will Break Out

Cross Cotillion Mishap Report Once again the only mishap was VFR not rec-ommended weather in the Carolinas. This put off many of the “from off” visitors who didn’t like the

looks of the big b o o m e r s . Those that did-n’t look at the weather, how-ever, had no problem. The day still produced a yard full of air-planes and a hangar full of eaters. Just about every-one survived. Photos show: The view from the Porch; Steve Hawley Steve Hawley Steve Hawley Steve Hawley and John Grinalds John Grinalds John Grinalds John Grinalds present and imminent Jungmann owners; Kurt Von GraffKurt Von GraffKurt Von GraffKurt Von Graff, Ron Ron Ron Ron Normark, Steve Hawley, Jordan Normark, Normark, Steve Hawley, Jordan Normark, Normark, Steve Hawley, Jordan Normark, Normark, Steve Hawley, Jordan Normark, and Gary Gary Gary Gary Winter Winter Winter Winter convincing Kurt to make a mosquito killing

pass in his BT-13A. Rockford/OSH veter-ans and Midwesterners will recognize this airplane and the name under the canopy rail!

Thanks to Claude Burk-Claude Burk-Claude Burk-Claude Burk-head,III, Gary Winter, head,III, Gary Winter, head,III, Gary Winter, head,III, Gary Winter, Buddy Wehman, Ray Tho-Buddy Wehman, Ray Tho-Buddy Wehman, Ray Tho-Buddy Wehman, Ray Tho-mas, and Eileenmas, and Eileenmas, and Eileenmas, and Eileen for the photos in this issue.

Page 4: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South


Roxboro Recognition

Our first Spring fly-in at Person County Airport is now in the books. This is a great fly-in location. The airport and the arrangements executed by the airport, county, and chapter lead-ers could not have been better. In addition to having the use of a well maintained han-gar...complete with real bathrooms...plenty of parking, and fuel service; we had great food on the field and at two very nice dining venues. The weather was...fine on the field...50 miles out in any direction...not so good. It didn’t hold back lots of members, new guests, and fifty air-planes. Roxboro Year One will be remembered as one of our best gatherings. Applause and thanks to the following banquet recognizees:

Left Tina Walker (Airport Mgr) & Bill Tougas (FBO) and to the Right our one and only Skip Carden. They were lauded for Planning and Executing the First Person County Vintage Fly-In

Bob Barrows from Fincastle, VA was recognized for

Design and Support of the Bearhawk Series of Ex-peimental Aircraft. Bob designed the airplane in three models. ( 2 & 4 pl and a Tandem) We are expecting the first flight of an LSA version this summer. Sixty Bearhawks are flying, with 110 kits sold and 1200 set of plans. It’s a good one..

Lastly, we have the curious case of Steve Hawley. Some-

times he appears in a yellow airplane, this time in a black Thorp T-18. He was recognized for Flying and Maintaining N9008Z for Thirty Years. This was not easy in light of the collection of war stories that go along with the multi state construction, moves and flying situations they have been through together. Imagine trying to land a Thorp in a strong crosswind after a rudder cable jumped on top of the fuselage mounted battery and got nuked…? Not sure that Adele has heard all these sto-

ries, so I will not cover the other six at this time...

Page 5: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South


...continued on back

Roxboro Sightings

Frank and Pat Barber Frank and Pat Barber Frank and Pat Barber Frank and Pat Barber Take my plate, Frank.

Joanna Joanna Joanna Joanna and Larry Morris Larry Morris Larry Morris Larry Morris told John Barringer John Barringer John Barringer John Barringer a funny story...that he wouldn’t repeat.. See… the sun was out...

For a while, we had more staff cars than air-planes. Leon Cox, Leon Cox, Leon Cox, Leon Cox, Don Collins, Phil Don Collins, Phil Don Collins, Phil Don Collins, Phil Whapham,Whapham,Whapham,Whapham, and Walt Weaver Walt Weaver Walt Weaver Walt Weaver are always ready

Camden Fly-In Get a Room Where to stay and what’s to eat: Make your reservations early • HQ Hotel is the Quality Inn, Lugoff SC. 803-438-9441 $69.99 + Tax Use the secret code words “Vintage Aircraft Group” for this rate. • Comfort Inn 803-425-1010 or Holiday Inn Express 803-424-5000 • Limited Camping with electric and water Call Billy Holden (803-424-7068) or Wendy (803-446-0214) to reserve a hot spot. • Unlimited Camping by your airplane or anywhere that isn’t a runway or ramp • Showers available courtesy of EAA Chapter 1132 • Bar and Bar BQ on the field Friday evening • EAA Chapter 1132 will cook eggs Sat morning, Lunch on Field Sat, Banquet at Quality Inn Sat Nite. • SC Breakfast Club on the Field Sunday Morning.

Page 6: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South


Chapter New Hires

(Lt) Mike Miller from Kannapo-

lis, NC and his ‘46 Ercoupe 415C. He and his son Issac

also have a Glasair, Baby Lakes, an RV-6, & a T-Craft L2M. (Rt) Jim Speer, of

Boonville, NC, turned up in the parking lot of the hotel but arrived in his Starduster. (below Jim) Other airplanes in his stable include a Cougar,

Acrosport, and a Clip Wing Cubby. Susan was trolling for members in the same parking lot and came up with “Big John” Everette, of Garner, NC. Big J is a short wing guy owning a ‘59 PA22/20. The hotel surveillance camera did not show this encounter...sorry no photo of John just yet. Same story with Pete Bashford, from Apex, NC….but I think

he was discovered on the aerodrome… Pete has a Citabria.

(Lt) Frank Moore Frank Moore Frank Moore Frank Moore of Wake Forrest, NC is no stranger to our fly-Ins...attending in one of his Vagabonds….Really?! The latest issue of Jack Cox’sJack Cox’sJack Cox’sJack Cox’s Sportsman Pilot magazine has the whole story on Frank and his Vags. ...also...Nancy Normark Nancy Normark Nancy Normark Nancy Normark learned to fly in the Vagabond shown. All in the family. (Rt) Kim Bevier Kim Bevier Kim Bevier Kim Bevier now of Cam-den, SC soon to be from Manning, SC stands at pa-rade rest. He has an Aeronca 7AC and a GP-4 project.

Need’ta be Members to the left Dale and Judy Brown Dale and Judy Brown Dale and Judy Brown Dale and Judy Brown Coolin’ it.

Page from Spring 2009 Sportsman Pilot

Page 7: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South



Oct 2Oct 2Oct 2Oct 2----4 , 2009 VAA 3 Fall Fly4 , 2009 VAA 3 Fall Fly4 , 2009 VAA 3 Fall Fly4 , 2009 VAA 3 Fall Fly----In Camden, SC In Camden, SC In Camden, SC In Camden, SC Oct 31 (Sat) Fly Oct 31 (Sat) Fly Oct 31 (Sat) Fly Oct 31 (Sat) Fly----Out to Susan’s Big Food EventOut to Susan’s Big Food EventOut to Susan’s Big Food EventOut to Susan’s Big Food Event Shiloh Airport (KSIF) Shiloh Airport (KSIF) Shiloh Airport (KSIF) Shiloh Airport (KSIF) 7777----9 May 2010 Spring Fly9 May 2010 Spring Fly9 May 2010 Spring Fly9 May 2010 Spring Fly----In at Roxboro, NC (KTDF)In at Roxboro, NC (KTDF)In at Roxboro, NC (KTDF)In at Roxboro, NC (KTDF)

MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION To Join − Complete this Application and Send $20.00/yr (Checks Payable to Carolina’s−Virginia Antique Airplane Foundation) to Olene Phillips, 150 Nora Oaks Rd., Willkesboro, NC 28697 or Join for a Lifetime: Age 65/up −$150, 64−45− $350, 44−25 − $550 Under 25 − $750 What a deal! Name ______________________________________ (Nickname)__________________ Spouse’s Name___________________________ EAA Member? EAA # __________ Y N VAA # __________ Telephone/Email: ________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ Airplane(s)/Projects & N # (s)

Disclaimer−Antique Airways® is the official publication of NC, SC,VA Antique Airplane Foundation,Inc.It is published only as a medium of communication among our members. All material herein of a technical nature or listed events are for reference only and are not recommended or approved by the publisher, editor, or authors. Foundation Officers, Directors,or Members do not project or accept responsibility or liability for participation in any fly−In, function, or event.

CHAPTER OFFICERS President: Susan Dusenbury, 1374 Brook Cove Rd., Walnut Cove, NC 27052 336-591-3931 sr6Sue@

V President: Ron Normark 3508 Canter Ln, Raleigh, NC 27604, 919-876-2468 Treasurer: Olene Phillips 150 Nora Oaks Rd., Wilkesboro, NC 28697 336-667-2646 Secretary: Liz Smith 4464 Village Highway, Lynchburg, VA 24505 434-942-7537 © [email protected] Newsletter Jim Wilson, 1862 Poplar Hill Dr. Cross, SC 29436 843−753−7138, [email protected]

Page 8: ANTIQUE AIRWAYS - Newsletter of VAA Chapter 3 July-August 2009 Jim Wilson—Editor & Publisher ANTIQUE AIRWAYS ® North Carolina, South


John Pipkin John Pipkin John Pipkin John Pipkin and Kim Bevier Kim Bevier Kim Bevier Kim Bevier did a demo of proper propping and a unique pull your own chocks chock developed by Kim. Above, John shows the minimum dis-tance to keep your face from a moving propeller blade.

Betty, Ferrell,Betty, Ferrell,Betty, Ferrell,Betty, Ferrell, Skip, Pete, Skip, Pete, Skip, Pete, Skip, Pete, Steve Steve Steve Steve and Adele Adele Adele Adele plot a course to Fri-day Dinner.

Sat .Night Dinner in a high class joint… Tablecloths, chandelier, a plant in a pot, and the Good-Good-Good-Good-mansmansmansmans…?

Larry Peoples Larry Peoples Larry Peoples Larry Peoples and Woody Woody Woody Woody Woodall Woodall Woodall Woodall discuss 140 things.

Hangar Centerpiece The Hill’s UPF-7