anz marketing analytics

> Marke(ng Analy(cs < Using data to boost return on marke1ng investment

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The presentation discusses the significance of data in marketing campaigns.


Page 1: ANZ Marketing Analytics

>  Marke(ng  Analy(cs  <  Using  data  to  boost  return  on  

marke1ng  investment  

Page 2: ANZ Marketing Analytics

>  Short  but  sharp  history  §  Datalicious  was  founded  in  late  2007  §  Strong  Omniture  web  analy1cs  history  §  1  of  4  preferred  Omniture  partners  globally  §  Now  360  data  agency  with  specialist  team  §  Combina1on  of  analysts  and  developers  §  Carefully  selected  best  of  breed  partners  §  Driving  industry  best  prac1ce  (ADMA)  §  Turning  data  into  ac1onable  insights  §  Execu1ng  smart  data  driven  campaigns      December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   2  

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>  Smart  data  driven  marke(ng  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   3  

Media  A<ribu(on  &  Modeling  

Op(mise  channel  mix,  predict  sales  

Tes(ng  &  Op(misa(on  Remove  barriers,  drive  sales  

Boos(ng  ROMI  

Targeted  Direct  Marke(ng    Increase  relevance,  reduce  churn  

“Using  data  to  widen  the  funnel”  

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>  Media  a<ribu(on  


December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   4  

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>  The  ideal  media  dashboard  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   5  

Channel   Investment   ROMI   Return  

Brand  equity  Baseline   ($100)   n/a   $40  

Offline  TV,  print,  outdoor,  etc   $7   330%   $30  

Direct  Direct  mail,  email,  etc   $1   400%   $5  

Online  Search,  display,  social,  etc  

$2   1150%   $25  

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>  Duplica(on  across  channels    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   6  

Banner    Ads  

Email    Blast  

Paid    Search  

Organic  Search  

$  Bid    Mgmt  

Ad    Server  

Email  PlaNorm  

Google  Analy(cs  




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>  Cookie  expira(on  impact  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   7  

Banner    Ad  Click  

Email    Blast  

Paid    Search  

Organic  Search  

Bid    Mgmt  

Ad    Server  

Email  PlaNorm  

Google  Analy(cs  






Banner    Ad  View  

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Central  Analy(cs  PlaNorm  




>  De-­‐duplica(on  across  channels    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   8  

Banner    Ads  

Email    Blast  

Paid    Search  

Organic  Search  


Page 9: ANZ Marketing Analytics

Direct  mail,    email,  etc  

Facebook  Twi<er,  etc  

>  Campaign  flows  are  complex  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   9  

POS  kiosks,  loyalty  cards,  etc  

CRM  program  

Home  pages,  portals,  etc  

YouTube,    blog,  etc  

Paid    search  

Organic    search  

Landing  pages,  offers,  etc  

PR,  WOM,  events,  etc  

TV,  print,    radio,  etc  

=  Paid  media  

=  Viral  elements  

Call  center,    retail  stores,  etc  

=  Sales  channels  

Display  ads,  affiliates,  etc  

Page 10: ANZ Marketing Analytics

TV/Print/DM    audience  

Search  audience  

Banner  audience  

>  Media  channels  feed  each  other  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   10  

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Users  are  segmented  before  1st  ad  is  even  served    

>  Ad  server  exposure  test  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   11  

Banner  Impression   $  TV/Print  

Response  Search  


Banner  Impression   $  Search  

Response  Direct  


Exposed  group:  90%  of  users  get  branded  message  

Banner  Impression   $  Search  

Response  Direct  


Control  group:  10%  of  users  get  non-­‐branded  message  

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>  Indirect  display  impact    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   12  

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>  Indirect  display  impact    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   13  

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>  Indirect  display  impact    

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>  Success  a<ribu(on  models    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   15  

Banner    Ad  $100  

Email    Blast  

Paid    Search  $100  

Banner    Ad  $100  

Affiliate    Referral  $100  

Success  $100  

Success  $100  

Banner    Ad  

Paid    Search  

Organic  Search  $100  

Success  $100  

Last  channel  gets  all  credit  

First  channel  gets  all  credit  

All  channels  get  equal  credit  

Print    Ad  $33  

Social    Media  $33  

Paid    Search  $33  

Success  $100  

All  channels  get  par(al  credit  

Paid    Search  

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>  First  and  last  click  a<ribu(on    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   16  

Chart  shows  percentage  of  channel  touch  points  that  lead  to  a  conversion.  

Neither  first    nor  last-­‐click  measurement  would  provide  true  picture    

Paid/Organic  Search  

Emails/Shopping  Engines  

Page 17: ANZ Marketing Analytics


Paid    search  

Display    ad  views  

TV/print    ad  views  

>  Full  purchase  path  tracking  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   17  

Influencer   Influencer   $  

Display    ad  clicks  

Online  sales  

Affiliate  clicks  

Social    buzz  

Offline  sales  

Organic  search  

Website  events  

Direct  mail,  emails  

Life(me  profit  

Social  referrals  

Retail    store  visits  

Direct    site  visits  


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>  Search  call  to  ac(on  for  offline    

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Page 21: ANZ Marketing Analytics  >  redirect  to  >    

CampaignID=DM:123&  Demographics=F|35&  CustomerSegment=A1&  CustomerValue=High&  CustomerSince=2001&  ProductHistory=P1|P2&  NextBestOffer=P3&  ChurnRisk=Low  [...]  

>  Personalised  URLs  for  direct  mail  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   21  

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Confirma(on  email,  1st  login  

>  Offline  sales  driven  by  online  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   22  

Website  research  

Phone  order  

Retail  order  

Online  order  


Adver(sing    campaign  

Credit  check,  fulfilment  

Online  order  confirma(on  

Virtual  order  confirma(on  

Page 23: ANZ Marketing Analytics

>  Event  ROI  extrapola(on  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   23  

Product  view  

Applica(on  start  

Offline  conversion  

$10   $100  



$30   $60  


$10   $30  


Applica(on  complete  

@  @  




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>  Single  source  of  truth  repor(ng  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   24  

Insights   Repor(ng  

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>  Where  to  collect  the  data    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   25  

Referral  visits  Social  media  visits  Organic  search  visits  Paid  search  visits  Email  visits,  etc  

Web  Analy(cs  Banner  impressions  

Banner  clicks  +  

Paid  search  clicks  

Ad  Server  

Lacking  ad  impressions  Less  granular  &  complex  

Lacking  organic  visits  More  granular  &  complex  

Page 26: ANZ Marketing Analytics

>  Raw  a<ribu(on  data  

Web  Analy(cs  data  sample  (AD  IMPRESSION  >)  AFFILIATE  >  SEARCH  >  $$$  SEARCH  >  SOCIAL  >  EMAIL  >  DIRECT  >  $$$    

Ad  Server  data  sample  01/01/2011  12:00  AD  IMPRESSION  01/01/2011  12:05  PAID  SEARCH  07/01/2011  17:00  EMAIL  08/01/2011  15:00  $$$        

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   26  

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>  Purchase  path  for  each  cookie  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   27  

Mobile   Home   Work  

Tablet   Media   Etc  

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>  Understanding  channel  mix  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   28  

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>  Website  entry  survey    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   30  

Channel   %  of  Conversions  

Straight  to  Site   27%  

SEO  Branded   15%  

SEM  Branded   9%  

SEO  Generic   7%  

SEM  Generic   14%  

Display  Adver1sing   7%  

Affiliate  Marke1ng   9%  

Referrals   5%  

Email  Marke1ng   7%  

De-­‐duped  Campaign  Report  

}  Channel   %  of  Influence  

Word  of  Mouth   32%  

Blogging  &  Social  Media   24%  

Newspaper  Adver1sing   9%  

Display  Adver1sing   14%  

Email  Marke1ng   7%  

Retail  Promo1ons   14%  

Greatest  Influencer  on  Branded  Search  /  STS  

Conversions  aoributed  to  search  terms  that  contain  brand  keywords  and  direct  website  visits  are  most  likely  not  the  origina1ng  channel  that  generated  the  awareness  and  as  such  conversion  credits  should  be  re-­‐allocated.    

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>  Adjus(ng  for  offline  impact  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   31  

+15  +5   +10  -­‐15  -­‐5   -­‐10  

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>  Custom  a<ribu(on  models    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   32  

Influencer   Influencer   $  

25%   Even    A<rib.  

Exclusion  A<rib.  

Custom  A<rib.  

25%   25%  


33%   33%   33%   0%  

?   ?   ?   ?  

Page 33: ANZ Marketing Analytics


Channel  1  

Channel  1  

Channel  1  

>  Path  across  different  segments  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   33  

Influencer   Influencer   $  

Channel  2  

Channel  2   Channel  3  

Channel  2   Channel  3   Product  4  

Channel  3  

Channel  4  

Channel  4  


Product    A  vs.  B  

New  prospects  

Exis(ng  customers  

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>  Experience  op(misa(on  


December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   34  

Page 35: ANZ Marketing Analytics

Capture  internet  traffic  Capture  50-­‐100%  of  fair  market  share  of  traffic  

Increase  consumer  engagement  Exceed  50%  of  best  compe1tor’s  engagement  rate    

Capture  qualified  leads  and  sell  Convert  10-­‐15%  to  leads  and  of  that  20%  to  sales  

Building  consumer  loyalty  Build  60%  loyalty  rate  and  40%  sales  conversion  

Increase  online  revenue  Earn  10-­‐20%  incremental  revenue  online  

>  Increase  revenue  by  10-­‐20%    

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   35  

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>  New  consumer  decision  journey  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   36  

The  consumer  decision  process  is  changing  from  linear  to  circular.  

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>  New  consumer  decision  journey  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   37  

The  consumer  decision  process  is  changing  from  linear  to  circular.  

Change  increases  the  importance  of  experience  during  research  phase.  

Online  research    

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December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   38  

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December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   39  

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December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd  40  

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December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   41  

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Customised  landing  pages  

>  Seamless  research  experience  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   42  

TV,  print,    direct  mail,  etc  

Organic,  paid  search  

Display    ads  

Display  ad    re-­‐targe(ng  

Applica(on  process  

Fall-­‐out  email  follow-­‐up    re-­‐targe(ng  

Ad  Server  /  SuperTag  

Ad  Server  /  SuperTag  


Test&Target  /  SuperTag  

Test&Target  /  SuperTag  

Page 43: ANZ Marketing Analytics

>  Network  wide  re-­‐targe(ng  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   43  

Frequent  Flyer  campaign  

Card  customer  

Card  prospect  

Loan  prospect  

Access  Advantage  campaign   Home  Loans  campaign  

Access  customer  

Access  prospect  

Loan  prospect  

Loan  customer  

Loan  prospect  

Access  prospect  

Page 44: ANZ Marketing Analytics

Group  wide  campaign  with  approximate  impression  targets  by  product  rather  than  hard  budget  limita(ons  

>  Network  wide  re-­‐targe(ng  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   44  

Card  customer  

Card  prospect  

Loan  prospect  

Access  customer  

Access  prospect  

Loan  prospect  

Loan  customer  

Loan  prospect  

Access  prospect  

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Targe(ng  before  tes(ng  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   45  

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Purchase  Cycle  

Segmenta(on  based  on:  Search  keywords,  display  ad  clicks  and  website  behaviour   Data    

Points  Access  Advantage  

Frequent  Flyers   Etc  

Research,  considera(on  

Acquisi(on  message  #A1  

Acquisi(on  message  #A3  

Acquisi(on  message  #A5  

Ad  clicks,  prod  views  

Conversion  intent  

Acquisi(on  message  #A2  

Acquisi(on  message  #A4  

Acquisi(on  message  #A6  

Applica(on  starts  

Reten(on,  cross-­‐sell  

Reten(on  message  #R1  

Reten(on  message  #R2  

Reten(on  message  #R3  

Email  clicks,  logins,  etc  

>  Developing  a  targe(ng  matrix  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   46  

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Campaign  response  data  

>  Combining  data  sources  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   47  

Customer  profile  data  

+   The  whole  is  greater    than  the  sum  of  its  parts  

Website  behavioural  data  

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>  Transac(ons  plus  behaviours  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   48  

+  one-­‐off  collec1on  of  demographical  data    age,  gender,  address,  etc  customer  lifecycle  metrics  and  key  dates  profitability,  expira(on,  etc  predic1ve  models  based  on  data  mining  

propensity  to  buy,  churn,  etc  historical  data  from  previous  transac1ons  

average  order  value,  points,  etc  

CRM  Profile  

Updated  Occasionally  

tracking  of  purchase  funnel  stage  

browsing,  checkout,  etc  tracking  of  content  preferences  

products,  brands,  features,  etc  tracking  of  external  campaign  responses  

search  terms,  referrers,  etc  tracking  of  internal  promo1on  responses  

emails,  internal  search,  etc  

Site  Behaviour  

Updated  Con(nuously  

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>  Maximise  iden(fica(on  points    









0   4   8   12   16   20   24   28   32   36   40   44   48  


−−−  Probability  of  iden1fica1on  through  Cookies  

December  2011   49  ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd  

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Test   Segment   Content   Success   Difficulty   Poten(al  

Test  #1A     New  prospects  

Acquisi(on  offer  A  

Clicks,    orders,  etc  

Low   $50k  Test  #1B   New  

prospects  Acquisi(on  offer  B  

Clicks,    orders,  etc  

Test  #2A   Exis(ng  customers  

Up-­‐sell  offer  A  

Clicks,    orders,  etc  

High   $75k  Test  #2B   Exis(ng  

customers  Up-­‐sell  offer  B  

Clicks,    orders,  etc  

>  Developing  a  tes(ng  matrix  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   50  

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>  The  holy  trinity  of  tes(ng  1.  The  headline  – Have  a  headline!  – Headline  should  be  concrete  – Headline  should  be  first  thing  visitors  look  at  

2.  Call  to  ac(on  – Don’t  have  too  many  calls  to  ac1on  – Have  an  ac1onable  call  to  ac1on  – Have  a  big,  prominent,  visible  call  to  ac1on  

3.  Social  proof  –  Logos,  number  of  users,  tes1monials,    case  studies,  media  coverage,  etc  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   51  

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>  Best  prac(ce  tes(ng  roadmap  §  Phase  #1:  A/B  test  

–  Test  the  same  landing  page  content  in  completely  different  layouts  

§  Phase  #2:  MV  test  –  Then  test  different  content  element  combina1ons  within  the  winning  layout  

§  Phase  #3:  Challenge  –  Con1nue  tes1ng  and  introducing  layout  and  content  challengers  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   52  

Element  #1:  Prominent  headline  

Element  #2:    Call  to  ac1on  

Suppor1ng    content  

Element  #3:  Social  proof  /  trust  

Terms  and  condi1ons  

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>  Use  unique  phone  numbers  

December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   53  

2  out  of  3  callers  hang  up  as  they  cannot  get  their    informa1on  fast  enough.    Unique  phone  numbers  can  help  improve  call  experience.  

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Contact  me  [email protected]  

 Learn  more    

Follow  me  twi<  

 December  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   55  

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Data  >  Insights  >  Ac(on  

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