apple swot analysis presentation

Patrick Sailsbury Sofia Novo Devon Adams-Martin Shannen Cox

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Page 1: Apple SWOT Analysis Presentation

Patrick SailsburySofia Novo

Devon Adams-MartinShannen Cox

Page 2: Apple SWOT Analysis Presentation

BackgroundFounded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, Apple Inc. has since become one of the world’s largest tech and electronics companies today. The two launched the Apple Computer Company out of a garage in Palo Alto, California, with Wozniak designing the Apple 1, Apple’s first product to hit the market. In 1977, Apple introduced the first ever personal computer designed for the masses known as the Apple II.

This is not to say that Apple never had their rough moments. With tensions rising, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985, only to assume his position as CEO 12 years later following Apple’s purchase of Next Software, founded by Jobs during his furlough. Fast-forward to 2015 and Apple has grown into the world’s most profitable company, valued at $733 billion earlier this year.

(Linzmayer, 2006)

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Company CultureSteve Jobs’ belief that things should work the way we wished they would work along with his relentless pursuit of perfection in the design of Apple’s products has been the root of Apple’s company culture. These strong values of simplicity, innovation and sophisticated design are apparent not only in their products, but in their stores, their online presence and throughout their overall customer experience.

The importance of these values is understood by all of Apple’s employees, which is why your experience with any of their associates tends to be similar regardless of where you are. Apple takes the minimalistic approach to virtually every aspect of their company, delivering compelling products and setting the industry's standards for a modern company culture. It is these morals that have made Apple second to none.

(Moreland, 2011)

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Strengths• While Apple has been known to limit their use of social media, it has proven to benefit

their image by creating a perception of exclusivity.• Apple has official social media accounts for many of its services such as Apple Music

and the App Store, which has given followers a more direct relationship to their desired areas of the company.

• Apple created an official Tumblr account for the iPhone 5c, proving their unconventional approach towards social media marketing in using a less mainstream, and more aesthetically pleasing medium than competitors.

• Their unconventional social media marketing strategy has ultimately left consumers wanting to know more, causing them to look further into the company directly.

(Kapko, 2015)

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• Lack of social media presence in general is Apple’s social media weakness.• They’re not on Twitter, Facebook, etc (note: iTunes, and some product lines have

accounts).• Cannot respond or engage via social media to consumers.• New products not promoted via official social media accounts.• Reduced marketing/product exposure.

(Richter 2015)

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Opportunities• Little social media presence/engagement allows for

several opportunities:• No need to hire social media team.• Directs people seeking for product information

to their website, creating more website traffic.• The mystery of new products that aren’t being

talked about via Apple’s social media creates more buzz and talk because consumer’s curiosity is peaked.

• Apple differentiates the way they market from their competitors which makes them stand out and feel like a very unique company.

(Bajarin 2015)

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Threats● Apple faces strong social media competition from its competitors (ie: Dell)● They are at threat to lose sales because consumers:

○ Gain knowledge about other brand products via their social media accounts.○ Prefer the engagement that other companies provide via social media.○ Aren’t aware about new product releases immediately through social media as

they would be with other brands.

(Hellman, 2014)

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Social Media • Apple Inc. only official social media platform is YouTube with over 2.8 million subscribers,

106 million views and 511 videos.• They do not allow any comments to be made on their videos.

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Social Media• It is not easy to find any Apple Inc. official social media

platforms on the Internet.

• Although this is not their official Twitter, without even posting any content or following anyone, they are able to gain over 35,000 followers.

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Social Media• The company distances themselves from any social media on a corporate level

• Their flagship services such as the App Store and Apple Music are active online and participate in social media on all different platforms

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Purpose and Objectives● The purpose of Apple’s avoidance of social media engagement is to build the hype

between Apple fans.● The objective is to keep minimal communication in order to create the buzz for

launching their new products.○ The skillfully done minimal engagement via social media equates to more

consumer interest.● Another objective for their social media is to reach the organizational goals of:

○ Brand Awareness○ Service○ New Product Development○ Employment/Recruiting

(Hartley, 2015)

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Target Group● Target audience = between age 25-45.● Focus on middle and upper income individuals first. ● Secondary focus is on students.● Target group use social media to communicate mainly on:

○ Twitter ○ Facebook○ Youtube

(Asay, 2010)

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Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media Tools• Apple creates cliffhangers by releasing hints about future products.

• Advantages: Creates a buzz by intriguing consumers and raises anticipation.

• Disadvantage: Leaves room for false rumors and loses the sense of confidentiality.

• The haven’t used social media analytics in the past.

• Advantages: Considering their limited social media presence, they were able to save money by not paying for an analytics service.

• Disadvantage: Apple loses out on valuable consumer information that they can use to benefit their products and strategies.

• They’ve strategically created a sense of scarcity.

• Advantages: This has driven demand, causing consumers to desire what they believe is limited.

• Disadvantages: Consumers are sometimes discouraged if they believe scarcity to be a created perception as opposed to reality.

(Kaputa, 2012)

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What Apple is Doing Right with Social Media• Apple Inc. is “anti-social” in order to keep people talking about their products because they are


• They do not offer much communication when it comes to any social media platform, including their own YouTube channel

• They aren’t participating in any social media platforms besides posting YouTube promotion videos when a new product is about to launch.

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What Apple Needs to Improve on with Social Media

● Apple should create direct customers service via social media.○ Would be helpful to make a Twitter or other platform solely for the focus. of answering

questions and comments of their audience.○ Many direct questions to Tim Cook (CEO) via twitter that go unanswered.

● Embedding social sharing into Apple products.○ Would create more informed social audiences.○ Easier to share content.○ Reach more potential customers.

(Burnham, 2012)

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References (Page 1 of 2)Arakali, H. (2015, January 27). Once a tough market for Apple Inc. Indians show a growing taste for iPhones. Retrieved October, 2015, from

Asay, M. (2010, August 26). Apple Doesn't Target Markets. It Targets People. Retrieved October, 2015, from

Bajarin, T. (2015, May 5). Apple’s iPhone Growth Opportunities. Retrieved Octorber, 2015, from

Burnham, J. (2012, January 19). Is it Time for Apple to Get Social? Retrieved October, 2015, from

Hartley, K. (2015). Apple. Retrieved October, 2015, from

Hellman, J. (2014, August 26). Apple Inc.: A Short SWOT Analysis. Retrieved October, 2015, from

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References (Page 2 of 2)Kapko, M. (2015, September 2). Inside Apple's odd, yet effective, social media strategy. Retrieved October, 2015, from

Linzmayer, O. (2006, April). 30 pivotal moments in Apple's History. Retrieved October, 2015, from

Moreland, J. (2011, November 2). Steve Jobs, Apple, and the importance of company culture. Retrieved October, 2015, from

Richter, F. (2015, July 21). The iPhone Is More Vital Than Ever to Apple's Success. Retrieved October, 2015, from

Kaputa, C. (2012, September 28). 5 Marketing Tools Apple Exploits To Build The Hype. Retrieved October, 2015, from