applying progressive information disclosure: user interface content design

Applying Progressive Information Disclosure: User Interface Content Design Presented by Andrea L. Ames IBM Senior Technical Staff Member and Enterprise Content Experience Strategist/Architect/Designer

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Session at the 2014 STC Summit Andrea will provide an overview of progressive information disclosure concepts, the design process, and heuristics for evaluating user interfaces. She will then lead participants through a small-group evaluation process of a software graphical user interface (GUI) and a large-group discussion of the groups' discoveries and the implications of those. She will also discuss the implications of content issues for interaction and visual design and how to apply progressive information disclosure for non-graphical and non-software interfaces.


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Applying Progressive Information Disclosure: User Interface Content DesignPresented by

Andrea L. AmesIBM Senior Technical Staff Member and Enterprise Content Experience Strategist/Architect/Designer

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About Andrea

Technical communicator since 1983 Areas of expertise

Information architecture and design and interaction design for products and interactive information

Information and product usability—from analysis through validation User-centered design and development process

IBM Senior Technical Staff Member UCSC in Silicon Valley Extension Tech Comm and Writing

certificate coordinator and instructor STC Fellow, past president (2004-05), and past member

of Board of Directors (1998-2006) ACM Distinguished Engineer


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Agenda Prerequisite: Think More, Write Less

Progressive disclosure (PD) Traditional information PD Applying PD to the end-to-end

content experience Quick steps to PD Blockers to PD Resources

Backup: Stages of use


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According to Wikipedia… progressive disclosure (PD): “To move complex and less frequently used options out of the main user interface

and into secondary screens“

An interaction design technique Often used in human computer interaction Helps maintain the focus of a user's attention by reducing clutter, confusion, and

cognitive workload Improves usability by presenting only the minimum data required for the task at hand

Sequences actions across several screens Reduces feelings of overwhelm for the user Reveals only the essentials and helps the user manage the complexity of feature-rich

sites or applications Moves from "abstract to specific" via “ramping up” the user from simple to more

complex actions

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PD for interaction isn’t new

Around since at least the early 1980s (Jack Carroll, IBM) Jakob Nielsen has been discussing it for ages

"Progressive disclosure is the best tool so far: show people the basics first, and once they understand that, allow

them to get to the expert features. But don't show everything all at once or you will only confuse people

and they will waste endless time messing with features that they don't need yet".

In information development, PD can be applied to content, as well

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What is progressive information disclosure? In an information experience, enables you (the author) to

provide the right information in the right place at the right time

Assumes “competent performer” to “proficient performer” is stage of use (backup) in which users will spend most of their time when using the product–not novices; not experts

Defer display of novice information, background, concepts, extended reference material and examples, etc., until the user needs and requests it

Reduces complexity by revealing only the essentials for a current task and then reveals more as users advance through tasks

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What is progressive information disclosure? (cont.)

Reveals information in an ordered manner Each layer builds on the previous one in a flow that provides

progressively more information Provides only the details that are necessary at a given time, in a

specific context Provides assistance when necessary--not information created just to

cover an empty widget Do not repeat information; for example, do not repeat field labels in

hover text. “A guided journey, not a scavenger hunt” (J. Fell, former IBM IA)

Designed around the ideal information experience–with no resource or time constraints

Implemented realistically with necessary constraints

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A rose by any other name…

Technical communicators have been “doing” PD for a long time

We might not call it PD The best example of traditional PD:

Well-architected, traditional, online helpPrimary “layer”: Contextual and task topicsSecondary “layers”: prereqs, background,

related concepts and reference, etc.

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Traditional, contextual help

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The problem with traditional assistance and traditional information development methods

Typical UI-text development process: Written by developers of the UI Edited by tech pubs (best case; often copy edit capturing only capitalization and punctuation

issues and typos) Typical help development process:

Writers attend (some) design meetings, keeping track of the number of UI panels in the product, which typically include one help button per panel

Writers develop one help topic for each UI panel in the product Pop-up help/hover help provided for all, or no, controls Task help describes how to complete the fields in the UI panel:

Pop-up/hover help content repeated in task help Writers cut and paste from specs

Typical library design and development process: Deliverables developed based on development expectations and history vs. user needs Other (non-help) deliverable content identified without regard for task help also being created

Extensive redundancy across UI text, help, and other deliverables (like books) Design process accomplished within resource and time constraints, not

according to ideal or customer needs

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What’s wrong with this picture?

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The next PD evolution/revolution

The UI Add value Get even closer to the task than the help Influence the design of the task and task

ecosystem Drive reductions in words Prioritize resources around client value

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Overview: Quick steps to PD

1. Consider your user (scenarios, goals, tasks) and their stages of use (see backup for more on stages of use)

2. Start with the product: Is the UI as obvious and self-evident as possible?

3. Can you improve “help,” or do you need it at all?

4. How are you supporting users’ successful goal achievement (through use of the product) with non-UI, task-oriented content?

? What issues will keep you from implementing this kind of approach?

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1. Consider your user (scenarios, goals, tasks) and their stages of use

Scenarios Use cases Task flows Personas User roles

Goals, expectations, needs, environment

Required to understand whether the product is as easy to explain as possible without content, and to understand what information is necessary and how, when, and where to deliver it.

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2. Start with the product First: Is the UI as obvious and self-evident (as easy to explain) as possible?

First view: “welcome” Task flow All assistance about the UI should be in the UI Persistent – absolutely necessary User controllable – useful, might be needed by some users (obvious to get to)

Consider the types of content you need to provide Control assistance Panel assistance

And the types of mechanisms available Persistent UI text that doesn’t require

a user gesture (widget labels, window titles, inline hints & tips)

Simple UI gestures your users will tolerate (hover, one or two clicks)

Imagine you are a consultant or advisor, looking over the user’s shoulder; what does she need to know?

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3. Can you improve “help,” or do you need it at all?

Focused on UI tasks that absolutely cannot be handled by “closer” delivery mechanisms

Cross-panel tasks

Stop yelling! Repeating the same thing, over and over, does

not make the message more valuable, useful, or enhance users’ comprehension

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4. How are you supporting users’ successful goal achievement with non-UI, task-oriented content?

Doc library Another form of “help?” No! User-task focused content: High-value, focused

on “job 1”

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The biggest stumbling block(s)…

What keeps us from applying this approach? We didn’t know about it or how to do it We don’t think it’s the right thing to do Others (non-content people, like engineers)

don’t understand it and/or buy into it Processes and process artifacts don’t support it Tools don’t support it Other issues?

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Resources Jakob Nielsen, Alertbox Demystifying Usability blog Time-Tripper UI patterns “Layering as a ‘Safety Net’ for Minimalist Documentation,” in Minimalism Beyond the

Nurnberg Funnel, ed. J.M. Carroll, MIT Press, 1998, pp. 247-74. The QuickScan Project:

This presentation on slideshare:


STC proceedings paper on stages of use:


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Contacting/following/connecting with AndreaE-mail: [email protected]:


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Stages of Use

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“Stages of use” in designing and writing embedded assistance layers of PD

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“Stages of use” in designing and writing embedded assistance layers of PD, cont.

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Cautionary note about stages of use in EA design

Stages of use apply to multiple user dimensions; for example: Domain knowledge Computer use Your tool Tools like your tool

A user who is a novice in your tool and tools like your tool might be an expert in the domain and the use of computers in general.

The same user might be an expert with most parts of your UI and a novice in some, or might be an expert in some parts of a task flow and a novice in others.

You must consider the many dimensions of your users before arbitrarily applying a single “stage of use” label to them

Consider the appropriate information for the point in time for which you are designing: does the user need tool information, domain information, or both?

Thankfully, progressive disclosure enables you to support multiple levels of users throughout their use of the various parts of the product and through their growth in domain and tool knowledge and experience