approximating codimension 3 embeddings

Annals of Mathematics Approximating Codimension 3 Embeddings Author(s): Richard T. Miller Source: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 95, No. 3 (May, 1972), pp. 406-416 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 21/11/2014 23:52 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Annals of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Annals of Mathematics. This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:52:54 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Annals of Mathematics

Approximating Codimension 3 EmbeddingsAuthor(s): Richard T. MillerSource: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 95, No. 3 (May, 1972), pp. 406-416Published by: Annals of MathematicsStable URL: .

Accessed: 21/11/2014 23:52

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Page 2: Approximating Codimension 3 Embeddings

Approximating codimension 3 embeddings By RICHARD T. MILLER

The purpose of this paper is to prove

THEOREM 1.* Let k < n- 3 and s > 0. Then if H: Dk R"R is a to- pological embedding, there is a piecewise linear embedding G: Dk RI that s-approximates H.

In 1965 Homma [7] gave a proof of Theorem 1 for k < (2/3)n - 1. It orginally appeared that his proof worked for codimension 3, but in 1968 Berkowitz found a counterexample to the technique in the range (2/3)n < k < n - 3. Berkowitz subsequently [1] extended Homma's arguments to prove the theorem for k < (3/4)n - 5/4.

We quote

THEOREM 2. Let k < n - 3 and s > 0. Let Mk and Qn be piecewise

linear manifolds and let H:Mk Qn be a topological embedding. Then there is a a > 0 such that if G1, G2: Mk Qn are piecewise linear embeddings and each 3-approximates H, then there is a piecewise linear s-ambient isotopy of Qn that takes G1 to G2.**

This theorem was proved by Bryant and Seebeck [5]. The author has an independent proof.

The preceding theorems together imply

THEOREM 3. Let k < n - 3 and s > 0. Let Mk and Qn be piecewise linear manifolds and let H: Mk ) Qn be a topological embedding. Then there is a piecewise linear embedding G: Mk , Qn that s-approximates H.

THEOREM 4. Let k < n - 3 and s > 0. Let Mk and Qn be topological manifolds and let H: Mk , Q be a topological embedding. Then there is a a > 0 such that if H1 and H2: Mke Qn are locally flat embeddings and each (-approximates H, then there is an s-ambient isotopy of Qn that takes H, to H2.

Theorem 4 is a consequence of Theorem 2 and Theorem 14 of [10]. Theo- rem 1 and Theorem 4 together imply

THEOREM 5. Let k < n - 3 and s > 0. Let Mk and Qn be topological

* Theorem 1 has also been announced by A.V. Cernavskii [6]. ** In the theorems, if M is not compact, then a and s are functions from M to (0, 0o),

the given embeddings are proper, and the embeddings in the conclusion are also proper.

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manifolds and let H: Mk ) Qn be a topological embedding. Then there is a locally-fiat embedding G: MkI Qn that -approximates H.

In Theorems 2 through 5, the manifolds may have boundaries if we require that the interior of M maps into the interior of Q.

Berkowitz and Dancis [2] showed Theorem 5 for Mk a simplicial complex and k <(2/3)n - 1. Bryant [4] uses Theorem 1 to get Theorem 5 for Mk a simplicial complex and k ? n - 3.

Let RI c R2 c - * - c Rn be the standard inclusions, and let [0, 1] be the unit interval in R1. Define Dk = ([0, 1])k. (This includes Dk in Dk+l as a face.) If X is a set in R", let N,(X) be the open a-neighborhood of X in Rn.

Let H: Dk - RI be a topological embedding. Then there is a neighbor- hood Nof H(Dk) in RI and a uniformly continuous retraction r: N- H(Dk). We suppose lIx - r(x)ll ? 1/2, all xeN. Let r,: NORM be the homo- topy obtained by moving each point x e N linearly along the line between it and its image under r in such a way that r,(x) = r(x) for t e x - r(x) , 1].

Let aj: Dn-? Dn be the deformation retraction *c.., xc ) = {identity if Xj ? t

(X1, *** Xi-it t, x;+l ... * * if x; < t . Let Atc: N-+ Rn be defined by

At(X) =rt(x) if t e [O. x - r(x)|]

- HOO ijx r(x)II oH-' if t e [|x - r(x) , 1] 1-i(x-r (x) hi

for each x e N. Suppose W is a set and ft: W N is a homotopy. We say fJ is a (j, a)-homotopy if ft is a a-approximation of *k of,. If W c N we assume that go is the inclusion.

All the theorems in this paper will be (&, s)-statements of the form "For s > 0, there is a a, > 0 such that if a, > a > 0 and if some hypothesis de- pending on a is. true, then some conclusion depending on s is true". It is then easy to construct a positive, monotone function s(a) for all sufficiently small a such that s(a) - 0 as a . 0, and such that the theorem is true when s(a) is substituted for m in the statement. The notation is advantageous in that it allows us to keep track of the property we want (namely, the existence of such a function) while forcing us to ignore the actual relation between a and a, which is irrelevant anyway.

It is clear that (j, a)-homotopies have the following properties.

LEMMA 6. 1. At I H(Dk) = Ho i oH`. There is a function s(a) such that

2. If x,yeN and IIx-y <a, then *jcf(x)- *(y) <e(a), all te

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[0, 1]. The function s(a) may be modified so that if ft is a (j, a)-homotopy, then

3. Any a-approximation to ft is a (j, s(a))-homotopy. 4. ft(x) c Ne(a1(Ic(r(fo(x)))), all t e [O 1], all f0(x) e N(H(Dk)).

Suppose a simplex a collapses through its face z. If a is starred at Z (the barycenter of r) to obtain J, there is a simplicial retraction of a to bdy a - that takes ̀ to the vertex of a not in z. The map of a x [0, 1] to itself obtained from the identity on a x {0} U bdy a - z x [0, 1] and the simplicial retraction on a x {1} by starring at Z x {1/2} is a p.l. deformation retraction of a onto bdy a - z. Thus we may think of simplicial collapses as piecewise linear de- formation retractions. If a complex has mesh < a, collapses to a subcomplex, and this collapse (thought of as a deformation retraction) is a (j, 5)-homo- topy, we say that the complex is a (j, ()-collapse.

If S is a piecewise-linear manifold, and X is a subcomplex of S, then we denote an rth-derived subdivision of S by S followed by r primes. (E.g., the second derived of S is written S".) We let N(X, S") denote a second de- rived neighborhood of X in S, etc. Suppose a complex Y collapses to a sub- complex X. Then if Z is a subset of Y, we denote by image,,, (Z) the image of Z under the collapse considered as a retraction. Similarly, we denote by tracksx (Z) the track of Z under the deformation retraction.

The following theorem is proved in [9].

THEOREM 7. Let Q be a p.l. q-manifold. Let Y and X be subcomplexes of Q. If Y collapses simplicially to X, then there exists an isotopy Ot of N( Y, Q") into itself such that

(D1(N(Y, Q")) = N(X, Q"), such that

Ot is fixed outside N(N(vertici in (Y - X)', Q"), Q"') and such that if Z is a subcomplex of Y, then

$D1(N(Z, Q")) c N(imagey\x (Z), Q")

If, in addition, (Y - X) is contained in the interior of Q. then $t extends to an ambient isotopy of Q (also called qt) for which

~t (N(N(Zg Q") , Q"')) (- N(N(track (Z) y Q") , Q",) and Ot is fixed on the same set as above.

THEOREM 8. Suppose S is a p.1. submanifold of R". Then there is a function s(a) such that if C is a (j, ()-collapse that is a subcomplex of a trian- gulation of S n N(H(Dk)) with mesh < a, and if Gi-1: Di`-+ bdy N(C, S")

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is a p.1. embedding that 3-approximates HI Di-', then there is a p.1. embed- ding G5: Di - N(C, S") that s(Q)-approximates H I Di.

Proof. By the compactness of Dk there is a function s(y) such that the diameter of H(x, [t, t + AY]) is less than s(y)/2 for all x e Di-', t e [0, 1 - ] We suppose w'& = 1 for some positive integer w'. Let C(w a) be the image of the collapse C at time w -r. By slightly changing the time parametrization of the collapse (think of the time to collapse each simplex C as much less than y) we can further assume that C(w y) is actually a subcomplex of C for all integral w, 0 < w < w'.

We construct by induction on w a function y((3) and a sequence of p.l. embeddings Gi: Di` x [-1, wy] US such that

1. Gi (Di-' x {w-e}) - Gi (Di-' x -1, w-e]) n bdy N(CQw-), S") 2. GJ [(Gi-1)-1(N(d, S")) x {wy}] c N(imagec\c(wr) q, S") for each simplex

ee C. 3. G5 IDi-' x [0, wY] is an e(3)-approximation of HI Di` x [0, wyl.

We can find N(C, S"') - N(C, S") ' [-1, 0] x bdy N(C, S") p.1. homeo

onto such that p I {?} x bdy N(C, S") bdy N(C, S") is the identity. Let Ga = pc(id x Gi-1).

Suppose that G2A1 is defined. By property 1 we can choose a new third derived subdivision of S (leaving the first two alone) such that

Gi -,(Di-' x [-1, (w - 1)'r]) n N(N(C((w - 1)y), s"), S"') - N(C((w - 1)i), S") -Gi_-(Di-' x [(w - 1)y - Y', (w -1)])

for an arbitrarily small y'. Now we can apply Theorem 7 to the collapse C((w - 1)y) \ C(wy) to obtain a p.I. homeomorphism 5 of S. Define a p.I. homeo

identity x p.1l C: Di` x [-1, wY] -A Di-' x [1, (w - 1)-i] with '(Di-' x [(w - 1)Y, wy]) = Di- x [(w - 1)Y - Y', (w - 1)Y]. Then define G- Oo G' _o<* Properties 1 and 2 are immediately satisfied. We see Property 3 as follows. For sufficiently small 'Y', it is clear that G. I Di-' x [0, (w - 1)'Y] is so close to G&_1 that it too e(Q)-approximates HI Di` x [0, (w -l)]. The case GA IDi-' x [(w - 1)Y, wy] is just slightly harder. For each point x e Di-', Gj-1(x) e N(d, S") where e is some simplex in C. Notice that d c N3a(H(x)). By property 2 we know that

GA -1(x, [(w - 1)y - Y' , (w - 1)-i]) c N(N(imagec\c((w-l) ) $, S"), S"')

Consequently, for t e [(w - 1)Y, wy],

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Gi (x, t) e '(Gi -,(x, [(w -l)-i--i' , (w l)-i]))

c N(N(trackc((W.l)T)\c(W.) imagec\0c((w-4)O) , S"), S"')*

Since C is a (j,a)-collapse, (track image d) in the previous line is contained in NI(*Wl),W](d)). This set is in turn contained in N,(H(x, [(w - 1)y, wy])) by Lemma 6, part 2, together with the fact d c N38(H(x)). Thus,

Gi (x, t) e N2aN,(H(x, [(w - 1), wy])) c Nl12(H(x, [(w - 1)7, w7])) c N6(H(x, t))

for all t e [(w - 1)y, wy] if s(y) and a(a) are chosen appropriately. This com- pletes the induction step and also the proof of Theorem 8.

LEMMA 9. Suppose that s3 is a p.l. manifold in RI for which there is a function 'Q3') such that for each complex Z of dimension < s - 4 in s n NN,(H(D')) there is a (j, '(e'))-homotopy of Z in S n N,(,, (H(Dk)). Then it follows that there is a function s(a) such that if C* is a (j, e)-collapse of dimension < s - 3, and if X is a complex of dimension < s - 4, both C* and X lying in S n N(H(Dk)), there is a (j, s(a))-collapse C in S n N)(,(H(Dk)) that contains both C* and X, and such that dimension (C - C*) < (dimension X) + 1.

Proof. The proof is by induction on the dimension of X and requires slightly stronger hypotheses and conclusions. Specifically, if Y is a complex in S of dimension < s - 3, then C - C* is in general position with respect to Y. For the inductive step we assume that the lemma is true for all com- plexes of dimension < r < s - 4, that, in particular, the (r - l)-skeleton X'r-1' of X is already in C*, and that C* either contains or is in general posi- tion with respect to each simplex of X.

Suppose C is a simplex in S for which bdy c C* C. Let Z = C Ubdyr track,* (bdy C). (Trackc* (bdy C) is the track of bdy C under the defor- mation retraction that corresponds to the (j, 3)-collapse C*.) Suppose f: Z x [0, 1] > S is a (j, 3)-homotopy of Z. Choose a number a so small that Au x [t, t + 8]) has diameter < a, all simplexes a in Z, all t e [0, 1 - a]. Define a collapse of Z x [0, 1] to Z x {1} U image,* (bdy C) x [0, 1] as follows. Collapse C x [0, 8] through C x {0}. Then collapse trackc* (bdy C) x [0, '8] to track,* (bdy C) x f0, 6} U image,* (bdy C) x [0, 8] by mimicking the collapse of track,* (bdy C) given by the collapse of C*. Collapse trackt (bdy C) x {0} to image,. (bdy C) x {0}. Now collapse Z x [,, 1] along the product struc- ture to Z x {1} U image,* (bdy C) x [,,1]. This completes the collapse of Z x [0, 1] promised above. We define another collapse (called d) of Z x [0, 1] by rearranging the order of the above collapse (but keeping the tracks the same) so that each simplex a e Z x [0, 1] is collapsed as soon

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as possible after the condition N8(f(u)) n f(Z x [t, 1]) = 0 is satisfied. It follows that there is a function s(a) such that f(t) is a (i, s(a))-homotopy of C.

Now for the induction. For each r-simplex C in X we construct a set Z as in the preceding paragraphs. The hypothesis of the lemma gives a (i, '(a))- homotopy f of Z, and as before we obtain a collapse d of Z x [0, 1] such that f(d) is a (j, s"(a))-homotopy of C. We take the union of the Z x [0, 1] along track,. (bdy C) x {O}; and call this union W. Then e gives a collapse of W. The homotopy f defines a map of W into S (call this map f, too). Note that f(l) is a (j, s"(a))-homotopy of Xlrl. The singular set of the map f, denoted by f *, is the closure of the set of points in W not equal to their image under f '(f). If f is p.l. and in general position is in S, that f * is a complex of dimension < 2(r + 1) - s ? r - 2. We suppose that f is in general position with respect to itself, and relative to Z, with respect to C*, to Y, and to each simplex of X. Let

fC* = {w e W - Us trackcs (bdy C) I f(w) e C*} .

Then dimension f C* < (s-3) + (r + 1) -s= r-2. Let F = f(track (f * U f C*)). Then dimension F < r - 1.

We now inductively construct a sequence of complexes Cr. ***, C1 in S such that

(1) Cq is a (i, eq(a))-collapse (2) Cq D f(tracke (f'-(Cq+i n f(W)))) U Cq+1 (3) Cq - (Cq+l U f(tracke (f-1(Cq+i n f(W))))) is in general position with

respect to Y, to each simplex of X, and to f(W) (4) dimension (Cq - Cq+,) < q.

We say a subset T of f(W) is saturated if T = f(tracke (f'-(T))). Condition (2) implies that the part of Cq n f(W) that is not saturated lies in Cq - Cq+1, and conditions (3) and (4) imply

(5) the part of Cq n f(W) that is not saturated has dimension < q - 2. An essential consequence of (5) is that C1 n f(W) is saturated.

By induction on the lemma, there exists a collapse Cr that satisfies prop- erties (1)-(4) with Cr+1 = C*. In fact, we can assume Cr D F. This starts the induction. Suppose C,, , Cq+l are already constructed. Apply the lemma to the case where "C*" = Cq+1, "X" = f(track (f'-((Cq+l - Cq+2) nf f(W)))), and "Y"= YUf(W) U (the simplexes of Xnot in Cq+l). Then properties (1)-(4) are satisfied by Cq = "C". Define C** = C1. Define the set C to be C** U f(W). Note that C immediately satisfies all the required conclusions of the lemma except the one about collapsing. We now show there is a function

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s(a) and a way to collapse C that is a (j, s(a))-collapse. Notice that since c* * n f(w) contains the singularities of f, the map f I ((W) - f (C* *)) is an embedding. Since C** n f(W) is saturated, the collapse d also gives a collapse ** of W to f1-(C**)(Zx {1})(C* x [0, 1]). Since fI(W-f-1(C**)) is an embedding, f(l**) is a collapse of C to C**. Let C** be the collapse of C* * with the time parameter delayed by the amount v. We define the collapse of C to be the collapses C>** and f(e**) run simultaneously. For sufficiently large a(a), this is actually a collapse, since the only possible trouble could come from a simplex of f(W) - C** blocking a collapse in C***. This does not happen because, with the delay a, by the time the collapse in C* * reaches a simplex, all the simplexes of f(W) -C** in a neighborhood of it have been removed.

Finally we check that C is a (i, s(a))-collapse. Tracks of points under C divide into precisely three classes: those that start in C* *, those that start and finish in C - C**, and those that start in C - C** but finish in C**. The first two types are the restrictions of the (j, Td*(a))- and (j, s"(a))-homo- topies C** and f(**). Tracks of the third type remain in C** from the time they first cross into C**. Until the crossing time, they are carried by f(d**), and thereafter by C**. This tells us how to define s(a) so that the collapse of C is a (j, s(a))-homotopy.

COROLLARY 10. Suppose there is a function '(3') and a set {a}d > 0 of collections of p.l. s-manifolds without boundary in RI with each element of cS contained in N,(H(Di)). Suppose further that if 3 e Si, then for each complex Z of dimension < s - 4 in 3, there is a manifold Sg in , such that 9z n N, (H(Di)) = S and such that S, contains a (j, e'(e'))-homotopy of Z.

Then there is a function s(a) such that if S* e 35, if C* is a (j, e)-collapse of dimension < s - 3 in S*, and if X is a complex of dimension < s - 4 in S*, then there is a manifold S in ,(, such that s A N(H(Dj)) = S* and such that S contains a (i, s(a))-collapse C that in turn contains both C* and X, and dimension (C - C*) < (dimension X) + 1.

Furthermore, if Xc S* - N(,)(H(Dj-1)), then C - C* lies outside Na(H(Dj-1)).

Proof. The first two paragraphs of the statement of Corollary 10 arise from switching from the single manifold S of Lemma 9 to a sequence of col- lections of manifolds. It is easy to check that the proof given for Lemma 9 works here also.

The last paragraph of Corollary 10 is verified as follows. The construc- tion of Lemma 9 requires a finite number , (that depends only on dimension

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S and dimension X) of (j, e'(3'))-homotopies, the first with domain X and the subsequent ones with domains in the tracks of those preceding them. Thus, they are all contained in N(,)ie,(,)i[O, 11(X), where * This set misses N,(H(D5-1)) if X lies outside N,(,)(H(Di1-)) for sufficiently large s(a).

LEMMA 11. For each 0 < j < k, there is a function s(a) such that if Ck, * * *, Cj and Bk, * , Bj are sequences of complexes in N,(H(Dk)) that for j < r < k satisfy the hypotheses

1. Cr is an (r, a)-collapse in bdy Br+, NN(H(Dr)), dimension Cr = r. 2. Bk = N(Ck, R ") and Br = N(Cr, (bdy Br+1)'), (Let bdy Bk+l = RA) then

for each h < j and for each complex X in bdy Bj+, n N(H(D5)), dimension X <h, there are new sequences Ck, **, C5, and B1, ***, Bf that satisfy conditions 1 and 2 where a is replaced by s(a) and satisfy the additional con- ditions

3. CicCx and XcCx. 4. If h < j, BT contains an (h, s(a))-homotopy of X. 5. If X lies outside N(,(H(Di-1)) then

CX r NN(H(D>-1)) - Cr NN(H(Di1-)) and

Bxr n N,(H(Dj-1)) - Br Na(H(Di1-)).

Proof. For a fixed k, the proof is by downward induction on j. We start with j = k. Recall that h I NJH(Dk) is an (h, a)-homotopy. Consequently, by Lemma 6, part 4, there is a function 'Q3') that has the property that for each complex Z c N (H(Dk)), the map Prk Z Z is a (k, e'(Q'))-homotopy lying in N,,(a,)(H(Dk)). Also, if Ck and X are the complexes referred to in the hypo- thesis of this lemma, we have that V I X is an (h, a)-homotopy. Let ,ct be a p. 1. approximation to PT I X that agrees with it at t = 0 and that is also an (h, a)-homotopy. Apply Corollary 10 with Si containing the single n-manifold Na(H(D k)), with C* Ck and with

X if h= k X= . X=

,180.l(X) if h < k .

Then set Ck = C and set Bx = N(Ck, Rib"). Properties 1, 2, and 3 are im- mediately satisfied. ,t is the homotopy required to satisfy condition 4. If X lies outside N2,(),(H(Dk-l)) and a is sufficiently small, then &[0,1](X) lies out- side N2, (, (H(Dk-l)) and property 5 follows from the "Furthermore. . ." part of the conclusion of Corollary 10.

Now for the case j < k. We assume Lemma 11 for j + 1 and prove it

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as stated. Once again we will show how to satisfy the hypotheses of Corollary 10, and then apply it to finish the proof. In particular, we will find a func- tion '63') such that if Ck, ***, C' and Bk, ***, Bj are complexes that satisfy the hypotheses of Lemma 11 with a replaced by a', if h is an integer 0 < h < j, and if Zcz bdyBj+1 n N8 (H(Di)) is a complex of dimension < h - 1, then there are new sequences Z, C, C and Bk, ., BZ+1 Bj with Crz D C7 j + 1 < r < k, that satisfy the hypotheses of Lemma 11 with a' re- placed by '(3') and such that there is an (h, e'Q'))-homotopy of Z in bdy B>j+1.

By induction on Lemma 11, there is a function s"(a") that satisfies the lemma in the case j + 1 where j + 1 < k. Recall that Cj+1 is a (j + 1, (')- collapse. It is easy to find functions y"x(a") and a"(s") such that the collapse of Cj+1 to Cj+'(a") ( = the image of Cj+1 at time a") moves points < -"(a") and such that Cj+3(a"l) n NN (8,)(H(Dj)) = 0. If the mesh of the triangula- tion of Bj+2 is small, then the collapse of BPj = N(Cj+1, bdy 3-j+2") \ Cj+1 moves points only a short distance. Thus, by choosing a fine enough mesh, we can suppose the composition of these collapses moves points < y"(('). Call this composition C.

Apply Lemma 11 to the sequences Ck, *., Cj+ and Bk, * , Bj+l with X replaced by C1(Z). (Here is where we use the lemma inductively.) We obtain new sequences C 1 (Z), C , 1 j>(Z and B13k(z, , ' where Ck(Z, is an (r, s"(('))-collapse. We define C; = cj1(z) and Brl'z= Br. Let f3t be the (h, s"(a'))-homotopy provided by property 4. By property 5, Cr nr N8(H(Di)) =

NN (H(D')) and B7r N~a (H(Di) = B3 n N,, (H(Dj)), j + 1 < r < k. Thus we can add to the new sequences the old complexes Ci and Bj, and thereby lengthen the new sequences. Let ,8~ be the homotopy of Z obtained by composing the homotopies C, and ,8 in such a way that C, is traversed in a very short time interval, and ,8 is traversed in the rest of the time. If the first time interval is sufficiently short, the homotopy 8,8 is a y"(a')-approxi- mation of ,C~ and so Lemma 6 provides a function d" such that 8, is an

(h, 1"(al"(a')))-homotopy. Notice that ,3[0,1](Z) c N2 ( (H(Dj)) We proceed to push /,3 into bdy B1+1, fixing 80 Find functions y'(a') and

a'(2V") such that BJz+(a') n N2N,,(H(Di)) = 0, and such that the collapse of CjZ+1 to Cj+'(a') moves points less than y'(a'). Let y-1 be the inverse of the ambient isotopy of bdy BjZ+2 that Theoroem 7 assigns to this collapse. 0' moves points < 2y'(a'). Let p0 be a p.l. isomorphism that fixes Cj+1 and takes B4+1 onto N(B4+1, bdy Bz"'),. Let p1 be a p. L map of N(B1>+1, bdy BJz'2) onto B+?, that is the identity on B4+1 and takes N(B4+1, bdy BJ"2') = Bz onto bdy BJz1. We can suppose that pip, I bdy B4 1 = identity. We can choose

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the third derived subdivision of B>z , such that both p0 and p1 move points less than a', and such that p,(,[0,1](Z)) is still contained in N$ (,,(H(Dj)). Define ,t to be p1o0-1op,(S,). Thus 8,(Z) C bdy B>z. Also S, is a (2&' + 2y'(J'))- approximation to ht and so, by Lemma 6, is an (h, V"(23' + 27'(3')))-homotopy. Define s'(3') = d"(23' + 27'(Q')) to finish this part of the proof.

Now return to the statement of Lemma 11 as it is written. If h = j set Or = Cr and BR3 = Br. If h < j, use the previous paragraphs to construct new sequences Ck, * * j1, Ci and BR, ..., Bx >, Bj where x is an (r, e'())- collapse, and to construct an (h, e'(a))-homotopy Ad of X in bdy B> . Let 8, be a p.l. approximation to o that is also an (h, e'(J))-homotopy of Xin bdy3B>Y .

We now apply Corollary 10 (recall the first paragraph of the proof of Lemma 11, case j < k) with Si = {bdy Bj+1 n N(H(Dj)) I there are sequences Ck, **, Cj+1 and Bk, *.., Bj+j that satisfy the hypotheses of Lemma 11}, with 3(Cor. 10) = '(a), with C*(Cor. 10) = Ci, with

3*(Cor. 10) bdy BI+1 0 N(H(Dj)) and with

(X if h i X(Cor. 10) if h <

lI%,l](X) ~if h < j Corollary 10 then yields sequences C, *.., CO+1 and Bx, ..., Bf+1. Ci = C (Corollary 10) is contained in bdyB>Y+1 n N,)(H(Dj)). LetBfT =N(C , bdy(B +l)"). The sequences Ck, **, Ct+', Ci and Bx, *** B>,1 BRI satisfy Lemma 11.

Lemma 12. For each s > 0 and each j < k, there are sequences Ck,* * *, Ci and Bk, *--, Bj such that

1. Cr is an (r, s)-collapse in N6(H(Dr)) n bdy Br+l. 2. Bk = N(Ck, R") and Br = N(Cr, bdy Br+1"). 3. There is a p.1. map (not embedding) gr-1: Dr- 1 Cr that s-approxi-

mates HID7-'. Proof. By downward induction on j. If j = k, let gl-1: Dk-l N0(H(Dk))

be a p. 1. a-approximation to H IDk-l. Apply Lemma 11 with j = k, with Ck(Lem. 11) = 0, and with X(Lem. 11) = gkl-(Dk-l). Then setting Ck(Lem. 11) = Ck(Lem. 12), Bx(Lem. 11) = Bk(Lem. 12), and s(&)(Lem. 11) = S satis- fies this case of Lemma 12.

If j < k, the induction yields sequence Ck, **, C'+1 and Bk, *.., Bj+ satisfying 1-3 above where s is replaced by a. A construction essentially identical to that which builds the map ploo-lop, of Lemma 11 produces a p.l. map p such that pog'(Dj) c bdy Bj+1 and such that po Gi is a 7(J)-approxi- mation of H I Di. Let g-1 = pogi I Di`'. Now apply Lemma 11 to the sequences

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Ck, .., Cj+1 0 and Bk, *.., Bj+,, 0, with X (Lem. 11) =g5-1(D5-). Set s(y(a)) (Lem 11) = s. The sequences Ck, ** , Ci and B1, ** , BT then satisfy 1-3 above.

LEMMA 13. There is a function s(a) such that if Ck, * , C1 and Bk, * , B1 are complexes satisfying the conditions 1-3 of Lemma 12 with s replaced by a, then for each j, 1 < j < k, there is a p.l. embedding G': Di-? Bj that s(3)- approximates H I Di.

Proof. By upward induction on j. For j = 1, we have the map g':D' C1 c B, = N(C', bdy B2"). Since D' is a point, we can find a point G"(D") c bdy B, that is within a of g'(D'), and is therefore within 2a of H(D'). We apply Theorem 8 with C(Thm. 8) = C' (which is a (1, 3)-, hence a (1, 28)-col- lapse). Let G1 be the embedding provided by the theorem. Then G' is an SThm.8(2a) = s(3) approximation to H I D'.

If j > 1, suppose the embedding Gj-': Di`- Bj-, is an &'(a)-approxi- mation to H I Do-'. Since Bi-, c bdy Bj, we can apply Theorem 8 once more with CThm.8 = C' and obtain an embedding Gj: Di Bj that SThm.S(Q3)) ap- proximates HI D.

Lemma 13 with j = k and a such that s(Lem. 13) (a) = a is precisely the same as Theorem 1. Thus the proof of Theorem 1 is complete.



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(Received August 18. 1970)

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