apricot market survey

Apricot Market Survey Lahore (16 th -21 st Dec, 2013) Supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Project Counterpart Department of Agriculture (DoA) GB Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

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Apricot Market Survey Lahore (16th-21st Dec, 2013)

Apricot Market Survey Lahore (16th-21st Dec, 2013)Supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Project Counterpart Department of Agriculture (DoA) GBPrepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Group MembersMr. Ijlal AhmedAgri DepartmentMr. Ahmed NayyarGOLD-LSOMr. Yawar AbbasRDOMr. Naib KhanSVOMr. Haji NisarMLSOMr. Yukio IkedaJICA ExpertMr. Zulfiqar A. GhaziJICA ConsultantPrepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Visited AreasWholesale Market (Akbari Mandi)Retail Shops (Nolakha Bazar, AGT Road)High End Market(Hyper, Metro, Green Valley)Processors/Packers(Nuts N Legumes, Perfect Foods)Exporters(Hunza Organics)

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Purpose of the SurveyTo observe the apricot products at the shops and market in LahoreTo collect the relevant market and product information at the shops/tradersTo show traders the samples the products of Gilgit-Baltistan To negotiate with traders to sell those products, if possible

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Day 1 (Visited Akbari Mandi)Purpose: To show the sample driedapricots and talk about the business deals

GROUP 1 (BUYERS)GROUP 2 (SELLERS)Ahmed Nayyar/ Yawar AbbasNaib Khan/ Haji NisarCollect Samples Show SamplesDiscuss RatesDiscuss RatesObserve QualityExplain QualityInquire OriginInform Origin

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

140/skardu/c grade 400-800/quetta/A-B mix grade70/gilgit/c grade5

Day 2 (Retail Shops)Visited several shops in Nolakha Bazar, AGT Road, Mall RoadDiscuss price, quality, origin with retailersDifferent samples were shown to the vendorsBecause of its demand they agreed on business for white Apricot (Sulphur), if a mature supply chain is developed

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

ContinuedVisited shops wereYousuf Dry Fruits, Chandni Fruits, Sabri Dry Fruits, M. Sharif Dry Fruits, Umar Dry Fruits, Akbar Dry Fruits

OutcomeNo demand for Organic ApricotsPrices depend on its qualityMore demand for white (Alman)Supply Chain

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Day 3 (Briefing)Officials from Agriculture Department and JICA were present in the briefingEvery participant suggest his idea about the Apricot marketingOutletsto display Apricot productsAdvertising Plan Initiate trainings for farmers in:Production, Processing and MarketingForumsReliable Supply Chain

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

(Nuts n Legumes)Show them apricot samples from GBDemand Organic productsSupply, process and market dry-fruits to High storesEncourage the GB products and ask to make deals in the futureAsk to install a processing unit inside GBOrganic CertificationDeals in both Export and ImportPrepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Day 4 (Hunza Organics) Lots of Potential in GB apricotsProduct of Afghanistan in marketSupply Chain problemThree different areas (Organic, Sulphured, local, international)Market in cities depend on customersMultipurpose use ManufacturerValue addition

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

ContinueDemand is different in western marketSoft, Low moisture level, Not stickyGrading must be done


Address production, chain, target marketQuantity, sustainability, continuityControlled weather conditionsCertification

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Day 4 (Perfect Foods Inds)Samples were shown Promotion of products on international level (Exhibitions)Take samples for laboratory testsGrading, packing, supplyQuality and Quantity must be ensured Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Day 5 (Presentations)By Zulfiqar A. Ghazi (Consultant)

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

By Yukio Ikeda (Expert)Japan import from other countriesPotential in organic (High end markets)Japanese pay more for health and safetyBig Chain stores MUJIMax ValueRequire Certification and stable supply chainUnique organic shops and tradersPrepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

ContinueDo not rely, they check quality and traceability by themselvesTarget them to sell our products

Suzuki N-HarvestSelling dried fruits since 2-yearsWant to buy better quality dried apricotsSofter, Dust-free, GradingPrepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

ContinueAmbessaDeals in organic foods (processors)High end marketWant naturally grown as possible

Far East BazarTraders and retailersGB dried fruits have high potentialBrand name HUNZA, Love for the landPrepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Flow Chart (Sale)Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

RecomendationsEffective supply chain is inevitable for marketing and sell of apricot productsPost harvesting techniques must be introduce on local levelModern technology, equipments & processing units can play a vital role in the sustainable development of fruit productsTrainings, workshops and interactive sessions should be develop on grassroots level for farmers

Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)


Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)


Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)


Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)


Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)


Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)


Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)

Questions ???Prepared by Ahmed Nayyar (LSO-GOLD)