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  • 8/13/2019 Artic Pollution


    Current to September 4, 2013

    Last amended on January 2, 2010

    jour au 4 septembre 2013

    Dernire modification le 2 janvier 2010

    Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:

    Publi par le ministre de la Justice ladresse suivante :



    Arctic Waters PollutionPrevention Act


    Loi sur la prvention dela pollution des eauxarctiques

    R.S.C., 1985, c. A-12 L.R.C. (1985), ch. A-12

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    Subsections 31(1) and (2) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act , in force onJune 1, 2009, provide as follows:

    Les paragraphes 31(1) et (2) de la Loi sur larvision et la codification des textes lgislatifs ,en vigueur le 1er juin 2009, prvoient ce quisuit :

    Publishedconsolidation isevidence

    31. (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is ev-idence of that statute or regulation and of its contentsand every copy purporting to be published by theMinister is deemed to be so published, unless thecontrary is shown.

    31. (1) Tout exemplaire d'une loi codifie ou d'unrglement codifi, publi par le ministre en vertu dela prsente loi sur support papier ou sur support lec-tronique, fait foi de cette loi ou de ce rglement et deson contenu. Tout exemplaire donn comme publi par le ministre est rput avoir t ainsi publi, sauf preuve contraire.

    Codificationscomme lmentde preuve

    Inconsistenciesin Acts

    (2) In the event of an inconsistency between aconsolidated statute published by the Minister under this Act and the original statute or a subsequentamendment as certified by the Clerk of the Parlia-ments under the Publication of Statutes Act , the orig-inal statute or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.

    (2) Les dispositions de la loi d'origine avec sesmodifications subsquentes par le greffier des Parle-ments en vertu de la Loi sur la publication des loisl'emportent sur les dispositions incompatibles de laloi codifie publie par le ministre en vertu de la pr-sente loi.

    Incompatibilit lois


    This consolidation is current to September 4, 2013.The last amendments came into force on Jan-uary 2, 2010. Any amendments that were not inforce as of September 4, 2013 are set out at the endof this document under the heading Amendments Not in Force.

    Cette codification est jour au 4 septembre 2013.Les dernires modifications sont entres en vigueur le 2 janvier 2010. Toutes modifications qui n'taient pas en vigueur au 4 septembre 2013 sont nonces la fin de ce document sous le titre Modificationsnon en vigueur .

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    Section Page Article Pag

    An Act to prevent pollution of areas of the arctic waters adjacent to the mainlandand islands of the Canadian arctic

    Loi sur la prvention de la pollution deszones des eaux arctiques contigus aucontinent et aux les de lArctiquecanadien

    SHORT TITLE 1 TITRE ABRG1 Short title 1 1 Titre abrg

    INTERPRETATION 2 DFINITIONS2 Definitions 2 2 Dfinitions

    APPLICATION OF ACT 3 CHAMP DAPPLICATION2.1 Inconsistency with Marine Liability Act 3 2.1 Incompatibilit avec la Loi sur la

    responsabilit en matire maritime3 Application to arctic waters 3 3 Application aux eaux arctiques

    INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE 3 INCORPORATION PAR RENVOI3.1 Incorporation as amended from time to

    time 33.1 Incorporation par renvoi

    DEPOSIT OF WASTE 4 DPT DE DCHETS4 Prohibition 4 4 Interdiction5 Report of deposit of waste or danger

    thereof 45 Rapport dun dpt de dchets ou dun

    risque 46 Civil liability resulting from deposit of

    waste 56 Responsabilit civile rsultant dun dpt

    de dchets 57 Nature and limitation of liability 6 7 Nature et tendue de la responsabilit8 Evidence of financial responsibility 7 8 Preuve de solvabilit9 Regulations respecting manner of

    determining limit of liability 89 Rglements sur le mode de dtermination

    de la limite de la responsabilitPLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF


    10 Plans and specifications to be provided 8 10 Plans et devis exigsSHIPPING SAFETY CONTROL


    SCURIT DE LA NAVIGATION11 Prescription of shipping safety control

    zones 911 Dsignation des zones de contrle de la

    scurit de la navigation12 Regulations relating to navigation in

    shipping safety control zones 1012 Rglements sur la navigation dans les

    zones de contrle de la scurit de lanavigation 10

    13 Destruction or removal of ships or their contents 12

    13 Destruction ou enlvement des navires endtresse ou de leur contenu 1

    ENFORCEMENT 12 CONTRLE DAPPLICATION14 Pollution prevention officers 12 14 Fonctionnaire comptent15 Powers of pollution prevention officers 12 15 Pouvoirs du fonctionnaire comptent16 Assistance to pollution prevention

    officers 1416 Assistance au fonctionnaire comptent

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    September 4, 2013


    Section Page Article Pag

    17 Obstruction and false statements 14 17 Entrave et fausses dclarationsOFFENCES AND PUNISHMENT 15 INFRACTIONS ET PEINES

    18 Contravention of subsection 4(1) 15 18 Contravention au par. 4(1)

    19 Additional offences by persons 15 19 Autres infractions commises par des personnes 1520 Offence by employee or agent 16 20 Perptration par un agent ou mandataire21 Certificate of analyst 17 21 Certificat de lanalyste22 Jurisdiction 17 22 Tribunal comptent

    SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE 18 SAISIE ET CONFISCATION23 Seizure of ship and cargo 18 23 Saisie du navire et de la cargaison24 Court may order forfeiture 18 24 Confiscation25 Redelivery of ship and cargo on bond 19 25 Remise sur cautionnement26 Disposal of forfeited ship 20 26 Sort des biens confisqus27 Protection of persons claiming interest 20 27 Protection des personnes revendiquant un


    28 Delegation of powers of the Governor inCouncil 20

    28 Dlgation des pouvoirs du gouverneur en conseil 20

    DISPOSITION OF FINES 21 DISPOSITION DES AMENDES29 Fines to be paid to Receiver General 21 29 Amendes payer au receveur gnral

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    R.S.C., 1985, c. A-12 L.R.C., 1985, ch. A-12

    An Act to prevent pollution of areas of thearctic waters adjacent to the mainland andislands of the Canadian arctic

    Loi sur la prvention de la pollution des zonesdes eaux arctiques contigus au continentet aux les de lArctique canadien

    Preamble WHEREAS Parliament recognizes thatrecent developments in relation to the ex- ploitation of the natural resources of arcticareas, including the natural resources of the Canadian arctic, and the transportation

    of those resources to the markets of theworld are of potentially great significanceto international trade and commerce and tothe economy of Canada in particular;

    AND WHEREAS Parliament at thesame time recognizes and is determined tofulfil its obligation to see that the naturalresources of the Canadian arctic are devel-oped and exploited and the arctic watersadjacent to the mainland and islands of theCanadian arctic are navigated only in amanner that takes cognizance of Canadasresponsibility for the welfare of the Inuitand other inhabitants of the Canadian arc-tic and the preservation of the peculiar ecological balance that now exists in thewater, ice and land areas of the Canadianarctic;

    Attendu :que le Parlement reconnat que des vne-

    ments rcents se rattachant lexploitation desressources naturelles des zones arctiques, no-tamment les ressources naturelles de lArctiquecanadien, et au transport de ces ressources destination des autres marchs du monde sont,en puissance, de la plus haute importance pour le commerce international et pour lconomiedu Canada, en particulier;

    que le Parlement a, la fois, conscience etlintention ferme de sacquitter de son obliga-tion de veiller ce que les ressources naturellesde lArctique canadien soient mises en valeur etexploites et ce que les eaux arctiques conti-gus au continent et aux les de lArctique ca-nadien ne soient ouvertes la navigation que

    dune faon qui tienne compte de la responsabi-lit du Canada quant au bien-tre des Inuit etdes autres habitants de lArctique canadien etquant la conservation de lquilibre colo-gique particulier qui existe actuellement dansles zones que forment les eaux, les glaces et lesterres de lArctique canadien,


    NOW THEREFORE, Her Majesty, byand with the advice and consent of theSenate and House of Commons of Canada,enacts as follows:

    Sa Majest, sur lavis et avec le consente-ment du Snat et de la Chambre des communesdu Canada, dicte :

    SHORT TITLE TITRE ABRGShort title 1. This Act may be cited as the Arctic Wa-

    ters Pollution Prevention Act .R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 1.

    1. Loi sur la prvention de la pollution deseaux arctiques .S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 1.

    Titre abrg

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    Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention September 4, 2013


    INTERPRETATION DFINITIONSDefinitions 2. In this Act,analyst analyste

    analyst means a person designated as an ana-lyst under theCanada Water Act , the North-west Territories Waters Act or the Nunavut

    Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act ;arctic waters eauxarctiques

    arctic waters means the internal waters of Canada and the waters of the territorial sea of Canada and the exclusive economic zone of Canada, within the area enclosed by the 60th parallel of north latitude, the 141st meridian of west longitude and the outer limit of the exclu-sive economic zone; however, where the inter-national boundary between Canada and Green-land is less than 200 nautical miles from the baselines of the territorial sea of Canada, the in-ternational boundary shall be substituted for that outer limit;

    ice-breaker brise-glace

    ice-breaker means a ship specially designedand constructed for the purpose of assisting the passage of other ships through ice;

    owner propritaire

    owner, in relation to a ship, includes any per-son having for the time being, either by law or by contract, the same rights as the owner of theship with respect to the possession and usethereof;

    pilot pilote

    pilot means a person licensed as a pilot pur-suant to the Pilotage Act ;

    pollution preventionofficer fonctionnairecomptent

    pollution prevention officer means a persondesignated as a pollution prevention officer pursuant to section 14;

    ship navire

    ship includes any description of vessel or boat used or designed for use in navigationwithout regard to method or lack of propulsion;

    shipping safetycontrol zone zone decontrle de la

    scurit de lanavigation

    shipping safety control zone means an area of the arctic waters prescribed as a shipping safetycontrol zone by an order made under section11;

    waste dchet

    waste means(a) any substance that, if added to any water,would degrade or alter or form part of a pro-cess of degradation or alteration of the quali-ty of that water to an extent that is detrimen-tal to their use by man or by any animal, fishor plant that is useful to man, and

    2. Les dfinitions qui suivent sappliquent la prsente loi.


    analyste Personne dsigne ce titre en ap- plication de la Loi sur les ressources en eau du

    Canada , de la Loi sur les eaux des Territoiresdu Nord-Ouest ou de la Loi sur les eaux du Nunavut et le Tribunal des droits de surface du Nunavut .

    analyste analyst

    brise-glace Navire spcialement conu etconstruit pour aider au passage des autres na-vires travers les glaces.

    brise-glace ice-breaker

    dchet a) Toute substance qui, si elle tait ajoute leau, altrerait ou contribuerait altrer laqualit de celle-ci au point den rendre luti-lisation nocive pour lhomme ou pour lesanimaux, poissons ou plantes utiles ce der-nier;b) toute eau qui contient une substance enune quantit ou concentration telle ou qui, partir de son tat naturel, a t traite outransforme par la chaleur ou dautresmoyens dune faon telle que, si elle taitajoute une autre eau, elle altrerait oucontribuerait altrer la qualit de celle-cidans la mesure dcrite lalinaa).

    Est compris dans la prsente dfinition tout cequi, pour lapplication de la Loi sur les res-

    sources en eau du Canada , est assimil undchet.

    dchet waste

    eaux arctiques Eaux intrieures du Canadaet eaux comprises dans la mer territoriale duCanada et la zone conomique exclusive duCanada, lintrieur de la zone dlimite par lesoixantime parallle de latitude Nord, le centquarante et unime mridien de longitudeOuest et la limite extrieure de la zone cono-mique exclusive; toutefois, l o la frontire in-ternationale entre le Canada et le Groenland est moins de deux cents milles marins de la ligne

    de base de la mer territoriale du Canada, cettefrontire internationale est substitue cette li-mite extrieure.

    eauxarctiques arctic waters

    fonctionnaire comptent Personne dsigne titre de fonctionnaire charg de la prventionde la pollution en application de larticle 14.

    fonctionnairecomptent pollution


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    Prvention de la pollution des eaux arctiques 4 septembre 2013


    (b) any water that contains a substance insuch a quantity or concentration, or that has been so treated, processed or changed, byheat or other means, from a natural state thatit would, if added to any other water, de-grade or alter or form part of a process of

    degradation or alteration of the quality of that water to the extent described in para-graph (a),

    and without limiting the generality of the fore-going, includes anything that, for the purposesof the Canada Water Act , is deemed to bewaste.R.S., 1985, c. A-12, s. 2; 1992, c. 40, s. 49; 2002, c. 7, ss.80, 278, c. 10, s. 177; 2009, c. 11, s. 1.

    navire Toute construction flottante conueou utilise pour la navigation, quelle soit pour-vue ou non dun moyen propre de propulsion.

    navire ship

    pilote Titulaire dun brevet ou certificat de pilotage dlivr en application de la Loi sur le pilotage .

    pilote pilot

    propritaire lgard dun navire, est assi-mil au propritaire quiconque a, un momentdonn, en vertu dune disposition lgislative oucontractuelle, les mmes droits que le propri-taire du navire en ce qui a trait sa possessionou son usage.

    propritaire owner

    zone de contrle de la scurit de la naviga-tion Zone lintrieur des eaux arctiques d-signe par dcret pris sous le rgime de larticle11.L.R. (1985), ch. A-12, art. 2; 1992, ch. 40, art. 49; 2002, ch.7, art. 80 et 278, ch. 10, art. 177; 2009, ch. 11, art. 1.

    zone decontrle de lascurit de lanavigation shipping safetycontrol zone


    Liability Act

    2.1 In the event of an inconsistency betweenthe provisions of this Act, or any regulationmade under this Act, and the provisions of the

    Marine Liability Act , the provisions of that Act prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.R.S., 1985, c. 6 (3rd Supp.), s. 91; 1993, c. 36, s. 22; 2001,c. 6, s. 109; 2009, c. 21, s. 21.

    2.1 Les dispositions de la Loi sur la respon- sabilit en matire maritime lemportent sur lesdispositions incompatibles de la prsente loi oude ses rglements dapplication.L.R. (1985), ch. 6 (3e suppl.), art. 91; 1993, ch. 36, art. 22;2001, ch. 6, art. 109; 2009, ch. 21, art. 21.

    Incompatibilitavec la Loi sur la responsabiliten matiremaritime

    Application toarctic waters

    3. (1) Except where otherwise provided,this Act applies to the arctic waters.

    3. (1) Sauf disposition contraire, la prsenteloi sapplique aux eaux arctiques.

    Application auxeaux arctiques

    Adjacent watersincluded inarctic waters

    (2) In so far as this Act applies to or in re-spect of any person described in paragraph6(1)(a), the expression "arctic waters" includesall the waters described in the definition of thatexpression in section 2 and all waters adjacentthereto lying north of the sixtieth parallel of north latitude, the natural resources of whosesubjacent submarine areas Her Majesty in rightof Canada has the right to dispose of or exploit,whether the waters so described or those adja-cent waters are in a frozen or liquid state, butdoes not include inland waters.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 3.

    (2) Dans la mesure o la prsente loi sap- plique aux personnes vises lalina 6(1)a) ou leur gard, sont galement comprises parmiles eaux arctiques les eaux qui leur sont conti-gus au nord du soixantime parallle de lati-tude nord que celles-ci ou celles-l soientgeles ou non et qui couvrent les zonessous-marines lgard desquelles Sa Majestdu chef du Canada a le droit dexploiter oudaliner les richesses naturelles, sauf les eauxinternes.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 3.

    Extension de ladfinition de eauxarctiques

    INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE INCORPORATION PAR RENVOIIncorporation asamended fromtime to time

    3.1 (1) Regulations made under this Act in-corporating standards by reference may incor- porate them as amended from time to time.

    3.1 (1) Les rglements pris en vertu de la prsente loi qui incorporent des normes par ren-voi peuvent les incorporer avec leurs modifica-tions successives.

    Incorporation par renvoi

    For greater certainty only

    (2) Subsection (1) is for greater certaintyand does not limit any authority to make regu-

    (2) Il est entendu que le paragraphe (1) na pas pour effet dempcher la prise de rgle-


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    Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention September 4, 2013


    lations incorporating material by reference thatexists apart from it.2001, c. 34, s. 4.

    ments incorporant par renvoi des documentsautres que ceux viss ce paragraphe.2001, ch. 34, art. 4.

    DEPOSIT OF WASTE DPT DE DCHETSProhibition 4. (1) Except as authorized by regulations

    made under this section, no person or ship shalldeposit or permit the deposit of waste of anytype in the arctic waters or in any place on themainland or islands of the Canadian arctic un-der any conditions where the waste or any other waste that results from the deposit of the wastemay enter the arctic waters.

    4. (1) Sauf de la faon prvue par rglementdapplication du prsent article, il est interditaux personnes et aux navires de dposer des d-chets de toute nature ou den permettre ledpt dans les eaux arctiques, ou sur lecontinent ou les les de lArctique canadienmais dans des conditions qui permettent cesdchets ou ceux rsultant de leur dpt dat-teindre les eaux arctiques.


    Exception (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the de- posit of waste in waters that form part of a wa-ter quality management area designated pur-suant to theCanada Water Act if the waste so

    deposited is of a type and quantity and is de- posited under conditions authorized by regula-tions made under paragraph 18(2)(a) of thatAct with respect to that water quality manage-ment area.

    (2) Le paragraphe (1) ne sapplique pas audpt de dchets dans des eaux comprises dansune zone de gestion qualitative des eaux dsi-gne en application de la Loi sur les ressources

    en eau du Canada si, tant donn la nature et laquantit des dchets dposs et les conditionsdans lesquelles seffectue le dpt, celui-ci estautoris par rglement dapplication de lalina18(2)a) de cette loi relativement cette zone.


    Regulations (3) The Governor in Council may make reg-ulations for the purposes of this section pre-scribing

    (a) the type and quantity of waste, if any,that may be deposited by any person or shipin the arctic waters or in any place on themainland or islands of the Canadian arctic

    under any conditions where that waste or anyother waste that results from the deposit of that waste may enter the arctic waters; and(b) the conditions under which any suchwaste may be so deposited.

    R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 4.

    (3) Pour lapplication du prsent article, legouverneur en conseil peut, par rglement :

    a) indiquer la nature et la quantit des d-chets, le cas chant, qui peuvent tre dpo-ss dans les eaux arctiques, ou sur le conti-nent ou les les de lArctique canadien maisdans des conditions qui permettent ces d-

    chets ou ceux rsultant de leur dpt dat-teindre les eaux arctiques;b) fixer les conditions dans lesquelles un teldpt peut seffectuer.

    S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 4.


    Report of deposit of wasteor danger thereof

    5. (1) Any person who(a) has deposited waste in contravention of subsection 4(1), or (b) carries on any undertaking on the main-land or islands of the Canadian arctic or in

    the arctic waters that, by reason of any acci-dent or other occurrence, is in danger of causing any deposit of waste described inthat subsection otherwise than of a type, in aquantity and under conditions prescribed byregulations made under section 4,

    shall forthwith report the deposit of waste or the accident or other occurrence to a pollution

    5. (1) Est tenu de rapporter sans dlai unfonctionnaire comptent, lendroit et selon lesmodalits prvus par le gouverneur en conseil,le dpt de dchets, laccident ou lautre vne-ment survenu quiconque :

    a) a dpos des dchets en contraventionavec le paragraphe 4(1);b) entreprend sur le continent ou les les delArctique canadien ou dans les eaux arc-tiques une opration qui, du fait dun acci-dent ou dun autre vnement, menace de provoquer un dpt de dchets vis ce pa-ragraphe et dont la nature, la quantit et les

    Rapport dundpt de dchetsou dun risque

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    Prvention de la pollution des eaux arctiques 4 septembre 2013


    prevention officer at such location and in suchmanner as may be prescribed by the Governor in Council.

    conditions ne seraient pas permises par lesrglements dapplication de larticle 4.

    Report bymaster of ship

    (2) The master of any ship that has deposit-ed waste in contravention of subsection 4(1), or that is in distress and for that reason is in dan-ger of causing any deposit of waste describedin that subsection otherwise than of a type, in aquantity and under conditions prescribed byregulations made under section 4, shall forth-with report the deposit of waste or the condi-tion of distress to a pollution prevention officer at such location and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Governor in Council.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 5.

    (2) Le capitaine du navire qui a dpos desdchets en contravention avec le paragraphe4(1) ou qui est en dtresse et qui, pour cette rai-son, menace de provoquer un dpt de dchetsvis ce paragraphe et dont la nature, la quanti-t et les conditions ne seraient pas permises par les rglements dapplication de larticle 4 doitsans dlai en faire rapport un fonctionnairecomptent, lendroit et selon les modalits prvus par le gouverneur en conseil.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 5.

    Rapport ducapitaine dunavire

    Civil liabilityresulting fromdeposit of waste

    6. (1) The following persons, namely,(a) any person who is engaged in exploringfor, developing or exploiting any natural re-source on any land adjacent to the arctic wa-ters or in any submarine area subjacent to thearctic waters,(b) any person who carries on any undertak-ing on the mainland or islands of the Canadi-an arctic or in the arctic waters, and(c) the owner of any ship that navigateswithin the arctic waters and the owners of the cargo of any such ship,

    are respectively liable and, in the case of theowner of a ship and the owners of the cargo

    thereof, are jointly and severally liable, up tothe amount determined in the manner pre-scribed by regulations made under section 9 inrespect of the activity or undertaking so en-gaged in or carried on or in respect of that ship,as the case may be, for costs, expenses and lossor damage described in subsection (2).

    6. (1) Sont respectivement responsables desfrais, dpenses, pertes ou dommages viss au paragraphe (2) et, dans le cas du propritaire

    dun navire et des propritaires de sa cargaison,cette responsabilit est solidaire jusquconcurrence du montant dtermin selon lesmodalits prvues par rglement dapplicationde larticle 9 quant lactivit, lopration ouau navire en cause, selon le cas, les personnessuivantes :

    a) quiconque soccupe de prospection, demise en valeur ou dexploitation dune res-source naturelle sur une terre contigu auxeaux arctiques ou dans une zone sous-marinedes eaux arctiques;

    b) quiconque entreprend une opration sur lecontinent ou les les de lArctique canadienou dans les eaux arctiques;c) le propritaire du navire qui navigue dansles eaux arctiques et les propritaires de lacargaison du navire.

    Responsabilitcivile rsultantdun dpt dedchets

    Extent of liability

    (2) Liability under subsection (1) is(a) for all costs and expenses of and inciden-tal to the taking of action described in sub-section (3) on the direction of the Governor in Council, and

    (b) for all actual loss or damage incurred byother persons

    resulting from any deposit of waste describedin subsection 4(1) that is caused by or is other-wise attributable to the activity, undertaking or ship, as the case may be, referred to in subsec-tion (1).

    (2) La responsabilit couvre les frais, d- penses, pertes et dommages rsultant de toutdpt de dchets vis au paragraphe 4(1) et at-tribuable lactivit, lopration ou au navireen cause, savoir :

    a) les frais et dpenses directement ou indi-rectement imputables la prise des mesuresvises au paragraphe (3) sur lordre du gou-verneur en conseil;b) lintgralit des pertes ou dommages su- bis par des tiers.

    tendue de laresponsabilit

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    Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention September 4, 2013


    Costs andexpenses of Her Majesty

    (3) Where the Governor in Council directsany action to be taken by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada to repair or remedyany condition that results from a deposit of waste described in subsection (2), or to reduceor mitigate any damage to or destruction of life

    or property that results or may reasonably beexpected to result from such a deposit of waste,the costs and expenses of and incidental to thetaking of that action, to the extent that thosecosts and expenses can be established to have been reasonably incurred in the circumstances,are, subject to this section, recoverable by Her Majesty in right of Canada from the person or persons described in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c), with costs, in proceedings brought or takentherefor in the name of Her Majesty.

    (3) Les frais et dpenses directement ou in-directement imputables la prise, par Sa Ma- jest du chef du Canada ou pour son compte, demesures ordonnes par le gouverneur enconseil en vue de redresser, en tout ou en par-tie, la situation cre par le dpt de dchets vi-

    s au paragraphe (2) ou de rduire la destruc-tion, totale ou partielle, dtres vivants ou de biens rsultant de ce dpt, ou raisonnablementsusceptible den rsulter, peuvent, sous rservedes autres dispositions du prsent article et pour autant quil soit possible dtablir en lespceque les frais et dpenses ont t entrans par la prise des mesures, tre recouvrs, avec dpens, par Sa Majest du chef du Canada lissue de poursuites engages contre les personnes vises lalina (1)a), b) ouc).

    Frais et dpensesde Sa Majest

    Proceedings for recovery of


    (4) All claims pursuant to this sectionagainst a person or persons described in para-graph (1)(a), (b) or (c) may be sued for and re-covered in any court of competent jurisdictionin Canada, and all those claims shall rank

    (a) first, in favour of persons who have suf-fered actual loss or damage as provided in paragraph (2)(b), which claims shall amongthemselves rank pari passu , and(b) second, to meet the costs and expensesdescribed in subsection (3),

    up to the limit of the amount determined in themanner prescribed by regulations made under

    section 9 in respect of the activity or undertak-ing engaged in or carried on by the person or persons against whom the claims are made, or in respect of the ship of which any such personis the owner or of all or part of whose cargoany such person is the owner.

    (4) Les rclamations faites en application du prsent article contre des personnes vises lalina (1)a), b) ou c) peuvent tre portes en justice pour recouvrement devant tout tribunalcomptent au Canada, jusqu concurrence dumontant dtermin, selon les modalits prvues par rglement dapplication de larticle 9, quant lactivit ou lopration poursuivie par les personnes contre lesquelles les rclamationssont faites ou quant au navire dont une de ces personnes est propritaire ou de la cargaisonduquel une de ces personnes est propritaire, entout ou partie, et prennent rang comme suit :

    a) premirement, celles en faveur des per-sonnes qui ont subi des pertes ou dommagesviss lalina (2)b), lequel prvoit que lesrclamations viennent toutes au mme rang;b) deuximement, celles faites pour subvenir aux frais et dpenses viss au paragraphe (3).

    Procdure derecouvrement en

    matire derclamations

    Limitation period

    (5) No proceedings in respect of a claim pursuant to this section shall be commenced af-ter two years from the time when the deposit of waste in respect of which the proceedings are brought or taken occurred or first occurred, asthe case may be, or could reasonably be expect-

    ed to have become known to those affectedthereby.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 6.

    (5) Les poursuites en rclamation prisessous lautorit du prsent article se prescrivent par deux ans compter de la date laquelle ledpt de dchets est intervenu ou est intervenu pour la premire fois, selon le cas, ou compter de la date laquelle il tait raisonnable de sat-

    tendre ce quil soit connu de ceux qui en ontt affects.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 6.


    Nature andlimitation of liability

    7. (1) The liability of any person pursuantto section 6 is absolute and does not depend on proof of fault or negligence, except that no per-son is liable pursuant to that section for anycosts, expenses or actual loss or damage in-

    7. (1) La responsabilit vise larticle 6est absolue et non subordonne la preuvedune faute ou dune ngligence, sauf que nulnest responsable, aux termes de cet article, desfrais, dpenses, pertes ou dommages subis par

    Nature ettendue de laresponsabilit

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    curred by another person whose conduct causedany deposit of waste described in subsection6(2), or whose conduct contributed to any suchdeposit of waste, to the degree to which thatother persons conduct contributed thereto.

    une autre personne dont la conduite a provoqule dpt de dchets vis au paragraphe 6(2) ouy a contribu, dans la mesure o sa conduite y acontribu.

    Construction of

    reference toconduct

    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a ref-erence to any conduct of "another person" in-cludes any wrongful act or omission by thatother person or by any person for whosewrongful act or omission that other person is bylaw responsible.

    (2) Pour lapplication du paragraphe (1), laconduite dune autre personne sentenddun acte ou dune omission dommageable im- putable cette autre personne ou quiconquedont celle-ci rpond lgalement.




    (3) Nothing in this Act shall be construed aslimiting or restricting any right of recourse or indemnity that a person liable pursuant to sec-tion 6 may have against any other person.

    (3) La prsente loi na pas pour effet de res-treindre le recours ou le droit une indemnitdune personne responsable aux termes de lar-ticle 6 lgard dun tiers.


    Limitation onliability of cargoowner

    (4) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, no person is liable pursuant to section 6, either alone or jointly and severally with one or moreother persons, by reason only that the person isthe owner of all or any part of the cargo of aship, if the person can establish that the cargoor that part thereof is of such a nature, or is of such a nature and is carried in such a quantity,that, if it and any other cargo of the same naturethat is carried by that ship were deposited bythat ship in the arctic waters, the deposit wouldnot constitute a contravention of subsection4(1).R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 7.

    (4) Malgr les autres dispositions de la pr-sente loi, nul nest responsable, aux termes delarticle 6, soit seul soit solidairement avecdautres, du seul fait quil est le propritaire detout ou partie de la cargaison dun navire sil peut tablir que la cargaison, ou partie de celle-ci, dont il est le propritaire est dune naturetelle, ou est dune nature telle et est transporteen une telle quantit que, si cette cargaison ettoute autre cargaison de la mme nature oudune nature similaire taient dposes par cenavire dans une zone des eaux arctiques, le d- pt ne constituerait pas une contravention au paragraphe 4(1).S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 7.

    Responsabilitrestreinte du propritaire de lacargaison

    Evidence of financialresponsibility

    8. (1) The Governor in Council may require(a) any person who engages in exploringfor, developing or exploiting any natural re-source on any land adjacent to the arctic wa-ters or in any submarine area subjacent to thearctic waters,(b) any person who carries on any undertak-ing on the mainland or islands of the Canadi-an arctic or in the arctic waters that will or islikely to result in the deposit of waste in thearctic waters or in any place under any con-ditions where that waste or any other wastethat results from the deposit of that wastemay enter the arctic waters,(c) any person, other than a person describedin paragraph (a), who proposes to construct,alter or extend any work or works on themainland or islands of the Canadian arctic or in the arctic waters that, on completion there-

    8. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut exiger la fourniture dune preuve de solvabilit agre par lui-mme assurance, cautionnement ouautre dun montant dtermin selon les mo-dalits prvues par rglement dapplication delarticle 9 :

    a) de quiconque soccupe de prospection, demise en valeur ou dexploitation dune res-source naturelle sur une terre contigu auxeaux arctiques ou dans une zone sous-marinedes eaux arctiques;b) de quiconque entreprend une oprationsur le continent ou les les de lArctique ca-nadien ou dans les eaux arctiques qui entra-nera ou risque vraisemblablement dentraner le dpt de dchets soit dans les eaux arc-tiques, soit ailleurs mais dans des conditionsqui permettent ces dchets ou ceux rsul-tant de leur dpt datteindre les eaux arc-tiques;

    Preuve desolvabilit

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    of, will form all or part of an undertaking de-scribed in paragraph (b), or (d ) the owner of any ship that proposes tonavigate or that navigates within any ship- ping safety control zone specified by theGovernor in Council and, subject to subsec-tion 7(4), the owners of the cargo of anysuch ship,

    to provide evidence of financial responsibility,in the form of insurance or an indemnity bondsatisfactory to the Governor in Council, or inany other form satisfactory to the Governor inCouncil, in an amount determined in the man-ner prescribed by regulations made under sec-tion 9.

    c) de quiconque, autre quune personne vi-se lalinaa), se propose de construire, demodifier ou dagrandir sur le continent oudans les les de lArctique canadien ou dansles eaux arctiques un ou plusieurs ouvragesqui, une fois termins, constitueront tout ou

    partie dune opration vise lalinab);d ) du propritaire dun navire qui navigue lintrieur dune zone de contrle de la scu-rit de la navigation dtermine par le gou-verneur en conseil ou se propose de lefaire et, sous rserve du paragraphe 7(4),des propritaires de la cargaison du navire.

    Persons entitledto claim againstinsurance or bond

    (2) Evidence of financial responsibility inthe form of insurance or an indemnity bondshall be in a form that will enable recovery, di-rectly from the proceeds of the insurance or bond, by any person entitled pursuant to section6 to claim against the person or persons givingthat evidence.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 8.

    (2) La preuve de solvabilit sous la formedune assurance ou dun cautionnement doittre telle quelle permette quiconque ayant ledroit, en application de larticle 6, de prsenter une rclamation contre celui qui la produit denrecouvrer directement le quantum sur le produitde la ralisation de lassurance ou du caution-nement.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 8.

    Personnes endroit dedemander laralisation delassurance oudu cautionne-ment

    Regulationsrespectingmanner of determininglimit of liability

    9. (1) The Governor in Council may makeregulations for the purposes of section 6 pre-scribing, in respect of any activity or undertak-ing engaged in or carried on by any person or persons described in paragraph 6(1)(a), (b) or (c), or in respect of any ship of which any such person is the owner or of all or part of whosecargo any such person is the owner, the manner of determining the limit of liability of any such person or persons pursuant to section 6.

    9. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par r-glement, pour lapplication de larticle 6, lgard de toute action ou opration poursuivie par une personne vise lalina 6(1)a), b) ouc) ou lgard de tout navire dont une telle per-sonne est soit le propritaire soit le propritairede tout ou partie de la cargaison, fixer le modede dtermination de la responsabilit dunetelle personne.

    Rglements sur le mode dedtermination dela limite de laresponsabilit

    Matters to betaken intoaccount

    (2) In the case of the owners of a ship andits cargo, the manner prescribed under subsec-tion (1) shall take into account the size of theship and the nature and quantity of the cargocarried or to be carried by it.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 9.

    (2) Dans les cas mettant en cause le propri-taire du navire et le propritaire de la cargaison,la dimension du navire, ainsi que la nature et laquantit de la cargaison transporte ou trans- porter, sont des facteurs dont le mode de dter-mination vis au paragraphe (1) doit tenir compte.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 9.

    Facteurs pertinents


    10. (1) Where any person proposes to con-struct, alter or extend any work described insubsection (2), the Governor in Council mayrequire the person to provide the Governor inCouncil with a copy of such plans and specifi-cations relating to the work as will enable the

    10. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut exi-ger de quiconque se propose dentreprendre lestravaux viss au paragraphe (2) la productiondune copie des plans et devis des travaux afinde lui permettre de dterminer si le dpt desdchets prvu la suite des travaux effectus

    Plans et devisexigs

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    Governor in Council to determine whether thedeposit of waste that will or is likely to occur if the construction, alteration or extension is car-ried out in accordance therewith would consti-tute a contravention of subsection 4(1).

    conformment aux plans et devis constitueraitune contravention au paragraphe 4(1).

    Work to which

    plans andspecifications torelate

    (2) Subsection (1) applies in respect of anywork on the mainland or islands of the Canadi-an arctic or in the arctic waters that, on comple-tion thereof, will form all or part of an under-taking the operation of which will or is likely toresult in the deposit of waste of any type in thearctic waters or in any place under any condi-tions where that waste or any other waste thatresults from the deposit of that waste may enter the arctic waters.

    (2) Le paragraphe (1) vise des travaux deconstruction ou de modification douvrages notamment dagrandissement effectus sur le continent ou les les de lArctique canadienou dans les eaux arctiques qui, lorsquils seronttermins, constitueront tout ou partie dune en-treprise dont lexploitation entranera ou risquevraisemblablement dentraner le dpt de d-chets de toute nature soit dans les eaux arc-tiques, soit ailleurs mais dans des conditionsqui permettent ces dchets ou ceux rsultantde leur dpt datteindre les eaux arctiques.

    Travaux viss

    Powers of Governor inCouncil

    (3) If, after reviewing any plans and specifi-

    cations provided to the Governor in Councilunder subsection (1) and affording to the per-son who provided those plans and specifica-tions a reasonable opportunity to be heard, theGovernor in Council is of the opinion that thedeposit of waste that will or is likely to occur if the construction, alteration or extension is car-ried out in accordance with those plans andspecifications would constitute a contraventionof subsection 4(1), the Governor in Councilmay, by order, either

    (a) require such modifications in those plansand specifications as the Governor in Coun-cil considers to be necessary; or (b) prohibit the carrying out of the construc-tion, alteration or extension.

    R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 10.

    (3) Si, aprs examen des plans et devis pro-

    duits en application du paragraphe (1) et aprsavoir accord lintress la possibilit dtreentendu, le gouverneur en conseil est davisque le dpt de dchets rsultant de ces travaux ou susceptible den rsulter constitueraitune contravention au paragraphe 4(1), il peut, par dcret :

    a) soit exiger que soient apportes aux planset devis les modifications quil estime nces-saires;b) soit interdire lexcution des travaux.

    S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 10.

    Pouvoirs dugouverneur enconseil


    Prescription of shipping safetycontrol zones

    11. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Gover-nor in Council may, by order, prescribe as ashipping safety control zone any area of thearctic waters that is specified in the order, andmay, as the Governor in Council deems neces-sary, amend any such area.

    11. (1) Sous rserve du paragraphe (2), legouverneur en conseil peut, par dcret, dsigner zone de contrle de la scurit de la navigationtoute zone des eaux arctiques y spcifie; il peut en outre, sil lestime ncessaire, modifier une telle zone.

    Dsignation deszones decontrle de lascurit de lanavigation

    Publication of proposed orders

    (2) A copy of each order that the Governor in Council proposes to make under subsection(1) shall be published in theCanada Gazetteand no order may be made under that subsec-tion, based on any such proposal, except after

    (2) Les projets de dcrets dapplication du paragraphe (1) sont publis dans laGazette duCanada et ne peuvent tre pris par le gouver-neur en conseil avant lexpiration dun dlai desoixante jours de la date de leur publication.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 11.

    Publication des projets de dcret

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    the expiration of sixty days following publica-tion of the proposal in theCanada Gazette .R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 11.

    Regulationsrelating tonavigation inshipping safetycontrol zones

    12. (1) The Governor in Council may makeregulations applicable to ships of any classspecified therein, prohibiting any ship of thatclass from navigating within any shipping safe-ty control zone specified therein

    (a) unless the ship complies with standards prescribed by the regulations relating to

    (i) hull and fuel tank construction, includ-ing the strength of materials used therein,the use of double hulls and the subdivisionthereof into watertight compartments,(ii) the construction of machinery andequipment, the electronic and other navi-gational aids and equipment and telecom-

    munications equipment to be carried andthe manner and frequency of maintenancethereof,(iii) the nature and construction of pro- pelling power and appliances and fittingsfor steering and stabilizing,(iv) the manning of the ship, including thenumber of navigating and look-out person-nel to be carried who are qualified in amanner prescribed by the regulations,(v) with respect to any type of cargo to becarried, the maximum quantity thereof thatmay be carried, the method of stowagethereof and the nature or type and quantityof supplies and equipment to be carried for use in repairing or remedying any condi-tion that may result from the deposit of any such cargo in the arctic waters,(vi) the free-board to be allowed and themarking of load lines,(vii) quantities of fuel, water and other supplies to be carried, and(viii) the maps, charts, tide tables and any

    other documents or publications relating tonavigation in the arctic waters to be car-ried;

    (b) without the aid of a pilot, or of an icenavigator who is qualified in a manner pre-scribed by the regulations, at any time or during one or more periods of the year, if any, specified in the regulations, or without

    12. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par rglement applicable aux navires dune catgo-rie y spcifie, interdire tout navire de cettecatgorie de naviguer lintrieur de la zone decontrle de la scurit de la navigation yspcifie :

    a) moins que le navire ne satisfasse auxnormes rglementaires ayant trait :

    (i) la construction de la coque et de lasoute combustible, notamment cellesrelatives la rsistance des matriaux em- ploys, lusage de coques doubles et leur subdivision en compartimentstanches,

    (ii) la construction de la machinerie etde lquipement, aux aides la navigationet lquipement, lectroniques ou non, et lquipement de tlcommunication de-vant se trouver bord ainsi qu leur modedentretien et la frquence de celui-ci,(iii) au type et la construction de lor-gane de propulsion et des appareils et ins-tallations ncessaires la manuvre de la barre et la stabilisation du navire,(iv) lquipage du navire, notamment aunombre des membres du personnel de na-

    vigation et de veille qui doivent se trouver bord, dont la comptence est tablie dela manire rglementaire,(v) pour tout type de cargaison transpor-ter, la quantit maximale qui peut tretransporte, la mthode darrimage ainsiqu la nature ou au type et la quantitdes fournitures et de lquipement devantse trouver bord en vue de redresser toutesituation susceptible de rsulter du dptdune telle cargaison dans les eaux arc-tiques, ou dy remdier,

    (vi) au franc-bord autoris et au marquagedes lignes de charge,(vii) aux quantits de combustible, deauet dautres fournitures devant se trouver bord,(viii) aux cartes marines et autres, tablesdes mares et autres documents ou publi-

    Rglements sur la navigationdans les zonesde contrle de lascurit de lanavigation

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    ice-breaker assistance of a kind prescribed by the regulations; and(c) during one or more periods of the year, if any, specified in the regulations or when iceconditions of a kind specified in the regula-tions exist in that zone.

    cations se rapportant la navigation dansles eaux arctiques devant se trouver bord;

    b) sans laide dun pilote, ou dun naviga-teur dont la comptence est tablie de la ma-nire rglementaire pour la navigation dansles glaces en tout temps ou pendant la p-riode de lanne prvue par les rglements, lecas chant, ou sans lassistance dun brise-glace de type rglementaire;c) pendant la priode de lanne prvue par les rglements, le cas chant, ou lorsqueltat des glaces qui prvaut dans cette zoneest dun genre prvu par les rglements.

    Ordersexempting shipsof foreign powers

    (2) The Governor in Council may by order exempt from the application of any regulationsmade under subsection (1) any ship or class of ship that is owned or operated by a sovereign power, other than Canada, where the Governor in Council is satisfied that

    (a) appropriate measures have been taken byor under the authority of that sovereign pow-er to ensure the compliance of the ship with,or with standards substantially equivalent to,standards prescribed by regulations made un-der paragraph (1)(a) that would otherwise beapplicable to it within any shipping safetycontrol zone; and(b) in all other respects all reasonable pre-cautions have been or will be taken to reducethe danger of any deposit of waste resultingfrom the navigation of the ship within thatshipping safety control zone.

    (2) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par d-cret, exempter de lapplication des rglements pris sous le rgime du paragraphe (1) un navireou une catgorie de navires qui est la propritdun tat souverain autre que le Canada oudont un tel tat assure lexploitation, sil estconvaincu :

    a) que des mesures appropries ont t prises par cet tat ou sous son autorit pour que le navire rponde aux normes fixes par les rglements dapplication de lalina (1)a)ou des normes essentiellement similairesqui lui seraient autrement applicables lin-trieur dune zone de contrle de la scuritde la navigation;b) qu tous autres gards, toutes les prcau-tions voulues ont t ou seront prises pour rduire le risque dun dpt de dchets rsul-tant de la navigation du navire lintrieur de la zone.



    (3) The Governor in Council may make reg-ulations

    (a) providing for the issue, to the owner or master of any ship that proposes to navigatewithin any shipping safety control zone spec-ified therein, of a certificate evidencing, inthe absence of any evidence to the contrary,the compliance of that ship with standards prescribed by regulations made under para-graph (1)(a) that are or would be applicableto it within that shipping safety control zone;and(b) governing the use that may be made of any such certificate and the effect that may

    (3) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par rglement :

    a) prvoir la dlivrance, au propritaire ouau capitaine dun navire qui se propose denaviguer dans une zone de contrle de la s-curit de la navigation y spcifie, dun certi-ficat indiquant, sauf preuve contraire, que lenavire rpond aux normes fixes par les r-glements dapplication de lalina (1)a) quilui sont ou lui seraient applicables lint-rieur de cette zone;b) dfinir lutilisation et la porte que peutavoir un tel certificat pour lapplication detoute disposition de la prsente loi.

    S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 12.


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    be given thereto for the purposes of any pro-vision of this Act.

    R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 12.

    Destruction or removal of shipsor their contents

    13. (1) Where the Governor in Council be-lieves on reasonable grounds that waste is be-ing deposited or is likely to be deposited in thearctic waters by a ship that is within those wa-ters and is in distress, stranded, wrecked, sunk or abandoned, the Governor in Council maycause the ship or any cargo or other material on board the ship to be destroyed, if necessary, or to be removed if possible to such place and soldin such manner as the Governor in Council maydirect.

    13. (1) Dans les cas o le gouverneur enconseil a des motifs raisonnables de croire quedes dchets sont dposs, ou risquent vraisem- blablement de ltre, dans les eaux arctiques par un navire sy trouvant en dtresse, chou,naufrag, coul ou abandonn, il peut, au be-soin, ordonner la destruction ou, si possible,le dplacement lendroit quil prcise et lavente de la manire quil indique du navire,de sa cargaison, en tout ou en partie, oudautres objets se trouvant son bord.

    Destruction ouenlvement desnavires endtresse ou deleur contenu

    Application of proceeds of sale

    (2) The proceeds from the sale of a ship or any cargo or other material pursuant to subsec-tion (1) shall be applied towards meeting theexpenses incurred by the Government of

    Canada in removing and selling the ship, cargoor other material, and any surplus shall be paidto the owner of that ship, cargo or other materi-al.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 13.

    (2) Le produit de la vente est affect au r-glement des dpenses encourues par le gouver-nement fdral pour lenlvement et la vente dunavire, de la cargaison ou des autres objets et

    tout excdent est vers au propritaire du na-vire, de la cargaison ou des autres objets.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 13.

    Affectation du produit de lavente

    ENFORCEMENT CONTRLE DAPPLICATIONPollution preventionofficers

    14. (1) The Governor in Council may desig-nate any person as a pollution prevention offi-cer with such of the powers set out in sections15 and 23 as are specified in the certificate of designation of that person.

    14. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut dsi-gner quiconque titre de fonctionnaire chargde la prvention de la pollution et lui confrer ceux des pouvoirs noncs aux articles 15 et 23quil indique dans son certificat de dsignation.


    Certificate to be produced (2) A pollution prevention officer shall befurnished with a certificate of his designationspecifying the powers set out in sections 15 and23 that are vested in the officer, and on exercis-ing any such power a pollution prevention offi-cer shall, if so required, produce the certificateto any person in authority who is affectedthereby and who requires the officer to do so.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 14.

    (2) Le fonctionnaire comptent reoit uncertificat attestant sa qualit et indiquant les pouvoirs noncs aux articles 15 et 23 qui luisont confrs que celui-ci prsente, sur de-mande, au responsable du lieu en cause.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 14.

    Production ducertificat

    Powers of pollution preventionofficers

    15. (1) Subject to subsection (3), a pollution prevention officer may at any reasonable time

    (a) enter any area, place or premises occu- pied by any person described in paragraph8(1)(a) or (b) in which the officer believeson reasonable grounds that

    (i) there is any waste that may be or has been deposited in the arctic waters or onthe mainland or islands of the Canadianarctic under any conditions where thatwaste or any other waste that results from

    15. (1) Sous rserve du paragraphe (3), lefonctionnaire comptent peut, toute heureconvenable :

    a) procder la visite de toute zone ou toutautre lieu occups par une personne viseaux alinas 8(1)a) ou b), sil a des motifs rai-sonnables de croire, selon le cas :

    (i) que sy trouvent des dchets qui ontt dposs, ou sont susceptibles de ltre,dans les eaux arctiques, ou sur le continentou les les de lArctique canadien mais

    Pouvoirs dufonctionnairecomptent

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    the deposit of that waste may enter thearctic waters in contravention of subsec-tion 4(1), or (ii) there is being or has been carried onany activity that may result in or has re-sulted in waste that may be or has been sodeposited;

    (b) examine any waste found in that area, place or premises in bulk or open any con-tainer found therein that the officer believeson reasonable grounds contains any wasteand take samples thereof; and(c) require any person in that area, place or premises to produce for inspection or for the purpose of obtaining copies or extracts any books or other documents or papers concern-ing any matter relevant to the administrationof this Act or the regulations.

    dans des conditions qui permettent cesdchets ou ceux rsultant de leur dptdatteindre les eaux arctiques, en contra-vention avec le paragraphe 4(1),(ii) que sy droule, ou sy est droule,une activit qui a produit ou risque de produire des dchets qui ont t ainsidposs, ou sont susceptibles de ltre;

    b) examiner tout dchet en vrac ou ouvrir tout contenant sil a des motifs raisonnablesde croire quil contient des dchets et en pr-lever des chantillons;c) exiger la communication, pour examen,ou reproduction totale ou partielle, de toutlivre ou autre document ou pice concernanttoute question pertinente lapplication de la prsente loi ou de ses rglements.

    Powers inrelation to works

    (2) Subject to subsection (3), a pollution prevention officer may at any reasonable time

    (a) enter any area, place or premises inwhich any construction, alteration or exten-sion of a work described in subsection 10(2)is being carried on; and(b) conduct such inspections of the work be-ing constructed, altered or extended as theofficer deems necessary in order to deter-mine whether any plans and specifications provided to the Governor in Council, and

    any modifications required by the Governor in Council, are being complied with.

    (2) Sous rserve du paragraphe (3), le fonc-tionnaire comptent peut, toute heureconvenable :

    a) procder la visite de toute zone ou toutautre lieu o seffectuent des travaux pour laconstruction, la modification ou lagrandisse-ment des ouvrages viss au paragraphe10(2);b) procder lexamen des travaux selonquil le juge ncessaire afin dtablir si les plans et devis fournis au gouverneur en

    conseil et les modifications imposes par ce-lui-ci ont t suivis.

    Pouvoirsconcernant lestravaux

    Exception whereship or dwelling- place

    (3) No pollution prevention officer may, pursuant to paragraph (1)(a) or (2)(a), enter aship, a private dwelling-place or any part of anyarea, place or premises other than a ship that isdesigned to be used and is being used as a per-manent or temporary private dwelling-place.

    (3) Il est interdit au fonctionnaire de proc-der la visite dun lieu vis lalina (1)a) ou(2)a) sil sagit dun navire, dun local dhabi-tation ou dune partie de zone ou de lieu, autrequun navire, conue et utilise, de faon tem- poraire ou permanente, comme local dhabita-tion.

    Localdhabitation ounavire

    Powers inrelation to ships

    (4) A pollution prevention officer may(a) board any ship that is within a shippingsafety control zone and conduct such inspec-tions thereof as will enable the officer to de-termine whether the ship complies with stan-dards prescribed by any regulations madeunder section 12 that are applicable to itwithin that shipping safety control zone;(b) order any ship that is in or near a ship- ping safety control zone to proceed outside

    (4) Le fonctionnaire comptent peut :a) monter bord de tout navire se trouvantdans une zone de contrle de la scurit de lanavigation et y procder aux examens qui lui permettront dtablir si le navire satisfait auxnormes rglementaires applicables, fixes enapplication de larticle 12;b) ordonner tout navire se trouvant dansune zone de contrle de la scurit de la na-vigation, ou prs dune telle zone, den sortir

    Pouvoirsconcernant lesnavires

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    the zone in such manner as the officer maydirect, to remain outside the zone or to an-chor in a place selected by the officer, if

    (i) the officer suspects, on reasonablegrounds, that the ship fails to comply withstandards prescribed by any regulationsmade under section 12 that are or would be applicable to it within that shippingsafety control zone,(ii) the ship is within the shipping safetycontrol zone or is about to enter the zonein contravention of a regulation made un-der paragraph 12(1)(b) or (c), or (iii) the officer is satisfied, by reason of weather, visibility, ice or sea conditions,the condition of the ship or its equipmentor the nature or condition of its cargo, thatsuch an order is justified in the interests of safety; and

    (c) where the officer is informed that a sub-stantial quantity of waste has been depositedin the arctic waters or has entered the arcticwaters or where, on reasonable grounds, theofficer is satisfied that a grave and imminentdanger of a substantial deposit of waste inthe arctic waters exists,

    (i) order all ships within a specified areaof the arctic waters to report their posi-tions to the officer, and

    (ii) order any ship to take part in theclean-up of the waste or in any action tocontrol or contain the waste.

    R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 15.

    en suivant ses instructions, de rester en de-hors de la zone ou de mouiller dans un en-droit choisi par lui, le cas chant, dans luneou lautre des situations suivantes :

    (i) linspecteur a des motifs raisonnablesde croire que le navire a omis de satisfaireaux normes rglementaires applicables,fixes en application de larticle 12,(ii) le navire se trouve dans la zone decontrle de la scurit de la navigation, ouest sur le point dy entrer, en contraven-tion avec un rglement dapplication delalina 12(1)b) ouc),(iii) en raison des conditions atmosph-riques, de la visibilit, de ltat des glacesou de la mer, de ltat du navire ou de sonquipement ou de la nature ou de ltat desa cargaison, linspecteur est convaincuque des raisons dordre scuritaire le justi-fient agir de la sorte;

    c) lorsquil est averti quune quantit impor-tante de dchets a t dpose dans les eauxarctiques ou a atteint ces eaux, ou sil estconvaincu en se fondant sur des motifs rai-sonnables quil existe un risque grave et im-minent que se produise un tel dpt,ordonner :

    (i) dune part, tous les navires se trou-vant dans une zone prcise des eaux arc-tiques, de lui signaler leur position,(ii) dautre part, tout navire de participer au nettoyage des dchets ou toute opra-tion pour les contrler ou les circonscrire.

    S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 15.

    Assistance to pollution preventionofficers

    16. The owner or person in charge of anyarea, place or premises entered pursuant to sub-section 15(1) or (2), the master of any ship boarded pursuant to paragraph 15(4)(a) and ev-ery person found in the area, place or premisesor on board the ship shall give a pollution pre-vention officer all reasonable assistance to en-

    able the officer to carry out his duties and func-tions under this Act and shall furnish the officer with any information he may reasonably re-quire.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 16.

    16. Le propritaire ou le responsable du lieuvisit aux termes des paragraphes 15(1) ou (2),le capitaine du navire bord duquel monte lefonctionnaire comptent aux termes de lalina15(4)a) ainsi que toute autre personne se trou-vant sur les lieux ou bord du navire sont tenusde prter au fonctionnaire toute lassistance

    possible dans lexercice des fonctions que luiconfre la prsente loi et de lui donner les ren-seignements quil peut valablement exiger.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 16.

    Assistance aufonctionnairecomptent

    Obstruction andfalse statements

    17. No person shall obstruct or hinder, or knowingly make a false or misleading state-ment either orally or in writing to, a pollution

    17. Il est interdit dentraver laction du fonc-tionnaire comptent dans lexercice des fonc-tions que lui confre la prsente loi ou de lui

    Entrave etfaussesdclarations

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    prevention officer while the officer is engagedin carrying out his duties or functions under this Act.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 17.

    faire en connaissance de cause, oralement ou par crit, une dclaration fausse ou trompeuse.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 17.


    Contravention of subsection 4(1)

    18. (1) Any person who contravenes sub-section 4(1) and any ship that contravenes thatsubsection is guilty of an offence and liable onsummary conviction to a fine not exceeding, inthe case of a person, five thousand dollars and,in the case of a ship, one hundred thousand dol-lars.

    18. (1) Toute personne ou tout navire quicontrevient au paragraphe 4(1) commet une in-fraction et encourt, sur dclaration de culpabili-t par procdure sommaire, sil sagit dune personne, une amende maximale de cinq milledollars, et sil sagit dun navire, une amendemaximale de cent mille dollars.

    Contraventionau par. 4(1)


    (2) Where an offence referred to in subsec-tion (1) is committed by a person on more thanone day or continued by him for more than oneday, it shall be deemed to be a separate offencefor each day on which it is committed or con-

    tinued.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 18.

    (2) Il est compt une infraction distincte pour chacun des jours au cours desquels secommet ou se continue linfraction prvue au paragraphe (1).S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 18.


    Additionaloffences by persons

    19. (1) Any person who(a) fails to make a report to a pollution pre-vention officer as and when required under subsection 5(1),(b) fails to provide the Governor in Councilwith evidence of financial responsibility asand when required under subsection 8(1),(c) fails to provide the Governor in Councilwith any plans and specifications required of

    the person under subsection 10(1), or (d ) constructs, alters or extends any work described in subsection 10(2)

    (i) otherwise than in accordance with any plans and specifications provided to theGovernor in Council in accordance with arequirement made under subsection 10(1),or with any such plans and specificationsas required to be modified by any order made under subsection 10(3), or (ii) contrary to any order made under sub-section 10(3) prohibiting the carrying outof the construction, alteration or extension,

    is guilty of an offence and liable on summaryconviction to a fine not exceeding twenty-fivethousand dollars.

    19. (1) Commet une infraction et encourt,sur dclaration de culpabilit par procduresommaire, une amende maximale de vingt-cinqmille dollars quiconque, selon le cas :

    a) omet de faire rapport au fonctionnairecomptent selon les modalits, lendroit etau moment o il en est requis en vertu du pa-ragraphe 5(1);b) omet de fournir au gouverneur en conseilla preuve de sa solvabilit selon les modali-ts et au moment o il en est requis en appli-cation du paragraphe 8(1);c) omet de fournir au gouverneur en conseilles plans et les devis quil exige en applica-tion du paragraphe 10(1);d ) construit, modifie ou agrandit un ouvragevis au paragraphe 10(2) :

    (i) de faon non conforme aux plans etdevis fournis au gouverneur en conseil, la demande de celui-ci, sous le rgime du paragraphe 10(1) ou tels quils doivent

    tre modifis aux termes dun dcret prissous lautorit du paragraphe 10(3),(ii) contrairement tout dcret pris souslautorit du paragraphe 10(3) et interdi-sant de tels travaux.

    Autresinfractionscommises par des personnes

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    Additionaloffences byships

    (2) Any ship(a) that navigates within a shipping safetycontrol zone when the ship does not complywith standards prescribed by any regulationsmade under section 12 that are applicable toit within that shipping safety control zone,(b) that navigates within a shipping safetycontrol zone in contravention of a regulationmade under paragraph 12(1)(b) or (c),(c) that, having taken on board a pilot in or-der to comply with a regulation made under paragraph 12(1)(b), fails to comply with anyreasonable directions given to it by the pilotin carrying out his duties,(d ) that fails to comply with any order of a pollution prevention officer under paragraph15(4)(b) or (c) that is applicable to it,

    (e) the master of which fails to make a re- port to a pollution prevention officer as andwhen required under subsection 5(2), or ( f ) the master of which, or any person on board which, contravenes section 17,

    is guilty of an offence and liable on summaryconviction to a fine not exceeding twenty-fivethousand dollars.

    (2) Commet une infraction et encourt, sur dclaration de culpabilit par procdure som-maire, une amende maximale de vingt-cinqmille dollars tout navire :

    a) qui navigue lintrieur dune zone decontrle de la scurit de la navigation sansse conformer aux normes fixes par les r-glements dapplication de larticle 12 qui luisont applicables lintrieur de cette zone;b) qui navigue lintrieur dune zone decontrle de la scurit de la navigation encontravention avec un rglement dapplica-tion de lalina 12(1)b) ouc);c) qui, ayant pris son bord un pilote pour se conformer un rglement dapplication delalina 12(1)b), omet de se conformer toute instruction raisonnable que lui donnecelui-ci dans lexercice de ses fonctions;d ) qui omet de se conformer tout ordre dufonctionnaire comptent donn sous le r-gime de lalina 15(4)b) ou c) et qui lui estapplicable;e) dont le capitaine omet de faire rapport aufonctionnaire comptent selon les modalits, lendroit et au moment o il en est requisen vertu du paragraphe 5(2);

    f ) dont le capitaine ou toute personne setrouvant bord contrevient larticle 17.

    Autresinfractionscommises par des navires

    Contravention of

    section 17

    (3) Any person, other than the master of aship or any person on board a ship, who contra-venes section 17 is guilty of an offence punish-able on summary conviction.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 19.

    (3) Quiconque, autre que le capitaine dunnavire ou une autre personne bord de celui-ci,contrevient larticle 17 commet une infraction punissable sur dclaration de culpabilit par procdure sommaire.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 19.


    lart. 17

    Offence byemployee or agent

    20. (1) In a prosecution of a person for anoffence under subsection 18(1), it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish that it wascommitted by an employee or agent of the ac-cused, whether or not the employee or agent isidentified or has been prosecuted for the of-fence, unless the accused establishes that the

    offence was committed without the knowledgeor consent of, and that all due diligence to pre-vent its commission was exercised by, the ac-cused.

    20. (1) Dans les poursuites contre des per-sonnes pour toute infraction prvue au para-graphe 18(1), il suffit, pour prouver linfrac-tion, dtablir quelle a t commise par unagent ou un mandataire de laccus, que cetagent ou mandataire ait t ou non identifi ou poursuivi. Laccus peut se disculper en prou-

    vant que la perptration a eu lieu son insu ousans son consentement et quil avait pris lesmesures ncessaires pour lempcher.

    Perptration par un agent oumandataire

    Proof of offence by ship

    (2) In a prosecution of a ship for an offenceunder this Act, it is sufficient proof that theship has committed the offence to establish thatthe act or neglect that constitutes the offence

    (2) Dans les poursuites contre des navires pour infraction la prsente loi, il suffit, pour prouver linfraction, dtablir que lacte ou langligence constituant linfraction ont t com-

    Preuve delinfraction dunavire

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    was committed by the master of or any personon board the ship, other than a pollution pre-vention officer or a pilot taken on board incompliance with a regulation made under para-graph12(1)(b), whether or not the person on board the ship has been identified.

    mis par le capitaine du navire ou par une per-sonne se trouvant bord, autre que le fonction-naire comptent ou le pilote pris bordconformment un rglement dapplication delalina 12(1)b), que la personne ait t identi-fie ou non.

    Orders anddirectionsdeemed given toship

    (3) For the purposes of any prosecution of aship for failing to comply with any order or di-rection of a pollution prevention officer or pi-lot, any order given by the officer or any direc-tion given by the pilot to the master or any person on board the ship shall be deemed tohave been given to the ship.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 20.

    (3) Dans des poursuites contre des navires pour omission de se conformer un ordre ou une instruction dun fonctionnaire comptentou dun pilote, lordre donn par le fonction-naire ou linstruction donne par le pilote aucapitaine du navire ou une personne se trou-vant bord est rput avoir t donn au na-vire.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 20.

    Assimilation ordre ouinstructiondonn au navire

    Certificate of analyst

    21. (1) Subject to this section, a certificate purporting to be signed by an analyst and stat-ing that the analyst has analyzed or examined a

    sample submitted by a pollution prevention of-ficer to the analyst and stating the result of theanalysis or examination is admissible in evi-dence in any prosecution for a contravention of subsection 4(1) and, in the absence of evidenceto the contrary, is proof of the statements con-tained in the certificate without proof of thesignature or official character of the person ap- pearing to have signed the certificate.

    21. (1) Sous rserve des autres dispositionsdu prsent article, le certificat cens sign par lanalyste, o il est dclar que celui-ci a tudi

    tel chantillon que lui a remis le fonctionnairecomptent et o sont donns ses rsultats, estadmissible en preuve dans les poursuites enga-ges pour contravention au paragraphe 4(1) et,sauf preuve contraire, fait foi de son contenusans quil soit ncessaire de prouver lauthenti-cit de la signature qui y est appose ou la qua-lit officielle du signataire.

    Certificat delanalyste

    Attendance of analyst

    (2) The party against whom a certificate of an analyst is produced pursuant to subsection(1) may, with leave of the court, require the at-

    tendance of the analyst for the purposes of cross-examination.

    (2) La partie contre laquelle est produit lecertificat peut, avec lautorisation du tribunal,exiger la prsence de lanalyste pour contre-in-


    Prsence delanalyste

    Notice (3) No certificate shall be admitted in evi-dence pursuant to subsection (1) unless the par-ty intending to produce it has given reasonablenotice of that intention, together with a copy of the certificate, to the party against whom it isintended to be produced.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 21.

    (3) Le certificat nest recevable en preuveque si la partie qui entend le produire donne deson intention la partie quelle vise un pravissuffisant, accompagn dune copie du certificat.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 21.


    Jurisdiction 22. (1) Where any person or ship is chargedwith having committed an offence under thisAct, any court in Canada that would have had

    cognizance of the offence if it had been com-mitted by a person within the limits of the ordi-nary jurisdiction of that court has jurisdiction totry the offence as if it had been so committed.

    22. (1) Dans les poursuites pour infraction la prsente loi, tout tribunal au Canada qui au-rait eu comptence pour juger linfraction si

    elle avait t commise dans son ressort a com- ptence pour juger linfraction comme si elleavait t ainsi commise.


    Service on shipand appearanceat trial

    (2) Where a ship is charged with havingcommitted an offence under this Act, the sum-mons may be served by leaving it with the mas-ter or any officer of the ship or by posting the

    (2) En cas de poursuite dun navire pour in-fraction la prsente loi, la signification des as-signations se fait par leur remise au capitaineou toute autre personne responsable du navire

    Signification etcomparution

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    summons on a conspicuous part of the ship, andthe ship may appear by counsel or agent but, if it does not appear, a summary conviction courtmay, on proof of service of the summons, pro-ceedex parte to hold the trial.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 22.

    ou par leur affichage bien en vidence sur lenavire et le navire peut comparatre par avocatou par mandataire; en cas de non-comparution,une cour des poursuites sommaires peut, sur preuve de la signification des assignations, ins-truire le procsex parte .

    S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 22.


    23. (1) Where a pollution prevention officer suspects on reasonable grounds that

    (a) any provision of this Act or the regula-tions has been contravened by a ship, or (b) the owner of a ship or the owner of all or part of the cargo thereof has committed anoffence under paragraph 19(1)(b),

    the officer may, with the consent of the Gover-

    nor in Council, seize the ship and its cargo any-where in the arctic waters or elsewhere in theterritorial sea or internal or inland waters of Canada.

    23. (1) Un fonctionnaire comptent peut,avec le consentement du gouverneur en conseil,saisir un navire et sa cargaison o quils setrouvent dans les eaux arctiques ou dans la mer territoriale du Canada ou les eaux intrieures duCanada sil a des motifs raisonnables desouponner :

    a) que le navire a enfreint une disposition dela prsente loi ou de ses rglements;

    b) que le propritaire du navire ou de tout ou partie de sa cargaison a commis linfraction prvue lalina 19(1)b).

    Saisie du navireet de lacargaison

    Custody (2) Subject to subsection (3) and sections 24to 26, a ship and cargo seized under subsection(1) shall be retained in the custody of the pollu-tion prevention officer making the seizure or shall be delivered into the custody of such per-son as the Governor in Council directs.

    (2) Sous rserve du paragraphe (3) et des ar-ticles 24 26, le navire et la cargaison saisissont retenus par le fonctionnaire comptent quia opr la saisie ou confis la garde de la per-sonne que le gouverneur en conseil dsigne.

    Garde des bienssaisis

    Perishable goods (3) Where all or any part of a cargo seizedunder subsection (1) is perishable, the pollution

    prevention officer or other person having cus-tody of it may sell the cargo or the perishable portion, as the case may be, and the proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the Receiver General or shall be deposited in a bank, or an authorizedforeign bank within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act , that is not subject to the restric-tions and requirements referred to in subsection524(2) of that Act, in respect of its business inCanada, to the credit of the Receiver General.R.S., 1985, c. A-12, s. 23; 1999, c. 28, s. 145.

    (3) Lorsque tout ou partie de la cargaisonsaisie conformment au paragraphe (1) est p-

    rissable, le fonctionnaire comptent ou touteautre personne ayant la garde de celle-ci peut lavendre, totalement ou seulement la partie quiest prissable, selon le cas. Le produit de lavente est vers au receveur gnral ou port son crdit dans une banque ou une banquetrangre autorise, au sens de larticle 2 la Loi

    sur les banques , qui ne fait lobjet des restric-tions et exigences vises au paragraphe 524(2)de cette loi, dans le cadre de lexercice de sesactivits au Canada.L.R. (1985), ch. A-12, art. 23; 1999, ch. 28, art. 145.

    Vente demarchandises prissables

    Court may order forfeiture

    24. (1) Where a ship is convicted of an of-fence under this Act, or where the owner of aship or an owner of all or part of the cargothereof is convicted of an offence under para-graph 19(1)(b), the convicting court may, if theship and its cargo were seized under subsection23(1), in addition to any other penalty imposed,order that the ship and cargo or the ship or itscargo or any part thereof be forfeited and, on

    24. (1) Sur dclaration de culpabilit dunnavire pour infraction la prsente loi ou dun propritaire de navire ou de cargaison pour toute infraction prvue lalina 19(1)b), le tri- bunal peut, en cas de saisie du navire et de sacargaison effectue sous lautorit du para-graphe 23(1), prononcer, en sus de toute autre peine, la confiscation immdiate au profit de SaMajest du chef du Canada soit du navire et de


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    the making of the order, the ship and cargo or the ship or its cargo or part thereof are or is for-feited to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

    sa cargaison, soit du navire, soit de sa cargai-son, en tout ou en partie.

    Forfeiture of proceeds of sale

    (2) Where any cargo or part thereof that isordered to be forfeited under subsection (1) has been sold under subsection 23(3), the proceedsof the sale are, on the making of that order, for-feited to Her Majesty in right of Canada.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 24.

    (2) En cas de vente sous le rgime du para-graphe 23(3) de tout ou partie dune cargaisonayant fait lobjet dune ordonnance de confisca-tion en application du paragraphe (1), le produitde cette vente est, ds la prise de lordonnance,confisqu au profit de Sa Majest du chef duCanada.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 24.

    Confiscation du produit de lavente

    Redelivery of ship and cargoon bond

    25. (1) Where a ship and cargo have beenseized under subsection 23(1) and proceedingsthat could result in an order that the ship andcargo be forfeited have been instituted, thecourt in or before which the proceedings have been instituted may, with the consent of theGovernor in Council, order redelivery of the

    ship and cargo, to the person from whom theywere seized, on the giving of security to Her Majesty in right of Canada by bond, with twosureties, in an amount and form satisfactory tothe Governor in Council.

    25. (1) toute tape de la poursuite, le tri- bunal ou le juge peut, avec le consentement dugouverneur en conseil, ordonner la remise ausaisi du navire et de sa cargaison, sur fourniture Sa Majest du chef du Canada dune garantie liant deux cautions dont le montant et laforme sont acceptables au gouverneur en


    Remise sur cautionnement

    Seized ship, etc.,to be returnedunless proceedingsinstituted

    (2) Any ship and cargo seized under subsec-tion 23(1) or the proceeds realized from a saleof any perishable cargo under subsection 23(3)shall be returned or paid to the person fromwhom the ship and cargo were seized withinthirty days from the seizure thereof unless, pri-or to the expiration of the thirty days, proceed-

    ings are instituted in respect of an offence al-leged to have been committed by the shipagainst this Act or in respect of an offence un-der paragraph 19(1)(b) alleged to have beencommitted by the owner of the ship or an own-er of all or part of the cargo thereof.

    (2) Le navire et la cargaison saisis, ou le produit de la vente vise au paragraphe 23(3),sont remis au saisi lexpiration des trente jours suivant la date de la saisie, sauf si une poursuite est intente dans ce dlai pour une in-fraction la prsente loi impute au navire ou pour toute infraction prvue lalina 19(1)b)

    impute au propritaire du navire ou un pro- pritaire de tout ou partie de la cargaison.

    Remise dfautde poursuite

    Return if noforfeitureordered

    (3) Where a ship and cargo have been seizedunder subsection 23(1) and proceedings re-ferred to in subsection (2) have been instituted, but the ship and cargo or ship or cargo or partthereof or any proceeds realized from the saleof the cargo or any part thereof are not at the fi-nal conclusion of the proceedings ordered to beforfeited, they or it shall, subject to subsection(4), be returned or the proceeds shall be paid tothe person from whom the ship and cargo wereseized.

    (3) Si, lissue de la poursuite, le tribunalne prononce pas la confiscation, le navire et lacargaison saisis ou lventuel produit de lavente de tout ou partie dune cargaison sont,sous rserve du paragraphe (4), remis au saisi.

    Remise dfautde confiscation

    Exception incase of conviction andfine

    (4) Where the proceedings referred to insubsection (3) result in a conviction and a fineis imposed,

    (4) Dans les cas o laccus a t condamn une amende :

    Exception en casdecondamnation une amende

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    (a) the ship and cargo or proceeds may bedetained until the fine is paid;(b) the ship and cargo may be sold under ex-ecution in satisfaction of the fine; or (c) the proceeds realized from a sale of the

    cargo or any part thereof may be applied in payment of the fine.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 24.

    a) le navire et la cargaison ou le produit peuvent tre retenus jusquau paiement delamende;b) le navire et la cargaison peuvent tre ven-dus en justice pour payer lamende;

    c) le produit de la vente de tout ou partie dela cargaison peut tre affect au paiement de

    lamende.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 24.

    Disposal of forfeited ship

    26. Where proceedings referred to in sub-section 25(2) are instituted and, at the final con-clusion of those proceedings, a ship and cargoor ship or cargo or part thereof are or is orderedto be forfeited, they or it may, subject to section27, be disposed of as the Governor in Councildirects.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 24.

    26. Si, lissue de la poursuite, le tribunal prononce la confiscation, il peut, sous rservede larticle 27, tre dispos des biens qui enfont lobjet suivant les instructions du gouver-neur en conseil.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 24.

    Sort des biensconfisqus

    Protection of persons claiminginterest

    27. (1) The provisions of sections 74 to 77of the Fisheries Act apply, with such modifica-tions as the circumstances require, in respect of any ship and cargo forfeited under this Act asthough the ship and cargo were, respectively, avessel and goods forfeited under subsection72(1) of that Act.

    27. (1) Les articles 74 77 de la Loi sur les pches sappliquent, compte tenu des adapta-tions de circonstance, toute confiscation ef-fectue en vertu de la prsente loi comme silsagissait dune confiscation effectue en vertudu paragraphe 72(1) de cette loi.

    Protection des personnesrevendiquant undroit

    Readingreferences inapplying

    Fisheries Act

    (2) References to "the Minister" in sections75 and 76 of the Fisheries Act shall, in apply-ing those sections for the purposes of this Act, be read as references to the Governor in Coun-cil and the phrase "other than a person convict-ed of the offence that resulted in the forfeitureor a person in whose possession the vessel, ve-hicle, article, goods or fish were when seized"shall be deemed to include a reference to theowner of the ship where it is the ship that isconvicted of the offence that results in the for-feiture.R.S., c. 2(1st Supp.), s. 25.

    (2) Pour lapplication de la prsente loi, ministre aux articles 75 et 76 de la Loi sur les pches doit sentendre du gouverneur enconseil et autre que celle dclare coupablede linfraction ayant entran la confiscation ouque le saisi est prsum comprendre le pro- pritaire du navire dans le cas o cest le navirequi est dclar coupable de linfraction ayantentran la confiscation.S.R., ch. 2(1er suppl.), art. 25.


    DELEGATION DLGATIONDelegation of powers of theGovernor inCouncil

    28. (1) The Governor in Council may, byorder, delegate to any member of the QueensPrivy Council for Canada designated in the or-der the power and authority to do any act or thing that the Governor in Council is directedor empowered to do under this Act and, on themaking of such an order, the provisions of thisAct that direct or empower the Governor inCouncil and to which the order