
 Use of arthropods for the evaluation of the olive-orchard management regimes Francisca Ruano*, Carlos Lozano*, Pedro Garcia†, Aranzazu Pen  ˜ a*, Alberto Tinaut‡, Felipe Pascual‡ and Mercedes Campos* *Depart ment of Agroecol ogy and Plant Protection, Estacio ´ n Experimental del Zaidı ´ n, CSIC, c/ Prof. Albareda 1, 18008 Granada, Spain, Departments of yStatis tic and O.I. and zAnimal Biology and Ecology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain Abstract  1 The presence and abund anc e of art hropod s were compar ed in thr ee oli ve orchards under organic, integrated and conventional management regimes. In each olive orchard, trees were sampled in the canopy by beating branches and soil arthropods by placing pitfall traps. Contrary to expectations, the highest abundance of arthropods occurred in the integrated management orchard. The most abundant groups were Formicid ae and the speci es  Euphyllura olivinae (Homoptera: Psyllidae). 2 Cano pies and the soil under the tree canopy (inte rior soil) were selecte d as the most informative sites for sampling. The months with the strongest differences were May, June and July, especially June. In the canopy, Araneae, Coleoptera, Dipte ra, Hetero ptera , Hyme noptera, Homo ptera, Lepid optera, Neuro ptera and Thysanoptera were the most abundant, and showed significant differences in abundance among orchards with different management regimes. Moreover, in the canopies, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera showed a seasonal pattern of abund- ance and consi stent signific ant difference s betwee n the organic orchard vs. the integrated and conventional ones in both years of study. In the soil, 12 orders showe d sign ifican t differ ences in abund ance amon g mana gemen t regimes at some point of the sampling season. 3 In a sea rch for bio log ical ind ica tors tha t cou ld hel p to dis tin gui sh bet wee n management regimes, a discriminant analysis applied to the data indicated that only the samples from the canopy were classified according to their manage- ment regime in a consistent way over time. The groups selected by the analysis to establish differences among management regimes were Coleoptera, Diptera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera and Thysanoptera. The analysis applied to compare organic vs. non-organic olive orchards, again identified Coleoptera and Lepi- dop tera as sui tab le groups . The result s sugges t that the se two ord ers are potential bioindicators to distinguish, in a simple way, organic olive orchards from non-organic ones. Keywords  Arthropods, bioindicators, IPM, olive, management, organic farm- ing, pesticides. Introduction Ol ive s are one of the pri nc ip al cro ps intheMediterraneanare a, and, for yea rs, pe st man age ment has rel ie d mostl y on the use of pes ti cid es. Ho we ver , in the la st fe w dec ade s, the ne gat ive env ir - onmental effects of the excessive use of these chemicals (Heim, 1985; Cirio, 1997; Civantos, 1999) has resulted in a tendency towards agricultural strategies of low environmental impact, such as inte grate d prod uction and orga nic farm ing. There is currently a heavy demand for products derived from these agricultural methods. In this sense, governments have devel- ope d le gis la tio n to reg ul ate and sup por t ol ive orc har ds Correspo ndence: Dr Francisca Ruano. E-mail: francisca.rua no@ Agricultural and Forest Entomology  (2004)  6, 111–120 # 2004 The Royal Entomological Society

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Artrópodos en el olivar


  • Use of arthropods for the evaluation of the olive-orchardmanagement regimes

    Francisca Ruano*, Carlos Lozano*, Pedro Garcia, Aranzazu Pena*, Alberto Tinaut, Felipe Pascualand Mercedes Campos*

    *Department of Agroecology and Plant Protection, Estacion Experimental del Zaidn, CSIC, c/ Prof. Albareda 1, 18008 Granada, Spain,

    Departments of yStatistic and O.I. and zAnimal Biology and Ecology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

    Abstract 1 The presence and abundance of arthropods were compared in three oliveorchards under organic, integrated and conventional management regimes. Ineach olive orchard, trees were sampled in the canopy by beating branches andsoil arthropods by placing pitfall traps. Contrary to expectations, the highestabundance of arthropods occurred in the integrated management orchard. Themost abundant groups were Formicidae and the species Euphyllura olivinae(Homoptera: Psyllidae).

    2 Canopies and the soil under the tree canopy (interior soil) were selected as themost informative sites for sampling. The months with the strongest differenceswere May, June and July, especially June. In the canopy, Araneae, Coleoptera,Diptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Homoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera andThysanoptera were the most abundant, and showed significant differences inabundance among orchards with different management regimes. Moreover, inthe canopies, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera showed a seasonal pattern of abund-ance and consistent significant differences between the organic orchard vs. theintegrated and conventional ones in both years of study. In the soil, 12 ordersshowed significant differences in abundance among management regimes atsome point of the sampling season.

    3 In a search for biological indicators that could help to distinguish betweenmanagement regimes, a discriminant analysis applied to the data indicated thatonly the samples from the canopy were classified according to their manage-ment regime in a consistent way over time. The groups selected by the analysisto establish differences among management regimes were Coleoptera, Diptera,Heteroptera, Lepidoptera and Thysanoptera. The analysis applied to compareorganic vs. non-organic olive orchards, again identified Coleoptera and Lepi-doptera as suitable groups. The results suggest that these two orders arepotential bioindicators to distinguish, in a simple way, organic olive orchardsfrom non-organic ones.

    Keywords Arthropods, bioindicators, IPM, olive, management, organic farm-ing, pesticides.


    Olives are one of the principal crops in theMediterranean area,

    and, for years, pest management has reliedmostly on the use of

    pesticides. However, in the last few decades, the negative envir-

    onmental effects of the excessive use of these chemicals (Heim,

    1985; Cirio, 1997; Civantos, 1999) has resulted in a tendency

    towards agricultural strategies of low environmental impact,

    such as integrated production and organic farming. There

    is currently a heavy demand for products derived from these

    agricultural methods. In this sense, governments have devel-

    oped legislation to regulate and support olive orchardsCorrespondence: Dr Francisca Ruano. E-mail: francisca.ruano@

    Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2004) 6, 111120

    # 2004 The Royal Entomological Society

  • cultivated under these practices, by controlling the release and

    the levels of certain chemicals (Malavolta et al., 2002). This has

    created a need for reliable monitoring of these substances in

    soil, plants and products. Conventional analytical techniques

    (gas chromatography and mass spectophotometry) are being

    applied for this purpose, which, although precise, are expensive

    (Denninson & Turner, 1995).

    A complementary technique may be based on the use of

    biological indicators. The use of bioindicators to derive bio-

    logical information on certain environmental variables has a

    long tradition (Van Straalen & Verhoef, 1997). Specifically,

    arthropods have been used as indicators of a range of envir-

    onmental attributes since the beginning of the 20th century

    (Cairns & Pratt, 1993; Brown, 1997). For example, in agro-

    ecosystems, spiders have been recommended as indicators for

    early detection of insecticide side-effects on predatory arthro-

    pods (Everts et al., 1989), carabid beetles have been used as

    bioindicators of crop management (Holland & Luff, 2000),

    and ant species have been used as indicators of agroecosystem

    and grassland conditions (Peck et al., 1998; New, 2000).

    In the olive orchard, there is a large number of arthropod

    species (Arambourg, 1986;DeAndres, 1991;Varela&Gonzalez,

    1999; Campos & Civantos, 2000; Ruz & Montiel, 2000)

    that might potentially be used as indicators to evaluate the

    different types of olive management (Cairns & Pratt, 1993;

    Brown, 1997). The arthropod community in olive orchards

    includes mainly phytophagous (some of which are major

    pests), parasitoid and predatory species. Parasitoid species

    are the most abundant, consisting of approximately 300400

    Hymenoptera species (Arambourg, 1986). Predators are repre-

    sented by several groups, with spiders, beetles and ants being

    the most diverse (Morris, 1997; Morris et al., 1999). Ants are

    the most abundant and have been proposed as possible bio-

    indicators of pesticide pollution by Redolfi et al. (1999).

    The aim of the present study was to provide information

    on the most appropriate sampling sites and date, as well as

    the arthropod orders that can differentiate the various man-

    agement regimes in olive orchards. Consequently, we ana-

    lysed changes in arthropod fauna corresponding to different

    sampling sites: (i) canopy; (ii) the soil under the tree canopy

    (interior soil); and (iii) the soil not influenced by the shadow

    of the tree (exterior soil), between March and October of

    1999 and 2000, with respect to the different management

    regimes (organic, integrated and conventional). With this

    information, we sought to establish a method based on

    bioindicators, using low sampling effort and easy taxo-

    nomic identification, that can detect the absence of pesticide

    application and crop sustainability.

    Materials and methods

    Study zones

    The study was conducted in 1999 and 2000 in three com-

    mercial olive orchards (Colomera, Arenales and Deifontes)

    20 km north of Granada (southern Spain). These three sites

    were in an area of large olive orchards ranging between 200

    and 500 ha. They were some 4 km apart from each other,

    located at similar altitudes and with similar environmental

    characteristics, but were under different management regimes.

    The Colomera orchard was under conventional intensive

    management, Arenales was under integrated pest manage-

    ment (IPM) and Deifontes was under organic management.

    Colomera was drip irrigated every 15 days, frequently

    ploughed deeply and, according to farmers information,

    received three annual treatments of different insecticides

    and herbicides.

    First, in March or April, a dimethoate spray (150mL/ha

    of the EC formulation at 40%) against the phylophagousgeneration of Prays oleae Bern., and a soil treatment with

    the herbicide simazine (4L/ha of the formulation at 50%)were applied.

    Second, in June, an alpha-cypermethrin spray (37.5mL/hL

    of the SC formulation at 4%) against anthophagousgeneration of P. oleae was applied.

    Finally, in October, a dimethoate spray against Bactrocera

    oleae and a second treatment with simazine were applied.

    In addition, the presence of these pesticides was moni-

    tored during the years of study (Table 1).

    Arenales, under IPM, was flood irrigated twice per sum-

    mer and ploughed deeply from the end of May to the

    beginning of June. Only one treatment with dimethoate,

    was applied against the anthophagous generation of

    P. oleae in June 2000 and, during both study years, two

    soil treatments were made with simazine in March and in

    Table 1 Pesticide residues (mg/g) determined in the conventional management (Colomera) and integrated management (Arenales) over thesampling periods: March 1999 to October 2000

    1999 2000

    Month 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Colomera: conventional management

    Dimethoate * 2.2 0.9 1.0 ND ND ND ND ND 0.5 0.1 2.7 0.7 0.5 0.1 14.2

    acypermethrin ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NDSimazine 0.5 0.3 * 0.2 0.1 0.1 < 0.1 ND 0.4 0.1 < 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

    Arenales: integrated management

    Dimethoate ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.5 1.8 1.0 0.1

    acypermethrin ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NDSimazine 0.4 0.3 * 0.1 < 0.1

  • September. Similarly to Colomera, residues of dimethoate

    and simazine were also found in this orchard (Table 1).

    Finally, Deifontes, the organic olive orchard, was drip

    irrigated bi-weekly in the summer, ploughed only to a shal-

    low depth (10 cm) from the end of May to the beginning of

    June, and neither Bacilllus thuringiensis Berliner nor per-

    mitted insecticides were applied during our study. No pesti-

    cide residues were found during the study period.

    Collection of arthropods

    In each olive orchard, a plot with a total of 144 olive trees

    (12 12) was randomly selected. Taking into account theexpected variability of the arthropod fauna, data from olive

    orchards previously studied (Morris, 1997; Redolfi et al.,

    1999) were then used to calculate the sampling size required

    (Som, 1973). The result of this calculation comprised a

    sampling size of 30 trees.

    Thus, monthly from March to October in 1999, 30 trees

    were chosen at random in each plot and sampled by beat-

    ing, five times, four branches per tree (one per orientation),

    also chosen at random, over an insect net of 50 cm in

    diameter. Moreover, in 1999, two pitfall traps were placed

    below each of these trees. As previously described byMorris

    (1997), one trap was situated just below the tree (interior

    soil) and the other one beyond the canopy of the tree, in a

    northerly orientation (exterior soil). The pitfall traps con-

    sisted of a 200-mL plastic glasses with a 7-cm opening, filled

    half way with water and detergent. Traps were placed in

    holes dug carefully with a minimum of soil and vegetation

    disturbance so that the lip of the trap was even with the soil

    surface. The traps were left in place for 24 h. In 2000, taking

    into account the results from 1999, the required number of

    samples was recalculated to 25 trees. A comparison with the

    results for 1999 showed the absence of significant differ-

    ences between samples of interior and exterior soil. Thus,

    only the traps of the interior soil were analysed in 2000.

    Samples from both the canopy and the soil were frozen

    and, subsequently, the arthropods were separated from

    vegetal and inorganic remains. Adults and juveniles were

    identified to the taxonomic level of order and the total

    number of each taxon recorded. Orders absent in more

    than 80% of the samples, and representing less than 1% ofthe total individuals, were not considered in the statistical

    analysis. The family Formicidae was separated from the

    other Hymenoptera, and was considered as an independent

    group due to its abundance. Thus, when we refer to other

    Hymenoptera, we exclude Formicidae.

    Statistical analysis

    The abundance of the different orders captured was com-

    pared among sampling sites (canopy, interior soil and exter-

    ior soil), and among management regimes (conventional,

    integrated and organic), by means of analysis of variance

    (ANOVA), after checking the assumptions of the method

    (normality, homoscedasticity using the Levene test, and

    lack of correlation among variables) by means of the Durbin-

    Watson test to evaluate the lack of correlation between

    observations over time. Post hoc ANOVA multiple compari-

    sons were performed using the Bonferroni test.

    A discriminant analysis was performed using the groups

    that showed significant differences in abundance to estab-

    lish whether differences among management regimes would

    arise. The discriminant analysis was performed in different

    ways, either considering each month separately or grouping

    them, and also grouping samples in different sizes (i.e. put-

    ting together the samples in groups of 2 2, 3 3, etc).


    Arthropod abundance

    The total number of specimens collected over the 2 years of

    study in the conventional, integratedandorganic orchardswere

    11 849, 77475 and 36095, respectively. The highest numbers

    were captured in May and June, followed by July (Fig. 1).

    The specimens were classified into 20 orders, each found in all

    three olive orchards, although seven orders (Dermaptera,

    Dictyoptera, Embioptera, Orthoptera, Scolopendromorpha,










    3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    n of




    by tr










    3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    n of




    by tr



    Figure 1 Seasonal evolution of the mean abundance of individuals

    per sample in each management regime: conventional, integrated

    and organic. Bars indicate the standard error.

    Arthropods for the evaluation of olive management 113

    # 2004 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 6, 111120

  • Thysanura and Trichoptera) were not considered in the statis-

    tical analysis because of their scarcity. The 13 remaining orders

    are listed in Tables 24. In the integrated and organic orchards,

    the most abundant groups were Homoptera and Formicidae

    (Hymenoptera), although the most abundant group in the

    organic orchard was Diptera in the year 2000 (Tables 2 and

    4). In the conventional orchardAcari, Collembola, Coleoptera,

    Diptera, Formicidae (Hymenoptera) and Homoptera were the

    most abundant groups (Table 3).

    The abundance of Homoptera was a consequence of the

    presence of the olive pest Euphyllura olivina Costa (Homo-

    ptera: Psyllidae) in both sampling years. This species repre-

    sented 95% of individuals of this order, being particularlyabundant in the integrated orchard. The presence of this

    pest could be coincidental, and due to factors other than the

    management regime. Therefore we did not consider this

    order as a possible bioindicator, but rather sought more

    stable groups in all three olive orchards.

    Table 2 Total numbers of individuals, mean and standard deviation (SD), of each order of arthropod captured in each sampling site in Arenales,

    orchard under integrated management

    1999 2000

    Canopy Interior soil Exterior soil Canopy Interior soil

    Total Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD F2,>700 P Total Mean SD Mean SD F1,> 390 P

    Acari 1597 0.03a 0.17 3.38b 10.43 3.29b 8.25 14.7 < 0.001 391 0.01a 0.10 1.96b 4.55 89.0 < 0.001

    Araneae 593 1.44b 1.78 0.57a 1.06 0.49a 0.77 40.5 < 0.001 229 0.56a 0.83 0.59a 0.88 0.28 0.592

    Collembola 1141 0.00a 0.00 1.34b 3.40 3.43c 5.68 48.7 < 0.001 379 0.02a 0.16 1.90b 3.61 150.1 < 0.001

    Coleoptera 699 0.44a 0.71 1.59c 4.01 0.91b 1.36 12.8 < 0.001 244 0.63a 1.21 0.60a 1.00 1.8 0.183

    Diptera 670 0.84a 1.77 1.27b 2.23 0.70a 1.13 6.8 0.001 3283 10.05b 15.84 6.43a 14.49 7.7 0.006

    Formicidae 18730 0.59a 1.57 66.01c 230.00 12.27b 18.30 16.5 < 0.001 6023 0.24a 1.37 30.18b 145.28 20.0 < 0.001

    Heteroptera 290 1.01b 2.00 0.11a 0.47 0.10a 0.48 43.7 < 0.001 1030 5.02b 12.82 0.14a 0.63 120.7 < 0.001

    Hymenoptera 507 1.70b 2.52 0.26a 0.63 0.15a 0.42 77.3 < 0.001 507 0.70b 1.10 0.33a 0.97 18.1 < 0.001

    Homoptera 15386 64.05b 66.01 0.49a 0.99 0.38a 0.78 221.4 < 0.001 24469 121.47b 139.64 0.89a 1.67 219.3 < 0.001

    Isopoda 25 0.01a 0.09 0.09a 0.81 0.00a 0.06 2.6 0.07 7 0.00a 0.00 0.04b 0.19 31.4 < 0.001

    Lepidoptera 146 0.42c 0.85 0.16b 0.41 0.04a 0.19 29.9 < 0.001 137 0.52b 1.16 0.17a 0.47 37.6 < 0.001

    Neuroptera 256 1.06b 1.51 0.02a 0.16 0.00a 0.00 113.6 < 0.001 458 2.22b 3.94 0.08a 0.28 99.1 < 0.001

    Psocoptera 118 0.11a 0.40 0.14a 0.47 0.24a 1.23 1.7 0.176 80 0.00a 0.07 0.40b 0.97 152.0 < 0.001

    Thysanoptera 54 0.19b 0.62 0.03a 0.16 0.01a 0.11 16.2 < 0.001 26 0.11b 0.34 0.02a 0.14 51.1 < 0.001

    40212 37263

    Different letters indicate significant differences among sampling sites, for the same year, ANOVA test.

    Table 3 Total numbers of individuals, mean and standard deviation, of each order of arthropod captured in each sampling site in Colomera,

    orchard under conventional management

    1999 2000

    Canopy Interior soil Exterior soil Canopy Interior soil

    Total Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD F2,> 700 P Total Mean SD Mean SD F1,>390 P

    Acari 839 0.07a 0.33 2.09b 8.08 1.35b 3.81 9.4 < 0.001 618 0.00a 0.00 3.14b 6.00 156.6 < 0.001

    Araneae 384 0.92c 1.63 0.42b 0.69 0.27a 0.62 23.8 < 0.001 163 0.52b 1.05 0.30a 0.60 11.7 0.001

    Collembola 1529 0.00a 0.00 2.05b 5.94 4.37c 7.01 40.4 < 0.001 1263 0.00a 0.00 6.41b 10.18 208.5 < 0.001

    Coleoptera 891 0.57a 1.21 1.18b 2.33 1.98c 3.30 20.2 < 0.001 261 0.34a 0.66 0.98b 1.52 28.3 < 0.001

    Diptera 265 0.38a 0.78 0.49b 0.99 0.24a 0.55 5.6 0.004 1834 2.88a 5.05 6.43b 12.68 37.7 < 0.001

    Formicidae 1000 0.03a 0.19 3.48b 12.20 0.65a 2.77 15.6 < 0.001 423 0.04a 0.26 2.11b 7.00 31.3 < 0.001

    Heteroptera 77 0.21b 0.45 0.06a 0.25 0.05a 0.23 17.7 < 0.001 37 0.17b 0.49 0.02a 0.14 73.4 < 0.001

    Hymenoptera 147 0.46b 0.79 0.08a 0.33 0.07a 0.32 41.8 < 0.001 120 0.24a 0.51 0.37a 1.98 3.0 0.082

    Homoptera 776 1.63b 2.12 0.66a 2.00 0.96a 2.00 9.2 < 0.001 487 2.18b 2.50 0.29a 0.87 108.7 < 0.001

    Isopoda 7 0.00a 0.00 0.03a 0.23 0.00a 0.00 3.8 0.023 10 0.00a 0.00 0.05b 0.22 46.8 < 0.001

    Lepidoptera 127 0.32b 0.88 0.11a 0.37 0.10a 0.35 10.8 < 0.001 37 0.10a 0.33 0.09a 0.32 0.8 0.368

    Neuroptera 257 1.02b 1.42 0.05a 0.24 0.00a 0.06 114.1 < 0.001 156 0.72b 1.17 0.07a 0.26 158.8 < 0.001

    Psocoptera 69 0.12a 0.39 0.05a 0.23 0.12a 0.37 2.7 0.065 5 0.03b 0.19 0.01a 0.10 4.1 0.044

    Thysanoptera 64 0.23b 0.53 0.01a 0.11 0.03a 0.19 31.0 < 0.001 3 0.12b 0.39 0.02a 0.12 52.9 < 0.001

    6432 5417

    Different letters indicate significant differences among sampling sites, for the same year, ANOVA test.

    114 F. Ruano et al.

    # 2004 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 6, 111120

  • Comparison between sampling sites: canopy vs. soil

    In 1999, the comparison between interior and exterior soil

    showed no significant differences in the three areas for

    Coleoptera, Heteroptera, otherHymenoptera (without taking

    into account the Family Formicidae), Homoptera, Neuro-

    ptera and Thysanoptera. The other groups either did not

    differ statistically or they were significantly more abundant

    in the interior soil, depending on the management regime

    considered (Tables 24). Collembola was the only order

    significantly more abundant in the exterior soil compared

    to the interior soil in the orchards under conventional and

    integratedmanagement (Tables 2 and 3).However, Collembola

    from the exterior soil did not differ among management

    regimes. Therefore, the analysis of the 1999 sampling period

    indicated that the orders found in the exterior soil did not

    show significant differences for identifying the management

    regimes (Tables 24).

    Thus, the most abundant orders in both study years

    (Tables 24), Araneae, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Lepidop-

    tera, Neuroptera and Thysanoptera, were generally found

    in higher numbers in the olive canopies than in the soil of

    the three olive orchards, whereas Acari, Collembola and

    Formicidae were mainly found in the soil. Other groups,

    such as Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Isopoda and

    Table 4 Total numbers of individuals, mean and standard deviation, of each order of arthropod captured in each sampling site in Deifontes,

    orchard under organic management

    1999 2000

    Canopy Interior soil Exterior soil Canopy Interior soil

    Total Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD F2,>700 P Total Mean SD Mean SD F1,>390 P

    Acari 1222 0.07a 0.67 3.38c 8.39 1.67b 4.21 22.2

  • Psocoptera, showed different patterns of abundance, being

    equally or more abundant at one site or at the other,

    depending on the management regime and year considered.

    Thus, comparisons among management regimes were per-

    formed for each sampling site separately, taking into account

    the differences between canopy and soil found.

    Comparison among management regimes:conventional, integrated and organic

    In the canopy, the month in which greatest number of

    orders was significantly affected by management regimes

    was June (10 orders in 1999, eight orders in 2000), followed

    by July (seven orders in 1999, eight orders in 2000) and May

    (seven orders in 1999, five orders in 2000). In addition, eight

    orders were significantly affected in March 1999, and seven

    orders in September 2000 (Tables 5 and 6). In the interior

    soil (Table 7), between April and October 1999, a similar

    number of orders per month (six or seven orders) were

    significantly different, except in August in which no order

    was significantly affected by management regime. Never-

    theless, in 2000, May (with differences in eight orders), June

    (eight orders) and July (eight orders) had the greatest num-

    ber of differences among management regimes (Table 8).

    The abundance of all 10 orders presented in Tables 5 and

    6 significantly differed at certain points during the sampling

    periods. Araneae were more abundant in the organic orch-

    ard in both years, differentiating the organic crop from the

    other two in June of both years, and also in September of

    1999, as well as July and August of 2000 (Tables 5 and 6).

    Table 6 Results from the ANOVA test applied to samples obtained in the canopy during the year 2000. Comparisons were performed for each of

    the orders of arthropods present in the three different types of management

    Canopy 2000

    March April May June July August September October

    F2,87 P F2>86 P F2,87 P F2,87 P F2,>85 P F2,87 P F2,> 86 P F2,87 P

    Araneae 6.18 c-io*** 3.60 NS 2.46 NS 4.70 o-ic* 9.61 o-ic*** 12.80 o-ic*** 5.46 o-i** 4.68 c-i*

    Coleoptera 18.26 i-oc*** 2.37 NS 2.39 NS 9.30 o-ic*** 9.23 o-ic*** 9.09 o-ic*** 9.47 o-ic*** 2.63 NS

    Diptera 11.34 i-oc*** 11.58 i-oc*** 7.85 c-io*** 20.18 c-io*** 1.06 NS 3.87 c-i* 0.51 NS 8.83 o-ic***

    Formicidae 0.55 NS 2.19 NS 0.97 NS 8.01 o-ic*** 12.68 o-ic*** 1.78 NS 0.73 NS 10.99 o-ic***

    Heteroptera 0.50 NS 4.29 i-oc* 18.90 i-oc*** 189.91 c-i-o*** 8.81 o-ic*** 9.26 o-ic*** 5.45 o-i*** 0.36 NS

    Hymenopteraa 2.21 NS 13.39 i-oc*** 2.93 NS 3.36 NS 7.75 o-ic*** 2.10 NS 3.30 o-c* 3.11 NS

    Homoptera 35.03 c-i-o*** 33.37 i-oc*** 79.62 i-oc*** 88.92 i-oc*** 48.93 i-oc*** 33.65 i-oc*** 47.82 i-oc*** 7.89 i-oc***

    Lepidoptera 1.15 NS 4.98 o-c* 7.41 c-io*** 17.71 o-ic*** 3.60 o-c* 2.78 NS 6.58 i-oc*** 2.76 NS

    Neuroptera 4.38 i-c* 2.28 NS 11.21 i-oc*** 2.18 NS 3.65 i-c* 10.64 i-oc*** 26.67 i-oc*** 26.57 i-oc***

    Thysanoptera 2.25 NS 1.39 NS 1.41 NS 13.44 o-ic*** 2.08 NS 1.04 NS 1.00 NS

    *0.05>P 0.01; **0.01>P 0.005; ***P< 0.005). Letters after P-values separated by a hyphen refer to the management regimes significantlydifferent for the corresponding order of arthropod; letters together do not show significant differences (post hoc multiple comparisons Bonferronitest) (c, conventional; I, integrated; o, organic management). aThis group includes only Hymenoptera other than Formicidae.

    Table 7 Results from the ANOVA test applied to samples obtained in the interior soil during the year 1999. Comparisons were performed for each

    of the orders of arthropods present in the three different types of management

    Interior soil 1999

    March April May June July August September October

    F2,87 P F2>86 P F2,87 P F2,87 P F2,> 85 P F2,87 P F2,> 86 P F2,87 P

    Acari 0.83 NS 2.06 NS 2.20 NS 0.24 NS 0.10 NS 0.92 NS 5.22 o-i** 2.22 NS

    Araneae 0.70 NS 0.7 NS 4.47 i-oc* 3.11 NS 2.62 NS 1.47 NS 6.01 c-io*** 4.14 o-i*

    Collembola 14.64 o-ic*** 6.19 o-ic*** 5.90 o-ic*** 6.48 c-io*** 10.60 c-io*** 0.94 NS 0.48 NS 19.46 c-io***

    Coleoptera 3.96 o-i* 3.03 NS 5.56 i-o** 3.09 NS 1.36 NS 0.70 NS 11.05 c-io*** 4.52 o-c*

    Diptera 9.87 i-oc*** 11.70 c-io*** 2.24 NS 6.63 i-c*** 2.34 NS 3.02 NS 12.26 o-ic*** 2.46 NS

    Formicidae 10.33 i-oc*** 12.29 i-oc*** 4.80 i-oc* 16.57 i-oc*** 4.30 i-c* 0.41 NS 2.17 NS 0.73 NS

    Heteroptera 3.82 o-c* 2.23 NS 2.17 NS 0.82 NS 6.18 o-ic*** 2.84 NS 2.90 NS 4.46 o-ic*

    Hymenopteraa 2.94 NS 1.70 NS 3.09 NS 12.96 o-ic*** 8.37 o-ic*** 2.67 NS 4.09 i-c* 0.57 NS

    Homoptera 3.02 NS 6.47 i-c*** 5.38 o-ic** 7.30 o-ic*** 5.14 o-ic** 0.03 NS 4.82 i-oc* 12.05 c-io***

    Isopoda 3.18 NS 7.39 o-ic*** 3.66 o-c* 0.43 NS 6.10 o-ic*** 2.09 NS 3.95 o-c* 8.37 o-ic***

    Lepidoptera 3.22 NS 1.02 NS 1.70 NS 8.21 i-oc*** 0.98 NS 2.25 NS 0.07 NS 0.50 NS

    Thysanoptera 2.07 NS 5.19 o-ic** 1.68 NS 3.26 o-c* 1.00 NS 1.01 NS 1.00 NS

    *0.05>P 0.01; **0.01>P 0.005; ***P< 0.005. Letters after P-values separated by a hyphen refer to the management regimes significantlydifferent for the corresponding order of arthropod; letters together do not show significant differences (post hoc multiple comparisons Bonferronitest) (c, conventional; I, integrated; o, organic management). aThis group include only Hymenoptera other than Formicidae.

    116 F. Ruano et al.

    # 2004 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 6, 111120

  • Diptera did not show a constant pattern in abundance over

    the 2 years, being more abundant in 2000. Heteroptera did

    not show a constant pattern in significant differences over

    the 2 years, also being found in higher numbers in 2000 than

    in 1999, and being more abundant under integrated and

    organic management than under the conventional one,

    especially in June. Heteroptera differentiated the conven-

    tional orchard from the other two in March and June of

    1999, and the three types of management regimes in June of

    2000. Homoptera were most abundant in the integrated

    orchard. In 1999, this order showed significant differences

    in abundance among the three management systems

    throughout May, July, August, September and October.

    In 2000, the abundance of this order was significantly dif-

    ferent in the integrated orchard and the other two regimes

    throughout the sampling season, except in March, when

    three management regimes all were significantly different.

    Orders having a stable pattern of abundance over the

    2 years of sampling were Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Thy-

    sanoptera (Fig. 2). The former two orders showed signifi-

    cant differences between organic and non-organic

    management (integrated and conventional) in a stable way

    over the 2 years of sampling (Tables 5 and 6). Coleoptera

    differed significantly between the organic orchard and the

    non-organic management system in March, June, July,

    August and September of both years, whereas Lepidoptera

    differed only in June

    In the soil, the 12 orders presented in Tables 7 and 8

    showed significant differences in abundance in the three

    olive orchards at some points during the sampling periods.

    Collembola, Hymenoptera excluding Formicidae and Iso-

    poda were in general more abundant in the organic orchard,

    and Formicidae in the integrated one. The abundance of

    Collembola in March and April of both years, and Isopoda

    in April, July and October of 1999, as well as in March, and

    from May to October in 2000 distinguished the organic

    from the non-organic orchards. However, Collembola

    were more abundant in the orchard under conventional

    management in June and July than under both other

    regimes. Formicidae were significantly more abundant in

    the crop under integrated management between March and

    June of 1999, and in April of 2000.

    According to the results, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and

    Thysanoptera in the canopy, and Isopoda in the soil, were

    significantly more abundant in the organic olive orchard,

    but only the former three had a consistent pattern of abun-

    dance (Fig. 2) whereas only Coleoptera and Lepidoptera

    showed a consistent pattern of significant differences in

    both study years. Homoptera in the canopy and Formicidae

    in the soil were significantly more abundant in the inte-

    grated olive orchard. In general, the different groups were

    less abundant in the conventional orchard with respect to

    either or both of the other two orchards.

    Discriminant analysis

    Using the mean number of specimens/trap for eachmonth, we

    performed a discriminant analysis using the groups, Araneae,

    Coleoptera, Diptera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera and Thysa-

    noptera. Homoptera was not taken into account as explained

    previously. In relation to the soil, the groups used were

    Collembola, Formicidae, other Hymenoptera and Isopoda.

    The best results from the discriminant analysis, for both

    canopy and soil took into account only the samples of June

    in groups of 5 5. With this analysis, 88.9% and 100% ofthe samples from the canopy in 1999 and 2000, respectively,

    were correctly classified according to their management

    regime (Fig. 3) using only four groups, Coleoptera, Diptera,

    Heteroptera and Thysanoptera. In addition, the coefficients

    of the two canonical discriminant functions were coherent

    in both years (Table 9), signifying that the results were

    stable over time.

    Table 8 Results from the ANOVA test applied to samples obtained in the interior soil during the year 2000. Comparisons were performed for each

    of the orders of arthropods present in the three different types of management

    Interior soil 2000

    March April May June July August September October

    F2,87 P F2>86 P F2,87 P F2,87 P F2,>85 P F2,87 P F2,>86 P F2,87 P

    Acari 1.64 NS 3.41 i-c* 8.08 i-oc*** 0.63 NS 3.13 NS 6.64 i-c*** 0.60 NS 3.36 o-c*

    Araneae 2.80 NS 4.62 i-oc* 5.20 o-i** 3.80 i-o* 1.37 NS 2.24 NS 0.82 NS 9.43 c-io***

    Collembola 7.66 o-ic*** 26.29 o-ic*** 6.32 c-i*** 17.53 c-io*** 34.81 c-io*** 2.50 NS 6.17 c-io*** 0.11 NS

    Coleoptera 2.24 NS 1.72 NS 10.63 i-oc*** 14.66 o-ic*** 6.97 o-i*** 1.11 NS 0.10 NS 16.11 o-ic***

    Diptera 0.06 NS 9.00 i-oc*** 23.87 o-ic*** 20.17 o-ic*** 8.43 o-i*** 3.09 NS 4.81 o-ic* 5.11 c-io**

    Formicidae 4.08 i-c* 9.11 i-oc*** 1.19 NS 4.20 i-c* 14.04 o-ic*** 3.95 o-c* 3.30 NS 7.12 o-ic***

    Heteroptera 0.95 NS 1.18 NS 6.97 i-oc*** 5.42 o-i** 5.15 o-ic** 0.50 NS 1.04 NS

    Hymenopteraa 1.65 NS 10.89 i-oc*** 4.38 o-c* 2.24 NS 3.63 o-i* 0.52 NS 2.58 NS 1.44 NS

    Homoptera 5.74 o-ic** 16.37 o-ic*** 9.18 o-c*** 4.48 o-c* 4.07 o-c* 2.11 NS 2.90 NS 2.23 NS

    Isopoda 5.43 o-ic** 1.60 NS 17.24 o-ic*** 10.62 o-ic*** 13.07 o-ic*** 14.50 o-ic*** 11.09 o-ic*** 8.48 o-ic***

    Lepidoptera 1.91 NS 0.96 NS 0.63 NS 0.02 NS 2.10 NS 1.20 NS 0.53 NS 2.25 NS

    Thysanoptera 1.38 NS 1.70 NS 1.44 NS 2.80 NS 0.98 NS

    *0.05>P 0.01; **0.01>P 0.005; ***P< 0.005. Letters after P-values separated by a hyphen refer to the management regimes significantlydifferent for the corresponding order of arthropod; letters together do not show significant differences (post hoc multiple comparisons Bonferronitest) (c: conventional, i: integrated, o: organic management). aThis group include only Hymenoptera other than Formicidae.

    Arthropods for the evaluation of olive management 117

    # 2004 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 6, 111120

  • 10/0



















    of C



































    of L


































    of T















    Figure 2 Mean of individuals per sample from the canopies.

    Represented groups (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Thysanoptera)

    are those that demonstrated a stable pattern of abundance

    throughout the 2 years of sampling.

    centroid of groupintegratedconventionalorganic

    JUNE 1999












    3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5












    20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Function 1

    JUNE 2000


    Figure 3 Distribution of the samples of year 1999 and 2000, in

    accordance with the values from the canonical discriminant function.

    Table 9 Standardized coefficients for the orders of arthropods sel-

    ected by the discriminant analysis performed, on the two canonical

    axes, for the years 1999 and 2000


    1999 2000

    1 2 1 2

    Coleoptera 0.740 0.640 1.368 0.387Diptera 0.877 0.411 0.400 1.520Heteroptera 0.232 1.622 1.657 0.042Thysanoptera 0.547 1.689 0.427 1.089Percent of correct classification 89.9 100

    The percentage of correct classification of the groups of samples isalso shown.

    118 F. Ruano et al.

    # 2004 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 6, 111120

  • Organic and non-organic olive orchards were also com-

    pared. Again, with June and samples of size five, 100% ofthe samples from the canopy in 1999 and 2000 were cor-

    rectly classified. The analysis used only two groups, Coleop-

    tera and Lepidoptera. The coefficients of the canonical

    discriminant function were also similar in both years. This

    result is in agreement with the previous ANOVA that indicates

    differences in both groups between the organic and the

    other two orchards (Fig. 3).

    By contrast, in the soil, although it was possible to reach

    high percentages of sample classification, the coefficients of

    the discriminant functions were not constant in both years

    for any of the groups.


    As expected, due to the negative effects of pesticides on

    arthropod populations (Heim, 1985; Cirio, 1997), the lowest

    number of arthropods were found in the conventional orch-

    ard. Accordingly, it was also expected that the highest num-

    ber of arthropods would occur in the organic orchard, where

    the arthropod fauna was not exposed to chemical treatments.

    However, the highest abundance corresponded to the orch-

    ard under integrated management. This was probably due to

    the abundance of some pests or opportunistic species. Never-

    theless, the analyses of the different groups captured indi-

    cated that the highest number of specimens occurred in the

    integrated orchard as a result of the number of Homoptera

    (mainly the olive pest E. olivina) and Formicidae (which

    inhabits the soil and was less affected by the chemical treat-

    ments). When both groups were disregarded, the number of

    arthropods was greatest in the organic orchard.

    In the interior soil, similar or higher numbers of individ-

    uals were collected compared to the exterior soil. Thus, in

    accordance with previously reported results (Morris et al.,

    1999), sampling of the interior soil is sufficient to determine

    the representative arthropod fauna from the soil.

    May, June and July, the months in which the greatest

    numbers of specimens were captured, also registered the

    highest number of groups showing differences among man-

    agement regimes. June was the month in which the highest

    number of orders differed according to the management

    regimes. Therefore, it is not surprising that a higher percent-

    age of samples were classified when only data from this

    month were included in the discriminant analysis.

    A comparison among management regimes showed that

    six groups differed in abundance in the canopy and five in the

    soil from the orchards studied. Nevertheless, only the samples

    from the canopy were classified according to orchard man-

    agement in a consistent way over the 2 years. A basic pre-

    requisite for any bioindicator system is that it does not show

    random fluctuations unrelated to the factor to be indicated.

    The community composition should be site-characteristic and

    stable over time for as long as environmental conditions do not

    change (Van Straalen, 1997). Therefore, the arthropod

    community from the canopy was more reliable in reflecting

    the impact of the different management regimes than the

    community from the soil, possibly because insecticides were

    applied to the canopy. Thus, the community of Coleoptera,

    Diptera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera and Thysanoptera in the

    canopy could be defined as potential bioindicators of olive-

    orchard management regimes and, specifically, Coleoptera

    and Lepidoptera as bioindicators of organic olive orchards.

    Certainly, the features of these groups agree with the criteria

    for selecting bioindicators (Cilgi, 1994). They are widely dis-

    tributed, permanent residents, relatively abundant, easily

    sampled and identified, and are vulnerable to pesticides.

    They are also important to the crop because many of them

    are predators and parasites. Moreover, these groups have

    already been indicated as bioindicators of sustainability in

    other crops (Fauvel, 1999; Frouz, 1999; Iperti, 1999; Kevan,

    1999). The differences provided by these groups have been

    detected at a high taxonomic level (i.e. order), which offers

    the advantage of easy identification. Several studies have

    observed a similar response using different taxonomic levels

    in marine studies (Gray et al., 1990; Ferraro & Cole, 1992;

    Smith & Simpson, 1993). Wright et al. (1995) also detected a

    similar pattern with different taxonomic levels, but the authors

    note that their results became blurred when binary data were

    used at the order level.

    In conclusion, it is recommended that sampling in June,

    in the canopy, and using the number of Coleoptera and

    Lepidoptera, could indicate the management of the olive

    orchard with a probability close to 99%. Because of thepossible seasonal variations among years, it would be advis-

    able to extend the sampling period from May to July.

    However, to ensure that this assertion is true, it is necessary

    to confirm the trends shown in this study in other orchards,

    in the same or other regions, in future years.


    We thank Maria Ortega, Candido Fernandez and Herminia

    Barroso for their technical assistance. D. Nesbitt revised the

    English version of this manuscript. This work was supported

    by the research project AMB98-0946 funded by CICYT.


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