as unit g321 research and planning presentation amy bayes

AS MEDIA AS UNIT G321 FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO IN MEDIA RESEARCH AND PLANNING Candidate Name Candidate Number Centre Name Centre Number Amy Bayes 4011 The Leigh Academy 61101

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Page 1: As unit g321 research and planning presentation amy bayes




Candidate Name

Candidate Number

Centre Name

Centre Number

Amy Bayes


The Leigh Academy


Page 2: As unit g321 research and planning presentation amy bayes

How do the music magazine design use, develop or challenge forms and conventions?

Page 3: As unit g321 research and planning presentation amy bayes

How do certain magazine designs represent particular social groups? Who would be the audience for these magazines?

Social groups: Social groups consist of six different groups, starting from group A to group E.

Group A:This social group consists of bankers, lawyers, doctors,

surgeons, scientists and higher managements. The people in this

group often live in expensive houses, own holiday homes, go

on luxurious holidays, drive prestigious cars. They shop in

expensive clothes and food brands and hardly engage with

social media and television.

Group B:This social group consists of

teachers, middle management and fairly well paid professionals. The people in this group often live in

their own homes fully independent from government benefits. They

own a mortgage, health insurance, reliable cars, ability to invest in

private education for their children. They buy recognised high street brands, go on packaged holidays once or twice a year and dine at

fairly expensive restaurants.

Group C1:This social group consists of junior

management, bank clerks, nurses and white collar’ professionals. The people in this group often live in a low mortgaged

property, they receive government benefits and invest their leisure in

fitness, attending shows, cinema and holidays. They shop at non expensive

high street stores, own a car per household and shop for low budgeted

holidays once a year. They spend about 2-3 hours a day engaging in social

media and television.

Group C2:This social group consists of electricians,

plumbers, carpenters and blue collar professionals. The people in this group

usually live in rental properties and mostly receive government benefits.

They own a car that can be also used as a work car, they shop for discounted

brands online and buy food from local stores. They spend their leisure on local

holidays in the seaside or at local attractions. They spend 4-5 hours on

social media and television.

Group D:This social group consists of manual

workers, drivers, post sorters, warehouse pickers. The people in this

group live on a very tight budget, live in a rental property mostly provided by a

housing association. They shop in discounted shops for clothes and food

and regularly use public transport or own a second hand bargain car. They spend around 6-7 hours on social media and


Group E:This social group consists of

students, the unemployed and pensioners. The people in this

group largely live on state welfare and benefits. They have no regular

spending habits as they do not have a specific income flow. They shop for bargain and discounted food and clothes, they spend the

majority of their time on social media or television.

Many magazines base the concept of their magazine around their target audience. Many make the final decisions on different parts of the magazines such as colours, designs, stories and images just based on what

they think their target audience would like and would want to see throughout the magazine designs. This causes many magazines to be very different to others because of the difference in their target audiences, for example,

a gardening magazine will be very different to a gossip magazine as they appeal to different people. The gardening magazine will appeal to more mature adults and pensioners whereas gossip magazines will appeal

to young adults and teenagers.

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Choose a magazine associated with a social class and write how and why it appeals to that specific social class:

Health Magazine:

This magazine appeals to the target market of women from the social class C because it Is considered to be quite a well

respected magazine in the women's health department. The magazine allows women who consider their health to be

important the opportunity to read up on how they can improve their fitness and create healthy lifestyles for themselves and their families. This magazine gives all kinds of different tips for staying

healthy, for example quick and easy healthy meals to make, quick fitness routines and also skincare tips and routines etc. This magazine appeals to the women of the social class C because it allows them, who would be considered to have reasonably busy jobs and lifestyles, to be able to take control of their health and

fitness and better it for themselves. It also appeals to these women because it allows them to read and learn the different

ways to staying healthy which allows them to improve their lives in the little time that they may have free during the day. This

magazine will also appeal to this specific social class because it is a very inexpensive way of staying inclined with the general

world and keeping healthy and fit through all of the information that the magazine has to offer. It also allows these busy women the time to learn and improve their lives within the very little time

that they have during the day and also without spending too much money that these families may not have to spend.

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How do magazines attract and address this audience?

Magazines attract and address to their target audience:

•A target audience is a specific type of person described by age, gender and social class.•Age is when you should describe a person using an age range of ten years or less.•Gender is when you should describe a person using the identity of male or female. Only one gender should be used in target audience, never both.•Social class is when you should describe a person using the social class categories from A-E depending on their job and lifestyle:•A- Judges or doctors•B- teachers•C- Plumbers or electricians•D- Shop workers•E- students or unemployed

•Magazines will base their designs, build up, stories, images and colouring etc based on their target audience and what their specific likes, dislikes and interests are. The build up and making of a magazine will be based on what their target audience will be interested in and what will catch their eye on the shelves and encourage them to buy, read and enjoy the magazine and all that it has to offer.

Page 6: As unit g321 research and planning presentation amy bayes

Which media institution might distribute music magazines and why?

A media institution is a company that distributes, markets and produces magazines.

•Some examples of some institutions that might distribute music magazines are:HMV:

HMV may distribute music magazines because their main product range is music and film. The products that you find being sold in HMV are always based on

something to do with either music or film, i.e. DVD’s and CDs. HMV would benefit from distributing music magazines because it not only cooperates with their products

but will appeal to their target market. By distributing these magazines it will encourage costumers to come in store and encourage them to buy their products

which will then allow an increase in sales and profit for the company.BBC:

The BBC may distribute music magazines because they are a very well known company that regularly promote and advertise music to their target audience. The BBC have many different radio stations that regularly play all different genre’s of music. The BBC’s target market is very big as their company appeals to many

different people and groups not just a certain type of person. The BBC would benefit from distributing these magazines because it encourages their audience to become more interested in the latest music and artists and will encourage them to want to

tune in to their radio stations and television channels and listen to all of these latest music and artists which will then cause an increase in audience statistics and views.

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What types of technologies and processes might be used to construct magazines?

• The technologies and processes that might be used to construct magazines are; physical technology, digital technology, software and printing.

Physical technology is used on a day to day basis within magazine productions and to some magazines is seen to be a very important part of the process. It allows editors and writers to get their visions across

through the forms of photos or computer editing. Photographical cameras are regularly used in the

process of producing the front cover, images inside and the back cover of the magazine.

Physical Technology:

Digital technology is used almost always in the making of a magazine. Digital technology is used to

edit, process and put together all aspects of the magazine and to some magazine is seen to be a very important part of the process. Desktop computers are regularly used in the editing process and are used for anything from, editing photos to placing the lettering

into the article.

Digital Technology:

Software is seen to be quite an important part of a magazine making process because it affects the quality of

the magazine. This can leave competitiveness between rival magazines as both would want the best possible software and technology to create the best and most

highest quality magazine they can. A very popular used software is adobe Photoshop, this is used very regularly within magazines to edit and perfect images and pictures

that can later be used on the magazine.


Printing is a very important process in the making of the magazine as it is how the customers and buyers can finally get to

purchase and see the magazine. Printing allows the magazine to come together and brings it to

life. It allows costumers to actually physically see and feel the magazine and allows them to take it

off with them to read in their day to day life.


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Which forms and conventions will be used in your design and why?

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