askari cement nizampur

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  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    Institute Of Information Technology Wah Cantt

    Internship Report


    Askari Cement Nizampur 

    Group No !

    Submitted To: Mr Faheem A Khan


    Submitted By: FARYAL ARIF AWAN

      Reg No: SP06-MBA-016

      MBA 4 A (Finance)


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Ta"le of Contents

    S#No $escription %ageNo

    !# Dedication &

    '#  Acknowledgement (

    Executive Summary )

    (# History *

    )# Objectives +

    *# Overview of Firm ,

    +# Organiational Structure !

    ,# Finance De!artment Structure !&

    -# O!erations Of Finance De!artment !(!# Functions Of Finance De!artment !)

    !!# Financial "atios '!

    !'# #i$uidity "atios '!

    ! #everage "atios '(

    !(#  Activity "atios '*

    !)# %rofitability "atios &

    !*# &ra!'ical "e!resentation &&

    !+# S(O) Analysis &,!,# *nterns'i! Ex!erience (!

    !-# S'ortfalls of Finance De!artment ((

    '# +onclusion and "ecommendations ()

    '!# "eference And Source (*

    ''#  Annexes (*


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    * dedicated t'is work to my !arents w'o are most valuable for us

    in t'is world- )eac'ers and all t'ose friends w'o 'el! me to

    accom!lis' t'is task-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



     All !raises for Alla'/ 0ost eneficent/ &racious and ever 

    0erciful- ('o gave us t'e !ower to do t'e sig't to

    observe and mind to t'ink and judge- * wis' to ex!ress

    my sincere obligation and a!!reciation to my teac'ers

    w'ose skillful guidance/ sincere encouragement and

    devotion remain wit' me-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    .1ecuti2e Summary

    )'e interns'i! re!ort 'as been !re!ared on t'e Finance

    de!artment of Army (elfare )rust 3iam!ur +ement %lant in

    order to com!ly wit' t'e necessary re$uirement of +O0SA)Sfor obtaining t'e 0A Degree-

    *n t'is re!ort a detailed introduction to t'e organiation 'as been

    given- S!ecific consideration is given to t'e Finance

    De!artment- Section wise functions of t'e de!artment 'ave

    been discussed in detail-

    Financial analysis 'as been !erformed using financial analysis

    tec'ni$ue financial ratios and gra!'ical re!resentations of t'ese

    ratios are included- Finally s'ort4falls5weaknesses 'ave been

    given and recommendations and conclusions 'ave also been

    given for im!rovement#


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur




    )'e !lant 'as been installed by Army (elfare )rust-

    +onstruction of t'e %lant was started in 177.- *ts first line of t'e

    ca!acity of ,888 tonnes !er day was com!lete and it started


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    !roduction in 1779- Erection5installation of second line also of 

    t'e ca!acity ,888 tonnes !er day was started in 177: and was

    com!leted in second $uarter of ,88.- *t started commercial

    reduction wit' effect from 1st jul ,88.- )'e !lant was designed

    by 05s )ianjin +ement Design ; "esearc' institute/ +'ina and

    was su!!lied by 05s +'ina uilding 0aterial *ndustrial

    +or!oration niversity to com!lete t'e interns'i! in any organiation

    for a !eriod of at least 2 weeks- )'e objective of doing interns'i!

    was to ac$uire !ractical knowledge of working 5 functioning of 

    Finance De!artment in t'e real world- *t also 'el!s t'e student of 

    0A to 'ave understanding about a!!lying t'eoretical as!ects

    of 0A study-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    O2er2ie: of AWT Nizampur Cement %lant

     Askari +ement 3iam!ur commissioned on @une .8/ 1779 is

    one of t'e industry set4u! by t'e Army (elfare )rust- A() was

    founded on October ,7/ 17:1 under Societies "egistration Act-

    )'e !ur!ose of 'aving an organisation of t'is nature was to

    e$ui! it wit' willing workers/ to generate funds to meet t'e

    obligation of welfare and re'abilitation and 'el! t'e or!'ans and

    widows of S'a'eeds; disabled and retired !ersons of %akistan

     Army as well as t'eir de!endants-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    4usiness 6olume

    "evenues generated from t'e sale of cement are as detailed below/

    Cear "evenues 3et Sales

  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Organizational Structure AWTNC%


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Organiation structure is 'ig'ly formalied- All decision !owers

    lies at Directors level and distributed among t'em on t'e basis

    of financial ceilings suc' as 0D financial !ower is limited to "sB

    6 #ac/ D* u!to "sB, #ac and D%+ u!to "sB 1 #ac- 0anagement

    style is more autocratic and little bit  !artici!ative in nature-

    *nformation flows downward and little !artici!ation of low4level-

    Main 3ea> Office

    0ain 5 Head office is located in t'e A() %laa/ )'e 0all/

    "awal!indi +antt- Following de!artments are in t'e 'ead office/

    • Director %roject

  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    7actory Site

    Factory management 'as been categoried in t'e following


    • &eneral 0anager  

  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    +ement/ (a'- %roduction from bot' t'ese !lants is being

    marketed by t'e combine marketing de!artment 'eaded by


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    &eneral 0anager

  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    3uman Resources of 7inance $epartment

    )'e total number of em!loyees working in Finance De!artment

    of A()3+% is ,.- Out of w'ic' 1? are in Head Office and 6 at

    !lant site-

    7inance ? Accounting Operations

    Finance De!artment !erforms t'e following o!erations for t'e


    • %rovide coordination to 'ig'er management in long4term

    business !lanning and formulation of financialmanagement strategies in consultation wit' t'e A()

    Financial 0anagers-

    • Funds 0anagement-

    • %romoting cost consciousness wit'in t'e organiation

    using variance analysis of budgeted versus actual

    ex!enses-• 0aintenance of accounting books and !re!aration of 

    financial statements in accordance wit' t'e com!anys

    ordinance re$uirements-

    • %re!aration of various financial re!orts to t'e 'ig'er 

    management 'ig'lig'ting !erformance of t'e

    manufacturing unit and financial !osition-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    +oordinate wit' *nternal ; External Auditors-

    7unctions of 7inance $epartment

    Accounting System of the Organization

    )'e accounting system of t'e Organiation consists of t'e


    •  Accounting at Head Office-

    •  Accounting at %lant Site-

    Accounting in 3ea> Office

    )'ere are different sections in Head Office- Eac' section is

    'eaded by t'e Assistant 0anager- Section wise res!onsibilities

    are as 'ereunderB4

    &eneral #edger SectionB

    • %re!aration/ !rocessing and !osting of journal vouc'er 

    and bank !ayment vouc'ers of eac' transaction-

    • 0aintenance of record for all t'e @s and bank

    !ayment vouc'ers-

    • 0aintenance of com!uteried ledgers-

    • Settlement of accounts wit' t'e site office-

    • %re!aration of final accounts-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    +ost ; udgeting Section

    • %re!aration of Annual "evenue ; +a!ital budget on t'e

    basis of 'istorical data cost of !roduction re!orts and

    markets demand and !rice forecasts-

    • %re!aration of variance analysis re!orts-

     Allocation of budget !rovisions on t'e !rocurement 5work order cases-

    • 0*S re!orting

    • 0ont'ly cost of !roduction re!ort-


    Sales Accounting Section

    • ee! record of orders received/ dis!atc'es and

    !ayments record-

    • *nteraction wit' t'e marketing de!artment for customer 


    • "e!orts !re!aration !ertaining to Sale of +ement-

    ank ; *nsurance Section

    • )ransfer of funds

    • "econciliation of all bank statements

    • Dealing wit' banks

    • Dealing wit' t'e insurance matters-

    %ayment 5 %ayable Section


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    0aintenance of record !ertaining to t'e contractors 5su!!liers-

    • Scrutiny of !urc'ase and work order cases to c'eck

    financial viability-

    • %ayments to t'e su!!liers and contractors-

    +om!uter Section

  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Store Accounting Section

    • 0aintenance of Store *nventory record

    • "e!orting *nventory %ositions

    • 0aintenance of record for 

    %urc'ase orders

    0aterial recei!ts

    *ns!ection re!orts-

    Factory Accounting Section

    • 0aintenance of factory ledgers-

    • De!artmental cost determination

    • >nit cost determination-

    • 0aterial wise consum!tion 5 !roduction re!orts-

    %ayroll Section

    • %re!aration of salary s'eets of officers/ workers

    and daily wages em!loyees after collecting

    information from t'e administration de!artment

    regarding attendance/ leaves etc-

    7inance System of the Organization

    oard of directors a!!roves t'e annual budget/ w'ic' is

    considered as a!!roval in !rinci!le for all t'e items included in

    t'e budget- *t determines t'e yearly finance re$uirement of t'e

    com!any- )'e com!any meets it re$uirement t'roug' t'e


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    revenue received from t'e sale of cement and funds received

    from A() Head Office-

    8se of .lectronic $ata in $ecision MakingB

    0ajority of em!loyees of finance de!artment are !rovided wit'

    com!uter- )'ere is a dedicated com!uter !rogrammer for 

    Finance De!artment/ w'o develo!s and maintains following

    accounting systems to facilitate t'e staff and im!rove t'e

    efficiency of t'e de!artment manifold-

    #edger Accounting System

    Sales Accounting System-

    +ost Accounting System-

    %ayroll Accounting System-

     All t'ese com!uteried accounting systems give t'e $uick and

    timely information to t'e management- )'us use of electronic

    data !lays a very effective role in decision making-

    Mo"ilization of 7un>s+ustomers de!osit !ayments against t'e cement booking orders

    t'roug' out %akistan in t'e nominated bank branc'es of

     Askari +ommercial ank #td-

    0uslim +ommercial ank #td-

     Allied ank #td-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


     All branc'es 'ave t'e standing instructions of transferring of 

    daily recei!ts to t'e res!ective main account of A()3+%

    kee!ing "sB 188854 as balance wit' t'em- %ayments received

    t'roug' cross c'e$ue are directly de!osited to t'e main account

    of A()3+%- *ts t'e res!onsibility of bank section to ensure

    timely bank transfers- Similarly disbursement accounts 'ave

    been o!ened in t'ese banks from w'ic' com!any does

    s!ending 5 make !ayments-

    Sources of 7un>s

    One source of funds is t'e sale of cement !roduced by t'e

    com!any- A() 'ead office s

     Annual budget is !re!ared in t'e lig't of marketing de!artment

    forecasts about t'e demand of cement in t'e market and

    forecasted !rice of cement in t'e market- )'en de!artment wise

    budget was !re!ared in t'e lig't of available forecasts and

    'istory data- OD a!!roves t'e budget- )'is forms t'e basis for 


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    allocation of funds to all de!artments- )'ere are two kinds of 


    • +a!ital udget is !re!ared for allocation of funds for 

    ca!ital s!ares for cement !lant/ furniture and fixture and


    • "evenue udget is !re!ared for allocation of funds for t'e

    raw materials and s!ares consumed in t'e !roduction!rocess-


    "atio Analysis is an excellent met'od for determining t'e overall

    financial condition of com!any- *t !uts t'e information from afinancial statement into !ers!ective/ 'el!ing to s!ot financial

    !atterns t'at may t'reaten t'e 'ealt' of t'e com!any- "atios are

    also very useful for making com!arisons between com!anies

    relevant to t'e same industry- )'e analysis of financial

    statements can !rovide reasonable insig't into a firmIs state of 

    affairs- ut t'e statements 'ave in'erent limitations/ w'ic'

    re$uire care and !rudence in t'eir uses-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    0I@8I$IT9 RATIOS

    Current Ratio

    +urrent ration measures t'e extent of w'ic' a firm can meet its

    s'ort4term obligations-


    )'e current ratio is a measure of li$uidity- *t 'el!s us to answer 

    t'e $uestionB *f a business 'ad to !ay off all its current liabilities

    tomorrow/ would it 'ave enoug' current assets to make t'e

    !ayments and avoid insolvencyJ if t'e current ratio is less t'an

    1/ it is in danger of failure- *f t'e ratio is 'ig'/ !er'a!s above ,/

    t'e business 'as more t'an enoug' current assets- And t'ese

    sur!lus funds can be used to im!rove efficiency- *deal current

    ratio for any business entity is ,B1 K just enoug' to be getting on

    wit'- A()3+% is im!roving its current ratio as com!ared to

    !revious year and aimed to cross t'e ideal limit of ,B1- "eason is


     9ear Current Assets

    Current RatioCurrent 0ia"ilities

    ,886 188:2:,.,. 1-86



    1-26  181??8?188

  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    clearing of timely due !ayments/ w'ic' reduces current


    @uick Ratio

     9ear Current Assets In2entories

    @uick RatioCurrent 0ia"ilities






    Luick ratio measures t'e extent to w'ic' a firm can meet its

    s'ort4term obligations wit'out relying u!on t'e sale of its

    inventories- )'e o!timal $uick ratio is 1 or 'ig'er- A()3+%

    $uick ratio is im!roving year by year/ again for t'e reason t'at

    com!any is clearing its current liabilities as muc' as !ossible-

     And its current assets also increased-

    Net Working Capital


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    Current Assets Current 0ia"ilities

    Working Capital

    ,886 12:?68,?.? K 181??8?188 267/972/:.?

    ,889 188:2:,.,. K 76.128668 62/..1/::.


    +om!any faced difficult times in !ast year in terms of working

    ca!ital availability- Cear ,889 more working ca!ital gives t'e

    com!any a good signal towards 'aving good times in future-

    0.6.RAG. RATIOS

    $e"t to .Buity Ratio

    *t s'ows t'e ratio of funds !rovided by creditors versus by

    owners- A 'ig' debt to e$uity ratio could indicate t'at t'e

    com!any may be over4leveraged/ and s'ould look for ways to

    reduce its debt-

    Debt to E$uity "atio M )otal Debts 5 )otal E$uity


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    Total $e"ts Total .Buity

    Total $e"ts Total


    ,886 1,??911897 5 1:?77,71:1 #+!

    ,889 7.9:77212 5 ,1712?916. #('


    +om!any is facing 'eavy net losses in !ast years due to

    financial ex!enses/ low cement sales and 'ig' in!ut costs- *norder to give cover to t'ese losses debts are taken to kee! t'e

    com!any o!erational and to avoid insolvency- )ime +om!any is

    clearing its debt and debt to e$uity ratio is decreasing year to


    $e"t to Total Assets Ratio

    *t s'ows t'e ratio of total funds t'at are !rovided by creditors-

    Debt to )otal Assets "atio M )otal Debts 5 )otal Assets

     9ear Total $e"ts Total Assets Total $e"ts Total

    Assets Ratio 

    ,886 1/,??/911/897 5 18/:,,/97:/1:.



  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    7.9/:77/212 5 11/8,:/:.1/:9.



    *n Cear ,886 debt are 1,N of total assets now in ,889 debt to

    asset ratio is ?-2N w'ic' s'ows t'e decreased of .-9N as

    com!ared to !revious year ratio due to yearly !ayment of debt to



    Total Assets Turno2er Ratio


    Sales Total Assets

    Turno2er RatioTotal Assets






  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur






    )'is ratio tells us w'et'er a firm is generating a sufficient volume

    of business for t'e sie of its asset investment- )'e 'ig'er t'e

    ratio/ t'e more efficiently t'e +om!any is utiliing its assets to

    generate sales- +om!anys asset turnover ratio s'ows increased

    as com!ared to !revious year ,886 ratio because sales are

    increased due to increasing demand in t'e market- And com!any

    used efficiently its asset to generate sales-

    Recei2a"les Turno2er Ratio


    Net Sales Recei2a"le Turno2er 

    RatioAccounts Recei2a"les





  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    ,889 .999?28:72 !()#,!



    )'is number indicates 'ow $uickly customers are !aying your 

    business- )'e greater t'e number of times receivables turn over 

    during t'e year/ t'e s'orter t'e time between sales and cas'

    collection- )'is 'ig' ratio is because of cement is mostly sold

    against +as' 5 Advance !ayment-

    Net 7i1e> Asset Turno2er Ratio


    Sales Net 7i1e> Asset

    Turno2er RatioNet 7i1e> Assets








  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur




    )'e net fixed turnover ratio reflects t'e firms utiliation of fixed

    assets- *n ,886 net fixed asset turnover ratio is ,9N now in

    current year it is .?N- 1,N increase in net fixed asset turnover 

    indicates t'at com!any utilies its fixed asset well as com!ared

    to !revious year-

    .Buity Turno2er Ratio


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur




    .Buity Turno2er Ratio

    Total .Buity






    *t is useful to examine t'e turnover for alternative ca!ital

    com!onents- )'e difference between t'is ratio and total asset

    turnover is t'at it excludes current liabilities and long term debt-

    E$uity turnover ratio also increased because sales of current

    !eriod increased w'ic' directly affect t'e e$uity turnover ratio-


    Net %rofit Margin

    *t measures AfterKtax !rofits !er "u!ee of sales

    3et %rofit 0argin M Earning After *nterest ; )axes 5 3et Sale


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur




    3et %rofit 0argin

    Net Sales






     Alt'oug' current year sales is 'ig'er t'an !revious year but net

    !rofit margin after tax is low as com!ared to ,886- "eason of 


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    t'is decreased is taxation/ 'ig' administrative/ selling and

    distribution ex!enses-

    Gross %rofit Margin Ratio

    *t measures !rofitability wit'out concern for taxes and interest-

    )'e gross !rofit margin measures t'e total margin available to

    cover o!erating ex!enses and yield a !rofit-

    &ross %rofit 0argin M Earning before *nterest ; )axes 5 3et




    Gross %rofit MarginNet Sales






  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    &ross !rofit ratio is increased to -22 because sales of current

    year are 'ig'er due to t'e growt' of market and t'is indicates

    t'at marketing de!artment is working good to ca!ture t'e

    !otential of market-

    Operating %rofit Margin Ratio

    O!erating %rofit marginM O!erating %rofit 5 3et sales


    Operating %rofit Operating %rofit

    marginNet Sales

    ,886 :,?.28927 #',,98?17886,





  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    )'e variability of O!erating !rofit margin over a time is a !rime

    indicator of t'e business risk for a firm- O!erating !rofit margin

    ratio is low as com!ared to !revious year alt'oug' sales are

    'ig'er but wit' t'is o!erating ex!ense are increased as result

    t'ese ex!enses decreased t'e o!erating !rofit so t'is ratio is



  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Graphical Representation of 7inancial Ratios

    Current Ratio=D


    @uick Ratio=D



  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    $e"t to .Buity Ratio=D


    $e"t to Total Asset Ratio=D



  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Total Asset Turno2er Ratio=D


    Net 7i1e> Asset Turno2er Ratio=D



  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    .Buity Turno2er Ratio=D


    Net profit Margin Ratio=D


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    Gross %rofit Margin Ratio=D



  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Operating %rofit Margin Ratio=D


    SWOT Analysis


    During t'e interns'i! in Askari +ement */ 'ave found out

    some !roblems and weaknesses in t'e firm/ w'ic' can be

    solved wit' little efforts w'ic' will im!rove t'e efficiency of t'e

    firm and will enable it to ac'ieve its targets-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    SWOT consists of four :or>s :hich are stan>s for

    1- Strengt's-

    ,- (eaknesses-

    .- O!!ortunities-

    2- )'reats-

    )'roug' t'e S(O) analysis tec'ni$ue one can analye t'e

    !resent condition and !erformance of a given organiation and

    can !re!ares !lans for t'e future- *n t'e S(O) analysis of 

     A()3+% t'e following !oints can be discussed-


    Strong rand 3ame-

     Ado!tion of new tec'nological !lan-

    Ex!erienced >!!er level management-

    &ood distribution +'annel-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Luality %roduct-


    #ack of @ob satisfaction-

    #ack of Human "esource de!artment functions-

    #ack of skilled labor-

    0anagement *ssues

     Absence of !ure com!uteried work


    *ncreasing demand of cement in market-

    +oal as substitute of furnace oil-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Ex!ort growt' in cement industry-

    &ood geogra!'ical !osition-

    >!ward trend of !rices-



    Entrance of !otential com!etitors-

    #ow !rice substitute in market-

    #ow !rofit due to 'ig'er +&S

    *ncrease in furnace oil !rices

    Internship .1perience

    3o: I got InternshipE


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    For interns'i! * a!!lied in different organiation w'en * a!!ly in

     Askari +ement Head Office in "awal!indi * 'ave a reference of 

    my uncle/ w'o is marketing manager in Askari +ement- So wit'

    'is reference * got interns'i! in Askari +ement 3iam!ur #


    During my interns'i! * learned a lot 'ow to work !ractically in

    real world and as a result my !ractical knowledge about working

    and functioning of finance de!artment is increased and it 'el!s

    me to understand t'eoretical as!ects of study# Every one in

    finance de!artment 'el!s me a lot and !rovides guidance at

    every ste!-

    Working in 7inance $epartment=D

    * work in following sections of finance de!artment-

    • &eneral #edger Section

    • +ost and udgeting Section

    • Sales Accounting Section

    • ank And *nsurance Section

    • %ayment and %ayable Section

    • +as'ier 

    General 0e>ger Section=D


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    *n general ledger section * 'ave !osted journal vouc'ers geting Section=D

    *n t'is section * learn 'ow to make budget and 'ow to allocate

    budget !rovision on work order cases- At t'e end of mont' make

    cost of !roduction re!ort-

    Sales Accounting Section

    *n t'is section * s!ent four days and learn 'ow to !re!are record

    of orders receive/ dis!atc'es and !ayments record-

    4ank ? Insurance Section*n t'is section * learn 'ow to deal wit' banks and 'ow to

    reconcile bank statements-

    %ayment %aya"le Section

    *n t'is section * learn 'ow to !re!are records of su!!liers and

    contractor- And !rocedure t'roug' w'ic' !ayment made to

    su!!liers and contractor-Cashier 

    Here * learn 'ow to maintain cas' book- And made c'e$ue for

    salary and allowances


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    )iming during interns'i! !eriod

    7 am start of work

    18-.8 )ea )ime

    1 !m to , !m #aunc' ; %rayer break

    2 !m End of work

    Friday )iming

    7am to 1, !m


    Outcomes of Internship

    * understand 'ow to manage !ractical life-

    &ain ability to make decisions-

    How to manage 'imself wit' organiation culture

    *ncrease knowledge and skills-

    How to deal wit' !eo!les in working environment-

    Every one !rovides me guidance-

    *ts make me !unctual and 'ard worker-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    ShortD7alls Weaknesses of the 7inance $epartment

    Debt and subse$uent funds were borrowed at 'ig' interest

    rates i-e- 1? K ,,N !er annum-

    #ow ex!orts due to 'ig' !roduction cost as com!are to ot'er 

    cement !roducing countries-

    (orkload is not !ro!erly distributed among t'e staff members

    of Finance De!artment- *t causes fre$uent late sittings-

    *ns!ite of t'e fact t'at all t'e de!artments of t'e organiation

    are e$ui!!ed wit' com!uters/ !lenty of !a!er work flows

    t'roug'out t'e organiation-

    %ace of work remains slow due to certain !rocedural 'urdles-

    @ob satisfaction and job security does not exist/ due to

    stressful working environment and continuous t'reat of losing

     job from t'e 'ig'er management-

    Fluctuation in A() management lowers t'e interest 5 trust of 

     A()3+% em!loyees to co!e wit' t'e financial !roblems-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


    Recommen>ations an> Conclusion for Impro2ement

    Efforts s'ould be made to re!lace t'e loans borrowed on 'ig'

    interest rates wit' t'e loans now available on t'e low mark4


    +onversion of fuel system from furnace oil to coal firing

    system s'ould be done on to! most !riority basis to save t'e

    funds being s!ent on t'e !urc'ase of costly furnace oil-

    &overnment s'ould be vigorously !ursued for grant of certain

    tax exem!tions in order to fetc' ex!ort orders/ w'ic' in turn

    not only give boost to t'e sick cement industry but also earn

    foreign exc'ange revenues-

    *n order to distribute workload !ro!erly among t'e staff 

    members/ suitable scientific researc' met'od s'ould be

    a!!lied/ so t'at efficiency of t'e de!artment may increase-

    +om!uters s'ould be utilied at t'ere best to minimie t'e!a!er work formalities and to s!eed4u! t'e work-

    %olicies regarding !romotion and continuity of job s'ould be

    matc'ed wit' t'e cement sector in order to offer job

    satisfaction and sense of security among t'e em!loyees-


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur


     Autonomy in !olicy making and long4term !lanning s'ould begiven to A()3+% management to avoid t'e im!act of 

    c'ange 5 fluctuation in to! management of A()-

    References an> Sources 8se>

    *n t'e !re!aration of t'is *nterns'i! "e!ort 'el! 'as been

    obtained from t'e followingsB4


     Annual Financial statements of A()3+%-

    (eb site of Army (elfare )rust

    Su!ervision of different instructors


    )'e following Annexes 'ave been enclosed wit' t'e re!ortB4

    Anne1ure F $escription


  • 8/20/2019 Askari Cement Nizampur



    +o!y of *nterns'i! +ertificate from &0