asking for and giving directions

ASKING FOR and GIVING DIRECTIONS Excuse me. Would you know how to get to the post office (from here) ? Excuse me. Could you tell me where the post office is ? Excuse me. How can I get to the ........ near here? Excuse me. What's the best way to …? Excuse me. Where is …? Excuse me. Which way is the post office ? I'm sorry, I don't know I’m not sure where it is. Sorry, I'm not from around here. Well, thanks anyway. Thanks a lot. - Turn left / right (into …-street) : belok kiri - Bridge : jembatan - On your right : disebelah kananmu - Turning / bend : belokan - On your left : disebelah kirimu - On/at the corner : pojokan - Go ahead/ Go along : berjalanlah lurus - Next to/ beside : disamping - Near : dekat - In front of : didepan - Go up/ down : jalan naik / turun - Behind : dibelakang - Junction road : pertigaan - Opposite : berhadapan

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Post on 03-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Asking for and Giving Directions


Excuse me. Would you know how to get to the post office (from here) ?

Excuse me. Could you tell me where the post office is ?

Excuse me. How can I get to the ........ near here?

Excuse me. What's the best way to …?

Excuse me. Where is …?

Excuse me. Which way is the post office ?

I'm sorry, I don't know

I’m not sure where it is.

Sorry, I'm not from around here.

Well, thanks anyway.

Thanks a lot.

- Turn left / right (into …-street) : belok kiri - Bridge : jembatan- On your right : disebelah kananmu- Turning / bend : belokan- On your left : disebelah kirimu - On/at the corner : pojokan- Go ahead/ Go along : berjalanlah lurus - Next to/ beside : disamping- Near : dekat- In front of : didepan- Go up/ down : jalan naik / turun - Behind : dibelakang- Junction road : pertigaan - Opposite : berhadapan- Intersection/ crossroad : perempatan - Across from : bersebrangan- Round about : bundaran- traffic lights : Lampu lalu lintas

Page 2: Asking for and Giving Directions

Go straight on (until you come to …).Turn back./Go back.Take the first/second road on the left/rightIt's on the left/ the end (of)(just) around the corner

"Go straight on / left / right at the lights / at the roundabout /at the junction of … and …" "You'll come to / see …""It's the first turning on the right after the bank."

Berikut beberapa contoh frase dan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan arah dalam

Bahasa Inggris.

(First,) go down this street (for ……. blocks).

(Then,) turn left/right at the traffic light.

(After that,) go straight on ….. street until you get to the ……

(When you get to the …..,) turn left/right again.

(Then,) stay on …… Avenue for about ……… yards/meters.

It’s on your left, next to the ……….. You can’t miss it!

(A): Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here? (Permisi. Apakah ada toko grosir di

sekitar sini?)

(B): Yeah. There’s one right across the street. (Iya. Ada satu di seberang jalan itu.)

(A): Can you tell me how to get to Phoenix? (Bisakah Anda menunjukkan jalan ke Phoenix?)

(B): Sorry. I don’t live around here. (Maaf. Saya tidak tinggal di sekitar sini).

(A): Where’s Tanner’s Leather Shop? (Dimana Tanner’s Leather Shop?)

(B): It’s on the corner of Holly and Vine. Next to the library. (Di sudut Holly and Vine. Di

samping perpustakaan).(A): How do you get to the bank? (Kalau mau ke Bank lewat mana?)(B): Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Maple Street. Stay on Maple for half a block. It’s on the left hand side. (Lurus jalan ini sampai dua blok. Belok kiri di Jalan Maple. Tetap di Jalan Maple sampai setengah blok. Bank ada di sebelah kiri