asking for it, part 1, pages 1-25

Asking For It a novel approach Rights reserved, Lee Gotham, 2014 Draft Copy – Please do not distri!te "nfo at ####Lee$gmail%com

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Page 1: Asking for It, Part 1, pages 1-25

7/25/2019 Asking for It, Part 1, pages 1-25 1/25

Asking For It

a novel approach

Rights reserved, Lee Gotham, 2014

Draft Copy – Please do not distri!te

"nfo at ####Lee$gmail%com

Page 2: Asking for It, Part 1, pages 1-25

7/25/2019 Asking for It, Part 1, pages 1-25 2/25

The forest fires of the Kali Yuga / about to consume us

%%%La&rence 'erlinghetti

 I believe that realizing we are apes is a crucial part ofenlightenment... I am fascinated by how political the lives of

chimps are, and how much they are defined by tyranny and


%%%Colin (c)dam

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Asking For It

 Part 1: Knock ‘Em Down

Chapter 1

Pillo&s of precipitation are massing over the ocean not far off*shore, as if s+idding to a

halt shy of enco!ntering h!manity% Lance )ierti slaloms his Panamera along the coast road%

he trip ac+ home to (iami &o!ld go too -!ic+ly on the interstate% .e/s ta+ing his time,

savo!ring his eperience of (a+aela in the flesh% )n ho!r earlier, in a scaro!s neighorhood on

the o!ts+irts of 'ort Pearce, he/d c!t the Porsches ignition and sat for a moment, str!c+ y the

novelty of his ne& vent!re% 'rom the cars slee+ confines he sa& (a+aela sitting on a ric+ety 

porch s&ing &ith a g!y he &o!ld come to +no& as, he dge%

.e/d discovered her in a stro+e of l!c+% "t &as 3!nday morning, eactly a &ee+ ago no&%

.e had an idle min!te or t&o &aiting on his espresso ma+er to deliver% he name of his agency 

 &as misspelled on a d!io!s envelope that arrived !nsolicited at his home address% .e snipped

it open any&ay% as he ta+ing chances5 asnt this 6!st ho& the disgr!ntled psychopaths of the

 &orld had their revenge5 7!t sprang a D8D% ) covering note descried it as edgy, ad!lt and

action*pac+ed% "f his 19: Pro hadnt een sat there &ith an empty drive slot he &o!ld have tossed

the &hole pac+age into the vintage chrome canister &ith his grapefr!it rinds and coffee gro!nds%

Lighting and decor &ere not promising% 'l!orescent t!es h!ng eneath eposed ceiling

 6oists% )rmo!red caling sna+ed from each to the net% he room &as !nfinished% ;npainted

dry&all, seams and splotches of plaster% ) concrete floor mostly covered &ith interloc+ing

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s-!ares of dense foam r!er matting% he rear &all &as a &indo&less metal garage door% ) 

pristine heavy ag h!ng in one corner, the space other&ise devoid of f!rnishings%

00<00<0= sec< >oom*in on the p!nching ag% 3lide transition to some shirtless g!y in his

early forties% 3lide*ac+ to the heavy ag% 8ery amate!r, very i(ovies% 00<00<10 sec< 3till no idea

 &hat the shit is ao!t, Lance &as giving it another ten seconds efore he hit e6ect% hen it hit

him, or rather, she hit him% &enty*something, ra&ny r!nette omshell% (ischievo!s grin,

eyes inviting, sim!ltaneo!sly challenging the vie&ers response to some off*colo!r 6o+e% 00<00<11

sec< ) fro?en frame and Lance stopped co!nting time%

M-A-K-A-E-L-A...  he dreadf!l sans*serif font scrolled too slo&ly across the screen,

osc!ring then revealing ane& her feat!res% Re*animated, the fetching face sp!n a&ay from the

camera in a l!r of chestn!t hair% 3he &as &earing lac+ stretch &or+o!t shorts and a lac+ t*

shirt areviated to reveal midriff% Pri?e*fighter iceps and edroom eyes% A-n-d H-e-r P-u-n-

c--i-n-g !-a-g. he shirtless g!y &as ac+ in the frame, standing immoile, hands at his

sides% (a+aela circled him, ma+ing playf!l feints, l!nging ta!nts% 'inally, she dropped her

gloves and t!rned to sa!nter off, only to &heel aro!nd and land a po&erf!l s!c+er*p!nch on the

side of the g!y/s head%

.e/d soon recogni?e this as a signat!re (a+aela manoe!vre% Lance )ierti, fifty years of 

age, s!ccessf!l Prod!cer@)gent, ecame instant fanoy% .e decided right then, he &o!ld sign a

career*ma+ing deal for this ae &ith the !lly s&agger% .e/d seen a lot of stage p!nches% he

grit of this lo&*!dget footage and the performers ovio!s cando!r &ere !tterly convincing, a

little dist!ring even% .e eperienced a l!rch in his stomach as the ig girls elo& connected

 &ith the g!ys nose% here &o!ld e lood% A!t that, of co!rse, &as a good thing% 3he had the

roc+ star/s rand of s!versive appeal% he mean and provocative came across as plain sey%

Aet&een the video/s relentless 6!mp*c!ts, shirtless g!y &as s!6ected to several more

savage lo&s, +ic+s and p!nches oth% 3ome &ere dealt covertly% 'or most, the g!y stared

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straight into the p!nishment% .is hands never came !p for protection% )rasions lossomed

over his face% (a+aela o!nced ac+ and forth, oer style, pic+ing her openings as if this stiff 

 &as a &orthy opponent in a gen!ine fight% 3harp siilant ehalations emphasi?ed the eertion of 

her stri+es% a+ing a rea+ to ad6!st the velcro on the ac+s of her fingerless leather gloves,

(a+aela paced to and fro maintaining her moment!m% .avin f!n yet, 3&eet!ms5 " hit hard,

h!h5 3he/d come in close, staring him do&n% BA!t yo! li+e that shit, don/t ya5 he camera

approached the man/s m!sc!lar ac+, peered over his sho!lder at (a+aela/s moc+ing half*smile%

Ba sic+ p!ppy%: 'or an instant, her foc!s flashed past the p!nching ag/ to her vie&er% "t &as a

strange and enervating moment% .e/d een addressed directly, his sense of spectatorship

challenged% 7vio!sly, she &as 6!st trash*tal+ing her victim% A!t she might as &ell have !sed

Lance/s f!ll name% )fter all, he was having f!n% 3omeone certainly had his n!mer%

Aac+ to !siness, (a+aela contin!ed &or+ing over the resol!tely receptive shirtless g!y%

vent!ally, she managed to floor him% ) s!rprise +ic+ to his +idneys, follo&ed y a +nee into the

solar ple!s and a hammering elo& to one temple% he camera soa+ed !p her 7ops, silly me/

epression% ) s!perior smir+ replaced the c!tesiness efore the ill*timed fade*to*lac+% he sans

serifs ret!rned to advertise, !A!E" #HA# !A"H, and some st!dio contact info%

Lance claimed his cold espresso and replayed the video, t&ice% 'rom &hat he co!ld tell,

there/d een ?ero direction% 3he &as a nat!ral% )t almost seven min!tes, it &as easily t&ice the

length a demo reel of its +ind sho!ld have een% .e co!ld have &atched an ho!r of it%


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Chapter 2

here is a prof!sion of honeys!c+le and dat!ra vines cl!stered over the ac+yard fence

and climing into the trees ehind% 3creened in, the yard is an intimate space% Aa+ed y the s!n

overhead, starved of ree?e y the dense vegetale enclos!re, the air is tropical% (a+aela

(endo?a is stretching her hamstrings, alternating legs in l!nge post!re% 3he/s 6!st completed a

ro!nd of g!t cr!nches and p!sh*!ps% Long and l!stro!s s&oops of deep mahogany hair fall free

ao!t her sho!lders, changing h!es in the s!nlight, remaining mysterio!sly free of perspiration%

Clean shaven, r!gged and m!sc!lar, her trainer &atches from a post in the shade against the

fence% .e &ears a sn!g t*shirt littered &ith logos and aggy grey s&eatpants% .e steps o!t

 arefoot to 6oin (a+aela !nder the glaring 'lorida s!n%

* 7+ay, ready5 Lets see &hat yo!ve got% E!st find yo!r openings and try to mi things !p,

all stri+es for no&% e can loo+ at yo!r grappling later%

(a+aela paces ac+ and forth a it efore closing the distance et&een them and ta+ing

her first shots% ) comination of p!nches to head and ody, a tentative ro!ndho!se +ic+, all are

effortlessly parried y the trainer% hey contin!e, &ith (a+aela steadily adding speed and force

to her attac+s% 3ome lo&s penetrate to the s!rface of the g!ys face or torso efore eing

evaded, deflected, s&atted aside% 'ive more min!tes of this have (a+aela in a s&eat, and her

trainer s!ggests they ta+e a rea+%

* o! &ant to hit me, right5

.er deferential attit!de slips a little and a glare comes into her eyes%

* es% " &ant to hit yo!%

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* "ts o+ay to get pissed% o! &ant to hit me% A!t do ya &anna h!rt me5

3he hesitates efore ans&ering,

* Fo, " mean &ere training right5

* eah, &ell, technically yo! are training% ere trying to !p yo!r game, yes% A!t

realistically, yo! need to &or+ o!t one thing from the start%

* hat do yo! mean5

* o! need to feed yo!r po&er%

* 'eed my po&er%

* o! cant fight me% o! have to dominate me%

* eah, right%

* 7+ay, hold !p and listen% his is sho& !siness, !t even if it &erent, there is only one

o6ect for yo! in comat% Complete, !napologetic, mastery of yo!r opponent% Fo thin+ing they 

deserve a rea+ any&here short of complete and !tter s!mission, no theoretical limits, nada%


"nstantaneo!sly, the ac+ of his fist is sn!g !p against her lips% (a+aela lin+s% 7ther&ise she

hasnt moved% .er lips p!rse tightly in&ard, a slightly childli+e epression of fr!stration% he

glare comes ac+ into her eyes% heir faces are inches apart%

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* Fo&, do yo! &ant to h!rt me5

* eah, " thin+ " do%

* Dont thin+% .!rt me% .!rt me &hen " come at yo!% .!rt me if " &al+ a&ay% hen

 yo!re on the gro!nd, &hen yo!re on top% " &ant yo! to h!rt me 6!st loo+ing at me% Got it5

(a+aela loo+s a&ay 6!st for a second then loo+s straight ac+ into his eyes%

* eah, " got it%

* )lright then, lets try it again%

hey circle each other on the d!sty it of la&n% (a+aela sees less of her s!rro!ndings

no&% he flo&ering vines, the rear of the ho!se &ith the !sted la&n f!rnit!re and ags of 

garage%%% it all fades and her foc!s is complete !pon her opponents eyes and ody% )s she ta+es

her shots this time, grad!ally, degree y degree, she &or+s !p her aggression% )nd the lo&s

 egin landing on their mar+s% 'ive min!tes later the trainer is ta+ing a fl!rry of her fists and feet

f!ll force% (a+aela stops s!ddenly%

* Pretty feele, h!h5

.e loo+s her over, steps ac+ and smiles 6!st a little%

* Fah, yo!re good% his is gonna loo+ great%


* 7+ay, little confession% hen Dic+ told me " &as gonna &or+ &ith he dge, " &as

pretty damn psyched% " mean, &hen " &as a little p!n+ ra&ling &ith my rothers in the

 asement, he dge on (() channel &as the shit% o! &ere the shit% " totally &anted to fight

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for real%

 )fter a eat, (a+aela loo+s off to the sh!ttered &indo&s in the ac+ of the ho!se% (ied (artial

 )rts< the hard core fight game, tactical and r!tal% Ara?ilian Ei! Eits! mied !p &ith oing,

 &restling and anything else yo! co!ld ring to the ring, short of &eaponry% "t &as he dge,

elegantly earded and lethally gifted, &ho had first eposed her to the ea!ty of attle%

* 3ometimes " still &ant that%

* 3ometimes, h!h5 7+ay% Dic+ didnt mention that% Aeca!se this is strictly entertainment,

right5 " didnt +no& yo! &ere thin+ing ao!t competing%

* eah, " +no&% 3t!pid, right5

* Fo, no% A!t yo!/ve got to e desperate to fight% ven if its 6!st for the camera%

(a+aela goes -!iet, closes her eyes and tilts her face !p to the s!n% 3he loo+s ac+ do&n to the

sandy scr! at their feet% .er instr!ctor does a little head d!c+, trying to catch her eye%

* 3o, &hats !p5

* o! dont hit ac+% " dont thin+ theyll e calling this fighting%

* eah, " see yo!r point% 7+ay, &ell, "ve only got this for yo!< " dont +no& if yo! can ta+e

care of yo!rself in the ring% A!t yo! give me yo!r asol!te est shot% )nd "ll give yo! my honest


* " dont +no&%

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* (a+e it a como, a good one% 3omething "ll still feel net &ee+%

* eah, "%%%

* a+e yo!r gloves off% Come and h!rt me%

* " dont +no& if " can do that%

he dge smiles% hen (a+aela still doesnt respond to the invitation he lets a little irony 

flavo!r his epression% hen he gives her a -!ic+ 6a in the ris%

* )lright, alright% A!t "m +eeping the gloves% Dont &ant to !st !p my +n!c+les%

3he smir+s, sn!gging !p the velcro on the ac+s of her gloves% Circling no&, (a+aela si?es him

!p% .e has his feet set apart, arms loose at his sides, sh!ffling aro!nd to remain facing her%

'inally (a+aela plants her ac+ foot and la!nches her right hand from the hip% he p!nch

comes fast and s!rprisingly hard% he dge doesnt flinch% 3hes p!t her leather*gloved +n!c+les

s-!arely on his 6a& &ith a good co!ple of inches left in her reach% )s his head t&itches to the left

(a+aela p!shes in close and, rising onto her toes, rings her left elo& across, savagely 

reversing the lo&% &o shots in t&o seconds% .e ta+es a little step to the side regaining his

 alance% 3he has split he dge/s lip% Alood seeps over the orange plastic mo!th*protector &hen

he smiles%

* o&, so thats &hat it feels li+e% " al&ays &anted to paste someone a good one%

* ell get !sed to it " g!ess, right5 " had a feeling yo! &ere holding o!t on me% hat &as


* 3hit, no& "m gonna l!sh%

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* ell, dont ta+e this &rong !t, yo! +no&%%%

* " +no&, " +no&%

* Dont -!it yo!r day 6o or anything, right5 "d have to see some foot&or+, clinching,

 &restling, s!mission moves%%% (a+e s!re yo!/ve got some s!rvival instincts%

* 7+ay, " get it%

* heres a reason (() fighters dont have yo!r nice smooth lines% heyre ripped ca!se

they live in that cage% )nd they definitely &ant to h!rt yo!% ven if &e co!ld get some real heat

into yo!r shots, &or+ on yo!r movement and grappling%%% some of those gals are vicio!s% o!

co!ld lose yo!r good loo+s pretty fast%

* 3!ppose " sho!ld ta+e that for a compliment%

he half*gloves she &ears leave (a+aela/s fingers na+ed from the second +n!c+les do&n% ith

the tip of her right th!m she to!ches the corner of he dge/s mo!th &here the tric+le of lood

has oo?ed o!t% ith a -!i??ical epression, she holds the th!m !p et&een them for inspection,

then &ipes the lood off onto his chin%

* 7h and -!it &orrying ao!t my feelings% o! dont rememer me as+ing yo! to hit ac+,

do ya5 "m o+ay &ith this set*!p% specially if there/s money in it, and " can learn a little from

he dge &hile &e/re here%

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Chapter #

Dar+ly pearlescent !nder the mid*day s!n, the Panamera slides to a smooth halt across

the street from a decrepit !ngalo& &ith a scr!y patch of !nfenced front la&n% ;nder a porch

a&ning, (a+aela and he dge have een sitting silent in the s&elter for a good ten min!tes%

Fo& they echange loo+s% "s this providence, or something evil come to pass5 "n this

neigho!rhood a gleaming lac+, late*model Porsche loo+s li+e epensive tro!le, li+e some

modern day Grim Reapers conveyance% heir tho!ghts go to the ho!ses tenant, Dic+, their

collaorator, manager or misg!ided fool – the 6!rys still o!t% (aye Dic+ has &on the lottery%

(ore li+ely this is a ig*time co+e dealer come to collect a det% hat &o!ld not e good% here

the hell is Dic+ any&ay5 heyve een &aiting o!t here for too damn long in this heat%

 ) g!y clims o!t of the car, open*collared &hite shirt gleaming from &ithin his

!n!ttoned lac+ sports 6ac+et% (a+aela m!gs !nder her reath, Aond, Eames Aond% "f yo!

didnt +no& yo!r a!tomotive rands and vintages, he dge thin+s, yo! co!ld mista+e that

Panamera for 009s )ston (artin% (a+aela &atches the smiling stranger move, strangely 

familiar, across the street and !p the little path to&ard them% .es smiling directly into her eyes,

and she ma+es the connection< same height, &eight, hair length and colo!r, even the athletic

 &ay of carrying themselves% he stranger co!ld e Piers Arosnan to he dges )ndre& Craig

there really isnt that m!ch et&een them% he stranger simply doesnt get ro!ghed*!p% Life

hasnt ent his sharp lines, dented that smile or d!lled the t&in+le in his impertinent eyes% 7f 

co!rse, this Arosnan Aond is also disting!ished y patent leather shoes and a pair of classic

Persol shades hes removed no& and dangles cas!ally et&een t&o &ell*ringed fingers% .es

made it most of the &ay !p the &al+ efore greeting them &ith an even &ider smile and an

affale nod of the head%

* .ey*hey, no& theres my roc+ starH

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 )t this, (a+aela and he dge echange another glance%

* )nd the (an of 3teel in the flesh% " gotta tell yo! straight*!p, "m a ig ig fan%

he dge is !p and on his &ay thro!gh the screen door in one smooth movement%

* "m s!re Dic+ll e glad to hear &eve got a visitor%

he visitor has one &ell*shod foot !p on the porch no&, !t remains standing elo&, his eyes

and (a+aelas at a level% .e leans to&ard her and r!shes o!t a little speech, only slightly h!shed%

* '!c+ Dic+% " mean, Dic+ s!c+s% Aet&een yo! and me, " mean%%% )h, shit% "m sorry%

Pardon the lang!age% "/ve never een any good &ith 6o+es% "ts 6!st that he doesnt have a plan%

'or yo!, " mean% o! deserve a plan% ) really grand plan%%%%

Despite this g!ys s!ave appearance and ovio!s &ealth, (a+aela co!ld s&ear hes

g!shing, li+e the desperate oys did in the technical college she &ent to, the ones &ho hadnt

managed to lose their cherries yet%

* (aye " li+e Dic+%

* ell, nothing f!nny ao!t that% E!st &anted to get my cards !p front &ith yo!%

.e leans !p a little closer, still only one foot on the porch, one forearm rested on that +nee,

grinning a conspiratorial grin%

* Aeca!se " cant &or+ &ith Dic+% " 6!st dont respect him%

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Despite the rep!gnance she herself sometimes feels, (a+aela considers pretending some

old school loyalty% Dic+ can e a dic+, !t he is her, &hat, manager5 Aefore she can ait the

handsome stranger &ith some attit!de ao!t it, Dic+ angs thro!gh the flimsy screen door &ith

he dge in to&%

* LanceH .o&s it goin, !ddy5

.e leans in close to )ierti/s ear, Batch o!t no&, she can e a it of a all*!ster%: he chee+y 

smile the +id is &earing &hen he leans o!t again ma+es Lance &ant to p!nch him%

* G!ys, this is Lance )ierti%%% Lance is a prod!cer% Fe& or+, (iami, L%)%%% right, Lance5

* hats it, Dic+% E!st got ac+ from selling a sho& in oronto, act!ally%

Dic+ fro&ns momentarily, then smiles%

* oronto !ys sho&s% ho +ne&5

(a+aela reddens a little%

* "ts a city in Canada, Dic+% 3o &hat rings yo! to fascinating 'ort Pearce, Lance )ierti5

* ell, mostly yo!, (a+aela% " mean, &hat yo! g!ys are doing here is very cool% Fiche

entertainment is lo&ing !p soon% )nd yo! g!ys are something special even on the fringe%

 * Lance &ants to help !s ma+e some !mpin vids% .es gonna get some hotshot camera

man !p here to &or+ &ith !s and everything%

* hat ao!t Eoey5

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* hat little &easel empties the iceo every time &e shoot here%

* 'ran+ly, (a+aela, hes not m!ch good &ith the action or lighting either%

he prod!cer shr!gs almost apologetically% (a+aela is !p off the s&ing, o!ncing aro!nd,

clenching her fists and generally menacing some imaginary opponent fallen efore her%

* 7+ay, so heres the little g!y on the gro!nd%

3he indicates a spot at her feet%

* Fo&, do &e +ic+ him &hile hes do&n5 Poor little Eoey5 Little smo+e*!mming, eer*

stealing, never got any money, Eoey%

* "m s!re hes got a lot of, h!manity, yo!r Eoey% "ts 6!st that he cant reallyI

(a+aela l!nges for Lance )ierti% "ts a feint, !t eno!gh to ma+e him flinch%

* .ahH "m 6!st messin &ith ya% " proaly &o!ld +ic+ the little r!nt% )l&ays givin me the

creeps% )nd if it &ere my oy here, hed definitely get a little +ic+ in the teeth, &o!ldnt ya,


Lance has follo&ed the affectionate glance she/s thro&n to he dge &here he remains in the

door&ay% Catching !p &ith &hat (a+aelas tal+ing ao!t, Dic+ 6o+ingly inter6ects<

* E!st dont +ic+ Lance here, Jaela%

* hy5 )re yo! some +ind of alpha prod!cer man, Lance )ierti5

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7vio!sly en6oying herself no&, (a+aela is o!ncing in place on the alls of her feet, thro&ing a

fe& rapid p!nches in )iertis direction%

* Come on, dgy% " need to loosen !p a little% " can feel a good eating comin on%

 ith one hand on the ac+ of he dges head, (a+aela steers him off the porch to&ards a

ramshac+le garage alanced on the edge of the property% 3he ats her eyes over her sho!lder at

 )ierti &here he remains half*on, half*off the porch, smiling, smitten%

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Chapter 4

(a+aela is ent do!le over a thic+ tetoo+ in her lap% Clatter of 3tar!c+sconversations aro!nd her, an ache in her nec+ from too long in this post!re, she fro&ns over the

impenetrale tet% )nother ten min!tes of this and shell have a headache% Arandi arrives and

its a enediction% ith a silent sigh of relief, (a+aela aandons her efforts to grasp the

intricacies of introd!ctory .(L and &e*page design% Arandi is in her late t&enties% )t a

glance she evo+es an advertisement the 3lim*'it girl, the pony*tailed mother of none, s!gar*free

cereal and a smoothie on the s!!ran rea+fast tale net door% hey fall to disc!ssing Arandis

recent s!itors, ho& they sho& !p !nanno!nced, interr!pt her personal training sessions &here

she &or+s at )s n Eas, discomfiting her clients in the process%

* "ts li+e, .ello5 Personal o!ndaries5 " mean, please%

* " &ish " had yo!r o!ndaries%

* eah, and then finally Eim t!rns !p% he one g!y " act!ally &ant to tal+ to, and my fatty 

is all, li+e, (e, (eH hat ao!t me5 " havent een laid li+e, ever% 3o &hat, "/m his mommy5

3!pposed to hold his hand or something5 " &as li+e, "m 6!st tal+ing to this g!y% " mean, " can

 &atch yo! and tal+ to him, o+ay5 .ello5 m!ltitas+ing5 .eard of it5

* 3o, &here did &e leave off last time5 he ig*time spender5 7r &as it E!ngle Eims ne& 


* Lets see, Aim the asmaster is the one maing o!t my tet time% A!t ovio!sly shopping

is still a priority%%%

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.ere Arandi stretches o!t a tanned and toned leg for (a+aela to admire a gold an+let set &ith

parti*colo!red gemstones that, strangely, dont act!ally clash &ith her t!r-!oise )sics trainers%

* 3o its close again this &ee+% 3pendys still good to me !t its hella sad sometimes, yo!

+no&5 .e li+e acts all pals*y li+e he thin+s &ere the same age or something% "m li+e, !h no, "

came o!t to the mall &ith yo!% " am not going to a ar no&% " mean " do have a life% )nd a co!ple

of asmastersH

hey share a la!gh at this% ) oy &aiter hovers in their general vicinity, f!ssing &ith !ssing a

neary tale% Arandi raises an eyero& and they dissolve into another fit of giggles%

* 3o, ho&s it going &ith yo!5

* 7h please, thats not my field of epertise%

* )nd that is not an ans&er%

* 7h, alright% " dont +no&% " might have a +n!c+lehead on my hands%

Arandi fro&ns%

* Jn!c+les are not sey%

(a+aela says nothing%

* hat5 hey 6!st arent%

* o!re the a!thority%

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* 7h my god%

* Fo, " am not%

* 7h, yo! so areH

* "ts all s!pposed to e !siness% ere &or+ing together% " eat the living crap o!t of him

on video% " dont thin+ its love%

* Did yo! thin+ ao!t him &hen yo! &ere r!shing yo!r teeth last night5

* (y +n!c+les &ere sore%

* .ahH

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Chapter =

(a+aela is administering another !ndefended eating% he s!n has gone elo& the green

shro!d of Dic+/s ac+yard fence, !t the heat simmers on% 7ver the past t&o &ee+s, he dge

has maintained his p!nching ag stat!s% (a+aela is ig eno!gh to roc+ him pretty good &hen

she gets going, !t his hands never come !p% .is fight is more &ith the gro!nd, and getting ac+ 

!p off it% 3he still hasnt floored him for real, !t getting !p again is sometimes to!gh &hen

they/ve een at it for a &hile% Gravity itself has ecome his nemesis%

Aaes hat Aash has not, as Dic+ predicted, generated a ready s!pply of -!alified

 vol!nteers for the fall*g!y/ role% "n&ardly, he dge re6oices at the prospect of contin!ing to

serve as (a+aelas meat% heir online s!ccess has not een over&helming, !t (a+aela/s hitting

harder every day, and he dge has gone from strength to strength in his o&n role of &illing

p!n+% .e can act!ally loo+ gratef!l &hile still &oo?y from a good smac+ to the head% he price of 

his s!ccess is eginning to sho& tho!gh% he &ear and tear on his face alone is &ell*estalished%

 )ove his shirt collar, the so!venir l!mps, little c!ts and r!ises that he sho&s the &or+*a*day 

 &orld, are gory eno!gh% hen there is the ody r!ised a tapestry of l!e*green, lac+s and

 yello&s, ac+ perpet!ally aching, internal organs p!mmelled !nder the artillery of (a+aelas

favo!red Fi+es, oots and street shoes% ven shoeless, the sandpaper soles of her solid are feet

have sc!ffed every inch of him ra&%

.aving dished o!t a long series of lo&s, +nees and fists for the most part, (a+aela str!ts

a&ay from her staggering p!nching ag% Rather, she appears to &al+ a&ay, then spins aro!nd

 !rying her right heel deep in he dge/s groin% Ca!ght off*g!ard, he do!les over to an

instinctive self*preservation cro!ch% (a+aela merely follo&s her moment!m aro!nd to +nee*

 ash the head o&ed efore her% )s it o!nces !p li+e a volleyall, it/s childs play to spi+e it

 ac+ do&n &ith an elo&*hammer% he dges st!nned collapse she ta+es for his !s!al playing

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to the camera% or+ing her persona, (a+aela the Aattering Dame fla!nts her invinciility% 3he

prods he dge/s &indpipe &ith the o!tside edge of one foot, &in+ing at the camera% hen his

 vision s&ims ac+ from the dar+, a &oly image of (a+aela to&ers aove, still half*cho+ing

him% 3he loo+s ac+ do&n at him and her epression changes rapidly from camp cr!elty to

gathering concern% he dge plays his recovery as if not having lost conscio!sness%

* o! alright5 dgy5

3he removes her foot from his throat% he ro!gh l!e tensor andage she &ears for an+le

s!pport leaves a mar+ on his s+in%

* 3hhhhH o!ll &rec+ the scene%

* hat the f!c+ are yo! tal+ing ao!tH o! &ere o!t% erent yo!5

he dge tries to dismiss the idea &ith a PfffH and attempts to rise% (a+aela replaces her foot

on his throat, smiling roadly no&, loo+ing avidly into his eyes%

* o! &ereH " +noc+ed yo! o!tH

he dge raises his hands aove his head in moc+ s!rrender%

* 7+ay, o+ay, ya got me% Fo& sh!t !p &o!ld ya5 ere taping y+no&5

* aping, PfffH

3he l!nges at Eoey and he &heels a&ay from her, all !t dropping his camera and r!nning for

cover in the ho!se% Reali?ing she has inadvertently p!t press!re ac+ on the throat eneath her

foot, (a+aela eases off and regards he dge &ith ne& interest%

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 ) ig &arm lossom of lood had filled his vision% he ringing in his ears and the pain

throing s!ddenly ehind his left chee+one comined to osc!re the d!ll ache in his groin,

the searing p!lse of lood in his s&ollen lips, and the vario!sly p!nished m!scle gro!ps% 'or one

s!spended moment, all &as perfect in he dges &orld% 'or all intents lind, yet he sa& the

indelile image of his assailant s!premely astride his +no&n &orld, the &ay he imagines the

earliest con-!istadors appeared god*li+e on the "ncas hori?on% Fo hammered metal helmet, no

thigh*high leather oots, !t that same creamy compleion, same dar+ ro&s aove dar+ eyes

-!ic+ to la?e%

(a+aela (endo?a is still panting a little% 3he stands five feet*ten inches aove the = foot*

si man spra&led at her feet% .er 6a!nty oyish eyero&s ride aove ro&n eyes, a symmetry of 

s-!are 6a& and high chee+ones enlivened y f!ll and moile lips% very time he loo+s at her

he dge sees her as if for the first% here is a fine sheen of s&eat estalished over her sho!lders,

s-!are yet smooth, revealed y the lac+ c!t*a&ay sport tan+ she &ears% Aet&een tan+ and lac+ 

stretch shorts are solid adominals disg!ised y a girlish s&ell of elly% he half*inch padded

leather gloves that !ffer her +n!c+les add heft to her hands, complement the meaty !pper

arms the ch!n+y lac+ Fi+e trainers she often &ears do the same for her s&ollen -!ads and

calves% 3hes given he dge long eno!gh to come aro!nd% 'eigning oredom she no& gives him

a n!dge, more of a light +ic+ in the face%

* Come on, get !p% ere not done here%

.e is ac+ on his feet one &incing moment later and (a+aela res!mes her menacing circling,

thro&ing little 6as, pic+ing and po+ing !ntil shes good and ready% hen its ac+ to &or+,

 attering the m!sc!lar torso, teeing !p his head time and time again% Fot li+e she has to &or+ 

for an opening he dges hands still never leave his sides% "ts ta+en a co!ple &ee+s of shooting

to !ndermine her nat!ral rel!ctance to atter an !ndefended h!man face% he r!tality of their

scenes has escalated steadily, no& to the point &here she/s hardly ale to restrain herself% .e is

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one to!gh son of a itch, thats for s!re% hey go another ten min!tes efore he dge can

credily feign eaten s!mission and lay motionless &hile (a+aela gives a cynical little victory 

speech over his van-!ished ody% 3he smiles for the camera, delivers a singsong yadda*yadda

ao!t, another !nhappy c!stomer, then sashays o!t of the frame t&itching her pro!dly 

sc!lpted ass%

Eoey ta+es his rig and eetles o!t of there, the gate crea+ing ac+ half*open in his &a+e%

he dge is ta+ing his time getting !p, and &hen (a+aela has finished removing her +n!c+le*

 &rap, she sa!nters ac+ over to him%

* o! alright5

* eah, yeah% o! missed some good face +ic+s, on my +nees there at the end%

* 7h ec!se me for not +ic+ing yo!r teeth o!t%

* Fo, serio!sly, its &hat Dic+ &as as+ing for last time%

* 7h, Dic+ &as as+ing, &as he5 o! +no& &hat " thin+5 " thin+ yo!re the one as+ing for

it% " thin+ yo!re starting to get off on this shit%

* hat are yo!, cra?y5

* o! dont thin+ "ve een +ic+in that sm!g m!g of yo!rs eno!gh, h!h5

* .ey, its 6!st the classic shot for these vids, right5 Fot my fa!lt theres a ton of g!ys o!t

there dreaming of a good girl eating, K0 &ith a foot fetish to oot, so to spea+%

* Right, right, all those other g!ys% )ll those perverts o!t there love this st!ff, !t not yo!,

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he dge is standing again, as he does for their videos, semi*relaed, arms at his sides

 &hile (a+aela leans in a little closer &ith every echange% .e meets (a+aelas ga?e !t his grin

has gro&n a tad sheepish%

* 3o, admit it% o! li+e a to!gh girl, dontcha5 (omma !sed to eat ya &ith her slipper or

some shit5

* o!re cra?y% "m &or+in &ith a mad&oman, here%

* 7h yeah, "m the cra?y one%

(a+aela has three years of (!ay hai training ehind her% 3he hoists her right +nee aove hip

height% .er eyes on he dges, slo&ly she etends her lo&er leg !p and straight o!t to&ard him%

.er alance is good% 3he can hold this pose for -!ite a &hile, toes p!lled ac+ eposing their

gr!y !nder*pads 6!st eneath he dges nose%

* Come on, to!gh g!y% Give em a +iss%

he dge smiles, am!sed%

* Cra?yH

* Cra?y is as cra?y does% Come on, not even a teensy little +iss for (a+aela5

.e hesitates, &orries hell egin to l!sh, finally gives a little shr!g and plants a chaste pec+ on

the d!sty !ndersides of (a+aelas toes%

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* here, satisfied5

.is !pper lip comes a&ay &ith a d!sty little mo!stache from the contact% (a+aela cant s!ppress

a little g!ffa&%

* 7h no &ay "m satisfied% "m s!re yo! can do etter than that% 3atisfied " &as right

tho!gh maye%

3he rings her foot ac+ do&n, spins on her heel, and ma+es for the gate, thro&ing her

co-!ettish grin over a sho!lder in parting%