assignment 3

What is an audience? An audience is a group of people who you aim your product or text to. Its to grab the attention of your particular group. For example my target is aimed at people aged 16 to 30, this is because these are he people want to aim my target at and these are the people who suitable for my product and could give me a positive or negative feedback.

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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What is an audience?An audience is a group of people who you aim your product or text to. Its to grab the attention of your particular group.

For example my target is aimed at people aged 16 to 30, this is because these are he people want to aim my target at and these are the people who suitable for my product and could give me a positive or negative feedback.

Why are audiences important?Audience are important because you need listeners, readers, to pass your media on to, without no audience no media is needed and no profit is made.

For example if I was to make a horror movie I would need my audience to watch this horror movie and when people watch it they would pay to watch where I will then be earning a big profit.

What is the impact of new technology on audience?

The impact of new technology on audience is that there is a bigger audience who enjoy the new technology as it much easier and way better than a hard copy.

The old technology has an increasingly high number of audience but as the new technology came along the old technology have to work hard in order to maintain high audience.

Explain a ‘Fragmented Audience’

A fragmented audience is audience who view the same things but using different technology.

For example you have audience who read newspapers and some who would view the same newspaper online.

In addition nowadays you have the online and the hard copy that people can view as some would actually view both.

How do institutions continue to make money?

Institutions continue to make money by putting up more adverts.

These adverts appear when you play games an advert would pop up, or when you want to watch a movie an advert would pop up or when you want to read the newspaper online an advert would pop up and the only way to get rid of these adverts is to pay for it to be stopped so it doesn’t disturb you when doing things online.

Types of Audience. You have two different types of audience Niche and Mass.

Niche audience a much smaller but very powerful. Niche audience is a small, select group with exclusive interests. Examples of niche publications such as; garden wall, race cars,

Mass audience is more of media and communication, media such as soaps, sitcoms etc. mass audience is aimed at a larger group of people such as a large number of men, women, children, adults. You have examples of media for mass audience such as; heat magazine, top gear, friends movie etc.

Why do we categories audiences?We categorise audience because we use different types of audience for different advertisement. When choosing an audience to target with you would think about the gender, social class and age at a national or regional level.

For example you are going to advertise cigarettes, this advertisement would not be suitable for young children as they would not smoke so here we are thinking about age, also people who are in and are looking after themselves would not smoke because they would think abut their health and fitness, here we are looking at social class, as well we would look at the facts about who smoke more men or women and what age group would be at risk so we can direct this advertisement to them.

What are Demographics?Demographics is information used in media marketing, it is to classify the audience into categorises into age, gender, race and other categories. Fir example a cigarette advertisement would not only be advertised to a certain age but to different ages that appear to smoke and who are at risk.

In media as in other businesses, demographics is to point out potential audience growth and to spot loss. Demographic information doesn’t just matter in magazine industry, but also matters in television shows, Radio stations, newspapers and websites are also produced to appeal to certain groups of audience.

You also have different types of groups, groups such as; Group A these are the higher people, the lawyers, bankers, doctors and other professionals.

Group B these are middle people, the teachers, creative and media people, e.g. art photographic people, designers.

Group C1 these are office supervisors, nurse's, junior management, specialists clerical staff.

Group C2 these are skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders-blue collar.

Group D these are semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers.

Group E these are students, unemployed, pensioners, casual workers.

What are Psychographics?

Psychographics go a step further than demographics, they would look at the hobbies, the lifestyle the interests of their audience., they also look at the values or opinions they hold, and how they behave. Unlike demographics, psychographics are not always easy to categorise into numbers.

You have different psychographics such as;

What is Quantitative audience research?

Quantitative research is when companies gather information in large amounts. They collect the information by collecting information from surveys, the techniques used are from internet survey's, face to face public surveys, telephone survey's and mail surveys.

You would use quantitative research methods when you want to know “how many” and or “how often”. Also when you want to profile a target audience by defining what quantity of the audience has certain behaviours, behavioural goals, attitudes, and knowledge related to the health concern, and whether specific determinants predict behaviours at a statistically significant level.Using a planned questionnaire that contains mostly closed-ended, or forced-choice, questions

What is Qualitative audience research?

Qualitative research are methods provided results that are rich and detailed, they offer a variety of ideas and theories to inform your program. Qualitative methods can tell you how people feel and what they think, but cannot tell you how many of your audience feel or think that way.

To conduct qualitative research:•Select a small group of people with key appearances in common•Arrange a discussion through focus groups or in-depth interviews or observe individuals’ behaviours through in-home interviews, observations in schools, malls, supermarkets, etc. •Keep the discussion somewhat free so members are free to make any response and don’t have to choose from a list of possible responses•Use a discussion/interview guide to make sure you ask the right questions for your research purpose, but ask questions based on participants’ responses, rather than in a prearranged order.

How do we measure audience?

Audience measurement measures how many people are in an audience, usually in relative to radio listenership and television viewership, but also in relation to newspaper and magazine readership and, increasingly, web traffic on websites.

Sometimes, the term is used as relating to practices which help broadcasters and advertisers define who is listening rather than just how many people are listening. In some parts of the world, the resulting relative numbers are referred to as audience share, while in other places the broader term market share is used. This broader meaning is also called audience research.

Measurements are broken down by media market, which for the most part corresponds to metropolitan areas, both large and small.

NRS, stands for National Readership Survey. The NRS social grades are a system of demographic classification used in the United Kingdom. They were originally developed by the National Readership Survey to classify readers, but are now used by many other organisations for wider applications and have become a standard for market research.

ABC stands for (Audit Bureau of Circulation) ABC is relevant to 4billion pounds of advertising. It covers print broadcasting and digital sectors of the media. It provides independent checks that can be trusted and relied on. It standardises and let the media industries come together. It sorts out how the information that media industries need is collected. It collects all the information from one place form across the full rang of formats eg. Magazines, tables, websites.

BARBBARB is an acronym for Broadcasters' Audience Research Board. BARB was set up in 1981 to provide the industry standard television audience measurement service for broadcasters and the advertising industry. BARB is owned by BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, BSkyB and the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) and is a not for profit company limited by guarantee.

BARB commissions research companies to provide the services that our users want, including the production of audience viewing figures. The audience measurement contracts are held by the following companies - RSMB, Ipsos MORI and Kantar Media (formerly known as TNS).

Who Are?

What is audience profiling? Audience profiling is a must do task that all media organisations need to accomplish when creating a new product to launch onto the market be it a magazine, film, album, websites etc. when defining an audience, factors that must be considered include: • Age • Gender• Sexuality • Education • Occupation • Income• Lifestyle • Culture • Loyalty to brands • Media interests

All these have to be considered so you are working with the right audience and have the right feedback.

Why do companies need to know this profile information?

Companies need to know the profile information of demographics to get to know what the advertisement is and who the audience are and what are the psychographics.

The profile gives you more information of just looking at the advertisement, it gives you a clear idea of what the advertisement is and why they are advertising to such audience.

In addition it has all the appropriate information to make opinions and suggestions about the advertisement.

Audience profile Demographics

Gender: MaleAge:20 Religion: IslamEducation: BTEC Level 3 MediaMarital Status: Single Income Nationality: British/YemeniPsychographicsI am confident, hardworking person with a strong sense of humour. I enjoy studying media and Arabic. I really like coming in to my classes and enjoy working hard. I am the type of person who will push others to work hard. In my spare time I enjoy going to the cinema and learning how to make money in other ways. Also I like to buy brands that reflect to my personality, personal interest and desire for my quality and safety. I enjoy listening to my music which is rap, Arabic music and hip-hop. I listen to music when I am on my own and with friends . I also enjoy traveling other place out the country and in the city. I also enjoy watching TV, football and spending time with family. I am a respectful person but sometimes I can be rude to only them people that try to give me grief. Likes:Football, Basketball, Food, Snooker, Swimming, Smoking Shisha, Driving, Cooking, Talking, Computer, Music, Flashing money, Top Gear, Facebook, Instagram and Romance. Dislike:Backbiting, Anti-social behavior, Dixy Drinking Alcohol, News ,Twitter,BBM and Obese people